#deployment of networks
lepton-software · 12 days
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Fiber Planning: Key Consideration for Broadband and Deployment
This article into key considerations in fiber planning, future of optical fibers, the importance of network inventory management, and integration of telecom GIS to support broadband deployment.
Click to read more about Fiber Planning and Broadband Deployment.
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rajaniesh · 15 days
Mastering Azure Container Apps: From Configuration to Deployment
Thank you for following our Azure Container Apps series! We hope you're gaining valuable insights to scale and secure your applications. Stay tuned for more tips, and feel free to share your thoughts or questions. Together, let's unlock the Azure's Power.
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radiantinfosolutions · 2 months
 Why SonicWall Firewalls Are the Top Choice for Indian Businesses
Discover why SonicWall firewalls are the top choice for Indian businesses. Partner with Radiant Info Solutions for expert deployment, configuration, and support to enhance your network security.
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electronicsbuzz · 3 months
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timestechnow · 4 months
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startexport · 4 months
Install Canonical Kubernetes on Linux | Snap Store
Fast, secure & automated application deployment, everywhere Canonical Kubernetes is the fastest, easiest way to deploy a fully-conformant Kubernetes cluster. Harnessing pure upstream Kubernetes, this distribution adds the missing pieces (e.g. ingress, dns, networking) for a zero-ops experience. Get started in just two commands: sudo snap install k8s –classic sudo k8s bootstrap — Read on…
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jcmarchi · 5 months
AI’s Inner Dialogue: How Self-Reflection Enhances Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ais-inner-dialogue-how-self-reflection-enhances-chatbots-and-virtual-assistants/
AI’s Inner Dialogue: How Self-Reflection Enhances Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots and virtual assistants have become indispensable, transforming our interactions with digital platforms and services. These intelligent systems can understand natural language and adapt to context. They are ubiquitous in our daily lives, whether as customer service bots on websites or voice-activated assistants on our smartphones. However, an often-overlooked aspect called self-reflection is behind their extraordinary abilities. Like humans, these digital companions can benefit significantly from introspection, analyzing their processes, biases, and decision-making.
This self-awareness is not merely a theoretical concept but a practical necessity for AI to progress into more effective and ethical tools. Recognizing the importance of self-reflection in AI can lead to powerful technological advancements that are also responsible and empathetic to human needs and values. This empowerment of AI systems through self-reflection leads to a future where AI is not just a tool, but a partner in our digital interactions.
Understanding Self-Reflection in AI Systems
Self-reflection in AI is the capability of AI systems to introspect and analyze their own processes, decisions, and underlying mechanisms. This involves evaluating internal processes, biases, assumptions, and performance metrics to understand how specific outputs are derived from input data. It includes deciphering neural network layers, feature extraction methods, and decision-making pathways.
Self-reflection is particularly vital for chatbots and virtual assistants. These AI systems directly engage with users, making it essential for them to adapt and improve based on user interactions. Self-reflective chatbots can adapt to user preferences, context, and conversational nuances, learning from past interactions to offer more personalized and relevant responses. They can also recognize and address biases inherent in their training data or assumptions made during inference, actively working towards fairness and reducing unintended discrimination.
Incorporating self-reflection into chatbots and virtual assistants yields several benefits. First, it enhances their understanding of language, context, and user intent, increasing response accuracy. Secondly, chatbots can make adequate decisions and avoid potentially harmful outcomes by analyzing and addressing biases. Lastly, self-reflection enables chatbots to accumulate knowledge over time, augmenting their capabilities beyond their initial training, thus enabling long-term learning and improvement. This continuous self-improvement is vital for resilience in novel situations and maintaining relevance in a rapidly evolving technological world.
The Inner Dialogue: How AI Systems Think
AI systems, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, simulate a thought process that involves complex modeling and learning mechanisms. These systems rely heavily on neural networks to process vast amounts of information. During training, neural networks learn patterns from extensive datasets. These networks propagate forward when encountering new input data, such as a user query. This process computes an output, and if the result is incorrect, backward propagation adjusts the network’s weights to minimize errors. Neurons within these networks apply activation functions to their inputs, introducing non-linearity that enables the system to capture complex relationships.
AI models, particularly chatbots, learn from interactions through various learning paradigms, for example:
In supervised learning, chatbots learn from labeled examples, such as historical conversations, to map inputs to outputs.
Reinforcement learning involves chatbots receiving rewards (positive or negative) based on their responses, allowing them to adjust their behavior to maximize rewards over time.
Transfer learning utilizes pre-trained models like GPT that have learned general language understanding. Fine-tuning these models adapts them to tasks such as generating chatbot responses.
It is essential to balance adaptability and consistency for chatbots. They must adapt to diverse user queries, contexts, and tones, continually learning from each interaction to improve future responses. However, maintaining consistency in behavior and personality is equally important. In other words, chatbots should avoid drastic changes in personality and refrain from contradicting themselves to ensure a coherent and reliable user experience.
Enhancing User Experience Through Self-Reflection
Enhancing the user experience through self-reflection involves several vital aspects contributing to chatbots and virtual assistants’ effectiveness and ethical behavior. Firstly, self-reflective chatbots excel in personalization and context awareness by maintaining user profiles and remembering preferences and past interactions. This personalized approach enhances user satisfaction, making them feel valued and understood. By analyzing contextual cues such as previous messages and user intent, self-reflective chatbots deliver more relevant and meaningful answers, enhancing the overall user experience.
Another vital aspect of self-reflection in chatbots is reducing bias and improving fairness. Self-reflective chatbots actively detect biased responses related to gender, race, or other sensitive attributes and adjust their behavior accordingly to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes. This emphasis on reducing bias through self-reflection reassures the audience about the ethical implications of AI, making them feel more confident in its use.
Furthermore, self-reflection empowers chatbots to handle ambiguity and uncertainty in user queries effectively. Ambiguity is a common challenge chatbots face, but self-reflection enables them to seek clarifications or provide context-aware responses that enhance understanding.
Case Studies: Successful Implementations of Self-Reflective AI Systems
Google’s BERT and Transformer models have significantly improved natural language understanding by employing self-reflective pre-training on extensive text data. This allows them to understand context in both directions, enhancing language processing capabilities.
Similarly, OpenAI’s GPT series demonstrates the effectiveness of self-reflection in AI. These models learn from various Internet texts during pre-training and can adapt to multiple tasks through fine-tuning. Their introspective ability to train data and use context is key to their adaptability and high performance across different applications.
Likewise, Microsoft’s ChatGPT and Copilot utilize self-reflection to enhance user interactions and task performance. ChatGPT generates conversational responses by adapting to user input and context, reflecting on its training data and interactions. Similarly, Copilot assists developers with code suggestions and explanations, improving their suggestions through self-reflection based on user feedback and interactions.
Other notable examples include Amazon’s Alexa, which uses self-reflection to personalize user experiences, and IBM’s Watson, which leverages self-reflection to enhance its diagnostic capabilities in healthcare.
These case studies exemplify the transformative impact of self-reflective AI, enhancing capabilities and fostering continuous improvement.
Ethical Considerations and Challenges
Ethical considerations and challenges are significant in the development of self-reflective AI systems. Transparency and accountability are at the forefront, necessitating explainable systems that can justify their decisions. This transparency is essential for users to comprehend the rationale behind a chatbot’s responses, while auditability ensures traceability and accountability for those decisions.
Equally important is the establishment of guardrails for self-reflection. These boundaries are essential to prevent chatbots from straying too far from their designed behavior, ensuring consistency and reliability in their interactions.
Human oversight is another aspect, with human reviewers playing a pivotal role in identifying and correcting harmful patterns in chatbot behavior, such as bias or offensive language. This emphasis on human oversight in self-reflective AI systems provides the audience with a sense of security, knowing that humans are still in control.
Lastly, it is critical to avoid harmful feedback loops. Self-reflective AI must proactively address bias amplification, particularly if learning from biased data.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, self-reflection plays a pivotal role in enhancing AI systems’ capabilities and ethical behavior, particularly chatbots and virtual assistants. By introspecting and analyzing their processes, biases, and decision-making, these systems can improve response accuracy, reduce bias, and foster inclusivity.
Successful implementations of self-reflective AI, such as Google’s BERT and OpenAI’s GPT series, demonstrate this approach’s transformative impact. However, ethical considerations and challenges, including transparency, accountability, and guardrails, demand following responsible AI development and deployment practices.
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k12academics · 7 months
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cyberqa · 7 months
Seamless Wired and Wi-Fi Networks Deployment in Toronto
CyberQA offers seamless deployment of wired and Wi-Fi networks in Toronto. Trust our expertise for reliable connectivity solutions customised to your business needs. Contact us now!
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ceilidhtransing · 1 month
The discussions around whether or not to vote for Kamala keep being dominated by very loud voices shouting that anyone who advocates for her “just doesn't care about Palestine!” and “is willing to overlook genocide!” and “has no moral backbone at all!” And while some of these voices will be bots, trolls, psyops - we know that this happens; we know that trying to persuade progressives to split the vote or not vote at all is a strategy employed by hostile actors - of course many of them won't be. But what this rhetoric does is continually force the “you should vote for her” crowd onto the back foot of having to go to great lengths writing entire essays justifying their choice, while the “don't vote/vote third party” crowd is basically never asked to justify their choice. It frames voting for Kamala as a deeply morally compromised position that requires extensive justification while framing not voting or voting third party as the neutral and morally clean stance.
So here's another way of looking at it. How much are you willing to accept in order to feel like you're not compromising your morals on one issue?
Are you willing to accept the 24% rise in maternal deaths - and 39% increase for Black women - that is expected under a federal abortion ban, according to the Centre for American Progress? Those percentages represent real people who are alive now who would die if the folks behind Project 2025 get their way with reproductive healthcare.
Are you willing to accept the massive acceleration of climate change that would result from the scrapping of all climate legislation? We don't have time to fuck around with the environment. A gutting of climate policy and a prioritisation of fossil fuel profits, which is explicitly promised by Trump, would set the entire world back years - years that we don't have.
Are you willing to accept the classification of transgender visibility as inherently “pornographic” and thus the removal of trans people from public life? Are you willing to accept the total elimination of legal routes for gender-affirming care? The people behind the Trump campaign want to drive queer and trans people back underground, back into the closet, back into “criminality”. This will kill people. And it's maddening that caring about this gets called “prioritising white gays over brown people abroad” as if it's not BIPOC queer and trans Americans who will suffer the most from legislative queer- and transphobia, as they always do.
Are you willing to accept the domestic deployment of the military to crack down on protests and enforce racist immigration policy? I'm sure it's going to be very easy to convince huge numbers of normal people to turn up to protests and get involved in political organising when doing so may well involve facing down an army deployed by a hardcore authoritarian operating under the precedent that nothing he does as president can ever be illegal.
Are you willing to accept a president who openly talks about wanting to be a dictator, plans on massively expanding presidential powers, dehumanises his political enemies and wants the DOJ to “go after them”, and assures his supporters they won't have to vote again? If you can't see the danger of this staring you right in the face, I don't know what to tell you. Allowing a wannabe dictator to take control of the most powerful country on earth would be absolutely disastrous for the entire world.
Are you willing to accept an enormous uptick in fascism and far-right authoritarianism worldwide? The far right in America has huge influence over an entire international network of “anti-globalists”, hardcore anti-immigrant xenophobes, transphobic extremists, and straight-up fascists. Success in America aids and emboldens these people everywhere.
Are you willing to accept an enormous number of preventable deaths if America faces a crisis in the next four years: a public health emergency, a natural disaster, an ecological catastrophe? We all saw how Trump handled Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. We all saw how Trump handled Covid-19. He fanned the flames of disaster with a constant flow of medical misinformation and an unspeakably dangerous undermining of public health experts. It's estimated that 40% of US pandemic deaths could have been avoided if the death rates had corresponded to those in other high-income countries. That amounts to nearly half a million people. One study from January 2021 estimated between around 4,200 and 12,200 preventable deaths attributable purely to Trump's statements about masks. We're highly unlikely to face another global pandemic in the next few years but who knows what crises are coming down the pipeline?
Are you willing to accept the attempted deportation of millions - millions - of undocumented people? This is “rounding people up and throwing them into camps where no one ever hears from them again” territory. That's a blueprint for genocide right there and it's a core tenet of both Trump's personal policy and Project 2025. And of course they wouldn't be going after white people. They most likely wouldn't even restrict their tyranny to people who are actually undocumented. Anyone racially othered as an “immigrant” would be at risk from this.
Are you willing to accept not just the continuation of the current situation in Palestine, but the absolute annihilation of Gaza and the obliteration of any hope for imminent peace? There is no way that Trump and the people behind him would not be catastrophically worse for Gaza than Kamala or even Biden. Only recently he was telling donors behind closed doors that he wanted to “set the [Palestinian] movement back 25 or 30 years” and that “any student that protests, I throw them out of the country”. This is not a man who can be pushed in a direction more conducive to peace and justice. This is a man who listens to his wealthy donors, his Christian nationalist Republican allies, and himself.
Are you willing to accept a much heightened risk of nuclear war? Obviously this is hardly a Trump policy promise. But I can't think of a single president since the Cold War who is more likely to deploy nuclear weapons, given how casually he talks about wanting to use them and how erratic and unstable he can be in his dealings with foreign leaders. To quote Foreign Policy only this year, “Trump told a crowd in January that one of the reasons he needed immunity was so that he couldn’t be indicted for using nuclear weapons on a city.” That's reassuring. I'm not even in the US and I remember four years of constant background low-level terror that Trump would take offence at something some foreign leader said or think that he needs to personally intervene in some military situation to “sort it out” and decide to launch the entire world into nuclear war. No one sane on earth wants the most powerful person on the planet to be as trigger-happy and careless with human life as he is, especially if he's running the White House like a dictator with no one ever telling him no. But depending on what Americans do in November, he may well be inflicted again on all of us, and I guess we'll all just have to hope that he doesn't do the worst thing imaginable.
“But I don't want those things! Stop accusing me of supporting things I don't support!” Yes, of course you don't want those things. None of us does. No one's saying that you actively support them. No one's accusing you of wanting Black women to die from ectopic pregnancies or of wanting to throw Hispanic people in immigrant detention centres or of wanting trans people to be outlawed (unlike, I must point out, the extremely emotive and personal accusations that get thrown around about “wanting Palestinian children to die” if you encourage people to vote for Kamala).
But if you're advocating against voting for Kamala, you are clearly willing to accept them as possible consequences of your actions. That is the deal you're making. If a terrible thing happening is the clear and easily foreseeable outcome of your action (or in the case of not voting, inaction), in a way that could have been prevented by taking a different and just as easy action, you are partly responsible for that consequence. (And no, it's not “a fear campaign” to warn people about things he's said, things he wants to do, and plans drawn up by his close allies. This is not “oooh the Democrats are trying to bully you into voting for them by making him out to be really bad so you'll feel scared and vote for Kamala!” He is really bad, in obvious and documented and irrefutable ways.)
And if you believe that “both parties are the same on Gaza” (which, you know, they really aren't, but let's just pretend that they are) then presumably you accept that the horrors being committed there will continue, in the immediate term anyway, regardless of who wins the presidency. Because there really isn't some third option that will appear and do everything we want. It's going to be one of those two. And we can talk all day about wanting a better system or how unfair it is that every presidential election only ever has two viable candidates and how small the Overton window is and all that but hell, we are less than eighty days out from the election; none of that is going to get fixed between now and November. Electoral reform is a long-term (but important!) goal, not something that can be effected in the span of a couple of months by telling people online to vote third party. There is no “instant ceasefire and peace negotiation” button that we're callously overlooking by encouraging people to vote for Kamala. (My god, if there was, we would all be pressing it.)
If we're suggesting people vote for her, it's not that we “are willing to overlook genocide” or “don't care about sacrificing brown people abroad” or whatever. Nothing is being “overlooked” here. It's that we're simply not willing to accept everything else in this post and more on top of continued atrocities in Gaza. We're not willing to take Trump and his godawful far-right authoritarian agenda as an acceptable consequence of feeling like we have the moral high ground on Palestine. I cannot stress enough that if Kamala doesn't win, we - we all, in the whole world - get Trump. Are you willing to accept that?
And one more point to address: I've seen too many people act frighteningly flippant and naïve about terrible things Trump or his campaign want to do, with the idea that people will simply be able to prevent all these bad things by “organising” and “protesting” and “collective action”. “I'm not willing to accept these things; that's why I'll fight them tooth and nail every day of their administration” - OK but if you're not even willing to cast a vote then I have doubts about your ability to form “the Resistance”, which by the way would have to involve cooperation with people of lots of progressive political stripes in order to have the manpower to be effective, and if you're so committed to political purity that you view temporarily lending your support to Kamala at the ballot box as an untenable betrayal of everything you stand for then forgive me for also doubting your ability to productively cooperate with allies on the ground with whom you don't 100% agree. Plus, if the Trump campaign gets its way, American progressives would be kept so busy trying to put out about twenty different fires at once that you'd be able to accomplish very little. Maybe you get them to soften their stance on trans healthcare but oh shit, the climate policies are still in place. But more importantly, how many people do you think will protest for abortion rights if doing so means staring down a gun? Or organise to protect their neighbours from deportation if doing so means being thrown in prison yourself? And OK, maybe you're sure that you will, but history has shown us time and time again that most people won't. Most people aren't willing to face that kind of personal risk. And a tiny number of lefties willing to risk incarceration or death to protect undocumented people or trans people or whatever other groups are targeted is sadly not enough to prevent the horrors from happening. That is small fry compared to the full might of a determined state. Of course if the worst happens and Trump wins then you should do what you can to mitigate the harm; I'm not saying you shouldn't. But really the time to act is now. You have an opportunity right here to mitigate the harm and it's called “not letting him get elected”. Act now to prevent that kind of horrific authoritarian situation from developing in the first place; don't sit this one out under the naïve belief that “we'll be able to stop it if it happens”. You won't.
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virtualizationhowto · 11 months
Security Onion Install: Awesome Open Source Security for Home Lab
Security Onion Install: Awesome Open Source Security for Home Lab @securityonion #homelab #selfhosted #SecurityOnionInstallationGuide #NetworkSecuritySolutions #IntrusionDetectionSystem #OpenSourceSecurityPlatform #ThreatHuntingWithSecurityOnion
Security Onion is at the top of the list if you want an excellent security solution to try in your home lab or even for enterprise security monitoring. It provides many great security tools for threat hunting and overall security and is fairly easy to get up and running quickly. Table of contentsWhat is Security Onion?Intrusion Detection and Threat HuntingMonitoring and Log managementCommunity…
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qwikskills · 2 years
Unleash Your Full Potential with Azure Cloud Labs
If you're looking to boost your skills and advance your career in the cloud computing industry, Azure Cloud Labs is the perfect place to start. Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud platforms, and Azure Cloud Labs offers hands-on experience with the platform, helping you to build the skills you need to succeed.
With Azure Cloud Labs, you'll have access to a range of labs covering different aspects of the Azure platform, from deployment and management to security and networking. Whether you're just starting out or looking to build your expertise in a specific area, you'll be able to find a lab that's right for you.
The labs are designed with step-by-step instructions, making it easy for you to follow along and gain hands-on experience. You'll also have access to support from experts, who are available to answer any questions you may have and help you along the way.
So why wait? Start exploring Azure Cloud Labs today and take your skills to the next level. With hands-on experience and certification, you'll be well on your way to a successful career in cloud computing.
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codesolutionstuff · 2 years
Key steps to Building Microservices with Node.js
New Post has been published on https://www.codesolutionstuff.com/key-steps-to-building-microservices-with-node-js/
Key steps to Building Microservices with Node.js
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Microservices architecture is a popular method for building complex, scalable applications. It involves breaking down a large application into smaller, independently deployable services that communicate with each other through APIs. Node.js is a popular choice for building microservices
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THE REGIONAL WAR in the Middle East now involves at least 16 different countries and includes the first strikes from Iranian territory on Israel, but the United States continues to insist that there is no broader war, hiding the extent of American military involvement. And yet in response to Iran’s drone and missile attacks Saturday, the U.S. flew aircraft and launched air defense missiles from at least eight countries, while Iran and its proxies fired weapons from Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
While the world has been focused on — and the Pentagon has been stressing — the comings and goings of aircraft carriers and fighter jets to serve as a “deterrent” against Iran, the U.S. has quietly built a network of air defenses to fight its regional war. “At my direction, to support the defense of Israel, the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week,” President Joe Biden said in a statement Saturday. “Thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our servicemembers, we helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles.” As part of that network, Army long-range Patriot and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense surface-to-air missile batteries have been deployed in Iraq, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and at the secretive Site 512 base in Israel. These assets — plus American aircraft based in Kuwait, Jordan, the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia — are knitted together in order to communicate and cooperate with each other to provide a dome over Israel (and its own regional bases). The United Kingdom is also intimately tied into the regional war network, while additional countries such as Bahrain have purchased Patriot missiles to be part of the network. Despite this unambiguous regional network, and even after Israel’s attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria earlier this month, the Biden administration has consistently denied that the Hamas war has spread beyond Gaza. It is a policy stance — and a deception — that has held since Hamas’s October 7 attack. “The Middle East region is quieter than it has been in two decades,” Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in an ill-timed remark eight days before October 7. “We don’t see this conflict widening as it still remains contained to Gaza,” deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh said the day after three U.S. troops were killed by a kamikaze drone launched by an Iran-backed militia at a U.S. base in Jordan. Since then (and even before this weekend), the fighting has spread to Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Yemen.
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iplook-networks · 2 years
Massive MIMO: vital technology to improve spectral efficiency and user capacity
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The global bandwidth shortage in the wireless communication sector has motivated the study and exploration of wireless access technology known as massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO). Massive MIMO technology is about bringing together antennas, radios, and spectrum to enable higher capacity and speed for the super-fast 5G networks.
What is Massive MIMO?
Massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), short for mMIMO, is the core component of the fast-developing5Gnetwork. It can be boiled down to one sentence: a wireless communication technology, where base stations are equipped with plenty of antenna elements and allows the transmitting and receiving of more than one data signal simultaneously.
Massive MIMO is an extension of MIMO technology, which involves using hundreds and even thousands of antennas attached to a base station to improve spectral efficiency and throughput. mMIMO multiplies the capacity of a wireless connection. It can be applied to systems with 128-1024 antennas compared to standard MIMO networks.
Key benefits of mMIMO
The mMIMO provide with these main benefits:
1. Utilizing 3D beamforming technology, and increasing capability of obtaining signal of the base station Massive MIMO featured with hundreds or even more elements, with each steering ultra-narrow, millimeter-wave "pencil-beams" toward a receiving antenna.
2. Improving throughput and coverage It enables more users in a given frequency band. Massive MIMO system is more sensitive to devices in high frequency bands to improve coverage. Increasing the distance and radius of cell by using of digital beamforming and coherent stumming of signals on the antenna array.
3. Strengthening the resistance to interference and intentional jamming These thin beams minimize interference and enhance data rates.
The applications of mMIMO
Massive MIMO is able to serve multiple users and devices with stable and high-performed network services, enhancing the capability of network and improving the customer experience. Simultaneously, the technology in a condensed building can maintain fast data rates and consistent performance, which makes it the advanced network to address the needs of the 5G era.
To no small degree, the mastery of massive MIMO will be central to achieving the leaps in spectral efficiency that next-generation 5G wireless needs to deliver.
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