lilly-onthevalley · 18 days
Love this right now ⭐️
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You can see her doing more and more depuffing techniques to help with puffiness from crying
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beautifulshortloner · 2 years
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hotel bathroom lighting🤤
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lukestarkillerisgay · 2 years
me prepping myself to go downstairs to get dinner after i just spent the last forty minutes sobbing and my face is the size of a manhole cover but i don’t want anyone to ask me about it :
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malum-forev · 1 year
Hurry Back Home
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Summary: The four times you showed up at Bucky’s place unexpected.
Part 1
The first time was a month after the two of you broke up. Once your red rimmed eyes depuffed from the constant tears and you managed to get his name out. Your friends had come over once or twice to check up on you but you’d always lie. 
“Thank you for stopping by but really, I’m okay.” You lied when they came by the first time, resting your body on the doorframe and keeping the door close to you so they wouldn’t see your Bucky covered apartment. You still hadn’t taken the pictures down, hadn’t washed your sheets because you could still catch a glimpse of his cologne and you sure as hell hadn’t stopped wearing the Henley he kept at your place. The one you were currently hiding underneath a big sweatshirt.
Of course they didn’t believe you but it was always better to give you some space. 
“Call us whenever and we’ll be here.” One of your friends said, you nodded and closed the door. 
You deeply regretted living in an apartment with paper thin walls when you heard your other friend say: “I really thought those two were endgame.”
But now, I’d been a month and it seemed like the sun was ready to shine again. The pain still felt unbearable but it was most likely because Bucky was still imprinted in your apartment. So one Sunday morning, you grabbed a cardboard box and decided enough was enough. Almost with closed eyes as to not relive the good memories, you started chucking everything that reminded you of him. 
Goodbye rubber spatula Bucky melted half to death the first time he cooked you breakfast. Sayonara to the broken picture frame he’d glued back together after slamming your body against the wall that time you two came back tipsy and horny from the bar. Farewell to the plush blanket he insisted you needed in your living room the day your heater went out. Would it be too over the top if you brought the heater back to its broken state because he fixed it? 
As you passed through the kitchen, you saw the small plate Bucky gave you when you went to that pottery class. A lopsided dish he’d made too oval and too deep to actually be useful but with the way his tongue poked out in concentration as he made, it there was no way you could tell him it wasn’t perfect. He hadn’t let you see his final design but a few days later, after it had been fired, you finally saw what he had painted. At the center of the plate, in his almost illegible messy handwriting, read: This is a plate, -Bucky <3. 
You shoved the dish all the way back inside one of your kitchen drawers, not wanting to think about it anymore but not wanting to throw away such a meaningful gift. Not yet.
You grabbed another smaller box and shoved all the clothes Bucky had left behind over the months. A couple of Henleys, some underwear, his leather jacket, and the gloves he’d stopped wearing. 
“Not today, Doll.” He’d smiled, lowering your hands holding the leather gloves. “I don’t need them when I’m with you.”
Before you could think about it too much, you opened your door and walked over to his apartment with his things. You dropped the box at his doorstep and turned to leave but you heard his locks turn. 
A gasp got caught in your throat and you were almost positive your heart missed a beat. The plan wasn’t to see him, you weren’t ready to see him. Maybe you could make a run for it? But it would be too obvious! You’ll look ridiculous! Maybe you can play dead? It works for dogs! 
But before you could make a decision, you heard his voice. The sweet tone he reserved just for your ears, soft and comforting. 
“Hi.” His smile was small not reaching his eyes. “How are you?”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and nod. “I’m okay. I thought it was time to drop your things off.”
“Oh,” His usual crystal blue eyes now adorned an all too familiar red hue, the bags under his eyes big and purple. But before you could feel sorry, a cheery voice appeared from the inside of his apartment. 
“We should be leaving soon.” A woman came into view, her tactical suit showed you she worked with Bucky but the way her arm rested on his shoulder showed you she’s more than just a coworker. “Wouldn’t want to miss our reservation.”
You didn’t let your mouth drop to the floor just out of pure pride. 
How could I have been so stupid to think Bucky wasn’t over me yet? You thought.
You kicked the cardboard box lightly with the tip of your shoe. “Just wanted to drop off your things.”
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, your sudden change of demeanor confused him. But your eyes pingponging from the box to him to Jessica gave him more answers than he needed. He started shaking his head, wanting to explain to you that Jessica didn’t know who you were and that’s why she was saying they were going out. He wanted to explain that the only reason she was in his apartment was because she had to borrow some unmarked guns for her mission. He especially wanted to explain to you that Jessica wasn’t interested in guys like him- actually she wasn’t interested in guys at all!
“You can keep or throw out anything you have of mine, I don’t want it.” You said rolling your eyes, turning to leave but he held your elbow wanting to get even a single word in. But he didn’t get a chance to say anything.
You tugged your arm back and left, closing your apartment door with a bang. 
The second time was a few weeks after you had given Bucky his belongings. You’d started watching the news again, not caring whenever they showed a picture of him. At least that’s what you told your friends. You finally returned to your favorite coffee shop, even though it hurt when the barista asked where your boyfriend was. You’d managed to say it was just you this time but were too distracted with your own thoughts to see the glimmer in the guy’s eyes when you said it. 
Today was an especially important day, your first run since the breakup. You welcomed the familiar burn in your lungs and the feeling of freedom. You jogged up to the door of your apartment just to see a brown paper bag with your name on it. You eyed it quizzically, looking around to figure out if you could spot who left it. But inside was a harmless coffee with a note written on the side: What’s a morning run without your morning coffee?
At first it made you smile, thinking about all the times you would drink coffee with Bucky. A little slice of normalcy and routine in his otherwise chaotic world. That ritual the two of you created was one of the only things he could control.
But the sweet thoughts turned sour as you remembered the blonde’s arm on Bucky. Who the hell does he think he is? He can go out and date but you? You have to be constantly reminded of the relationship? 
I don’t fucking think so. 
You marched up the stairs straight to his door and banged on it three times. You didn’t mind the time, you knew he was up since sunrise. 
No answer. You brought your fist up to the door again and knocked five times, your patience running thin and your energy low. 
A few seconds later a messy haired groggy Bucky opened up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms. 
“You were asleep?” You forgot why you were here in the first place, more concerned about the fact that your ex-boyfriend who never slept in past 5:45 and was now barely waking up at 8 am! Had he not been sleeping at night? Was he getting nightmares again? Was he benched from the team?
“Was, past tense.” He yawned. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
His kind blue eyes convinced you for a second but the coffee in your hand reminded you of your anger. 
“I wanted to hand deliver this.” You pushed the coffee into his chest. “And to tell you that these mind games you’re playing are not working. I’m done, we’re done. So don’t come here wanting to stir up things that have been buried. We used to drink coffee after our runs but not anymore, not together at least! So stop it, and I don’t want it.” 
Bucky’s eyes widened as he looked down at the drink in his hands. You’d left him speechless. Truthfully, leaving the big and scary Winter Soldier inarticulate did wonders for your self-esteem-
“Did you read the other side of the cup?” Bucky asked in an annoyed tone.
He rolled his eyes and turned the cup, bringing it close to your face. “The back of the coffee says: Come into the coffee shop for a free pastry and a date – Jack.”
You felt your face blush, heat consuming your whole body. 
“I-when- I didn’t read-“ You stammered. 
“Are we done here?” Bucky raised his eyebrows. “I’m sure you’re getting flooded with date propositions but could we keep the ‘bragging about it to your ex’ to a minimum?” 
You furiously nodded and whispered a small: “Sorry about that.”
The third time was four months after the breakup. You thought you were doing great, making progress. You’d been on a date or two that didn’t amount to anything but it counted, right? Everything seemed normal until you heard about the last mission. 
You had turned on the TV and the news station was doing a 24hr coverage of a rescue mission. Something about super soldier serums being reproduced and hostages being taken. You didn’t need to see him on the screen to know he was there. An unusual feeling gnawed at your chest. 
Before, when you were dating, you would get anxious about him going on missions but this time it was different. Like you knew something bad was going to happen.
And then you saw the coverage, the warehouse had been wired with explosives. Every wall blown up into ashes. “There have been no survivors until now.” The newscaster said. 
Your heart races thinking of him. This can’t be true, right? You know there’s no possibility of him not being there, he’s the one who is supposed to handle super soldiers for fucks sake! But the thought of him not making it is out of the question. You cannot even process the information. A shocking sob rips through your chest as you hear the total fatalities number rise.  
You had wanted to be informed of everything happening but at some point in the night, you fell asleep with the TV turned on. A faint noise woke you up, your senses heightened to a thousand. You brought closer the sleeves of one of Bucky’s heneleys that had been mixed up with the clothes at the back of your closet and took in his faint scent. But then you heard it again, the unmissable groan of his apartment door. You told him to get it fixed a thousand times but he would always say: “Just because something’s old doesn’t mean it needs to be fixed.”
You rushed outside and saw him, opening his apartment door. You couldn’t believe it, were you dreaming? 
You ran to him and just as he turned around you wrapped your arms around him, you couldn’t help the tears running down your face. 
“Is there something wrong?” Bucky asked, worry written all over your face, as he brushed the hair off of your face. “Are you hurt.”
A laugh ripped through your chest and you shoved his shoulder. “Wrong with me? You scared me half to death! I though you didn’t make it.”
You whispered the last part, wanting to hide the tremble in your voice. 
He took your head in his hands, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m all right doll, see, I’m still in one piece.”
You nodded and sniffled, bringing your head to his chest. 
“I’ve been looking for this.” Bucky let out a small laugh, placing kisses on the top of your head, while tugging on his shirt. But before you could tell him he could have it back, he said: “Keep it, it looks better on you.”
The fourth time you showed up at Bucky’s place unexpected was a month later. For about a week, you’d been getting this weird feeling. You had seen the same person twice in the subway and then once turning the corner to your apartment. At first, you thought it was a coincidence but today was the third day you saw the same man. Bucky had taught you that whenever you feel in danger you should go around the block once. No person that isn’t following you is going to turn right twice, ending up in the same spot you started. He said that if after doing that, they were still on your tail you should immediately go to his place. No matter the time and no matter the situation.  
You looked over your shoulder before turning right for the fourth time hoping the man would enter one of the many apartments or stores lining your street. Maybe he was lost? But no, he kept his pace following you. Your breath hitched as you considered your options. A) Lead this person straight to your apartment and get murdered or B) Face your ex-boyfriend. 
You considered option A for a second, it would be less awkward. But you shook your head. You rushed up the stairs and made use of the spare key to Bucky’s apartment you hadn’t returned. You quickly closed the door and leaned back on it, trying to regain your breath. You did as you were once told, you grabbed the gun from underneath his dining room table and pointed at the door until he got home. 
An hour later, you saw the lock turn and the door slowly open. You pointed the gun straight on and waited for whoever was behind the door to come in. 
“It’s just me,” You heard Bucky’s voice before he came in. “You’re safe.”
You let out a breath as he came into view, setting the gun back on the table. “How’d you know I was here?”
“You think I don’t have cameras?” Bucky chuckled as he lowered his work backpack onto the kitchen island. “I saw you snooping around, by the way.”
The corners of your lips turned upwards, partly because you were caught but mostly because you didn’t find any indications that there had been a woman in his place. 
“What happened?” He asked, sitting across from you. 
“I think I’m being followed.” You chewed on your bottom lip nervously. 
“Think?” Bucky asked with raised eyebrows.
“The same man has been following me from my apartment to work and back for the past week. And he’s not even being sneaky about it. We’ve made eye-contact and everything.”
Bucky ran his hand across his face. “And you waited a week to tell me?!”
“Well I’m sorry if I’m not totally comfortable telling my ex that someone is following me!” You rolled your eyes. “Anyways, I did what you told me and now I’m here.”
“I took a picture of him when he wasn’t looking.” You pushed your phone closer to Bucky only to see the color drain out of his face. “What’s the matter?”
“The-these- this guy, I saw him at the warehouse.” Bucky muttered. “They’re sending me a message.”
“What are we going to do?” You asked quietly. 
Bucky’s nostrils flared as he got filled with rage. “We? We aren’t doing anything. I am going to go to them and kill every single one. I don’t care- they’re dead tomorrow morning.”
“Buck-“ You placed a hand on his chest but he turned around, getting up from the table. He paced around his apartment, face red with anger. “Buck! Stop!”
His eyes darkened. “Stop? Stop and do what? Wait until they hurt the woman that I love? I’m not going to just sit back and take the high road. They deserve to be in the ground and I’m going to make sure it happens. No one can get near you. I’ve worked too hard and sacrificed so much already for them to get close to you.”
“They’ve gotten too close already. I shouldn’t have let them, but they’re here now. And they’re going to see what happens when you piss me off. I broke my heart in two just to make sure you were going to be safe. And they won’t take that away from you, not your safety. I will do whatever is necessary.” 
You gasped at his words. 
“Is that- is that why-“ Bucky didn’t let you finish, his saddened gaze gave you the answer. 
“Do you love me?” You asked him, your heart speaking the words your brain couldn’t let you pronounce. His eyes were set on the ground. You took two steps to him, grabbing his face and looking into his eyes. 
“Tell me you don’t love me and I’ll drop it. We never have to talk about this again, we’ll finish with the mercenaries and I will never speak a word to you again. Just say the words. Tell me you don’t love me.” 
Worried creases appeared on Bucky’s forehead, battling with himself. “I could never keep you safe. You will always be in danger.”
“Say it.” You ordered. “Say that you don’t love me but know that it won’t go away. I will always be something they hang over your head because I’ll love you forever.” 
His steel blue eyes met yours and looked down at your lips. 
“I’ll never be safe, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means I get to spend even a minute back in your arms.” You whispered.
Bucky crashed his lips into yours, a rushed and feverish kiss that had you seeing stars. The type that has you gasping for air but not knowing that if it is your last, it was worth it. Bucky pulled you closer to him, his cologne and desperation made you dizzy. 
“I’ll love you forever.” He whispered once you separated. “I promise to keep you safe, I’ll do whatever I have to. I cannot be without you, I was a fool to think I could.”
You smiled into his lips but his warmth left too soon. 
Bucky placed another kiss on your lips before walking to the door. “I’ll be home soon.”
“Where are you going?” You gripped his arm, wanting nothing more than for him to come back to you. 
He brought your hand to his mouth, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. “Anyone who dares to threaten you gets to see a part of me that I once buried.”
Your eyes met as he counted the bullets inside his gun and slid a knife into his pocket. 
“Hurry back home.” You said.
For the first time in months, Bucky let out a smile.    
Wanna read more like this? Here’s my latest post! 💖
Author's Note: I want to thank everyone for reading pt. 1 and encouraging me to write this! I hope you guys like it! As always pls comment reblog and like! Love you guyssss
Tags: @verygraphicink @rouge-raven13 @behindmygreyeyes @ximi1315 @runi1 @lia-winther @aneluvs @kpopgirlbtssvt
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nsaint1 · 5 months
hey . how to start self care without much expense
Hey ♡
here are some ways you can start self care without much expense
Journaling! - Just need a pen and paper. We are emotional beings who think A LOT. Start journaling to help yourself not bottle in emotions or thoughts.
Reading positive affirmations - save them in your notes. Try to use I am statements. Affirmations help with confidence, self reassurance, self esteem, and sticking to and accomplishing personal goals!
Reading your Bible - aaah the only book you read that reads you back! I look at reading my Bible like it’s therapy. It’s difficult and uncomfortable but yet so beautiful bc you’re changing within! You may not see the results right away but you will see the difference in how you think and act eventually
Change what you watch or listen to - music, movies, and tv shows have a huge impact on our moods, behaviors, and self perception. Try to only listen and watch things that are positive and leave you feeling happy
Going for a walk - just go outside and go for a walk! It’s stress relieving and helping with your physical fitness
Make healthier food choices - research has proven that eating healthier helps with your mental health! Plus self care is physical health too. Happy body, happy mind! - now for more physical self care things
DIY body scrub - all you need is sugar, honey, and whatever oil you have on hand! Try to exfoliate 2-3 days a week for radiant glowy skin (if you want to use it for your face too, just only use the sugar and honey, do not include the oil! You can use it on your lips too)
Cleaning and painting your nails at home - I find painting my nails so therapeutic and fun (plus you can change your nail color whenever!)
Oiling your hair and nails daily for health and growth
Doing a lymphatic drainage massages on your face every morning for sculpting and depuffing
Put castor oil on your eyebrows and eyelashes every night for growth!
make some rice water or rosemary water to spray in your hair for hair growth
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kittysdiary · 11 months
Any tips on ways to naturally enhance your face?
How to naturally enhance your face:
Your top priority should be focusing on your skincare so that any makeup application will go flawlessly.
Cleansers, moisturizers, toners, masks + spf are essential
Lip masks to hydrate and nourish your lips
Eye creams to help with depuffing and dark circles
Spot treat any areas of concern (ex: hyperpigmentation, acne + scarring)
Jade or rose quartz facial rollers to help with lymph drainage
Dermaplaning to help get rid of dead skin, hairs and to help shape eyebrows
Use eyelash and eyebrow growing serum
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Makeup will help enhance certain features of your face that you want to accentuate. For a full guide to understand your face + eye shape check out my post here: 🎀
Play around with eyeshadow styles that compliments your eye shape
Pick a good foundation so your face becomes a clean canvas before makeup application
Contour + highlight to compliment your face shape
Use lipliner to shape your lips
Use concealer and color corrector to brighten your under eyes and to correct hyperpigmentation or redness on the face
Use brow pens to add color and shape to your brows
Curl your lashes
Add false lashes or get lash extensions
Use eyeliner to shape your eyes
Use a touch of highlighter in the inner corner of your eyes to brighten them up
Use two lip colors to enhance your lips
Use a brightening powder to brighten your under eyes
Use bronzer and blush to enhance color on your face
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tuliplips · 17 days
my glow up will consist of: somatic tracking and nervous system regulation meditations daily, dandelion supplements for depuffing and debloating when i’m retaining water and puffy af, daily gua sha, more walking and yoga, lymfatic drainage massage
what’s working now: lemon balm drops for sleep!!!, tongue scraping, using a hair mask instead of conditioner, a sustainable stainless steel safety razor for shaving, glycolic acid on my feet, drinking green tea cold brew
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marsosims · 2 months
lovee the depuffed bg hair, would you consider depuffing the lovestruck bob with the clips?
Hi!! Sorry it took so long to reply but yes, I am planning on doing a similar edit with that hair! :D
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holyparadisee · 3 months
Gua Sha -
Truly, this is just a love note to my Jade baby.
Gua sha has cured my skin acne. I'm someone who suffers from white heads and the like. Perhaps blame it on climate or genetics. It's a mystery for me. I've been investing in sustainable ways to clear my skin, and I've come across Gua sha as a lovely solution.
I enjoy massages of all kinds. After a hard day, I'm the one to ask those around me for a head massage or for a flow yoga session to really target my muscles.
Work has been ruthless these past few weeks and I've been getting tension headaches. For this I decided to get back into Gua Sha massages for my face, to target my masseters and my temples where most people hold tension because of habits like clenching the jaw.
It's a therapeutic routine for me, I use CBD cleansing oil or simply warmed petroleum jelly ( African-core 😂). I don't follow any particular tutorial, I just do what feels good.
I work with the tool into the shape of my face. Gua sha stones usually follow the shape of the facial bones. I go along with the appropriate sides for the appropriate sections and really get in there while being conscious of not tugging my skin.
My nose area is my problem. In regards to that I massage that area with the stone going outwards of my face as if I was doing a lymphatic drainage flow - from the nose to the cheek, to the upper cheekbone curving to behind the ear - down the neck. Extremely relaxing and useful for depuffing, clearing white heads and relaxation.
I love my Jade, I always like to keep in mind the tools that have served me best in my times of stress and fatigue. The stone has earned its place. As someone who suffers from chronic stress and anxiety at times, routines like this are very important to me as they are vital to my functioning.
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astranva · 2 years
can you tell us more about Bare? what is the environment like? are they on tiktok? 🥰
let’s talk more about Bare! the environment is fun and professional, and it’s a female-dominated brand, but still has some men since she markets for men’s use of skin care too.
the headquarters are in New York, and the office is so insanely big because there’s a big team behind Bare.
paid internships are frequent but the interview process of them is a little hectic since they want to avoid people wanting to go there just for pe!reader, and crazy fans, etc..
they’re definitely on tiktok and i imagine their tiktok being so real. like different people talking about the products, a lot of funny content, intern content, content about work, etc. like you’d know the names of so many people who work at Bare from the tiktoks because they care about creating a familiar relationship with people.
pe!reader appears on their tiktok often but not regularly, but it’s either her using the products, launching new products, or she’s included in their “what my boss” or office-related tiktoks that aren’t dances or lip syncing because i don’t imagine her doing those.
like one tiktok was “i came early to work today, let’s see what time everyone else gets here,” by one of the marketing members. pe!reader was the first to arrive. she was filmed entering, taking off her sunglasses before her eyes landed on the person behind the phone and she beamed.
“oh! you’re early,” she said, “good morning,” she beamed, “love the sweater.”
and the tiktok went on showing at what time a few other employees made it to work.
on that tiktok, so many people commented “SHOW US THE SWEATER” so another tiktok was made in response of the marketing girl showing the full outfit and being like, “that’s the outfit. here’s the sweater y/n loved.”
the products are all skin care products but 70% of them are hybrid products. meaning it’s everyday makeup with skin care benefits.
so an eyelashes lengthening clear mascara, undereye brightener with caffeine for depuffing and brightening, skin tints, tinted lip oils, ph blush with soothing ingredients that give you a glow, ph lipsticks that hydrate the shit out of your lips, tinted and not tinted sunscreen, eyebrow serum-gel that nourishes the eyebrows and sets them in place.
these are all beside serums of all kinds, skin-oriented cleansers and moisturizers that are filled with so many benefits and have been game changers for millions.
like i imagine Bare being so popular and full of holy grails so much that some people forget it’s associated with pe!reader just because of how much she worked on creating a bomb brand.
they’re currently working on launching a setting powder that has non-irritating antioxidants 🫡
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doronjosama · 9 months
Very late August 2023 Empties! Continuing my quest to use up my huge hoard of beauty supplies and hotel toiletries! Rush 60 Second Girlie nail polish (circa 2003!), Olay Eyes Depuffing Eye Roller (actually worked, will buy again), L'Occitane Verbena shower gel (fancy), Well Spa White Tea & Ginkgo lotion (fine) & Olay Rosewater makeup remover wipes (worked fine). #AugustEmpties #august2023 #empties #DrugstoreBeauty #HotelToiletries #StashBusting #samplesize #travelsize #MakeupHoard #CheapAssChic #rush60secondpolish #vintagenailpolish #olay #depuffingeyeroller #makeupremover #loccitane #verbena #showergel #wellspa #whiteteaandginkgo #bodylotion
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vannilac0ke · 2 years
How to do Cassie's routine ‎♡
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Disclaimer: Only do this routine for YOU. And not for a boy who doesn't wash his ass in the morning ✿
So in total cassies morning routine is estimated at about $445. Soooo ya girl cassie aint really being cost-effective but thats ok. 
Cassies Morning Routine 
 5:00: Wake up 
 5:10: Shower for a good shower routine go to my pervious post here
 5:30: Wash face + skincare
 5:50: Pick out outfit 
 6:10: Do hair
 7:00: Makeup
 And leave home when you want :)
Cassie’s skin Care 
 ➮ After you get out the shower you want to wrap your hair in a Heatless Curling Rod Headband. Which are $13.99. This gives your hair nice curls that look natural without applying any heat. 
 ➮ Then you want to apply eypaches.  Like me cassies eyes tend to puff up and to get rid of puffines for a smooth look and to look like you got sleep that night. She used  Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Hydra-Gel Patches, Which are $55.
 ➮ After you put the curling rod in you hair. And the Gel Paches on you would want to start sculpting your face with a facial roller. You would want to sculpt the collarbone, chin and forehead. This can make your jawline also have a more defined look if used repeditevly. You can use the  3-in-1 Electric Jade Roller for $20.
 ➮ So after (or before it depends ) you will use an ice roller. Now cassie uses a bunch of depuffing tools for her face. However, This one isthe best (from personal use) It depuffs your face in the morning so you dont go ou looking like a pufferfish. She used the LATME Ice Roller. In retail it costs $13. 
 ➮ Now you want to gua sha and use a face roller. You want to use to rollers. The ones above then gua sha those same areas causing it to relive tension as well as sculpt them.
Now the most important part of it all. Trimming the nose garden. I struggle with long nose airs so this is perfect. Cassie uses the ConairMAN Battery-Powered Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer. This costs $25. 
 ➮ You want to then put on a Reusable Face Towel Mask. Cassie uses this to depuff her face even more (As if the ice roller wasnt enough). However it is easier to just put the towel mask on your face while you do other things. 
 ➮ So the girlies wont be ashy you would want to use the SheaMoisture’s Raw Shea Butter Hydrating Body Lotion. Use it like regular lotion and hydrate your skin. Giving you a refreshing look. Starts at $8.
 ➮ Now last but not least the spray tan. Now you would want to use the Sally Hansen Airbrush on your legs and arms to get a temporary tan that can wash off the same day. Airbrush is $10.
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gunthermunch · 2 years
im obsessed with lucas, his nose looks?? so pretty in that side shot??? max is lucky and needs to stop being a little bitch smh ((/j)
yess i depuffed his face a little + made his nose more angular. boy is growing up
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haruharuz · 2 years
Spring 2023 Wishlist & Reward Package A
Booster Pack: The perfect reward package for keeping motivation after beginning new challenges and hitting that halfway mark. I personally need to hit the mark for seven different milestones. Equipped with reinvestment into myself and my work to keep the ball rolling. To make your own booster pack, choose two experiences, one method of at home self care, and set a shopping list to whatever budget fits you personally.
♡ Experiences & Self care ♡ Pedicure Trip to the park/gardens
♡ Makeup/Skin Total: $89 ♡ > halo glow liquid filter; shade fair -------> I really wish they had better shades, I know this will be too dark on me/orange so I'll be using it for bronzing areas ONLY > megaglo makeup contour stick; shade oaks on you -------> I've heard rave reviews about this! And for under $5 it's a steal >morphe 35U gilded desert artistry palette -------> morphe is a tried and true brand, with buildable shadows that blend beautifully. A soft nude and shimmery palette like this is perfect for very basic looks. >caffeine 5% + EGCG depuffing eye serum -------> one of my FAVORITE serums I've ever used. While it won't completely rid of eye bags, it definitely helped me. Perfect for me as I work lots of late nights. >retinol 0.5% in squalane -------> retinol is the holy grail of anti aging skincare, I'd love to have this baby in my routine to decrease signs of aging as early as possible >lip cushion hydrating mask -------> listen babe, i talk all night and i'm an anxious chewer! lip masks are the move. this one is cheap and it'll do! >etude house tear drop eyeliner in white tear -------> korean, japanese, and chinese brands are the BEST when it comes to glitter and sharp eyeliners! this glitter liner would be perfect for when i need an extra POP! >kuumba creamy coconut fragrance oil roll on -------> I am a RAVE reviewer of kuumba's vanilla bean roll on. I am complimented without a doubt every single time I wear it. I want to see how it pairs with a coconut scent!
♡ Work Total: $65  ♡ >maid cat ear costume 7 pc set -------> I’ve own something similar before and it was SUPER popular >lace short lingerie set in red >self tie bandeau bikini in lilac  >barbie one piece dance set with  money bag -------> CANNOT stress enough how much i’ve been ACHING for a new barbie outfit. I had a two piece barbie outfit that accidentally got thrown in with black clothing and faded!!! 
Personal Shopping Total:  >Portable 50ML spray bottle -------> one for spray sanitizer, one for facial mist? absolutely babe 
To be edited with more <3 MWAH
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Taking a photo of your ankles because they hagen't been this depuffed in months.
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