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marejadilla · 4 months ago
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Vincent Giarrano, "Shop worker in NY". American contemporary realist painter and former comic book artist. B. 1960 in Buffalo, New York.
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whatsupbeanie · 2 years ago
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When an animal chooses you for their snuggle spot, you're not allowed to do anything else. 'Tis the rules.
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sigeel · 6 months ago
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Elliot Torres, welcome to your new job, what it lacks in certain commodities and an orderly sleep schedule, it makes up in warm at times candle lit atmosphere.
Welcome to Blood Stain where a man of science and questionable hygiene learns to live as a human again. hardcover otw!
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sliceofliferpg · 4 months ago
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"Est-ce vous qui avez choisi votre destinée ? Tracer votre sillon dans le grand livre de la vie et y marquer de votre empreinte chaque choix que vous avez fait. Êtes-vous vraiment maître de votre destin ? Ou bien, est-ce que tout est inscrit, ici, quelques part, dans le grand livre de l’univers peut-être ? Vous vous êtes félicités il y a quelques années d’avoir pris cette décision qui a somme toute changé votre vie, mais est-ce vraiment vous qui avez eu un rôle décisionnaire ? Ou bien est-ce que tout était prévu ainsi et vous avez simplement jouer le jeu de la vie ? Êtes-vous sur le bon chemin, ou suivez-vous bêtement les choix que l’univers vous a réservés depuis le jour de votre naissance ?"
SLICE OF LIFE, est un forum encourageant le développement de personnages en passant par les arcs narratifs ainsi que par un système de choix -inspiration Life is Strange ainsi que les jeux The Dark Pictures Anthology-, pouvant déterminer le futur de votre personnage. La vie est une histoire, écrivons la ensemble !
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sarurun42 · 1 year ago
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elisxxbeth · 10 months ago
We need a study about the emotional attachment you feel towards a k drama that got you out of your slump 😮‍💨
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fattymadiy · 2 years ago
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children of the sea
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dogstomp · 11 months ago
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Dogstomp #3151 - August 17th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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cosmicpawss · 1 month ago
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commission done for client
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studiolemonboy · 6 months ago
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Meet me at the Dino Deli
Illustration for my cosmic horror comic about a club of middle school cryptid hunters in 1990s New England. I miss the rainforest cafe
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mango-sp1ce · 2 years ago
A Late Night’s Work
It’s quiet.
The house is empty except for two. Dani’s off doing who knows what. She’s adventurous, and as long as she promises to come home on time without causing too many problems, she allowed to roam as freely as she wants.
Danny’s doing something school related. Missing work, or something of the like. Dan personally hasn’t been paying much attention. Whatever it is, it’s keeping Danny preoccupied at the library down the street.
So the only people in the house, are him and Constantine. If he actually takes the time to listen… Constantine’s in the living room, muttering under his breath about what sounds like hero work. A solid yuck, from Dan.
But he gets up anyways. Makes his way to the kitchen and turns on the kettle. It’s an electric kettle, because no one in this house can stand the high pitched whistle of a stovetop one.
When it finishes, he pours out two mugs. Ones a cup of tea, made in a very specific way that Dan honestly can’t write down or explain but he can go through the motions with ease. The others just a standard cup of hot chocolate. What? He’s allowed to have a sweet tooth, okay?
Carrying the mugs into the living room, he sits on the sofa and slides the tea towards the other end of the table. Constantine, from the look of it, didn’t even hear him approach. He looks up startled and a little frazzled. If the halfas were here they’d be sure to usher him away from his work.
Dan… kind of cares. But not enough to speak out against whatever overworking John’s putting himself through right now. Maybe later, when he’s pulling out his hair and creating creative swears that don’t make any sense.
For now, he nudges the cup again so that John looks at it, before leaning back and taking a sip of his own cup. He may not care much, or even pay attention much, but he knows how to coax this man into self care.
Monkey see, monkey do. Easy, really. Within seconds John’s taking a sip of his mug as well. The appreciative hum Dans so familiar with accompanying him as he finally closed his eyes for longer than a blink.
“Whats got you holed up over here? You’re going gray, old man.” Dan snickers, his eyes peering over the edge of his mug.
John laughs, though it’s a bit hollow as always. “You wish. I’d probably pull them off better than you.” Now that gets a solid laugh out of Dan.
John shuffles some papers in front him though, intercepting any vocalizations that Dan might’ve considered making.
“Just some league stuff. You can only be so late about turnin’ in papers before the bat gets pissed.”
Dan simply hums and nods, taking the last few sips of his drink. He gets up and puts his mug in the sink to be washed later before wandering his way upstairs.
It’s not that he’s uncomfortable or doesn’t want to continue conversing. It’s just… when people talk like that he can’t help but wonder how they felt. In his timeline. Batman was certainly dead… he can’t remember if Constantine was though. The blonde was just an insignificant blimp back then.
It’s a thought to ponder.
A thought to ponder alone in his room.
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beholdthescruffs · 5 months ago
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whatsupbeanie · 2 years ago
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That one time I thought a raccoon was a cat from far away and almost lost my mind. 
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sigeel · 7 months ago
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That feeling when you can keep your workplace super organized, but not your room. XD
(from blood stain vol3)
gentle reminder to all who want it, Blood Stain HC collected edition is out in September so there's still time to preorder :)
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sliceofliferpg · 1 month ago
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Slice of life
Forum encourageant le développement de personnages en passant par les arcs narratifs ainsi que par un système de choix -inspiration Life is Strange ainsi que les jeux The Dark Pictures Anthology-, pouvant déterminer le futur de votre personnage. La vie est une histoire, écrivons la ensemble !
Ouverture de Slice of Life, le 26 janvier 2025, N'hésitez plus, rejoignez nous ! * Forum basé à Chicago, 4 quartiers * Première intrigue en cours https://sliceofliferpg.forumactif.com/
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theepoetspoem · 10 months ago
The reason i'm obsessed with a shared calendar is bc I get to read the silly commentary my partner adds
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