#kaffeost cookie
diamondintheroughcrk · 4 months
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I don't know how I never posted this but this is my official little opening screen for Diamond In The Rough 😭
Iced White Mocha Cookie (center) as well as Velvet's design are all by @0zmodeus/Radio_St4t1c <3
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A very important fight after Fudge and Cal come back to life. They lost though and both died </3
Cal is paralyzed after being thrown in the second image lol
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lol get sealed away in a sword, idiot (the idiot is Cacao)
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[canon] My sweet sweet Kaffeost Cookie...(he grows up to be an aspiring criminal)
Side note: His father Almond Milk is constantly in and out of jail for theft so he's half-absent as a dad and barely providing :)
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