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23 | asks are open, requests are open | MDNI🔞| I'm Archeus, you can call me Archie | I have a ko-fi now and a masterlist Ko-fi:https://ko-fi.com/pigletxpoohbear https://pigletxpoohbear.tumblr.com/post/649105621317222400/masterlist
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pigletxpoohbear · 1 year ago
I did this when I had eaten three-week-old Tokyo Joe's at my boyfriend's house, where I was living at the time, that I had forgotten to take home with me before I moved in and he forgot to throw it away and he thanked me for throwing it away for him and I smiled and said, "I told you I was going to finish it I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner," and went back to watching tv. He looked through his fridge for a second and then looked in the trash and all he said was, "Sweetheart... Did... Did you eat the Tokyo Joe's?" I was a little confused and said yes and looked at me and said, "Your stomach is going to hurt so bad, why did you do that?" My only response was, "you paid for it, I didn't want to waste it." And he was absolutely horrified. It was a salmon poke bowl...
my toxic trait is that i think i could stomach solomon's food
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Hockey player! Tenya Iida x Figure skater! reader
I got this idea from @angelashido back in January of 2022 when I read her Tenya the Tank fic (it's very good you should read it sometime). Also there are a few things that are real in this story! The average age for hockey players to retire is between 28-30 yo, Tsurui is a real village in Japan with a last recorded population of ~2,500 people (2016) and is near the Asia League Ice Hockey stadium that hosts the East Hokkaido Cranes! The team is named the Cranes because Hokkaido the primary habitat for Red-Crowned Cranes!
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You decided to take your niece and two nephews out to go skating with you. During the summer, while they were on break you got to teach them how to ice skate at the skating rink you co-owned. It was closed during the summer usually, but if anyone contacted you about wanted to use it you always were willing to open it. It was also good training for you and they liked to train for their hockey games before school started in the fall. Today was different though. Your niece and nephews that they all wanted to wear their hockey jerseys. Your oldest nephew, Mamoru wore his Bakugou “The Menace” Katsuki jersey, your youngest nephew, Minori wore his Shoto “The Shadow” Todoroki jersey, and you and your niece, Ai had on Tenya “The Reckoning” Iida jerseys. 
You opened up the skating rink doors and your nephews zoomed to get their skates on stretch and get on the rink and start practicing for hockey next school year. You and your niece did stretches and then started doing some basic skating routines and after a little bit she decided to sit down and watch your routine and see if she could mimic it. You went ahead and started your routine showing her how you did your famous 720 air spin, the spin that got you the first place title last year at the Figure Skating World Championship. You told her start with a 180, then a couple 360s. You watched her as she gained momentum and did a perfect 180. You watched her then do a 360, but her second one she fell before she could gain enough momentum. “You did such a good job, Ai. Do you want some cocoa to warm up and try again afterwards?” Ai immediately shook her head yes, especially with how much she loved chocolate.  You asked your nephews if they wanted cocoa too which they decided sounded good to them and you got some. “So, Minori, Mamoru, what are you two working on for hockey?” “I’m trying to perfect being silent on the ice rink like Shoto,” Minori said. “And I’m trying to get my tackles and side swipes right like Katsuki,” Mamoru said excitedly. Behind your nephews you saw a familiar tuft of pink poofy hair. “Mina,” you yelled to your long time friend you didn’t notice the the group of men behind her. 
You and Mina were talking about the routine that you were working on when you felt a tug on your jersey. You looked down to see Ai. “Yes sweetie?” “Can I have your jersey please.” “Why do you want my jersey, Ai?” She looked somewhere behind you, “it’s a surprise.” “Okay, here,” you said as you took off your jersey and handed it to her and she ran over to the side. You continued your conversation with Mina for a little bit before someone tapped your shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I believe this is yours.” When you turned around you were face to face with Tenya Iida with your jersey in hand. “Wait, you’re Shoko Shinagawa.” “You know me?” “Of course, me and my mother love watching competitive figure skating. Your 720 air spin was amazing and your performance was beautiful. I just didn’t think that someone as gorgeous and graceful would be interested in someone like me.” “Well personally I think you’re one of the best hockey players even though you don’t have the most goals in a season you’re coming up on having the most assists in recorded hockey history, but when it comes to goal amounts you’re also up there especially since those games in October where you racked up 2 goals in 2 seconds and the other where you scored within the first 5 seconds.” “Oh, so you’re not just someone who feign interest, you have genuine interest. It’s not often I find anyone that has any actual interest in me of all people. Most are angry at me,” Tenya chuckled. “Oh, you mean like how you got Bakugou benched in a game? I wasn’t angry with you, I thought it showed your true character and you ended up winning the game and then won the championship at the end of the season. If you guys lost the season because of that I could understand people being upset, but there’s really no reason to dislike you or to be upset with you.” Tenya chuckled and looked down at his feet with a blush appearing on his face. “Looks like Tenya’s gonna have a cute little girlfriend soon,” someone who you recognized as Bakugou. Tenya looked at him annoyed. “If he plays his cards right,” you laughed. Tenya was about to say something to Bakugou before it seems like what you said just registered to both men and he turned around to look at you. “Oh, um, then do you want to like get breakfast or dinner with me sometime,” Tenya asked nervously. “Sure, it’s not often I find someone that actually knows me especially when they’re as handsome as you.”
A few days later you and Tenya met up for coffee in a local diner for breakfast together. “So, what brings “The Reckoning” to the small town of Tsurui, hm?” Tenya chuckled at the use of the nickname. “Well, I’m retiring from hockey either this season or next season.” “Really! You’re only 25 though players usually retire at about 28, why so early?” “Well there’s a conflict of interest when your plan is to purchase the team that you play for.” “You’re purchasing the East Hokkaido Cranes,” you whisper yelled at him. Tenya sat and thought for a moment. “Not only that, but I’m going to be CEO of Iida Corp and I wanted to find a place to settle down comfortably and quietly,” he looked at you for a second and then looked at his plate infront of him. “I might have decided to do so sooner if I knew I’d meet you here,” he said with a blush and a faint smile. “Having the kids around must be fun too especially with all the space out here.” “I mean when my siblings are out of town I love watching them and they in turn like watching you guys.” “I’m glad that Ai was at least able to see you play before you retired. I hope you’ll still come by the ice rink though.” “I’m hoping that if this continues to go well I get see more than just the ice rink that you own.”
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
I need a big boy... or two (Lord Diavolo x MC x Beelzebub)
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Warning and background info: reader is AFAB, 18+, porn with some plot, cunilingus, nipple play, making out, teasing, insecurities, this is my FIRST smut fic
It’s been two years since you first came to Devildom. After your first semester and you spent spring break with Solomon in the Human World, everyone missed having you around even though you’d only been gone for a week convincing Lord Diavolo to ask if you wanted to stay in Devildom permanently instead of leaving back to the Human World in two months, which you said yes almost instantly. Everyone was happy to know that you were staying and they didn’t have to worry about you possibly not coming back. Especially two people in particular. 
You talked to Diavolo about school customs and how May, June, and July were usually months where you were let out of school to have fun, hang out with friends, and sometimes party, but there was also summer school for anyone that wasn’t meeting expectations and would need to catch up if needed or wanted. Diavolo thought it would be a good idea to at least try and see how the method worked and frankly it worked surprisingly well in the first year. Lucifer enrolled Mammon in summer school and he was able to make up two years of school work in two months and still have a month free, a ton of students were able to get more attentive one on one help from their teachers allowing them not only to catch up, but also help the teachers understand the best method of teaching, and because it was unknown how many students would join there was constantly an excessive amount of food leftover, which meant Beelzebub was able to go the school and eat all the leftovers and no one would be mad.
It was currently the middle of June and Devildom was going through a heatwave and you and the boys were scheduled to go to the beach with Lord Diavolo and Barbatos soon. The angels had gone back to the Celestial Realm to cool off and Solomon went to take care of some business in the Human Realm, which everyone was worried about because he said something about a new cake and or cookie recipe. Barbatos had shown up with an SUV and Mammon pulled his car out and you all made decisions about who was going in which car. You already made it known that you’d go in whichever car Beel was going to be in cause you had his snacks, which Dia chipped in and said you can sit between him and Beel in the third row of the SUV, which sounded fine since you were the smallest of everyone and they were the biggest. They both however had other plans in mind.
Dia had been the one to suggest the trip not because he thought it was a good way to cool off, but because you wore some very short shorts and a t-shirt and was hoping going to the beach would allow you to reveal a little more. Imagine how pleased he was to see your sundress so snug, but still flowy that it seemed to get "stuck" every here and there when walking to give everyone certain items they forgot.
Beel had used his sin to his advantage and asked if you could hold his snacks for him after he saw you using a compartment spell except you used it differently than most, where you pull things from your back pocket or bra out of thin air. He had asked if you could start holding onto some snacks for whenever you and him went places together and being the sweet little MC he loves of course you said yes. Today it seemed different because he could've sworn you pulled a snack out from your chest, but it didn't seem like you were wearing a bra the way your chest and dress had moved.
Lucifer, Mammon, and Asmo went in Mammon's car. Mammon telling Lucifer he can drive, but he's going with him and Asmo immediately asking to take the entire backseat, which was fine since the SUV had enough room for everyone else. Barbatos and Satan agreed to sit in the front, while Belphie and Levi sat in the middle row, and you, Dia, and Beel would sit in the back together. Dia had gotten in the back first where he got an "accidental" glance down your sundress revealing you hadn't been wearing a bra. Beel on the other hand was climbing in behind you, which is when he noticed you were either not wearing underwear or they were very minimal as if they might as well not be there. Levi immediately turned on a game with his headphones on and Belphie immediately went to sleep as soon as they got in the car. As you all left the House of Lamentation you didn't notice, but Dia and Beel had watched your chest bounce while driving down the brick road to get to the pavement. They had both glanced over to the other to see if the other had noticed and locked eyes with each other before looking out their windows.
It was going to be a while before they got to the beach and the three of you were making plans when Beel and Dia asked what your plan was. You said either sun bathe or hang out in the water and play games. Dia and Beel glanced at each other for a moment before Dia spoke. "MC do you have anything under that?" "Currently no. I was thinking about putting something on when we got to the beach, but it's too hot for that many clothes right now." After your answer they looked over you to each other again and back at you. "MC were you thinking about possibly not wearing a swimsuit at the beach," Beel asked. "Well yeah, but I wanted to see how the water felt first you know. Besides we'll be the only ones there so I'm not too worried about anyone finding me nude." "You wouldn't be worried about me or the brothers seeing you naked? Or would you be walking around in just swim bottoms?" Dia's question had both his and Beel's mind racing and struggling to calm down. "No, I wouldn't be worried about it," you lied, you were beyond nervous about it, but for some reason Beel and Dia seemed to have an interest. You tried to act natural, but the thought of Dia or Beel finding you naked had you hot and bothered and Beel could smell it. "Are you sure you're not worried about it," Beel asked while grabbing your thigh very gently and then rubbing his hands on them very slowly. Dia followed Beel's lead and pulled down one of your dress straps before pulling down the other bringing his lips close to your ear. "Beelzebub is right. You smell worried about it and it seems like your breast deceives you, MC." Your mind was racing and you didn't know what to say or how to respond physically to their advances. While you were raking your mind for an answer Beel asked another question. "If you think it's so hot. Me and Lord Diavolo wouldn't mind if you took off some clothes to feel more… comfortable, would you like to take the dress off so you can wind down better?" 
You didn't know how you got here after Beel's question. Your dress was discarded on the floor of the backseat. You had your back against Dia's chest as he played with your nipples and was kissing you to keep you quiet and Beel was between your legs fingering you while eating you out as if you were either his last meal or his favorite meal. You couldn't tell which because your mind had gotten so cloudy because of how many times he'd made you come with either just his mouth, just his fingers, or both at once. It felt unfair. Dia and Beel had all their clothes on, but you were completely exposed to them. You gently pushed Beel's head away and he immediately stopped what he was doing and tapped Dia and he stopped what he was doing too. "What's wrong," Beel asked in a hushed voice. As you tried to remember what you were going to ask they both began to worry you didn't want this. "I just wanted to know, what did you two want me to do for you?" They both chuckled at your question. "Oh darling MC. We don't want anything from you…"  "for now," Beel added. "All we want right now is to pleasure you,” Dia finished. “Me and Beelzebub will however be switching spots now because I’ve been interested in finding out how you taste for a while now.” After Dia finished his sentence he and Beel gently moved you to switch positions. “MC,” Levi said very suddenly, but not taking his eyes away from his game. “Y-yeah Levi. What’s up?” “Could you give me my snack?” “Sure,” you pointed to Beel and mouthed to reach in your dress and he pulled out two Comfort Candies. “Thank you,” Levi said putting his headphones back on and getting back into focus of his game. Once Dia and Beel were sure that his was focused on his game again they continued to move you to switch positions. Dia took position in between you legs and Beel immediately started kissing you before Dia got started. When he licked you he quickly started to eat you out with vigor and struggled to hold in a groan. Even though you had came so many times already you could already start to feel yourself come undone again. It felt as if Dia’s tongue was even longer and stronger than Beel’s. Beel pushed his tongue into your mouth and twisted your nipples causing you to squirt on Dia’s face. Dia took his beach towel and wiped his face, while Beel helped slide your dress back on. You were so tired that afterwards you fell asleep on Dia’s shoulder while holding both his and Beel’s hand. Beel pocketed your underwear to save for later. While you slept Beel and Dia came up with ideas for what the three of you could do together at the beach and back at the the Demon Lord’s Castle.
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
I'm writing something tonight whatever is chosen first, doesn't matter by who will be written within the next 2 hours. If something isn't chosen then I'm putting the options in a wheel of fortune generator. Everyone is aged up!
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
I want EVERYONE to know cause someone said, but I like Castlevania. Netflix puts out their shows on Blu-Ray, DVD, AND on anything that sells movies and tv shows. So, make a Google account pay for it ONCE for 4 seasons and then still watch your favorite show until someone else picks it up after Netflix goes bankrupt. If you can't password share for Netflix you definitely can a Google account lol.
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw that your request are open:) can you maybe do some romantic headcanon abt zombieman (one punch man) please? Thank you!
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Zombieman was SUPER protective over you because of his status
He was an S tier hero and you were a civilian and being an S tier hero he spoiled the shit out of you
He took you on expensive dates, trips, cuddle sessions, picnics, etc. anything he can do to make you happy
It doesn't matter what your love language is, he wants to make you happy and honestly is just love starved
After all the experiments he went through he never thought he'd love anyone because he thought no one would be able to love him
You met him when he saved you and usually people try to leap out of his arms as fast as possible, but you. You couldn't look at him because of how red your face was with embarrassment
You saw him one day while he was patrolling and went up to him with a bouquet of daylily, baneberry, and marigolds as a thank you
He could tell that you actually put heart into this bouquet because daylily and baneberry aren't used often except in a garden not as a gift
He realized when he got back home and set them down that the flowers matched his outfit
He found out you were an elementary school teacher and went to give you flowers and to ask you on a date
You accepted which he thought you only gave him flowers for saving you and was having second thoughts... until he saw the blush again
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Hello there! I'm a bit new to your and I saw that in your fandoms list you had Cells at Work! as one of the fandoms you'll write headcanons for, and saw that requests were open, and got very happy :) Would it ve alright if I requested something from Cells at Work?
Sorry if I sound awkward- I don't often request things-
Oh my god! Anon thank you! This wasn't awkward at all! I love Cells at Work and am glad that I finally got a request for it. I'm gonna make it gender neutral and I hope you like it! I may make a part two involving Code Black, but once I’m able to get past episode one without almost crying. (This response was made almost two years ago when I wanted to continue writing, I was happy to get this request, but in my mental state I didn;t think I'd do this request justice.)
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White Blood Cell:
White Blood Cell (1146) is usually a bit more more quiet, but talks just a little bit more with you 
He’s also very protective especially with what his job is and the fact that you’re an Ordinary Cell, he knows that you’re a target for bacteria and other infectious cells
Even when he’s off he keeps his cap on and his knife with him just in case
He met you when you were telling AE 3803 how to get to some random part of the body, but told her it was no problem and actually wrote the directions down for her
Usually the only people that helped her were her Senpai, him, and no one much else really, but decided to introduce himself as a thanks for helping her
He found out that you were just really kind and really liked where your heart was at and you guys have been dating ever since
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Red Blood Cell:
Red Blood Cell (AE 3803) lost her way again and just ran into you accidently. 
She was about to scream sorry and run away in the other direction before you told her it was fine and asked if she needed help
She told you she was on the way to the lungs, but forgot where they were, that’s when you told her she was actually on the way to the kidneys. 
You led her too the lungs, you didn’t have any reason to go that way, but you wanted to make conversation with her and realized that yeah she’s a little airheaded, but she has a good heart and really likes her job
You guys started dating after a run in with Pneumococcus and running for your lives together made you guys realize your feelings for each other
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She wasn't used to someone being nice to her right off the bat that hasn't seen her in action
All you simply said was "how are you Eosinophil" and she had a slight crush on you
When you saw her in battle and saved everyone in the stomach you gushed about how cool she was and how all her moves were so amazing
You both had a few more conversations after that and she finally asked you out on a date
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Killer T Cell:
Killer T Cell is very... blunt to say the least (Killer T Cell is voiced by Daisuke Ono who also voices Jotaro Kujo so kinda makes sense)
He saved you from Staphylococcus Aureus and told you get to safety
He saw you later on walking around and "escorted" you to the lunch area and sat down and ate lunch with you and asked you if you were alright from the situation earlier
He saw you again and did the same thing afterward he asked if you'd like to date cause he finds you interesting
You said yes because you could tell he liked you cause when he talked to you he actually talked instead of yelled at you
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NK Cell:
You had never really met her except one time when she knocked you over (literally) on the way to a mission, you didn't really think much of her after that and believed she only cared for her job, which was fine and made sense
What you weren't expecting was a cup of tea to be set down in front of you as well as a water by her during your lunch accompanied by a very meek, "sorry for knocking you over"
Since she wasn't needed very often she frequently came to meet up with you and do errands with you
After getting to know her you asked her out and she of course said yes since you knew her better than anyone in the body
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Platelets (platonic obviously):
You somehow became like a parent to them and they would show you and tell you about all the cool things they did recently every time they saw you
You would always give them little leftover snacks you had on you or help them with heavy objects
When the scrape happened you grabbed as many of them as you possibly could to get them to safety as quickly as possible
After that happened they saw you as a mother even more so seeing how far you'd go to keep them safe
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Could you write a scenario where Tatsumaki's normally polite, quiet, friendly s/o encounters the one who did something horrible, like killed their mother, and just absolutely snaps? Like, by the time she gets there she ends up witnessing her kind s/o just reduced to this raging, primal beast utterly destroying this individual in a completely one sided fight where they seem to be aiming to cause as much pain and agony as possible?
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You and Tatsumaki couldn't be more polar opposites, but as they say opposites attract. Tatsumaki was very blunt and liked to gloat about her abilities. You on the other hand liked to be quiet if you didn't have anything nice to say and kept to yourself about your abilities. Today was different. There was monsters coming from every sewer and every alley, but you didn't use your powers to stop any of them unless they got in your way. Your family was hosting a graduation party for your cousin and a continuation party for the kids going on to high school, middle school, and elementary school, but the city they were in got attacked first and the hardest. When you got there the house was nothing. There was only a single photo that you could tell was taken just earlier today, but your family... Where was your parents, your aunts, uncles, cousins... Where was your family? "Another pathetic human to make scream and cry!" You heard an obnoxious voice say to your right. "What're you talking about," was all you could ask. You were so discombobulated you couldn't make sense of everything around you or what this... thing was saying to you. "They begged and begged for their lives not knowing that nobody that comes across me lives! I'm a corpse flower after all!" Little did this thing know is that you were an S tier hero that couldn't be called often cause you were a Peak High Dragon+ hero with the ability of Cosmic Blasts.
Tatsumaki was about to hit a monster when all of a sudden it disappeared. All of a sudden a bunch of monsters that looked the same began disappearing as if they were just disintegrating. When she turned around a bright purple light was lighting up a majority of the city. She immediately recognized your powers and went to help you beat all the monsters you were potentially up against. When she got there though it was like you weren't yourself. You were hitting this monster with enough power to hurt it, but not to kill it immediately. In between your blasts she could hear it begging to be killed. "You haven't begged enough! I'll let you die when you've begged as many times as the age of each person that you just killed inside that house damn it! Keep begging and maybe I'll let you go the easy way!" "Fission stop," Tatsumaki yelled. No, you can't stop. Your family's gone, you have nothing. "Purple Fission please stop or just kill him!" No both of those were too easy. He deserved to be punished. He NEEDED to be punished. "Y/N, stop please." Tatsumaki was next to you now and the moment her hand touched your arm you broke down. You fell to your knees, but not as hard cause she caught you. The corpse flower also fell most likely dead or dying soon from all the damage you dealt to it.
Tatsumaki held you and as you cried into her chest she realized that where she was standing was where your family's house used to be. She remembered the continuation/graduation party she was invited to today that your entire family RSVP'd for. She realized what made you act like that was almost everyone that you both loved was gone.
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
That imagine of adopting Alois was so cute!!! Could I request a sort of part two? Alois gets a really bad dream about his past and goes to his mummy to seek comfort.
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It had been about 4 months since you officially adopted Alois and everything seemed to be running much more smoothly... until tonight. You were up late because you just simply couldn't sleep and decided to do paper work for the Y/L/N and the Trancy estate. Your family didn't have as much power as the Trancy's so you encouraged Alois to keep his last name so there would be no confusion in his wealth and power. In the middle you heard a scream from Alois's room. Of not only terror, but also of pain. You ran to get to Alois as soon as you could, but he met you into a hug before you could get even half way there. You called for Claude and Hannah and told them to make some warm milk with honey and to get a couple of cold towels as well as a couple of warm towels.
Alois didn't say anything just cried off and on with light sniffles during the off times. You rubbed his head and felt that he was in a cold sweat and rubbed his forehead with the cold cloths while putting one of the warm ones on the back of his neck and had a warm blanket wrapped around him. You held him and when it seemed he'd calmed down quite a bit you asked him what happened. He visibly stiffened and his face became solemn again. "You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable I just want to make sure your okay and make sure if there's something I could change either in the house or something I make sure it's taken care of as soon as possible. If you don't want to tell me though I'll still hold you and comfort you as long as you let me." All Alois could think of was you leaving him if you found out about his dream, which was just a replay of his life. Him and his brother being beaten and the entire town that hurt him randomly dying, being kidnapped and abused by the former head of the Trancy estate and he's not actually his nephew, but his "favorite toy", making a deal with Claude, making a deal with the triplets, making a deal with Hannah, and the terrible things he did.
"Alois does this have to do with Luka or the deal with Claude?" Alois was frozen physically and mentally now. How did you know of Luka? How do you know about the deal with Claude? Did Claude tell you? What else did you know? "How do you know about either of those things," he asked. "The paperwork that I do for the household. I asked Claude for the records to go over the estate expenses and there isn't any money put to the side for any of the servants and there hasn't been since the former head was here and the Phantomhive butler saved me not too long ago from an angel while on an outing and I put two and two together, but I only noticed an increase in purchases at a certain point that immediately dropped off. I looked into locations the former head went to during that time. I found your birth place, the village you were held at and asked Claude to tell me what I'm missing. I never brought it up to you because I didn't want to make you panic and become wary of me again." "How long have you known?" "For about 3 and a half months."
You knew almost the whole time after adopting him, but you didn't leave. You didn't burn the papers. You were here comforting him, hugging him, and wiping the sweat from his face. Like a mother would. "Why... why didn't you leave?" "Leave? Alois I love you, your my son. I wouldn't leave you for terrible things that happened to you and things you did to live and have a somewhat decent life. Anyone that would leave you instead of stay by your side and support you don't deserve you. I wasn't angry or betrayed. I was heartbroken that you had to go through the things I found out about. I will never leave you for the terrible things that others did to you." Alois hugged you and he fell asleep like that. You carried him to his room and tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead good night. You pulled up a chair next to his bed and fell asleep holding his hand.
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Update about me!
Hey, everybuggy I'm going to be writing again on Tumblr. A lot happened in the last year and a half. The reason I stopped writing was cause my ex-boyfriend made a false police report on me. I was put into a mandatory hold by the police (I'm a black woman and he was a white male) and I only found out about why when I asked the doctor to tell me what was reported, which he told them I was going to hurt myself, but I was actually about 2 miles away from my apartment with just my cellphone, keys, and wallet walking trying to think cause we had just got an apartment with a 1 year lease and he told me I had 30 days to find a new place to live less than a week after signing. Thankfully the nurses gave me a chance to call him and I instead told him he had 72 hours, which is when the hold ended, to get HIS stuff and get out of MY apartment cause I was the one who qualified for it. He completely trashed my apartment, threw away my clothes (basically all my undergarments), and took a majority of the food (except for grits and goldfish). I've been living on my own and started dating someone else, who is very kind and likes to hear about my interests and thinks about me frequently and buys me things whenever he does because he loves me and we've talked about potentially having a future together. I'm currently in a stable head space, but not quite a stable living condition. I'm able to afford my bills, but nothing much else including food. I'm going to be doing twitch streams (also under pigletxpoohbear) of Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact, and other computer games per requested by people. I also would like to ask for donations to my kofi. Of course all this content will be free and I will NOT be a participant in Tumblr blaze because I want ALL my followers to be able to see anything I post unless asked specifically by the requester to be left private, which if a private request is made it will be $2 for headcannons, $3 for a full story, and $3 for a full story including smut. You did read correctly, I will be making smut, but I will only do of age or aged up characters. I won't be doing anything to do with incst or rap. I will do age gaps, but the younger person will always be aged as 21+. I will also do abuse of power ones, but in a consensual stand point, like pining for your boss and they find out you have a crush on them and offer you a raise for some "overtime hours". For smut post though you do need to have your age in your bio and my profile will now have MDNI 18+. If anybuggy has any questions or asks they'd like to give me go ahead and ask!
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
me and the girlies on our way to the knickknacks and trinkets section of the thrift store
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
UPDATE!!! We're at ~9,700 with the English and Japanese twitters RIGHT NOW!!!
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
We're currently at ~4,000 retweets cause it with Japan and English twitter pages combined Japan has ~1,500 and English ~2,500
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
reblog this to fuckin BITE all your mutuals
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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pigletxpoohbear · 2 years ago
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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