#der Senator
lorenzlund · 2 years
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So ein Tag, auf den ich mich so freute, ... der dürfte nie vergeh’n.
*Ernst(er) Neger
“Auf fröhliches oder baldiges Wiederseh’n, sage ich!!
Noch ein zusätzliches Käffchen vielleicht, der Herr oder die Dame, bevor sie gehen, weil sie es müssen??”
“In Tagen wie diesen ... kein Ende (mehr) in Sicht. Blieb zwar gerne, leider muss ich geh’n. An Tagen wie diesen da wünsch’ ich mir Ohn’-End-lichkeit”.
“Tote Hose angesagt von jetzt an!”
“Hole doch jemand mal einen Arzt herbei oder Ärzte, die sich mit so etwas vielleicht auskennen!”
“Hier kommt Alex(ander) ... mit seiner Horrorshow, auf dem Kreuzzug gegen das Orten oder die Ortung, wollen sie ihre Opfer leiden seh’n,... zwanzig gegen einen, zelebrieren sie Gewalt und Brutalität ... Vorhang auf!! Wenn am Himmel die Sonne untergeht, beginnt für die Hunde die Jagd!“
“... bis dass der Vor-hang fällt!” (Trag’ dich bei mir ...)
(aus: ’Du hast jeden Raum mit Sonne geflutet!’)
“Hier kommt Kurt!” (’Franks Ständer’)
‘Hamburger Ohn’Sorg-Theater’ (mit Heidi Kabel, eine Heidi mit eigenem Vor-hang, Heidi Kabel und Peer Augustin-ski, letzterer wahrscheinlich dann als Seher und/oder Aus-Späher ... von Damen, wegen ‘peer’ als aus dem Englischen erneut entnommenen Verb). *Harry’s Stil, Gay Watch, der/die Transsexuelle
“Obdachlosen mehr einheizen!” (Plakataushang der Diakonie)
‘Kälte-Bus(en) fährt zu euch raus und versorgt euch obdachlosen Frauen mit Wärme.’
(ebenfalls Diakonie)
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wren-der · 2 years
I know better than to watch political debates, but I still do it. It raises my blood pressure. Especially when one of the candidates is a smarmy p.o.s. like JD Vance. I really can't stand him. I'm not a huge Tim Ryan fan, but the choice for freedom for women, lgbtqia, and any Ohioan with a conscience is pretty clear. Vance would take away our rights to divorce, use birth control, control our own reporduction, lgbtqia marriage equality and all trans rights. Vote Tim Ryan.
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rwpohl · 10 months
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myamanizedthings · 1 year
Der Senator von New Jersey, Bob Menendez, wurde mit einer neuen Strafanzeige wegen seiner Tätigkeit als ausländischer Agent für Ägypten konfrontiert
Umkämpfter Senator von New Jersey Bob Menendez wurde am Donnerstag in seiner Klage in Manhattan mit einer neuen Anklage konfrontiert, die ihm vorwirft, er habe sich verschworen, als ausländischer Agent für Ägypten zu agieren, während er gleichzeitig eine einflussreiche Position als Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für auswärtige Beziehungen des Senats innehatte. Die ersetzende Anklageschrift kommt…
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
One member of our work group, Bill Harris, had extensive experience with child-related legislation, and he went to work with Senator Kennedy's staff to craft our ideas into law.
"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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tanadrin · 10 months
It is also common to hear criticism of Israel described as antisemitic, a fact that has resulted in the paradox of the German state actively suppressing those Jewish voices that do not conform to their expectations. A state-owned cultural center, Oyoun, faces defunding by the Berlin Senate for hosting an evening of “mourning and hope” put together by Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East, a Jewish organization. On November 9, the city of Frankfurt on Main forbade a planned rally called “Never again fascism – remembering Kristallnacht, fighting anti-Semitism,” apparently due to the organizer’s past support for Palestine. The police continue to selectively enforce bans on such phrases as  “stop genocide,” “free Palestine,” and “stop the war,” often with no prior announcement. A sanctioned protest in Berlin on November 10, organized by a coalition of Jewish and Israeli groups, resulted in several arrests due to the sudden mid-protest banning of some of these phrases. They included the arrest of a Jewish-Israeli woman who held a sign that read: “As a Jew and Israeli: Stop the Genocide in Gaza.” The war in Gaza comes at a moment when every major political party in Germany is lurching rightward on the issue of migration, embracing xenophobic and Islamophobic policies once reserved for the marginalized far right. “Germany cannot accept any more refugees,” Friedrich Merz, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, the party of Merkel, said. “We have enough antisemitic men in this country.” Scholz, a Social Democrat, appeared on the cover of Der Spiegel in a determined portrait framed by the quote: “We must finally deport on a grand scale.” The specter of antisemitism has proved opportune for mainstream parties, which are threatened by a surge in popularity for the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, whose platform is proudly anti-immigrant. ... Just as reports of attacks on mosques have risen since October 7, recent incidents of antisemitic crimes have produced fear among Jews in Germany. Stars of David have been painted outside Jewish homes; a synagogue in Berlin was firebombed, albeit with no injuries or property damage. These are not isolated events; the number of antisemitic incidents in 2021 was the highest since authorities began tracking them. Yet politicians’ focus on Muslims and migrants as their source runs contrary to the facts. According to the federal police, the “vast majority” of antisemitic crimes – more than 80 percent — are committed by the far right.
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Psychiatrist Meng-Chuan Lai has observed the recent rollout of laws restricting gender-affirming medical care in the United States with concern, he says. Some legislators have justified these bills, at least in part, by pointing to his work: In 2020, Lai co-authored a study that found transgender and other gender-diverse people are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are. Lawyer Tom Rawlings, for example, says he read about Lai’s findings in Spectrum. Last spring, Rawlings helped draft Georgia’s Senate Bill 140, which passed in March and cites the overlap between autism and transness as one reason to ban gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy and surgery for minors. An Arkansas law that also passed in March similarly points to an autism diagnosis as grounds to withhold gender-affirming care from minors. And an “emergency rule” issued by Missouri’s attorney general in April — but terminated in May — would have mandated autism screening for anyone seeking gender-affirming care, including adults. Such policies are driven more by personal ideology than by anything his research suggests, says Lai, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto in Canada and a clinician at Toronto’s Center for Addiction and Mental Health. Researchers have known about the link for more than a decade. By one 2022 estimate, about 11 percent of trans people also have an autism diagnosis. “That research is real. We don’t dispute it,” says R. Larkin Taylor-Parker, legal director at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. “It’s been going on for years, and it’s been replicated in multiple studies.” What’s new, they say, is that politicians are misusing the link to argue that “autistic people are incapable of making decisions about our own care.” That misuse has some scientists trying to figure out if — and how — they should push back. Anna van der Miesen, a postdoctoral researcher at the VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands who has researched the link between autism and transness, says that if your research data are used to pass laws, and “the actual study had nothing to do with the laws at all,” then it’s time to speak up. “We have a responsibility to communicate what the data says, and what it does not say, to the general public — and also to policymakers,” she says.
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Best Place to Sleep (Commander Fox x GN Asexual Aromantic Reader)
Fox x Asexual Aromantic Reader
Word Count: 2165
Warnings: minors DNI, some chaste kissing, bed sharing, reader is sex-repulsed aroace who is particular about kissing
A/N: I wrote these headcanons for clones with ace partners and basically now I want to write at least one fic for each clone with a partner who is somewhere on the aroace spectrum.  (I’m taking requests if you have any.)  Ultimately the relationship in this one is going to be a queerplatonic partnership with I love yous. Similar vibes to the Rex fic I posted a few weeks back, but different scenario for our boy Fox who would definitely wear pajamas all day every day if he could.
Also I'm sorry. I had an outline for this and then I started writing and it sprouted legs and went down its own path, so it took a little while to put together.
It started when you literally ran into Commander Fox while running between senators’ offices. You assisted the senator from your home planet, but half the time felt like a senate page running flimsi documents around as bills were written and rewritten.
You turned the corner with piles of flimsi and two datapads in your arms and practically dumped it all on a certain clone’s chest. At first you sensed annoyance under his bucket, but then he kneeled down to help you gather everything.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“It’s alright,” he sighed.  He seemed tired, but it was the middle of the day.
“Can I get you some caf as an apology… Com…man…der??” You weren’t exactly sure of his rank. 
You heard a little chuckle. “Fox. Commander Fox.” He shrugged. “Sure.”  He walked you to your destination where you unceremoniously dumped all the documents and datapads on a desk and walked out. This was more important and your day was nearly done anyway. The senator had gone home for some event, so surely you could get this nice man some caf before heading home yourself.
You walked to the cafe nearby and ordered drinks.  Once you sat down, he took his helmet off.  Sure, he was a clone, but there was a familiarity there, like you knew some things about him before he even spoke. You were both tired from long days, but sipping that caf seemed to calm you both.  You made polite conversation and then it turned into frank discussions of your jobs.  Relating to Fox, even for a brief time, helped relieve some stress.  You invited him for caf the next week and before you knew it, the two of you always had a reason to run into each other and catch up over caf.
Eventually you decided to ask him over to your place. You were appalled when he shared the food he was limited to eating and clones didn’t really make credits, so going out and trying new things was out of the question for him. Until now. You had no problem introducing him to the concept of take out food.  He wasn’t sure what to order so you ordered an abundance of things which he helped carry to your home.  You opened the door for him.  It wasn’t much, but it was your space and you were grateful for quiet, respectful neighbors. He looked around in awe.
“You have your own couch?! A kitchen, your own refresher, and I bet you also have a bed.”  You laughed a little, and he was being a bit silly, but it dawned on you that the clones really didn’t have much to call their own. 
“Yeah, this is all mine,” you replied. “Make yourself at home.”
He put the bags down and you opened the containers and got some plates. He took off his bucket along with the rest of his armor.  It was the first time you’d seen him in just his blacks and he smiled a little sheepishly at you. You grinned.
“Okay handsome, let’s eat.”
He came over and took a plate. You explained the dishes you’d chosen. Two types of noodles, one fried with vegetables. Another plain, but it would go well with the various sauteed meats and vegetables, some spicier than others. He took a little of everything and had a hard time picking a favorite. 
“There’s so much food in the galaxy,” you said. “No need to have a favorite just from these.”
“They’re all so good though,” he replied between bites. “So much flavor. I’m even starting to feel full.”
You smiled.  He was clearly enjoying himself, taking his time, not having to get back to work right away, or deal with some issue.
“Do you want to stay for a while,” you asked with hopeful quietness.
“If that’s okay,” he replied.  You nodded and he helped you put the leftovers away before sitting on the couch and turning on a holo.  He didn’t mean to, but part way through the movie he’d fallen asleep.  You laid down on the other end of the couch, but with your legs resting on his, unsure yet of how close you wanted to get. You finished the movie while he softly snored.  You wanted to stay with him, but chose instead to adjust him with some pillows so his neck wouldn’t hurt in the morning. He was completely out. You left him to sleep there and went to your own room, but your bed felt colder than it ever had before. You managed to fall asleep, though, and were only woken up when you heard his feet patter down the hallway to the refresher in the morning. You got up and threw a robe on, hoping he wasn’t about to leave, but he was already in his armor.  You couldn’t stop your face from dropping.
“Sorry,” he said. “I have to get back, but… well, that was the nicest night I’ve had in a really long time. And that couch is so comfortable. The best place to sleep. Much more comfortable than my bed. Thank you for having me over.”
You searched for a way to make sure this wasn’t a one time thing. 
“Fox? Do you think you’d like to come over again sometime?”
“What are you doing tonight,” he replied with a grin. Before you could stop yourself you threw your arms around him in a hug and whispered “see you tonight.”
Fox started coming over at least once a week.  Walking home with him whenever you both worked, trying new foods, and relaxing after a long day soon became everything.  Sometimes he would spend the night, but he gave you space and slept on the couch.  So he wouldn’t have to wear his blacks so much, you started buying him clothes for his overnight stays.  Several hoodies, t-shirts, sweatpants, and comfortable socks all became staples. He loved fluffy socks. Although he expressed concerns that you were wasting all your money on him, you immediately shushed him. You weren’t going to hear it. He had made your life so much better, so much more comfortable.  You wanted him to be comfortable and happy too.
Things were going swimmingly, with lots of hugs and some cuddles.  He was always a gentleman.  You started sharing chores and were starting to feel bad that Fox slept on the couch so much, but he seemed to love the couch.  You didn’t want to push in any particular direction if you weren’t ready for some serious conversation. Up until now things just seemed to flow.  Everything else seemed easy.  When he washed dishes and you dried and put them away? Easy. He would lean in for a keldabe kiss in the middle of it and everything seemed right and fine and happy.
One evening you went out with some friends and they wanted to hear everything.  Although they were usually very understanding of your relationship style, up until now they seemed to think that finding someone to commit to that relationship style would be hard.
“Fox and I have something special,” you said firmly. “Are we lovers? No. Not in the way people think. But I am in love with him. He’s my person. I don’t know how else to say it.”
They all froze and stared at you. That was the first time you acknowledged how you felt out loud. Fox had managed to climb into your heart in a way no one else had. The thought was immediately followed by your own realization that you needed to talk to him about it.
The next day Fox was coming over and you took a deep breath as you walked down the halls around the senate building.  You met him at the usual place and he reached for your hand. As you walked home, you kept sighing to yourself. 
“What is it,” he asked, stopping in the middle of the walkway. “I have to know.”
Before you could stop the words they came out like an avalanche. “How do you feel about me? Because I think I love you.”
He took his bucket off and softly rested his forehead to yours. Immense relief poured from his soul. He closed his eyes briefly as if his own sense of contentment could slow down the universe for a moment.
“I love you, cyar’ika.”
“How do you feel about things, as far as the physical things between us?”
“Well I was wondering if I could kiss you, but otherwise, I’m very happy. Cuddling up to you is everything.” He pulled you into his arms and rested his cheek against you.
After a few moments you continued walking back to your place with a new sense of peace.  You talked about your boundaries and wanted to know his. Nothing was a surprise. He was happy, just as he seemed to be happy. Nothing was missing for him just as nothing was missing for you.
After you walked through the door of your home, you said, “You can kiss me. Only some places though. I don’t like the idea of tongues and all that.” You made a face that made him laugh a little, but he took your words to heart.
“My tongue will stay in my mouth, don’t worry,” he replied. “I will need detailed notes on where I can kiss you. And for the record, you can kiss me anywhere any time, but there is no pressure to do that.” He changed into his hoodie and pants along with socks with foxes on them. He sat on the couch and pulled you into his lap. You gave him a keldabe kiss and he added a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
“Will you sleep with me tonight,” you asked quietly. “Just sleep. I don’t like the idea of you being on the couch all the time and me in bed alone when there’s room.”
“Are you sure? I don’t know if I’m a nice person to share a bed with.” 
You suddenly realized that sleeping on the couch might also be a comfort thing for him. He had never done any relationship like this before. 
“What are you worried about, exactly?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I just don’t want to take over the bed, or snore loud, or I don’t know. It’s your space.”
“I’d like it to be our space,” you answered.
That night he got into bed with you.  He pulled you into his arms and held you, kissing your forehead and falling asleep almost immediately.  You laid an arm across his middle and it wasn’t long before you were asleep too. 
You woke up in a different position, but he was still cuddled against your back, one arm loosely around you.  You could feel him breathing on your shoulder.  You finally felt warm enough with him there. It was the most relaxed you’d ever felt. He started to stir and gave you a sleepy morning smile when you rolled over and back into his arms.
“This is the best bed,” he said. “Best I ever slept on. And so warm.” He somehow managed to snuggle up closer. You knew your life would never be the same.
Fox moved in, in every way but on flimsi. He still had official quarters since he was required to, but they were pretty bare and only served as a place to hide away and get a few minutes of shut eye when he had to work long into the night.  For whatever reason, it seemed Hound allowed Grizzer to use his bed to take naps when he wasn’t using it.
The routines of life started having more joy in them.  After he’d shower, he loved it when you massaged his scalp and ran your fingers through his hair.  You loved it when he brought home your favorite foods so you didn’t have to bother cooking and cleaning up.
A few years into the relationship and you wondered what life was like before Fox.  You looked at him as he ate breakfast and out of no where wanted to kiss him.  Remembering his “you can kiss me anywhere any time,” you placed a soft kiss on his temple before sitting down next to him.  His face felt a flush of heat as if he had fallen in love all over again.  He grinned and kissed your cheek.
He playfully asked, “Will you walk me to work, my love?”
“Of course,” you replied, “but only if you walk me to work too.”
“That can be arranged,” he answered. “I’m going that way anyway.”
When you got into bed that night, despite all the nights that came before it, he still said, “This is the best place to sleep.” 
“Oh? You still love this mattress. Better than the GAR issue ones, I’m told.”
“That’s not it,” he said, laying next to you with a yawn and resting his forehead on yours. “It’s the best place because it’s with you.”
Tagging: @starrrgazingbunny @dukeoftheblackstar @staycalmandhugaclone
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what the world looks like on Dec 27
For some reason the "Biden Is Doing A Great Job" crowd is trotting out in force today, lord knows why; Politico, MSNBC and Washington Post are all carrying editorials from Democratic "strategists" explaining why Democrats are going to win in '24.
It's probably a good way to enframe the issues of the day.
Start with MSNBC's, I guess. Simon Rosenberg argues from fairly persuasive general observations that the trend towards increasing liberal populism creates a new kind of 'silent majority' (these are my words, not his) in the past two decades. The tell is election outcomes at the Federal level; Democrats have won a historically unprecedented number of them, regardless of how much noise we make about Republican resurgence in these times.
Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post, somewhat inexplicably (what, was there a White House press office email blast I missed?) goes much more granular in his Biden-boosting. His top achievements list is entirely foreign policy and includes two items about China (the Replicator initiative and standing up on human rights); and the top two achievements on his list are Israel and Ukraine.
It should be noted, this is somewhat Thiessen & Rosenberg in the act of (pardon me) blowing sunshine up people's asses. The last major poll of American foreign policy approval from NBC News polling in late November shows consistently low approval ratings for Biden's handling of Israel, in particular with younger voters (i.e., Gen Z). You might recall some of the edges of the discussion this kicked off; this is why Gen Z and Chinese censorship on Tik-Tok turned into a slightly big deal.
I can't imagine it's gotten much better since the hostage-exchange ceasefire ended. And, yes, if you didn't know, ByteDance censors and pushes China-friendly content on Tik-Tok.
Meanwhile, Biden quietly signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law on Friday.
It's not getting a lot of attention, but the way that the bill was crafted demonstrates that it's pretty clearly still Senate Democrats & Biden in charge of the agenda; this is why Tuberville's abortion-travel-reimbursement ban was dropped. Republicans got largely nonsensical inclusions - no DEI and no pride flags in the military I guess? (which doesn't seem to stop troops from displaying it themselves), which sort of seems to signal the way of things lately.
As unpopular as Democratic foreign policy seems to be, the fact remains, it's the most realistic option on the table since Republicans have regressed to Trumpist isolationism and nativist "border invasion!!!" hysteria. It looks like Democrats actually have substantive legislative accomplishments to claim; Republicans have posturing and lifestyle policing they've tried to inject into Democratic accomplishments.
Really, if you go in-depth on what Republicans have actually done, not just postured about, there's some real work going on there. There are people lining up for POTUS in 2028 who are doing this; but it's largely on bipartisan causes, not party-line Republican causes, because, again, party-line Republican ones are essentially "Trump Iz Great", "Gayz R Bad" and "Legislate That Uterus!" (and, also, "Immigrants Terk Mah Jerb Derp De Der"). The number of Republicans who actually want to do things, and not virtue-signal, is probably around 11%; you could see the people who are uniting behind Haley as a kind of proxy or indicator for people looking for an alternative to Trump right now.
Zooming in on foreign policy and defense news for today, a few slightly eyebrow-raising headlines are out there if you look.
Start with NYT's slightly surprising exposé of the MSS, China's spy agency (which, did you even know that was what China's spy agency was called? yeah, good job China).
On the Ukraine front, Politico cites an anonymous Biden administration official stating that Biden's policy on Ukraine is shifting; they're pushing Ukraine for a negotiated outcome instead of a total expulsion of Russian forces and a return to historical borders (the '90s, or 2014). I'm expecting pushback on that from the Ukraine think tank and European partner-nation scene; the obvious objection here is that it's just rewarding Russia for aggressing on Ukraine, and the situation in Russia is fluid; the way I see it, given what we saw from the Wagner insurrection and the state of Russian troop mobilization (not great, it never is), there's room for Russia to lose as much as there is for Ukraine to win.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's stolen children are getting another round of light shined on them; The New York Times is running a feature on them. And it's hard not to seem ungrateful, but... I can't help but wish that more people had been raising awareness of this, this entire time, because, again, it's children stolen from a war zone in full view of the world and Russia doesn't even lie about it, they just front like it's legitimate.
In domestic-political news, the latest sign of the massive upheaval of American life caused by the end of Roe v. Wade and the post-Dobbs era of reproductive rights is a Black woman in Ohio charged after miscarrying in her bathroom. Ohio just passed abortion rights protections last month; activists from all over the country mobilized around their referendum actually. This makes the Ohio case particularly noteworthy; at stake is whether criminalizing miscarriage can still work in an environment like Ohio or post-Dobbs America generally.
Other notable stories that don't fit:
Gun reform is doable now, according to Washington Post interviews with Sens. Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Angus King (I-Maine) and Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), all of whom previously voted against gun control after Sandy Hook.
Washington Post has a documentary on the Discord Leaks, which is... fun, that's fun (unless you're in intelligence, in which case, it's very not-fun). Call it a "your tax dollars at work" story; also, fun fact, Egypt wanted to arm Russia in early '22, so... what the hell, Egypt.
Jack Smith's team is arguing Trump shouldn't be able to use his trial as a platform for spreading disinformation, which is a very, very interesting argument to someone who mines court documents for proven disinformation (like me!).
Stephen Miller is awful, which you knew, and running a fairly obvious influence op using America First Legal and some surprisingly bad lawfare; the tell here is, AFL spends more on ads than the entire ACLU despite being a fraction of its size. It spends about 10% of its entire budget on actual lawsuits. Thanks TNR for putting this back up in front of people's eyes, I guess.
[Joohn Choe]
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unfug-bilder · 2 months
Die CDU wurde von Autofahrenden gewählt, nicht von Radfahrenden. Und das weiß sie auch.
Das Märchen mit der Haushaltslage können sie Rotkäppchens Großmutter erzählen.
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thoughtlessarse · 5 months
On Friday afternoon, the German capital of Berlin witnessed scenes reminiscent of the era of the Nazi regime. Hundreds of police officers terrorised an anti-war congress, which was directed against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, in order to disperse and ban it after two hours. Prominent speakers were expected at the congress, organised by the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East and attended by several pro-Palestinian organisations. They included former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, Irish MP Richard Boyd Barrett, British-Palestinian doctor and rector of Glasgow University Ghassan Abu-Sitteh, 86-year-old Palestine expert Salman Abu Sitta, a former member of the Palestinian National Council, Jewish filmmaker Dror Dayan and Palestinian journalist Hebh Jamal. The media and political establishment unleashed a vicious smear campaign against the congress in advance. From the tabloid Bild to the “respectable” Tagesspiegel, they denounced the participants as “Israel-haters.” Bild headlined on Friday morning: “Congress of Israel haters. These terrorist fans are appearing in Berlin today.” An all-party “Alliance against Anti-Semitic Terrorism,” which spans politicians from the right-wing Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union to the Left Party, declared that the Congress was expected to “spread anti-Semitic hatred” and that Berlin should not become “the centre of terrorist glorification.” For the Left Party, former Berlin Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer and former Berlin Labor Senator Elke Breitenbach signed the appeal. The police acted accordingly. Ghassan Abu-Sitteh was denied entry at the Berlin Airport. The doctor, who worked at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza after the beginning of the war and gave a harrowing interview to Der Spiegel on 6 December about his terrible experiences there, was to give a lecture at the congress in the evening. Instead, he was told that he was not allowed to enter Germany until April 14.
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It's frightening that a nation that can see its own genocide so clearly cannot see it when it's committed by the people upon whom they committed it.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
A growing list of physical attacks on German politicians in recent weeks has brought condemnation from leaders and fears about the future of democracy in Germany and Europe.
The latest attacks this week included Berlin State Senator and former Mayor Franziska Giffey, who was attacked Tuesday at an event in a Berlin library. Reports say she was hit from behind by a man with a bag containing something “hard and heavy.” She was treated for her injuries and the man was taken into custody.
Later that same day, a 47-year-old female Green Party politician was attacked by two people while putting up election posters in Dresden.
German state-funded media company Deutsche Welle caught the assault on video. It shows the city council candidate being verbally attacked and spat on by a woman while the attacker’s male companion could be seen shoving members of the candidate’s team.
Along with insults, the attackers reportedly shouted support for the German right-wing Alternative for Germany party.
Two right-wing politicians were also attacked this week. Police in the southwestern city of Stuttgart say two state lawmakers from the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) were verbally and physically abused late Wednesday as they managed an information booth about their party. Police say the injuries were not serious.
The worst of the recent attacks occurred a week ago in Dresden, where member of the European Parliament Matthias Ecke, a member of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s German Social Democrats (SPD) party, was brutally beaten by four assailants while putting up campaign posters. Party officials say his injuries will require surgery.
Four suspects in the attack on Ecke — aged 17 and 18 — have since been arrested.
The attacks have drawn commendation from German lawmakers from across the political spectrum. In a video message Thursday, Scholz referred to them as “attacks on our democracy” that “concern all of us, which is why we do not stand idly by when public officials, campaigners or volunteers are brutally attacked.”
He suggested one of the best things people can do to fight back is to vote in next month’s European Parliamentary elections.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a former German politician herself, also spoke out against the violence Thursday during comments to the German conservative CDU party congress in Berlin.
“When we talk about threats to our democracy, we are not just talking about positions and content. It's also about people,” she said. “We must protect all those who stand up for our democratic society and our country, regardless of which party they belong to."
In an interview with Reuters television Friday, Bundeswehr University German political scientist Jasmin Riedl said the attacks are a worrying sign for liberal democracy.
“When it comes to verbal violence, people are supposed to be delegitimized. And that in itself is problematic for political competition. But when people are attacked, they withdraw from the political arena,” she said. “That ruins the competition because it makes it unfair for them. Certain groups are simply removed one by one."
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thechurn · 10 months
Sharing this story because it deserves more international attention:
The international cultural center Oyoun in Berlin is at risk of being shut down, because of a Palestinian solidarity event that took place there on Nov. 4th. The event was organized by the German chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, however Oyoun is still being accused of antisemitism. Basically, they're being shut down for hosting an event by a Jewish organization, which is completely abhorrent.
They've drafted an open letter to the Berlin senate to hopefully change their minds about cutting funding. You can sign this open letter and read the full text in English here
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Only 12 years after the end of WWII the 1957 Interbau building exhibition gathered progressive international and German architects in Berlin to design houses, apartment buildings and infrastructural architecture for the Hansaviertel which had been almost entirely destroyed by the war. The Interbau dates back to 1951 when the Senate of West-Berlin contemplated the idea of having a building exhibition draw attention to the city and respond to the construction of the Stalinallee in East-Berlin. After a jury had selected Gerhard Jobst’s and Willy Kreuer’s town planning design among 98 competition entries a roster of potential architects was drawn up, among them International masters like Arne Jacobsen, Oscar Niemeyer and Walter Gropius but also Egon Eiermann, Sep Ruf or Paul Schneider-Esleben as representatives of German postwar modernism. The resulting quarter ultimately comprised 1,300 housing units, a library, a shopping center, two churches and a day care center.
Still the best overview of the Hansaviertel’s history and architecture provides the monograph “Das Hansaviertel - Internationale Nachkriegsmoderne in Berlin” by Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper and photographer Franziska Schmidt, published in 1999 by Verlag Bauwesen. Divided into two distinctive parts the book provides a comprehensive account of the events leading up to the 1957 Interbau, the underlying urban planning as well as the architects involved. Interestingly the authors have also included a collection of international reactions to the Interbau, largely positive and affirmative of the initiator’s intention to reestablish Germany on the stage of international progressive architecture. The second and larger part of the book is then dedicated to the architecture: structured along tours Dolff-Bonekämper explores the different parts of the quarter and with the help of plans and Schmidt’s photographs examines each building in great detail. Since she also covers buildings (the school, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Unité d’Habitation) related to the Interbau but located outside the Hansaviertel a complete picture of the new Hansaviertel and the many innovative buildings emerges. A great read!
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trumpnewsdeutschland · 7 months
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Anhörung im Senat der #USA:
76% aller Fälle von #Myokarditis/ #Herzmuskelentzuendung nach Vergiftung mit der Covid-#Giftspritze!
#Impfluege #ChildrensHD #Pfizergate
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wladimirkaminer · 1 year
Nach dem Aufprall der Drohnen auf das Dach des Senats am Roten Platz wurde die Bevölkerung Moskaus von der Stadtverwaltung aufgefordert, öfter zum Himmel zu schauen und alle verdächtigen Objekte sofort der Polizei zu melden. Das hatte zur Folge dass Menschen, die unter Ängsten und Phobien leiden oder unter Einfluss vom Alkohol stehen, beinahe im Sekundentakt unbekannte Flugobjekte bei der Polizei meldeten. Meistens handelt es sich dabei um als ukrainische Diversanten verkleidete Teufelchen an Fallschirmen und gepanzerte nachtaktive Fahrzeuge mit Flügeln. Jeden Abend zu Stoßzeiten kurz vor Mitternacht registrieren die Polizei und der Katastrophenschutz bis zu 300 Anrufe pro Minute. Laut Anweisung der Stadtverwaltung ist die Polizei verpflichtet, auf jeden Anruf zu reagieren. Das bringt die Ordnungshüter auf die Palme, denn bis jetzt hatten sie einen viel ruhigeren Job, sie waren eigentlich nur damit beschäftigt, die Kriegsgegner von der Straße zu fegen, vor allem Frauen mit Blumensträußen, die ihre Blumen zu den Denkmälern ukrainischer Dichter oder einfach zu den nach Ukrainern benannten Straßen brachten.
Frauen mit Blumen abzufertigen war für die Polizei bei weiten nicht so stressig, wie mit den Irren nachts UFOs von den Moskauer Dächern zu jagen. „Schaut bitte nicht mehr nach oben“ riet die Polizei den  Wiederholungstätern, die jeden Abend einen neuen Feind am Himmel sahen. Viele sehen die Feinde auch überall auf Erde, in ihrer Umgebung. Seit der Ankündigung der baldigen Gegenoffensive der Ukrainer stieg die Anzahl der Denunzianten-Berichte in Russland rasant, die Menschen verpfiffen ihre Nachbarn, sie würden den Krieg nicht unterstützen oder sich extra Klamotten in den Farben der ukrainischen Flagge anziehen, die Schüler verpfiffen ihre Lehrer, geschiedene Ehemänner berichteten über die politischen Präferenzen ihrer ehemaligen Frauen, und diese konterten zurück. Mit diesen Flausen werden die Postfächer der Sicherheitsdienste vollgestopft, besonders achtsame Bürger schreiben bis zu 600 Anzeigen pro Woche, berichtete neulich der Pressesprecher der Staatssicherheit. Es wird vermutet, dass diese Berichte mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz, also mit Chat GPT geschrieben werden. Chat GPT ist in Russland nicht verboten und funktioniert sogar besser als GPS. Nach Instagram, und Facebook, die als „extremistische Organisationen“ eingestuft und verboten wurden, beschloss nun auch Tinder, die beliebte Mobil Dating Plattform, bis Ende Juni Russland zu verlassen. Daraufhin schlug der Vize-Sprecher des russischen Parlaments vor „alkoholfreie Tanzabende mit patriotischer Musik etablieren“. Der Dachschaden von der ukrainischen Gegenoffensive ist enorm.
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