#diet book
moltengoldveins · 9 months
someone: you should check this diet book out! The guy who wrote it had a lot of your same health issues and he’s a lot better now! It can’t hurt! me: ok! book: “I dunno where my symptoms came from, but I DID get the MMR vaccine four years before I got sick, which has been proven to cause colon diseases and might even cause autis-“
me, slamming the book shut while the voice of HBomberguy rings in my mind: NO.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 3 months
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And the new diet book review will be on this find from 2006.
Yes, I finished it.
There are lots of good parts if you can get around the overall triteness & bad relationship stuff. That part comes off real bullshitty and rather like a blatant narc.
It is a diet novel. 🤔
It is full of some pretty sound nutritional advice, but some things we now question- low fat dairy & seed oils.
The basic principles are to eat often, with low fat, balanced meals, nothing is off limits, stop eating at the first sign of not being hungry anymore, and home cooking.
Balanced meals is: a low fat protein, starchy carb, vegetable option (or 2) and a salad starter. 3 fruits a day for snacks and desserts. Drink lots of water. So nothing groundbreaking there.
I think the best thing about it is getting off the diet Rollercoaster. If you aren't on a "diet," you can't go off a diet. Which is good, imo.
It does talk about how our bodies are designed to want to continue eating even when we aren't hungry anymore. It sees food and it wants to eat food, just because it is in front of you. Evolutionary biology.
My studies in behavioral neuroscience agreed with these statements. The body sends out signals to eat whenever food is present.
What, you thought it was chance that there is a specialty bakery or crumbl cookie by every damn boutique fitness joint? You thought that the pizza joint by the hot exercise studio was chance? Unlikely. Sometimes they are even owned by the same people.
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misforgotten2 · 8 months
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comicdiaries · 2 years
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I'm just a volunteer, I don't have the power of a librarian to recommend books!
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skknyb1tcj · 7 months
I really need some dieting books recommendations, wtv diet they are about, im just researching 🙏🏽🌸
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julydaylight · 9 months
# currently reading
— you: on a diet by mehmet oz & michael roizen
learning A LOT while taking notes
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martyrbat · 10 months
theyre trying to dehydrate our beautiful bears and make them have a six pack.... i feel sick.
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inthepalmofmyhand · 8 months
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trying to stay productive so bad >.<
but I'm getting there...
Today I'll go study in the library, then I'll take part in a study for one of my psychology courses and finally in the evening I have schedualed a dance class with one of the most famous dance teachers in my country. Hope it will turn out good :3
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veveisveryuncool · 6 months
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getfreeviolet · 16 days
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what character are you ?
charlie davis.
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shyjusticewarrior · 14 days
Red Hood Incorrect Quotes Pt 22
Rose: No more doing things separately. From now on we fuck everything up together.
Jason: Good.
Jason: Is the r-room v-vibrating right-right now?
Tim: How much coffee have you had today, Jason?
Jason: Twelve.
Tim: Twelve?
Jason: Hey, caffeine is Red Hood's superpower.
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Book Review: The Binge code
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So I am mid read on this book, and I thought I would like to share a little because I am sick. I need a pleasant distraction from work today. But, I'm on my lunch break and so fear not, I am logged out.
The Binge Code by Allison C Kerr. " 7 unconventional keys to end and binge eating and lose excess weight."
Part 2 is where you break free from the binge traps so I am going to start there, although she didn't.
What are the binge traps? Although the book does go into detail, I will list them off here very quickly for you.
The diet trap
the yo yo blood sugar trap.
The nutritional deficiency trap
The habit trap
The food rules trap
The false friend trap
The inner critic trap.
So I am through about half of those and I would have to say that this book is worth a read, especially if you feel like this is an issue for you, or especially if you have been dieting for a while.
The one thing that has been most glaringly obvious to me is I've been on this weight loss journey for a couple of years now is the first 3:
The diet trap is that "diets" are short-term, restrictive things that we embark on when we feel like we need to lose weight. We ignore hunger pangs because we are trying to change our eating style, and that blunts our normal hunger cues.
The yoyo thing is where your blood sugar is all over the place.
The nutritional deficiency trap is where you aren't getting the proper nutrients, which makes your body keep asking for food, even if you have already eaten because it doesn't have the right combonation of stuff.
I can understand how these are traps. Yet, I also consider myself to be "dieting," so how do I do I make this congruent to myself?
I have read a lot at this point, and I am working on a full view perspective.
I know from my behavioral science class that your body is also going to ask for food whenever it sees food. Literally, it is how we are made because never ever has food and food like products been so abundant.
You have to know that is happening in your body to make a reasonable decision for where YOU are in your day, journey, etc. Ask yourself: When was the last time you ate? What was it? A junky snack or a real substantial meal? Do you need a meal? What is being offered?
This is a very nuanced topic, which is why a lot of people deal with it and why so many people are overweight.
Why do we have such an obesity epidemic?
People are positing as scientific fact that dieting causes people to overeat. It does certainly cause certain psychological things that happen. Most diets use some kind of tool to cause a calorie deficit. One way or another a diets whole goal is to cause a deficit so that you lose weight.
If the diet is super restrictive in some way, it can cause us to have hangups or to hyperfocus on what we are missing. Basically, it is reverse psychology.
The real key is to develop a lifestyle that is balanced enough that we can avoid those traps.
Part of the key might be to just utilize your common sense. If you are getting serious binge urges, you may need to ask yourself if it is valid. Is your body just really asking for food/fuel?
If so, plan and prepare a well-balanced, reasonably protioned meal with proteins, carbs, veggies, and fats. Eat it and wait an hour. How do you feel now?
If you feel like you are hitting the blood sugar trap, up your protein and cut the junk in half, and add a veggie to everything.
Although I consider myself to be "dieting," I am working towards building a lifestyle that will be sustainable over time. I don't want to rebound and pack on the pounds after giving away all my fat clothes.
Ultimately, your lifestyle will be who you become. Which I think is why I am trying to focus on habits over time that are easy to remember and habituate. Mile Monday, 5k Friday, Sunday Bike club. Races & activities.
I am always focusing on overcoming my particular hurdles so that my lifestyle will be in balance. Activity and rest. Sports and Academic. Food and fasting, in balance.
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if there was an autobiography based on any of the twst characters lives, which one would you be the most interested in hearing?
I'm torn between two--
but in the end. DEFINITELY Rook's--
He'd write so much irrelevant detail, and in the end you'd know so much, yet so little about his life,,
plus- hear me out-
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there's 70 parts in total
(second place was Lilia, since that guy's been through a LOT ( i mainly want to hear about the places he's been to and the food he's had tbh--- (if lilia did try and release his autobiography, it'd probably be a multi-part too- most people would think it was a fantasy story instead of an actual autobiography though lol--))
tied third was crowley and Grim as a joke, because 99% of it would be exaggerated and full of lies, i would read either one's to make fun of it-)
transcript under read more-- (since my hand writing is rough sry--)
image 1 :
Rook - 'Roi du poison! I have finished my Autobiography!'
image 2:
Vil - 'It's very well written, Rook.'
Rook - 'Oh! Bon! I am over-joyed to hear that! So you like it, Roi du poison?'
Vil - 'Of course.'
Rook - 'Bien! I shall fetch part two for you both!'
(on the side-
Epel - 'Why are there two pages describing us...?'
Image 3:
Vil and Epel - '...Part two?'
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cookechanel · 5 months
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n3krotic06 · 7 months
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
One of my favourite little things about Apollo is how casual his and the Fates' relationship was.
Now, this isn't to understate how grave the Fates were in any way, as a matter of fact, it's written multiple times about the complex interplay between the Fates and Zeus (Stobaeus even wrote that the Fates were given the seat closest to Zeus' throne so he could better give counsel on all things from their machinations)
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Indeed, even Zeus was beholden to them and even though the Fates usually left things up to natural course (and Zeus in his position as Moiragetes - that is, the Leader of Fates could even intercede on these events, even interrupting when a someone was set to die) in a lot of ways, there are many, many things that even Zeus could never interfere with, things that were above even the King of the Heavens. Some really good examples are things like Persephone's Abduction which the Fates ruled as necessary for the propagation of the seasons and his marriages to Themis and Hera.
By all accounts really, the Fates were incredibly stern, incredibly grave deities who presided over law, order, birth and death and even worked with the Furies to punish those who broke the sacred laws!
And then you have Apollo who was also known by the title Moiragetes (In Delphi, there were only two Moirai depicted and in place of the third was Zeus and Apollo Moiragetes according to Pausanias) but who did things like, checks notes, send the Fates to be the midwives of his paramour Evadne when she had to deliver his son alone in secret (by the way, he also sent the actual goddess of childbirth to help. The Fates absolutely did not need to also be there, he was taking every precaution:
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and get the Fates drunk so they would agree to save his bestie Admetus' life:
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Keep in mind btw - this con Apollo pulled for Admetus was multi-layered and even included getting Heracles to wrestle Thanatos and keep him still so Apollo could proceed to help Admetus cheat Alcestis away from Fates when Admetus expressed regret for making his wife die in his place:
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And I cannot stress enough that Apollo faced zero consequences for this nonsense. NONE. The Fates weren't even cordial with other Gods - they're almost never referred to directly, they were often depicted apart from other deities or described as old, ugly and unable to walk (though, generally speaking they were artistically depicted as young maidens!) and apart from comforting Demeter by going to personally explain what happened to Persephone in some versions of the story, they didn't really get humanised the way most of the other gods or spirits did. Usually they're referred to euphemistically, or someone will speak distantly about a prophecy they once heard was designed by the Fates but Apollo? Apollo knew the Fates! He was good friends with the Fates! And I think it's even cooler when you consider that both instances of Apollo showing off his Fate's Favourite privilege have to deal with birth (of Iamus) and death (of Alcestis/Admetus) which were the two points most deeply associated with the Moirai and why there were usually depictions of them as a pair over that of a triad.
(Excerpts sourced from Theoi, Aeschylus' Eumenides, Pindar's Olympian 6 and Statius' Silvae; though just a note, one instance of the Fates' involvement with Apollo is misquoted on Theoi - that is the Fates being present for Apollo's birth, that's actually a misinterpretation of Evadne's birthing of Iamus.)
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