albentelisa · 9 months
Hi!! I like your writings very much and may I ask you to tell something about your headcanons with Draal and Nomura please? About their common past in precanon and "what if" situations if Draal survived in s3👀
Oh, I love Dramura so much! My headcanon about their first meeting is that it was an accident and a heavy misunderstanding.
Nomura was on a mission to assist a different changeling in getting a part of the Killahead bridge from the troll warrior living in seclusion. They defeated him together, but the fellow changeling decided to betray and backstab Nomura (as he had been trying to finish the mission for ages until her arrival and understood that Nomura had demonstrated her usefulness, unlike him).
Draal arrived during their fight, killing the other changeling and mistaking Nomura for the lone troll warrior apprentice or associate (Nomura got her khopeshes from that troll, and, apparently, those were passed from master to apprentice).
Draal had seen two trolls fighting and didn't even think it could be a sudden infighting between the allies. And Nomura just decided not to correct him. Firstly, because she wasn't interested in fighting him after having two fights already, and secondly, because it was the first time for her that someone came to help her in a dire situation.
Nomura back then was still more hopeful, and the idea of leaving the Janus Order was oh-so-tempting (not to mention that her impression from Peer Gynt was still fresh). When Draal took Nomura to the Trollmarket, she saw it as her chance and assumed the identity of someone else. She was sure she could pull playing the role of a regular troll as long as there were no gaggletacks in the close vicinity. And who would question her if Draal was the one who brought Nomura in?
For Draal it was an instant crush as he had never met someone as strong, sassy and determined. Besides, Nomura was the first one who never saw him as Kanjigar's son unlike everyone else at the Trollmarket. And she also never expected him to be like his dad or getting the amulet and become the Trollhunter. She was fine with Draal as he was.
As for Nomura, she was scared of her feelings at first (the Janus Order indoctrination left its ugly mark here). She was always uncomfortable at first, expecting some ulterior motive, but Draal with his straightforward personality made her feel at ease at last. She felt she could trust covering her back to Draal and would gladly cover his. The only regret Nomura had was not being able to tell the whole truth, but she hoped she could do it one day.
I believe that Kanjigar was really supportive of that relationship as Draal had seemingly let go of his trollhunter title obsession and seemed calmer and happier with Nomura around. I also like the idea of Kanjigar already starting to treat Nomura like his daughter.
I headcanon that the reveal happened because of Krax (remember the changeling who worked with Usurna?). He thought that everything was Nomura's scheme to get the amulet and that she might also expose him. So Krax first started spreading rumors and feeding Draal's doubts. It ended with Draal doing a gaggletack check.
Obviously, both felt betrayed after that. It only made it worse that Nomura fled before any explanation. So, Draal thought that everything had been just a lie, and Nomura was hurt because Draal didn't trust her enough (yes, she lied but she wanted to tell the truth herself when she was ready).
I feel Draal and Nomura had the so-much-needed talk after the return from the Darklands in Season 2 (and yes, I wish we had at least a glimpse of that).
As for what could be… Well, there is so much missed opportunity here. Dramura is so blatantly Romeo and Juliet coded (way more than Jlaire. Seriously). Besides, if Stricklake shows that humans can accept changelings, Dramura could possibly work to demonstrate that trolls would accept their estranged kin too. And Draal working hard to change other trolls' horrible opinion of 'impure' (starting with dropping that 'impure' part) would be really powerful, IMHO. It could also give him a role he so desperately needed - surpassing Kanjigar without being his shadow.
I also like the idea of Draal and Nomura having kids eventually, even though they both would claim they could only be horrible parents. They could make it work, besides, having a whelp between a troll and a changeling could easily make some inverse naysayers shut up.
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theoldandnewfirm · 2 years
Hallmark's "The Wedding Veil" trilogy starring Barbara/Walter, Nomura/Draal, and [insert third ship I couldn't think of here]
(For context, the wedding veil trilogy is about three friends who purchase an antique wedding veil that's rumored to bring love and marriage to whoever owns it. Each movie of the trilogy focuses on one of the friends and their romances while in possession of the veil.)
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 11 months
Things I definitely would include in my Trollhunters fic once I'm finished rewriting all of The Avengers in Shakespearean form:
Strickler and Nomuras messy, messy relationship
Bular and Gunmars messy, messy relationship
Flashbacks and flash forwards
Some Dramura
Dictatious (he's the worst I love him)
More perspective into the Janus Order
Oh? You're thinking of starting a Trollhunters fanfic? That's great! (and so SO sorry for the super late reply😭).
Autism is a must! Since I don't think anyone has explicitly used the word autism in a fic relating to Strickler. Although he's certainly Autistic coded regardless.
We like all the messy relationships here! I'm assuming Jim and Strickler's relationship as well as Stricklake will come up too?
And the Janus Order ALWAYS needs more fleshing out!
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littleladybaker · 5 years
Changling Family Photos
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The Stricklers. I'm honestly not entirely satisfied with how Xena turned out but...
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The Scaarbachs. I made it part way threw the drawing and the characters realized that Eli and Toby were to tall so I had to put them on boxes. Also,my firs time time drawing Lenora pregnant!
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The Nomura-The-Deadlies. I finnaly learned how to draw Draal! I actually really like this one. 
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The Giladrigals. I've been wanting to draw Seamus with his new family for a while and this was the perfect opportunity. I'll probably do one of just him and Cordi some time in the future, too.
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For @hellsings-trump-card-alucard who is really obsessed with them
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margoteve · 7 years
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: fighting style, like holy shitworst quality: gurl you can be so creepy XD But I get where it comes fromship them with: Draal (I call it Dramura bc they both kinda dramatic XD also better balanced)brotp them with: Strickler? needs to stay away from: goblinsmisc. thoughts:  NOMura, I can never listen to the Hall of Mountain King the same again.
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stix-n-bread · 3 years
3v dramura? thought it’d be funny, if ur fine with it!!
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(the meme, no longer accepting)
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elizabethemerald · 3 years
B, C, D, and P
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Krexie and Angor Rot/Dictatious. I hadn’t really thought about either ship, but they are actually pretty good and wholesome. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Dramura. In my mind Nomura is gay and I just can’t see any chemistry between her and Draal, especially considering Draal’s frequent comments about “Impures”
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Stricklake. I see a lot of cute art, they are a cannon pairing, I just can’t. I don’t think Strickler apologized to Barbara and I think they would make better friends and Strickler would make a better mentor for Jim than a father figure. 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I’d love to see some more monster AUs. Like Claire becomes a Troll, Toby is the Trollhunter or other things like that. 
Fandom meme!
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maiolica-admirer · 4 years
(Because I'm a shameless Dramura shipper): “I wish you would write a fic where…” Nomura's feelings compromised her with the Janus Order but Draal was willing to hide her on the condition that they never speak of her being a changeling again.
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albentelisa · 9 months
Moonlight, Crispy, R+J for the TOA ask game!
Favorite side character? Zoe (wish she had more screentime), Vendel (just like his grumpy grandpa vibes) and Kanjigar.
Favorite funny scene? I really cracked at the scene in Hero with a Thousand Faces when NotEnrique climbs through the window, sees multiple Jims and goes full 'fuck this shit, I'm out'. And also simultaneous 'shut up, Steve!' from Jim and Strickler.
Favorite ship (romantic, platonic, etc.)? Besides my obvious picks Jlaire and Stricklake, it's Dramura. Their exes dynamic is fun and I wish we saw more after their reconciliation.
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littleladybaker · 5 years
Draal: *Holding Nomura in one hand* I love my tiny wife.
Nomura: Babe, I’m 6′11″
Draal: I love my tiny wife.
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sailoryue · 6 years
I'd started to write a fic where Jim treats Nomura to see Peer Gynt, which just so happens to be playing in a nearby town when my mind asked"why not make it a double date? Jim and Claire and Draal and Nomura.
And I'm like awwwww
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Then I'm
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albentelisa · 9 months
Conspiracy, Changeling, and Breif Recapulation for the ask game.
Your most insane theory (or theory in general!)? I once read a theory that ROTT is Eli's fanfic and I'm a firm believer since then. Why? Eli is the only one with a glowup (wish fulfillment anyone?). Steve Mpreg plot can be a petty revenge for all the bulling Eli had suffered before their friendship bloomed. Jim's and Toby's characters are misinterpreted (Eli isn't that close of a friend so the mistake is understandable). And someone like Nomura or Strickler are killed off because Eli has no idea what to do with them.
Would you rather be a troll, extraterrestrial, or spellcaster? (Or human!) - A shadowmancer like Claire would be cool. Or a changeling
Something you'd want to see explore more/explained - Dramura relationship and the worlds lore (be it more troll tribes and culture, other planets, how magic works or the stuff regarding Arcane Order)
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littleladybaker · 5 years
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I just wanted to draw a soft Dramura family. Erik does have his own nest but, more often then not, he’ll crawl in his parents’s nest. Draal and Nomura don't really fight it.
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littleladybaker · 5 years
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I made the cover for Changling Families!
I loved drawing Nomura and Erik (NotEnrique) for the first time but Draal looks like shit. Also, I hate large group shots. 12 people was a little much.
1) Each of the teens is using part of their powers. Toby’s got Acoridian Eyes, Mary is using her water manipulation powers, and Jim...kinda looks like he wants to steal people's souls...he has changling eyes.
2) My first drawing of pregnant Bagdwella!
3) Erik looking unusually adorable.
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