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deltawave · 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #unwinding #deltawaveclass #deltawaveclasses #fascialstretch #myofascialstretch #myofascialrelease #tensionunwinding #deltawaveonline #myofascialunwinding #deltawavecourse #deltawavecourses #bodyunwindings #deltawavepose #deltawaveposes #yogadeltawave #ledeltawaveyoga #eldeltawaveyoga #yogastretchingclass #deltawavestretch #deltawavestretches #deltawavemovement #deltawavemovements #fasciaalignment #unwindingrelease #fascialmovements #fasciaworkshops #unwindingworkshops #fasciastretchingsession Deltawave is a progressive yoga practice showing specific stretching poses that induce the fascial unwinding process, engaging the body into release patterns. The unwinding process is based on the principle of the body's instinctive ability to create movement for self-correction from physical and emotional disturbances. The stretching exercises are achieved by energetic impulses which activate the realignment. Once the process is activated, self-regulation and healing can take place. Alex Mero Yoga Instructor Stretching Coach Meditation Guide For more information about Fascia Movement follow me on: https://instagram.com/fasciamovement For any questions or information about classes and workshops DM me. (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbJC_ADr9E/?igshid=183ponksozrna
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #deltawaveflorida #deltawavepose #deltawaveworkshop #deltawaving #meditationenmouvement #stretchmeditatio #stretchmeditations #meditaciónenmovimiento #stretchtips #movementmeditation #flowmovements #slowmovements #meditativeguidance #deltawaveclasses #fasciastretchings #stretchworkout #bodyawareness #deltawavingclass #stretchfitness #stretchingcourse #stretchingmeditation #stretchingwork #unwindingsession #unwindingworkout #unwindingstretch #unwindingtips #unwindingcoach #unwindinginstructor Deltawave is a progressive yoga practice showing specific stretching poses that induce the fascial unwinding process, engaging the body in rhythmic patterns. By allowing the body to move at ease, instinctive movements respond to the induction with spontaneous bending, rotating and twisting of certain body parts. The unwinding process is based on the principle of the body's inner ability for self-correction from mechanical and emotional disturbances. Deltawave movements releases stress and tensions, increases vital energy and generate a sense of body and mind connection that has the potential for improving your overall sense of well-being. Alex Mero Yoga Instructor Stretching Coach Meditation Guide For more information about Fascia Stretching follow me on: https://instagram.com/fasciastretching For any questions or information about classes and workshops DM me. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNF21FMD-2M/?igshid=191sbd4v62h4c
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deltawave · 4 years ago
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#deltawavepose #deltawaveyogapose #yogapose #duckpose #bullpose #turtlepose #snailpose #grasshopperpose #caterpillarpose #butterflypose #octopuspose #frogpose #eaglepose #lionpose #falconpose #flypose #rampose #seagullpose #starfishpose #dovepose #spiderpose #crocodilepose #catpose #monkeypose #dogpose #dolphinpose #tigerpose #deltawaveposes #yogaposes #deltawaveyogaposes Deltawave Yoga brings a series of basic poses. Each pose is a flowing movement that works on specific part of the body, building certain strengths and abilities. The poses are called after animals due to their instinctive skills. Most poses are easy to learn for young and old through regular practice, others, particularly balancing poses require deeper stretch training. Deltawave Yoga helps to relax the entire being, relieve stress and tensions, improve body-mind regulation, better sleep and increase the level of athletic performance. When practiced regularly, physical and cognitive changes are noticed, particularly increased flexibility, upper body strength, mental clarity, self-control, affirmation skills and more self-confidence. Are you a beginner or an experienced yogi and would you like to share your favorite pose? Feel free to send us a 1 minute video showing 1 of the 24 poses. We make sure to post on regular basis. Thank you for your help and support to promote Deltawave Yoga and don't hesitate to share your questions and comments. Keep in mind the fundamentals of Deltawave : ~ Joy & Health ~ Namaste 🙏 (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJGiy1BDK0p/?igshid=1evs6wuxu3ss3
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #deltawaveposes #meditativestate #meditativemovement #unconscious #unconsciousness #unconsciousmind #brainhealth #brainrelaxation #intuitive #intuitivetraining #intuitivehealing #intuitivehealer #intuitiveguidance Delta brainwaves are present during deep relaxation, meditation, trance and hypnosis. This frequency range is a source of creativity, intuition, increased memory and enhanced concentration. Of the various frequencies that our brain experiences, the delta brainwave range is also the one in which the body and mind’s natural self healing processes are activated and optimised. Deltawave meditative movement sessions lower stress and anxiety levels, facilitate healing and growth and also enable us to access the power and wisdom of our unconscious mind, that is inaccessible in more alert states. With a regular practice, you can access the unconscious mind for the purpose of facilitating core healing and change. Deltawave Yoga and meditative movement sessions in general, are a great resource for attaining the peaceful and blissful state. The state associated with delta brainwaves can be seen as the bridge between the physical body and the spiritual realms. In the delta brainwave rhythm the practitioner senses a deep spiritual connection. For those who are open to it, delta brainwaves are also associated with psychic experiences, such as out of body experience, remote vision and other psychic phenomena. Even though psychic experiences can be argued to be real or fake, many meditative practitioners are apparently able to access delta brainwaves in order to connect with non-physical beings and subtle realms of consciousness. My work as a Yoga Instructor is to develop the appropriate meditative movement that will restore natural self healing processes and bring the proper bodymind alignment students and professionals are looking for. I welcome private individuals and practitioners for one on one sessions, as well as for groups and professionals. For online sessions or group classes mail me at: [email protected] Alex Mero - Yoga Coach Movement Meditation Conscious Relaxation https://www.instagram.com/p/CSrM0e6j4vd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#deltawave #deltawaveyoga #deltawaveposes #detox #detoxification #detoxpractice #detoxrelaxation #deepstretching #deepstretchingyoga #bodymindfulness #bodyawareness #etheric #ethericbody #ethericfield #ethereum #etherium #ether #ethernet #etheral #energyhealing #healthcare #healthymovement #healingenergy Deltawave Yoga is a form of mind-body fitness that involves a combination of deep stretching, muscular activity and an internally directed mindful focus on awareness of the self, the breath, and the etheric energy field. Regular practice of meditative movement discipline promotes strength, endurance, flexibility and facilitates characteristics of friendliness, compassion, and greater self-control, while cultivating a sense of calmness and well-being. Through the combination of multiple yoga modalities, I take you on a journey towards body awareness and ritualistic movement. I welcome private individuals, practitioners, groups and professionals. For online sessions or group classes mail me at: [email protected] Alex Mero - Guidance Meditation Movement Body-Mind Relaxation https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUjFUED9Ja/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #transcendentalyoga #transcendentalmovement #groundingmovements #groundingpose #mindfulpose #earthgrounding #deltawave #deltawaveflow #yogaclassonline #groundingmeditation #deltawavemovement #yogamovements #yogaonlinecoach #deltawaveyogasession #deltawavecoach #deltawavemovements #dynamicmeditation #transcendentalstate #deltawaveflowpose #deltawaveclass #flowmovements #deltawaveposes #energyhealing #lightworker #earthmeditation #deltawavepuntagorda #yogaflorida #yogapuntagorda Deltawave is a progressive, rhythmic and vibrational yoga style that improves the overall well-being through active meditations and instinctive stretching exercises. “Deltawave” refers to transcendental brain frequencies waving instinctively through a flow of poses. The name labels metaphorically the connection between mind and body. During transcendental sessions the body goes in a flow from one stretch to the next, switching poses with ease and fluidity. During your practice, you will sense instinctively where release is needed, which position to take and for how long. You will learn to hold a pose for as long as your body requires, breathing freely into the areas where tension resides. Deltawave improves flexibility on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It re-balances the nervous system, helps clear up the mind and is highly inspirational. Regular practices have the unique ability to bring progressive and profound meditative states, thereby allowing abyssal healing properties to be restored. Gratitude for the universal sound Om (Aum) Chanting 🎼 To watch our extended sessions and transcendentals, visit Deltawaveyoga channel on YouTube. For more information about Deltawave Yoga, visit our website : www.deltawaveyoga.com The fundamentals of Deltawave: ~ Joy & Health ~ Namaste 🙏 (at Punta Gorda, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLcEgRSjRvZ/?igshid=1a0u3bvsjga9t
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