wheretwofacesmeet · 1 year
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I haven’t said this yet, but in Emerald Embers, the good trolls aren’t going to be racist to the changelings.
I feel like that even though they're portrayed as good, it makes them rather unsympathetic. They were literally subjected to the same racism, and it was very, very hypocritical to do the same thing.
They never get called out on it, or realize their hypocrisy. It doesn’t even need to be there.
So here's what happens instead:
The changelings think they're like that, partly because of Gunmar and Bular lying to them. When they tried to protest their treatment, they both told them that if they defected, the good trolls would treat them just as badly.
But that isn't true. Trollmarket is actually "a sanctuary for all good trolls," as Blinky put it, and that includes refugees.
After Merlin's "death", the trolls all became refugees by default since he wasn't there to protect them the onslaught after Arthur's death.
Even though Arthur promised to reverse his ban on magic, Bellroc murdered him before he got the chance to even announce or set up a plan. And of course, just because he changed didn't mean everyone did.
After his funeral, most humans presumed that the trolls had something to do with both Arthur and Merlin's deaths, and they plan to launch an attack against them. The Dwoza trolls get wind of this from their wizard allies, and they flee before that can happen.
They move across the ocean, to a place that will eventually be known as America. They head underground and start building a new settlement: Trollmarket.
After they set up a few rudimentary homes, they build the gyre and its station, as it's important for communicating with their kin's other settlements.
Trolls who are brave enough to venture out on it, such as Kanjigar and Draal, start coming back with stories. They tell Vendel about other refugees, other kinds of trolls who are being driven from their homes or captured.
Right after Vendel hears the news, he calls all the trolls in Trollmarket to a meeting. He tells everyone what's happening, and they're driven between panic and grief.
"What do we do?" Bagdwella cried. "We will keep Trollmarket's doors open to all good trolls." Vendel said calmly. "No!" Draal shouted. "What we need to do is close Trollmarket's doors to no one but us!" "Is that Merlin would want?" Vendel asked. "Merlin isn't here!" Draal roared. Murmuring started at his words. "He isn't here. What do we do?" Deya stepped forward, and everyone quieted as they looked at her. "You're right, Draal. Merlin isn't here. But his memory still is. The Amulet," she said, pulling it out of her pocket as she spoke, "the creation that helped save us all, that banished Gunmar to the Darklands, is. Merlin protected all of us. Isn't it time that we do the same for our brethren?" Everyone was spurred by her words, even if they didn't want to admit it. Soon, a unanimous decision to keep Trollmarket's doors open was made, to all good trolls, no matter what kind.
And over time, hundreds of them come to the one guaranteed safe place.
TLDR, the trolls aren't racist towards changelings.
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littleladybaker · 3 years
So how did rare pair week change changing families? 👀 also thanks for updating the story even if it’s a short chapter
You could say that Rarepair week is what really kicked off the actual plot of Changling Families. It's kind of a long story.
Before the first Rarepair week Otto was supposed to stay a single father until the start of the show's events. Lenora wasn't meant to be there yet and I hadn't even nailed down if SHE was who he would end up with. It also ushered in Mary as a member of the Scaarbach family. Originally her role was filled by an OC. That OC has since been changed into two different characters. Both OCs but only one has actually appeared so far. AND by adding Lenora to the family, it also brought in Maranda Pepperjack (Her twin sister, a semi-OC since the character does appear just not as she is in the fic) and Eli. And that's just the Scaarbachs!
It also introduced me to Baglar. The pairing of Bagdwella and Bular. Before that, I hadn't even considered Bular getting a redemption or Bagdwella being more than a family friend. This is where the actual story began to take real form. At this point, all I knew was that Walt was going to be the trollhunter and Nomura was going to end up with Draal. By changing Bular's story, it forced me to decide on differences to add and created the character of Gunra. Not to mention Barla and Marla. These characters would all become important later!
On top of all of that, it introduced me to the idea of writing Rarepair fic and paved the way for several of the ships for the kids that I otherwise wouldn't have had the nerve to write. ie: Mary/Seamus, Eli/Krel, and Aja/Jim. and my trash ship Morgangor (Morgana/Angor)
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stix-n-bread · 4 years
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so! here’s day 1 of the #tales of arcadia fashion week, the theme being ‘trolls’........... can you tell how creative i am with today’s theme
and i chose bagdwella and bular because, well, they need more love <3 (also i knew EXACTLY what i was gonna do for this theme and they were the only ones that came into mind so—)
here are the themes and dates!
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changlingfamilies · 3 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Otto Scaarbach/Lenora Janeth, Draal/Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Aaarrrgghh/Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Bagdwella/Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Mary Wang/Seamus Johnson, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Eli Pepperjack/Krel Tarron, Morgana & Arthur, Mary Wang & King Arthur, Mary Wang & Toby Domzalski, Mary Wang & Jim Lake Jr., Claire Nuñez & Mary Wang, Claire Nuñez & Steve Palchuk, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Hisirdoux “Douxie” Casperan & Everyone, Angor Rot/Morgana | Pale Lady The final chapter of Changling Families Adventures. The kids return from Charlie's to find that things have gone from bad to worse. Can they pull through and save their family? Or is all lost?
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yellowmagicalgirl · 3 years
5 Baglar?
5. “I cannot find the words to describe how I feel about you.”
Have some early stages of a trollhunter!Bagdwella enemies to lovers au. This can be read as mutual or onesided pining.
There was something... different about this trollhunter. Bular had fought and slain many, but none were like her. “I... cannot find... the words to... describe how I feel about you,” he said, pretending to pant for breath. It would not do for a Gumm-Gumm to show weakness like tiredness, but it was better that than show his conflicted emotions.
Bagdwella gave him an unimpressed look from several meters away. She had likely been less of a warrior than the rest of the soft trolls living in Arcadia, and her panting for breath was probably real. He should finish her, and finally claim the amulet to free his father. And yet...
“I can,” she said, “you evil brute.”
Romantic One-Liners
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Source: https://collider.com/wizards-release-date/
Okay, was anyone going to tell me that Wizards had some promo material dropped, or was I just supposed to see chatter about it and go looking myself? 
Looks like we’re getting a Morgana face reveal like we were hoping, because the shot of Claire and the lady standing in front of the fireplaces was captioned ‘Claire and Morgana’ when I saved the image on the source page. Her haircut looks kind of like the dark-haired lady from the poster, but the firelight makes her look more of a redhead like the portrait-lady seen behind and above them, so it’s still unclear what her hair colour is. (Maybe Morgana’s hair is naturally red but turned black from magic use like how Claire’s turned white.) 
The antler-horned figures might be more Fay characters. Probably connected to the “mysterious armoured foe” in 3Below Season 2. The biggest Antler-Guy is probably the main antagonist, from his position and lighting. Maybe that’s Galen. 
I don’t see any of the Akiridion characters in these promo shots, but the time travel might lead into that ‘prophecy’ Vendel and Kanjigar mentioned in 3Below that Akiridions were going to show up on Earth at some point. 
The blue stone in Douxie’s staff looks like the one in the Amulet. 
The cat looks like he has wings in a couple of these images so I’m inclined to think he has, like, a gargoyle/dragon power-up form. 
The big armoured guy could be King Arthur, Lancelot, Mordred, or possibly Toby from even further in the future who came back in time to help again (my first thought when I saw him). 
Looks like more of Claire’s hair is going to turn white. Also I think she’s wearing the dress seen in the museum in Trollhunters Season 1. (“I wish our play had these costumes.”) 
Is that the Decimaar Blade Jim is holding? I remember theorizing that he could wield it while in the Eclipse armour and I’ll be very excited if I’m proven right. 
And that shot of the troll army was captioned ‘Killahead Bridge’ so it looks like we might finally get an official date for when that battle occurred - because every time travel story worth its salt has the characters establish, “okay, when exactly are we?” 
The plot-related bit of the press release, for anyone who doesn’t feel like clicking the link or if the article vanishes after a while, reads as follows: 
Following Trollhunters and the second series 3Below, Wizards marks the final chapter in the trilogy that brings together the three disparate worlds of trolls, aliens and wizards. In the newest installment, wizard-in-training Douxie and the heroes of Arcadia embark on a time-bending adventure to medieval Camelot that leads to an apocalyptic battle for the control of magic that will determine the fate of these supernatural worlds that have now converged.
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goldies-cryptobitch · 4 years
Tales of Arcadia - Crackship/Rarepair AMV - I Want Your Love
I spent way too many hours on this funky pile of garbage, please appreciate me
List of ships in no particular order:
Galadrigana (Morgana + Blinky) suggested by @ginger-le-gay
Krouxie (Krel + Douxie) suggested by @yellowmagicalgirl
Ajim (Aja + Jim) suggested by @sirma-m
Dicrot (Angor Rot + Dictatious) not suggested by @gold-kobold but it’s her fault anyways so I must blame her lol
Stricknos (Strickler + Tronos Madu) suggested by @xdeusxmachinax
Shanny (Shannon + Mary) suggested by my sister
Janbach (Janeth + Otto) suggested by @littleladybaker
Baglar (Bagdwella + Bular) suggested by @littleladybaker
Usumora (Usurna + Nomura) suggested by @xdeusxmachinax
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hansuart · 6 years
Hnngghhh... your dromura and baglar content... give me LIFE
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Okay so first we have a dromura one were they're basically getting married the same way Kanjigar and Ballustra did,, by fighting each other in a cage
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After the fight they're like
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and then the Baglar one,, which needs no explanation:
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brothebro · 6 years
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The queen of Trollhunters, ya can’t deny it <3  So apparently these painty fanarts take a lot less time than my regular lineart style huh
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hansuoddie · 6 years
Me watching people get invested in the Baglar ship:
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gold-kobold · 6 years
guys i’m gonna be reblogging rarepairs like crazy all week brace yourselves
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toa-archive · 3 years
Would have posted this yesterday but ~guess who has a swollen hand which has made typing uncomfortable~
Sergio Casas who worked on Trollhunters as a colour artist according to his bio has some unique artwork on his website, unfortunately it became fairly broken months ago and to date has yet to be fixed. Specifically the front page is mangled and franchises he’s worked on are inaccessible however the back end where the images are still work and @theeio​ managed to get to them. These have been preserved until the website is (Hopefully) back online as it’s very exceptional circumstances.
The original layout was a smaller sized full image with additional zoomed in images above hence the following might look a little odd out of that context. There are three all told plus the detailed versions.
First up Bagdwella who certainly had a few extra hands in her earlier incarnation.
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This one is probably very familiar as it’s early on in the official artbook and was used in the armour design post. Given Jack’s presence and the kids older designs this was clearly when Trollhunters was still a film.
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Blinky also has amazing lashes to match AAARRRGGHH’s eyeshadow.
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The final image is of Bular (Still Gunmar at this point as you can tell by the eye!) with some Gumm-Gumm potentials who seem to have a thing for nose rings.
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Square up, fleshbag.
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There is a tweet mentioning this piece too! The other mentioned artists are  Francisco Ruiz Velasco (Also known as Fruiz), Alfonso Blaas and Sergio Casas himself.
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And if the Bular specifically looks familiar you might well have seen him on this board :) It’s nice to see him in his full glory.
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To wrap things up it is very likely this in Tales of Arcadia and the video game are a reference to him much like Benoit’s is likely a reference to Benoit Le Pennec who has various works in the artbook that sadly aren’t online.
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[Edit] Since this has been posted his website is still down however his artwork has been reuploaded on Artstation! This post will be kept regardless due to it linking his website which many might find first.
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littleladybaker · 5 years
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More Changling Families - Baby Day (deleted scenes) 
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stix-n-bread · 4 years
Moranbritzs or Bular x bagdwella smooches! Please bonus if lipstick prints XD
decided to draw both! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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i saw lipstick and i really wanted to make a ‘coral blue #5’ reference and then i realized..... morando
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
Sleepy Snuggles
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Just some soft Baglar snuggles.
Bular wasn’t raised in a very physically affectionate family though he never doubted that they loved him. Because of this, he never misses and opportunity to snuggle with his wife and daughters, even before they were born.
Bonus: Bular is wearing another Gantu outfit.
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