#didnt help that i for some reason decided it was a good idea to COMPLETELY REWORK my spoke design. girl what was that about
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uzumaki-is-empty-head · 10 months ago
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@shumistar i think i got carried away with this one, lol!
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you know the drill already! alt versions yaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!
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gabberpopsexclusive · 8 days ago
lately i have NOT been able to stop thinking of joost getting horny right before a show.... trying to be quick with you backstage but he ends up being somewhat late and missing his cue because fuck he needs you THAT bad.... jshhakdhkkjak backstage joost.....
this is so real.. and recent content has been fueling this thought bc why was he like an hour late to that one show (sweden i think?? i forget for sure lol)
anyway yea this is soooo real.
he knew bringing you along with him on tour would have.. to put it simply, risks. including him getting any sudden urges involving you.
you and joost are alone together in his dressing room before his next show. he only has about 15 minutes till he has to go on stage, but he cant help the intrusive thoughts his brain is giving him about you. he cant help himself at all, you just look so good, putting the final touches on your look. tonight is the night he said he would finally bring you out with him.
you can tell hes having some sort of issue, the way hes finnicking and moving around on the couch, trying to adjust himself nonchalantly.
lets just say, he isnt very good at it.
you initiate it (how nice!) because you can tell hes having a hard time, and you KNOW how freaky that man can get on stage. immediately joost is insanely needy, grabbing onto whatever part of you he can when you settle onto his lap. his hands feel great roaming your body though, grabbing at your waist, your tits, everything. the way you lean into him makes him infinitely harder aswell.
you can feel him getting harder as the seconds pass, a clear sign you two need to have a lil quickie. he alerts you quickly that he only has 10 minutes till he has to get on stage, but you assure him you'll deal with him quick enough.
quickly you move down onto your knees, unzipping his jeans and taking his dick out of his pants. hes already leaking like a madman, so you know you dont need to worry about prep. you place a few light kisses onto his tip before taking him completely in your mouth.
boy is he loud, he cannot control the noises he makes while feeling the intense amount of pleasure you give him, trying to grab onto your hair for support, the stimulation soon leading to him pleading to cum, but you decide to be a bit mean and deny him the pleasure he deserves. he has to beg you, telling you he only has a few minutes now before he has to be on stage.
its a hard decision for you to make, be nice & let your boyfriend cum, or keep him waiting and make him miss his cue.
you decide you want to be a little mean to him, hearing that his final pre-show song was on. quickly you take him back in your mouth, keeping rhythm for a minute before he finally snaps. he scolds you a bit, but quickly stops when he realizes hes about to be late.
he jumps up so quickly, you have no idea how he has this sort of energy after cumming, but somehow the man does it, and ends up only being a few minutes late to his performance.
when its your turn to come out, in between songs he takes the time to acknowledge that youre the reason why hes late. (atleast he didnt mention why. im pretty sure its implied though..) an awkward laugh and a light slap later and its back to you and him being all cute and playful on stage together, the rest being a great end to the night's show.
erm. hi so sorry i died!
does this fic make sense yes no maybe so i dont actually know. it might be a little too fast like my pacing might be off but tbh i have no idea. i hope yall like it nonetheless. i gotta get back into the writing game, ive been out for a bit and it seems like joostblrs in a bit of a writing drought 😔
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mythicmanuscripts · 7 months ago
weird idea but aegon x vampire reader. reader feeeing of hil etc.
thx xoxo
So I went all the way to the bottom of my askbox and I discovered this absolute masterpiece of a question. I love this, 10/10. I'm tag this with 'Aegon x vampire!reader' so that we can discuss it more under the same tag and also so if you arent interested then just block that tag. I think I'm also going to make a larger tag of 'hotd supernatural!au' so that we can possibly discuss other stuff about this? (Sidenote: both aemond and rhaenyra/daemon would LOVE to be with a witch)
Anyway, NSFW sub!aegon with vampire reader below the cut
So firstly, you know how some people say they don't get the dear over vampires because if a hot person wanted to suck their blood and fuck them then they'd love it? Yeah that's aegon, absolutely zero reservations he realises he's caught the attention of a very attractive vampire and he drives in headfirst.
I think this makes the most sense if the supernatural were normal in this au, but I think vampires would still have a pretty bad rep? They're known for being lone wolfs who use people and can easily hurt others and generally dont tend to be seen very often.
You notice Aegon for the first time at a pub, and of course he's surrounded by people because he's the king. He looks around the room at one point and spots you in the shadows. He's not sure what makes him do it, but he decides to go over to you.
You know who he is of course, but you don't address him as 'your grace' and instead just chuckle and call him pretty boy. Which... from that moment he's hooked.
You end up in his bed at the red keep, and you don't even feed off him that night, instead it's just sex. Which... you may have just ruined Aegon for everyone else because he's pretty sure he saw god during his third orgasm. You completely wreck him, turning him into a whining, shivering mess who cant even speak properly.
You dont leave then of course, because he's far too sweet for that, and you stay to give him aftercare. You intend to leave once he's calmed down, but then he falls asleep in your arms and you can't bring yourself to risk waking him up by leaving. So you end up sleeping with him for the night.
He's awake when you wake up the next morning, but he's still in your arms.
Vampires are known to be very strong and very dangerous, and logically Aegon knows he should feel scared being this close and vulnerable with one, but it's actually the opposite. He knows how strong and dangerous you are and he feels so much safer for it? He knows you'll protect him, even though he's just met you he's certain of it.
Once you wake up, you quickly realise you have a slight problem. You hadnt intended to spend the night, and you should have fed at least a little last night (instead you just fucked the king, which, fair enough).
Aegon is worried when you push him out of your arms, and he's looking at you with these wide puppy eyes and batting at your arms, trying to get you to open them again. He's just very needy little thing.
You tell him that you loved the night before and he was perfect, but now you have to get going because you haven't fed in a while. You expect this to be a good enough reason, but it's not to him. When he hears that, he simply holds his arm out for you, wrist up.
You push it away and look away from him, not wanting to lose control but he's insistent. You rocked his world the night before, and he wants to help!! I knows you won't kill him, so he wants to help!
You give in, even though you know you shouldn't, and end up drinking from him. If there's one thing Aegon didnt expect, it's how good it felt? It feels insane, so so so good.
You don't drink much out of fear of hurting him, but you drink enough and the moment you pull away, aegon is moving forwards and back into your arms.
Needless to say, you return to the castle very often.
(Sidenote: what about the reverse of this with Aemond? He's the vampire and he pretty much just follows the reader around like a lost puppy. He won't feed from anyone else, he'd rather starve than feed from another)
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stringlessau · 6 months ago
IT'S STRINGLESS' 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (+ early concept art compilation)
Posting this dumbass little video to start off the day since we have a lot of little gifts for our awesome community today.
One of those things is something i've been wanting to do for a very long while: posting a lot of the original concept art for stringless (since ive always enjoyed seeing other people's early concepts) some of these i have posted massively before, some are completely unseen, so it'll be fun
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This one is the page that started it all, his design is at the same time largely unchanged and also completely different
All i have to say is that it originally said (regarding spamton and swatch) "they bicker like an old married couple" but then i thought about it and i changed it so theyre literally just married
Didnt mean to make swatchton, made it anyway lmfao
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Right after that, i got working on neo designs, I wanted to make him really scary looking, the original concept was to make him look skeletal and generally for him to look insane and like he had been reanimated from the dead, but a lot of people had told me over time that they didn't really like the design, I was very defensive over it but I ended up taking criticism and i actually really like the new neo, it balances the uncanniness of the original design with the sleekness of my new art
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Payton was a natural next step, without someone to sell the thorn ring there'd be no neo, so although his design visually stayed almost the same, he went through a lot of color revisions (thanks mostly to @maskedalterego, who helped me to nail his final color palette), he suggested the gloves, and helped me to balance the saturation of the design since really I've never had a good eye for color.
His final design, color wise, was just me experimenting using the colors of my sona at the time on him, which I was hesitant to do but was so happy with the palette that I kept it.
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It's interesting that he was originally intended to be the pink addison (since he sells one of the snowgrave required rings), and the reason he ended up being the blue addison was corey beepington (and the eviction notice short which I have taken one too many concepts from), this still influenced me to make his outfit pink initially, which still is a huge part of his character design
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That exact same night, I created concept art for Raster (weirdly, I was sure I created them before Payton, but it might be because I was generally uninterested in Payton earlier on), their design is also largely unchanged, I just got better with shapes and color, I also ended up changing their cheek markings after seeing some swatchton fanchild art by ne0nbandit
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A first until now, the first concepts for payton neo were made on paper
I took very long on this design, and I only updated it every few weeks to make tweaks because I felt the concept was too good but my execution didnt make it justice
I'm very proud of how the design looks now, as of the latest neo redesigns, I feel I could finally make this idea justice
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Swatch's design went through some last minute changes, I wanted to use this color palette for swatch to contrast with spamton, but decided against it, then i changed their hair to be longer, to make their Stringless design distinct from their regular Deltarune design
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Historically, these two are pretty important, the first pieces of art I ever made featuring Rakhin's old design, when he wasn't part of stringless and I was just befriending rope (he made me Payton fanart first, fell in love with his style), the contrast is beautiful
Now to finish this post, here's some unseen Snowgrave route art I made over the time Stringless has been in development, they're all pretty quick sketches, but i love them nonetheless
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Thanks everyone for the insane reception this AU has gotten, I haven't been feeling very good this whole year for a huge amount of reasons I can't get into, but Stringless and its community always helps me to remember why I do the things I do
Thanks for everyone's comments and everyone's kindness, thanks especially to @theropeaaa , for being the literal other half of this AU, without whom I couldn't have ever done the Stringless pages, @maskedalterego for helping me and listening to my ramblings since the start, @scamp-boxx for being this AU's biggest hype man (the first ever comment on the first spamton concept art was by them, and they helped me nail so much of the snowgrave route), @boykisserwoah and @weirdohno , for also being here from the start and making an absolutely insane amount of fanart oh my god, @gutamajunk , for motivating me to create Raster, and writing several story outlines on the first days of stringless that were the foundation for the pages, and diaryous milch and rory, our friends that have helped with character designs, story ideas, voice acting and have generally been instrumental to what stringless is today
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tommyflanaganfan-blog · 9 months ago
I dont know if this would be considered a one shot or a drabble or if its gonna turn into an actual story but here y'all go. Enjoy.
"Tell me who it was."
"No. I already told you what I did and why. It doesn't matter who I was with."
"The fuck it doesn't. I want to know who the asshole is that for some reason decided it would be a good idea to put their hands on my wife. Who are you sleeping with Hayleigh?"
"I'm not your wife. And I'm not going to tell you who it was you'll kill him."
In every way that matters, you are my wife. Wether we have a stupid piece of paper or not."
That piece of paper was currently tucked inside of his kutte. He had went and got a marriage license, wanting to surprise her now that his divorce was final. This was not what Chibs had expected to come home to. Hayleigh had been his everything, his reason for living for the past 4 years. And she had cheated on him while he was in Ireland helping Jax find Able. Granted, he had slept with Fiona but it was the only way she would agree to a divorce. Told him it was a final goodbye. He knew Hayleigh wanted to get married. In a twisted way, he had done it for her. For their future together. And he knew she would never find out, she'd never believe a damn word that came out of Fiona's mouth and nobody else knew about it.
"Are you going to leave me for him now? Do you love him? I don't know what he told you, but I promise you no other man alive will ever love you like I do..."
Chibs sounded heartbroken. He wasn't acting as furious as she had anticipated and it killed her. She felt as though she had just ruined his life.
I want answers Hayleigh. Now. Did you fall in love with someone else? And who is it?"
No way in hell was she going to tell him it was Kozik she had slept with. She wasn't completely stupid. She knew Chibs would kill him, brother or not. He didnt give a damn about anything else when it came to her. Yes, she loved him. But she loved her scotsman more.
"It was a random guy."
Chibs lit a joint while staring at her menacingly. He dropped his gold colored lighter on the table in front of him and leaned foreward, his tone of voice turning deadly.
"You're a lot of things love, but a whore is not one of them, which means I've met the guy. I know when you're lying. You won't be able to protect him for very long darlin'." As far as Chibs was concerned, Hayleigh was his. She was all the good he had in his life. And she had no idea just how far or to what lengths he would go to protect his family. Chibs Telford was a dangerous man who hid it well and she had so rarely saw that side of him that she had underestimated him. One way or another he was determined to find out it was. And when he did, all hell would break loose. He wasn't going to lose Hayleigh to someone else, not without a fight.
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imagine-shenanigans · 1 year ago
I've got severe brain worms from @391780 's fic Into Your Veins, and now I'm thinking of all the different scenarios where the 141 are also monsters in the apocalypse. like. obsessively. Also fat/chubby reader because mmmmmm yaes <3
Also this is basically just rambles and ranting over ideas for like, however long this got i didnt actually check teehee
We already have vampire simon so I won't touch on that because that is Specifically Their Brain Worms but I can't stop laughing every single time over the sunflower seeds incident (and every other similar one).
Soap as a werewolf is soooooo funny to me. Like he's constantly in this battle of "Don't swallow don't swallow don't swallow" whenever he rips a zombie in half with his teeth in wolf form and then confusion as to why people would think he's possibly infected. "Wdym I'm infected I'm just a little guy. I'm so cute. I wouldn't ever do anything. Smiles." He can't cover distance like Ghost or Gaz can, and sure he doesn't have the same authority that Price does, but he's a damn good soldier, and he's got some of the most sheer brute force on the team. So when Price tells him to start scouting in an area for survivors, he does! He's very thorough, combs over the area with a precision that would make most soldiers weep with jealousy.
He ends up scenting reader before he sees them, watches their little house from a distance. He's not patient like Simon, but he does watch reader for awhile, watches them surviving, all on their own in this little plot of land. Ends up watching your plush hips sway as you set out the laundry to dry. He's mesmerized, as he watches the sweat drip down your skin while you reinforce a few of your traps, go over the house with a fine toothed comb. You can't see him in the shadows, but by god is he seeing you. (And your ass - god he can't stop staring.)
He's not nearly patient enough to wait, so he waltzes right up, thinking his charming smile and accent is enough to win him some brownie points. He's halfway through a pickup line, maybe, when you level a shotgun at his face, completely unamused.
He's in love.
You refuse to go with him, but Price gave him orders and there's no WAY he's letting you go, not after he's seen your thighs and imagined himself using them as earmuffs. Not after he's thinking of a cute domestic life, providing for you like a good mate, and look at how precious you are, threatening him and -
and you shoot him.
Right in the chest, and thank god for the fact that it takes more than a few bullets to kill him because he's tearing through his skin in an instant, bones cracking and sinew melding as he quickly drops into his wolf form (which, jesus christ he's fucking HUGE) to help ease some of the pain and kickstart his healing process. He snarls right in your face and snaps your damn gun in half with his teeth before he tells you he'll be back in a week. (later, he feels bad, certainly, but only for frightening you)
Johnny's back in a week as promised, after spending a few days in bed and eating anything he could get his hands on all while gushing about the pretty little soft thing he's bringing back. He even goes out of his way to bring you a gift!!! He hunts down a deer on the way through the woods near your home, bringing dinner so he can butcher it and you can cook it because of course he's bringing you back for practical reasons but if he's going to court you no you don't need to know that.
You're gone when he comes to the home, every last item packed away and shoved into the back of the car he'd seen you drive. He's furious that his hard work will go to waste, so he helps himself to the rest of what you've got in the house and decides to store everything away for when he's on his way back to base. Fights his urge to track you down only for long enough to be practical, and then he's on the hunt.
It doesn't take him long to find you - he can run faster than your car can go cautiously while trying not to attract attention from a horde of zombies, and even though he's living he doesn't attract the same attention from the freaks that you do in a car with a gun. He tracks you down in no time flat, smiling as he taps on your window where you're parked inconspicuously to catch a few minutes of sleep.
When you scream, he laughs and waves, threatens with one clawed hand to slash the tires if you don't come out. Practicality wins in this case, and he has a long talk with you about coming back with him. He's sure he's just about convinced you when you slap him, throwing something at him that has him howling in white-hot pain. He can hear your apologies through sobs as you push him and he tangles with whatever you've thrown at him, trying to get it off in a blind panic, and you've driven off before he can stop you.
When he finally has a moment to breathe, the damn thing off of him, he realizes you'd tied together a small net of necklace chains - silver. necklace chains.
He's as angry as he as endeared, really. It's a game now, of fetch, of tag, he's not sure - he just ends up changing pace, gently herds you back in the direction of the base like a cattle dog. You're furious when he finally pops your tires when you're a good two days away from the base, just hefts you up on a shoulder and pats your ass while he walks with you. He's so smug about it too, and by all accounts, he's won your hand in marriage by finding you, whether or not you agree yet.
Now, I'm not as familiar with Gaz as I'd like to be (because I got introduced with Ghoap stuff for my entry into the fandom) so please pardon if my characterization is off but I do love him dearly and eat up all content I end up seeing of him.
I'm slightly biased with Gaz being a harpy because I just love the idea of him being a bird of prey like a peregrine falcon (and i think its bluegiragi who has the monster au of him as a harpy?) or a shifter of some sort like a panther or a cheetah (i'm biased towards cheetah actually, because I love the pictures/videos of cheetahs getting emotional support golden retrievers).
Since my idea for this isn't EITHER of those options, please consider reader putting spike traps on the roof for a bird Gaz like stores put up on their signs. He gets real angry about it for a couple days and then figures out exactly how/where to land so he can perch on your roof anyway, scaring the shit out of you when he's just sitting there, chin in his hands, with a shit eating grin when you go to make sure everything's alright on the roof.
Anyway, for this I'm actually thinking fae Gaz - he's been living amongst humans for as long as he can really remember. He's not a changeling, but his mum was fae and she loved his dad. He's visited the fae realm once or twice (and, as convincing as his mum is when he visits her, he nearly forgets about the time dissonance every single visit - none are as bad as the first time, when he had no clue about it, and ended up being gone for fifty years.)
He's sent to greet you when Ghost majestically fails, and Cap'n doesn't quite want to set Soap loose on the poor reader (yet). Ends up falling in love with how clever you are, soft hands slipping into gloves as you pile leaves over the thin nets over the punji pits and bear traps. He's military trained across multiple decades, he's seen all kinds of war (even though he's still relatively young in comparison - he stopped physically aging somewhere in his twenties, but he's barely been alive for like, fifty years) and he's seen all kinds of tricks.
He watches you pour over old books that you've either scavenged or already had, learning how to make simple, but effective traps. The older types of traps are such a clever idea when combined with new ones. The type doesn't matter much to zombies, but the combination of different types will keep humans (and others) on their guard.
He really really really intends to talk to you, instead of lingering in the shadows like a creep.
You end up seeing him, and through sheer luck (or wit, Gaz isn't honestly sure) when he asks that you give him your name, you say; "Give me your name first."
He's stuck at that one, because Gaz has spent years talking around subjects but this pretty little human just points a shotgun at him and demands his attention. He can't even think to talk around the reason he's there when he changes the subject awkwardly, and you insist on his name.
He can't give you his name, his power, not even his nickname, so it ends with him awkwardly leaving.
He's the absolute butt of the joke when he gets back to base after slipping into the trees (so embarrassed that he doesn't take the time to make sure you can't see him do it) and goes straight back to base utilizing a mushroom circle and the sheer willpower to not get distracted as he slips between realms. Makes a week long trek into an hour's worth of walking.
When he returns, he knocks politely, eyeing the newly replaced doorknob.
When he touches it, out of curiosity, he's gobsmacked to find out you've either found a new knob, or cast the old one in cold iron. He touches it three full times in complete disbelief, watches the skin on his hands grow irritated and blister.
You smirk when you open the door, make some shitty joke that he's pretty sure is a twilight reference that would make Ghost furious, and then you tell him you figured it out pretty quickly.
In comparison to Ghost and Soap, his romance is altogether extremely easy - he just keeps visiting every single day, calls you a nickname when you won't give him an actual answer.
He admires your caution, and falls just a little more in love when you call him something stupid like mushroom man.
In the end, what ends up convincing reader, I think, is that he fully gives them his name. It's akin to a proposal, and Gaz isn't quite sure how he feels when you don't realize it as you roll his name - Kyle Garrick on your tongue, testing it. You ask if you can keep calling him Mushie Man and some other stupid nickname and he laughs, presses a kiss to your temple for it. Says it's only fitting, and whispers your full name like a prayer.
He lets you stay in your home a little longer, as long as you need really, laces a misdirection hex into the branches that'll really only work on humans. He comes by every day, no matter what.
When you finally agree, he grabs your face and kisses you like you've given him the sun and stars and hung the moon just to illuminate his way.
For Price, I'm going to say dragon price because mmmm hot. Anyway I like to think it's a little bit of everything.
Ghost is the first - you find out really quickly that he fucking hates the counting trick you pull, so you're sure to carry a pocket full of something small just to piss him off if he gets too close. When you don't make eye contact (whether intentional or because you hate it) he's absolutely bewildered that this Soft Little Thing in the woods has so effectively blocked him from getting his job done initially that when he complains to Price, he puts his foot down. Says if Price thinks is so funny, he should send Johnny or Gaz out, see if they can do better.
And Price, sides hurting from laughing so much, agrees to make it Soap's problem next.
Soap returns, a net-like burn across his forearm from where you'd thrown tied together necklace chains at him. He's pissed, whines and moans for hours about how bad it hurts, and Price just snorts and tells him Shouldn't have tried to drag them out, then.
When intimidation and brute force don't work, Price lets Gaz have a go at it.
The man is practically radiating smugness as he goes to win, and Price is crying with laughter when Gaz comes back, his hands blistered and pride bruised. He clears his throat and says I think ah, I think they've just gone ahead and put every guard on the house they can think of. He does not tell anyone that the human ended up catching him in a net for half an hour afterwards, chiding him for the full thirty minutes about trying to open someone's door without asking.
(But Price knows.)
He ends up saying he's going to go deal with it himself to "Show them how it's done."
Really though, he's absolutely smitten with the idea of you. He knows that, given the time and will, his boys would absolutely bring you back - but he doesn't want that anymore. He has to see for himself the cute soft little human in the woods that's managed to catch all three of his best soldiers off guard because all three of them underestimated you.
He can't very well let anyone on base know (especially the civilians) what he is, so he waits until the dead of night to start flying - only does so when he's well past the point of being seen, even if it means he has to fly in his hybrid form, which is a little awkward when he doesn't do it as often.
He's a perfect gentleman when he walks up to your home at daybreak, letting his form go back to human.
He avoids every trap, tripwire, and camera that Simon and Johnny and Kyle had all warned him about so you don't have to spend your precious time and energy fixing them. He knocks on the door and waits until you open it, introduces himself as Captain John Price, love.
Apologies for the heavy handed attempts of his men as he stands on your doorstep. When you slam the door in his face he simply sighs and knocks again. And again, and again, until you finally relent and open the door back up.
He smiles, and asks if he can come in - you say no, and he smiles.
Love, if I wanted to I could push past you, I'm asking to be polite.
You freeze at that, trying to think, trying to evaluate. You're clever, he thinks with a pleased hum, half lidded eyes staring down at you. You sigh, and relent, finally - knowing that whatever battle that you'd be fighting uphill could at least be done over the breakfast you were starting to cook, and you didn't want to waste it.
Something twinges in John's chest as he sits at the table, and decides, like the rotten, greedy bastard he knows he is, that you're his. And not his like the rest of the people he's got, but his. You'll be his, no matter how long it takes him.
He lets you cook in silence, enjoying the mundane domesticity of it all, tucks into the plate of food gratefully, and feels like he's home.
After breakfast, John takes the time to ask you questions. About your past, about your hobbies outside of survival, how many things you've got that'll be coming with. When you remind him you haven't agreed, he chuckles and smooths a hand over your hair and reminds you that he hasn't asked.
You finally ask him what he is, and he blows a mote of smoke at you, watches the realization hit you before you go blank. A fucking dragon? You ask.
A fucking dragon, he responds.
John is extremely amused when you tell him to wait on the doorstep, and you go upstairs for something. When you come back down, you hand him a box full of jewelry (he almost laughs when he notices the amount of silver chains missing.)
He hands you the box back and curls a finger beneath your chin, calls you a silly girl/boy/pet and tells you that not all the stories are true. In this case, they are, of course- but he doesn't need to tell you that he hoards people, not things. That his hoard is every single person on base - doesn't tell you that his most treasured parts of his hoard are the three strong men who work directly with him, that he intends to keep them for as long as he lives, which will still be a damn long time coming, even if he's been around since before the middle ages.
You'll be his favorite of all though, he thinks.
He gives you a week, but tells you that his boys will keep an eye on you, make sure you're still there every day until he personally comes to escort you home. When you remind him, stubbornly, you are home, he laughs, and presses a kiss to your forehead while you stand there, bewildered.
In between that moment, and when you get back to base with him, I can't decide if its better if he ends up singlehandedly destroying a small horde of zombies with fire breath as the pits you've got full of traps fill up, or if it's better if he shows up with a box truck and a few men and they all end up moving you out of the house without asking. Maybe it's a mix of both - you decide!
But regardless, it ends exactly as he wants - you, tucked up into his lap as he reads reports and issues orders. He skips the dating and goes straight into being your husband - makes some sort of quip about being far too old (fashioned) to entertain the thought and goes straight to being married like "it used to be." Even though for a dragon he's still kinda young, hasn't even hit his comparative forties yet, actually. Even though it doesn't really matter, because as far as he's aware dragons don't die of old age so much as they die of other factors beyond their control. It's why he's so carefully cultivated his life towards survival thus far.
John lets you do whatever you want to keep you busy, the only real stipulation is that you come home to him at the end of the day. He's even quite respectful, really. He never touches you without your consent, aside from placing soft kisses on your temple or forehead, or cuddling up to you in your shared bed. (Which you say you only entertain because he's warm, and there's no heating in his room. But really, you love it when he holds you, and lets you hold him with no questions asked, all under the pretense of being half-asleep.)
He acts like he has all the time in the world for you to come around - and he does.
You'll be awfully sore later when you realize he's bound your life to his, even angrier when your teeth adjust and you can start seeing better. He'll pretend not to notice the changes at first to see what you think, and then he'll help you through all of them, cooing and sighing and rubbing into sore muscles as you learn how to control changing into your half-dragon form. Maybe in a couple hundred years you'll figure out how to fully transform into a dragon - maybe not.
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voyter · 1 month ago
Heyy, this isn't a hate comment as I really enjoyed reading staged for the season, but there was something which wasn't clear enough to me. Jungkook loved misa a lot, even after 9 years of breakup he was still missing her and hoping that they could get back together but it didn't happen and THEN only he decided to move on, which was absolutely fine! but for some reason it felt like the mc was his backup option (because there wasn't enough backstory about their dynamic) and i feel he never would have thought of that option if misa would have accepted him again. I think he never really liked her in that way before and idk if he'll even love her as much as he loved Misa because there wasn't enough chemistry shown between them. Also, him saying mc isn't that bad as a future option to Misa after literally everything was really not satisfying to read as a reader(sorry). I was hoping for some mature conversation between them after the smut which also didn't happen.
I'm sorry if my opinion is sounding rude or anything like that because i dont mean anything negative at all, I'm just super curious to know more about their characters!
hi, so i TOTALLY get it actually 😭😭😭 the pacing and the lack of chemistry is why i initially didnt want to post this fic in the first place. but do understand this was completely rushed, and i didnt want to let anyone down by not posting anything for christmas — which i had promised months ago.
you do not sound rude at all, trust me !! i actually do appreciate constructive feedback, so im glad you could voice out your opinion !!
so yes, jungkook wasnt over misa. but when he finally saw misa after all those years, she wasnt the same person he had fallen in love with. she grew and matured like everyone does. after all those years of wanting her back, he realized that was out the door because she wasnt the person he had known. then, she reveals that shes engaged and now he really doesnt want to pursue her anymore.
as for jungkook and oc, its implied that they are attracted to each other and fake dating only made that fire stronger for them. now, him telling misa that being with oc wasnt that bad to be with was not supposed to be taken in the context that you took it (although i do understand) !! it was more of a joking way, and how being in a relationship (remember this is his first relationship since misa) wasnt as bad as he thought it would be — since misa broke his heart — and he thought hed never be able to love anyone again.
so i did want to write jungkook and oc having a conversation after the smut, but im going to be so honest, i had been writing that fic for months and i was over it 😭😭😭 just know they didnt immediately fall in love .. but they definitely were always attracted to each other and grew feelings throughout their time as a fake couple. since the fic ended so abruptly, its totally expected for everyone to grow their own opinion on jungkook and ocs relationship. but do consider jungkook fell in love with misa when he was young, and she was his first love — they had no idea what they were doing. with oc, hes a grown adult who has had that experience, and he knows what he wants. i think oc has absolutely nothing to worry about.
i really wish i did write more about them after misa but i also didnt want the word count to be damn near 30k .. please do consider i can get lazy. i write for fun and i dont get paid, so i dont think my fics should be perfect.
but thank you so so much for letting me know your opinion anon, hope this helps !! have a good day !!
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aloekat · 1 year ago
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Bad Kids / Fantasy High!
pt 1/?
part 1 || part 2
hello chat and welcome to aloe shoves their hyperfixation onto everything they enjoy! making pokemon teams for fictional characters has always been a fun past time for me that i enjoy greatly so i wanted to apply that to dimension 20! i plan on doing every season once i’ve watched it, starting with all the intrepid hero seasons before moving on to side quest seasons
(also i finally decided to post these after @jadelion made posts sharing their team picks, so go check those posts out as there are some great choices! i also wouldnt be inspired to finally post these without him doing so first! i made my list completely independent of hers so if there's the same pokemon its purely coincidental lol)
first i want to talk about some guidelines i’ve given myself for this, which will apply to future posts as well:
only 4 pokemon per team - this keeps things more easy and makes them feel closer to mid-game trainers rather than fully stacked end-game ones. or feel like gym leaders maybe? it also helps with rule 2…
try to have no repeat pokemon - this just keeps things unique between seasons but sometimes a pokemon is a perfect fit for more than one person but for the most part everyone gets unqiue pokemon and there are almost no doubles
low to no legendaries on teams unless for a good reason - same goes for shinies but im more lenient on the shiny rule lol
i made a lot of these these like 3 months ago as of posting this - some choices may be outdated or the character has changed enough that a choice may not fit as well but i didnt want to change it lol (this is solely for the fantasy high kids tbh)
thats all for the rules! finally it’s time to get into the teams!
Lycanroc - representing Tracker, again i made these before junior year so trackerbees was still a thing but i imagine it can count for cassandra also since it’s a night themed pokemon. don't know which form of lycanroc she would have though Solrock - she was given solrock during her time with Helio, and while i know sunflora exists i think solrock makes a little more sense, since she was a chosen of Helio she would be at an elevated status and therefor have a better pokemon if that makes sense? it also pairs with... Lunatone - representing her change to Cassandra, a goddess of night. there's like cool symbolism with her pokemon now wow isn't that so cool and awesome!! Unown ("?") - a question mark unown to represent Yes? (and the other Yes forms) along with her cool question mark staff! can also ALSO symbolize doubt with cassandra
Toxitricity (Low Key) - low key form gives the vibes of a bass and Fig plays the bass! toxitricity would help fig practice her instrument and come up with music. also literally called “the punk pokemon”
Obstagoon - similar reasoning, obstagoon has The Vibes that fit along with also being a sort of rock n roll pokemon
Moltres - representing Ayda, i imagine Ayda gifted it to her once they became girlfriends :)
Mimikyu - a pokemon known for its imitation of another pokemon, very much fits into Fig’s actor feat and her high deception and her not wanting to be her real self sometimes
Dhelmise - big connection to his father and being a pirate, his father probably gifted it to him as his first pokemon
Marowak (Alolan) - fun idea i had for this is he originally just had a cubone with him during freshman year, but once he went to Fallinel and learned about the power of dance it evolved into an alolan marowak! it's a fire dance pokemon of course he would have it lol
Sirfetch'd - representing his mother and also his general fencing/fighter style that he works with
Tentacruel - just a cool ass water pokemon i feel he would have, also vaguely pirate-y with big kraken vibes
Pikachu - detective pikachu go brrrrr i imagine he would have gotten a pichu when very young, and it's evolved over time! it would wear a tiny detective hat as well because um i said so
Inteleon - super spy/gun pokemon also go brrrr, very much a reference to his father and just the general super spy-ness of Riz and Pok in junior year especially
Togekiss - ok this one feels very out of place and i forgot why it was here originally BUT i think it's to represent like a guardian angel sort of? again another reference to Pok because i love Pok and think he's very cool
Voltorb - he's the ball. this is a pokeball pokemon. are we starting to connect the dots
Politoad - representing Boggy of course, nothing much else to say
Espeon - a very psychic pokemon representing her oracle powers, it would be fun to think that she had an eevee that simply evolved into an espeon once Adaine realized that she in fact was the elven oracle!
Delphox - another powerful psychic pokemon, again this is just vibes and it's a cool pokemon and adaine is a very cool character lol
Audino - these pokemon are known for being able to hear super well and know how their trainers are feeling from listening to their heartbeat. a gift given by Jawbone to help with Adaine's anxiety but still a good member of her team regardless
Archen - "i'm Cloaca, i suck!"
Gogoat - a grassy pokemon which can sorta represent the tree he lives in but also intended to represent Zelda in some ways (again i wrote these before junior year came out). it would help him carry around a lot of scraps for tinkering
Rotom - found in the village near the Nightmare King's forest, this rotom had gotten lost in the forest and, with no tech from solace nearby, couldn't find a way home. gorgug rescued it and lets it inhabit the Hangvan a lot
Rillaboom - another grassy pokemon but this one is also a drummer! can we take a wild guess as to why i picked this one. for it's drumming ability. because. because gorgug is a drummer.
whew ok that's the first season done! i'll probably do unsleeping city next, which will be linked to this post once it's done!
have a better option that would fit a PC better? please tell me i would love to hear everyone's takes on this!
ok that's it that's the post everyone go home now (once again go look at @jadelion for their pokemon team picks!)
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partywithoutsmiling · 10 months ago
what are your thoughts on branch brothers?
Oof, that's will be a complicated answer XD;
Trouble with the Canon is that is missing lots of scenes that would give us necessary info on all the Brothers' background after they went their separate ways- and from the surface level clues, it doesn't look squeaky clean for them XD
Based purely on movie... (and mind you I am going with the unconfirmed Canon that the Tree got caged and Trollstice started happening after Brozone broke up)
Branch seemed to be roughly 3yo, and the Trolls left the tree when he was around 6 or 7
John Dory:
JD returned to the tree when everyone was away and any tracks were too old to follow - that still puts him at being away for at least 5 years, but there are some things to consider: he does seemed to be a step-in guardian for his Brothers, putting a lot of pressure on him, and he didn't know all the others left too- buuut it was his deviation from the choreography and putting unnecessary expectation on his family to cause that Argument in the first place. It was also implied he might have been the only one of age, so at least 18/19
'Bad Brother Ranking' 5/10?
Reason: Yes, JD's behaviour seemed to be cause for most of the discord between his brothers, as was his obsession into placing them in carefully shaped boxes, and him leaving was seen as rather dick move- however, if he started as a minor forced into parent role to his siblings- something he was not obligated to through- and if he was already an adult, him wanting to escape stressful situation is understandable, especially if he worked with the idea that all his other brothers would say (especially if they were all minors). It also speaks to his merit he did eventually come back, and that without him promising to do so. Considering his muted colours, he must have lived the next 15 years thinking all his family is dead, and all that was left were their old Brozone mementos; when Bruce's postcard came, he felt relieved to know at least one brother was alive- but probably made no effort to seek him out because he believed the others are still dead and didnt want to see the blame in Bruce's eyes
Overall, I do like John Dory: he is supremelly flawed yet well-meaning character; full of himself, yet socially awkward and genuinelly happy to see his brothers alive (all those Brozone posters were probably the only family photos he had of them)- probably doesnt cope with his past trauma very well lol. That said I am docking points for his absolute disregard of the fact that Baby Branch was, well, a baby, and he spared no consideration to him while having heated argument with Clay and Spruce
So, Movie!John final 'bad brother score' 6/10
I do headcanon he dealt with being grey for a while because suppressing it all, but recognized it Branch and doesnt know how to breach the topic. He is bad at expressing himself and living in the wilderness in complete isolation only made it worse; being the Big Brother and the Leader/Manager, he definitelly wanted to be seen as the pillar his family could count on and so he has hard time to open about his feelings, let alone admit to needing help in anything
Left definitelly in the midst of his teen rebel phase. Most likely felt very objectified, and not seen for himself- something that had him decide to not only move out of the Tree but to leave his tribe behind completely
Parted with JD on bad terms, but definitelly parted with Clay on good terms; in the timing of them leaving the pod together, Spruce/Bruce seemed to be the only one out of the two who was really serious about actually leaving, and made no promises to return. If he was just shy of being of age, he might felt no need to- and if Bergens were no threat yet, he would feel no guilt- after all, his family was not in danger
Considering his age and the situation, I don't blame him for leaving; but his lack of effort to properly connect in the future and probably basing his only interaction on half assed postcard seems like a really dick move
He might have been of the opinion JD only went to sulk and then returned to take care of things as usual, but there was no indication he even tried to reach out to the rest of his brothers- maybe kept contact with Clay but that's it
That more than anything shows lack of familial care/worry he might have felt for his youngest brothers, being quite content to ignore them for years
Movie!Bruce 'Bad Brother Ranking': 8/10
Reason: he allowed his petty and bitter arguing with JD to get in the way of even trying to reconnect to his youngest brothers- and considering Branch's age, he probably at the time felt no desire to (after all, what teen wants to take care of a toddler). That said, his new family does feel like bit of a replacement, and when both JD and Branch appeared, he was ready to drop kick them out at the mere mention of the Family Harmony, no willingness to listen at all. JD at least wanted to move past whatever conflict they had in the past while Bruce was keen on keeping the grudge- it was understandable, if family harmony was what caused all his troubles, but he made his judgement and they had to force him to listen- I don't know, his behaviour in the movie kinda rubbed me wrong way, as it was clear he would have been happy to live his life cut off from his siblings forever
He has potential to get better, but I don't know- all the fanfic writers are doing god's work really, in fleshing out their characters, to make them less of an asshole XD;
Overall, I dont really like Movie!Bruce- especially as he made extreme effort to not be connected to Brozone/his family at all costs.
Also left as a teen, most likely cca 15yo, but didn't dare leaving the Tree- his leaving was definitelly more of a sulk, as it was implied he was in the Tree when the great escape was happening
Yes, the Troll Tree was huge- the population more akin to a metropolis than just a large town- but that means he never even bothered once to come and check on his youngest brothers- as he knew John and Spruce left- and thus probably wasnt even close enough to find out that not only Grandma got eaten, but that Branch went grey- or even that Floyd left
Both JD and Bruce had an excuse in being out of the loop for the horrific events that started happening when Bergen's came, but Clay was in the tree
He knew Trollstice was a thing, and not once he came around to see how his immediate family was doing
Clay shows a level of selfishness neither of his older brothers did honestly- yes, JD left but then came back, and Bruce left but though his family was safe; while Clay stayed, knew his family wasnt safe, yet did not care to make sure they are safe
Naturally, what can a teenager do? Nothing against the Bergens, trully, but him just staying near would be enough
Movie!Clay gets 9/10 on the 'bad brother scale' from me, and honestly I am glad he is not my brother XD;
Floyd is bit of an enigma honestly- him leaving home seemed more like running away from home, as he was what, 14? Trying to go on Solo career?
He was the most attentive and kind to Branch, but that however ended up doing more harm than good, what with his promise and effort in making Branch busy
He probably gone back to three however- but it must have been around the same time JD did, as his ears seems to have the same defect Branch's does, which means Floyd definitelly went through period of grayness- but that means it took at least 5 years for him to return
It seemed he had plans to leave even before Brozone broke up- something churned within him for a long time
He would have been 18/19 around that time- a convenient age though, as that would make him old enough to be a legal guardian perhaps?
I dont know, there are lots of unknowns, but overall his Bad Brother Scale is really low, like 3/10, 4/10
I like Floyd, he really gave the air that he cared deeply, but especially for Branch as he was aware Branch needed the most support in his early stages of life
He was also the only one to promise to come back, and also the only one to pause at the treshold and look at his Brother as if to memorize his looks
In General:
Out of the movie!Brothers, I like JD and Floyd the best, when it comes to their family loyalty and relationship, though JD kinda killed it a little with him wanting to split once more after the are done rescuing Floyd
Both Bruce and Clay just really seemed to live in their own world: yes, Bruce was convinced his family was safe but that doesnt excuse him from reaching out; Clay was well aware about the Bergen threat and was co-leading a whole Clan, but he wasn't doing that before the Great Escape
Either way, both Movie!Bruce and Movie!Clay are selfish in a way that I am not vibing with.
Of course, this can be improved with some headcanons:
JD was well aware of his role in his family 'Tragedy' and never gave up on trying to find them, even if all of his hopes rang false. He kept photos of all his brothers, wallet size, close to his heart- but especially the on of Branch, as a reminder of his failings
His cold acting at the night of the Show was not Big Brother John, but Manager John, as he needed to separate the two- something he, as an adult, understood, but his younger brothers did not
Bruce suffered from terrible self-esteem issues, most likely unable to see himself when he looked in the mirror, only seeing 'The Heartthrob' - someone wearing his face and mame, but not him. This is the real reason he changed his name
Definitelly had some food disorder and it took him time and help and love from Brandy for him to heal from it and to feel right within his skin
The Postcard he sent John used to have writing, but it got lost in transit for years- it was accompanied with a wedding invitation that never got delivered, and since Bruce thought John was back at the Tree with his brothers, he just assumed John was ignoring him on purpose
He sent his other brother's invitation as well, but as he never received reply, assumed John intercepted them
It was for his own mental health that he tried to find happiness and purpose in his current family then being hang up on what was
Clay tried to be present in Branch's life but had disputes with their Grandmother, who wanted him to move back into the pod with them while Clay refused
He was forbidden from interacting with Branch as Rosiepuff felt it would be too disrupting for the toddler, if Clay kept coming and going
Clay eventually- much to Rosiepuff's dismay- joined a party of scouting trolls that ventured beyond the cage to scavenge in Bergens' homes- an extremelly dangerous job, that convinced Clay it was better Branch didn't know he was around, as he wouldnt risk the grief of one day learning his brother was killed on one such venture
When the Great Escape happened, it was moved ahead of schedule than planned- after learning about the Bergens' intent to eat Baby Poppy, Clay and his scouting team were tasked in bringing the rear to leave no stragglers behind, eventually ending up being sepparated
Brozone often went through breakups and reconciliations, and it happened even when Branch wasnt even hatched- Floyd remembered each and every one of them, and how impactful it was on a small child
Seeing the same happening to Branch, he started making plans for how to have both of them split and escape that toxicity, but knew he couldnt contest any custody over him while still minor himself
Grandma Rosiepuff was a shit guardian, forcing JD to be the primary caretaker- it was only after they all left that she had to step up and take care of Branch properly
It's honestly only with these headcanons that I am able to like all the brothers equally XD
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moxielynx · 1 year ago
@whatudottu hihihihiiiii so ur ramblings about tetrax has me wanting to talk about tetrax cause i will take any opportunity to talk about him
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d-23 tetrax is cool even if he didnt speak much in the episode, honestly d-23 ben deserved to be smacked around a little (/J /J that kid is like 13 😭), the twist that they were actually the good guys this whole time was great, especially since sixsix was also working with azmuth, which was a nice perspective
i like to imagine that d-23 tetrax is actually a total sweetheart and didnt actually like fighting ben since ben is just a dumb kid who doesnt know any better (even if he is a stubborn brat)
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im pretty certain that petropia in the reboot is perfectly fine because for a while Vilgax wasnt. Vilgax, so he couldn't have hired Tetrax to steal whatever that crystal was from petropia then destroy it, so reboot tetrax is just what happens as a result of Tetrax not facing the consequences of his actions so now he's a MEANIE!!! but the dad instinct is still there judging from the way he interacts with Ben in "Mutiny for the Bounty"
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as much as i prefer classic tetrax i really like that they went with a completely different approach with reboot tetrax, and like it makes sense too considering theres no way petropia would be destroyed in the reboot as well if vilgax couldnt do it (if petropia were to also get destroyed in the reboot then that would be so funny cause that basically means the planet is fucked no matter what 💀💀), its really cool to see that this might be what tetrax was like before working for vilgax and makes me really think about how different each version of tetrax is, and only makes me even more depressed that we never got prime tetrax in Omniverse, especially since there could've been so many moments where tetrax could've showed up
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classic tetrax obviously isnt as cruel and uncaring as we see in the reboot or as he said when he was telling ben about his backstory because if he really didn't care as much but was like "okay this is fucked up i need to get my act together" then he wouldn't have looked so distraught watching his planet fall
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i refuse to acknowledge the change in reaction in uaf tho cause it fucking SUCKED they cant just turn him into this stoic fucking guy after he literally shows up and shakes ben like a rattle, that and also they obviously didnt gaf about his backstory cause in the og backstory you can tell petropia's destruction was YEARS, probably decades ago cause he had those back spikes and even a different outfit but in the uaf version its just the same exact model THEY DONT CARE ABOUT TETRAX LIKE I DO!!!!!!
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uaf tetrax made me so sad because i was already insane about the idea of dadtrax because of Secret of the Omnitrix, but when tetrax first showed up in uaf he picked up ben and for some reason my first thought was "omg is he going in for a hug" only to have that ripped away from me when he just straight up starts shaking ben around like a ragdoll 😭like imagine you dont see a guy for like 6 years, last time you saw him he helped you save the world/galaxy, and the first thing he does is fucking shatter you for no reason (or at least appears to be no reason), and all you get from it is a "sorry but i had no time to explain", like thats crazy, the REAL tetrax would never harm ben that is his SON !!!!!!!! and then after the single episode we had of tetrax and even petropia we just. never see him or the planet ever again. like we could've had so much world building for petropia and they decided to just throw it out like it was nothing
tetrax is genuinely such a cool character and its horrible how underutilized he is in every show, like yeah he was in 2 (technically 3 counting the reboot) movies but that doesnt really make up for how little we really saw him, especially since like i mentioned earlier prime tetrax wasnt even in OV which is probably the biggest missed opportunity in history, and the strangest part about it is that we got plenty of episodes exploring different planets and even a whole other system (galactic monsters special) so it was literally the perfect opportunity to write an episode about petropia and how its holding up
also never apologize 2 me about rambles, especially rambles about tetrax, i fucking LOVE reading people's silly little thoughts on things they like :3
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w0w0zella · 1 year ago
um hello!!! im gonna be making a. bugbo murderstuck au Masterpost of sorts! I guess! ill format it like a q&a but im making up some of these questions myself. So lets get into it :3
this is a really long post! b careful :3
"what is murderstuck?" murderstuck is a Bugbo AU that made/am making (complicated wip status lol)! its a story that takes place a month and a bit after the events of familiar foe. Very long story short, gerbo ends up getting killed (on accident), joe then kills bugbo (On purpose) and joe seeks out thomas flyswatter for help. i have a post here that goes more into the story if you'd like to see it! vvv https://www.tumblr.com/w0w0zella/728157783124574208/ill-post-these-together-awawy-from-the-rest-of-the?source=share 
currently it is a well defined plot line that i and a couple other people have made art for,, and a work in progress fanfiction!
"why is it called "murderstuck"?"
murderstuck is actually (Believe it or not lol) a Homestuck thing! murderstuck is a specific part in act 5 act 2 of homestuck where one character kills someone and then someone else kills THEM, so i was like  Fuck yeah that makes total sense for this au. In all honesty, i just called it that cuz i needed a name to jump back to in discord for easy finding and it. Stuck i guess GIGGLES lol.
i am currently.  Semi looking for new name suggestions! so if anyone has any ideas !!!   Tell me !! Please !! I have No idea!! ((by the way, because murderstuck is already technically a thing, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by all the homestuck art :3
(question by geluga on discord) "where did joe get his cleaver ? is it the same way he just happened to have an axe in episode 2 or is it from something else?"
yeah no i didnt really think out him having a meat cleaver lol. lets say thaat. umm. He got it becuase he was preparing bugbo a Yummy Meal (Steak is his Favourite or some  shit idk) !!!
i do NOT rmember why i gave him a meat cleaver aswell. If you want a Good answer, the reason i gave him a meat cleaver and not his Trusty Axe is because his axe would have been far too dull and bulky to slit bugbos throat. if you want the TRUE answer Its because i forgot he had an axe at all and thought the meat cleaver would look cool
(question by onyx on discord) "did gj feel bad after The thing or did he feel like totally justified"
AMAZING QUESTION !!!! Gradient Joe feels EXTREME remorse. of course when he looks back on it he knows why he did it, but if we're being completely honest; bugbo was immobilized. he did not need to kill bugbo. if he had killed him while bugbo was choking him, that would be a different story. but he killed him while he was backed up into a tree, immobilized and begging for his life.
he feels extremely bad ! Very extremely bad!
(question from ANON in my ASK BOX) "DUDE I LOVE YOUR AU SM RAUGHHHHH also question uhh where is hoppo in the au? we havent really heard about her"
So. During the events of this au. she is. away. like she usually is. Dont really know where! Shopping at grocery market. back at war. lost at sea. you decide. (More info on hoppo in the next question
(question by kets on discord) "uuhhmmmm what is the absolute WORST ending this au could have realistically?????????? like if it didn't end whene thomas was ocmforting joe idk :3333333"
OKAY i coudl see this one of a couple ways. First way is, bugbo wins. bugbo succeeds in choking joe to death, And now he is alone (til hoppo gets back) i said this one first cuz its probably not the worst possible thing, but i think it would be pretty terrible!
second worst would be if Joe waited for hoppo to come back instead of going to thomas for help. In my humble opinion, i think that hoppo is very stubborn and VERY loyal. so. (to me at least) it stands to reason that if hoppo came back, she would side with bugbo VERY hard. she would probably fucking hate joes guts, and that would be the worst  thing for him after everything he already went through. Maybe they would Fight too idk…
Very first worst would be if joe just straight up killed himself after killing bugbo. I could see this as a thing he contemplated, but if he actually went through with it?  Oh my god Fucking imagine. all of there corpses there for hoppo to find when she comes back. Thomas rotting away in his lair without anyone to talk to (and without knowledge of bugbos death) for years? Devastating.
other notable endings include Joe OR bugbo Killing themselves directly after gerbos death, hoppo ending up killing joe out of anger when she comes back, Or (In a silly alternate universe that We made on Disc Ord…) bugbo comes BACK to life and DRAGS himself to go kill joe HIMSELF!!!!!!
(question by DEMO on DISCORD) "is gradient joe book smart or money smart" i am going to kill myself and its your fault i think. never speak to me again (Joke)
as stated before, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by Homestuck stuff !! i want to see all of your art and things!! Thank you!!
you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED to make stuff surrounding this au! Please Please Show It To Me!!!
if you are drawing During Fight or. During Murdering bugbo or joe, here are some things to note! - bugbo attempts to choke joe to death during a part in the fight, and he almost succeds! This causes Permanent scarring on gradient joes neck, and scratch marks all over bugbos arms from joe clawing at them!!!
- joe ends the fight with his shirt partially open and his tie missing!
- joe breaks bugbos right leg! there is a noticable gash on his inner right knee!
- joe kills bugbo by slitting his throat with a meat cleaver!- after joe is done, he drags bugbos body over to where gerbo died! (he was crushed by the fallen Stone Structure!)
thank you all so much for the love and support with this au It means so much to me. thank you from the botom of my hart.  IF YOU HAVE ANY COOL IDEAS, MORE QUESTIONS, OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANNA SHOW/TELL ME, MY MESSAGES AND ASK BOX ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!
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astranauticus · 8 months ago
post mortem for my orv animatic bc i have lots of thoughts and yall are gonna hear all of them (that is a threat)
first is the obligatory special thanks/plagiarism declaration section but a lot of the shots in this are inspired by the original changgwi lyric video which like. please watch it there's a reason this song is a classic animatic song on bilibili like the music is good but the video definitely helped. also speaking of bilibili, special shoutout to this arknights chongyue animatic that introduced me to the song that will haunt the next 8 months of my life!
the original inspiration was the thought that the verse of the spirit telling the story of its own death felt very yjh coded but it took like another week of stewing on it to have the idea of using the final chorus for the dkos arc which was the moment i decided i have to actually make this thing
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going strictly by when i started putting pen to paper (pencil to ipad screen? whatever) this took almost exactly 5 months since i created the first drafts in february but the first 3 months ish from february until may were also my school semester so. most of the progress (id say about >60%) was done in the last two months of me working on this every moment i wasnt at work (or playing project sekai, for some reason)
also! funny little detail but counting the drafts and some discarded frames my procreate stack for this thing has exactly 49 artworks in it! neat little easter egg i guess (yeah 51 wouldve been more fitting but whatever)
this fully slipped by both me (at 2am) and my friend whom i sent the finished version to (fighting the flu) but in the final edit i didn't actually include the second half of the last lyric?? it's 'i will take you to the mountain god' i apparently just wrote 'i will take you' and never finished the rest LMAO
speaking of the lyrics i dont speak korean and im not a huge fan of most english translations of this song that exists so on multiple occasions i was so tempted to just use the chinese cover someone on bilibili did because then i'd at least be confident i know where the fucking line breaks were (there's one line at the end where im pretty sure i didn't edit on the line breaks correctly but that was more of an intentional compromise because the timings would've been off otherwise. anyway) tbh the only reason i didnt do that is the atmosphere and delivery of the original song is. really unbeatable like the cover's also pretty good but it doesn't quite achieve the same effect
also speaking of things i fucked up im aware i drew sys in the wrong outfit for the dkos fight but like. ok full disclosure my orv reference folder is a complete mess (theres like 400+ images in there. for some reason) so on net ive gotten character outfits wrong while working on this thing like at least 3 times bc id just grab a random webtoon screenshot from my folder and go w it. it's just that by the time i realised i fucked up i'd already finished drawing all of sys's frames and i was too lazy to go back and change all of them LMAO
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anyway yeah some other random things i wanted to whinge about:
there's a lot of effects i wanted to do that didn't quite come across due to. lack of skill/time/patience/all of the above but the one im really annoyed about is the yhk postchorus bit with the 3 circles bc. first off i think i drew those while halfway dozing off on the train to school once because uh. yeah
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anyway poor drawing aside id really wanted to recreate the sort of. drawn-in effect on the circles and lines that the original lyric video had but i could NOT for the life of me figure out a way to execute that in capcut so. here we are (also you cant put transitions on overlays in capcut so that's why those also looked so bad. youre welcome)
honestly my timeline for this in capcut looks pretty ridiculous bc if you want to do word by word animations/effects you need to pay for the pro version so my workaround was just to have like five thousand text layers with 1-2 words on it each (do not recommend btw)
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speaking of the text im a moron so i kinda forgot to account for the text when drawing frames and wow you can tell. yeah next time im just hand writing the text fuck this
and i have some more thoughts that are. mild to moderate webtoon spoilers so past this will be the spoiler warning line
actually my original plan was to upload this the day dkos dies in the webtoon but a. i genuinely did think it was gonna be yesterday like i dont pay for the early access episodes so i was just kinda going off orvtwt LMAO b. i could feel myself burning out on this like the last few frames i drew for this were fucking dogshit so i figured either i finish it soon or i wont finish it at all
i will probably still draw something for dkos' death day though for those who celebrate (basically when i was thumbnailing for one of the frames in this i ended up with one that didnt fit the video aspect ratio at all but still looks pretty good so im promoting it to a full drawing. so look forward to that)
like for an idea of how fucking sick of this shit i was by like. last week pretty much like for the last few frames of the dkos fight i straight up forgot to draw dkos' wings and had to add them in halfway through editing last night. like that's how fucking out of it i was by then lmaoo
looking back its actually kinda funny cuz the whole put this up when dkos dies thing was my plan since february but i had literally no way of knowing when that would be especially since the webtoon stopped going with the novel chapter numbers exactly (i could.. guesstimate but my original estimation was in june so yknow. real useful) but like i can find evidence of me panicking about that deadline since may. why did i do that
given that deadline i knew i cant really include stuff from the novel past the dkos arc but man. the amount of times i wanted to use something from later (ESPECIALLY 1863 arc). i actually have another idea i want to test out thats like full epilogue spoilers partially because working on this for so long made me realise i really want to make more epilogue content <- what
yknow how i mentioned discarded frames yeah i had to draw dkos' death 3 times because the first two compositions just never quite panned out. i mean the current one is also pretty unreadable with the colour scheme but trust me the previous ones were way worse christ alive
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ask-the-handeeverse-crew · 1 year ago
[Hello, Hello Puppets! Fandom!]
[We have a big announcement, we're rebooting the blog!]
[Now dont worry! We have a good reason for it!]
[It all started during the early days of the Welcome Home Multiverse, back when there were only a few blogs here and there]
[We kinda hyperfixated on the multiverse concept and wanted to do one of our own]
[So we created this blog!]
[We had alot of fun with it! But, after awhile, we started to realize that we didnt really know how the story should go]
[We kind just threw a bunch of ideas onto the board and see which one sticks, we didnt even have a proper ref sheet for the Handeeverse crew! Only a few concept arts, didnt help that the art program I was using decided my tablet was not suitable for the app]
[Not to mention we were sort of loosing interest in it, after the whole WH Multiverse hype calmed down, we kinda just...went on a sudden break]
[While changing a few small things here and there, like text style and name change(procrasinating go brrr-)]
[Some time passed and we realized that this wasnt going anywhere]
[But we were still pretty attached to the blog and didnt want to abandon it..]
[So we finally decided to reboot the whole thing! So far, 25% of the AU is completed!]
[It will probably take a while before we start answering ask again, with school and all]
[Till then...]
[Have a Handee day!]
- Arz & Mark
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gorgeouslypink · 2 years ago
Hii Pink (need some advice)
I decided to do the yoga nidra (1.5 hours long) yesterday and it felt really good. After she stopped speaking I started affirming for void I said I am in the void I would get very slightly frustrated in between and just say that I just tapping in now I am done with delay and all that stuff. I was 55 minutes in the video when I gave up. I didnt feel any symptoms this time (before i have felt some symptoms but they immideately vanished) but I felt really good and thought I am very near this time I will tap in. So I am going to attempt again because I know I will tap in with this method soon! I just wanted to know if you could suggest some visualisations or anything I can add to my practice to make it more effective.
2nd thing is , I affirmed for waking up in the void but there are some negative thought patterns. For example I was doing very well for the past few days when day begore yesterday I started "doubting" or "fearing" the idea of always waking up in the void. Idk why but it has been a problem for me. I know I want to tap in the void but this is a slight fear that starts setting in every time I am doing well in my journey. I use the affirm "I always wake up in the void aware". Because there are some things I never want to manifest and I USED to have this fear that if I learn to tap in the void always then I might start wanting these things. Although I k ow now that this is irrational fear because if I dont want it now then I never have to experience it. But this doubt or fear does come back its not as scary now but it does irritate me as my journey is hampered. Sorry for writing a whole novel but I would love some advice. Also will these fears or doubts stop me from tapping in the void. Or do think its the reson why even yesterdy I didnt tap.
I dont know if I made myself clear but I would love some advice from you on these two topics.
Hi love! First of all, I just want to remind you that the void is a relaxing and deep meditative state. You getting frustrated took you out of the relaxation that the yoga nidra portion of the video put you in which is why you didn't enter. Next time you try it, just affirm that you're the void and relax. If you're really impatient, I would suggest affirming that you enter the void easily and instantly. Second I'm not completely sure I got the second question but I'll answer what I got from it. If you're having doubts or worries that you can't quite put your fingers on, I suggest this EFT tapping video:
I think you were also saying that you're scared you're going to change and I've already mentioned this before but you're going to change regardless you enter the void so that's a dumb reason to not want to enter the void. You are always changing. What you desire now is probably different from what you desired 2 years ago and the void had nothing to do with you changing like that. If you're afraid your moral are going to change or something, the truth is your morals are going to change regardless because the way we view the world and what's right and wrong changes with situations and experiences so all you can do is really decide what's important to you and hold yourself to that. Hope this helps 💗
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qumiiiquinnquin · 2 years ago
well. i tried to communicate with someone jn my family about the extreme stress College is already causing me. to my sibling, because they are the closest person to me. they want me to tell them what's going on more so i finally did today. i dont normally because my problems end up belittled or ignored in some way
it started somewhat okay. they told me to tell family before i drop out, which would be a good idea i guess. i feel like i cant though without getting shit for it or forced to keep going because im being overdramatic and its not even been a full 3 weeks yet
but i brought up my medication not working. i forgot i told them that already, i guess i had told them over summer and spaced it afterwards. my medication has not been helping my anxiety at all since i first started taking it last year, so taking it won't do anything to lower my anxiety. i told them i cant see my psychiatrist because i have no time and i do not think he is available on weekends, the only time im free (more like "free" because there's never ending homework in college and free time is a lie). i as told to talk to our dad and email my psychiatrist, but i know my dad will be pissed if he finds out i havent been taking my medication for a few months but have been lying that im still taking it
in the end they told me to get my medication figured out before i finally decide to drop out. i didnt respond back because i hate this idea my family has that my medication will solve all of my problems. my sibling's ideology that the reason why college is so stressful for me right now and is making me want to drop out is because im unmedicated, and if i was medicated, everything would be completely fine and i wouldn't feel so bogged down from my schoolwork.
if my med did help with my anxiety, then its true i likely would not want to drop out as badly as i do now. though id likely still think about it because college is currently a bit too much for me to handle. but my med wouldnt fix the stress of college. medications shouldn't be viewed as able to completely solve and rid any symptoms of any disorder. and it annoys me that my dad told me that yet he and everyone in my family views it that exact way. plus being told to figure out my medication before finalizing my decision to drop out completely ignores what i said about my lack of time to see my psychiatrist and tells me i need to just ride this semester out with my rapidly deteriorating mental health.
im barely hanging on only three weeks in. what am i supposed to do.
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official-big-q · 2 years ago
Heyyy papa idk why I am invading ur inbox rn DNFNFNFB I just wanted to say stuff about how for some reason I like hearing your memories maybe cuz I never had like those kind myself just the feelings of things that happened in cannon
So I like you talking about them or your wings and your HUGE nest in las nevadas I think I would have liked to be there just us sleeping and you wrapping your wings around me and me wishing to be able to fly around with you
I think I always liked the idea
Of being a big dragon and fly around with my wings and have fun and spend time with my family
I didn't make the entire revived AU for nothing dnfbfjr
If you want to ramble abt your memories idm I love hearing them :]]
That’s heartwarminngg hhhhh<3
I WOULD HAVE LOVED FOR YOU TO BE THERE IN MY NEST AS WELL - that nest was so cozy it made me feel so safe and it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE NOW SOB
I was so very very vocal around you kids - dsmp and qsmp,, im just full of bird noises :]!! Coos, chirps, quacks, squawks, you name it !!! I had a large variety of bird noises I made towards you and your siblings <3 !!
In the dsmp i had a bad track record with love and was verY traumatized so the way I showed love at first was through gifts !!! I used to spoil Tommy rotten :]. (Tubbo wouldnt let me - he refused to take my gifts)
And then after I healed and realized I didnt need to hide my affection for others - I gave out words of affirmation and physical touch !!!
I WAS LIKE. PRETTY FUCKED UP ???? In the dsmp, after I got my injury to my eye/face, I had to take a couple weeks at least to be able to properly navigate again. Karl and Sapnap forced me into using a cane, which was something I very much needed if I didn’t want to walk into something or just fall over-
And just the eye thing in general messed me up permanently ??? Like I stopped using my cane and was okay most of the time without it - but my vision was really fucked and I couldn’t read cursive at all and needed bigger writing on documents to be able to read them, but the dsmp wasn’t a very accessible space so I just sucked it up and dealt with it.
I even learned braille because of it !!! Sam taught me braille !!! Sam also taught me some basic ASL and Foolish taught me more in depth ASL.
I remember Wil getting bad back pains and just aches after they got revived. I think it was just a side effect they had to deal with after it all. We couldn’t do much to help it, but I always made sure to give them a heating pad and some good pillows !!
Speaking of - I believe both me and Wil had chronic fatigue ? I think I just had it while Wil got it as a side effect from getting revived - either way it SUCKED
I remember playing with Fundy during Pogtopia and making sure he stayed fed and kept him company when I could :]
This isn’t a memory but in my head I always refer to Ranboo as the weird stray cat my kids decided to start feeding that never left lmao /lh /aff
Phil took care of me once ???????? I’m pretty sure I was grieving Wilbur and dealing with a whole bunch of feelings about that entire situation when he died - and I ended up on Phils doorstep basically completely shut down and he took me in and just started fully taking care of me. It was a weird experience- I don’t like the man for my own personal grudges but he’s still a kind soul.
Wilbur had a tendency to work himself or keep himself busy until he passed out - he hated sleeping after revival.
Schlatt but the bi in bitch - and other than that fantastic line I don’t want to talk about him lmao
OH I once panicked after I couldn’t find Tommy in the penthouse thing we stayed in in Las Nevadas and made various chirps and warbles while searching for them- they were simply in another room and I was panicked for no reason , Tommy did end up responding with quiet confused chirps hhdjdbd
I HAD SHARP FANGS AND TALONS >:D!!!! I think I also wore fingerless gloves too - sometimes just wearing plain gloves to hide the burn scars that I had on my hands
AND I DONT HAVE AS MANY QSMP MEMS BUT I remember feeling uneasy around Bad ????? He was a friend of mine n all but I remember avoiding him for a bit and feeling unsafe around him annnd I don’t quite know why
Jaiden and Baghera were / are like siblings to me, almost !!! I remember we were pretty close :D !! Jaiden and I were close friends and Baghera and I had more of a sibling relationship !!
I vaguely remember Maximus introducing me to his daughter !!! She was pretty cool and it was an awesome experience
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