luckylewis · 1 year
for: @jaredx
where: the pumpkin patch
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"You don't have an eye for pumpkins by any chance, do you?" Lucky found himself asking the owner of Surf's Up who he had spotted while he was perusing potential pumpkins to take home with him to carve with his daughter. It was supposed to be a simple task, but as per usual, he found himself slightly overwhelmed by the abundance of choice that came with so many variations of sizes.
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clint-bennet · 3 months
Text Starter: Closed @jaredx Clint: So that renaissance thing Clint: Do you actually have to dress up? Clint: Or can I just... not?
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ithinkitscami · 4 months
👀 do you have a crush on anyone?
"Is it a crush if you have feelings for them? Or a crush like someone I think is hot, but can't have them?"
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"Because I have a lot of those, but I just don't think anyone could top Jared, Cherry and Angel." @cherryxkoch @firefighterrojas @jaredx
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty / ask
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wesxevans · 4 months
closed starter: @jaredx
Surf's up
Wes wasn't sure why he was even trying to put in an effort with his older brother when he felt as though he didn't care much to put an effort in with him. Maybe it was because Wes felt as though the Evans' kids had lost so much family already and he didn't want his daughter to lose her uncle before ever really knowing him. Things weren't all bad between the brothers, though. They'd come a long way from that first night they reunited at Esme's house for dinner, but sometimes Wes wondered if all the trying to meet up and hang out and talk was worth any of it. Did Jared really care? Wes wasn't sure, but he did. And Wes really just wanted his big brother to talk to.
"You are aware that you hired the guy who ripped out my heart and then nearly ruined my relationship, right? Legally, I'm not sure you could fire him, but it would be cool if you could." Wes shrugged as he walked into the surf shop, thankful he saw his brother and not Asher, the heart breaker he spoke of.
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theameliaxevans · 5 months
closed - @jaredx
where - surf's up
After being picked up at the airport by Wes and pausing to see Liza and Elise and then stopping by their aunt Esme's, Amelia finally made her way into town with her next destination in mind: Jared. She'd spent so much of her life angry at her eldest brother for abandoning her and Wes and leaving them to fend for themselves against their father, but after living here in Aurora Bay for nearly five years (and with a lot of coaxing from Esme), Amelia finally forgave Jared for what he'd done, and they'd slowly but surely mended their relationship.
Now next up to bat was getting her brothers to fully mend their own relationship- and it was happening, even if slower than she'd like. Oh well.
Entering the familiar shop after being away for three months, Amelia looked around with a smile on her face, not even asking permission as she waltzed through the employee only door and found her way to where Jared was, her smile just growing once she spotted him from behind. "Miss me?"
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noralevin · 6 months
closed @jaredx
location: the reef
"Okay," Nora said, leaning down to eye her shot at the 8 ball, stick in hand. One eye closed to get a better read on it. She looked up at Jared with the eye still closed. She felt a little bad — maybe she'd sort of sharked him into this as soon as she noticed they were both at the bar — but not enough to not complete this straight trounce of him. "Drinks are on you for the rest of the night if I make this."
She lined up her shot, tongue sticking out a little in concentration, and let the cue ball fly. Smirking as the 8 ball sailed cleanly into the far right pocket, she straightened and patted Jared's shoulder in consolation. "I'll take that margarita now."
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heyits-asher · 9 months
🎵 : Has your muse ever been caroling? Are they a good singer? Have they ever had any doors shut on them?
"I don't go Christmas caroling around the neighborhood, but I will probably sing to Uly or Gilly or Angel once I had enough spiked eggnog. Or Helena. Knock on any of their doors, or I'll Facetime them. I'll go knock on Jared's window, too. Once the booze is flowing, no one is safe."
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@thegillyxliang @ulyflynn @firefighterrojas @helenasoarcs @jaredx
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aeris-flores · 10 months
CLOSED STARTER for @jaredx at the pier
California doesn’t have the same extreme weather changes around November as other parts of the world does, but Aeris does find being on the water is a stark difference to living in the city more inland. His teeth chatter subtly anytime a particularly strong gust comes in from the ocean, but every time it settles the sun does well to warm him right back up. 
He dips out of Tutti Frutti smoothie shop after posting an advertisement for Crescent Moon on the community board when he gets that stifling feeling of eyes on him. The same set that he’s noticed and chose to ignore, but at this point it’s gotten to be excessive. "Hey, Jared."
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“Why do you gotta be so fucking weird?” Aeris snaps, rolling his eyes up to the clear California sky. “I see you, jackass.”
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thelizaxlevin · 10 months
closed - @jaredx
where - surf's up
Now with Elise a little over a month old and becoming less and less of a potato every day, Liza tried to take her out on walks a few times a week, wanting to let her little girl get some fresh air, maybe even start looking at the world around her if she was awake. So that's what she was doing now, walking through town with her, figuring she'd go to Neptune for lunch to see Wes and her dad, but before that she decided to make a pitstop.
Liza wanted to get some things at the surf shop for Sterling, knowing her sister loved to surf and she wanted to give her a little present as thanks for helping out so much with Elise the last few weeks. And along with that, Liza also hoped Jared was on shift today. She was determined to have a decent relationship with her brother-in-law (and wanted the brothers themselves to have a good relationship as well) so when she walked into the store and saw a familiar profile, she headed over, carefully maneuvering the stroller through the shop to come up behind him. "Hey Uncle Jared."
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missxrivera · 11 months
Closed for @jaredx
The fairgrounds seemed a lot more fun when it was night; though Ramsey had to admit she was incredibly jumpy when it came to things popping out at her. She was never good at scares so when someone in a mask popped out at her, the supermodel let out a scream and bumped into the person behind her. “ Oh God, I’m sorry. “ she replied before realizing this person had been a face that kept sort of appearing in her life at random times. “ oh my God, it’s you. “ she replied laughing a bit at her own scaredy cat nature. “ well thank you for being something to hide into briefly “
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roxdelrosario · 1 year
closed starter: @jaredx
where: Surf's up
"Do you ever leave this place or do you just live here now?" Roxy came into the Surf Shop often when she would spend her days at the beach. Not because she was a surfer but because it was the closest place to the beach that sold bottles of water. Or sometimes she just forgot her beach towel. "Don't you get bored?"
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Hi! Is there any chance you'll wrote another Jaredx daughter!reader series. Yours is my favorite ever❤️
Hi! There's always a possibility! If I found the right idea that fit then for sure!
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lorelailewis · 10 months
👀 + someone in town you dislike
“That crusty washed up surfer. He absolutely gives the kind vibes of the college guy who still hung around high school parties even after he graduated.” @jaredx
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ithinkitscami · 1 year
closed starter for: @jaredx // location: in line for the ferris wheel
Camille was no stranger to venturing to events alone. It was her me time and she'd usually meet with Raleigh at some point only and if her sister had decided to come out. She enjoyed her own company and that's all that mattered to her. Being alone also ensured any type of adventure to happen, if she chose to go along on one.
The ferris wheel called her name as she stared up towards it. It was a bit past sunset. The sky was at that point of different mixtures of colors. Hues of pink, orange, blue and purple filled the sky. She had to look past the safety risk. It would be worth it. She marched on into the line with her eyes on the Ferris wheel still. This was self care.
And there it was. A familiar voice. No fucking way. Her eyes averted to the person next to her as she turned for a full view. Jared Evans. Her nose flared a bit in annoyance. Out of everyone in the whole town, it would be that her luck to run into him. "I'm surprised to see you here." She was. This was not in her plans. "How did those flowers pan out for you?" She was curious, but she wasn't ready to face the mystery girl if he was with her. They hadn't even had their coffee yet which she had time to prepare for and now she had to wing it.
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wesxevans · 1 year
closed starter: @jaredx
where: Jared and Wes' aunt's house on Aurora Bay Drive
Wes had simply always felt out of place whether it was back in Massachusetts or right here in Aurora Bay. There was no real place for Wes to exist where he felt he was truly meant to be there, except for when he was with Liza. she was, perhaps, the best thing about Aurora Bay, a town Wes otherwise wouldn't give a shit about.
He was grateful, however, that his aunt Esme, who wasn't even related by blood, had offered to help him get out of his hell hole that was a sorry excuse for a home back in MA. It was a bit strange between them, though, considering Esme wasn't exactly the happiest that Wes was going to be a father. Of all the trouble Wes had gotten into since moving to Aurora Bay, now topped with getting his girlfriend pregnant didn't exactly make any promises to Esme that he was going to straighten out. Not to mention the many times she had already tried to help salvage the relationship between Wes and his brother, yet Wes continued to refuse to even give the man a chance. Wes came to Aurora Bay in hopes of leaving his past behind, not facing parts of it that he wished he could forget, like the fact his older brother just left when he and their sister needed him.
That night Wes went to Esme's house fully expecting to have dinner just the two of them. His little sister was working and Wes had yet to have anything to do with Jared, so he figured Esme was trying to make up for the argument they'd had about the baby and had already forgiven each other for. But, like always, Wes just stepped through the front door and called to his aunt to let her know it was him, but as he stepped further into the house and into the dining room, he stopped in his tracks at the sight of his older brother. "What the hell are you doing here?"
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theameliaxevans · 1 month
Send 👔 for my muse to talk about their father
"I have nothing to say about him. Laurence Evans can choke."
"Actually you know what, I do want to say something about him. That I hope he's very aware of how happy his children are without him and that we all hate him. That despite his best efforts and every scar he left on our bodies, that we still came out on top and that he is, in every sense of the word, a failure. A failure of a father and of a person in general and that when the day finally comes, I hope he dies miserable and alone and writhing in pain because that fuck doesn't deserve an easy death. And when that day comes that's when I want to hear about him next so I can celebrate."
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@wesxevans @jaredx
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