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deltawave Β· 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #deltawavemovement #deltawavemovements #innerbodyspirit #boostingyourenergy #boostingmyenergy #remainhealthy #remainbalanced #bodymindconnection #tranquilmind #bodymindpractice #mindbodypractice #bodytomind #mindtobody #dailypractice #dailypracticing #dailystretch #dailystretches #dailystretching #chillworkout #chillstretching #chillmovement #connectyourbody #meetyourbody #knowyourbody #discoveryourbody #loveyourbody #trustyourbody #blessyourbody Each Deltawave movements stretches various areas in the body, helping your vital energy to rise up. By boosting your energy you remain healthy and balanced. Deltawave has the ability to increase your body-mind connection and to help your mind to become one with your innerbody spirit. Subduing your over-active mind helps to connect you to a tranquil mind. The level of benefit is entirely up to you. To reap more benefits you need to put more effort into your practice. For any questions or more information contact me. Alex Mero Yoga Instructor Stretching Coach For longer videos subscribe on our YouTube channel. (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsDVoMjCNj/?igshid=hrbbhmhagrs8
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deltawave Β· 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #transcendentalyoga #transcendentalmovement #groundingmovements #groundingpose #mindfulpose #earthgrounding #deltawave #deltawaveflow #yogaclassonline #groundingmeditation #deltawavemovement #yogamovements #yogaonlinecoach #deltawaveyogasession #deltawavecoach #deltawavemovements #dynamicmeditation #transcendentalstate #deltawaveflowpose #deltawaveclass #flowmovements #deltawaveposes #energyhealing #lightworker #earthmeditation #deltawavepuntagorda #yogaflorida #yogapuntagorda Deltawave is a progressive, rhythmic and vibrational yoga style that improves the overall well-being through active meditations and instinctive stretching exercises. β€œDeltawave” refers to transcendental brain frequencies waving instinctively through a flow of poses. The name labels metaphorically the connection between mind and body. During transcendental sessions the body goes in a flow from one stretch to the next, switching poses with ease and fluidity. During your practice, you will sense instinctively where release is needed, which position to take and for how long. You will learn to hold a pose for as long as your body requires, breathing freely into the areas where tension resides. Deltawave improves flexibility on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It re-balances the nervous system, helps clear up the mind and is highly inspirational. Regular practices have the unique ability to bring progressive and profound meditative states, thereby allowing abyssal healing properties to be restored. Gratitude for the universal sound Om (Aum) Chanting 🎼 To watch our extended sessions and transcendentals, visit Deltawaveyoga channel on YouTube. For more information about Deltawave Yoga, visit our website : www.deltawaveyoga.com The fundamentals of Deltawave: ~ Joy & Health ~ Namaste πŸ™ (at Punta Gorda, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLcEgRSjRvZ/?igshid=1a0u3bvsjga9t
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deltawave Β· 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #transcendentalyoga #consciousmovement #transcendentalmovement #mindfulmovement #meditativestate #mindfulstreching #transcendentalmeditation #deltawave #deltawaveflow #yogateacher #deltawaveclass #deltawavemovement #yogacoach #deltawavesession #deltawavecoach #deltawavemovements #deltawavemeditation #transcendentalstate #transcemeditation #deltawaveclasses #flowmovement #deltawaveinstructor #activemeditation #flowmeditation #deltawaving #yogaflorida #deltawaveflorida #yogapuntagorda Deltawave is a progressive, rhythmic and vibrational yoga style that improves the overall well-being through active meditations and instinctive stretching exercises. β€œDeltawave” refers to transcendental brain frequencies waving instinctively through flowing movements. The name labels metaphorically the connection between mind and body. During the sessions the body goes in a flow from one deep stretch to the next, switching slowly poses with ease and fluidity. During your practice, you will sense instinctively where release is needed, which position to take and for how long. You will learn to hold a pose for as long as your body requires, breathing freely into the areas where tension resides. Deltawave improves flexibility on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It re-balances the nervous system, helps clear up the mind and is highly inspirational. Regular practices have the unique ability to bring progressive and profound meditative states, thereby allowing abyssal healing properties to be restored. Gratitude for the Deepest Mind/Body Relaxation meditation music 🎼 To watch our extended sessions and transcendentals, visit Deltawaveyoga channel on YouTube. For more information about Deltawave Yoga, visit our website : www.deltawaveyoga.com The fundamentals of Deltawave: ~ Joy & Health ~ Namaste πŸ™ (at Punta Gorda, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZDCMvjFQ5/?igshid=xebb7tn7otjn
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deltawave Β· 4 years ago
#deltawaveyoga #unwinding #deltawaveclass #deltawaveclasses #fascialstretch #myofascialstretch #myofascialrelease #tensionunwinding #deltawaveonline #myofascialunwinding #deltawavecourse #deltawavecourses #bodyunwindings #deltawavepose #deltawaveposes #yogadeltawave #ledeltawaveyoga #eldeltawaveyoga #yogastretchingclass #deltawavestretch #deltawavestretches #deltawavemovement #deltawavemovements #fasciaalignment #unwindingrelease #fascialmovements #fasciaworkshops #unwindingworkshops #fasciastretchingsession Deltawave is a progressive yoga practice showing specific stretching poses that induce the fascial unwinding process, engaging the body into release patterns. The unwinding process is based on the principle of the body's instinctive ability to create movement for self-correction from physical and emotional disturbances. The stretching exercises are achieved by energetic impulses which activate the realignment. Once the process is activated, self-regulation and healing can take place. Alex Mero Yoga Instructor Stretching Coach Meditation Guide For more information about Fascia Movement follow me on: https://instagram.com/fasciamovement For any questions or information about classes and workshops DM me. (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbJC_ADr9E/?igshid=183ponksozrna
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