#TOA Wizards spoilers
aaronwaltke · 2 years
Hey Aaron, what was Merlin’s deepest desire in Wizards Episode Four: “Lady of the Lake”?
That the kingdoms of magic and humanity were at peace, and he could finally rest.
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honeyxmonkey · 5 months
Lil babby douxie and his mama
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Design evidently inspired by Tenyai but with my own headcanons and flair thrown in
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men from beauxbaton 🤝 men from Aphrodite
school of magic cabin
no representation/erasure because their
school/cabin primarily stands for feminine things
like beauty and love
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bluheaven-adw · 1 year
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These two would either be best friends or arch nemeses. There needs to be a bro-off.
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jmeestella · 1 year
Okay, I have never done anything like this before, But I need to get this random thought out of my system. Small analysis and thoughts of color theory in tales of arcadia: Why I thin Gaylen Krel could be a real thing
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I really like Gaylen Krel concept and here is a little speech about why I think it would be interesting with a very vague concept of color theory (it's actually just my my totally altered perception of reality and boredom).
(An apology if anything here sounds weird, English is not my first language).
I do not think it is necessary to say that this has spoilers for the entire saga of tales of arcadia if you haven't watched it
Some extra alert, I may be editing this constantly, since I may notice some new stuff and since my english may improve jsjs
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So, there you have, the 3Below squad, as akiridions, all of them are basically blue, all equal, nothing to say here, this is clear, BUT- I think something interesting happens when they are in their human desguise: the predominant color is red.
In Aja it is easy to see this in her shirt and shoes, the only blue element is her jeans, For Varvatos it's a little less obvious, but both his shoes and his jacket are also red (His pants are a kind cream color (?), which like red are warm colors, the only cool color element is his shirt), and then we have Krel, basically all his color palette is blue, cold colors, The only red element is his shoelaces, which is hard to notice.
Someone once told me: ok, but Krel skintone is really warm, and this supports my theory, all the characters have most of their warm colors ON THE OUTSIDE, but Krel, aside from his cold clothes HAS THE WARM COLOR INSIDE HIM, HE'S THE WARM COLOR.
And just like fun fact, like, BRO- even the dog is designed in warm colors 🙃
It seems to me that this could represent a bit how difficult it is for them to fit in being themselves (?) after some point I''l explain this
Another extra parenthesis, I find it curious that in the TOA saga the blue color palette predominates in characters that are "not-human", Like Jim who becomes a troll, or Douxie who's a 900 years old wizard.
And it seems to me another important detail that Claire and Toby represent a little about this dynamic of cold and warm colors.
Toby is orange and red, warm colors = human. He was human and he¿ll be a normal human forever.
Claire is purple, closer to red, but still cold= normal human but a wizard (a kind of transition?)
Together, The path of the chromatic circle represents how they move away from being human. You can check de crromatic circle here:
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Douxie does not seem to have any predominant color temperature, he wears neutral colors, this may be because he wants to go equally unnoticed in both worlds, but the detail is in his eyes, normally his eyes are amber (yellow, warm color) but when he uses magic they become blue like his magic itself.
Anyway, I don't want to stray too far from the topic.
It's been a long time since I watched the serie, But I think we even have a whole chapters on that topic. Aja even with problems at the end she fit quite easily as a human, For Varvatos, socializing is a weirder experience, but in the end he has his thing with Nancy and is quite accepted among the other older adults, But we get a whole episode of Krel feeling bad because he doesn't think anyone will remember him, because he never quite fits in.
Long short story if you already see the serie, no much what to say on that, good ending to everyone.
Aja although she tried hid in the human red, in a human disguise, in the end she fully accepts her responsibility and decides to live in the blue that she was born, as the akiridion she is, while Krel, Despite being the most insistent in wanting to have his life back in Akiridon-5, Krel Krel who wanted to hide behind the blue of what he considers his identity, he decides to live like the human he feels like.
But wait. don't missunderstood me, This for both of them is neither good nor bad, neither of them rejects their nature, and I think this is an important part of 3below, embrace who you love and who you are, part akiridion and part human.
I think you may be getting my point: For them being blue is actually good, because at the end they are not human, they just are who they are, And they proudly show their true colors, and they actually do it in a very literally way jjsjsj
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Here we have. Blue vs red.
I need to be honest here, at this point this becomes more imagination than anything, but I think you all might agree with me.
Gaylen represents many things that an akiridon should not be, And what color is him? Oh of course it's red, a fucking warm color.
Speaking of my theory that warm = more human, I find it curious to point out that Gaylen only has 2 arms, wich is very human for the royal ones.
I saw many people talking in many places here on thne internet that it seemed that Krel and Aja woul be a heirs of Seklos and gaylen, some in the figurative sense of "oh yes, don't let yourself be corrupted by power and be good people" and others in the literal sense. I believe both are true in some way.
There could be many things here but as I said it's a lot of imagination. Was it really a mere coincidence that Gaylen's core was on Earth? Are the colors a coincidence?
Here is a series of points that you yourselves can connect.
The cores of the tarron parents are blue. Probably any akiridion core is also blue. Cold Color
Heartstones are orange, warm colors.
Gaylen Core is purple, but he wasn't an Akiridion? shoul't it be blue? oooh, look a the chromatic circle, purple is just aside froom de red. May be healing?
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Let's say Gailen and they would have been more than a vague part of the lore, following what was said before, that Aja's nature is blue and Krel's is red, it is easy to say who is who's heir each one, but Seklos is not seen nowhere, was she really destroyed or is she somewhere else? There are many suspicious places for me, the shadow realm, the darklands, I'm just saying...
I don't know how the whole thing could happen to get in the story to get to the point of Gaylen Krel, but there's my final though: After that, his new red colors could represent a lot of things, maybe the warm colors really only represented a nature that lost of magic and in the end we were all always meant to be magical (?) just saying that, for example, Toby's grandmother has lived suspiciously too long to be a normal human, perhaps he is not as human as they wanted us to believe. That would also be an interesting door to explain why Toby's presence was really necessary from 3Below.
Bu hey, I want some angst, what would meant that Krel is Gaylen's heir? He's a akiridion after he becomes like him? maybe he¿s something more, something weird or strange, not akiridion at all, not human at all
Under this theory, it is similar to what Jim went through as a half-troll, although it is predominantly blue, the eclipse details are red cause after all he's still Jim, that human boy that we all love, and that was sacrifice and change was somtething needed to be made bt doen't change him at all, they both had to become like this, and after all, Krel would still being Krel.
Just I would like to think of a parallel to Jim's breakdown when he becomes a troll but with Krel changing drastically when he becomes Gaylen's heir. Imagine the team trying to catch him to help him and cheer him up because, yeah, by this point in the story, since when did the team care about who they were o are?, and like the cherry on the cake, instead of the legendary Jlaire scene of "no matter who you are, I love you" we might have some cute confort sibilings moment with the same vibe but with "whatever you are, you will alway be my little brother, "
Someone please tell me I'm not crazy with all these thoughts, I am traumatized with TOA
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tnt308 · 1 year
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I don't know where these ideas come from... it wasn't from a strange audio from ig... but I think it was from Pinterest.
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cacahuatlll · 2 years
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Some Zoe Casperan She is filled with rage and angst!,,, and then young Zoe showing her powers to her little brother douxie. (Note; she didn’t get her powers at the age of the art, she got them way younger, I’ll expanded on this on another post someday lol) maybe one day you’ll get happy older Zoe 🥺❤️ I also have a small comic with them Asdfghjkl trying to finish it asap 🏃🏽‍♀️
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b8ggy-corez · 2 years
My fav fanon friendship of them all
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jezfez81 · 4 months
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Shitpost edit on my phone. Added moppet Douxie to nap next to Stolas because he’s baby and prolly would comfort Stolas. 🥺🥰
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losertriangles · 2 years
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Say hello to Troll Astrid. The results of submerging herself in Merlin's potion.
(Again, shout out to raymondes_critical_fail for making the art.)
(You can scroll down on my profile to find her human form)
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an-autistic-dweeb · 6 months
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(DISCLAIMER!: I did this one in 2020 on an IPad that limited my tools🥲)
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(DOUBLE DISCLAIMER!!: … I still suck at drawing hands😞)
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albentelisa · 1 year
Are you planning on having the 3-below and Wizards Arcs be apart of Mirrored Conviction, or are you planning to have it in seprate parts of the story?
As it's planned, Mirrored Convictions is the first installment of the series. There will be two more parts dealing with Trollhunters events (you may think it'll be divided by seasons, but it's not exactly like that). Then there will be the part corresponding to 3Below (the one where Jim and Barbara will have some breather, and there will be some focus on some side storylines in addition to 3Below events), the one dealing with Wizards events, and finally, the closing part where none of ROTT events will happen.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 month
would Nico and Harley get along well? Considering the fact that their both Underworld Kids lol
Anon, I would love to inform you that YES. Yes they DO.
After Something Wicked, Douxie asks Nico to come to Arcadia to help teach Harley how to use his powers. After that it's basically inevitable that Harley gets adopted by Nico and Hazel. He's smol and squishy! Just a baby!
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notanichan · 6 months
otome masterlist
Warning: May have spoilers.
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🌕 - Routes I have finished. 🌑 - Routes I need to finish. 🌗 - Routes I have started but not finished. 🌟 - Games I have finished. 🕒 - Games' Developers/Publishers
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-> Mystic Destinies : Serendipity Of Aeons 🌟
🌕 Shou Hatori 🌕 Shinji Hirayama 🌕 Takumi Arai 🌕 Tatsuya Yukimura 🌕 Hikaru Kazama
-> Amnesia : Memories 🌟
🌕 Toma 🌕 Ikki 🌕 Shin 🌕 Kent 🌕 Ukyo
-> Nightshade 🌟
🌕 Kuroyuki 🌕 Gekkamaru 🌕 Goemon 🌕 Chojiro 🌕 Hanzo
-> Seduce Me
🌕 Sam 🌕 Damien 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌕 James 🌑 Suzu 🌑 Naomi 🌕 Andrew 🌕 Diana
-> Seduce Me 2 - The Demon War
🌕 Sam 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌑 James 🌑 Damien 🌑 Diana
-> Demon Crashers
🌕 Kael 🌕 Orias 🌕 Akki 🌑 Mirari
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Kikuya
🌕 Hayabusa 🌕 Takao 🌑 Kagura 🌕 Kagerou 🌕 Iroha 🌗 Iroha 2nd Season 🌑 Tokiwa
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya 🌟
🌕 Ageha 🌕 Utsusemi 🌕 Takigawa 🌕 Gakuto 🌕 Asagiri
-> Seven Boys 2 🌟
🌕 Vincent 🌕 Randle 🌕 Bevis 🌕 Kevin 🌕 Aaron 🌕 Clement 🌕 Rock 🌕 Julian
-> Soulset 🌟
🌕 Yvonne 🌕 Shira 🌕 Apris 🌕 Verin 🌕 Shirr 🌕 Marco 🌕 Feathor 🌕 'Secret'
-> Hustle Cat
🌕 Reese 🌑 Finley 🌑 Hayes 🌑 Landry 🌑 Mason 🌑 'Secret'
-> This World Unknown
🌕 Asa 🌗 Luca 🌑 Garett 🌑 Val
-> The Royal Trap: Confines Of The Crown
🌕 Callum 🌕 Oscar 🌗 Nazagi 🌑 Gaston
-> Let's Not Stay Friends
🌕 Frenz 🌕 Taf 🌑 Burain
-> Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall
🌕 Red 🌕 Lance 🌕 Yuri 🌕 Tei 🌑 Yeonho 🌑 ???
-> Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌕 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama 🌑 Independant
-> Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌗 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama
-> Re Alistair 🌟
🌕 Derek 🌕 Travis 🌕 Shiro
-> Backstage Pass
🌕 John 🌕 Benito 🌕 Adam 🌕 Matthew 🌑 Lloyd 🌑 Independant 🌑 Nicole 🌑 Alvin
-> Dream Daddy
🌕 Joseph 🌕 Robert 🌕 Craig 🌑 Mat 🌑 Brian 🌑 Hugo 🌑 Damien 🌑 Joseph Secret Ending
-> Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
🌕 Saito Shinjou 🌑 Miki Hiraizumi
-> Monochrome Heaven 🌟
🌕 Kamishiro Akito 🌕 Kamishiro Asuka 🌕 Kamishiro Riku 🌕 Touma 🌕 Misaki Ryuuto
-> Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You 🌟
🌕 Jisoo 🌕 Jiwoo 🌕 Jihae 🌕 Jiyeon 🌕 Jieun 🌕 Wizard
-> Amplitude
Katy's Route 🌕 Jon 🌕 Ari 🌕 Simon and Bunny 🌕 ??? Jon's Route 🌑 Michelle 🌑 Katy 🌑 Liz 🌑 Luna 🌑 Grace 🌑 Eric
-> Cinderella Phenomenon
🌕 Rod 🌕 Karma 🌕 Fritz 🌕 Waltz 🌑 Rumpel
-> Home For The Heart
🌕 Joshua 🌑 Philippe
-> The Letter
🌕 Luke x Rebecca 🌕 Luke x Hannah 🌑 Luke x Marianne 🌕 Hannah x Zachary 🌑 Hannah x Marianne 🌕 Ashton x Rebecca 🌕 Ashton x Isabella
-> Crossroad
🌕 Wolf 🌕 Hunter 🌑 Fox 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Main Route
-> Night Class: A Vampire Story
🌕 Rowan 🌕 Aaron 🌑 Both? I think?
-> Miraclr
🌕 Lucifer 🌑 Michael 🌑 Gabriel 🌑 Uriel 🌑 Raphael
-> Heart No Kuni No Alice
🌗 Boris Airay 🌑 Peter White 🌑 Blood Dupre 🌑 Julius Monre 🌑 Twins 🌑 Ace 🌑 Elliot 🌑 Gowland 🌑 Vivaldi
-> 7'Scarlet 🌟
🌕 Isora Amari 🌕 Hino Kagatsuchi 🌕 Toa Kushinada 🌕 Sosuke Tatehira 🌕 Yuzuki Murakumo 🌕 True Route (Toa Kushinada) 🌕 Bonus Character Route (Hanate Yatsukami)
-> Steam Prison 🌟
🌕 Eltcreed 🌕 Ulrik 🌕 Adage 🌕 Ines 🌕 Yune 🌕 Grand Ending 🌕 Fin
-> Destiny's Princess
🌕 Sanada Yukimura - The Twin Brother 🌕 Takenada Hanbei - The Fiance 🌕 Fuma Kotaro - The Ninja Reinforcement 🌕 Oda Nobunaga - The Father 🌑 Date Masamune - The Commander
-> London Detective Mysteria
🌕 Holmes 🌗 Watson 🌑 Akechi 🌑 Jack 🌑 Lupin 🌑 Kobayashi 🌑 Baker Street Boys 🌑 Grand End
-> Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly 🌟
🌕 Real World Ending 🌕 Bud Ending 🌕 Happy Ending 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Kagiha Ending 🌕 Hikage Ending 🌕 Yamato Ending 🌕 Monshiro Ending 🌕 Karasuba Ending 🌕 Karasuba Good Ending 🌕 Kazuya Ending 🌕 Yamato Good Ending
-> Red Embrace: Hollywood
🌕 Common 1 🌕 Common 2 🌕 Randal 1 🌑 Randal 2 🌑 Randal 3 🌕 Randal 4 🌑 Randal 4 (Leader) 🌕 Randal 5 (S.E.) 🌑 Heath 1 🌑 Heath 1 (Leader) 🌕 Heath 2 🌕 Heath 3 🌕 Heath 4 (S.E.) 🌑 Markus 1 🌑 Markus 1 (Leader) 🌑 Markus 2 🌕 Markus 3 🌕 Markus 4 (S.E.)
-> Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 🌟
🌕 People 🌕 Heroes 🌕 Bad 🌕 Lord 🌕 Lavan 🌕 Heroine 🌕 Levi 🌕 Lugus 🌕 Hugh 🌕 Traveler 🌕 Links 🌕 Wolf
-> Dark Nights
🌗 Zeikun 🌑 Junoru 🌑 Sachiro 🌑 Kurato
-> Gods Of Love 🌟
🌕 Lysander 🌕 Helder 🌕 Exinious 🌕 Rhane
-> Re:Birthday Song 🌟
🌕 Yoru 🌕 Kairi 🌕 Syun 🌕 Ame 🌕 Nami
-> Ayakashi Gohan
🌕 Inushima Yomi 🌕 Serigano Manatsu 🌕 Hana Suou 🌕 Inushima Uta 🌗 Ibuki Haginosuke 🌑 Kimura Asagi
-> Bad Medicine ~Infectious Teachers~
🌗 Kuzuha Kakeru 🌑 Shido Kaname 🌑 Yanagi Ryota
-> Taisho x Alice I 🌟 🌕 Red Riding Hood 🌕 Cinderella
-> Taisho x Alice II 🌟 🌕 Gretel 🌕 Kaguya
-> Taisho x Alice III 🌟 🌕 Wizard 🌕 Snow White
-> Taisho x Alice Epilogue 🌟 🌕 Alice
-> Taisho x Alice Heads & Tails 🌑 Cinderella 🌑 Red Riding Hood 🌑 Kaguya 🌑 Gretel 🌑 Snow White 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Alice 🌕 Ryouishi
-> Ozmafia 🌕 Caramia 🌑 Kyrie 🌑 Axel 🌑 Scarlet 🌑 Caesar 🌑 Soh 🌑 Pashet 🌑 Robin Hood 🌑 Brothel 🌑 Hamelin
-> Fxxx Me Royally!! 🌑 Kaoru 🌑 Ryuusei
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🕒 Cheritz
-> Mystic Messenger 🌟
🌕 Jumin [valentines confession|http://aminoapps.com/p/200ytad] 🌕 Yoosung 🌕 707 🌕 Zen 🌕 V 🌕 Ray 🌕 Jaehee
🕒 Voltage
-> Love 365
🌕 Yamato - My Forged Wedding 🌕 Yuma - Buter Until Midnight 🌕 Genji - In Your Arms Tonight 🌕 Sosuke - Finally In Love Again 🌕 Subaru - My Sweet Boyfriend 🌕 Eisuke - Kissed By The Baddest Bidder
🕒 Visual Wordplay
-> Locked Heart
🌗 Sol D'Lockes (Mama Bear) 🌑 Royal LeBlanc (Papa Bear) 🌑 Deon D'Lockes (Baby Bear)
🕒 Hunex Co. Ltd.
-> Ephemeral
🌕 Shiba The Werewolf (R) 🌗 Shiba The Werewolf (L) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (R) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (L) 🌕 Ray The Vampire (R) 🌗 Ray The Vampire (L) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (R) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (L)
-> On The QT 🌟
🌕 Hibiki 🌕 Keima 🌕 Akira
-> Ephemeral - Miniature Garden 🌟
🌕 Hisui 🌕 Rion 🌕 Yugu
-> My Lovey
(Secret Crush) 🌟 🌕 Soshi Kujo 🌕 Masaki Kirigaya 🌕 Kotaro Kurumi 🌕 Reo Takatsuki
(Fantasy Of The Mind) 🌟 🌕 Julius 🌕 Kay 🌕 Lucian 🌕 Diorca
(Shinobi Kakuran Musou) 🌗 Hayate 🌑 Mikage 🌑 Kugumo 🌑 Yukinojo
🕒 NTT Solmare Corp. Games
-> Story Jar
🌕 (Deluxe Ver. The Last Sacrifice | The Demon King's Desire) 🌕 (The Last Sacrifice | Forbidden Ties)
(The World Or You)
-> Ninja Love
🌕 Sasuke Sarutobi 🌑 Goemon Ishikawa 🌑 Saizo Kirigakure 🌑 Kotaro Fuma 🌑 Musashi Miyamoto 🌑 Munenori Yagyu 🌑 Rennoshin 🌑 Hanzo Hattori 🌑 Nobunaga Oda
-> Obey Me 🌟
🌕 Lucifer 🌕 Mammon 🌕 Leviathon 🌕 Satan 🌕 Asmodeus 🌕 Beelzebub 🌕 Belphegor
🕒 Hanabi Media Games
-> Love Magic 🌟
🌕 Minuet 🌕 Paris
-> Love Magic 2
🌕 Minuet 🌑 Paris
-> High School Love
🌕 Tetsuya 🌑 Naoki
-> Love Triangle 🌟
🌕 Tsukasa 🌕 Kazuya
-> Ghost Love Story
🌕 Kyle 🌑 Vincent
-> Vampire Love
🌑 Tom 🌕 Sam
🕒 Ciagram Co. ltd.
-> Princess Closet
🌕 Reo 🌑 Shuu 🌑 Kai 🌗 Akito
-> Nightmare Harem
🌕 Lucia 🌕 Kaim 🌕 Levy 🌕 Mikael 🌗 Noel 🌕 Ricardo 🌑 Mefy 🌑 Oswald 🌑 Lucas
-> Dateless Love 🌟
🌕 Soji Okita 🌕 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Shota Yuki 🌕 Yoshinobu Tokugawa 🌕 Akinara Aiya 🌕 Shinsaku Takasugi 🌕 Ryoma Sakamoto 🌕 Shuntaro Furutaka
🕒 Genius Inc.
-> My Twin Romance
🌗 Haru 🌑 Yuki 🌑 Both 🌑 Shizuki
🕒 Seec Inc.
-> Jimi-Kare My Quiet Boyfriend 🌟
🌕 Prince Ending 🌕 Arrogant Ending 🌕 Dark-Side Ending 🌕 Princess Ending
-> In Search Of Haru 🌟
🌕 Haruka 🌕 Takaharu 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Haruto
🕒 Day7
-> Miss Detective's Undercover
🌕 Sean 🌗 Jeremy 🌑 Walter 🌑 Mystic Thief
-> Love Signal: D-Mate
🌑 Simon Lane 🌑 Richard Upton 🌑 David Mason 🌗 P:Ure 🌕 Greg Odell 🌑 Tay Caden
-> Marked By King Bs 🌟
🌕 Ashton Griffin 🌕 Nicholas Rosada 🌕 William Kal 🌕 Zack Snyder 🌕 Joel Barret
-> Loved By King Bs
🌑 Ashton Griffin 🌑 Nicholas Rosada 🌗 William Kal 🌑 Zack Snyder 🌑 Joel Barret 🌑 Erick Blanche
-> Sleeping Delivery
🌗 Damian Kraus 🌕 Luke Morris 🌕 Julian Parker 🌑 Leo Reinhardt 🌑 Sebastian Weiss
-> Beauty Rental Shop
🌑 Toby Lowell 🌑 Lucian Vasilis 🌗 Soren Rayne 🌑 Kylar Xander
-> SECRET Fan Crush
🌑 Leon 🌑 Woobin 🌑 Haejin 🌑 Dohwon 🌑 Taehee 🌕 Parang Ki
-> Proposed by A Demon Lord
🌑 Penn 🌑 Hael 🌗 Laika 🌑 Riley 🌑 Vernius 🌑 Ren 🌑 Cornell 🌑 Isaac
🕒 Avocado Entertainment
-> Vampire Idol
🌑 Edgar 🌑 Kang Tae Jun 🌑 Ian 🌑 Lee Sun Woo 🌑 Baek Do Ha
🕒 DeareaD Inc.
-> Monster's First Love
🌗 Achille 🌑 Ibuki 🌑 King
🕒 StoryTaco.inc
-> Dangerous Fellows - Romantic Thrillers
🌕 Zion 🌕 Eugene 🌑 Lawrence 🌕 Harry 🌕 Ethan
-> Queen's Number - Jackpot is not my concern 🌟
🌕 Aaron 🌕 Freyr 🌕 Gon 🌕 Mo-wan
🕒 Nix Hydra
-> The Arcana : A Mystic Romance
🌗 Julian 🌗 Asra 🌑 Nadia 🌑 Lucio 🌑 Muriel 🌑 Portia
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-> Storm Lover Kai!!
🌕 Kyosuke Mikoshiba 🌕 Yuto Uzuki 🌑 Mio Ikari 🌑 Rikka Toratani 🌑 Soya Tatsuhara 🌕 Takumi Mishiro 🌑 Tsukasa Sugai 🌑 Chihiro
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-> Collar x Malice 🌟
🌕 Kei Okazaki 🌕 Mineo Enomoto 🌕 Takeru Sasazuka 🌕 Kageyuki Shiraishi 🌕 Aiji Yanagi
-> Code Realize ~Guardian Of Rebirth~ 🌟
🌕 Arsène Lupin 🌕 Abraham Van Helsing 🌕 Victor Frankenstein 🌕 Impey Barbicane 🌕 Saint-Germain
-> Piofore: Fated Memories
🌗 Nicola Francesca 🌕 Dante Falzone 🌑 Gilbert Redford 🌕 Yang 🌑 Orlok 🌑 Finale Route
-> Birushana 🌕 Noritsune Taira 🌕 Shungen 🌑 Benkai Mukashibo 🌕 Yoritomo Minamoto 🌕 Tomomori Taira
-> Cupid Parasite 🌑 Allan Melville 🌑 Raul Aconite 🌑 Gill Lovecraft 🌑 Shelby Snail 🌑 Ryuki Keisaiin -> Virche Evermore 🌟 🌕 Lucas  🌕 Mathis  🌕 Scien  🌕 Yves  🌕 Le Salut (Adolphe/Ankou)
-> Hana Awase New Moon Here I am considering each game as a single route. 🌕 Iroha Volume 🌕 Mizuchi Volume 🌑 Karakurenai/Utsutsu Volume 🌑 Himeutsugi Volume
-> even if TEMPEST 🌟 🌕 Crius Castlerock 🌕 Tyril I Lister 🌕 Zenn Sorfield 🌕 Lucien Neuschburn 🌕 Ish
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To Play 1. Olympic Soiree 2. Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains
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chocogoblin · 3 months
ToA x LMK (?)
Had a random crossover idea. Spoilers for people who haven't seen the last season of Trollhunters, but then again that show is years old so like :p
Basically, in the final fight between the Trollhunters and Morgana, when Claire and Morgana go into the shadow realm. Yano how it's not shown? Yeah had a funny idea if Macaque from LMK was coming through, and looked at the two and was like (to Morgana) "Bitch for the last time I told you not to start fights here," and beats the ever loving shit outta her.
Anyways, bro is looking around and is like "oh shit kid you're still here-" as he looks at Claire, who is still recovering from the fact Morgana is dead and gone now, and everything is over, and hey the shadow realm is nice without the fear of Morgana being there looking over her shoulder.
This is my convoluted way of saying that Macaque after seeing a baby shadowmancer, (cause you can never find any of those these days who aren't absolutely ancient) just looks at Claire and goes "you can do better than that" and starts helping her with shadow magic. Maybe at first it was a way to get more power and then he just starts to care for her. But in my head a majority of the reasoning that Mac decided to help her is because it's a dying art and she's probably the youngest shadowmancer in the world at the moment.
I can see a lot of stuff coming out of this. Like just from the top of my head:
-Claire becomes one of those immortal wizards and flash forward to the future meets LMK crew. (from this idea stems my second idea of Pigsy and Tang trying to unlock Claire's tragic backstory(TM) even though there isn't much of that here.)
-Dad Macaque, because, come on.
-ROTT movie just, not happening now that there's a monkey on par with the guy who beat up all of heaven including all it's gods on their side. I'd imagine Demi-gods (because that's what arcane order is listed as on the wiki) is alot easier than gods, and def a lot easier than losing (lol) to Sun Wukong.
-Angsting to eachother. Think of any lmk x toa pairing, and you can make an angst conversation out of it some way or another.
-Half-troll Jim just going to Megapolis with Claire to visit Mac and becoming obssessed with the anti gravity arcade because it's open at night and just hell yeah.
-Lore building perhaps with the two universes mixed together??
-Claire helping out with the shadow play stuff while she visits Mac. Bonus points if she gets a mention in his vent play about the hero and the warrior.
-Toby and Mei playing games together, and Toby getting his ass absolutely handed to him.
-Mac going away to visit Claire during s3 or between seasons to vent about "what the fuck is going on kid- " because alot of the lmk villains don't go outside asia except if they want to rule the world (cough, lbd) so they can't really find him all the way in California, America lol.
-Bonus points if Claire learns how to speak Mandarin or Chinese (i forgot what the LMK gang spoke originally because i'm a silly lil english speaker who only watches the eng dub) so now she's trilingual. Spanish, English, whatever the hell the lmk gang speaks.
I dunno the ToA fandom is pretty dead, and I don't know how many LMK fans know about ToA, so. rip me ig. if this post gets a few notes i'll consider posting the art i made for this so far ('art' as if i'm not talking about a few sketches in my lil book of sketch).
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melongraph56 · 7 months
Yogscast: Tales of Arcadia AU
"god the yogs are so tales of arcadia coded im not ok, my thoughts are on hyper speed"
ok so quick summary of what tales of arcadia is for everyone at home graciously provided by wikipedia. a lot of the current timeline of the au is gonna focus on trollhunters so our main protagonist can have some development even though I thought of some scenarios outside of the current timeline whoops
Tales of Arcadia is a trilogy of animated science fantasy television series created for Netflix by Guillermo del Toro and produced by DreamWorks Animation and Double Dare You. The series comprising the trilogy follows the inhabitants of the small suburban town of Arcadia Oaks, which is secretly home to various supernatural creatures and the young heroes who fight against the forces of evil that lurk in the shadows. The three installments of the trilogy, Trollhunters, 3Below and Wizards, have been released worldwide.
- wikipedia
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia... follows the story of James "Jim" Lake Jr., a teenage boy who finds a mysterious amulet and stumbles across a secret realm inhabited by trolls and other magical creatures. Soon afterward, he and his friends are charged with protecting the world from the dangerous monsters that lurk in the shadows of their small suburban town.
- wikipedia
so basically this au is filled with magical creatures (trolls), aliens (akiridions), and wizards which is so yogs based!!! there are also beings called changelings who can switch between human and troll.
I imagine a lot of the old gen yogs as non-human and older, while the new gen are mainly human and as teens/young adults like kirsty who is human, however there are a few exceptions like briony who is a troll. technically briony isn't a teen because trolls live for a very long time though she is younger than some of the other trolls. I plan on adding more new gen yogs but need to figure out what role they would play in the au instead of them being just bystanders/background characters. I also intend on adding more SOI characters but I need to refresh myself on the lore
in the under cut I've assigned everyone as either a troll, akiridion, wizard, changeling or human. don't mind the extra bits, I'll explain those in another post along with some dynamics between characters
ALSO, quick note I'm gonna try to be very low-key with our resident demi-gods since the arcane order is a big spoiler in the trilogy. I'll tag posts accordingly to avoid spoilers if y'all are interested in watching the series
spoiler tags:
#yogscast: arcane order | #yogs: ao | #yogs: toa spoilers
au tags:
#yogscast: tales of arcadia | #yogs: toa
(while we're here some general tags)
xephos - akiridion
honeydew - troll
lalna - wizard
sips - akiridion
rythian - changeling
zoeya - troll (leader of trollmarket / protector of the heartstone)
littlewood - troll (previous trollhunter, deceased)
nanosounds - changeling
ross - changeling
alsmiffy - wizard/akiridion?
trott - troll
lomadia - changeling?
nilesy - wizard
teep - troll
ravs - troll
zylus - akiridion
daltos - changeling
strife - akiridion
parvis - changeling
boba - human (current trollhunter, main protagonist)
kirsty - human
briony - troll
pedguin - human
sarah - human
lalnable - changeling
echo/five - changeling
fumblemore - wizard (merlin equivalent)
swampy - wizard (guinevere equivalent?)
israphel - troll (gunmar equivalent)
the queen/jean - wizard (morgana equivalent)
mother - cosmic being
ridgedog - arcane order (bellroc equivalent)
kirindave - arcane order (skrael equivalent)
lying - arcane order (nari equivalent)
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