quotelr · 3 months
Life keeps throwing me stones. And I keep finding the diamonds...
Ana Claudia Antunes, A-Z of Happiness: Tips for Living and Breaking Through the Chain that Separates You from Getting That Dream Job
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reonaissance · 3 months
⟡ ──⠀ loving bites.
⟡ ⠀ blue lock.
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⟡ ⠀ summary. :: their reaction, when you bite them out of the blue. ⟡ ⠀ pairing(s). :: Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyoma, Nagi Seishiro, Mikage Reo x gn!Reader ⟡ ⠀ warnings. :: sfw, fluff, comedy ⟡ ⠀ word count. :: —
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⟡ ⠀ Itoshi Rin
-> he would look at you with a judgy look and mind his own business afterwards.
-> he ignores it until he feels your teeth sinking in his upper arm again.
-> he does not need to ask what you wanted to achieve with biting him out of the blue, his glare speaks enough for itself.
-> when you explain him, it was a love bite but in a non-sexual way, showing him you love him, he would not understand, why you wound like to bite him rather than just say the words 'I love you' or to show it in other ways.
-> but he would get used to it after some time.
-> he would simply accept his fate of being bitten and maybe bite you back once to let you see how it feels.
-> but be prepared to be ignored afterwards and to never ever talk about it again.
⟡ ⠀ Itoshi Sae
-> like rin, he would give you a judgy look but ten times worse.
-> he would GLARE at you like you brought up the law to make football illegal.
-> and he wouldn’t say anything until you give him an explanation.
-> and this dude bites you back SO hard, you stop doing it out of fear, he might bite a piece of your flesh out the next time.
-> and it helps for like two or three months before you try again with light bites.
-> he bites you back again, this time a little lighter, but still hard enough to scare you to not do it for a while.
-> it would go on like that for a while until he accepts his fate of getting bitten no matter what he does against it. just don’t bite too hard to leave marks.
⟡ ⠀ Bachira Meguru
-> this dude would bite you back in an instant.
-> no hesitation, head empty, he would bite you back in your shoulder with a little too much force, making you squeak. but he didn’t mean to hurt you.
-> he would kiss the spot afterwards to say sorry.
-> I can also Imagine him biting you out of the blue too (basically the exact same thing what you did).
-> And with that the nom war starts.
-> the one who bites the other more often throughout the day wins and can decide what you do in the evening or the next day.
-> I can see all the bite marks on the shoulders of both of you from when you bit the other a little to hard.
-> it almost looks like an aggressive cat bit you from head to toe.
-> the bites seem just a little too big for a cat. But no one asks further. And no one speculates who it was because a short glimpse at him is enough to know who it was. and they simply shut up.
⟡ ⠀ Isagi Yoichi
-> he would be a little worried and would ask you if everything is alright.
-> maybe you’re hungry, maybe he’s sitting on something you’ve been searching the whole time and you need it and he doesn’t even know.
-> he’s just worried and wants the best for you.
-> after you gave him an explanation that it’s a way of showing your love to him, he calms down.
-> he thinks it’s cute. It remembers him of a cat. He saw many cats on the internet biting their owner lightly as a way of showing their love.
-> a little extravagant, but still cute.
-> when he has the courage, he bites you back now and then. Not often though.
-> he just doesn’t want to hurt you.
⟡ ⠀ Chigiri Hyoma
-> head empty, no thought, he just noms you back.
-> of course he knows what you want to tell him and what a nom is, he knows and follows all the trends.
-> like bachira, he would make a challenge out of it, watching who can bite the other more often throughout the day.
-> he would even record it occasionally, edit all the clips in one smooth video like all those shelving videos and upload it on TikTok (with your consent of course).
-> the people in the comments would freak out at how cute they think it is (the comment section is full of caps and crying emojis).
⟡ ⠀ Nagi Seishiro
-> he's too lazy to even acknowledge it.
-> but when he does, he would sink his teeth softly in the flesh of your shoulder after he finished his round or paused his game.
-> but forget bringing him to mom you again. it’s likely for him to not do it again because it’s a hassle for him to open up his mouth .
⟡ ⠀ Mikage Reo
-> reo would have an all lovey dovey look on his face with hearts in his eyes.
-> this boy loves everything you do. he's obsessed with every bit of you.
-> you don't need to explain, he understands the meaning of it. he watched enough cat videos doing it.
-> he is so nice and would return the gesture with a light nom in your upper arm. you don’t even feel his teeth sinking in your flesh.
-> he can’t stand it, when you get hurt, especially if he’s the one who hurt you.
-> after you started it, he’s continuing with it. not making a war out of it, but every now and then, when nobody else’s around, he noms you.
-> he would stand behind you, warping his arms around your waist and then sink his teeth in you shoulder or upper arm.
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──⠀ lovs monologue
reupload time! I also changed some parts. just some minor things except for nagis part.
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© lovingluxury | @/cafekitsune’s dividers
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diamondintheroughcrk · 4 months
[Canon] Doing a lot of art dumping here. It's been 6 months so there's a lot to put here.
Here we have some bonding time Theo(Cacao) and Toffee
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After the Dark Flour War when Cacao returns with a shattered Soul Jam, Affogato is entrusted with fixing it. However, none of them took into account the fact that there was one shard in Toffee's necklace that would also get sucked in, sealing her away in the King's most precious relic.
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Oh and now she's been redesigned for the royal family portrait!! I decided I wanted her to be a part of my culture :3
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jeonseoguu · 25 days
O-O-Okuyasy please😭🙏♥️
So fucking love ur style broo😭
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i have delivered your okuyasu 👊
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friedrichnapier · 3 months
Little (and big) magical horses on Multiverse MLP Therapy session!
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Silly MS sketch with AU MLP therapy gang!
I collected all characters that I know and that have a color reference, and as soon as new ones appear, I will add them to the canvas.
Princess of Gender Dysphoria - @beluvbug
Fluttershy doesn't want to be a pegasus - @ribbonzregretz
Princess of Weakness - @puppy-waves-art
The Super Duper Pony Pleaser/The Joker Card - @kandigored
Grounded - @lemoneychicken
Fallen Dashie - @zayn-darkshadow
Diamind in the Rough - @jaythebluegay
Viltriolic Mind - @generalconceptofacat
Celestial BurnOut - me
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whimstellar · 4 months
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i never really post my own art on here but.. been following @beluvbug's applejack au (princess of gender dysphoria) and have seen people talk about wanting to make their own aus and how all of them could to go to group therapy.
and seeing him mention jokingly in a tag on an ask that they need a rarity one now may have led me to start thinking of how i'd interpret my favorite pony in a similar setting.
so here is a really messy sketch just to get some ideas down. rarity in this would have just hit a very long patch of burnout.. as well as coming to terms the new limits of her body due to a disability that has started to impact how she's able to take care of herself. (i imagine she's an ambulatory wheelchair user but does use it most days). if i end up doing a story or anything i think it'd follow her as she learns how to continue on within her new limits (both physically and mentally) and also i think she would get hit with the gender beam (because it is self indulgent and transmasc rarity who still loves feminine things is what i believe in my heart)
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eternalsnowfan02 · 3 months
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✨Sailor Scout Color-Coding✨
(Would Deuce and Riddle be switched if I was basing this on grades? Yes. But I like to think Deuce would really admire Ami's honor student-ness and Riddle's fashion is just too magical girl not to make him the leader.)
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solargeist · 6 months
In the same building on top the empty cells, theres chests telling the players what The Watchers think of them.
This is Grian's
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greensapphic · 1 month
Just know that when I say "all cops are bastards" or "defund the police" im NEVER talking about them.
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Give them all the funding actually. They'd use it on silly string and ice cream
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slcepily · 7 months
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he never lets her do anything =(
[based on this old-ish pic]
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We’re the crystal gems and we’re gonna smooch your mother to death!!
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reonaissance · 2 months
hi hi can i request blue lock (any characters you like) with a reader who dodge their kisses for funsies and act dumb when confronted.
thankyou!! stay safe and healthy!!
⟡ ──⠀ dodge for fun.
⟡ ⠀ blue lock.
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⟡ ⠀ summary. :: he doesn’t seem to like it, when his partner doesn’t give him the attention he would like to have and deserves after a hard day. ⟡ ⠀ pairing(s). :: Mikage Reo, Itoshi Sae x gn!Reader ⟡ ⠀ warnings. :: sfw, fluff, comedy ⟡ ⠀ word count. :: —
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⟡ ⠀ Mikage Reo
-> poor boy comes home completely exhausted, just wanting to cuddle and kiss you.
-> he enters the kitchen and sees you standing there drinking some water.
-> he approaches you from behind and places a hand on your shoulder, leaning down to kiss you.
-> only for you to step aside and look at him and greet him innocently.
-> he looks at you a little irritated before he tries again just for you to step back again with a smile.
-> a snort leaves his lips before he loops his arms around you to cage you and finally press a kiss on your lips.
-> after he realises, you don’t return the kiss, Reo pulls back and looks at you dissatisfied and a little disappointed.
-> then you even have the audacity to wipe it away. how could you do that?! so cruel! and then you dare to give him an innocent smile and act like nothing happened.
-> and even asking him about what he’s talking about!
-> he huffs again, then trying to hide his disappointment and asks if everything is alright.
-> then you couldn’t take it any longer and told him, that it was just a silly joke and finally gave him a proper kiss.
-> although he tried to hide the disappointment he felt earlier, it was easy to tell what he truly felt. especially after the period of time you two were in a relationship.
-> just don’t do it again if you don’t want to kill him. he couldn’t live his life normally without his regular dose of kisses.
⟡ ⠀ Itoshi Sae
-> interviews are hard for him. he disliked every bit of them. he even hated them.
-> he hated to be approached in general, even more with a camera showed in his face. he hated the personal questions, some of them entering his personal space way too much.
-> so every time he enters his apartment, he seeks for you to give him a big hug and a big smooch on the lips.
-> walked through to the whole apartment, searching after you, but you were nowhere to be found.
-> ‘maybe she’s on the toilet’, he thinks and sits down on the couch to wait for you to return. and it took you 20 minutes to leave the bath to come to him.
-> you greeted him as per usual and got a glass out of the cupboard. but something was missing…
-> he waits a little. maybe you just were really thirsty. you’ll come any minute to him, to give him his hug and kiss he deserved.
-> but nothing. you just sit down on the dining table with the glass and get your phone out.
-> he waits a little more. maybe you just forgot about his interview. maybe… no, you wouldn’t forget about it! you never forget about his appointment!
-> so he approaches you, stops behind you, placed a hand on your shoulder, and bends down to press a kiss on your cheek.
-> but you turn your head away and pretend to look out of the window.
-> he tries again, but fails.
-> then he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks together to smash a kiss on your lips muttering “don’t ever pull something like that again. I don’t like your silly pranks.” afterwards.
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──⠀ lovs monologue
thank you for the request dear anon! I hope I could’ve fulfil your expectations and you liked it. I have to say, I like the headcanon format a little more than the full fic thing. I’m done so much faster writing bullet points than writing full sentences.
and since I’m on summer break now I hope to find some more time writing and finish the other two requests I have in my drafts since april (besides doing nothing). august will be wild (hopefully).
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© lovingluxury | @/cafekitsune’s dividers
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nori-no-name · 1 month
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I've been experimenting a lot with Procreate lately, Blue and Yellow are wonderful subjects since their palettes and designs complement each other so well.
And also because I love them 💚
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raprockcity · 1 month
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initially gonna be smthn entirely different but i gave up in favor of something more complex LOL
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hootbon · 9 months
Out of the bunch of freaks, who is Caine's favorite?
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whimstellar · 4 months
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took some time this morning to think about how sweetie belle would look in this au. due to me not ever piecing together that rarity and sweetie belle were actual sisters when i watched mlp years ago (i only watched up to crystal empire at the time..) i think their relationship is more of.. rarity would step in as a sister/guardian when sweetie belle needed someone. def need to flesh stuff out more lol
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