#eleazar fig x mc
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lorainelegacy · 9 months ago
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Stand by me (wip)
Updated. Flat colours because I'm already tired today. I changed Fig's clothes a bit and tried to make them more similar, although a lot of details are still missing. I also liked the idea of leaving some brown locks in Loraine's hair.
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snowdropssunflowers · 7 days ago
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I'm really amazed at how accepting the MC is in Hogwarts Legacy. Almost everyone wants something from her in one way or another, some are more obvious about it than others. And she just lets them.
At the same time, she has just stepped into this new magical world and has a rare ability that no one really guides her in mastering and a whole world to save from a traumatized power hungry goblin.
In my interpretation of her, she was raised in a Muggle orphanage somewhere near London and has had no knowledge of anything magical, except for what she has seen but could not explain, and has probably been seen as a strange child growing up when she has tried to explain what she sees. Then she finds a world where she should fit in and just wants to be accepted by everyone, so she gives everyone what they want, even if it is at her own expense.
I had this pose reference saved at Pinterest forever, so thank you to who made it: https://pin.it/KDjzJgeQI
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sallow-gaunt · 2 years ago
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Sebastian is a good student. He’s bright, he’s charming, and it’s no wonder his teachers think he’s capable because his parents were both professors so it would make sense that he’s grown up well-read and educated.
But then Anne gets cursed before the end of their fourth year and stops attending Hogwarts - as his fourth year draws to a close, his grades begin to slip because he’s not paying attention in class, he starts breaking curfew because he’s staying up after hours to research cures, all he can think about is how to help his sister and it negatively impacts his studies. He puts on a facade in class, but his smiles are fake, and when he thinks no one is looking, he turns sullen. The only friend he spends much time with anymore is Ominis, and while their friendship is admirable, it’s a far cry from the boy who used to banter with everyone, the boy who always had something to say. The professors try to be understanding given his circumstances, but they’re all undeniably worried about him.
At the beginning of fifth year, this behaviour continues - but there’s something different, if only slightly. Hecat notices it first in the first DADA lesson of the year when he duels the new fifth year; despite the fact he loses this duel, she notices the way he grins at the new student, his boyish face bright in a way it hasn’t been since his sister was cursed. It’s nice to see him smile again, she thinks.
The next to notice it is Professor Weasley, when she comes to fetch him from detention with a “special task”; he looks surprised but relieved to be out of detention, and listens as she explains that she wants him to take the new fifth year to Hogsmeade for supplies. She doesn’t miss the way he beams ear to ear upon hearing that the fifth year asked for him specifically when encouraged to go with a friend, and as he goes to meet them in the entrance hall, there’s a sudden bounce to his step. It makes her smile to herself, pleased that he seems genuinely happy.
It doesn’t take long for all of the faculty to notice it, and it becomes a hot topic of conversation among them. Garlick insists that she keeps seeing him and the new fifth year laughing together on their way to Herbology, even on days they don’t work together; Sharp notes that while Sebastian still works with Ominis, he’s often seen at the potion station of the new student, the two of them talking in low teasing tones that suggest a friendly banter. Ronen disclosed that while the new student often chooses to sit with Natty or Poppy for Charms, he’s caught them and Sebastian looking at each other from across the classroom; everyone has a good chuckle when even Fig remarks that he’s often seen Sebastian waiting outside of his classroom when the new student leaves, as if the Slytherin boy has been waiting to see them. Many of the other teachers also recall seeing the two in each other’s presence around the school constantly, sharing sweets and talking.
They all agree that the presence of the new fifth year student is the cause of Sebastian’s uplifted mood, there’s no other explanation quite frankly. He’s not completely the same as he was before - he is still breaking curfew, still not focusing completely on his work, still seems sullen on most days - but when he’s around the new student, he’s definitely happier and more like his old self.
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toupee-or-nottoupee · 2 months ago
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What do you think his laugh sounds like?
(I'd be starstruck too, I love ominis sm. happy looks good on him ok.) (also him laughing is more of a product of relief of being out of danger but also hearing about the Headmaster shenanigans is really funny. I rewatch the gameplay for that and it never ceases to delight me.) (I wanted more Prof Fig comfort/dad moments 😔 Is he giving Ominis the evil eye for getting so close? we may never know.)
pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 (You're here)
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lorainelegacy · 5 months ago
This is how Eleazar looks at Loraine when she tells him what she has done during the day 🥰
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how to say “I love you” in x-files [14/?] ⤷ 1.01 — “Pilot”
#definitely not gazing at scully
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yurnu · 7 months ago
||⚜️ Hogwarts Legacy ⚜️||
A little bit of lore from my MC and Doodles.
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sprayededges · 6 months ago
ok so as i said before in my last post, this is a drabble.piece that will eventually make it's way into my full hl oc fic when I fully sit down and write it! morgan, my oc, is an orphan when we meet her in the beginning of the school year, having lost her parents and brother. when I post my full fic it'll make more sense also pls I am itching to talk about her with other hl creators/players.
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It's her parents.
It's Jacob.
It's neither.
The third time someone dies in front of and for Morgan, it's Professor Fig. Her teacher and personal mentor. Her father figure, the man who saved her from certain early death and disease and doom from the sickly, dirty streets of London.
Her savior, if she were to be so bold.
“No!” She cries, tears welling in her eyes as she chances the glance away from Ranrok to Fig on the ground. A hurt, tortured, failed scream claws its way through her, leaving her as she deals the final blows to Ranroks's magically mutilated form, bursting him to bits.
The dust settles. 
Silence rings in Morgan's ears—or is that just the memory of her parents and brother dying in front of her playing on loop as she forces her trembling legs to carry her to Fig, lying still and just barely breathing on the ground. 
“Professor…?” Morgan says, her voice weak and cracking, sounding terribly choked up and on the brink of tears as she kneels at his side. 
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rosewoodcafe · 2 months ago
Chapter One | A Rough Start to a Long Day
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The Voice of the Lost
After being accepted into Hogwarts, Evie has a lot to go through. Ranrok, Ancient magic, and schoolwork, on top of maintaining all of her friendships. When she discovers a secret that has been hidden for hundreds of years, she must decide if she's willing to be the one to uncover it.
Chapter Two
A03 | Wattpad
It was a foggy morning when my father and I arrived in London. A completely different atmosphere from that of America, but familiar in some ways. The small home he had bought for us to live in was the heart of the city, which made it strange to see giant barn owls perched atop light posts as the carriage pulled along the path. 
My father made no comment on them as we arrived, almost as if he was completely unaware of their presence at all. I moved my bags into my own room, which was perched at the top of our home, a window that had a small bench, one I could sit and read. It wasn’t until a week later when I began to settle in when a strange letter arrived.
Father was preparing my papers to attend a new school, when that letter arrived. His eyes widened in excitement, and he didn’t throw it away as I would have. A school for magic? That was a crazy thing to believe.
What was even crazier was the old man who showed up to my door the next day.
He talked to my father while I packed my trunk, the mania of the situation not hitting me yet. I was going away to a school for magic?! This was something I read about, something I would dream about. I packed lightly, a few books and some casual clothing, the professor assured me everything else would be bought in Diagon Alley. Wherever that was.
That day I said goodbye to my father, unknowing of the next time I would see him.
“I love you my dear.” He said, squeezing me tight. He smelled of warm embers and old books, and it was comforting in so many ways. I wanted to be strong, but I knew I was going to miss him. “You will have more fun at Hogwarts then any school I send you too, so please my Evy, have a great time,” he paused, kissing the top of my head, “and don’t get into too much mischief.”
“I love you dad,” I said into his chest. When he broke our hug, he gave me one last kiss on my forehead, waving me off. It was all so sudden, but all so exciting, like a brand new story being told.
After the day was spent in search of supplies in the heart of London, Professor Fig and I finished gathering everything I would need for the upcoming school year. After buying my wand we even practiced basic spells, ones that would be useful to start me out. The professor helped me load all of my things onto the back of a carriage. And now here I stood, waiting to start a life I didn’t ask for.
"Ah! It appears we are almost ready to depart." Professor Fig spoke. He had a bright smile on his face that was welcoming in every way. "It's a pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell-casting. I presume you've been practicing the spells we worked on."
"I have, Professor." I smiled. When I was told magic was real, I had thought this professor was mad. I found out very quickly that there was more to this world than I would ever know, which was both exciting and incredibly panic inducing.
"Well, I'm quite sure I've never seen anyone take so quickly to a wand. You'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own." Professor Fig chuckled. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I smiled at his comment.
"Thank you, Professor Fig. I appreciate your working with me before the term begi-" I started before I was interrupted. A man appeared to my left, staring about until he turned and found Professor Fig, to which a smile broke out on his face. He was slightly plump, with brown curly locks of hair.
"Oh! Eleazar!" the man spoke excitedly. He clapped his hands together and walked closer to Professor Fig and I.
"George! Glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart your finding us." Professor Fig responded, taking George's hand in a firm handshake.
"I've Apparated to more vaguely defined destinations than this." He chuckled. "Though, I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try. Gave quite the fright to some theatre-goers in the West End."
"It's been much too long. When I received your owl, I must say I-" Professor Fig started.
"Best not speak here. Eleazar, hm?" George said, cutting Profesor Fig off. His gaze moved around the street. He almost looked worried, like someone was watching him. Or that someone was watching us.
"Of course. Why don't we speak en route to Hogwarts? We have a start-of-term feast and a Sorting Ceremony to get to." Professor Fig said.
"Wonderful idea. As long as your young charge here doesn't mind me tagging along." George said as he turned for my reply.
"Not at all, sir." I said in response.
"After you." Professor Fig spoke, gesturing to the carriage.
"Ages since I've been to the castle. Would be good to see the old pile of rocks." George commented. He paused for a moment, looking around the street once more, before stepping up into the carriage and closing the door.
The man controlling the carriage whipped the reins, causing the carriage to pull forward slowly, then lift off into the air, the London skyline becoming smaller and smaller. Big Ben rang as we flew past, signalling the hour. The clouds began to pull over the carriage and the ground below completely disappeared.
George and Professor Fig talked while I stared out into the clouds, daydreaming of the adventures ahead. The classes I’d take, the people I’d meet, it was all so exciting. I was sad to leave my father, but I was ready to meet more people, and these people who could do extraordinary things. I was one of these people who could do extraordinary things.
I was always prone to moving, not by choice of course, but my father’s job was never consistent in the same spot, so we moved plenty. It was only ever a few months at a time that we stayed, mainly in America, but father had found a promising job in London, prompting us to move back to where I had lived when I was very young. This all felt so unreal, something straight out of a storybook.
"Glad I caught you before you left for Scotland." George spoke, slightly catching my attention.
"Just barely." Professor Fig chuckled.
"And who is your traveling companion? I have forgotten to ask." George looked between the two of us.
"A new student." Professor Fig gestured to me. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.
"New?" George questioned.
"Yes, sir. I'm starting school as a fifth-year student. My name is Evie Thompson." I said quietly. I hope he did not think less of me due to the fact that I knew hardly any magic.
"How extraordinary." He replied.
"It is, indeed.” Professor Fig stated. “None of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late." 
"Nor have I." George commented. His puzzled look was carved from curiosity, and wanting to ask questions I had no answers too. He instead turned his gaze back to Professor Fig.
"Of course, as the other fifth-years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now, the Headmaster asked if I could get our new student up to speed a bit before the term begins." Professor Fig smiled at me.
"Well, you couldn't have asked for a better mentor." George said, "Professor Fig is not only an exceptional teacher, he is also a remarkably intuitive - and gifted - wizard."
"Mr. Osric is prone to flattery. I daresay it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the Ministry." Professor Fig chuckled.
I laughed at Professor Fig’s comment, and the two men began a different conversation I had no part in. My thoughts swirled once more as I gazed out the window into the cloudy sky. They whipped the sides of the carriage as we flew by, thick and heavy, barely able to see through. I was barely listening to the conversation the two men had, picking up pieces. A goblin threat, and something about the Ministry not doing anything about it, it still seemed a bit too much for me to focus on. In the clouds I caught a glimpse of a dark shadow, it immediately caught my attention and when I tried to focus on it to see it better, it was already gone.
My mind was brought out of the clouds, looking at Professor Fig to tell him about the odd thing I had just seen. They were talking about Professor Fig’s wife, one that had Professor Fig’s full attention. George held out a container, one with a strange glowing symbol on the outside. He handed it to Professor Fig.
"It came to me via her owl - but with no correspondence. I can only assume-" George spoke softly.
"-that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe." Professor Fig finished the sentence.
"Presumably from Ranrok." George said. "I cannot open it. Whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed."
"It looks like goblin metal." Professor Fig commented. He pointed out the symbol on the front to me.  "That symbol-"
"What's that glow?" I asked quickly, holding my hand closer to the container.
"I don't see a glow." Professor Fig said, puzzled.
"Nor do I." George said, looking at me confused.
I looked at the both of them, just as confused. Professor Fig handed me the container, it was slightly heavy and the glow became brighter as it got closer to my hands. I held it for a moment, running my finger along the symbol, its glow traveled along the symbol, reaching the edges of the container and opening. A key rested nicely on the inside, the top of it moved into the same symbol as the one on the container. 
"Merlin's beard!" George exclaimed.
I started to reach for the key, a strange pull telling me to touch it.
"Wait. We do not know what-"
Professor Fig’s words were crushed beneath the sounds of the roaring wind, half of the carriage gone from the half we sat. In a blur of wind, wood, and hair, all I could see was a massive creature holding the other half of the carriage in its mouth, smashing down and destroying it entirely. I held on tightly, horrified at the slight of this thing with blood soaked teeth. I turned to see Professor Fig, his face covered with shock and sadness. He turned to me, holding me back against the seat.
I felt a panic rise in me as the dragon turned its attention to us, the container still gripped tightly in my hand. It began to fly faster and opened it6s mouth, a warm glow growing from inside. 
“JUMP!” Professor Fig yelled, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the carriage. 
Everything whirled around me as we plummeted toward the ground. I could barely make out anything as the wind whipped my face. Professor Fig yelled something next to me, his voice being picked up by the wind. I looked upward as we fell, and saw the dragon realize its prey- us, were not in the carriage anymore. It turned downward, all of its attention on us. My heart started to race, and I felt a hand grab ahold of my own. The air started to get hotter as the dragon got closer, opening its mouth, that same glow forming. 
Professor Fig yelled something, and my body began to feel like it was being split apart. Every limb being pulled but also completely stable all at once. My back slammed hard against the floor, my vision blurry and my blood rushing. The wind was knocked out of me and I felt as if I could barely breathe. I turned to my side, attempting to stand, but a pain shot up through my leg.
"You're hurt!" Professor Fig said, quickly grabbing something out of his pocket.
"Perhaps a bit," I winced again, trying to stand. The pain was almost unbearable.
"Drink this, it'll heal you up in an instant." Professor Fig spoke, handing me a vial with a green liquid.
I drank it and felt my body fix itself, the pain from before fading quickly. I sat for a moment, catching my breath. I still couldn't completely process what had happened.
"Poor George, I can't believe-" Professor Fig started. His face dropped, and he held a sad expression.
"Professor, Where are we?" I asked softly. A small cave with foliage was where we ended up, and the bright light outside shined at the end of the tunnel. 
"I- I do not know, if you do not mind indulging me I'd like to find out," he said. He stuck his hand out helping me to my feet.
We walked through the small cave, entering into the Scottish seaside. The waves crashed against the cliffside, a ruined house-like structure sat perched on a small island unconnected to the mainland. 
The two of us followed a worn down path, and Professor Fig told me more about the things his wife was researching before her untimely demise.
“Ancient Magic?” I said as I trailed behind. “That seems like the stuff of fairytales.”
“Miriam thought it to be true, and it does exist as Hogwarts founders had built it with such magic.” Professor Fig responded, pulling himself up a small rock formation, then helping me up as well. “She believed they used this magic up until it went extinct, but even then it seemed as if they did not know how to use or control it.”
“So this magic has been around, forever?”
“That is what my wife believed, just uncontrollable enough that it was nearly impossible to trace.”
“How strange.”
“It is, but she believed it could do much good if able to be controlled. If that magic could be used, she thought it could heal wounds that wouldn’t close, to mend things that were thought to be forever broken.” Professor Fig sighed. “She never got to see her idea in action, and I hope she was correct in her theories.”
“She sounds very kind, sir.” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort.
“She was…” He paused for a moment. “It is odd that she found the key, a portkey to be precise, that led us here. It had to have led us here for a specific reason, to lead us to a part of this puzzle Miriam was trying to solve.”
“Sir!” I pointed to the edge of the clift, where the wind was blowing harshly, but a railing hung off the side. It was almost as if there used to be a pathway that had long been destroyed. We walked closer to the edge.
“Reparo!” Professor Fig yelled as he waved his wand in the air. Large pieces of stone raised out of the sea, rebuilding itself to form the pathway to the island. I felt as if I would fly off the side of the pathway at a moment's notice, down into the sea below.
Walking through the large archway, we entered into the ruins. Professor Fig walked further into the room, all the way to the back wall, which had a mural painted across it. Moss and foliage grew along the walls and floor, and looking about it didn’t seem like much was here. I looked off to a side balcony, catching wisps of white magic leading down a small side pathway that led behind the main room.
"Professor! I may have found something!" I shouted out, following the path further.
The magic grew stronger the further I walked, and eventually I made it to a slightly smaller room in the back of the ruins. Even more overgrown than the room before, all I could see was a faint glow coming from the wall on the far side of the room. I walked closer, as if something was pulling me closer to it…
“Miss Thomphson?”
“AhA!” I yelled out, the professor completely taking me out of the trance.
“I’m sorry,” Professor Fig chuckled, “what do you see?”
“There’s this glow,” I said, walking closer to the wall. A warmly lit room covered in marble and stone started to fade into view. "What's that room?" I said aloud.
"I don't see a room." Professor Fig responded. He walked up behind me, gesturing me to walk a bit closer. Professor Fig placed his hand along the stone wall, feeling along the wall.
I placed my own hand along the wall. The world around me began to spin, and in moments the light from the outside world had vanished, my hand placed against a slightly more ragged stone wall. Both of us turned to take in our surroundings, and by some way, we were in the dimly lit room I had seen in the stone wall before.
"What in Merlin's name?" Professor Fig said.
"Professor look!" I said, pointing to a desk at the back of the room. Small snores came from a creature sitting at it.
"Godric's heart. I don't believe it," Professor Fig said, "we are in Gringotts."
We carefully and quietly walked closer to the desk on the far side of the room. Professor Fig looked up and cleared his throat. There was no response from the creature, which caused a giggle to escape my mouth. Professor Fig smiled then cleared his throat again, a bit louder this time, causing the small creature to stir. Sleepily it opened its eyes, looking directly at us with a look of shock and excitement.
"It can't be," It said softly. Quickly it hopped off of its position on the desk, travelling around and meeting us at the front. "Just a moment! Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Vault number twelve, I presume."
"Precisely," Professor Fig spoke wearily. A moment of silence between everyone was held for just a bit too long before the creature spoke again.
"The key?" The creature asked. It held out its hand, waiting for the key to be given to it. Professor Fig looked puzzled at the small thing. I tapped his shoulder, which caused him to look over at me.
"The portkey, sir." I spoke softly.
"Right, of course." Professor Fig responded, handing the key to the creature.
"This way then!"
The three of us made our way toward the left side of the room, the small creature, which Professor Fig informed me was a goblin, whistled. A cart pulled into view, rolling in along a rail that hovered over a large open cave. Looking straight down I could say it would take someone an awfully long time to get to the bottom, so best not be clumsy right now. We all climbed aboard and began our descent into the deepest section of Gringotts. The goblin who guided us down there was quite friendly. I had asked him all sorts of questions about the bank, and he was happily answering them. He was even excited that I wished to know more about the bank that goblins took so much time to build. We passed under a waterfall, which Professor Fig had warned me about before we got onto the cart. The water was ice cold and chilled me to the bone, making it even worse as we moved faster down to the lower levels.
The cart began to slow in front of a platform, another goblin waiting for us. He asked our goblin driver where we were going and what vault we would be visiting today, to which our driver responded happily that Vault Twelve would be our destination. The goblin guard looked shocked for a moment, then gestured to us to be on our way. His arm had a strange armband that had a glow, not like the one on the portkey container, but one that was much more sinister looking. We pulled forward again, my eyes locking onto the goblin with the band as we rolled away.
"Sir, that goblin had a glow, like the container," I paused, "and I think it was the same one on the dragon as well."
"Hm, we will have to discuss more in a moment. " Professor Fig responded quietly.
Soon enough we pulled up to a platform with one singular vault attached to it. Our driver got off quickly, walking all the way over to the door and opening it for us. From the outside it did not look like much, a few bags but a mainly empty vault. It looked as though it had very little of value in it.
"Thank you," I said to the goblin as I stepped into the vault behind Professor Fig, who was already searching the shelves. "What do you think we are looking for?" I said to Professor Fig.
"I am not sure, I only suppo-" Professor Fig started.
"Vault twelves instructions indicate that I am to grant access to the key holder, then shut the door." The goblin spoke, and the door slammed shut. "Good luck!" He said loudly through the metal door.
I held my breath, panicking silently as I looked around for something to help us. I walked a bit closer to the far wall, catching a glimpse of something.
"Revelio," I muttered. A door formed, the handle being the same symbol as the portkey container and the key. "Professor look!"
"Merlin's beard, this has been one big pathway," He looked at the door puzzled, "I suppose we should enter?"
The two of us pushed the heavy doors open, revealing a large towering space within. Great pillars holding the roof above us up, and a large space in the center of the room that had a smaller basin perched atop. Walking a bit closer I could see a bottle floating just above the murky surface.
"It is a pensive, but who would leave memories for someone to find?" Professor Fig commented.
I grabbed the bottle and held it for a moment, the inside held a white liquid.
"May I?" The professor asked.
I handed the bottle to him and he pulled the cork out, dumping the liquid into the pensive below. The liquid swirled about, almost as if it was swimming in the pensive. Professor Fig slowly lowered his head into the water, and I followed suit.
The scene laid out of two men building the very vault we stood in now, talking of the secret they must keep until the right person finds the clues to lead them here. The scene faded just as quickly as it appeared, and I pulled my head from the murky water, looking at professor Fig for answers on what we had just seen. He looked just as shocked and confused as I was.
"A memory! What secret are they talking about?" He questioned.
"I am not sure professor, but what do you mean a memory?" I asked.
"The scene we viewed," he paused, "that was a memory. Why did someone leave this here is the biggest question."
"And they knew," I started, "the glow, sir they-"
"The glow, yes it is Ancient magic, at least whispers of it. What you've been seeing is Ancient magic." He stated. A smile drew across his face, excitement lit in his eyes.
"I do not know, but you can see a magic that has been dormant for centuries, there is a reason for that."
The door that we had entered through earlier slammed open, breaking both doors off their hinges. A group of goblins, including the goblin banker and the goblin guard from earlier, walked into the vault. The main goblin stood with a reddish glowing armour, an eerie vibe coming from him. Professor Fig pulled out his wand, and I followed his example.
"Ranrok!" Professor Fig spoke harshly.
"I see my reputation precedes me," Ranrok said, "Give me what you found, and I will let you go free."
"Why do you want what we found," I said shakily. I tried to keep my confidence up, but my voice was failing me.
"Hand it over and you will know," Ranrok replied.
“Sir,” the goblin banker from earlier spoke up, “the instructions were quite clear, only those with the key shall be allowed in Vault Twelve, and this girl has not been like other-”
Ranrok lifted his hand, lifting the banker off the ground. He then slammed him down again and again until the creature stopped moving. I watched horrified, trying to keep my ground. Ranrok didn’t even flinch at the death he had just caused.
“Now hand it over.” Ranrok said, holding his hand out.
"Never," Professor Fig said, shooting a blast of magic at the goblin. Ranrok absorbed the magic, shooting it back at the two of us. I felt myself fly across the room, landing on the stone floor behind Professor Fig.
In the center of the room where the pensive lie, the floor began to ripple. Slowly and seemingly out of nowhere a knight rose from the rippling ground, swinging at the goblins ahead of it. I looked around, trying to find any way out of here then the way we came, to find some sort of solution before we too started getting attacked. Professor Fig stood and started to shoot magic blasts across the room at Ranrok and the other goblins. Opposite of the main door I noticed an archway that had the same type of glow as the one at the ruins, and I knew that was our ticket out of here. Ranrok hit the knight with one especially powerful blast, knocking him back towards us. I grabbed a hold of Professor Fig’s hand as the knight crashed into a pillar, sending it falling toward our direction.
I just need to touch the wall.
I sprinted faster and placed my hand on the stone wall as the pillar crashed onto us. 
Almost immediately the cool Gringotts vault had turned into warm summer air. I looked up from the ground, seeing the night sky above, trees all around.
I did it!
I saved us!
I felt a breath release from my chest as all the panic I had swirled in me vanished. I looked over at Professor Fig who was smiling.
"I can't believe it," Professor Fig exclaimed, "whoever wanted someone to see that memory, wanted them to end up here."
"Where is here, sir?" I asked, still a tad breathless. 
"We have made it to Hogwarts, Miss Thompson." Professor Fig smiled.
I smiled back at him, grateful to be alive. More importantly, I was happy that the day was almost over. Quickly we made our way out of the forest, where an enormous castle that sat across a lake came into view.
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lorainelegacy · 1 month ago
Loraine: How are babies made? 🥺 (obv teasing)
Eleazar: Let me instruct you
once again where tf did all you people come from
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once again featuring my own MC :3
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weirdraccoon · 1 year ago
Oh wait I have another one if I can request it😛
Okay what about Fig’s reaction to stumbling on EmSea making out with Sebastian in the hallway? Maybe he’s walking through Hogwarts and EmSea and Sebastian think they’re alone because it’s a secluded hallway and one that not many people go down. Sebastian’s got his hands all over her and she’s got her legs wrapped around him, they’re heading towards an abandoned classroom, and Fig catches them.
Let's make this crackish
MC and Sebastian *devouring each other's mouths while stumbling to the seventh floor*
Fig *staring with an impassive face*
MC and Sebastian *summon the Room of Requirement*
Fig *catches the door before it can lock and steps in*
Fig *at the top of his lungs*: By Merlin, MC, can you two have more decorum!? I think everyone knows by now what you are up to! Portraits gossip, you know!?
MC and Sebastian *squealing and jumping apart as if burned, both red as tomatoes*
Fig *calmer and indifferent, tosses something Sebastian's way*: Here, you need these.
Sebastian *fumbles to catch the items and blushes harder when he sees it's muggle condoms*
MC *gaping*: We know the spell-
Fig: And I don't trust you to remember casting it or achieving it in the heat of the moment, so *gestures to Sebastian*
Sebastian: S-Sir!
MC: Dad!
Fig *grinning and walking out of the Room*: Think about this day whenever you're having intercourse. Might help you to be more careful and responsible.
MC and Sebastian:...
MC: I don't think I'm in the mood anymore.
Sebastian: Mhm. Or ever will be.
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lorainelegacy · 8 months ago
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I'm going crazy with the colour and I don't know if I like the way it's turning out. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE I NEED TO DO. Any advice?
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cursedonyx · 1 year ago
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Excerpt from an upcoming chapter of Hogwarts Legacy: The Price of Power.
On Ao3 and Wattpad
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coolmiaw · 1 year ago
Not all injuries can be healed
At least, when it comes to potions
And if Wiggenweld will take care of most wounds, there are some that might require more intricate remedies.
Take, for example, this new student—reckless yet caring, and a potent source of trouble if you were to ask Sharp.
"But you’re my trouble to care for, now."
It's not as Sharp couldn't have guessed their bold nature. I mean, did you see who they sent to tutor her? It's not news; rules have always been more like guidance for Fig.
"But without rules, chaos. Without a proper plan, needless risk."
Is that so?
Time to confront your beliefs professor Sharp. Time to accept your partner's death wasn't your fault.
Time to heal...
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undercroft-files · 9 months ago
Bringing in the MC
Hello again, it's ya boy (god I'm cringy 😣). I have ABSOLUTELY no drawing skills when it comes to faces and people so y'all just gotta bear with me on screenshots I've taken from my own game from Hogwarts Legacy.
I don't have all the screenshots I want because I didn't come up with the idea of having my MC even be a plausible character in my works until recently. Also, part of the reason I don't have as many screenshots as I'd like is because of the update that has been frame rate dropping me and also kicking me out of the game every five seconds so that's fun. 🥲
Anyways, here's the boy and all his info (I'll write fics for him on Ao3 and I'll provide links)
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Yes, I know he looks like Harry Potter.
I try to make myself and every time, without fail, they end up looking like Harry Potter or Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil franchise and idk how to not have that happen.
Anyways, here's some of his info that's kinda basic.
Name: Jeremy Carter
Birth Date: December 1st (whatever year this takes place because idk 😭)
Where In Europe Is He From?: England
Blood Status: Half Blood
Height: 5'7 ft
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Pear wood, 11 three quarter inches, quiet bendy, phoenix feather core
Patronus: Stoat (they're like the ferret's prettier cousin)
Father: Wizard, deceased
Mother: Muggle, alive
Relationship?: Jeremy has eyes for Natsai Onai (changed for a smoother plot)
Extra facts
Jeremy has autism (at the time, they probably didn't even know this existed but they all take kindly to Jeremy and give him patience).
Jeremy's father told him about Hogwarts and the wizarding world before his father's passing.
Jeremy's mother thinks the father is lying about everything.
Eleazar Fig becomes the closest thing Jeremy has to a father.
Mirabel Garlick becomes the closest thing Jeremy has to a loving mother.
Jeremy and Ominis become best friends (through traumatization from Sebastian).
Jeremy's favourite class is potions.
So yeah, I'll post some chapters for Jeremy's story on Ao3 along with a gallery of screenshots (when I decide to end the story) for you all to enjoy! Stay tuned for those updates!
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eliasmendoza · 2 years ago
The One With the Ancient Magic
aka. my MC Elias and the Platinum Posse (and the resident Dad Friend™️, Professor Fig because why not). Clique name pending approval.
Yes, I really thought, "What would happen if Hogqarts Legacy became a sitcom?"
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sallow-gaunt · 2 years ago
Fig: Please keep all of this between us for now
MC: Of course, Professor
(Later that day)
Sebastian: Hi-
MC: After I was attacked by a dragon on my way over here, there was a key, and there was also a portkey, and we were ended up at Gringotts and went into this ancient vault, where we found a map that leads to the Restricted Section. Oh, also we ran into Ranrok and his loyalists, Ranrok is after what we found at Gringotts. And another thing-
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