#did it with wtnv too that was Fun
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justphagginaround · 2 months ago
I feel like 2012 Phil woulda LOVED those themed live TikToks lol
I wanna check up on these YouTubers trying to be promoted. What happened lol
Sometimes my real name is said in dnp vids and it’s an Incredible Jumpscare, personally
PJ MENTION. me when people fulfill their projects & dreams :’) !!
The “maybe next time” for changing his hair :((. You get there eventually!!!
Nothing is more humbling than the emphasized American accent, like we really love our ‘r’s huh.
Sonya you are brave as hell for that ✊ 3000 people Lord. ..
The slur def caught me by surprise lol thank god we live in a better (?) internet culture. Folks I live by use that word like bread n butter I swear
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^^^^ My sketch! Sketch-along is legit such a cute idea for a stream
PHILIONS ORIGIN?? History made thats crazy
Also during the fanmail part I thought they were unboxing their packed stuff, I was so confused on why they kept 2 hats and some snacks in a box for moving.
“How can you have such a strong reaction to a tshirt, it’s just colors”. PULL THE CLIP‼️
Love them standing on business with sexuality rants god bless
THE LOVE CHILD. “I’m not down with that” the evolution of male phregnancy… we’ve come so far
“What is your worst fear” Phil I love you.
STRIKER. he was looking for any and all opportunities to use that name huh
AAA Ok this was legit so fun !! I’ve needed to dive back into the archives like this, hope we do more in the future :D !! ! !
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mobgoblin · 1 year ago
mannn i want a quality new fiction podcast to get hooked on
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vestaclinicpod · 4 months ago
Audio Drama Sunday - 10th November ✨
I found time to listen to a variety of shows this week and enjoyed them so much!!
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (172) AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! So many character returns this week!!! I don’t want to ruin the wonderful surprise by saying names but !!!! !!! !!!!!!!! We are SO BACK BABY. Also it was so interesting to more of an insight into how The Count’s powers work! … Does the Countess have this too?? 
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (40) ohhh this season finale delivered everything I could have wanted 😭 I adored the Traveller / Óli reunion and the fact that they’re now going to travel together as I was so worried this was going to be goodbye and I don’t think my heart could have handled it. As an owner of green cord dungarees, let me tell you, I am feeling so smug in my fashion choices right now hehe. What a lovely farewell to the Tola and S1 - I can’t wait for more ❤️
🎙️WTNV (257) Such a fun episode, I always love hanging out with the men who are neither short nor tall. I also loved the return of the of the Kia Sportage joke - had to explain to my friends in a quiet cinema why I was giggling so much at the pre-film trailers when they were advertised the other week. 
🧋@hinaypod (22-23) Damn, what a story. I didn’t think that the Elders had truly been at war but it certainly seems that way!! Turning everyone you know into a puppet except your girl crush is wild behaviour 😭😂
🥾 @doyoucopypod (205-207) ooooof not the confessions of love right before a cave collapse - yikes. And Blair and Sarah never got to work it out ☹️
🍾 @ameliapodcast (33) Alvina backstory!!!!! I truly love her. I am Amelia, I see an insane woman and I just have to have her on the team. Every scene they’re in together makes me so happy and I kind of love that they’re in a cellar getting drunk while the Interviewer is in the air in a plane full of bugs. 
🌨️ @thewhitevault (12) This show continues to be SO good. I felt something off about the new Iffie immediately. Just thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine. Who/what is she?? 
🎃 Waiting For October by @monkeymanproductions (Prologue + 1) This is such a fun world already! I knew I’d love Charlene and she did not disappoint hehe. So fun to hear so many familiar voices again and I’m so excited to see where this tale leads! 
Have a lovely week, everyone!!
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scarletlight-has-issues · 2 months ago
Welcome to Night Vale/The Magnus Archives au.
Hey! So @orca-in-disguise asked me to elaborate on the TMA/WTNV au my girlfriend @rainbowwscarab and I have been crafting that I mentioned in this post. I thought it was a bit too long to put in the replies, so I’m making an actual post for it! Fair warning, a good amount of it is just her and I fucking around and having fun so it’s not going to be 100% air-tight.
So this took me a few hours, a lot of procrastination, and waiting for a really bad migraine that meant I couldn’t look at screens at all to end to fully write out (I started an hour after orca made their comment) and ended up being very long. It’s your fault for giving me an excuse to talk about this lmao. I’m so sorry, it’s over 3000 words. Full rant that includes each fear and how they apply to Cecil and Kevin as well as the premise of the au itself below the cut!
The fears and how they apply to Kevin and Cecil
So in terms of justifications for Cecil and Kevin’s alignments, it mostly stemmed from the idea that Kevin fits as most of the more visceral, physical, and violent fears whereas Cecil fits in with the more cerebral, psychological ones. The main exception of this is the spiral. Honestly, I could see the spiral working for either one of them, and it could definitely be another area where they overlap, but in the end it just came down to vibes.
For the heck of it, and since I like talking my thoughts out, I think I’ll rundown each fear, how it applies here and why I assigned them to who. Forgive me for my long-winded infodumping.
First there’s Kevin. Slaughter is a bit of an obvious one. The senseless violence as well as the delight he takes in it is fair enough classification.
The hunt is similar due to the violence of it. Additionally, for the purposes of this au, Kevin also has a significantly more animalistic demeanor and instinct, given he was assigned the two main animal fears of the 15.
Speaking of animal fears, there’s the flesh. While also fitting for reasons discussed above, Kevin’s attitude towards the body, blood, viscera, and self-mutilation fits in very well here. Additionally, while Kevin is not canonically canibalistic, I really don’t think it’s much of a stretch.
Desolation’s a bit less obvious, but the attitude towards destruction as well as the general delighting in pain and suffering works well. Also, the unmoving sun and its heat that he reveres can easily be transferred to heat of fire.
Corruption is one that did not initially seem obvious, but when I began looking deeper I realized just how strong of a tie Kevin is for it. There’s the centipede tie in for insects, as well as the obsessive, cult-like mentality towards love and adoration in terms of being devoured that he talks about with the smiling god. I read a fantastic character study fic between him and Jane Prentis once (just shout if you want the link, it was great) that utterly sold me on the concept and opened my eyes to just how corruption-aligned Kevin is and how easily he’d fall to it. Also, less of an in depth character study answer, but the mental image of a centipede crawling out of Kevin’s eye sockets and in through one of the gaps in his carved smile is a fantastically horrific one that I love.
Stranger is a fun one, as Kevin upon introduction was very much portrayed as a bizarro, twisted, stranger-esc reflection of Cecil, just as Desert bluffs acts as one of Night Vale. Additionally, there’s the sense of “othering” yourself the entirety of strexcorp has, with Kevin’s own transformation, and their encouragement to make a better, happier, and more productive you. The lack of eyes, the carved smiles, and the masked happiness are also all very stranger.
Spiral, as mentioned above, is I think the most cerebral of the fears I assigned to Kevin (aside from the eye, though I don’t think I have to explain that one) and I could also see it going to Cecil, though the madness-inducing vibe Kevin and desert bluffs as a whole has works. Additionally, the way he twists his own perceptions and reality to align with how his own damaged mind processes things, and the way he distorts events when he presents them to others is all very spiral. I could perhaps see the spiral and the extinction swapping places or perhaps both residing on the line between the two of them, like the eye. Extinction also works for Kevin given the apocalypse-esc energy desert bluffs has and the similarities it bears to the famine world (in vibes not direct application) in one of Season 4’s extinction statements, as well as the links it could potentially have to the self-destructive nature of capitalism and how it dooms all who live under its oppression. But anyway, that’s enough of my rambling about Kevin, onto Cecil!
Cecil’s alignments, as @/orca-in-disguise pointed out, are significantly subtler and less obvious than Kevin’s, and I think this owes much to the subtler aspects of many of the fears he was assigned. While they are often very extreme and intense in manifestation, many of them at their core come from a much more subdued place. Of course, every fear can be drawn back to that kind of distinction, but just bear with me.
The dark is not very obvious, but the core of the fear of the dark is the fear of the unknown, of what might happen to you when you cannot perceive your surroundings. It’s a fear of absence of perception, and isn’t not knowing and not understanding a core theme of Night Vale as a whole?
The end is slightly more understandable. Death is a common theme that crops up in much of Cecil’s narration and in Night vale as a whole. Additionally, The End is also a fear of inevitability, of unavoidable consequence, and of the future, all prominent points in the comforting kind of existential dread Night Vale and Cecil himself employs.
The web is about control, manipulation, and unseen connections or plans. While Cecil isn’t quite a master puppeteer, there are definitely themes of control in his character, whether he be subject or object, and the theories/headcanons of him being able to influence the town and those who hear him with his Voice definitely fit in here.
The vast is one that ties in with a lot of the things Cecil talks about. There are countless times when Cecil talks about the endless and the insignificance of a single human life in the face of eternity. The repeating motif of the sky being “mostly void, partially stars” works extremely well here too. The themes of Night Vale as a whole align very well with the vast.
The lonely works for Cecil for similar reasons above, repeated statements of the insignificance of humanity as a whole and himself in the face of the universe. Additionally, while Cecil is often defined by his relationships, he’s also been shown to be very prone to loneliness, depression, and self-isolation as shown by season 3. There have also been several moments depicting Cecil’s role in his recording booth speaking out into the air as being a quite lonely and isolating thing, completely cut off from the rest of the town he speaks his words to.
The extinction is one that works through the themes of inevitability and consequence I discussed through the end, but also because Night Vale itself as it is now with all its strangeness was at least partially created by Huntokar through the result of a near extinction event, her attempting to save it from the nuclear missile that would have destroyed it. This theme of nuclear destruction is one that is strong with the extinction and is something that runs through a lot of Night Vale’s narrative.
The buried is an odd one, and is perhaps the one that is the least fitting, but I wouldn’t say that it is completely without base. In addition to claustrophobia and being buried alive, the buried is also representative of restraint, of being trapped (literally or metaphorically), and of crushing circumstances that you cannot escape. This ties into the same sense of inevitability that I talked about above. An argument could also be made that Cecil can be viewed as being stuck in place and unable to move on from different perceptions and his own role.
Lastly, there’s the eye. Thought id leave it for the end so I can discuss how it applies to both Cecil and Kevin. I don’t think I need to discuss too in-depth about it. After all, in almost all other aus I’ve seen of a similar nature, Cecil is almost always pegged as an eye avatar. Kevin falls into this for similar reasons. Both of them have shown abilities to see and know things about their town that they should have no possible way of knowing, describing events as they happen across town, and discuss things as if they are standing there in real time. This all-seeing theme is one that ties into heavily to the eye. Additionally, they are both radio hosts. They’re both the Voices of their towns. Whether this is simply a fun way to describe the role of radio hosts or a more metaphysical title and role as many fans have speculated/headcanoned, it’s worth taking into account. The role of Voice can easily be seen as a role similar to that of Archivist. Their role is to describe their town, to bring information and events into light and spread information to those that hear them. Often they describe awful things that have happened or will happen, and forbidden knowledge is a theme with both of them.
Now that that’s out if the way, (and anyone can also take that conceit and run with it should they so desire) onto the actual plot of the au.
The au premise
As I stated in the post I linked above, the initial conception of this classification turned into a full au that spiraled (no pun intended) into much more. The au’s premise is that back when the fears as TMA knows them were relatively young and humanity was new, two monsters, two beings were created, poured into the world before the classifications for the fear were distinct. They acted as two halves of the same whole, two sides of the same coin, two different sides to Fear and they were as intertwined as any person is with their own reflection. One of them represented the cerebral; the mind and soul, and the other the visceral; the body.
Of course, to a certain extent every fear can be interpreted as both visceral and cerebral. So as previously stated, they have significant overlap and their divide is indistinct, just as the entities themselves are.
Conflict is in these two beings’ very nature, but they were never truly separated from echother, for they relied on each other just as much as they clashed against echother. I’d compare their relationship to that of the shifting mound and the long quiet from Slay The Princess if anyone reading this is as into that game as I am. Kevin would be the former and Cecil would be the latter in that comparison.
After a while, as the minds that feared them evolved, these two beings grew to have minds beyond the entities that they stemmed from and wished to explore their distinct individuality as independent beings. Eventually, after extensively exploring the diverse array of fear each could evoke, they settled down in a small deserted area in the American Midwest, close together and yet separated by space. The land itself around where these two entities settled down gradually began to warp and distort from their influence, their essence seeping into the place that surrounded them and changing the area in which they settled, as well as the people who decided to populate it. Although at first unintentionally, this created the towns of Night Vale and Desert Bluffs.
The Night Vale entity had a longing to be human. It desired to join and understand the minds that formed it, to walk among them. It started attempting to do so with various puppets it either created or fashioned from humans. Almost all of these served is simply flesh puppets it used without fully joining with, and that is when Cecil came along. Cecil was an ordinary human being. He was perhaps unusual to humanity as a whole for where he was born and had grown up, but he was no stranger than most in Night vale. The being that affected the town lived in the radio station, and it was commonplace in town for those who chose (or were compelled) to work there to act as its puppets. Attitudes towards the being varied, but most lived in fear or it. Cecil became the first puppet it used to become a true vessel, joining with the being to become both the combined whole of two parts and something entirely new.
This transformation cut him off from most of the people he was close with in town, most notably his sister Abby. Abby was incredibly adverse to this decision from the beginning and now holds the belief that the entity in the radio station killed her brother and is using him like a puppet and lying to everyone about what it is. He lived a very odd existence, mostly alone and living above most, until a very handsome man working for a strange university with affiliations to the eye by the name of Carlos showed up to research his little town.
Moving back a bit in the timeline and shifting our attention a few miles away, the desert bluffs entity had no real desire to become human. It wanted independence, it wanted to explore its own abilities, and it wanted power, but it didn’t want to become human. The humans who settles around it, like those in night vale, had been warped and affected by proximity to it (thus creating the… eccentricities of desert bluffs) and had created a religion around its worship. They saw those as having been directly blessed by it (avatars, of which there are a large number in both Night vale and Desert Bluffs) as divine, and dying by the being’s hand was the most pure way to do so. Think of it like how in Viking culture, dying in battle was the most honorable way to go. They saw fear itself as holy and they offered up their terror of it as a means of worship. The being loved this attention and the existence it had built for itself, and it was quite happy until a corporation called Strexcorp Synergists inc. moved into its little town.
Strexcorp is much the same as it is in canon save for that in this au, they’re heavily tied to the web, though with definite Stranger, Spiral, and Slaughter influences as well. I have a couple OCs I fashioned to be Strexcorp’s upper management (if anyone wants to hear about them, just ask. As evident by this massive rant I love talking about things I’ve created) who all, at least in this application, act as ties to different entities Strex is influenced by, but it’s primarily web. Strex saw the potential of having something like the desert bluffs entity under their control, but knew that as it currently was, it was too powerful to fully contain and utilize for their purposes. They decided that it would be easier to exploit if it were bound to a vessel, and so they chose their pawn in Kevin.
Kevin, a pillar of the community, one of the most devout in his worship of the entity that made its home in his town, and one of the most outspoken against Strex and their goals. Using him to bind it took out two birds with one stone, getting rid of one of their significant obstacles in taking this town, and utilizing him the exploitation of what would become their most valuable resource. And so they used him, tricking and manipulating him as the web does and effectively forcing the two to join, for Kevin to become the thing’s vessel, and weakening it in that moment just enough for them to extert their control. They bound the newly formed being to/in the temple the residents of that town had erected for its worship, caging it in the very walls that had once been home to its reverence and reducing it to a tool for their means.
Lauren, who in this is just a straight web avatar, is assigned to serve as what is effectively Kevin’s handler, keeping him under control. They use him as a symbol to control desert bluffs, utilize him in situations where his abilities are deemed useful, and offer sacrifices to him in the form of people they want to get rid of. The rest of the time, he’s kept bound and isolated, depriving him of fear so he’s kept weak enough to contain.
As a small clarification after all that: post-joining, both Kevin and Cecil are two complete wholes. They don’t act as two separate entities in the same body fighting for control. Kevin is more unstable than Cecil for obvious reasons, both because of his nature, circumstances, and the fears he represents, but also because his joining was violent and unwilling for both parties. Think Michael as the distortion for how its nature works, though in this instance Kevin didn’t die. He’s still very much himself, just more.
As the au starts, the entities before Kevin and Cecil know and recognize each other as one would recognize themself, but Kevin and Cecil as people have never met. They both know each other more intimately than any one person can ever know anyone else and are complete strangers. It has been many years, perhaps centuries, since they have seen each other.
Additionally, the relationship between Kevin and Cecil in this is intended to be romantic because my girlfriend and I are both multishippers, Radioscientology (the ship name for Kevin, Cecil, Carlos, and Charles as a polycule) fans, and we think they should kiss, but it does not have to be interpreted that way if Kevin and Cecil isn’t a ship you’re into! If you want to see them as friends or family or queer-platonic partners or something weird and metaphysical, go right ahead!
And with that, we have the basic premise of the au! If anyone wants to hear more or wants me to elaborate on anything, please let me know, but I’m getting a bit self conscious over having written over 3000 words on this, so I think I’m going to end it here! Please give me any thoughts you might have, I’d love to hear what other people think about this stilly thing I made!
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fuckyeahaudiodrama · 7 months ago
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(ft. some lovely coral for those of us caught up on The Magnus Protocol😌)
this month, i’ve been working through some of the stuff that’s been languishing on my listen list for approximately a million years as well as revisiting some old favorites. here’s what i enjoyed most in my earholes:
G.O.B.L.I.N.S — (pilot, crowdfunding now!) for fans of Stellar Firma, the Meredith brothers have reunited with some other familiar voices to spin a story about an overly ambitious human office worker who gets dragged through the veil into the fae realm by a pair of chaotic goblins. the show is scripted but it’s marked by the same sense of humor that has characterized the Meredith’s other improvised works. 8 episodes projected if it funds.
Larkspur Underground — (11 eps, complete?) a fictional exposé about the sole survivor of a serial killer’s disturbing abduction and grooming. i was giddy to discover this one as an ardent fan of Showtime’s Dexter. it’s gory and glorious, and if you’re keen you might spot some clues; if not, the final episode is going to shock you. creator wants to make more, but it’s been a few years so who knows.
I Found A Wormhole — (5 eps, complete) a short yet existentially harrowing series. exactly what it says on the tin. mind the content warnings on the final episode but by the time you get there you’ll definitely know what’s coming tbh.
The Grotto — (10 eps, ongoing) a pull-no-punches exploration of messy grief with a supernatural twist. season two is here! this series has an absolutely killer soundtrack and immersive sound design. it has such a unique vibe. you’ll definitely like it if you like WOE.BEGONE.
Dear Bastard! — (16 eps, complete?) an epistolary comedy about a bunch of squabbling neighbors. i like to use this show as a palate cleanser when i’ve been listening to a lot of gruesome horror, because it’s just so light and fun.
Deviant — (10 eps, complete) a space pirate dramedy! i stumbled across this purely by accident and did a little binge. i love an absolute mess of a protagonist, so this was right up my alley. it’s a little abrasive at times but overall i enjoyed the narrative and it wrapped up nicely.
Murphy — (6 eps, s2 in production) a folkloric monster-of-the-week mystery with very charming characters. the first season is complete and although it is short, the episodes are long and make great use of their runtime. pleased to see their recent crowdfunder has been successful so there will be more!
Ghost Wax — (45+ eps, hiatus) a horror anthology facilitated by a “reclaimer” who can extract the final statements of the dead. this is similar to How i Died but the lore feels much more fantastically intricate. i don’t want to spoil too much of the meta plot but there’s a LOT going on, and i’m looking forward to s2.
Fulmar’s Folly — (12 eps, ongoing?) people on reddit love this series so i decided to give it a spin. fans of zombie survival like We’re Alive are most likely to eat this up. it can be a little overwrought at times, but the constant tension feels genuine in context. episodes are quite long but the length feels satisfying and necessary.
Nowhere, On Air — (46 eps, ongoing) another spooky small town radio show about a girl in a world she doesn’t belong to. this is one of my favorite genres of AD. fans of WTNV, King Falls AM, Tiny Terrors, and other shows of that ilk will probably enjoy this. it leans a little more surreal and introspective than comedic. IMHO, the host also just has a lovely voice. the meta plot is currently really hitting its stride.
All In My Head — (19 eps, ???) night terrors turn out to be something much more sinister. so intriguing, i was devastated to realize it may have been abandoned. i’m not going to completely give up hope for a final season though!
Zoinks! — (11 eps, complete?) a darkly comedic homage to scooby doo and other childrens detective fiction. i loved the way the narrative approached the subject of child neglect, while still maintaining a thread of silliness that saved it from complete bleakness. s2 has been mentioned but it’s projected release date has come and gone without a word, so it may or may not happen.
Trice Forgotten — (10 eps, ???) an aspiring cartographer gets accidentally mixed up with some pirates. i relistened to this series in honor of its anniversary and was just blown away by the sound design all over again. the setting is made so rich and alive by the effort put in by the production staff! and the character dynamics are so intricate and gorgeous. i am especially a fan of the tension between alestes and gammon. beautiful first season with SO much left to explore, i really hope to see this come back for a s2 someday.
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arthurtaylorlester · 1 year ago
spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️‍🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
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myebix · 11 months ago
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I cosplayed my personal hc for cecil's appearance to the wtnv live show tonight :]
it's not exactly what i imagine, but ngl i had a fun time dressed like this, and I enjoyed doing a silly little photoshoot when i got home (my makeup did get kinda messed up because i was laughing too much though rip)
+ my design for him
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foreststarflaime · 7 months ago
[for asks: it’s been taking me a bit longer to do them bc low spoons lately but I promise I love them and I will get to them <3 also sometimes I do them out of order if there are ones that’ll be quick. But if you think tumblr might have eaten your ask feel free to double check].
Greetings I am Star o/ (or Forest, or Foreststar) I am just here to have fun and scream into the ether about the stuff I like. Sometimes I may go a bit without posting anything tho bc words do not always work for me
Also I like dragons, swords, stars, pretty much anything fantasy and nature, etc. I adore stories of any kind! I’m studying classics and linguistics so I talk a lot about that, and my favorite hobby is swinging swords at my friends (HEMA—historical european martial arts, I mainly do longsword)
Tags for my stuff for organization:
Star’s Dragon Sanctuary now open! Feel free to ask us about any of your dragon-related needs or curiosities! (tag won’t link check featured)
Star rambles — my stuff, me yapping
Star essays — the long essay analysis posts I sometimes do — star gushes for the more poetic ones — star scenarios for au/shitpost type stuff — headcanons
My writing — stuff I write, mostly fanfics but there’s some original stuff in there too — Ao3
My photography — I’ve been getting more into that recently! Sideblog for it: @nostosphotography
My ocs — I don’t post about em much here but I have many! Feel free to ask about them. In particular there is Foreststar
I also have a ff7 dragons au now!
Ask game prompts — love doing these, as well as any other tag game stuff! Ask game for responses and asks for general asks in case I accidentally buried yours in reblogs
Other tag stuff under the cut
Middle earth — tolkien stuff, my first and eternal hyperfixation
Loki — any version of him really. But my fav is the Agent of Asgard version from marvel comics. I will never shut up about Loki I love him whenever he appears in anything
Ff7 — final fantasy 7
Armory — hehehe pictures of various weapons but mainly swords :) used to be just under swords so you can also look there
Dragons — I am and always have been obsessed
Stars — this and the two above it are my 3 favorite things ever
Classics — greek and roman stuff
Linguistics — cool language stuff
Random stuff — stuff I couldn’t otherwise categorize
Nature — cool pictures
Castles — I use this tag very loosely, should probably change it to architecture but eh
Dw — doctor who
Mi — mission impossible
Technoblade, philza minecraft
Gf — gravity falls
Stray gods
Hades — the game
Flight rising — dragons :) my favorite
Nimona — this movie healed my soul
Epic — the musical
Hlvrai — half life vr but the ai is self aware, by wayneradiotv
Bg3 — Baldur’s Gate 3
Genloss — generation loss (same stuff, changed the tag)
Tiny glade — my stuff under #my glades
Merlin — the bbc show
Fma — fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood ofc)
Pb — the princess bride
Rdr — red dead redemption
Uu — unstable universe/unstable smp
Lifesteal — lifesteal smp
Totg — twilight of the gods
Es — elder scrolls, mainly skyrim
Wtnv — welcome to night vale
Mp100 — mob psycho 100
Tdp — the dragon prince
Frozen, Tangled (esp the series), Mulan, etc
Pnf — phineas and ferb
Sky cotl — children of the light, gorgeous mobile game
Wtnv — welcome to night vale
Poto — phantom of the opera
Parkour civ (formerly tagged as Parkour civilization) — what the hell why am I here why is this stupid series so good wtf
Pvp civ — pvp civilization
Aaa — agatha all along
gomens — good omens (NOT neil gaiman)
Sanders sides
Gw — the gilded wolves (currently reading)
Mtp — moriarty the patriot (currently watching)
Genloss — Generation Loss
Jrwi — mainly riptide
Trsmp — the realm smp
Kww — ken wato wifies collab and related stuff
Sanders sides
I probably did not catch all of these. More will come as I think of them unless I get lazy
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soph-the-podcast-nerd · 2 months ago
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Okay, so the first two screenshots are my current top listens, and the third picture is "shows that I've finished/aren't doing new episodes" (The pictures seemed easier than typing everything out 😣)
Skyjacks was my #1 podcast this year, and Midst was my favorite new one I started this year!!!
Lmk if you want me to just pick a few, or explain any of them!
Oh man thanks for all the recommendations!!!
podcasts in the photos (names - creators):
Campaign: Skyjacks and Skyjoust!! - James D'Amato
The Pod Has Been Cast - The Pod Has Been Cast
Worlds Beyond Number - Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number
Welcome to Night Vale and Alice Isn’t Dead - Night Vale Presents ( i totally love wtnv! Haven’t listened to anything else by Night Vale Presents yet, tho)
Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Paulomi Pratap, Drew Mierzejewski, Aly Grauer + more
Not Another D&D Podcast and Rotating Heros - Headgum
Hello From The Magic Tavern - Arnie Niekamp (I actually did get a decent amount through this one, but it wasn’t quite my thing. Still recommend for people who like fantasy, comedy, and shows like mbmbam)
Transplanar RPG - Transplanar RPG
Midst - Critical Role
Lateral with Tom Scott - Tom Scott and David Bodycombe
Strangers on a Bench - Tom Rosenthal
Yes, Also - Yes, Also
Midnight Facts for Insomniacs - Shane Rogers
(and i think i see my brother, my brother, and me hidden under that last one although idk if that’s a recommendation… fun fact coincidentally my brother my brother and me + TAZ was the first podcast my brother shared with me hes a fan of the mcelroys)
The Bright Sessions - Atypical Artists
The Strange Case of Starship Iris - Jessica Best (Procyon Podcast Network) (also definitely definitely definitely recommend this one I love it!)
Wolf 359 - Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC (this one too, one of my favorites of all time)
Mission To Zyxx - Mission To Zyxx
The Blood Crow Stories - Ellie Collins and Scott Moore
Girl In Space - Sarah Rhea Werner
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pillowspace · 1 year ago
Since you like The Magnus Archives did you ever listen to Welcome To Night Vale ? Because you would probably love it too.
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I've only listened to about 21 or so episodes of WTNV I think? I did enjoy what I listened to though, it was fun!
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year ago
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @holdmecloser-gandydancer
tagging you, the person reading this and wishing someone tagged you, yes you, i mean it
1. How many works do you have on A03?
total? 73. TAZ? 37. oh man. palindrome
2. What's your total A03 word count? 703,033 baby ive been here for Ten Years
3. What fandoms do you write for?
recently taz. before that, aftg, haikyuu!! etc. but man it has been taz for a While
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
OF TAZ WORKS (all my top 5 are old old) 1. Sticker Stars (of course) 2. Run Away With Me 3. Rub This On Your Body 4.Little Shop of Horny and 5. Apply Directly to the Forehead (one of my first taz fics!!) all of those make sense as contenders but i am surprised revenge plus one is #8
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i................have to be honest..........................................i'm so...sorry............
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[id: a screenshot of "Inbox (3402)" indicating no, no I do not]
(please understand this is from years and years and years and years)
i pretty much only reply if i am directly asked a question i have an answer to or it makes me cry in a good way....not because i'm an asshole or because i don't appreciate them!!!! comments mean truly so much to me!! i just don't know what to say besides thank you, so i usually write an emphatic thank you on each chapter and hope people know i mean it.... please don't think i don't care...please............. i care so much
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
we don't do that here
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“But like,” words fall out of Taako’s mouth before he can stop them. “Live your life, dude, go a little nuts, feel like a whole person, give me $200, participate in the universe, get your back blown out on demand, fucking-” he laughs. “Have a collection, experience joy, buy a cat, get diagnosed with autism, fall in love-”
“What was that last part??” 
if that (from revenge plus one) isn't a happy ending what is (i'm hoping the people who care enough to read a post like this have either read it already or are going to go. oh my god i have to read revenge plus one tonight)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no and if i did i would block and delete em, there's no time for that. fuck em. this is a joy pursuit (i would cry though. don't. what the hell. just close the tab like a normal person. someone MADE THAT.)
9. Do you write smut?
oh baby DO I
i do intend to write some more publishable stuff soon. most of my personal stuff has gotten Way Too Weird. but look out for some horny supervillain taakitz soon if thats your cup of hot chocolate with too many marshmallows in it 👀👀👀👀
10. Do you write crossovers?
sorry i am obsessed with one thing at a time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
hope not! if so i cast a billion death spiders on them. smooch. partake in the joyous act of baring your soul via dumbfucks yourself, coward
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
once, i think? im not sure they finished
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
absolutely, some of my best stuff was originally rp!!! i am so sorry @holdmecloser-gandydancer @noodyl-blasstal for not continuing some super exciting projects, my brain is electric soup and my life is a circus. someday. someday we will play again. i must believe
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
if you did not expect taakitz i have 29+ fics you should read
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
everything is possible until you give up. so who knows!!!!!!!!!!! it sure does help to know there are people that will still read things if and when they are ever finished though
16. What are your writing strengths?
VOICE! dialogue. fun
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
planning fucking ahead
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
caution necessary but i mean live your life, just be aware of the err of google translate
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3? wtnv
before that? squints. maybe homestuck or............no it was shakespeare
man. fuck
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
revenge plus one, probably, i miss living in it
nothing says passion like 90k and baby's first adhd medication!!!!!!!!!
really though please go read it. if you have 90k worth of attention and time and interest
also hey? in general? if you read this far? keep writing. and enjoy it. self indulgence isn't just nice, it's what makes life worth living. make for you, and then the comments and appreciation are bonus. snare a few friends in your web and you're living, baby
keep reaching for the stars
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wgc-productions · 2 years ago
The Magnus Archives 1 Angler Fish Liveblog
I have two deep confessions to lay bare here, on this public Tumblr.
1. I didn't like Waiting To Exhale and I think it is a bad movie.
2. I have never listened to The Magnus Archives which is a cardinal sin for me as a person who makes audio dramas. I plan to rectify this here and now! I want to listen to a lot more the seminal audiodramas so I can be a better student of my craft, and by blogging it I'm likely to get other people's input and thoughts which is also super helpful to me as an artist. So, see? Win win.
You can read my liveblogging thoughts below the cut.
00:00- I think the same thing when I listen to WTNV (which is like One Piece in my opinion) but it's also so, not necessarily strange, but particular when shows that you know didn't have ads initially have ads now. It's sort of like being a post-witness to growth. It'd be like finding Egyptian influence on Kush Artifacts. You just know that it looked different and that there had to be such a seismic shift to get to the change you know must have happened, because it doesn't make sense for it to have started in the state that you are currently experiencing.
04:10- Oh! It's one of the "we have a reason we're recording" shows! Those are fun.
04:39- It's nice to have a voice to go with all the Johnathan Sims fanart I've seen.
05:15- I will say when I was living out in LA for a couple of months in college, I did try listening to TMA but I didn't get into it. So, I do vaguely remember this 1st episode plot though that was about 5 years ago (which is crazy to think! Darn you COVID!)
06:40- Well God forbid Martin has some struggles. Please Johnathan where's your compassion?
09:16- I'm glad he knows I am but an American who knows nothing of Edinburgh.
12:18 Johnathan please. You can't just stare at people on the street. What happened to manners.
13:05- Give the man a bum, John. It's the sporting thing to do! Who cares if he's a little different. We all have our addictions.
14:59 Wait! John is reading a case this isn't his behavior. Oh, for shame. I have been slandering his good name. Sorry, Johnathan.
17:20- I'll be honest if I saw some truly bizarre phenomena that just screamed unexplained horror I would not investigate. There is already too much truly horrifying phenom that's hard to explain. I don't need to pursue the horrors. I'm a Black American, the horrors pursue me.
18:58 It's a shame audio dramas typically don't have characters with thick accented brogues. Could you imagine someone with a thick backwoods Irish or Scottish accent doing this. Think of the texture it would ad.
19:00- I know that all of these stories eventually connect so I'm excited to see how they all blend into a cohesive plot.
That's that on that. I'll keep doing these because I want to and I also think it'll be fun to, once I finish TMA, be able to go back and read through and relive the experience.
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vestaclinicpod · 9 months ago
Audio Drama Sunday - 2nd June ✨
I feel like I haven’t had lots of listening time this week, but what I have heard has been amazing!  
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (154) ohh I am such an arachnophobe but I loveddd the return of LEM. Clem selling Danielle out sure is a CHOICE but tbh Danielle has such Ethel vibes this season that I assumed she was who Clem was going to visit when she was introduced. If anyone can stare down all 8 of Ethel’s eyes, it’s our girl Danielle. I want her to blow strawberry smoke in them from her new sexy cigarette holder. I had been wondering how the other boat could possibly house our nautical murderer but they can fly!! Duh! Imagine being stuck in a room with futuristic Vermin Supreme while there’s a vampire outside?? Bonkers. 
I’m SO desperate for the next episode to find out the results of Shank autopsy!! Shelby better get 60000 apologies from the other pigs in the room…… 
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (23) system administrator??? what does that MEAN? I really thought they were going to kiss this episode 🤭 What a lovely story of conservation and love for nature!!! 
👁️ @malevolentcast (42) I am OBSESSED with Yorick’s jaw snap. What a fun sound effect. I honestly can’t be coping with these situations Arthur gets into. A rapier?? Internally?? Sir. Please. You do too much. 
🎙️WTNV (249) I know I say this all the time… but the weather really did slap this episode.
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (18) This one was genuinely unsettling. I can’t believe the neutral response from the autopsy guy?? Literally ‘felt cute, might delete later’?? I would be taking myself straight to A+E to wait 23 hours for a mental health review??? 
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXX) AAAAAAAH. SUCH a good episode and SUCH a good ending to the season!! Ohh the acting was SO good. It hurt me to hear Neige like that. Alfie’s rage and panic and despair were so palpable. The scenes at the facility were perfectly gory. I guess the benefit of having a 10000 year old vampire boyfriend is that he’s survived without cars and electricity before and, by God, he’ll do it again. I am wishing Eira nothing but impeccable and easy planning and writing for the next season! I can’t wait!!! 
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E11) eek! I feel very weird writing about something I’m in but just want to share how excited I am to be a part of one of my favourite shows 🩷 a huge thanks to Leanne for having me!!!! 
Today is the last day to support @monkeymanproductions' crowdfunder for their next show Waiting For October! They're so close to their goal!!
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falseprophetpoll · 2 years ago
Congratulations to Kevin WTNV on winning the poll, and to Zane Ro’Meave for winning a ridiculously hard fought second place!!
I’ll do a breakdown of the results tomorrow (did you know Zane wasn’t even in the top ten seeds? Yeah!!), and answering a few more asks, but I want to thank EVERYONE for voting, spreading propaganda, and just showing a lot of love to all their blorbos. I don’t think there was a single character I didn’t at least see an ask or a rant in the tags for! It was wonderful.
I also thank everyone for being pretty polite to me as a mod and also, tbh, each other. I’m so glad we could keep the silly, silly.
And of course, a huge thank you to @kindcolors again, who did the beautiful banner I couldn’t live without, and took time out of their busy schedule to do it. You should all thank him too tbh
I have another poll I’ll be running if you had fun with this one, over at @biggestegobracket, where I’ll post the terms and open submissions!
And of course, I have a final poll for you all:
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myfaveisfuckable · 2 years ago
Setsu/Yuriko/Raqio (Gnosia): if remraq was rare this combo is legendary +1. they are BOTH a crackship and a rarepair:
1) although they are all affected by the premise-induced timefuckery at some point, likely all come from extremely fucked up backgrounds (no way setsu isn't a child soldier + yuriko did extremely messed up neurological operations as a teen and is on the run from the shadow government AND has a bounty on her head + raqio is from a hypermeritocratic caste society where if you aren't smart enough you aren't considered a human being. every single one of them should get a 50% off therapy coupon) they never get a story cutscene together. diversity loss
2) in all my 1.5 years in this fandom i have met ONE (1) person who also shipped this. one. this isn't a shippy fandom in general tbh but i've seen more people draw a character hitting a boof than saying a peep about s/y/r
additional arguments:
3) it's nonbinary yuri (nb/f/nb) come ON there is nothing better than nonbinary poly yuri
4) i want to see them get into an argument
5) setsu can defo easily bench press the other two (please)
6) they look niceys together even though their designs are pretty different and not in the "intentional contrast" way
7) the aforementioned timefuckery makes this an uniquely delicious bond
8) if this gets in people will hear about this ship and these 3 deserve so much more :)
They made it past the preliminaries of @unpopularshipbracket but got curb stomped by some magnus archive guys.
So I'll just repeat my initial propaganda for it (and add more):
FNAF 2 guard shipping is an art that has been drowned out by people forgetting that the FNAF 2 guards exist because some of the MCI kids share the same forenames. FNAF 2 guard shipping is fun; two adults in the same situation with completely different survival strategies. I love it.
They are like two sides of a coin; One survives the long haul, facing increasingly difficult challenges. The other gets tossed into the thick of it and somehow crawls out the other side despite no training or preparation. Honed skill / dumb luck. They make a brilliant dynamic.
Cecil Gershwin Palmer/Carlos Ramirez: I have seen *one* crossover fanfic with this pairing and it is absolutely genius.
So, Welcome To Night Vale (WTNV) has a main canon pairing, darling Eldritch radio host Cecil and lovable scientist Carlos. For the longest time, Carlos didn't have a last name and backstory. Also, as a STEM girl, let me tell you, his 'science' doesn't make sense.
So the genius author decided: okay, let me just grab a random Carlos from a different medium and put him in there. Except it's not random, and works super well! Enter: Carlos Ramirez, from the Dresden Files, and urban fantasy novel. This Carlos is a wizard. Who now has to somehow pretend he's a scientist. While secretly battling the Eldritch horros lurking in Night Vale.
The two of them are super cute and happy together, and it just makes waaay too much sense, the worlds and characters mesh super well. I can never unsee it. There is literally No content besides that one fic. It is perfect.
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flameraven · 1 year ago
Intro Post!
Hello all, I'm Viridis. I do fanart and fanfic, mostly of Good Omens. I've collected my fanart below to make it a little easier to find in Tumblr's searchless depths. You can find my fanfic on Ao3 as Rattatatosk. I also comment there as Lady_Viridis.
I also did transcripts of Good Omens S2!
(Yes, I have several different usernames. It's confusing, sorry. I'd change my tumblr but it's 11 years old and I don't want to break all the links. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Good Omens:
Snake Dad Crowley for Kedreeva (9/2/19)
Arbiters of Balance for Kedreeva (9/12/19)
Wiggleverse: Bedtime Stories (9/16/19)
Wiggleverse: Angelica (11/13/19)
Wiggleverse Cuddle Pile (11/14/19)
Merr Christmas (12/25/19)
Merry Christmas, Wiggleverse (12/25/19)
Siren Crowley Sketches for Kedreeva (1/9/20)
What are you Eating? for Kedreeva (2/1/20)
Siren Crowley for Kedreeva (2/11/20)
Wiggleverse: Snake Aziraphale for Kedreeva (2/19/20)
A Lot of Snake (3/8/20)
Starmaker Crowley (3/15/20)
A Riot of Flowers for WingedSpirit (3/25/20)
You're Ace Too? for IneffableFool (5/27/20)
Siren's Song (6/11/20)
A Well Earned Rest (8/19/20)
Choose Your Princes Wisely for Zehwulf (8/5/20)
Sunbathing (10/25/20)
Apple Picking (11/6/20)
Warrior Aziraphale (11/15/20)
Get A Wiggle On Zine Vol 1 - Catnap (11/20/20)
Les Vampires (11/21/20)
Space Snake (2/28/21)
Beatrix Potter AU (4/7/21)
Enchanted Omens Zine: Cover (5/11/21)
A Walk in the Park for IneffableFool (7/9/21)
Beloved Husband for Zehwulf (7/17/21)
Ace Omens Zine: Angels Make the Best Pillows (9/10/21)
Enchanted Omens Zine - In the Dragon's Lair (10/13/21)
Ineffable Wives Vol 2 - It Begins in a Garden (12/15/21)
Ineffable Werewolves (3/27/22)
Temptation Accomplished (Sculpture) (4/6/22)
Of Feathers and Wings Zine - Stargazing (7/15/22)
Get a Wiggle On Zine Vol 2 (11/16/22)
Not the Last (2/22/23)
Dragon AU: By Any Other Name (3/20/23)
Surprise Kiss (4/16/23)
Date Night (Mermaid AU for Sodium Azide) (8/6/23)
Every Frame - The Kiss (11/13/23)
Lost in a Good Book (ABC Zine) (2/17/24)
Fragile As a Crown (4/11/24)
A Feast for the Heart (Ace Omens Vol 2) (5/1/24)
The Dragon Prince (GO Fairy Tale Bang) 9/23/24
When the Angels Left the Old Country (2023)
Friend of my Soul
Uriel Dreaming
Wings for Ashel
Dance With Me
WTNV: (2014)
Rocket Powered Wheelchair
No Way Home
Old Woman Josie
Hiram McDaniels
He Says he is an Experimental Theologian (HDM AU)
Cat Cecil
Strex Cats
Fun Without Gravity
Dragon Carlos AU
Tamika Flynn
Strex Pet
Queen Glimmer (FTH 2020)
Windwaker Tetra redesign (2013)
Avatar Stained Glass (2006-7)
Dino Helpers (Paleo Pines) (June 2024)
Temptation Accomplished (Sculpture) (4/6/22)
Paleo Pines - Paprika (Jan 2024)
Anchiornis (Mar 2024)
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