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altered-statuses · 6 months ago
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Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Ann Brennan and illustrated by Jos. A. Smith (New York: Bantam Books, 1988)
The etheric template level
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endlessmazin · 2 years ago
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Ancient Glitch Spirit
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cristian-calistru · 9 months ago
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Etheric 2/4 Come into the ancient forest at midnight, and step gently towards the old tree. If you have a noble soul, you will be able to receive the wisdom of the woods.
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nocturnvm · 3 months ago
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Midnight fresque bathed into the moonlight
Nocturnvm - "Etheric"
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aisocietyha · 1 year ago
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templeofmaatknoxville · 4 months ago
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The Elemental Rulers from Agrippa's 3 Books of Occult Philosophy. As a Holistic Magick Temple, we do not treat these as 'mundane' in the Gnostic sense, where as in Gnostic Lore, they are not held as sacred, as they are not from 'Adam' but 'of the Earth'. As an Animist Witch, I honor these energies as sacred, As Above, So Below. They represent the pure elemental forces of Earth, Air, Water & Fire. All is Holy and to be treated with respect.
The Elemental Beings are the activated expressions of the Elemental Forms. The Fae Kingdom expresses many minglings of the Elemental energies, from the very Earthy energy of the Gnomes, to the more Airy presence of the Sylphs. I think of the Fae as expressions of the Planetary Consciousness, forms created from the etheric substance of the planet, just as we as magicians can utilize our own etheric substance to create forms, such as wards, or create astral forms for various rituals.
An exercise you might try as a meditation is to seek the 'names' of the Elemental Beings that resonate with the land upon which you live, or more importantly, your own astral landscape. This is an exercise I performed many years ago and intuited and received a new name for each of the Elementals. This can create a more personal relationship with these Elemental Beings.
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blazedgalaxia · 1 year ago
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dndtreasury · 1 year ago
Bakekujira's Gift by Loot Tavern
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trespasser-press · 11 months ago
I have been away from technology. I apologize for my silence. Though, none of us have found each other yet, it's important that I speak directly to you. Right now. Whenever you see this.
It's been about a week, I'd say. I was out in the forest for two days, testing my limits. I am not cut out for roughing it just yet. I tended to the garden and I meditated as much as my busy mind could let me.
It feels like something awaits us. Something big. Good or bad, I don't know. I do not have those abilities.
In my dreams, I'm sitting across from beings of light that my mind can't comprehend the nature of. We talk like old friends.
I can never remember what they say to me.
I miss them.
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artapir · 2 years ago
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Etheric tracking devices. The astral lodestone taps into the antlers’ residual bioenergetic field to orient the detector, while the points act as Kirlian antennae. From simplest to complex, dials indicate direction, magnitude, and estimated time of contact.
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carvesintochaos · 2 years ago
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In my exploration and study of the Etheric Bodies I have come across this amazing text that made it simple to visualize the etheric reality. It is so life changing of a realization that I want to share it. I now have a better understanding of everything and the image of yin/yang is astonishingly renewed in my awareness. ~ 
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~ I am sharing important clips of information but if any of you would like the full PDF (it is only 59 pages), ask me and I will 100% send it to you for your personal study. ~
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What follows is what is bringing new meaning to the yin/yang symbol for me. An a proton expands outwards and an electron pulls inwards.
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“A photon is a small coherent pocket of energy formed in the ether who's influence always moves at the speed of light. That's why its known as a particle of light. Secondary particles such as the electron, always move much slower then the speed of light.”
How time AND motion are an illusion
“A new way of looking at motion follows from the result of our new way of looking at space as a vast ocean of ether particles.”
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“The fifth dimension is what mystics and holy men know as the spiritual realm. The realm of the fourth dimension or the etheric ocean is the aura of the universe and it also is the mind of man. Another way to say it is that it is the stuff that minds are made of. Every living organism's mind is made up of it. If the huge ocean of kinetic energy that is the ether is our minds, then it stands to reason that if we learn to control our minds we will have an unlimited amount of energy at our disposal. In fact, this is the case.
During a projection or frame, all ether points in the universe will contain the information they need, to tell them in what place and position to appear in their next re-creation in the following frame. This goes on successively from frame to frame. This knowing ahead of time results in the law of cause and effect.”
What this is saying is all the information needed to “go from” one place to the next is already inherit. To me this means we can practice entering the flow and release the tension most people have in planning with their mind what to do next.
I hope this inspired your mind as it did me. There is still more to reveal about the etheric ocean. I hope we can start opening our own mind and sense to perceive the interconnectedness of everything, giving us a better, more true understanding of ourselves and the environment we have awoken to.
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dndsettingsinfo · 2 years ago
Ghost Ship by ZM Maps
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cristian-calistru · 9 months ago
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1/4 "Etheric" is a photographic project through which I aim to reveal to the viewer the hidden layers of meaning of the forests, invoking the ancient mysteries and sacred wisdom of nature. The series aims to open doors to unseen worlds and invite the viewer on an inner journey, full of magic and profound meanings. Through these images, he is called into a subtle reality, where the forest becomes a portal to higher understandings and spiritual connections.
Stay tuned to see all the works!
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catchymemes · 6 months ago
The Legend Of SWORD DOG
From Mistymountainlegends on insta
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ur-daily-inspiration · 2 months ago
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