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What is web designing Best Tips How to do it
Web Design is an important aspect of any website. By choosing the right design, you can make your site look great and help attract more customers.
What is a Website? A website is a web page that contains information and an interface for users to access it. It can be hosted on a web server or on your own computer.
What is Web Design? Web design is the process of designing the look and feel of a website. This can include choosing the right CSS style sheets, creating a good layout, and adding images, videos, and other content.
You must know that web design is a vital part of any business. Not only does it affect how your website looks, but it also affects SEO and traffic. You need to make sure your website looks great and ranks high on search engines.
What types of Web Design are available – There are three main types of web design : Fixed Layout, Grid Layout, and Responsive Design. Fixed Layout designs are used to create websites with a fixed number of pages (usually two).
Grid Layout helps you break up your website’s screen space into multiple grid squares, which gives your site more breathing room while displaying content. And Responsive Design allows you to change how each page looks depending on how much screen real estate you have available.
How to do Web Design – Make your website look great – There are a lot of different ready-made themes to choose from when it comes to web design. You can find themes that match your site’s style, or you can use a theme if you want something different. You can use these themes as a guide for creating the web design if you don’t want to use the ready-made theme.
Find the right theme – When choosing a theme, make sure you pick one that is appropriate for your website and the level of development you want to go through.
For example, if your website is aimed at an amateur audience, then a basic theme would be good enough. On the other hand, if your website is meant for a more professional audience, then you might want to consider using a more high-end theme.
Web site Graphic selection – Make sure that any graphics used on your site are appropriate for the target audience and the level of development of your site. If they’re not, users might not be able to see what they need on their page because it won’t be fit for everyone.
Graphics are an important part of any web design solution! They should be eye-catching and easy to use, so make sure that all graphics used in connection with your site are created by qualified professionals.
Web site logo design – If you are also designing your own or client’s website logo, then pay special attention to logo designing. Concentrate on an attractive and clean design. Keep SEO in mind as well – In addition, don’t forget about search engine optimization (SEO) – making sure all images and text on your site rank high in search engines will help improve traffic and revenue for you as well as improve visibility online! Make sure all images & text are properly tagged with keywords so visitors know where they came across them first!”
Use catchy content on Your website – Always remember, words matter! When writing content or creating visuals for your site, use well-chosen words that will catch readers’ attention and pull them in closer than average web visitors would typically go (a good rule of thumb is 2-5 words per line). This way, you��ll be able to sell your products or services more effectively without wasting valuable space with unnecessary text or ads.
Source: infotokri
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What Are The Differences Between WordPress, Joomla, And Drupal
CMS stands for the content management system. It is a stand-alone application and uses all types of functionality or processes to develop a multi-angled website.
This system or platform gives the ability to change, edit, deploy, expand or update the website contents – text and images both easily by the user or administrator, or owner of the website on a single back-end interface. Thus CMS helps quick and fast content production without programming or design experience. It gives freedom to developers or designers from writing difficult and complex several versions of codes in the web development procedures. It uses a centralized and comprehensive code process, on the basis of which, one can extend its functionality to set client requirements in a flexible approach. Several CMS are available online as stand-alone or at hosting channels. One can make a website in a minute, only you need to place your contents into selected CMS in a pre-defined layout. WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are the three most popular and easily available CMS these days in the web or internet world. CMS (Content Management System) based websites are being developed widely on the basis of these three technologies or applications.
WordPress is an Open Source project, first released on May 27, 2003, by founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as a fork of b2/catalog, licensed under the GPLv2.
Joomla was the result of a fork of Mambo. Joomla 1.0 was released on September 22, 2005, as an open-source project under a GNU license.
Drupal was founded by Dries Buytaert(Dutch – Belgian universities) in January 2001 as an open source project to explore new paths for online development.
Each has its own features, capabilities, merits, and demerits on the basis of several aspects like user interface, support, flexible extending ability, etc.
Below are the following basic differences, merits, and demerits which has been observed at the practical level, usability level, and clients requirements and needs level:
Learning – Easy to learn and use
Frontend – Uses a user-friendly and productive look
Backend – Uses a highly interactive and polished backend interface with easy navigation
Extensions – Uses only plugins for extra features,
Community -Huge community and extra features-based free plugins are available for almost every aspect of the website.
Coding Model – Uses semi-developed procedural oop framework in the form of a hook. Core code is neat and clean and understandable.
Unit Testing(Quality Control Program for writing code in open source) – Uses ‘PHP Unit’ for code testing
API Interaction – Backward incompatible
Database Support – Works with MySQL
Text Translation – Uses function and PO files based on complex translation procedure
Multi-Language – Doesn’t use inbuilt multi-lingual support
Users Management – Doesn’t use inbuilt membership and community features
Documentation – Good documentation and updates are not available online
Learning – Easy to learn and use
Frontend – Uses a user-friendly and productive look
Backend – Uses a highly interactive and polished backend interface as WordPress with easy navigations with a little bit of confusion
Extensions – Uses plugins, modules, components for extra features,
Community – Huge community, extra features based plugins, modules, and components are available in both paid and free versions
Coding Model – Uses a fully developed true oop style framework based on the MVC model. Core code is not neat and clean, broken item finding is difficult.
Unit Testing(Quality Control Program for writing code in open source) – Uses ‘PHP Unit’ for code testing
API Interaction – Good API
Database Support – Works with MySQL
Text Translation – Uses constant base simple translation procedure
Multi-Language – Doesn’t use inbuilt multi-lingual support
Users Management – Uses inbuilt membership and community features
Documentation – Good documentation and updates are not available online
Learning – Requires advanced skills to learn and use
Frontend – It doesn’t display a user-friendly and professional productive look
Backend – It doesn’t use the interactive and easy navigation
Extensions- Uses only ‘modules’ for extra features
Community – Huge community and extra features based free modules are available free
Coding Model – Uses semi-developed procedural oop framework in the form of the hook as WordPress, but in a better way. Core code is very neat and clean and easily understandable
Unit Testing(Quality Control Program for writing code in open source) – Uses ‘Simple Test’ for code testing
API Interaction – Backward incompatible
Database Support – Works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Text Translation – Uses function and PO files based on complex translation procedure
Multi-Language – Uses inbuilt multi-lingual support
Users Management – Uses inbuilt membership and community features
Documentation – Good documentation and updates are available online
Conclusions: WordPress is not true CMS. It had been developed as a Blog for blogging activities with a great and polished administration interface. It is still the primary choice for online users or clients to Blog on a website. Actually, we use its ‘pages’ functionality into website informational content with a professional blog in an easy way. It doesn’t demand advanced and sound technical(PHP) skills. It is easy to use, learn and update. So it is recommended for simple, small scale and inexpensive websites or website applications.
Joomla is a true and very extensive CMS. Publishing and maintaining the contents are easy in a highly polished and designed administrative interface. It is easy to use as WordPress but not flexible as Drupal. It demands middle-level technical knowledge and skills and stays between WordPress and Drupal platforms. So it is recommended for midsize websites or website applications.
Drupal is the most powerful, versatile, and highly flexible CMS. You can configure and manage web applications in a gymnastic way in drupal. It demands advanced and sound technical skills like PHP and MySQL query-building ability. You should be a good PHP programmer. It is not as easy as WordPress or Joomla. One can dream of a great and comprehensive website or website application in drupal so it is recommended for complex website applications. You must know that WordPress is the most used Content Management System (CMS) software in the world to build websites, almost half of the Internet, that is why there are more jobs available for WordPress developers in the world. Source: sooperarticles
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What is Web 3.0 and 4.0 the upcoming technology

The development of the web or the internet in the world has been divided into different phases, which we write as web x.0.
Web History
In the 21st century, the Web is the most significant and effective technology. Its nature, structure, and way of usability are changing continuously.
The Web’s evolution has been stratified into different stages that we generally represent in the Web X.0 pattern which is based on what they do and who or what is at the main of their action.
From the beginning till now, the stages are denoted as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Web 4.0, and so on.
Web 1.0: The emergence of the Web
Web 1.0 is called the first stage of the World Wide Web’s evolution. It is also called the traditional web practice. People can read and interact with the information posted on servers using a standard web browser through the Internet. That is why it is called the “Information-Centric” stage of the World Wide Web.
The foundation of the Web was set in this stage or phase. The HTTP, HTML, XML, Server side script, etc. were the main development and improvement in Web 1.0.
Web 1.0 sites were using the static pages, server-side files for the database, frames and tables with spacer gif, HTML form via email, etc. as common design elements.
Web 2.0: The interaction with the Web
Web 2.0 is the second phase of the World Wide Web evolution which was about user-generated information or content consumption and sharing. That is why it is called the “User-Centric” phase of the Web evolution.
Web 2.0 allowed and encouraged the people or the users to create, share, and distribute information or content either in text or image in the virtual community. Many new web practices, technologies, and applications developed in this social revolutionary phase with users’ participation e. g. – blogs, social networking sites, Wikipedia, communication tools, Software as a service (SaaS), tagging of websites, dynamic content(responsive to user input), RSS, Podcasting, keyword search, etc.
The spamming, trolling, hate content, etc. also originated and increased in the Web 2.0 phase due to the freedom to contribute with serious debate and collaboration.
Many web designing skills and information is available at Showing posts with the label Web Designing.
Web 3.0: The emergence of AI And Big Data
Web 3.0 is the third stage or phase of the World Wide Web which is also known as the “Semantic Web or Meaningful Web”. The purpose of the Semantic Web is to make the Web data machine-readable which was previously only readable by humans. Thus, it allows for more sophisticated and advanced interaction between devices and users intelligently.
We have access to a huge amount of structured data or big data using different software due to Web 3.0 technologies. Web 3.0 is characterized by intelligence and efficiency due to the use of AI technology which generated a new way of data-driven marketing and production of the application. The 3D graphics, Virtual Reality, Blockchain-based cryptocurrency, Secure data ownership, etc. are the characteristics of Web 3.0.
Many new significant developments and advancements are taking place which results in modern and effective Web 3.0 applications, technologies, and platforms. For example – e-Chat, Storj(blockchain-based secure file storing), Sapien(filters correct data), Ethlance(Ethereum blockchain technology), etc.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language), JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD) techniques are used for describing the machine-readable semantic data. InterStellar Files System (IPFS) is used to create a peer-to-peer, faster, efficient, secure, and transparent file system.
Web 3.0 is also known as the Internet 3.0 and it is now become an integral part of our daily life due to the habitual of the Internet in human life by connecting to the web always, anytime, and anywhere.
Web 4.0: The advancement of human intelligence
Web 4.0 is the next generation of the Web with highly advanced and sophisticated applications and technology.
Web 4.0 is known as the symbiotic web due to the symbiotic interaction between man and machine. Web 4.0 is also called as “read-write-execute” web. Web 4.0 concept is still underway so there is no real and uniform definition for this yet.
Web 4.0 is also known as the “intelligent Web” or “smart Web.” The main objective of Web 4.0 is to advance the co-relation between human intelligence and machine sophistically at the highest level, for producing a fully interactive high performance, fast internet or web experience with the top quality information. For example – in a Web 4.0 application, intelligent software agents or AI will process information and communicate with the application system or other software agents or AI on behalf of you to solve your problems. Thus it automates your tasks and decreases your workload.
Web 4.0 applications represent technology about mobility and the voice interaction between user and machine. It makes a comfortable and effective way for accessing the application for tech and non-tech people.
Web 4.0 can assist us to protect the environment and create an eco-friendly environment for human beings by making digitally efficient smart cities.
Web 4.0 will change both business and medical sectors. RFID tags are added to products to enhance customer experiences. Medicine will eventually enable human-machine connection, giving patients the ability to heal using symbiotic systems.
Web 4.0 application can analyze and take better task-oriented decisions and suggest solutions for solving your problem
Source: infotokri
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What Is Blockchain Technology Know Easily How It Works
Blockchain technology is a digital ledger of transactions that is work on a peer-to-peer network.
It’s an innovative way to record and store information. It has the potential to revolutionize the way business is done, and there are many ways you can use it.
What is Blockchain technology? A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that are verified and recorded by network nodes in secure, tamper-resistant blocks. Transactions are verified by making sure that the data in the blockchain is true and consistent. This assures the chain of events remains uninterrupted and valid. It is different from traditional financial systems, such as banks, because it doesn’t rely on people or intermediaries.
It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, an unknown person or group of people who used the name as a pseudonym. It is decentralized, meaning it is not subject to government control or manipulation. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known blockchain application, was created in 2009.
What is a Blockchain Application? There are multiple applications that are based on blockchain technology. Blockchain applications can be used to create a secure record of transactions or to verify the authenticity of a document. Here a few specific examples are :
Bitcoin – It is a cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to store and trade funds.
Ethereum – It is an open-source platform that allows users to write, program, and deploy smart contracts.
Litecoin – It is a cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to process payments.
Besides the above, there are thousands of industries where blockchain is used as the base of the application like – Supply chain management or monitoring, Music and video royalties training, Secure Voting monitoring system, Data processing in the Real estate industry, and Content ownership protection, etc.
What are the Benefits of Blockchain Technology? It is a new and innovative way of handling transactions that allows for secure and transparent data management. It has the capability to bring about tremendous change in the many industries available across the world. There are many benefits to using blockchain technology for example –
It provides an efficient and secure way to store and transmit financial data. Because blockchain applications use distributed ledgers instead of centralized servers, they can be faster and more accurate than traditional online banking systems.
It can help to reduce fraud and improve the accuracy of financial information
It can help to verify the authenticity of documents and improve security around online transactions because it uses cryptography to protect the data in its blocks from being stolen or changed without notice.
It reduces costs of production because blockchain applications don’t need a central point of authority to operate, they can be much cheaper to run than traditional online financial systems.
It reduces the weight of data because every block contains a record of all the previous blocks and no new data is added to the blockchain until someone updates it.
Reduces the time needed to process transactions because there is no need for middlemen like banks or card companies. No need for third-party verification or trust services like PayPal or credit cards.
How does Blockchain Technology Works? It is a cutting-edge innovation that allows for secure, tamper-proof transactions.
Transactions are recorded in blocks, which are also called “blocks” because they contain a timestamp and the data of the transaction. Blockchain has three basic constituent items – blocks with stored data, transitional hash, and previous hash. Blocks can be linked together to form larger blocks, and each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block.
To create a new block, miners must solve an equation using special software called a hashing function. The hash function creates a unique string out of all the data in the block. The SHA-256 hashing algorithm is used to create new blocks, as well as to validate transactions on the blockchain.
How do you use Blockchain? It allows for the creation of an online public record of all financial transactions. To use a blockchain or to create a blockchain transaction, you will need to first create a wallet and then input the private key that corresponds to your account.
A blockchain wallet is a type of digital account that stores your cryptocurrency and other data on a secure platform. You can create a blockchain wallet on any device, including your computer, phone, or tablet.
Once you have uploaded the blockchain data, you will need to select the “sign” button and provide the public key that corresponds to your account. After clicking on the “sign” button, you will be able to confirm that the data in your blockchain is authentic and valid.
Blockchain technology and software development – Blockchain technology is the future of software development. It is a revolutionizing technology that is changing the software industry. By using it in software development projects, you can manage your data more securely and efficiently which can speed up the development process, and achieve better results.
You should know that Python – a powerful programming language for data science – has a leading role to develop Blockchain applications.
Source: sooperarticles
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What is Laravel Why It Is Best Powerful framework

Laravel is known as one of the top-ranked among many PHP frameworks which are well known for their quick and easy web application development process.
What is Laravel? Laravel is an open-source MVC(model-view-controller) architecture and Symfony kernel-based PHP web development Framework that was created to encourage the quick and easy building of web applications.
Laravel also offers many features that are not found in other frameworks, like a robust application architecture and support for multiple languages.
You can download Laravel for free and use it in web development because it is available for free under the MIT License.
Version History – Taylor Otwell created Laravel in June 2011 as an improved alternative to CodeIgniter. Laravel 1 was the first stable version. Several other versions of Laravel were launched in the years that followed. e. g. –
Laravel 2 in Sep 2011, Laravel 3 in Feb 2012, Laravel 4 in May 2013, Laravel 5 in Feb 2015, Laravel 6 in Sep 2019, Laravel 7 in Mar 2020, Laravel 8 in Sep 2020.
Laravel 9 is the latest version, released in Feb 2022.
What are the different benefits of using Laravel? Given below are the benefits of using Laravel in web development:
The library is well known for being lightweight and easy to use, which makes it great for small projects
It offers an application architecture designed specifically for web development that’s both lightweight and easy to use
It supports multiple languages, making it perfect for developing in multiple languages simultaneously
It’s popular for small projects, thanks to its lightweight and easy-to-use design
You can easily learn Laravel because it uses simple and meaningful syntax. It uses a clean coding style that saves us from complex and difficult codes.
It has very easy inbuilt support and an integrated testing environment for testing functions through PHPUnit for a quick and bug-free web application building process.
It adopts very secure standards in web development like – CSRF token, hashed password feature, etc. which protects the application from many web attacks and intrusions.
How to start a Laravel project? When it comes to choosing the right Laravel project, there are a few key considerations. To start with, you should choose a project that is small enough to fit in your workspace and still have room to grow. Additionally, make sure the Laravel project you choose has the features and capabilities you need.
Set up an environment – Before starting your project, you need to set up an environment for it. This includes setting up your development tools, creating a new user account, and installing the necessary dependencies. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this on the Laravel website.
Use the Laravel command line Interface – Once you have set up your environment and written some code, it’s time to start coding! The Laravel command line interface(CLI) provides a simple way to get started with your project and perform common tasks like setting up middleware or working with databases. To use the command line interface, simply type Laravel at the command prompt and hit return.
You can fulfill your dream job as a Laravel developer after reading the Laravel interview questions and answers . Tips for successful Laravel projects – When planning your project, use a better layout to help avoid overspending on unnecessary features.
For example, consider using a single file for all your models and controllers, instead of creating separate files for each type of data. This will save you time and space, and it will also make your development process more organized.
Use Composers – Composers are a great way to keep your development process simple and organized. By using them, you can easily create new functions and classes without having to remember the syntax of every code block. Additionally, Composers can help you with common tasks such as creating aliases for variables or setting up mocks for tests.
Use Getters and Setters – Setters and getters are two important techniques that you can use to manage data in your project. By using getters and setters, you can easily store data in variable locations while still keeping it easy to access later on. Additionally, by using these techniques, you can name variables correctly so that later on when you want to reference the data rather than just its name, you’ll be able to do so easily without any trouble.
Use Validators – Validators are another important technique that you can use when managing data in your project. By using validators, you can ensure that the data is properly formatted (for example, ensuring that fields are validatable), is correct (for example, checking for errors during validation), and is not vulnerable to typos or other potential problems (for example, ensuring that length fields are not under 10 characters).
Conclusion – Laravel is a great choice for smaller projects. Due to its many special features, it is known worldwide as a better choice for web development. With a well-setup environment and some easy-to-follow tips, you can create successful Laravel projects.
Source: sooperarticles
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Know about Java Why it is a powerful programming language
Java is the base coding platform for many digital applications that you are already using nowadays such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, supercomputers, game consoles, etc.
Today, Java is preferred by most organizations to develop their applications or projects.
What is Java?
Java is a fast, secure, reliable, robust, and popular class-based object-oriented programming language. James Gosling developed Java in 1995 at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Oak was the original name of the Java programming language. The current owner of Java is Oracle corporation. Oracle has not developed Java. Java has been acquired by the Oracle corporation in 2010.
Java SE 18 is the latest version of Java released in March 2022. You can download Java for free for personal use. The developer can find and download the development kits and tools at Oracle's official website - https://www.oracle.com/javadownload/
Java is similar to C/C++ and its class libraries because Gosling had designed Java with a C/C++-style syntax. One who knows C/C++ can learn and master Java fastly and efficiently.
What is a Java Platform?
Java platform is a type of environment having a group of multiple programs which makes it possible to develop and run the Java application. This environment is made of three basic components - Java language, Java packages, and Java virtual machine(JVM).
The following are the different names of Java platforms(also called Java editions) -
Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) – It provides environments with limited resources with an API and a short impression of the virtual machines, suitable for small devices - mobile phones.
Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) – It provides a workstation-based environment with core functionality like I/O stream, Networking, Exception, Inner Classes, etc., and APIs like java.io, java.net, etc. It is suitable for GUI development, networking, database access, etc.
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) - It is mainly for large distributed enterprise or Internet environments with API and is suitable to develop web and enterprise applications like web services, Servlet, JSP, etc.
Java FX - It provides an environment for developing rich internet applications using a lightweight user-interface API and is suitable for connecting to networked data sources.
What are the components of the Java platform?
Java platform components are responsible to interpret and execute the Java developer's source code or programming code into machine understandable format and providing output or result as per source code logic. Here is a short explanation of these Java platform components -
Java Development kit (JDK) - It is a type of development environment that provides tools like - a compiler, application launcher, applet viewer, etc. to write or develop and run applets and Java applications.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - It provides a run time engine for running the Java codes and applications.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) -
If you are preparing and looking for a career as a Java Developer, please visit at Java interview questions for getting your dream job.
Java code example sample -
Here is the following code represents Java code for showing the welcome message -
/*Filename - welcome.java */ /***************************/ Type to compile the file welcome.java - javac Welcome.java Type to execute the file welcome.java - java Welcome Output would show as - Hello Welcome to Java /***************************/ class Welcome{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello Welcome to Java"); } }
What are the types of Java Applications?
You can create majorly four different types of applications as below -
Stand-alone application - As you know that standalone applications refer to desktop applications or windows applications. This is traditional software that we have to install on every machine. Examples of stand-alone applications are Media players, antivirus, etc. AWT and Swing are used in Java to build stand-alone applications.
Web Application - As you know web application refers to server-based dynamic page generation for showing the application output. Currently, we create the web application using Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, etc. in Java.
Enterprise Application- An application that is distributed in nature like banking applications etc. is called an enterprise application. It has advantages such as a high level of security, load balancing, and clustering. You can create enterprise-level applications using EJB in Java.
Mobile Application – An application that is created for a mobile device is called a mobile application. Android and Java ME are currently used for creating mobile applications.
What are the features of Java?
The following are features of Java -
It uses object-oriented programming design for application development. Java uses its object-based functionality, making it an extensible programming language. You can extend its functionality thanks to object-oriented design.
Java is an easy-to-use and learns programming language because it is based on OOP design and logic.
Code once written in Java can easily run on different computer platforms.
Java is platform-independent. Some programs developed on one computer can be run on another machine.
It is intended for creating object-oriented applications.
Memory management in java operates in auto mode and it works in a multi-threading way.
Java is designed to work with the distributed network environment of the Internet.
Facilitates distributed computing as its network-oriented.
What is Java used for?
While the primary use of Java is for computer software programming, there are many other specific uses which are highlighted below -
Server side or backend application development - Java can be used to create functional components of an application. Users do not interact with these parts, but they are necessary for the frontend to thrive. Java follows the Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) concept so it is considered the ideal server-side applications development tool for all operating systems.
Complete Web Application Development – Java can be used to create a variety of web applications. As a web application development tool, Java 8 can be used to design both frontend and backend applications.
Distributed Application Development - Java is one of the few programming languages that can be used to create applications for a single computer network or distributed system. Distributed Java applications have components spread across different systems rather than a central mainframe.
Cloud Application Development – Java is also an ideal programming language for creating cloud applications. You can create SaaS (software as a service ) application using Java. These applications are gaining popularity across industries because they are more secure and affordable than traditional systems.
Big Data Engineering - In addition to traditional software development, Java 8 has been applied in big data engineering, especially in the big data processing. Java works smartly and efficiently for memory management and distribution.
Who uses Java?
Java is used widely to develop applications by top companies in the world. Here are the example names - Amazon, eBay, Google, Uber, Netflix, Instagram, etc.
Source: infotokri
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Best Guide for Machine and Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence

New technology is constantly developing in the world. Today we are using many devices which are doing those tasks which only one person used to do like switching of electricity in the house etc.
Now we can do this work by speaking from the Alexa device or by giving other commands while sitting. This is just a common example.
Have you ever thought that this is possible only due to Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is being done by adopting machine learning and deep learning? Let's know - What is the difference between AI machine learning and deep learning?
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, or machines that can act on their own behalf. AI is used to create systems that are able to solve problems and carry out tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for humans to do.
AI has been used in many different ways over the years, but the most common application today is machine learning which allows computers to learn from data and develop their own algorithms based on this data.
The benefit of Artificial Intelligence - AI has a number of benefits that include reducing human error, increasing efficiency in businesses, and even improving the quality of life for people. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to perform tasks that were previously considered human-like tasks.
Types of Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a machine to understand and act on its own behalf. In general, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can be divided into two categories -
Autonomous agents - Autonomous agents are machines that are self-healing and capable of learning from their experience.
Intelligent systems - Intelligent systems are machines that are controlled by someone else and are able to exhibit human-like or even superhuman performance.
Where can you use Artificial Intelligence? You can start using AI in various ways. There are multiple places and works where you can use AI for example -
You could use it to control your home or car.
You could also use AI to make decisions for you, such as when to eat and sleep, or when to work.
You could also use AI to support customer queries. You could also use AI to help with tasks that are difficult or time-consuming for humans, like planning a trip or analyzing data.
What is the pre-requirement to use Artificial Intelligence? There are a few requirements that must be met in order for AI to be effective which are -
AI must be able to understand natural language.
It must be able to detect patterns and correlations in data.
It must be able to learn from experience and evolve over time.
What is Machine Learning?
When it comes to artificial intelligence, a question always arises in the mind - What is machine learning in artificial intelligence? Machine learning is the application of artificial intelligence to complex problems. It involves using algorithms to predict or identify patterns in data.
Machine learning has the potential to change the way businesses operate, as it could help them save time and money, make decisions more quickly and efficiently, and improve accuracy and efficiency. With the right tools in your hands, you can use machine learning to automate tasks and make decisions for your business.
Practical uses example of machine language - We are already using machine language-based devices and services like Image recognition, Voice or Speech recognition, etc. You must have heard about Alexa device-based voice-controlled appliances like - air conditioning, smart tv, fan, CCTV camera, etc.
Benefits of machine learning - Machine learning has multiple features. Here is a list of those features -
It can help businesses understand their customers better. By understanding how customers interact with their products or services, businesses can develop strategies that are more likely to succeed.
Machine learning can help businesses automate tasks, cut costs or increase productivity. For example, by automating email notifications or customer service inquiries, businesses can save time and money on customer service interactions.
You can improve your business processes completely. Machine learning can help businesses learn about their customer's preferences and needs more effectively. This information can be used to design more effective products or services.
Machine learning can allow businesses to improve customer engagement by automating surveys or other online activities that encourage customer feedback.
You can improve your business marketing strategy after finding new markets for their products or services without having to research each market individually first. This could lead to increased profits for companies that are able to successfully target new markets with machine learning technology.
What is Deep Learning?
When it comes to AI(artificial intelligence), a query always arises in the mind - What is deep learning in artificial intelligence? Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence that uses layers of algorithms to create models of the world. Models are used to learn from data and produce insights.
Deep Learning is a powerful technology that can be used in business to make decisions faster, more accurately, and more efficiently which finally boosts productivity and the targeted audience.
Following is the scope of the application in which we are using Deep Learning -
Understanding human behavior
Determining company revenue valuation for overvalued or undervalued
Finding new sources of revenue
Building models that predict outcomes for future events
Practical uses example of deep learning - Always remember one thing any deep learning experimental example will also be part of artificial intelligence(AI) and machine learning.
One of the most common applications of deep learning is machine translation, which allows machines to read and understand the text more accurately than human beings ever could. This technology has been used in many different fields, from medical diagnosis to legal writing.
Deep learning can also be used in business to help managers make decisions faster and better. For example, by understanding how customers are influenced when they shop online or in-store, businesses can save time and money by using deep learning algorithms to make decisions faster.
Another best and most common example of deep learning is automatic driverless vehicles. The vehicle algorithm works according to the traffic and local environment data pattern. It identifies patterns in collected traffic data and then acts and makes a decision accordingly for driving the vehicle.
You can use and develop applications for machine learning using Python programming language . Python programming language is known for its powerful capabilities which are widely used for machine learning, data analysis, scientific programming, etc. Source: sooperarticles
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What is blogger used for Why it is so popular
Blogging can be a great way to connect with others and share your thoughts, experiences, and insights. You can do blogging using Google’s free online blogging platform - Blogger.
What is Blogging?
Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts, insights, and experiences with the world. It can also be a great way to connect with friends and family, learn about new cultures, and share your thoughts on current events. It can also provide you with a unique platform to market your products and services.
How to Start a Blog?
There are a few steps you need to take in order to start your own blog:
Choose the right topic,
Create an account on the Blogger platform,
Launch your blog.
Start publishing your content
Tips for becoming a successful blogger
You need to follow the following remarkable tips and tricks that will help to become a good and successful blogger. Here they are - Always tag your content with your respective audience or industry - Be sure to use tags when tagging your posts or content so that others can easily find what you're talking about. Tags also help other bloggers follow along with your writing journey.
Keep updated content
In order to provide quality content for your blog, you need to be well-versed in blogging etiquette. You should also be sure to update your posts regularly, as new information and ideas may come in handy while you’re writing.
Finally, make sure that all of your posts are easy to find and read by other bloggers – this will help promote your blog and keep readers coming back.
Add catchy content with the right graphics and videos
Start adding life into the mix by adding photos, graphics, videos, or other types of visuals. You can use these elements to improve the overall feeling of your blog and give readers more information.
Spread the information about your blog on social networking
Always share your blogging posts with your friends and family using social networking sites like – Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This way, they’ll be able to see what you’re up to and get a little bit of notification about your latest postings. Plus, by getting families to join your blog, you can build a community around your blog and help promote it to potential readers.
Write SEO-friendly content
Always use keywords that try to find users or your audience in Google search. In this way, your blog or content will be able to reach many people due to SEO-friendly content.
Source: infotokri
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Top Reasons Why PHP Is Still So Popular

It is the world's most popular and widely used general-purpose server-side scripting language used for developing dynamic web applications.
What is PHP?
PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language that allows you to create and run scripts. A set of instructions is written to the computer to do some work, which we call script. “Hypertext PreProcessor” is the short form of PHP.
PHP is a versatile language used by many websites and applications, and it’s easy to learn. PHP can be used in conjunction with other languages, like HTML or CSS, to create more advanced web development projects. You can create a dynamic and SEO-friendly website or blog for your business using PHP script.
Why PHP is a popular scripting language?
There are several facts and reasons why we use PHP. They are -
PHP is faster than other scripting languages like - ASP and JSP.
It is an interpreted language, i.e. there is no need to compile a PHP program or code.
PHP code is written directly on the server and can be embedded in HTML.
It is very simple and easy to learn the object-oriented language.
It is also easy to install and set up.
It is used to design dynamic or database-driven web applications with the open-source MySQL database.
It supports various protocols for example - HTTP, POP3, SNMP, LDAP, IMAP, etc.
You can control user access to specific pages of your website using login and access control.
You can collect data from users using forms, store it in a MySQL database, and display useful information to users.
PHP has a faster processing speed because it uses its own memory to reduce server load time.
PHP is cross-platform and available for WINDOWS, MAC, and LINUX systems. You can use PHP without any code change on these platforms.
PHP has a comprehensive and useful PHP community that helps a programmer or developer to learn, update and debug, etc. for free.
What are PHP frameworks?
PHP frameworks are a great way to get started with web development. They make the process of building websites and applications much simpler, which can save you time and hassle in the long run. There are many PHP frameworks available in the world which are used according to different tasks and requirements, among them the names of top-ranked and popular PHP frameworks are Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter, Symfony, and Zend.
Who is using PHP?
PHP is a powerful scripting language that can be used to create web applications, blogs, and more. The world’s top-level companies are using PHP for their application development like - Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, WordPress, Tumblr, etc.
Source: Justpaste.it
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What are Web 3.0 and 4.0 the upcoming technology?

The development of the web or the internet in the world has been divided into different phases, which we write as web x.0.
Web History - In the 21st century, the Web is the most significant and effective technology. Its nature, structure, and way of usability are changing continuously.
The Web's evolution has been stratified into different stages that we generally represent in the Web X.0 pattern which is based on what they do and who or what is at the main of their action.
From the beginning till now, the stages are denoted as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Web 4.0, and so on.
Web 1.0: The emergence of the Web - Web 1.0 is called the first stage of the World Wide Web's evolution. It is also called the traditional web practice. People can read and interact with the information posted on servers using a standard web browser through the Internet. That is why it is called the “Information-Centric” stage of the World Wide Web.
The foundation of the Web was set in this stage or phase. The HTTP, HTML, XML, Server side script, etc. were the main development and improvement in Web 1.0.
Web 1.0 sites were using the static pages, server-side files for the database, frames and tables with spacer gif, HTML form via email, etc. as common design elements.
Web 2.0: The interaction with the Web – Web 2.0 is the second phase of the World Wide Web evolution which was about user-generated information or content consumption and sharing. That is why it is called the "User-Centric" phase of the Web evolution.
Web 2.0 allowed and encouraged the people or the users to create, share, and distribute information or content either in text or image in the virtual community. Many new web practices, technologies, and applications developed in this social revolutionary phase with users' participation e. g. - blogs, social networking sites, Wikipedia, communication tools, Software as a service (SaaS), tagging of websites, dynamic content(responsive to user input), RSS, Podcasting, keyword search, etc.
The spamming, trolling, hate content, etc. also originated and increased in the Web 2.0 phase due to the freedom to contribute with serious debate and collaboration.
Many web designing skills and information is available at Showing posts with the label Web Designing.
Web 3.0: The emergence of AI And Big Data – Web 3.0 is the third stage or phase of the World Wide Web which is also known as the "Semantic Web or Meaningful Web". The purpose of the Semantic Web is to make the Web data machine-readable which was previously only readable by humans. Thus, it allows for more sophisticated and advanced interaction between devices and users intelligently.
We have access to a huge amount of structured data or big data using different software due to Web 3.0 technologies. Web 3.0 is characterized by intelligence and efficiency due to the use of AI technology which generated a new way of data-driven marketing and production of the application. The 3D graphics, Virtual Reality, Blockchain-based cryptocurrency, Secure data ownership, etc. are the characteristics of Web 3.0.
Many new significant developments and advancements are taking place which results in modern and effective Web 3.0 applications, technologies, and platforms. For example - e-Chat, Storj(blockchain-based secure file storing), Sapien(filters correct data), Ethlance(Ethereum blockchain technology), etc.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) or XML (eXtensible Markup Language), JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD) techniques are used for describing the machine-readable semantic data. InterStellar Files System (IPFS) is used to create a peer-to-peer, faster, efficient, secure, and transparent file system.
Web 3.0 is also known as the Internet 3.0 and it is now become an integral part of our daily life due to the habitual of the Internet in human life by connecting to the web always, anytime, and anywhere.
Web 4.0: The advancement of human intelligence – Web 4.0 is the next generation of the Web with highly advanced and sophisticated applications and technology.
Web 4.0 is known as the symbiotic web due to the symbiotic interaction between man and machine. Web 4.0 is also called as “read-write-execute” web. Web 4.0 concept is still underway so there is no real and uniform definition for this yet.
Web 4.0 is also known as the "intelligent Web" or "smart Web." The main objective of Web 4.0 is to advance the co-relation between human intelligence and machine sophistically at the highest level, for producing a fully interactive high performance, fast internet or web experience with the top quality information. For example - in a Web 4.0 application, intelligent software agents or AI will process information and communicate with the application system or other software agents or AI on behalf of you to solve your problems. Thus it automates your tasks and decreases your workload.
Web 4.0 applications represent technology about mobility and the voice interaction between user and machine. It makes a comfortable and effective way for accessing the application for tech and non-tech people.
Web 4.0 can assist us to protect the environment and create an eco-friendly environment for human beings by making digitally efficient smart cities.
Web 4.0 will change both business and medical sectors. RFID tags are added to products to enhance customer experiences. Medicine will eventually enable human-machine connection, giving patients the ability to heal using symbiotic systems.
Web 4.0 application can analyze and take better task-oriented decisions and suggest solutions for solving your problem
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Do you want to make your blog post search engine or SEO friendly? if yes, then definitely read here and know the successful measures given by us to write an SEO-friendly blog post.
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Know in Very Simple Words What is Artificial Intelligence
AI is a field of computer science that deals with the development and application of artificial intelligence. It is the ability of a computer to learn and act on its own. It is an important tool that can help you make better decisions and achieve more productive outcomes.
What is AI(Artificial Intelligence)? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of computer programs to create or interpret digital representations of objects, creatures, or processes. It is a rapidly evolving field that promises to make our lives easier. It has the potential to change many aspects of our lives, including how we work, how we interact with the world around us, and even how we think about ourselves.
Types of Artificial Intelligence? Artificial in itself is a broad and big topic in the world of technology, so it has been divided into the following parts separately :
Machine learning - It refers to the process of training an AI to learn how to work like a human by using a set of rules and templates.
Natural language processing - It is the ability of AI to understand and interpret human spoken words as well as written words.
Artificial general intelligence - It is the ability of AI to think on its own and learn from experience in order to produce targeted output.
Uses of Artificial Intelligence in business - It is used to create intelligent machines, which are machines that can think, learn, and solve problems on their own. These machines can be used to improve the way of business.
AI provides many opportunities for business growth. For example, if a business can accurately predict the behavior of its customers, then that business could be successful in predicting what customers will want or need in the future.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a key part of our lives. For example, it has been used in self-driving cars and has been used in artillery shells to target troops on battlefields.
You can build AI applications in many programming languages. Python is the most used language among these programming languages, because there are many advanced AI libraries available in Python.
Artificial Intelligence is being used in candidate resume data analysis. For example, if you’re trying to decide which job to pursue, using AI to analyze your resume and find qualities that match the position may be a smarter decision than just relying on your gut feeling.
Additionally, AI can be used to help with tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming. For example, if you’re struggling to complete a task quickly but don’t have any information about the task at hand, AI can be used to suggest alternatives or solutions.
It is being also used to improve team performance and productivity. By using AI algorithms and tools like software applications such as email merge or chatbots, team members can get organized and complete tasks faster.
AI is being used to improve and handle the online shopping business. By utilizing algorithms and tools that target specific needs like customer behavior or search terms, online retailers can optimize their websites for customers who are looking for specific items or deals. This way, customers who are looking for a certain product won’t have to search long enough – they will just find it right on the website. Thus AI is magically increasing the revenue of online retailers.
Artificial intelligence can be used to help you optimize your website for search engine optimization(SEO). This can involve analyzing your site's content and structure, as well as reviewing your website's user interface and design. AI can help you identify any potential problems with your website that could impact its ranking in search engines like google, bing, etc.
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While doing logo designing, you can use many tricks and tips, so that with very little time and effort, you can create professional and business standard logos for your company or client's company. Once you must check those tips and tricks here
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Learn In Simple Way with example What Is AJAX

Ajax is a powerful tool for web development that can be used to display data, create menus, lists, and elements on pages, and add content to the website. You can update or load the page data without page refreshing due to the use of Ajax on the page - the best feature of Ajax.
What is Ajax? Ajax is a web technology that helps developers write code in a more efficient and concise manner. Ajax is used to make web pages, applications, and other web-based systems run faster and smoother. Ajax is said to have many advantages over traditional programming languages like PHP or Java when it comes to developing websites or applications. Almost every browser and operating system support Ajax functionality.
Browsers that are Ajax supported include Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and IE. Operating systems that are Ajax supported include Windows, Mac OS, Android, and iOS. Devices that are Ajax supported include a computer or phone with an internet connection and an HTML5 capable browser.
What are the different types of Ajax? Ajax is divided mainly into the following three types on the basis of action involvement -
Event-driven Ajax - Event-driven Ajax allows you to create programs that work without any input from the user—you just need events to happen!
Script-driven Ajax - Script-driven Ajax takes advantage of scripts (files that contain code that can be executed) to speed up development by allowing you to programmatically control how your code runs.
Stateless Ajax - Stateless Ajax doesn’t rely on any external resources (like data) in order to function, which can save you time when building large applications or websites.
What are the features of Ajax? Ajax has several features that make it an advantageous tool for developers -
Fast loading technology - When using Ajax, your pages or applications will run much faster than with traditional programming languages.
Absolutely concise code format - With Ajax, developers can write code in a more concise and organized manner, making it easier to understand and maintain their projects.
Very easy to use - It is very easy to use in the application. While most developers benefit from using Ajax, there are a few basics you must know in order to get started with it effectively.
How to use Ajax? AJAX is a programming language that enables Web pages to interact with each other using Ajax calls. This means that you can call functions on individual web pages, without having to write entire code blocks for each page interaction.
The most common actions done with Ajax are displaying data (e.g., listing items in a list), creating menus, and adding elements to a page. You can view the live demonstration of the data listing on the page without refreshing How to show MySQL PHP data list via jQuery AJAX to get real experience of Ajax with PHP scripting language.
You can also do a live example of AJAX by opening the google.com site in your browser. You need to type any keyword or search terms into the search box of the google.com page. Google's internal Ajax action will show you a list of keyword suggestions based on the keywords typed. This is the best example of Ajax which is also shown to you in the screenshot below.
In the above screenshot, we have taken the "flower pots" keyword for example. You can say that "Ajax is known for updating or fetching data on a page without refreshing" after viewing the above screenshot.
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