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francisxgarcia · 2 days ago
Francis: Yes, 40s. Francis: (3 minutes later) Francis: I should be asking you who is this? Who did you think I was?? @reggiellewellyn
Reggie: They mean what they mean Reggie: Slink slonk slunk Reggie: 40s????? Reggie: [2 minutes later] Reggie: Hold up who is this 🫣 @francisxgarcia
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francisxgarcia · 3 days ago
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" Don't let him fool you, he is a terrible menace when he wants to." Francis smiles, they loved their cat, after the terrible divorce they had went through Pepper was wonderful company. "We could do that, I'll admit that I'm a bit out of the loop on the nominees this year."
Fran hums." Nosferatu then? I saw the trailer and it has me curious, plus I've always been a bit of a sucker for vampire stories."
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She observed pepper with a heart full of love. She loves animals, or cats. ❛ No problem at all. I love a cute companion. ❜ She said as she set the things down and turned to them. Upon the question… ❛ I used to enjoy horror movies a lot, but… I don't like it as much nowadays. How about any of the Oscar nominees? ❜ She suggested with a shrug.
❛ Conclave? Anora? The Substance? Nosferatu? Or we can all end up in the classic Harry Potter. ❜ Freyja is very eclectic with movies, so it was hard to pick one.
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francisxgarcia · 3 days ago
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Francis was about to light their cigarette when they glance in his direction, a puzzled look on their face." I could say the same to you, who runs at one am." They shrug their shoulders, time had escaped them tonight, losing themselves in the archives of the museum before they realized it was already terribly late.
" In a way." Fran replies." What about you? Can't sleep?"
Open starter: @aurorabaystarter Location: anywhere
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Maybe going for a run at one in the morning wasn't a great idea, but after returning from a visit with his family, Harlan's sleep schedule was completely off. He found himself nodding off at four pm, yet here he was, wide awake at one. Something about the streets was just more peaceful at this time of night. That is until he spots someone else and he can feel his heart drop to his feet. "Fuckin' hell.. Scared the shit out of me." He ran his hands over his face, "just endin' your night?"
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francisxgarcia · 5 days ago
continued from here
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Francis hums." What is it that you like about looking at them then?" It was one of their favorite things to ask, knowing what those that came to the museum enjoyed, what their favorite was, usually one would get interesting answered, a small peak into someone.
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francisxgarcia · 5 days ago
" Oh, are you some sort of vampire then or perhaps some other immortal creature?" They shake their head amused." If you are old and done for than I wonder what that makes me."
Francis sets their pen down, humming to themselves." Why the sudden interest that I draw you? Maybe I'm more of a nature artist, leaves and the sort." They shrug." Or maybe I'm more of a characters artist."
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Jared stretched his arms outwards, before pressing his hands against his sides. "Oh, I am very old and done for. I just don't look it, because I have such a glowing youthful appearance." He teased, although, there was truth behind it - or at least, in his eyes.
His playfulness depleted though, as his offer was refused. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm really good at posing. And what else are you going to draw?"
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francisxgarcia · 5 days ago
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Seinfeld – 8.19: The Yada Yada
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francisxgarcia · 5 days ago
" Is it cheating?" Francis asks amused." In a way I have. I work here at the museum as the archivist so I have a personal fondness for all these works we see here." They hum at her question, taking another look around the room." I will humor you then, if I had to pick one I guess I would go for-" Fran points to the one on the far left, broad strokes with vibrant colors, a blur that seemed to be a cat in the midst of sunflowers." That one. "
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"Why I do think that's cheating? Surely you must have a favorite, unless you had some hand in all the works here." Addison could agree on how each one of them were beautiful in their own way. Even the ones she couldn't necessarily figure out. Yet, there was a sense of longing that kept her pulled to one of the ocean. "Is there not one that makes you feel something deeper and more drawn too?" @francisxgarcia
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francisxgarcia · 8 days ago
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Francis sets Pepper down on the floor letting him go free to do whatever mischief he wanted." Fair warning that he might want your attention once we settle in on the couch. It won't be for very long he usually falls asleep on my lap when I'm watching TV."
Finally they turn their attention towards her." You can set those over there." Fran points towards the table in front of the couch." I'm waiting for the popcorn to be done and then we can start. What do you feel like watching? " They ask." I was trying to figure it out but I'm terrible at choosing and can't make up my mind."
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One of the activities she enjoys is watching movies. Watching movies with friends is a nice combo, and she couldn't decline when Francis invited her for a movie night. Despite being a mother to a newly turned four-month-old, she spent so much time at home that her social life went danzo.
She brought some sodas and candies. She isn't sure if Francis is a sugar tooth, but she hated to come to other people's place without bringing anything. She heard him from outside, and waited patiently, before get in, when he invites. ❛ Hi!!! I got some treats, too. Hi pepper! ❜ She says to the cutest cat in his hand, and she enters still holding the bag with the things she brought. ❛ I brought some extras for our movie night: gummy bears, Monin of apple green and blue curaçao, and Sprite for our drinks. ❜ She is not drinking any alcoholic drinks for now and has promised herself she wouldn't until her son is a year old.
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francisxgarcia · 8 days ago
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GILLIAN ANDERSON as DANA SCULLY The X Files, ‘War of the Coprophages’
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
✂ - a vivid memory
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" A vivid memory? That's a hard one.
I remember how I adopted my cat Pepper pretty well, or more like he adopted me, I was feeling lonely just wandering around not really having a plan of what to do with the rest of my day when I heard this sound.
The softest 'meow'.
When I turned around there he was looking at me, I didn't know what to do. Here was this small cat staring right into my soul, meowing for attention. I ended up taking him to the vet to see if he was okay, made some flyers in case it had an owner and the rest is history. Pepper has been with me ever since."
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
❥ - a childhood memory
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" There was this small gallery where I lived. Whenever I could I would go there, after ballet practice or after school, they would have local artist exhibit their work and sometimes they would even sell some of their work on post cards and stuff like that.
I started a small collection with those postcards, I would put them on the wall of my bedroom, usually with the signature of the artist so I would remember them by, it gave me inspiration.
I still have some of those cards with me."
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
✈ - an eye-opening memory
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" I won't go into much detail but when I realized my marriage was coming to an end. It's hard to explain, even now I can't find the right words but there is something eye-opening when you notice the person that you have shared your life with ,for almost six years, look at you differently.
Standing in our kitchen and knowing that they don't love you anymore, that something has changed between you and there isn't even an excuse, they can't even give you a good reason to the sudden change.
Well, that's life I guess."
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
♛ What are three things you like about yourself?
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" How would I know what I like about myself? Sometimes I think I'm insufferable but I guess I can come up with something.
I'm funny sometimes, every full moon more like it. I'm not to bad at cooking which comes in handy whenever I have to take in lunch to work and if I have to pick one last thing then I can get myself out of tricky situations, which comes in handy once in a while. "
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
☼ Name three things you don’t leave the house without.
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" Only three? I guess I'll go with my glasses, my phone and my sketchbook. Never leave my apartment without them."
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
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francisxgarcia · 9 days ago
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