raulfernandez · 4 months
I was gonna say "Oh not a single ducati in the top 6" until I realised Marc is Dicati now....
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sucede-es · 7 months
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Ducati Panigale 2023 Replica Motorcycles
Ducati protagonizó una de las exhibiciones más dominantes en la historia del motociclismo en 2023. La marca italiana se llevó 17 de los 20 Grandes Premios de MotoGP, 25 victorias en el World SBK y 17 en World Super Sport.
Esto otorga a Ducati la triple corona de constructores en 2023, y para celebrarlo, compradores de todo el mundo recibirán cuatro réplicas de la Panigale V4 S y una Panigale V2 de las tres series de carreras.
La primera presenta la librea Giallo Ducati utilizada por el equipo Bucati Lenovo en el GP de Misano, una histórica combinación de colores en la historia de Ducati y limitada a 236 unidades.
La temporada de MotoGP 2023 fue una batalla hasta el final, y la siguiente moto luce la librea del equipo Prima Pramac, segundo en la clasificación de MotoGP, con 189 unidades a producirse.
La tercera es la librea Mooney VR46 de Marco Bezzecchi, tercero en la clasificación de MotoGP 2023, con 72 unidades.
Las cuartas son las réplicas del campeonato Mundial SBK 219 de Dicati Giallo, del quinto título de Álvaro Bautista.
La última es la librea ganadora de WorldSSP del equipo Aruba.it Racing, con 111 unidades.
Cada moto tiene una abrazadera de dirección de aluminio billet grabada con láser con el nombre del modelo y el número de producción progresivo, además de una llave y animación de encendido dedicadas. Cada piloto ha firmado el tanque, protegido bajo una capa de barniz transparente.
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rausule · 10 months
Biographia Iesu
Ex altera vero parte, Cris veri et proprium sermonem vanis discipulis in occasu Ultimae Cenae reservat (22.21-38) Multo brevius quam officialis ille qui a Ioanne Evangelista relatus est (cann. 13-17), salutatio haec. maximeque det sa pastort esse videtur ad futurum Ecclesiae, quia non tentamur potentia, nec opibus nec vi. Sermo, qui tamen a discipulis statim non intelligitur, ad quos Iesus, in fine, hominem reservat: « Sufficiat propter scissuras suas.
Instante vale cena celebratur, quae in Sligrana iudaicum Pascha et christianam resurrectionem manifestat. Multum interest attendere ad verba quae Gesa in patera vini profert, comparandae sunt cum iis quae a Paulo et Marco Matteo relatae sunt. Est quaedam nina comparatio, quam proponere volumus, quia refert vitam variarum communitatum christianarum originum perplexorum verborum a Christo ultimo illo novissimo vesperi memoriam.
Luke 22.20
Hic calix novum testamentum est in sanguine meo, qui pro vobis fundetur. Hic calix novum testamentum est in meo sanguine.
Hic est sanguis meus, sanguis testamenti, qui pro omnibus effusus est.
Hic est sanguis meus testamenti, qui pro omnibus effusus est in remissionem peccatorum.
1 Corinthians 11.25 Mark 14.24 Matthew 26.28
Sancti duas formas configurant, prima Lucano-Paulina, forsan typica Ecclesiarum matricis graeco-Pigan, quae significat "nu societatem", id est, in biblios lingua ad perfectum et aeternum foedus inter Deum et hominem stipulatum. non su temle de lapide sed in corde hominis edito per Ieremiam 01.31-3 edito oraculo annuntiatur). Secunda, a Mar Matte evocata et fortasse cum Ecclesiis Stro-Palaestinis coniuncta, in scaena Foederis Sinas annuit, omnes moventes victimarum sanguine obsitas caesorum et pars altera populo sparsa; foedus in sanguine repraesentans, Interea tamen praevidit finem dramatis horae; sanguis fusus alludit ad sacrificium "personale" quod apud poes Cr .
Narratio passionis Gesi secundum Lucam, sicuti Matthaeus, successum habuit in historia musicae basti cura Heinrich Schatz, Georg Philipp Telemann, qui totidem ad quadraginta sex "Passio Cut (ante has viginti tres) et Quotquot decem ad Lacs probationi dicati (sal set glute noil, et tempore prope Pasin secundum Lucam per Poloniam Krzysztof Pendereck, anno 1965 pro celebrationibus septimi centenarii ecclesiae cathedralis Monasteriensis compositi sunt.
interesting notare prospectum secundum quem Luca legit qorgli eventum proculdubio exemplaris aspectus apparet
r, ex discipulatu, ex imitatione Christiana Hic est Petrus post perduellionem dimissus hic est Cire qui portat co.
"post Jesum": hic est mors Christi variis notis comparata narrationi aliorum evangelistarum
Gesa enim exspirat ignoscens suis crucifixoribus: “Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt (2334) C.
si extrema verba nescio, amarae Psalmi 22. ut apud Matthaeum et Marcum: Du mio, Dio mis perchè mi hai.
bene confidit et serne de Saima MA ab incationibus patris iterum postulatur, c
abb "Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (23.46). Videlicet discipulus etiam invitatur ad faciem mrte de coche - iterum secundum Lucam - diaconum et protomartyrem Stephanum "Stephanum orantem lapidaverunt et dixerunt. : Domine Jesu, suscipe spiritul Deinde genua mea flecto et clamo fte: Domine, noli imputare hoc peccatul" LA1739-60 Chanche aliam rationem sublineare. Ex altera parte, racle racle . ninaga recusatio Natant, post famno synagogae discursus programmaticus (416-30). Nunc in processu Sindrio consumptum est, sed etiam in dhalogs cum ehner mulieribus quae fortasse quaedam confraternitas pertinebat.
bonae mortis et accedentes gesi pro orners, receptis pro hac admonitione Filiae Jerusalem
Nolite ergo solliciti esse in me sed circa vosmet ipsos et super filios vestros (23.27-311
Et tamen e contrario adhuc ex utero Thoracli, sed tunc ab ultimis, a "mallars" (graece, esepetes putant rebelles anti- helots Romanos), novum populum. fidelium florent E. infam, hard Lucas ca la famma soma de duobus latronibus, in re duorum damnatorum capitalium poenarum, fortasse ob causas politicas (23,39-431 unus e duobus invocat "Iesu, memento mei" Cum Regnum tuum intraveris Et Iesus "Vere tu, inquam, hodie erit comme nel paradisus. Et facile est, hoc punctis, excedere commentarium iam memoratum Jorge Luis Borges in aliquo versu de su Lace xx, poema. exstant in collectione articulari (19).
calon tempo omnia perdat
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Aruba.it Racing - Ducati
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dustywheels · 6 years
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Dusty Wheels Racers! #girlsjustwannahavefun #caferacer #girl #ladyrider #gurlswhoride #fun #rome #dicati @sprintracechampionship @caferacerroma @inkachickenroma (presso Roma Motodays)
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escape-from-arcadia · 3 years
Gunmar Takes An Art Class
Otto: It looks like it was made out of clay and nothing else!
Gunmar, sarcastically: It was made with love. It’s made with love and friendship.
Nomura: It’s made of fear and sadness!
Dictatious: No, it’s mostly made out of capitalism.
Strickler: Not a physical object.
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thequeenofworms · 4 years
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dyfhbndjnfgbn the only think they have in common anymore
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
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More Changling Families - Father's Day in Trollmarket (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/isJFB2oru7 Deleted scenes and additional moments from my other work Changling Families and its sequel. Mostly in order but not always.
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daidegas · 6 years
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Ducati Scrambler hottie, http://www.daidegasforum.com/forum/forum-specifici-di-marca/ducati/foto-e-video-ad/204399-girls-ducati
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Dictatious and Blinky remind me of Thor and Loki. Thor and Blinky both thought that their brother died and their brother is a evil person (sort of for Loki). and both told their brother they missed them with an angry tone and the brother just brushed it off.
Thor and Loki:
”I mourned for you. I cried for you.”
”I’m… honored?”
Blinky and Dicatious:
”I mourned you!”
”Sentimental sap”
I rest my case
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ask-madam-ruby · 4 years
One Shot: Supernatural AU.
Tw: Suicide attempt and blood.
Natasha May, or Ruby May is what everyone calls her, is a lonely woman. She never got to settle down and she doesn’t have children. She is at the age where she can’t make children anymore. It’s something she always wanted, a big family. But that didn’t happen.
So what’s the point of living?
She took care of everything. She gave away her items and gave her animals to good homes. The only thing she has is a rope.
She wonders down the dirt road with the noose in her hands. Her eyes are wet with tears. She cries silently, thinking how life would be better if she only settled down and had kids. She regrets the men she rejected in her younger years. Why did she have to be an independent woman in her youth? Now it’s too late for her.
The moonlight hit her orange and white streak hair. She looks up to see the dead tree ahead. Her final resting place.
As she walks in the field towards the tree, she has this strange feeling like she is being observed. She looks around the empty and quiet field. Her breathing grows heavy, she can feel the heartbeat in her chest.
“Hello?” She finally gained the courage to call out.
She blinks then turns back to the tree. Once she is under the tree, she climbs the tree and sits on a thick and sturdy branch. She ties the end of the rope on the branch. With tears running down her cheek, she puts the noose around her neck. She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath.
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?”
Ruby yelps and looks up to see a man sitting on the branch above her.
“Apologize for surprising you there.” He said in a deep but raspy voice.
“What do you want?” Ruby asks.
“Hm? Oh. There are lots of things I want. However, what I need right now is company. Looks like you need some company as well?”
“Don’t bother, I’m just a waste of time.” Ruby scoffs.
The man let out a chuckle. “Then it’s death you seek?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Her hands begin to trumble.
“Hmmm...I can give you what you need.”
“What? Sex? Love?”
“A new life.”
She looks up and the man is gone. She blinks in surprised.
“What do you say?”
She jumps in surprise as the man is standing in front of her. The man has spiky hair, with two shreeks of hair in the front of his hair. He has a large, round nose, and pale skin. But what disturbs her the most about this man is he doesn’t look human like. His ears and teeth are pointy, and his eyes glow a light gold color. His pupils are shaped like a cat's pupils.
“Don’t fear me, my dear. I won’t hurt you. I just want to help you. Just remove the rope around that nice neck of yours and listen to my proposal.”
She stares at him. She should feel afraid. But there is something about him that makes her want to listen. She removes the noose from her neck and jumps down. “What are you?”
He grins bigger. “I am not human. In fact, you may mistake me as dead. I walk in the night, seek to clench my thirst of warm blood. I am what everyone fears.”
Ruby’s eyes widen. “Vampire?”
She backs backwards a bit.
“Funny, I thought you seek death?”
“What do you want?”
“I’m here to give you what you want. A new life. That’s why you had that rope around your neck. You seek relief. You seek a new life. I can give you that.”
She studies his expression. “Give me a new life? Like turning me into a vampire?”
“Exactly. Your old life will be a thing of the past. I can show you the ways of being a vampire.”
She hums as she thinks. “What’s in it for you?”
“Good question, my dear. I will give you food, shelter, education on vampire lore, and all the things your lifeless heart desires. But what I need in return, is children.”
Her eyes widened. “You're asking the wrong woman. I try to have children but I can’t give children. That’s why I’m ending my life. My time has come to an end.”
“But that is the beauty of being a vampire. We can do anything our hearts desire. Including making children.”
“...so if I give you children, you’ll turn me into a vampire?”
He nods. “Of course, I’ll give you as much time as you need to settle into your new form before I give you children.”
She thinks. “Well…”
“Take as much time as you need to decide my dear, I have all night.”
She thinks to herself. “I always wanted children.” She looks at him and nods. “I accept.”
“Excellent. Now, let me take a sip of your blood, and I will give you mine. Then you will transform.”
He walks close to her and rests his chin on her shoulder. He made a purring sound as he sniffs her.
She let out a gasp. Her heart is beating fast. “What is your name?”
He grins. “Dictatious Galadrigal.” He kisses her neck gently.
“What is your name dear?”
“Natasha. But everyone calls me Ruby.”
“Natasha, this will sting a bit.” He kisses her neck a few times before he sink his fangs in her vein.
Ruby let out a gasp and then a cry. She can feel the blood being sucked out of her neck. She wraps her arms around Dictatious, grasping his dark green cape. She can feel herself dying as he drinks.
Then he pulls away. She falls on the ground. She looks up at him and the moon. She watches him make a cut on his wrist and kneel down next to her. He puts his bleeding wrist to her mouth. “Drink, Natasha. Before it’s too late.”
With shaky hands, she grabs his arm and put her mouth to his wound. The taste of blood is sweet and warm. Taste better than anything she has tasted before. She keeps drinking. Her body trembles and lets out a moan.
Dictatious watches her calmly as she drinks from him. Then he pulls his arm back with force.
Ruby gasps as blood drips from her lips. She has a tingling sensation in her body. She let out a loud groaning sound. Dictatious pulls her in his lap. “Shhhhh….it’s okay dear. It won’t last long.”
She let out a loud yell as her body changes. She shuts her eyes close. After what felt like hours, she gasp. She open her glowing red eyes and looks around.
“How are you feeling, dear?” Dictatious ask, helping her up.
She got her balance and blink a few times. “....odd.”
“You’ll get use to it. I’ll walk you back to my home. You need rest.”
She nods slightly. They both walk slowly in the moonlight. Next thing she knows, she is in a small home, with two coffins next to each other.
“You get to sleep in a coffin. It protects us from the sunlight.” DIctatious said opening the lid.
Ruby stare at the coffin.
She glances at him and nods. She got in and got herself comfortable.
“Tomorrow we will start your lessons. And you will become a wonderful vampire.” He smiles sweetly down at her.
His smile feels comforting to her. She nods. “Thank you.”
“Sleep well.” He pushes the lid of the coffin. Blackness. She can hear Dictatious get in his coffin. She closes her eyes as she drifts to sleep.
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
//That moment you wake up from a nap, recalling the dream you just had as the trollhunter trying to spy on gummgumm courtiers while traversing through a house that is both a house and magically part of some castle courtyard, all while Blinky and Dictatious are following you bc apparently being in your company is better than actually being stealthy and helpful. XP
//I ended up covering Dicatious (who had fallen) with an assortment of cushions before hiding under a long coffee table to avoid being caught in the castle-house.
//All while I was trying to find which dungeon they were holding Bonely in and how long it would be for him to break from them just holding corrupted souls under his nose. (yes, they were the purple misty orb kind with blackish purple smoke, and apparently Gunmar and Morgana were using those and torturing him like a starving man with a perfectly cooked roast in front of him.)
//Good golly this dream was both cool and weird.
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no i didnt forget about this AU what are you talking about
Marching band season has started for me (and Ive got band camp coming up in a couple weeks) so here’s some idiot siblings again
ft. Dicatious showing up in another iconic shirt and Blinky making this rehearsal one Jim and the others will never forget
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green-blooded · 4 years
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Ah yes, the people with good roads, slavery, and gladiatorial games complete with retiarii... speak English. This is a perfect parallel. 
hoc spectaculum non credo! si non linguam Latinam, vos nonne Graeciam dicatis! verba pauca, certe! aut... ‘universial translator’ utamini!
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leocuccittini · 2 years
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luigiviazzo · 5 years
#Fenice la #costellazione legata alla #mitica #creatura appartiene al gruppo dedicato agli #uccelli in questa zona di #cielo (con #Pavone, #Tucano e #Gru).
This #constellation belongs to the #group of the four #constellations dedicated to #birds in this #area of the #sky (#Peacock, #Toucan and #Crane are the others).  
Et hoc pertinet ad #sidere quattuor constellationibus dicatis avibus signa haec #regio ex #coelo (Pavo, Tucana et Grus).  
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