Salimah Bakare
44 posts
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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This year has been filled with learning and unlearning a lot of things and one of the things I learnt was to “stay away from toxic people”. My simple interpretation of this would be, “Surround yourself with people who when you look into their eyes, you see a happy version of you.” In other words, being with them makes you happy. • • #positivevibes#happiness#positivity#goodpeople#feelinggrateful#muslimahwriter#writersofinstagram#writer#writerslife#quotes#quotesaboutlife#
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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I may not be an artist but I know how to express myself through art. Oh wait! Does that make me an artist? 😱🤭 • • #tribecalledena#everythingnaart#painting#art#artistsoninstagram#artsy#art_spotlight#worldarchitectureday#emuarchitecturefaculty#facultyofarchitecture#arty#artstagram#artislife#artistry_vision#artismylife#goodvibes#instagood
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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Some days back, I posted something on Art and a friend mine @jeninhusseiny wrote this in the comment section, “You are a work of Art.” It was such a pleasing complement and it inspired me to write this little piece. • Take a look at the mirror. Do you see your reflected image? That’s a work of Art, beautifully moulded by the best Artist. So whenever you feel insecure, remember that you are an Art and that makes you powerful! Every part of you is beautiful and no man on earth can ever recreate that kind of Art. Embrace your imperfections and be confident in your being. Don’t forget to complement the people around you. A kind word can go a long way. • Muse: @jeninhusseiny 🌹 • • #writerlife#africanwriter#wordsdoinspire#poetry#positivethinking#poetsofinstagram#poetrycommunity#poetrylover#writersofinstagram#muslimahwriter#writercommunity#wordsofencouragement#wordoftheday#selfcare#selflove#confidence#art#selfart#workofart
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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Throwback to my first summer in TRNC. It was the one of the most unpleasant experience ever. The weather was too hot and we had this school internship(summer practice). So, we had to walk around under the hot sun, take pictures of buildings and make some sketches as well. I was so stressed and sweaty! • However, I enjoyed it partially because we went to the see the sea 🌊. Trust me, there is nothing as exciting and calming as watching the sea especially when you are with your friends. And you know what’s more exciting? Looking through old photos reminiscing on the good time you had despite the scorching july sun. • Photo credit: @zewelanj1 • • #summer#summervibes#summer2018#summerholiday#summermemories#summerbreak#sea#lifeatsea#seascape#seaside#legendofthebluesea#internship_diaries#summerpractice#memories#memoriestolastalifetime#hijabi#hijabidiaries#hijabisummer (at Kyrenia)
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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Have you read my latest article yet? If not, here is a sneak peek. I finally wrote about Social Anxiety Disorder(S.A.D) and the effects it had on me. I never thought that I would be able to write about anything personal especially this. I told myself severally, “You can do this Salimah” So, I embraced myself and wrote about it but to play safe I named it “S.A.D;My story as a Black Muslim”. Deep down, I knew that many people wouldn’t be able to figure out the meaning of S.A.D till they read the article. I told myself that the title would arouse people’s curiosity. • The truth is, I was lying to myself. I wasn’t fully ready to open up yet. So when @themuslimcanvas changed the title to Social Anxiety Disorder; My story as a Black Muslim, I was going to send in a message to change it back. But I remembered the quote on my @talkmentalia bracelet, “Don’t be ashamed of your story”. I remembered how I would proudly wear it everyday. I always wondered why I picked that quote out of all the other amazing quotes there were. I guess this is the reason why. • Click on the link in my bio to read the full article. • • #socialanxietydisorder#mentalhealth#mentalhealthawareness#mentalbreakdown#anxietyawareness#socialanxiety#warrior#blackmuslimah#beingblackandmuslim#blackmuslimpsychology
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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𝔸ℝ𝕋 What is Art? Art cannot be defined with just a sentence or two, not even a whole book can fully define what Art is. Art is perception and perception in art depends on your personal understanding. • And If I am to ask, what is artistic about this image? It could be the board that boldly expresses itself as ART. Or the window that reveals half of its elements, piquing your curiosity on what the whole might look like. Or maybe the ancient wall and its different textures, the transition between rough and smooth. How about the door and it’s varying hue, depicting the struggle it faced over years; from the harsh weather to lack of maintenance. What of the plain glass that reflects the city, showing of its unique elements. Or the light that beams, partially exposing some parts while leaving the others dark. • What if we look at how all these elements are combined harmoniously, supporting each other to create a balance; ART! • • #enatribe#everythingnaart#art#art_spotlight#artofinstagram#artstagram#streetart#art🎨#artdaily#artlover#writer#artofwriting#spilledwords#africanwriter#oldcity (at Famagusta Walled City, Famagusta, Cyprus)
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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We spend a lot of time with our phones, ipads and laptops daily. We send messages to friends, family and even strangers. But have you ever thought of the kind of person you want to be behind the keyboard? • • Who do you want to be behind the keyboard? What effects do you want your words to have on other people? Drop your answers in the comment below ⬇️ • • #wordoftheday#spilledwords#wordpower #positivewords#muslimahwriters#writersofinstagram#wordstoliveby#wordstagram#wordsforthought#wordsdoinspire#writerslife#writerlife#africanwriter
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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A short story... On the day I was supposed to travel back to school, I quickly stopped by @tarbiyahbooksplus to get a copy of @soulunraveled for a friend. The weather was so hot and I was really stressed out. • I planned to get the book alone and go back home. But then I saw this really cute customised mugs which seemed like a perfect gift. I was going to get two of them, unfortunately there weren’t any small gift bags left that I could put them inside. • I was a bit conflicted because I really wanted to get the mugs and I also needed a gift bag to put it in. I wasn’t ready to go somewhere else to get one (I just wanted to go home and sleep). • And then the sweetest happened... One of the their sales clerk offered to escort me to Amigo to get the gift bags. At first she tried to explain the directions on how to get there but I think she noticed my confused face and decided to take me there instead. She didn’t just take me there, she stayed with me, helped me choose the right gift bags, waited till I paid for them and then showed me the way back. • I was really overwhelmed by how kind and considerate she was. It wasn’t part of her job to do this but she went out of her way to help and that little act of kindness was a great relieve to me. • Ps: This happened a month ago but I keep remembering it every time I am stressed. “If you have the ability to be anything, BE KIND!”
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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It was 6:30pm and yet all are here, toiling to make ends meet, It rained heavily that day, but that didn’t stop them, they had their umbrellas up, protecting what was gold to them. . . . And from them I learnt what life is, a constant struggle with no end, come rain come sunshine, and even when the sunsets, displaying it’s rays of beautiful colours, you notice not. - (And that’s how we miss out on some beautiful things in life). (at Maje - Dikko junction Abuja/Kaduna road)
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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So i went for a site meeting today and this was the view there. I have never seen a really nice sloppy site like this one. I couldn’t stop staring at it. . . . #architecture#architecturephotography#housing#architectureview (at Asokoro, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria)
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
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“One thing I've learnt in my writing journey is that if you want to hon your craft you have to show it to the world. The feedback you get helps you become a better writer.” - Zulaiha . “One thing is certain; every one of us has something unique about their writing.”- @umm_naml • • After having this heart to heart session with the team, I finally decided to come out of my shell and share my writing. Click the link in Bio to read. . Don’t forget to leave your comments! #writingprompts#writerscommunity#muslimahwriters#writersofinstagram#writerslife#broken#writting (at Abuja, Nigeria)
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salimahyb · 6 years ago
New series out! What do you think? Read and leave your comments.
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salimahyb · 7 years ago
I really love this write up because it talks about what I have always thought about Education. People who are oppourtuned to go to school should find a goal, have a mission. Don’t just go to school because it’s a norm. Have a goal and work towards and at the end of it all, society should be able to benefit from it.
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salimahyb · 8 years ago
Umm Naml Reads; Help Spread The Word!
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salimahyb · 8 years ago
  Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu Readers,
I hope this meets you in the best of conditions. Hope you all are preparing for the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. This is another opportunity for us all to revive our faith. May Allah make us among those who make good use of these days. Ameen
So I was thinking of ways to make this summer holiday a productive one and one of my friends created a WhatsApp workshop named “My Ayah Journal”, so I decided to participate in it. Basically, we all had to research on the meaning of 10 verses in the Quran and then write down our reflection on these verses. On the first day, we decided to take Suratul Fatiha as the opening verses of our workshop. So, while I was reciting the verses and reading the translation and Tafseer of these verses, I discovered something really amazing and decided to share it with you all. What I am about to share with you all is my reflection, note what I said, my reflection not any scholarly Tafseer.
“And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the grand Quran.” (Suratul Hijr 15: 87)
The first verse of Suratul Fatiha is the “Bismillah”
“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” This verse is used when reciting the beginning of every Surah, and also as Muslims before everything we do, we invoke the name of Allah by reciting this verse. Let’s examine the translation of this verse. We all know Allah has 99 names, so why Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem? Why not As-Sami Al-Alim?
Well, the words Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem are derived from the word “RAHMA” literarily translated as MERCY. But Rahma doesn’t just mean mercy.  Someone who shows Rahma has compassion towards you; someone who wants to be soft and easy with you and make things delicate for you, someone who understands that you need to be handled with care. So, when you recite Bismillah, you are mentally aware that before anything else Allah is saying that He cares for you and He understands that you are delicate and you must be handled with care.
“Praise be to Allah; the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;”
The word “Alhamd” can mean both “Thanks” and “Praise.” Allah is the only one a person can both praise and thank at the same time. I am sure you all are wondering what I mean by this, don’t worry I will explain. For instance, let’s say you walk pass a beautiful building that draws your attention, you appreciate the details of the design of the building, you praise it or you meet a great person, someone like Mufti Ismail Menk, you praise him. You don’t thank him for being great or thank the building for being beautiful, you just simply praise it.
And when a person gives you a gift or something you love, you thank them and not praise them; you don’t say “Praise be to you for giving me a bag” instead you say “Thank you for giving me a bag” So, Allah is the only one we can praise and thank at the same time by just using one word ALHAMDULILAH.
Mankind praises Allah “The Cherisher” and “Sustainer”
What does it mean to cherish: to protect and care, while sustain is to strengthen or support physically, mentally. This verse further confirms Allah’s mercy on mankind; He protects, cares and strengthens or supports us physically and mentally.  So whenever you feel devastated or dejected, just remember that Allah is Ar- Rahman Ar- Raheem.
“Master of the day of Judgement” Explaining this verse will take us back to verse 2; ““Praise be to Allah; the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;”
The relationship between Allah and us is that of a Master and a Slave. But why do we praise and thank our Master? Have you ever come across any slave who praises their master? These days, even maids curse and insult their employers, and they don’t even work as much as slaves did in the past. Yet, we the Slaves of Allah praise Him. The concept of Master and Slave relationship I am talking about isn’t like what we see in the Dunya; this concept has to do with compassion, love, and Mercy (from verses 1- 3)
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“You alone we do worship and You alone we seek for help”
“You alone we do worship” This sentence confirms a person’s believe in Allah. It is similar to the Shahadah, “La ilaha illa Allah” translated as “There is no one worthy of Worship except Allah” Do you see the similarity? Both statements confirms that you Worship Allah alone.
“You alone We seek for help” this sentence is somehow similar to the Shahadah also; “we don’t ask for help from anyone except You (Allah),” man affirms that there is no one greater than Allah and He is the only one that can provide for him and fulfill all his need.  When praying the 5 daily prayers, we recite this verse and it comes before the Sajdah. The Rasul (SAW) has been reported to have said that a person is closest to Allah when he is in Sujood. So, before you bow down to Prostrate to Allah, this verse helps to mentally prepare you; that whatever you want or whatever problems you have, you can always talk to Allah about it and Allah loves it when His servants speaks to Him.
“Guide us Unto the straight path”
After praising Allah and affirming his greatness in the first five verses, we ask Allah to guide us unto the straight path. Why don’t we ask Allah to forgive our sins instead? There are so many things we could ask Allah for; we could ask him to bless us, we could ask him to have mercy on us etc. So why is it “Guide us unto the straight path?” How many of us actually raise our hands and say “Oh Allah, guide me to the straight path”? Not many I guess. But do you know that when you are on the straight path, then you are on the path to Jannah. So because Allah loves us so much, the first things He makes us ask Him for in Salah is Jannah. Subhanallah! Who could love us as much as Allah does?
So dear brothers and sisters, why then do you rush through your Salah? When you can communicate with your Lord and revive your Iman with every recitation of Suratul Fatiha. No wonder people advise us to know the meaning of what we recite in Salah in other to attain Khushoo’. If only we pondered over these beautiful verses, we would never want to end our Salah. I challenge you all to reflect on these verses whenever you recite them in Salah.
“And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the grand Quran.” (Suratul Hijr 15: 87)
May Allah have bestow His Rahma on us all and May we be among those who Allah has guided not those who have incurred his wrath. Ameen
Don’t forget to leave your comments and like.
MY REFLECTIONS ON SURATUL FATIHA Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu Readers, I hope this meets you in the best of conditions.
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salimahyb · 8 years ago
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu,
Hello Readers,
I hope this meets you in the best of conditions. Sorry I haven’t posted any update for a while. How was Ramadan? I hope you all were able to make good use of that period. May Allah accept all our Ibadahs. Ameen The month of Shawaal is almost coming to end. Don’t forget to observe the Sitta Shawwal Sawm. May Allah make it easy for us…
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salimahyb · 8 years ago
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. I hope this meets you in the best of conditions. It’s been a while since I last posted anything here. For weeks now I have wanted to write this article, but school work kept me so busy. However, yesterday I received shocking news of a friend’s death (Allahu Yarhamahu) and I was motivated to pick up my pen. (Please make du’a for him)
One faithful evening after Asr Prayer, I was reciting Suratul A’la to Suratul Nas and I was reminded of some important things we forget.
Allah says Quran 91 verses 9-10 “He has succeeded who purifies it, and he has failed who instills it [with corruption].” And also in Qur’an 87 verse 14 He says, “He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself.”
Let’s examine these verses from the two different Suwar. In Quran 91 verse 9, the “it”refers to THE HUMAN SOUL. In this verse Allah tells us that true success is purifying one’s soul. In Quran 87 verse 14 the same message is repeated.  But in this verse instead of “it” we have “himself” as a whole. The first verse highlights the importance of purifying one’s soul and the other has to do with purifying one’s self as a WHOLE. Our soul is the essence of human body. When you have a pure soul, then you automatically have a pure body. However a pure body doesn’t guarantee you a pure body. Once you strive hard to purify your soul, you will automatically strive to purify your body. Oh! Let’s not forget that the ultimate success as Muslim is PURIFYING ONE’S SOUL. If you think that graduating with a first class degree, having many cars, houses or any other worldly possession is success then you are mistaken Ya Muslimun.
In Quran 87 verses 16-17, Allah says, “But you prefer the worldly life, While the Hereafter is better and more enduring.” He also says in Quran 93 verse 4, “And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].”
Let’s study these verses from two different Suwar having the same message. INDEED, THE AHKIRAH IS BETTER FOR YOU THAN THIS DUNYAH. So why are we so concerned about this filthy Dunya when Allah azza wajal has declared that the Akhira is better for you. Why do you chase this Dunya when it has been revealed that the Akhira is better for you. O ye who believes! When you realize that the Akhira is better for you, then you will begin to search and seek for ways to have a good ending. And this will lead you to the “PURIFICATION OF YOUR SOUL.” For only a pure soul shall have a good Akhirah.
“Indeed, to your Lord is the return.” (Quran 96 verse 8). “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (Quran 99 verse 7-8)
Every atom of good and evil will be shown to you on the Day of Judgement. Aren’t you ashamed to stand in front of your Lord with Zina, Smoking, back biting, lying, Riba and so on? Wouldn’t you prefer to stand in front of your Lord with Salah (prayer), Zakat, Sadaqah (Charity), Sawn and so on? So why are you wasting your time following trendsetters instead of worshipping Allah. Why wouldn’t you strive to have a pure soul that returns to His Lord with lots of good deeds and Ibadah?
“Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds – those are the best of creatures. Their reward with Allah will be gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever…” (Quran 98 verses 7-8)
So where does a purified soul go to during the Day of Judgement? Where does a person whose good deeds outweigh his bad deeds end up in? Where does a person who spent his time preparing for the Akhirah in this Dunya? Where does a soul who spent his days and night worshipping Allah go to after his death?
“In an elevated garden, Wherein they will hear no unsuitable speech. Within it is a flowing spring. Within it are couches raised high. And cups put in place.  And cushions lined up. And carpets spread around.”
“[To the righteous it will be said], “O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him], And enter among My [righteous] servants. And enter My Paradise.” (Quran 89 verses 27-30)
Ya Allah! Ya Zal Jalali Wal Ikram (The Lord of Majesty and Bounty). Make us among the righteous ones who will have a beautiful ending.
What is stopping you from becoming a righteous person? Is it the company that you keep? Or the trendsetters that you follow? Or the enjoyment of this filthy Dunya? Ya Muslimun! Sit down and reflect. Try to imagine what will happen to you after you die. This is a wakeup call to us all. “Every soul shall taste death.” (Quran 3 verse 183) Would you die with a pure soul or a corrupt soul? Be prepared to return to your Lord.
  A Note To Everyone… Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. I hope this meets you in the best of conditions. It’s been a while since I last posted anything here.
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