#the wheelchair colors are just a placeholder..
jaythebluegay · 14 days
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i never really post my own art on here but.. been following @beluvbug's applejack au (princess of gender dysphoria) and have seen people talk about wanting to make their own aus and how all of them could to go to group therapy.
and seeing him mention jokingly in a tag on an ask that they need a rarity one now may have led me to start thinking of how i'd interpret my favorite pony in a similar setting.
so here is a really messy sketch just to get some ideas down. rarity in this would have just hit a very long patch of burnout.. as well as coming to terms the new limits of her body due to a disability that has started to impact how she's able to take care of herself. (i imagine she's an ambulatory wheelchair user but does use it most days). if i end up doing a story or anything i think it'd follow her as she learns how to continue on within her new limits (both physically and mentally) and also i think she would get hit with the gender beam (because it is self indulgent and transmasc rarity who still loves feminine things is what i believe in my heart)
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zarvasace · 2 years
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Me to myself: this is just a doodle to get your angst out, don't spend very long on it
Myself: but sunflower background and shading :) but only the fun shading parts
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instantartific · 1 year
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Anodyne's "Shadow:" a Would-Be Rockstar.
Aka, who Ano calls Moya!
Several of AACE IDOL's fans have gathered small clips and glimpses of a figure standing at the base of Ano's stage when he performs, and even in the dark backgrounds of his promotional work outside of performances, yet none have ever captured this figure directly...
Until this strange figure reveals himself during the vs. B2J battle!
'Moya' acts as the creator, manager, "best friend," and functional Charter of Anodyne and the VA-Ultra District, though highly prefers to stay in the shadows where he's far more comfortable. Even the other Charters are unaware of his identity as Ano acts as a placeholder for him in their meetings.
Parts of his body are semi-bioluminescent, though the markings only appear under the blacklights of Ano's stage, or if he's under enough emotional strain for the colors to flare on their own. They weren't always like this, however; when he was younger, he used to be far brighter and glowed under far less conditions. Maybe it was all that stress made him grow darker over time...
Few other things under the cut:
Moya's chronically disabled! In a sense, his legs are weak and he's unable to stand for very long without support! It often causes him pain to put full weight on his legs. The crutches are partial-weight bearing for this reason.
He does have a wheelchair for very low spoon days but tries to use it marginally.
Usually very low energy! The most active he is is when he's doing repairs on Ano, 'spotting' him during performances to make sure he doesn't get hurt, or doing Charter activities from the sidelines.
He is physically equivalent to a solidified shadow and can "melt" or "fade" apart under too much stress. He can also melt and fade through existing shadows and seemingly warp light. This is how he primarily attacks during the vs. B2J battle: he'll fall or jump into a shadow, vanish, and reform somewhere else to sling himself forward to suddenly appear out of nowhere.
He initially designed Ano after himself, though Ano ended up being somewhat smaller than he is due to mis-measurements. If asked, he insists that it was intentional. It was not. He was just incredibly convinced with the measurements on paper.
Moya designed Ano to be a simple AI companion when he was younger, since he was a fairly lonely teenager that couldn't keep up with his peers.
He initially wanted nothing to do with NSR or performing, but since Ano loves it, allowed him to continue to perform after his (incredibly spontaneous) Lights Up Audition (that Moya knew nothing about and only discovered due to them being broadcasted on live television.)
Moya's able to communicate with Ano remotely through an app on his phone! On Moya's end, it's essentially texting. On Ano's, it's internal messages that show up on his hud. Moya can type absurdly fast from that alone and Ano joking about how slow his typing is compared to the instantaneous 'thoughts' Ano sends.
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