#despite my name being miriam
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thisalienartist · 1 year ago
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roudise week - day 7: holidays
i can't believe it's over already, but thank you all for your love on my stuff this week! and a huge thank you to the organizers for putting on this event! for today i have louise celebrating hanukkah with rudy <3 @roudiseshipweek
[ID: a digital drawing of rudy stieblitz and louise belcher from bob's burgers in a semi-realistic style. rudy is a white boy with short red hair in a blue t-shirt and red shorts. louise is a white girl with dark hair in pigtails and freckles in a green dress, a pink hat with bunny ears, and purple tights with runs in them. she's wearing a colorful friendship bracelet and she has a band-aid on her elbow. they're sitting on the floor, leaning against a wooden cabinet. louise is eating from a bowl of stew with a fork. there's a latke on the edge of her bowl. rudy is looking down at louise's bowl. he has a bowl of stew in his lap and is holding a torn piece of challah. they're both smiling softly. on the floor next to louise is a dreidel and several gold coins. on the cabinet, in the background, is a gold menorah with blue candles. all nine candles are lit. there's also a plate of doughnuts on the cabinet. /END ID]
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felix-lupin · 2 years ago
In Coraline, there’s a recurring theme with names and identity, and I personally don't think it's talked about enough. 
(As a note, this is dealing largely with the book, not the movie, although there are some hints of this theme in the movie as well)
Coraline’s neighbors constantly get her name wrong, calling her “Caroline” and not “Coraline”, to which she persistently corrects them. Despite her attempts, they never get it right, until chapter 10, in which Mr Bobo (Mr Bobinsky) finally gets it right.
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"It's Coraline, Mister Bobo," said Coraline. "Not Caroline. Coraline." "Coraline," said Mr Bobo, repeating her name to himself with wonderment and respect. "Very good, Coraline."
It should be noted that, until this chapter, Coraline did not know Mr Bobo’s name either. In fact, it had never even occurred to her that he had a name. Up until then, she had just been thinking of him as “the crazy old man upstairs”, not as a person with a name. This moment, with her learning his name and him getting her name right, is a moment of genuine understanding and connection between the two, humanizing them both to each other.
Coraline’s other neighbors get her name wrong, which is representative of them not listening when she says anything, really, such as her telling Miss Spink and Forcible that her parents are missing and them literally not even acknowledging it at all??
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"How are your dear mother and father?" asked Miss Spink. "Missing," said Coraline. "I haven't seen either of them since yesterday. I'm on my own. I think I've probably become a single child family." "Tell your mother that we found the Glasgow Empire press clippings we were telling her about. She seemed very interested when Miriam mentioned them to her." "She's vanished under mysterious circumstances," said Coraline, "and I believe my father has as well." "I'm afraid we'll be out all day tomorrow, Caroline lovely," said Miss Forcible. "We'll be staying with April's niece in Royal Tunbridge Wells."
Mr Bobo gets her name right after being corrected (only after being corrected alongside her using his name, mind you, showcasing her making an effort to listen to and understand him as well), which is representative of him actually making an attempt to listen and understand her. This point is further illustrated by a conversation Coraline had with the Other Mr Bobo in chapter 10.
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As Coraline entered he began to talk. "Nothing's changed, little girl," he said, his voice sounding like the noise dry leaves make as they rustle across a pavement. "And what if you do everything you swore you would? What then? Nothing's changed. You'll go home. You'll be bored. You'll be ignored. No one will listen to you, not really listen to you. You're too clever and too quiet for them to understand. They don't even get your name right."
He equates those in the real world not getting Coraline’s name right with them not listening to her, and fundamentally not understanding who she is. So, somebody getting her name right, then, shows them actually listening to her, and being willing to understand who she is.
The mice in the real world know more than they should be able to know, and they also get Coraline’s name right.
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"The message is this. Don't go through the door." He paused. "Does that mean anything to you?" "No," said Coraline. The old man shrugged. "They are funny, the mice. They get things wrong. They got your name wrong, you know. They kept saying Coraline. Not Caroline. Not Caroline at all."
They seem to know about the other world, somehow, on some level, and the dangers it presents. Them getting her name right represents them knowing more than they should know, more than they are told. Animals in general seem to have this type of quality in Coraline, actually.
The cat does not have a name. It says so in chapter 4, that cats do not need names. It says that this is because cats know who they are. But humans need names, because they do not.
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"Please. What's your name?" Coraline asked the cat. "Look, I'm Coraline. OK?" The cat yawned softly, carefully, revealing a mouth and tongue of astounding pinkness. "Cats don't have names," it said. "No?" said Coraline. "No," said the cat. "Now, you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don't need names."
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The cat shook its head. "No," it said. "I'm not the other anything. I'm me." It tipped its head on one side; green eyes glinted. "You people are spread all over the place. Cats, on the other hand, keep ourselves together. If you see what I mean."
This shows that, in humans, names are connected to our identities and who we are. Names are used to individualize and distinguish ourselves from each other. But cats do not need names to recognize each other, or be recognized.
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"Oh. It's you," she said to the black cat. "See?" said the cat. "It wasn't so hard recognising me, was it? Even without names."
With or without names, it is still the same cat.
During the Other Miss Spink and Forcible’s performance, in chapter 4, they begin quoting Shakespeare. The specific quotes that they use are interesting to me when looked at under this lens of the importance of names, especially Miss Forcible’s.
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"What's in a name?" asked Miss Forcible. "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
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"I know not how to tell thee who I am," said Miss Spink to Miss Forcible.
Now, of course, this is just them quoting Shakespeare. But. Why these quotes specifically? They’re at the very least notable when discussing Coraline’s recurring theme of names. Especially the quote about the rose. It makes me think of what the cat said earlier, about how cats are sure of who they are so they don’t need names, about how Coraline didn’t need the cat’s name to be able to recognize it for who/what it was.
But, of course, this does not apply for humans. We need our names to be able to know ourselves, to be able to tell others who they are.
In chapter 6, Coraline wakes up and is disoriented. This disorientation is compared to the feeling one might experience upon being suddenly pulled out of a daydream. In this comparison, forgetting one’s name is equated with forgetting who one is and where one is.
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Sometimes Coraline would forget who she was while she was daydreaming that she was exploring the Arctic, or the Amazon rainforest, or darkest Africa, and it was not until someone tapped her on the shoulder or said her name that Coraline would come back from a million miles away with a start, and all in the fraction of a second have to remember who she was, and what her name was, and that she was even there at all. Now there was the sun on her face, and she was Coraline Jones. Yes.
The ghost children have also forgotten their names, and with it most of who they were. In chapter 7, when Coraline is locked behind the mirror in the Other World, one of the ghost children says that names are the first things that one forgets after death.
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"Who are you?" whispered Coraline. "Names, names, names," said another voice, all faraway and lost. "The names are the first thing to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer than our names. I still keep pictures in my mind of my governess on some May morning, carrying my hoop and stick, and the morning sun behind her, and all the tulips bobbing in the breeze. But I have forgotten the name of my governess, and of the tulips too." "I don't think tulips have names," said Coraline. "They're just tulips." "Perhaps," said the voice sadly. "But I have always thought that these tulips must have had names. They were red, and orange-and-red, and red-and-orange-and-yellow, like the embers in the nursery fire of a winter's evening. I remember them."
The ghost children may have their memories, but they have largely forgotten who they were. They may remember their tulips, and certain strong memories, but there is very, very little left of them, and they have forgotten who they once were, they have forgotten their names.
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"That is why we could not leave here, when we died. She kept us, and she fed on us, until now we're nothing left of ourselves, only snakeskins and spider-husks. Find our secret hearts, young mistress."
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"She will take your life and all you are and all you care'st for, and she will leave you with nothing but mist and fog. She'll take your joy. And one day you'll awake and your heart and soul will have gone. A husk you'll be, a wisp you'll be, and a thing no more than a dream on waking, or a memory of something forgotten."
The Other Mother stole their hearts and their souls and their selves. She stole who they were away from them, their identities and names and the names of those they loved, leaving nothing in her wake.
The same ghost that talked about the tulips and the names of the tulips struggles to answer when Coraline asks their gender, as well, and when they do eventually give an answer they seem somewhat unsure of it, as shown by the word choice of “perhaps” and “I believe”
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"A boy, perhaps, then," continued the one whose hand she was holding. "I believe I was once a boy." And it glowed a little more brightly in the darkness of the room behind the mirror.
(I personally take this quote, specifically it "glow[ing] a little more brightly" after coming to this conclusion, to mean either that the ghost is happy at realizing that he was once a boy, or even to mean that he has become somewhat more tangible upon this realization; upon remembering something about his self, and his identity.)
As an aside, it's noteworthy to me that we never learn the Other Mother’s true name. She is simply “The Other Mother” and “The Beldam.” Never is an actual name applied to her, only titles. We do not truly know who, or what, she is. Beings without names are shrouded in mystery (or should i say mist-ery). The ghost children are benevolent mysterious beings, the cat is an ambivalent-leaning-helpful mysterious being, and the other mother is a distinctly malevolent mysterious being.
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"Who are you?" asked Coraline. "I'm your other mother," said the woman.
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"She?" "The one who says she's your other mother," said the cat. "What is she?" asked Coraline. The cat did not answer, just padded through the pale mist beside Coraline.
But in conclusion, names in Coraline are extremely important. I’m sure there’s probably more that I'm missing, and feel free to add onto this, but basically—
People need names to know and remember who they are, and forgetting one’s name is the first step to losing the rest of who one is. Names humanize a person; with a name, they are less shrouded in mystery, more clear.
Knowing somebody's name helps one connect to and better understand that person; it is the first step in getting to know them and see them as a full person, the transition from “the crazy man upstairs” to “Mr Bobo”. Names, to people at least, are one of the fundamental building blocks of who we are.
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In a statement published the same week as the first Melodifestivalen semi-final, more than 1000 Swedish artists ask the EBU to exclude Israel from this year's Eurovision Song Contest, including 2 acts participating in this year's edition of melfest: Jacqline, and both members of Medina. Also among the signatures are former melfest participants Johan Hirvi (Panetoz) and Alvaro Estrella, as well as former winners Eric Saade and Malena Ernman.
Some other notable signatures belong to Robyn, First Aid Kit, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Petra Marklund (also known as September), The Wannadies, Thomas Stenström, Miriam Bryant, Sabina Ddumba, Daniel Adams-Ray, Timbuktu, Kaliffa and many others whose names I recognise but I'm too unfamiliar with the contemporary music scene to know their work.
Below is my translation of some parts of their statement, as well as sources:
Note: The bold parts are also bold in the original statement. I have tried to use the same terminology as the statement, but I'm no expert, so be aware that there can be some mistakes.
The first link includes the full statement in Swedish as well as a list of all the signatures:
[...] What is happening in Gaza is a humanitarian disaster and the International Court of Justice in The Hague has recently decided to continue the case where Israel is accused of crimes against the Genocide Convention. Despite this the European radio- and TV-union the EBU intends to allow Israel's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. The EBU grounds its position on Eurovision being a competition between public service companies rather than states. But in 2022 the EBU chose to exclude Russia by reason of the invasion of Ukraine, and in 2021 the participating broadcaster from Belarus was denied participation because the country broke the EBU's rules for the freedom of the press. In barely four months about 100 Palestinian journalists have been killed, and foreign press has been denied access to Gaza. It is one of the greatest attacks on journalistic freedom in modern times. We are of the opinion that the EBU by allowing Israel's participation displays a remarkable double-standard that undermines the credibility of the organisation. [...] We expect both the EBU and this year's host broadcaster SVT to be consistent in their approach towards participating countries that infringe on democratic values and human rights.
[...] We who sign this are 1000 artists who believe in music as a unifying force. The Eurovision Song Contest began as a peace project to unite countries and citizens through music. To allow Israel's participation undermines not just the competition's spiritual intent but the entire public service mission. It also sends the signal that governments can commit war crimes without facing consequences. That is why we ask the EBU: Exclude Israel from the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.
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amxritt · 15 days ago
new rafe series?!?! lmk ur thoughts pleasee
I’ve got this idea for a Rafe Cameron x OC series (I might change the OC to Y/N, though)! Please let me know your thoughts—would you actually be interested in reading it? Feel free to suggest any ideas or feedback you have too!
The concept would be a fake dating AU, combining social media posts with written portions. Also, would you rather read it if it were Y/N instead of an OC? Let me know!
Here's the summary/ pitch/ idk (with the OC's name):
Miriam “Mira” Louise Adams has never quite fit the mold of a Kook, despite technically being one. Her family has money, sure, but she spends most of her time with the Pogues—John B, Sarah, JJ, Pope, Kiara, and Cleo—who treat her like one of their own. She’s got the best of both worlds, but that also means she’s caught between them.
So when she ends up sitting next to Rafe Cameron on a flight home to the Outer Banks, she braces for the worst. She knows exactly who he is—entitled, reckless, and the guy her Pogue friends would definitely tell her to stay away from. But to her surprise, he’s different. Kind, even. Their conversation flows easily, and for a moment, she forgets who he’s supposed to be.
Rafe, on the other hand, is thrown. Mira isn’t like the Kooks he’s grown up with—she’s got a warmth that makes him feel something he can’t quite name. She doesn’t look at him like he’s already a lost cause, and when their plane lands, he finds himself wishing the flight had been longer.
Later, at a Cameron family event, under the scrutiny of his father and the pressure to keep up his Kook persona, Rafe blurts out a lie to save face: he’s dating someone. When they press for details, Mira’s name is the first one that comes out of his mouth.
Mira isn’t thrilled when she hears about it. Fake dating Rafe Cameron? That’s a disaster waiting to happen. She’s not interested in playing along with his games, especially after everything she’s heard about him. But Rafe is clearly desperate, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, he makes her an offer.
“I’ll help you,” Rafe says, his voice low and serious. “I know how much the Pogues mean to you, and I’ll make sure none of my friends mess with them. I’ll keep them off your back, no pranks, no drama. You just have to help me keep up the lie.”
Rafe knows that his friends have been causing trouble with the Pogues, and this fake dating charade could help mitigate it. Mira is hesitant, but the promise of peace for her friends is enough to make her agree, so she reluctantly accepts.
Their first date is meant to be nothing more than an act. Rafe invites Mira over to his house, where they cook dinner together—simple, low-key, nothing serious. But as they go through the motions, Mira teases him with ease, and Rafe watches the way she moves with confidence. She doesn’t cower or play along with the usual Kook “expectations,” and that’s something he’s never seen before.
Rafe, for the first time in a long while, doesn’t feel the pressure to be someone he’s not. With Mira, he can let his guard down. As the evening goes on, the lie starts to feel more and more like something real. And after a few weeks, it’s clear that there’s a connection neither of them expected. The lines between what’s fake and what’s real blur, and Rafe begins to realize he doesn’t want to keep pretending. He wants Mira for real.
However, Mira is caught in a difficult position. The Pogues don’t trust Rafe, and as the lie unravels, they start to question her loyalty to them. Mira didn’t want them to know about the arrangement, but keeping it a secret becomes harder as Rafe and Mira’s bond grows stronger.
What happens between Rafe and Mira? What happens with the Pogues when they find out the original deal and the real feelings that developed? (obvi I won't tell you rn cus that would spoil lolz)
If you read all that, please, please let me know your thoughts and interests!
XO, Anna
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redheadgleek · 1 month ago
January books
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I deleted most social media apps off of my phone this month. Which has left me more time to read than usual as I try to avoid the panic attacks occurring as I watch the literal destruction of my country.
Otherworldly by F.T. Lukens. FT Luken’s stories are about the only YA fic I read anymore, because they are just fun stories. I liked this book better than Spell Bound, their previous book. Solid world-building and story-telling although I could have done with a little less “cooing” about the teenage relationship from the adult characters. 
Mrs. Mike: The Story of Katherine Mary Flannigan by Nancy and Benedict Freeman. I used to really love Canadian Mountie stories and younger me would have lapped this up. Unfortunately, it appears that it’s not as true of a story as the authors pretended (there may not have even been a Mike Flannigan) and that does change how I read it as an adult. The FMC being 16 for example and the colonialism. Also Janette Oak definitely lifted a whole bunch of “inspiration” from this book.
You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith. I’ve never been married and therefore have never divorced. I’m not a mother. And yet, I could completely empathize with the author. Her prose is lyrical and I loved how there weren’t any answers, not really, but there’s healing in our experiences. Beautiful.
Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez. It had been long enough since I’d read the first two books in the series, that I completely missed the connections and Easter eggs unless they were pointed out. Despite that, I really enjoyed this one and their complex messy lives. There wasn’t as much romance as her other books - just two characters with a lot of issues and trauma coming together, but it felt real.
The Wild Wynchesters: The Governess Gambit (0.5), The Duke Heist (1), The Modiste Mishap (1.5), The Perks of Loving a Wallflower (2), The Rake Mistake (2.5), Nobody's Princess (3) and My Rogue to Ruin (4). A few years ago, @klaineharmony recommended The Perks of Loving a Wallflower but as it was the 2nd book of a series, I held off, but something made me want to read them this year. They're great fun - a found group of 6 siblings with varying talents who rescue the distrodden around them, all mixed with romances and brooding looks. The romance is fairly tame if you come from fanfic like me, just 1-2 scenes in the main books, but the men are refreshingly without misogyny. I'm reading the 5th book now and there will be a 6th released at the end of the summer.  
Wendy, Darling by A.C. Wise. I started reading this one last year and finished it this month. It started out strong, then the plot seemed to fade away. I loved the parts where Jane was in the asylum and her memories about Neverland, but Peter's character (and Jane's for that matter) weren't well developed. I haven't decided if I'm going to check out the sequel about Hook.
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Richardson. Friend recommendation. It's a solid book, engaging story and I overall really enjoyed it, but it does deserve side-eyes for equating the plight of the blue-skinned people of Tennessee and the racism faced by Black people in the time period. The ending was unnecessarily melodramatic.
My Rosebud Boy by Rainbow Rowell. Just a short official flower shop/tattoo artist AU on the Simon Snow trilogy. Not sure I'll ever have enough tidbits of these two.
Women Talking by Miriam Toews. Friend recommendation. It certainly is A Choice to name a book "Women Talking" and have the first person narrator be a man, who interrupts and talks over and for the women, and who, at the end, I know more about than any other woman in the book.
Shark Heart by Emily Habeck. Friend recommendation. I still don't know what I think about this book.
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Synder. I appreciated that these are little nuggets of wisdom, but I think I was hoping for just a little more practical advice.
Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir by Pedro Martin. Friend Recommendation. A fun memoir of a boy who travels down to Mexico with his family to bring back his grandfather. I've lived in Tucson when I was a kid and I have memories of crossing the border for weekends - what an absolutely different world it was just 30 years ago.
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff. Friend recommendation. This book was not for me. It's supposed to be a "Hatchet" or "My Side of the Mountain" resiliance story, only in a historical context (takes place in the 1700s in Jamestown). I was distracted for pages because of directions not making sense and rivers flowing in the wrong direction and how a malnourished girl could run for days without stopping and how winter just ended in 5 days and ice and snow pack disappeared in a day. There were some gorgeous sentences and I can see why others might have liked it.
Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Bills by Judi Dench and Brendan O'Hea. Audiobook. Recommended by @eponine119. I loved every bit of this book. Their banter was adorable and I was just blown away by Judi’s memory and her ability to quote all of these passages from different plays. You could tell that she and Brendan are good friends. I listened to the audiobook and I didn’t realize until a few chapters in that it wasn’t Judi reading the book, but another actress because she sounded so much like her. Barbara Flynn’s vocal acting is superb. The last chapter is with her and Brendan and she is just a fucking delight. What a treat.
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. Recommended by @ckerouac. Thoroughly enjoyed. I really loved the beginning of the book, where the expats were adjusting to their new roles.
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. Book club book. It's the first of a 4 book series that supposedly spans 60 years of friendship between the two main characters. There was a lot that I related to: being "the smart one", having teenage crushes, etc, but the way that these two girls were pursued by men in their 20s and 30s was nauseating. uncertain if I'll read the rest of the series. 
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rook-specter · 2 months ago
I'm crazy I'm thinking WAY too much about my new Wandersong swap AU called Today is a Gift. I must ramble about it.
here's all the swaps I have so far
Kiwi < - > Mask Miriam < - > Audrey Eyala < - > Marley The Band < - > The Coffee Pirates The Science Gang < - > Chaandesh Royalty
and now, time for the NEW Overseers!
Queen of Matter: A tardigrade, who seems to be very, very depressed. mostly because of her old age, and the fact that she'll be corrupting very soon.
Matter Fairy: Also a tardigrade, and he's a huge party animal! …despite only him and Matter Queen being the only partygoers.
King of Luck: A rabbit that believes and worries about Murphy's Law. a bit peculiar for an Overseer of luck, don't you think?
Luck Fairy: A shy and softspoken rabbit, wanting to keep Mask away from the Overseer, but failing miserably.
King Nature: A deer that we know nothing about due to being instantly killed by the Hero.
Nature Fairy: also a deer. she's pretty loud, but not mean.
King Cosmos: An axolotl Overseer who's quite foppish and rude, but he's supposedly really nice. too bad he gets killed.
Cosmos Fairy: she's very, well… curious, to say the least. she asks way too many questions and completely forgets about getting Mask to the Overseer.
Past's Queen: A thylacine that we know nothing about sorry lol
Past Fairy: A thylacine who likes to hang out with with the Future Fairy. has a stoner vibe. his nickname is "Ancie".
Future's King: A raven that we know nothing about sorry lol
Future Fairy: A raven who is super cheerful and silly, and likes to hang out with the Past Fairy. her nickname is "Techie".
Queen of Mind: The giant rat that makes all of the rules. (/ref) in all seriousness, she's fucked up by the corruption, and yeah.
Mind Fairy: rat! rat! rat! he's a scientist rat! making a bunch of science things! yahoo!
There's also an 8th symbol, often described as "Antimatter" or "Ruin".
also, in Today is a Gift, Rulle and Chaandesh are called "Saatto" and "Turra" respectively, named after the italian words for past and future. Audrey is also a banshee now, and the banshees live in Turra
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disventure-rewrite-takes · 8 months ago
Hello again! (Warning, long rant again)
I'm basically making my own dc au for fun (I have too many writing projects to make another rn)
Adding onto what I created on Tom and Jensen, I wanna switch some of the characters with different ones for All Stars. This is now my au of an okay show plot
I wanna add only two characters, Drew (cause I love him and more details later), and Rosa (also explained later) and remove Miriam and Lake (I'm sorry but it's for reason and I wanna give other characters a chance to win)
The reason why I chose Drew and Rosa for All Stars is for two reasons, Fiore and common sense. For Drew, he's an underused contestant that's gone too early (honestly, glad he wasn't picked for all stars cause it kinda flopped after episode 5) but one thing that stands out about him that not a lot of the fandom bothered to notice is that Drew is a constant supporter of Fiore.
One: He probably voted for someone else (like maybe Miriam or Tom) in episode 1, and he was shocked that Fiore was voted out. Also, at the finale where Fiore was already exposed at a villain, Drew was seen at Fiore's stand despite everything, so a Drew and Fiore dynamic would be perfect because Fiore gets bullied way too much by both her teammates and the writing.
And while she does deserve some of the anger they feel towards her, you have to remember that she's just a 6-8 year old (No, I'm not excusing her actions they were bad, but there's a reason why she's this way. Monsters aren't born, they're made), so having someone who seen her at her worst and yet still cares about her would probably make Fiore realize that she's not a heartless monster like what her mom said, she's capable of love like everyone else.
Rosa is also picked for a similar reason, like Drew, while Rosa did watch DC season 1 and saw how Fiore was acting like a jerk she never really liked her first but later into watching the other half of the season she saw a bit of her daughter in Fiore if certain things happened. So when she joined All Stars, she saw the chance to help the self-proclaimed 'monster' of the Disventure Camp.
Let me tell you, if someone has been told by a bunch that they're the worst and many hateful words at a young age, gains a support system and teaches them how to truly love with time it would do wonders.
(Also, I want Rosa to adopt Fiore after the show is over. (Dis)respectfully, I don't trust Alec around kids based on the few mentions about his treatment towards his own kid)
Now, for Tom, his spy background is what made me like him back in the first season 'cuase I'm a sucker for anything spy-related. But like with any cool plotline, ONC fumbled his background just for what? Petty drama and a relationship that probably wouldn't be the best in reality.
Maybe he gets trauma from getting tortured by the enemy after being left behind on a dangerous mission by his teammates and friends he trusted (make Tom fucked up looking like the Creature from Frankenstein) and scars similar to the Phantom's eye scar and have half of his mouth exposed (just have the right side be messed up 👍🏽) Make him a recluse that learns to accept help from others along with trauma bonding with Jake (trust issues gang fr)
For the last part, Jensen. The mystery man himself: Why is he working on a reality TV show where his face could be revealed with the FBI? What did he do for the police and FBI hunting him down, and what does he gain during his stay at Disventure Camp?
Now, let's imagine this: Jensen used to be a part of this huge crime ring that he, originally named Vladimir, ruled with an iron fist. But someone snitched on the gang, and the police took down most of the gang members except Vladimir. Now, with nothing but posters asking people to look out for him, Vladimir needed to get back on top, so when he saw a sheet asking for help on a new reality show out in the middle of no where Vladimir took the job.
He changed his looks (his hair was black, but he dyed it gray to look older, covered the tattoo on his neck and blinded his left eye), and gained a new (fake) ID and changed his name to Jensen. After being hired by Derek and Trevor, he started his plan to restart his empire by selling the animal corpses he kills by the order of Derek and Trevor (He may have killed some interns and framed it as bear attacks)
When season 1 started and Tom joined (He was forced to take the job after the trouble with his teammates betraying him and his boss on their last straw at Tom), Jensen sensed something odd about him. Sneaking a peek at his bags while the players are at the challenge, Jensen finds out that Tom's a spy looking for him, so he creates a plan to make sure Tom will never catch him.
So that's what I have for now, I might come back with more later. Thank you for reading and gn/gm!
i LOVE the idea of getting drew and rosa back to not only flesh them out more (as they deserved) but to also flesh out fiore and give her a redemption arc. especially drew omg my sweet boy i miss him
and the jensen arc... moon anon we need you on the show rn i can’t watch this knowing it could’ve been THIS /pos
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twstyuna · 8 months ago
Random I Know You Trivia amd Recaps so spoilers for that if you care.
Main vibe/inspiration: the RPGMaker horror game I hold dear to my heart called Ib
World glitch occurred because the toyshop is bigger on the inside than the outside and went a bit wonky with space, hence dropping Ace and Yuu into the backrooms
While Ace has some scratches on his wrists from the flowers accidentally cutting him when they expand, Yuu has marks behind her ears from accidentally scratching herself when she used to tuck the rose behind her ear instead of putting it onto a hair tie/band.
Ace is nicer but Yuu does cry a lot so his nickname for her's never completely leaving.
Main vibe/inspiration: Interdimensional meet cute stories in general, stair and rain superstitions, all I know of delinquency is from the Weak Hero webtoon.
Deuce can actually talk to Yuu somewhat, despite her being a girl.
While Deuce thought Yuu was a Ghost, she thought he was a Fox.
Do you know there are rituals with stairs that supposedly take you to other worlds. Do you know sunshowers are said to be fox weddings. Do you know stumbling on stairs is associated with engagements or weddings.
I hold to my initial intention of these stories being platonic, but I think it's hilarious if Yuu thought this random quiet blond kid she met while it was raining on a sunny day was some fox spirit that liked her in shoujo supernatural romance fashion.
That weird idea fades with time, but like, she remembers him being blond as one of the main things. Also being quiet, but there was a fixation on blondness because Fox and because Funny.
She does remember him eventually.
Main vibe/inspiration: the Alice in Wonderland animated movie, the Alice being lost and the depressing Very Good Advice scene specifically
Yuu disappears back to her world among the round chrysanthemum patches. Miriam webster says a rath is a usually circular earthwork serving as stronghold and residence of an ancient Irish chief. Chrysanthemum raths, mum raths, mome raths, this is such a vague reference and such a stretch
Mrs. Rosehearts is mad, in every sense of the word.
Yuu remembered first. Green hair and yellow eyes are not a common sight in the normal world, but aside from those, Doodle Suit makes her remember tasting flower cookies when she was lost.
Trey doesn't remember at first, Yuu doesn't mind keeping it that way, but he asks on his birthday so now they're both embarrassed.
Main vibe/inspiration: Night in the Woods in the dying town sense.
I stand by my belief that Cater is somewhat based on the Tweedles with his red hair and Split Card UM. The tweedles are kinda clingy in animated film, and thus Cater Shall Be.
In his defense, he thought Yuu met a violent fate.
He calls Yuu Bug because of her clumsiness, and because of how he initially saw her like a bug on a board.
Yuu called him Catcher mentally, because she remembers him saying that he would. It was faster than thinking That Boy or That Skateboarder Guy or That Jerk Who Ditched Me and Maybe Got Kidnapped and helped her remember kind of better until it didn't. The fact that it resembles his actual name is a cute bonus.
Yes the kidnapping particular fear was on both ends.
Yuu can rollerskate now whoopee.
Main vibe/inspiration: the animated Alice in Wonderland film, specifically how the Queen of Hearts treats Alice almost civilly, sometimes if you can forget every other scene or sentence when she's being mean.
One of the dreams references include the Caucus Race
Riddle can't remember Yuu's name because dream logic.
Yuu is a lucid dreamer. This Yuu doesn't completely believe she's in Twisted Wonderland. She thinks it may be a dream. Horrible self-preservation because of it.
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cam-ulu29 · 6 months ago
okay. Just watched Prince of Egypt for the first time. Sorry! I know, uncultured.
I am…having thoughts. Namely, why is this movie so praised? And on tumblr of all places?
interesting? Sure. Pacing? Fairly decent. Complex characters? Yeah. Two of them. Accurate to the original material? Only in its most basic form.
Regardless of my own feelings about the movie, I can’t believe that TUMBLR of all places has no issue with the serious erasure of women and disabilities in that movie! It took away Jochebed/Yokeved’s really significant role of raising Moses, teaching him about his people, making sure he didn’t forget who he was—which was only possible because of Miriam’s courage and cunning!
and the worst offender, of course, is the complete erasure of Moses’ speech impediment and Aaron’s role in helping him communicate despite it. The whole storyline of being disqualified from rule in Egypt because of it, and the God of the Hebrews saying, no, I made you just the way you are and I’m going to show them and you how perfect you are is just…thrown out? For some basic brotherly angst?
idk. It just. It wasn’t what I was expecting.
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sakuramidnight15 · 1 year ago
-RSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Caoimhe Dulcie
(Japanese: カオイムヘ・ダルシー)
Romaji: Kaoimuhe Darushī
Quote: "Greetings, how may I be in serve you with one of my baked treats? It's on the table."
V/A: Takanashi Kengo (Japanese)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: October 29
Star Sign: Scorpio
Eye Color: Caramel Biege
Hair Color: Charm Pink
Height: 179 cm
Race: Human
Homeland: Kingdom of Priamonia (Second Land District)
Family: Unnamed Two Mothers
Unnamed Grandparents
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Fableheart (@jasdiary)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-C (Same Class with Miriam and Achlys)
Student no. 29
Occupation: Student
Chef Pâtissier in training
Part-time Waiter
Club: Cooking Club
Best Subject: Magic History, P.E., Potions, and Literature
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Color: Shades of Light Beige, Brown, White, and Yellow
Favorite Food: Mostly anything edible, Donuts, BBQ, Fried Spicy Rice, Fried Meat (Thigh and Rib Meats), Warm Tea (In Various Flavours, Butterfly Pea Tea as his favourite), Pie (In Various Flavours), Asian Food (Mostly)
Least Favorite Food: Frog Meat, Overburnt Food (Mostly), Food was served expired (Absolutely Not), Beef, Sour Candies, Jawbreakers (Mostly), Rock-stone Cookies (Mostly)
Likes: Pastry Making (Mostly), Styling Ribbons (On any material), Studying other recipes, Paying efforts off, Sugar-glass artwork making, Reading Novels (They are mostly gorish and spicy sometimes), Taste-testing Other People's Desserts (Miriam for one example)
Dislikes: Noisy Places, Getting interrupted (Mostly), People Wasting his Time, Getting Canceled Last Second (Mostly, but pissed), Disrespectfulness (Mostly), Untidiness, Wealthy People (Mostly), Strict Standards from Nobles (Mostly, But in pure silence), Someone Tampering Food (Mostly), Food Poisoning (Mostly),
Hobbies: Pastry Making (Mostly), Styling Ribbons (Mostly, especially for decorations), Cooking (Mostly), Studying Other Recipes, Sugar Glass Artwork, Reading Novels (Mostly, they are mostly gorish and spicy sometimes), Being a taste-testing, Showing Basics Styles (Mostly, for on cooking and hair styling)
Talents: Extreme Acrobatics, High IQ, High Stamina, Physical Self-defense, Castor Abilities, Polearm Skills, Extreme Debate Skills, Taekwondo Skills,
Nicknames: Cao (From his family and friends)
Caoimhe-senpai or Dulcie-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Coco (From Celestine, although it was a light tease though)
Omi (From Miriam)
Caomi (From Xander)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Caoimhe has a tall muscular male body figure but the figure itself looked slender than what's been explained but according to him he has been himself fit regardless of the results of his physics status. He has long charm pink colored long hair that reached to the bottom of his foot heels and has caramel beige colored eyes. Caoimhe is known for his generosity and patience, although he tends to be rather startlesome yet sweet.
Personality: Born and was raised within the second district in the Kingdom of Priamonia by rather a large family, Caoimhe in a young age back then studied into the family business whenever he sees his family members running the main store that resides near the gates of the third district. Despite his enthusiasm of the family's business and somehow viewed to study its culinary traditions, he's often taken the basics before learning elsewhere which his family members finds it a bit worrisome at the least till he manages it himself. Despite not wanting to worry his family much, he assures them that he'll stick to the beginner levels before reaching to another route way.
This most likely continue on as he grows older and is now assisting the store, morefully when he's serving the customers, but at the kitchen is where he practices his skills away from the public eye.
The current Caoimhe we're seeing in the present timeline is known for his generosity and interesting aspirations alongside with his patience within his exterior through from others within the academy, though he tends to be rather startlesome sometimes whenever his concentration had been interrupted, which caused him to be a little fussy afterward as he calmed himself down. Morefully he's on the patience side than getting fussy sometimes, although he's completely balanced on with his emotions and keeps them under control. He's mostly seen with Westyn's and his group around at campus or often seen with Lucia within the dormitory buildings.
Whenever he's with his fellow rift buddies, he's mostly feels normal but adding the mess and chaos that happens, Caoimhe just sighed until he gets dragged into the mess. Regardless of that, he never felt tired whenever it happens.
Aside from his main exterior from his main personality around from random people he sees and interacts only once, he's mostly sweet than being fussy. Morefully he knows how to settle the mood whenever he's in a room filled with people such as the dorm itself or other places. Caoimhe eventually knows his way around, especially entertaining people with his culinary skills that he'd been practicing while growing up from his childhood memories. Though he seems to look a bit cute whenever he fuss a few things a little bit, especially whenever he's busy with his work.
Sometimes there are ideas of tendency to go off balance from main front and sidelines if things didn't go smoothly, especially if he ever get involved by dragging it down with it, not like it's been asked for it. Caoimhe himself can keep his facial expression at firm pace whenever he puts up an act, but not for his emotions stirring up inside of it. A few words wouldn't hurt unless anyone who shouts it back wants it, a slight convincing of cruelty won't hurt anyone but he less cares likely of how he feels towards it and would be serious about it, put a bit of adding when it comes to reputation then everything falls apart such as the food being spoiled through the process or from the start...
Aspiring when it comes to talents within the bakeshop, though there are days that he needs to calm himself a bit though, that's when his fellow friends would say about him.
-The name 'Caoimhe' means 'beautiful'. It has been well-used in English-speaking countries and particularly in Ireland from the same root as the masculine name, while his surname 'Dulcie' from the Latin word dulcis, meaning "sweet," and is also the Spanish word for "candy." It's related to the name Dulce, a traditional Roman name that Cervantes drew inspiration from when naming Dulcinea, the chosen lady of erratic knight Don Quixote.
-He's based on Ginger Breadhouse, from the Ever After High Franchise and Series.
-Aside from his skills within the kitchen. He knows how to brew various yet new tea flavours. Classics or a new one.
-He hates seeing food getting wasted.
-Often picked as a taste-tester whenever someone asks him to.
-Knows how to style and tie ribbons, either on decorating the food or on hair.
-Keeps his mental hygiene in check. Very likely.
-He fusses sometimes but in less serious-like manner, though it looked pretty cute to see it happen if you want to.
-He and Xander are childhood friends regardless of the two being in different districts, the two kept in contact till now. Though Xander often questions Caoimhe's sexuality, which puts the latter in so much of confusion.
-He's mostly neutral with his dorm mates aside from Lucia, although he's often slight popular for his cooking and his treats being the best snacks in the dorm.
-He and Miriam had known each other since they entered the same cooking school when they were kids, making them former cooking buddies.
-Celestine often visits his family's store sometimes and still do it after growing up, which the two had normal conversations. Although there are days that Celestine often teases him while the chats kept going much to his dismay.
-Around people such as his dorm mates or others aside from his fellow rift friends from his homeland, he'd didn't seem to show his skills are cooking. Which anyone would be curious after seeing the results of what the latter would might cook.
-Can be even be seen for reading novels but in goreish graphics plus with spicy contexts in secret. More occasionally at night.
-He and Ismene often rants a lot when it comes to novels, both anime and novel series.
-His Curse: (From his culinary skills, he can morefully create a VIP sweet-like table serving if only the conditions are yet to be made by the one who asks for his services of whatever ordered food. If five of each of them have met, he then served the best of the best servings at your table to your heart's delight. But if the conditions have not have met, this resulted the food that will be served to rotten quickly at your behalf at the minute you bite it or not, including the taste would be beyond horrid. Regardless if the conditions had been met or not by the customer will cause Caoihme's throat to gain severe breathing problems or a quick asthma attack immediately in the aftermath. He can recover his breathing and will be back to normal but only for two weeks straight of recovery.)
-Around at his age of twelve from his past, Caoimhe was a victim of severe food poisoning when a noble from the fourth district asked him to taste the food the noble was served with inside of a restaurant one evening, causing the serious issue to rise through the minute his family found out about as the noble was executed for it. He was hospitalized for four weeks.
-Due to the incident, it seemed to be the main reason why his personality is one a balance scale. Which is why he's sometimes patience but is very much on limits.
-His voice sounds mature but the attitude and tone changes whenever he sees a situation building up. Which is why I chose Takanashi Kengo to be his voice actor.
-He doesn't seem to be a fond of the fourth district, since it had to become a ghost town of disgrace by the queen.
-Gets annoyed if someone brings up about cooking monsters. Literally.
-Pissed if he sees a messy kitchen.
-Has a pet male sliver wolf named 'Puco'.
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lorainelegacy · 6 months ago
what will Loraine do when Fig eventually dies of old age? Stay widowed forever? Kill herself? Find a new partner? Low-key curious
(I’m so so so so so so so sorry if this has already been asked 😖🙏)
Hello and thank you for your interest! I'm afraid this reply is going to be quite long. Well, to start with my fanfic isn't finished so all I have are ideas that may change at any given moment. But I do have some general ideas. My fanfic will have up to three different outcomes:
Fig dies in the battle against Ranrok (the canon ending of the game).
Loraine dies in the battle against Ranrok
Both survive the battle against Ranrok (the canon ending of my fanfic
Loraine was always aware of the age difference between the two, and because of this she began researching a potion that would defy the limits of mortality and extend Fig's life. So, always behind Fig's back, she began to research and make her own potions, but despite being excellent at Potions, every potion she created was a failure and the busy schedule of seventh year didn't allow her to focus too much on her research.
After the battle and after graduating they both started a life together and now with more free time, Loraine was able to put all her effort into the research that was her life for her, as the life of the person she loved depended on it. He was her whole life.
Eventually she succeeded and thanks to that potion she not only managed to help prolong Fig's life, but that of many wizards and witches she would help by selling those potions. Lorane's name spread throughout the wizarding world and, thanks to this, Eleazar and Loraine were able to live a quiet life without worrying about money. However, Loraine continued her research, she wanted to create more potions that would help people and to do so, she travelled all over the world. Fig accompanied her on each of her journeys, he did not want to lose her as he had lost Miriam.
By the time she was about fifty years old, Eleazar decided that the time had come to give up the potion. It was the hardest decision of their life. She was happy to have spent all those beautiful years with him, but shortly after he died she died of grief too. Her heart simply could not conceive of living without her other half. Even if she had lived longer I don't think she could have been with another man. Finally they were buried together, on the cliff near their home on the coast. Eleazar's name would forever be remembered at Hogwarts as a great wizard, friend and teacher. Loraine would be remembered as a woman who, driven by the desire to help others, and above all, driven by love, managed to help the wizarding world.
These are all ideas I have in mind, I don't know if they will be realised or if I will eventually change them one day.
As for the canon ending of the game where Fig dies in the battle of Hogwarts I have two possible ideas:
1) Loraine wouldn't be able to bear the loss of Fig and would end up taking her own life.
2) Loraine would try to take her own life, (she tried to poison herself and was found in Fig's office, almost lifeless). while in real life they fight to save her she finds herself in a kind of limbo where she meets Fig for the last time. He tells her that her time has not come and that she must live. He, who knows more than anyone else her courage and skills, tells her that she needs to live because she has much to contribute to the wizarding world. Eventually they manage to revive Loraine and she continues her research and ends up becoming a renowned potion maker. The only thing that kept her alive was to make Fig proud of her. Despite this, she was never able to be happy again, nor was she able to be with another man in her life. She finally died at the age of thirty-five and was buried next to Fig, the only love of her life.
3) As for the ending where Loraine sacrifices herself in the battle of Hogwarts, Fig would simply die shortly thereafter. His heart could not bear to lose her.
God, this is a really long answer. I'm sorry. As I said, these are all ideas I have in my mind and they may change over time. I hope they are not too boring or silly. Thanks again for your interest!
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timeless-fanfic · 6 months ago
Heyo 👋 I saw you were taking requests. Could u do something about Andrew being in love with a young woman who already has her own kids but isn’t with anyone anymore? But he hasn’t told her he’s in love with her yet?
Restoring Faith
Chapter 1: A Stranger’s Kindness
Word Count: 1653
Andrew x Reader
Note: I have written an outline for ten chapters for this...hope you enjoy!
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the dusty road that led to Capernaum. Andrew adjusted the small sack of food on his shoulder, absently noting how quiet the world seemed at this hour. His thoughts were elsewhere—on the past few days traveling with Simon, on the challenges they had faced since following Jesus, and on the constant, nagging question of what lay ahead. The unknown was daunting, but Andrew was learning to trust that the path set before him, however unclear, would lead to something greater.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the children at first. The faint sound of laughter drifted on the breeze, pulling him from his reverie. As he rounded the corner near the village well, he saw them—a boy and a girl, no more than seven and five years old. The boy, sandy-haired and tall for his age, was chasing a chicken while the girl, her dark curls bouncing as she skipped along the edge of the road, clapped her hands in delight.
Andrew couldn’t help but smile at the scene. It reminded him of simpler times, when his biggest worries were fishing with his father and making sure Simon didn’t get them into too much trouble. The boy darted toward the well, his laughter ringing out, but his foot caught on a loose stone. Andrew winced as the boy fell, landing hard on his hands and knees.
“Ow!” the boy cried, his cheerful expression crumpling in pain.
Andrew stepped forward quickly, instinctively reaching for the boy. “Are you alright?” he asked, kneeling beside him.
The boy sniffled, nodding bravely despite the tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m okay… I think.”
The little girl, who had been skipping merrily moments ago, rushed over, her eyes wide with concern. “Eliam! You’re hurt!”
“I’m fine, Miriam,” the boy mumbled, though he winced as Andrew gently examined his scraped knee.
Andrew pulled a strip of cloth from his bag, dipping it in the water from the well to clean the wound. “You’ll be alright, Eliam,” he said kindly. “It’s just a scrape. No need to worry.”
Eliam nodded, biting his lip as Andrew worked. The girl, Miriam, hovered nearby, clutching the edge of her brother’s tunic and looking up at Andrew with wide, curious eyes.
“Who are you?” she asked, her voice soft but direct.
Andrew smiled at her, finishing up his makeshift bandage on Eliam’s knee. “My name’s Andrew. I’m a fisherman. What’s your name, little one?”
“Miriam,” she answered shyly, her fingers twisting in the hem of her simple tunic.
“Well, Miriam, it looks like your brother’s going to be just fine,” Andrew said with a wink. “But I think he should take it easy for a while. No more chasing chickens today.”
Eliam groaned, glancing longingly at the chicken that had wandered off to peck at the ground a few feet away. “But I almost caught it!”
“Almost isn’t good enough,” Miriam said with a giggle, clearly enjoying her brother’s predicament.
Andrew chuckled, standing and offering a hand to Eliam. “Come on. I’ll help you up.”
Eliam hesitated for a moment before taking Andrew’s hand and pulling himself to his feet. “Thanks,” he mumbled, his cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and gratitude.
“No problem,” Andrew replied, brushing the dust from his own hands. He glanced around, noticing there was no one nearby who seemed to be looking after the children. “Where’s your mother or father?”
“They’re not here right now,” Eliam answered quickly, almost too quickly. He shot a glance at Miriam, who shifted nervously from foot to foot.
Andrew frowned but didn’t press the matter. “Well, how about I walk you back home? It’s getting late.”
The children exchanged a look before Miriam nodded. “Okay. Eema will be happy to meet you.”
Andrew smiled, his curiosity piqued. Something about the way they had answered his questions, particularly Eliam’s rushed response, made him wonder about their situation. But he didn’t want to pry, especially not when the children seemed so trusting of him already.
They set off down the road, Andrew walking a few steps behind as the children chatted between themselves. Eliam was already back to his energetic self, regaling Miriam with tales of how he had nearly caught the elusive chicken. Miriam, for her part, seemed content to listen, though she would occasionally glance back at Andrew with a quiet curiosity.
As they approached the edge of the village, a small house came into view—a modest home, well-kept but worn from years of use. A woman stood outside, her back turned as she hung freshly washed linens on a line to dry. Her long, dark hair was tied back in a simple braid, and her movements were careful, almost delicate, as she worked.
“Eema!” Miriam called out, breaking into a run as soon as she saw her mother.
The woman turned, her face softening with a smile as she caught sight of her daughter. But the smile faltered when she noticed Andrew walking behind the children. She quickly stepped forward, meeting them halfway, her expression cautious.
“Miriam, Eliam,” she said, her voice gentle but firm. “Who is this?”
“Eema, this is Andrew,” Eliam said proudly. “He helped me when I fell.”
Andrew stopped a few feet away, feeling suddenly unsure of himself under the woman’s scrutinizing gaze. “Your son tripped near the well,” he explained, his tone respectful. “It wasn’t serious, just a scrape. I helped him clean it up.”
The woman’s expression softened slightly, though she still looked wary. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “I appreciate your kindness.”
Andrew nodded. “I’m glad I could help. Your children are full of energy. They remind me of my brother and me when we were younger.”
The woman’s lips twitched into a brief smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She glanced at Eliam’s bandaged knee before looking back at Andrew. “You said your name was Andrew?”
“Yes,” he replied. “I’m a fisherman by trade.”
Her brow furrowed for a moment before something seemed to click in her mind. “You’re one of the men who follows Jesus, aren’t you?”
Andrew blinked, caught off guard. “Yes, I do. How did you know?”
“I’ve heard of Him,” she said softly, her gaze flickering toward the children, who had already run off to play in the yard. “And of His followers. You’re staying nearby, aren’t you?”
“We’ve been traveling,” Andrew explained, watching her closely. There was something in her voice—a hesitancy, perhaps even a fear. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. “We stop where we can, helping people, spreading the message Jesus has given us.”
The woman nodded, though her expression remained guarded. “It’s a noble cause,” she said, though her tone suggested she wasn’t sure what to think of it.
Andrew hesitated for a moment, then decided to ask the question that had been nagging at him. “Where is your husband?”
Her face seemed to tighten at the mention of him, and for a long moment, she didn’t answer. Andrew immediately regretted the question, sensing he had touched on something painful.
Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. “He’s… gone. He passed away before Miriam was born.”
Andrew’s heart sank. He had seen the look in her eyes before—the look of someone who had carried far too much for far too long. The weight of grief, of loneliness, was etched into the lines of her face, despite her efforts to hide it.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
She shook her head, offering a small, sad smile. “It’s alright. It’s been… difficult. But we manage.”
Andrew glanced at the children, who were now chasing each other around the yard, their laughter filling the air. “You’ve raised them on your own?”
“Yes,” she said, her voice tinged with both pride and exhaustion. “It hasn’t been easy, but they’re my world. I do what I can for them.”
Andrew nodded, understanding more than she realized. He had seen that same determination in his own mother after their father had passed, leaving her to raise two rambunctious boys on her own. It was a kind of strength that few could understand unless they had lived it.
“If there’s anything you need,” Andrew began, unsure of what exactly he was offering but knowing he wanted to help, “please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be happy to assist you in any way I can.”
The woman looked at him for a long moment, as if weighing the sincerity of his words. Finally, she gave a small nod, her expression softening. “Thank you. That’s very kind of you.”
Andrew smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. He could see how much she carried, how much she had buried beneath the surface. And though he barely knew her, he found himself wanting to ease that burden, if only a little.
“Well,” he said, glancing at the sky, where the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. “I should get going. The others will be wondering where I’ve gone.”
The woman nodded, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. “Thank you again… for helping Eliam.”
“It was my pleasure,” Andrew replied. He took a step back, then paused. “What’s your name?”
For a moment, she hesitated, as if unsure whether to give him that piece of herself. But then she spoke, her voice quiet but steady. “[Y/N].”
Andrew smiled. “It was nice to meet you, [Y/N].” With that, he turned and began to walk away, though his thoughts lingered on the woman and her children.
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ilikeyoshi · 10 months ago
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drops them in here. skyrim oc brainrot is real
anyway this is miriam free-winter, nord dragonborn, and cambria mede iv, imperial princess. :) because the knight/princess flavor of lesbians is FUN dammit.
miriam was orphaned in windhelm as a child and eventually adopted by brunwulf free-winter. she soaked up all the stories about brunwulf being a hero because he fought for ulfric stormcloak during the great war, and now she wants to follow in those footsteps by serving the stormcloaks, which if u know brunwulf as a character, has led to a lot of tension between him and his daughter.
despite her political allegiances, miriam is really sympathetic to the non-men peoples of skyrim, and her anger is focused on factions over people, like the empire and the thalmor. a lot of her journey involves dismantling these ideas she has in her head about who ulfric and the stormcloaks really are, and coming to the same realizations brunwulf did. but uh, she starts off with some very flawed ideas about the war, that's for sure!
cambria mede, fourth of her name, is the granddaughter of the current imperial emperor, titus mede ii. she is, to say the absolute least, a total troublemaker of a princess. having grown up surrounded by people that condemn skyrim for its resistance to empirical rule (and the many bad things that come from it), cambria starts on a different path, wanting to experience skyrim and its plight firsthand and figure out what they really need and how to provide it.
thus, she declares she's going to skyrim for a relative's wedding in solitude—a perfect excuse to get into the province and investigate—only to get caught right in the middle of the helgen incident. cambria survives and is rescued by riverwood villagers, and while she withholds her true identity from them, she immediately knows skyrim is about to be in far worse trouble than it already is with a dragon of all things on the loose, and her priorities shift accordingly.
miriam eventually meets cambria in riverwood, having been sent by the stormcloaks to investigate weird rumors about helgen shortly after the incident. by now, cambria has freshened up on Skyrim Folklore, and with half a prophecy already fulfilled with the dragons' return, she sees no reason not to believe the other half of the prophecy will soon reveal itself—the dragonborn. miriam stands out to her because of a surprising resistance to dragonfire, and suspecting her, cambria requests her help investigating the nearby bleak falls barrow, explaining that the ancient nords might still have documentation of some sort that can help skyrim against the dragons.
what she's really after, and what miriam soon learns, is proof she's dragonborn—and of course, cambria finds it when miriam is able to learn the word of power buried in the barrow. :)
as always, i named my skyrim ocs after fonts, because my first skyrim oc was named thusly and it's a fun tradition to keep up! i really wanted to more strongly incorporate the civil war than i normally do in playthroughs too, because it's such an integral part of the story, but one i tend to disregard because neither option is very good lol. instead of that being a deterrent this time though, i decided to explore it—i wanted characters who had various reasons for the choices they made, and to see how those choices change as they learn and grow. skyrim as a story isn't nuanced enough to pick a Truly Good Option at the end of all this, and i haven't found a mod that promises much better (though i haven't started that questline in my current playthrough yet, so if you have suggestions PUHLEEEEASE hit me up!!!!), but that's what Imagination and Putting My Fingers In My Ears is for.
anyway, as u can see they are my world-saving lesbians of the week. <3 i am rotating them in the microwave that is my brain at terminal velocity.
picrew credits! [1-2] [3] [4]
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trappers-cloak · 2 years ago
Introducing: Diana Wegner (RDR2 OC)
My new OC Diana has burst onto the scene so here ya go
Diana (29 yo) was the wife of 60 yo Eugene Wegner, the owner of Emerald Ranch
she was married off to him by her wealthy parents after not finding a husband in her conservative hometown due to her disruptive nature
her stepdaughter is Miriam Wegner, the girl in the window at Emerald Ranch
Miriam's lover (Joshua Burgess) and JB Cripps taught both Miriam and Diana how to shoot in secret
Miriam did NOT like Diana at first due to typical you're-not-my-mother angst and grief over her birth mother
Diana is a bold woman, and an educated one.
she is an okay shot, but wants to learn how to use many different weapons since it was never allowed.
her favorite gun is the lancaster repeater, and I HC that she uses the Collector Variant from RDO
to make up for her subpar aim, she learns to make explosive bullets and poisoned arrows.
she is an avid reader, similar to Mary Beth, and holds romantic and fantastical ideals at her heart despite being a bit jaded
her animal representation is a red fox (like Arthur's is a whitetail buck, John's is a wolf, yk)
She has a border collie named Pluto
her main job at Emerald Ranch is to take the sheep out - shes the shepard
more to come :)
totally not writing these posts instead of writing the actual fic
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talesfrommedinastation · 2 years ago
OC Time: Dr. Sjael Drummer
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Name: Sjael Drummer, Ph.D 
Nickname/s: Sesata (Tanke, Miriam, Timon, Naomi), Shay-Bay (Tanke), Mama (Meg), Auntie (Tro, Blid, Haber), mi toki (“my laugh” in Lang Belta, Tech), Waffle Cones (Amos Burton, Jim Holden), Dr. D (Her assistants)
Age: 27(at beginning), 30 (at end) 
Species: Human (Belter)
Height: 6’4 (shorter build for a Belter due to growing up with some gravity and better nutrition)
Weight/Build: 155 lbs, slender with wiry muscles  
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Hair: Wavy dark brown, shaved on sides for access to helmet. Often wears in braid, or in ponytail
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black, very large for her long, oval face. 
Sexuality: Straight 
Relationship status: Single (at beginning), married (at end of Far Past the Ring).
Family: Tanke (sister), Timon (BIL), Miriam (SIL), Blid (nephew), Tro (niece), Haber (nephew), Lyse Roose (mother, dead), Dr Aki Drummer (father, dead), Anang Drummer (uncle, dead), Camina Drummer (cousin), Omega 'Meg' Drummer (daughter).
Occupation: Post Doctoral Chemical Researcher (at beginning), Senior Chemical Engineer of Medina Station (at end) 
Current location/from: Medina Station/Ganymede, Sol System 
Voice: Mezzo, with a light Belter lilt  
Personality: Despite being raised in a ferociously independent, proud Belter family, Sjael is a sweet natured, bright person who genuinely sees the better side of most people. She considers it a duty and honor to care for others, and sees this as an inevitable part of growth in the Sol system. This comes from being raised as the adored youngest in her educated family, as her mother, like many Belter women, suffered from multiple pregnancy losses in between the births of her two living daughters. Sjael was raised somewhat sheltered in comparison to other Belter children, with a family member always there to protect her from most harmful things. This allowed her to keep a sense of quiet optimism, very unusual amongst the citizens of the Belt. Unlike her sister Tanke, Sjael still has a natural sense of curiosity, and adores getting people to learn with her, especially in regards to creating things out of organic material from a chemical background. She was especially attached to her doctor father, who died in the Eros incident while working in a free clinic for mothers and infants. However, recent events leading up to her current position–namely the siege of Ceres, the destruction of Ganymede, and the breakoff of her engagement with her ex-fiance, OPA terrorist and Free Navy pilot Toivo Saavedra–have left her more guarded.
Flaws: Sjael, in true Belter fashion, lacks tact, and assumes that everyone is interested in the subjects that she talks about, occasionally infuriating or upsetting others. Used to being protected by her family members and friends (such as her cousin, Camina Drummer), she often lacks courage in situations that truly call for them, and prefers to either negotiate or run–which has had devastating consequences for her. Finally, her kindness and inclusivity can–and has–backfired on her massively, as she has been brutally taken advantage of.
Likes: plants (especially flowers), science experiments, birds, vanilla, cooking, baking, hiking, mushrooms, her gunship, racing, children, photography, learning, riding bikes of any kind, hot drinks (coffee and redbush tea are her favorites). 
Dislikes: Messes, meat, politics, bad smells, technology that doesn’t easily work, public speaking, being slow, yelling. 
Desire: Sjael wants a stable future for her people, most of all, those who are close to her–she is a space version of a Disney princess. She does this through her research as a chemical engineer, discovering new ways to make flavors and foods safer for the many galaxies in the Slow Zone. However, by meeting Clone Force 99 and the remains of the GAR, she finds a new group to protect, who in turn help propel her own people forward. She finds new ways to gain courage, as a pilot and as a supporter of the fighters that she loves. 
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Hi. As I said, my name is Philip. I do have a middle name, but I rarely need to use it.
Some things about my past: I was born in Oxfordshire, to a Muggle couple. My biological father is a journalist, my biological mother is a housewife and supplies a small food store. I have a little sister, named Charlotte. As far as I know, she has no magical abilities.
I was kicked out by my parents after coming out as trans. I was 12, having been pulled out of school a year prior. My father thinks girls shouldn't get more than a basic education. I disagree, but that's beside the point.
After being forced to leave my parents' home, I went to London. There, I got a job unloading carts at a market. It was also there (incidentally, at the market) that I met a couple who would change my life forever. Their names were Eleazar and Miriam Fig. He was a professor at a "special" secondary school, and she was a researcher. They took me in and cared for me as if I was their son. As time passed, I could see that they were different from other people I had met. I discovered they were a wizard and a witch, and that magic is real.
Despite the big revelation, nothing really changed. They were the parents I had never really had, and they saw me as who I really was.
When I was 14, one day I saw Eleazar return home with an expression I had never seen. He told me Miriam had been killed during one of her travels. I could barely believe it. I had never seen him cry before, and didn't know what to do. I just held his hand, and we sat at the kitchen table for a long time.
Around my 15th birthday, I discovered a new force inside me. Eleazar (I don't know why I never called him 'dad', and now I regret it) told me that my magic had awakened. He also told me that it usually happened at 11 years old, which could only mean that it wasn't normal magic. It was an ancient form of magic, and I would have to learn how to control it.
I went to Hogwarts, the school he taught at, and was sorted into Gryffindor. It was his old house, so it seemed fitting.
My first year there was messy, to say the least. Yet, it also had good things. I still don't know how he did it, but Eleazar adopted me officially before Christmas. I also made some good friends.
But not everything was good. I had to do some "trials" to hone my magic, while also trying to prevent a goblin rebellion because of said magic. Unfortunately, it led to my dad's death during a particularly hard battle.
I just want this year to be a calm, peaceful year, if it's even possible.
This got too long, and I apologise. It was not easy to write, either, but I think it's everything, at least for now.
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