changlingfamilies · 8 months
I know it’s been a while but I think it’s high time I show off my take on the next gen. This was a lot more kids than I had originally planned but I love them all. I’m going to be doing some chapters with them all at some point. And I’m going to do a bit more with Antonia and the Morgangor baby later as well.
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First came Shauna Giladrigal, the daughter of Mary and Seamus. At 10-years-old, she’s a mermaid werewolf and was a preeme. I know you’re not supposed to have a favorite child but Shauna’s my favorite. She may appear more quiet and reserved but she’s actually the ring leader of the next gen. If these kids get into trouble, you can grantee that it was Shauna’s idea.
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Then, only a month later came Petunia Strickler, the daughter of Jim and Claire. She’s a wizards and a polymorph changeling. She’s the most high energy of all the kids and is my precious chaos gremlin. She loves all of her family, particularly her Tio Enrique, but she’s closest with her cousin Shauna since she and Jim lived with Mary and Seamus for a while after her Mami, Claire, died.
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Less than a month after Pet was born came Isaac Scaarbach. The son of Toby and Darcy, he’s an Akoridian like his father before him. However, he only has two arms in his Akoridan form. His family often travels between Earth and Akoridain V so he gets a good blend off both sides of the family. He, Petunia, and Shauna are kind of the new “Dream Team”. In their escapades, he’s the brains of the operation.
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Another favorite of mine is Fialkov “Flip” Terron-Pepperjack. At 10-years old, he’s a fairy-Akoridian hybrid. Headcannon time! Like the trolls, Akoridans have multiple ways of making biological children. One such way is with a sort of incubator. More information on that in the upcoming chapter. I love his design so much and I had a lot of fun working with him. He’s the only on of the next gen to not have a natural human form so he uses a disguise similar to Aja and Krel in the show sometimes but not often. He can retract his wings though, like Eli can.
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Not long after Flip, Lawrence “Larry” Terron was born, the nine-year-old (Nine and a half!) son of Aja and Steve. Steve never wanted to change his name but he also didn’t want to pass it down so he and Aja agreed that their son would only have her family’s name. He is a human and Akoridian but, much like Toby’s biological father, he can’t transform into an Akoridian. However, with access to Akoridian V that Ralf didn’t have, the family is able to see other Akoridian traits that he does have. He has Aja’s eyes, he can breath in atmospheres most humans can’t, and he will have the Akoridian lifespan.
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The oldest of the lot came a bit later in Eudora Scaarbach. The adopted daughter of Toby and Darcy, she’s a 15-year-old selkie. Other than Shauna, she’s probably my favorite and I have so many plans for her. Toby mentioned as far back as book 1 that he wanted to adopt when he grew up and he and Darcy adopted Eudora when she was six and Isaac was only a year. Her biological family may be gone but there are plenty of other selkies in Arcadia/Avalon by this time that she, Toby, and Darcy have plenty of resources if they ever have any questions or need any help. However, being a lot older than the rest of the kids, she actually spends more time with Douxie’s apprentice, Enrique Nunes. (Also, I got to experiment with more pens again when working on her pelt!)
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Not long after Eudora joined the family Otto “Ottie” Arthur Giladrigal came along. The adopted son off Seamus and Mary, he’s a werewolf-vampire hybrid and yes, that is the name his birth parents gave him. They found him while doing work abroad with a werewolf pack. He was among the pups but they struggled to feed him after his parents died and his father’s vampire clan refused to take him. Now, he has free reign of Heartstone Trollmarket and has regular contact with the Avalon Vampire clan. He runs with Seamus, Shauna, and the rest of the Avalon Werewolf pack on the full moon. Vampires age more slowly, like the trolls. So, though he only looks about six, he’s actually closer to 18. Which is fine since Mary doesn’t really age anymore as The Lady of the Lake.
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Then, as seen in my Ajim week story “Heirs”, came Karl Strickler, the son of Jim and Aja. He really is five. Claire died when Petunia was just a baby and Aja and Steve split amicably when Lary was just over a year old. Aja and Jim started dating when the kids were three and they got married a year later. A year after that saw the birth of Karl. A polymorph changeling, his troll form actually resembles a stone Akoridian. He’s a bit more shy then most of the other kids, and prefers to spend time with his parents and his troll family in Heartsone or wandering the halls of the Avalon Castle.
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Finally, the baby of the family, Lenora “Lenny” Giladrigal. The two-year-old daughter of Mary and Seamus, she’s a werewolf and mermaid like her sister and was also a preeme. It was then determined that a non-werewolf likely could not carry a pup to term. Mary and Seamus had decided to wait a long time before trying again to have another baby so Lenny’s a lot younger than the rest of the next gen.
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stix-n-bread · 4 years
(Sorry I made a mistake) Can you draw E3 with Angor Rot and Morgana(before coming evil).
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can you believe that i was gonna give angor without one eye like how i’m more used to drawing
(the meme, no longer accepting)
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toaverse · 4 years
Angor Rot: “Hey, did you fall from heaven?”
(Pre-evil!)Morgana: “Yes, are you the angel taking me back?”
Angor Rot: *instantly turns red*
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littleladybaker · 3 years
So how did rare pair week change changing families? 👀 also thanks for updating the story even if it’s a short chapter
You could say that Rarepair week is what really kicked off the actual plot of Changling Families. It's kind of a long story.
Before the first Rarepair week Otto was supposed to stay a single father until the start of the show's events. Lenora wasn't meant to be there yet and I hadn't even nailed down if SHE was who he would end up with. It also ushered in Mary as a member of the Scaarbach family. Originally her role was filled by an OC. That OC has since been changed into two different characters. Both OCs but only one has actually appeared so far. AND by adding Lenora to the family, it also brought in Maranda Pepperjack (Her twin sister, a semi-OC since the character does appear just not as she is in the fic) and Eli. And that's just the Scaarbachs!
It also introduced me to Baglar. The pairing of Bagdwella and Bular. Before that, I hadn't even considered Bular getting a redemption or Bagdwella being more than a family friend. This is where the actual story began to take real form. At this point, all I knew was that Walt was going to be the trollhunter and Nomura was going to end up with Draal. By changing Bular's story, it forced me to decide on differences to add and created the character of Gunra. Not to mention Barla and Marla. These characters would all become important later!
On top of all of that, it introduced me to the idea of writing Rarepair fic and paved the way for several of the ships for the kids that I otherwise wouldn't have had the nerve to write. ie: Mary/Seamus, Eli/Krel, and Aja/Jim. and my trash ship Morgangor (Morgana/Angor)
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changlingfamilies · 3 years
Rare Pair Week Day 7: Free Day (Soulmate AU!)
Different species have different Soulmate indicators. However, if you and your soulmate are different species, then you also have each other’s indicators as well.
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Starting with my trash ship, Morgangor. Trolls have markings to help identify their soulmate. It’s not always the same  but for these two it is. It’s the Shadow Staff. Humans swap bodies on the 18th birthday of the younger member.
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Kreli were very happy to find each other. Fairies have a timer on their wrists that count down until they find their soulmate. Akoridians glow from their core. Since Eli is a fairy, his wings are what glows.
(Originally they were both going to wear their supernatural clothes but I couldn’t figure out Krel’s space suit.)
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Mary was flat out terrified about meeting her soulmate. Mermaids have rings that show their soulmate’s emotions. Seamus, being a werewolf, transformed every full moon and Mary’s ring turned black (The color of death). After they found each other and figured everything out, however, they were both much happier and their rings were purple (love) more than any other color.
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Troll based polymorphs have both the body swap of humans and the mark of trolls. Jim was distraught when he first learned that his soul mark was an Akoridian core. He feared that he would never meet his soulmate. Aja was just confused. No one could translate the runes on her circular birthmark. They finally found people who could translate their marks when they found each other. Only then did they learn that they had had their soulmate’s name the whole time.
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Finally, my favorite, Janbach. Lenora had black music notes across her back in a way that almost looked like tattoos. They were a bit difficult for her to hide until tats really became popularized. Otto had the Greek theater masks (Comedy and Tragedy) on his wrist, just above his timer. After all, what goes together better than theater and music.
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
A sneak peak into future of Changling Families!
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“Wake up. Please, Morgana. Wake up!”
AN: I am officially Morgangor trash. I don’t even know how I ended up at this point... Anyway, it’s gonna be soft and sad and dramatic!
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
Not What I Meant pt2
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Morgana gets revenge and the kids get confused.
A:Morgana, could you give me a hand?
A: Really!?
M: Yes, ‘Really’! You were asking for it!
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
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More Changling Families - Mother's Day in Trollmarket 
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littleladybaker · 5 years
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More Changling Families - Enemies to...Something More 
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Draal/Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Bagdwella/Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Otto Scaarbach/Lenora Janeth, Aaarrrgghh/Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Mary Wang/Seamus Johnson, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Steve Palchuk/Aja Tarron, Eli Pepperjack/Krel Tarron, Toby Domzalski/Darci Scott Characters: Barbara Lake, Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Otto Scaarbach, Lenora Janeth, Draal, Nomura, Bular, Bagdwella, Aaarrrgghh, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Vendal, Mary Wang, Toby Domzalski, Jim Lake Jr., Claire Nuñez, Eli Pepperjack, Aja Tarron, Krel Tarron, Seamus Johnson, Seamus Johnson's Father, Morgana, Angor Rot, Tronos Madu, Varvatos Vex, Nancy "Nana" Domzalski, Steve Palchuk, Barla (OC), Marla (OC), Baglar babies, Lucas 'Lucky' Sturges (OC), Barbara's brother, Cordelia Galadrigal (OC), "Mystery Woman", Stardust (OC), Angor's Familiar Additional Tags: Changling Jim, Mermaid Mary, Alien Toby, Fairy Eli, Fairy Lenora, Werewolf Seamus, Redemption, Family, Adoption, lost relatives, Found Family, Slight Morgangor aka Morgana/Angor, mostly because I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with them yet, Babies Series: Part 2 of Changling Families
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littleladybaker · 4 years
Changeling Families for the Director’s Cut, please?
(Sorry this took so long. I was sick and didn’t trust myself to write coherent sentences. Sorry it’s so long now...)
So, when I first started writing Changling Families AU I had no idea where I expected it to go. It was supposed to be about Walt and Barb raising babyJim. Then I decided I wanted to add Otto and Nomura. Then Rairpair week happened and Lenora and Baglar joined in. Half the stuff that ended up happening was in no way planed.
However, there is one thing that has been planned from Book 1 and will finally pan out at the end of  ‘Adventures’. The Shadow Eyed Girl. I started planning her somewhere between deciding that Lenora was Eli’s mom and adding Gunnra. I can’t wait for people’s reactions when y’all find out who she is! BUT I fucked up (of course I did why wouldn’t I) part of the first foreshadowing for her and it makes me so mad.
Half the reason ‘More Changling Families’ exists is because I chickened out on writing a lot of angst and drama and ‘Baby Day’. So I put it all in a separate book. As time went on, I decided there was stuff I forgot or stuff that I suddenly wanted to add. To this day there is still more I want to add to this book.
Seamus was a curve ball for me. I kinda wanted to add him since I saw a post talking about how maybe he’s so tired all the time because he’s a werewolf and wanted to add him. But I had no idea how. Then, 3Below happened. We saw what his home life was like and my mind was made up. I’m not entirely sure why I decided he ends up with Mary but he did and I’m sticking to it.
Morgangor happened (mostly) on accident. I couldn’t figure out where I wanted their relationship to go so I decided on the more neutral ‘partners’ as their descriptor in one chapter. I figured I could have it be romantic if I wanted but it could also just be lab/ business partners. Yeah...I got hooked. I had Claire be Angor’s apprentice and then added Stardust and Tronos and...the rest is history.
When Wizards was announced I started to get nervous. I had no idea what to do with Duxie. I didn’t know if it was going to be possible to keep Morgana and Bular’s redemptions. I didn’t know if people were going to like that I planned to give Merlin a redemption arch. Thankfully, I had nothing to worry about. It was actually way to easy to make it work with Changling Families AU.
I’m both excited and nervous for Rise of Titans. I have quite the cast of characters to work with and it’s only going to get bigger before the movie comes out. I have a lot of ideas for what I’m going to do but nothing 100% planned until then.
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littleladybaker · 4 years
Do y'all know how rare it is to catch an entire family of cats!? Even the dad!?
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Well, we did it! Today, my sister and I caught Morgana’s baby daddy. Around my family, his name is Buster since we ARE NOT KEEPING HIM! To myself and all of you, I'm calling him Angor. He's a prick and ripped out a good chunk of my back and ass so that was fun.
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