#deity of calamity
barianprogenitor · 1 year
"Time Baby is... In charge of Time. More specifically... All of the order in my world. And he... Ugh..." Billia grumbled. Crossing his arms. "He doesn't like my ways. We're often arguing about this or that. Axolotl is an all knowing fae dragon but she's really powerful too. She's more relaxed and understanding than that stupid dumb..." The demon's rage sparked some fire magic. "He keeps trying to restrict me. Says I'm too destructive and dangerous. Does not like me. At all. If I wasn't trapped in the dream realm, I'd show Time Baby a thing or two about real destruction and chaos. Mark my words, I'm not staying trapped forever."
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This other god was trapped too? Just like he was some time ago. But his assumption of the other not being true and apparently even real power had been correct. "So you have been sealed? And I assume you want my help?"
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"Oh finally. I thought we'd never find this dumb book."
Mason couldn’t agree more, “Although I find it odd how we have Journal #3 and that fuck boy is nowhere to be found…”
Of course, he refers to Gideon. He raises his head and looks around the hallway briefly, but can only deduce that perhaps Gideon left it here? Maybe on accident? He picks it up and sifts through its pages quietly to see if there were any additions.
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themightypete · 1 year
"Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one ever apologized for making me this way."
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"heh that something we have in common"
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advnterccs-archive · 2 years
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Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out || accepting
@deity-of-calamity sent; ♥️ (for Rick)
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If we kissed? [ ♥] Quickie. [] Tongue. [] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [] Long and meaningful. [] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no. Would I go out with you? [] Yes, definitely. [] No. [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [ ♥] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know. If we took a picture together, we’d be… [] Hugging each other. [ ♥] Just chilling. [] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [ ♥] Acting dumb. [] Normal picture. [] You holding me from behind. You are… [] Cute/Pretty. [ ♥] Good looking. [] Sexy. [] All of the above You + me + room = … [] Movies. [ ♥] Cuddling. [ ♥] Hanging out. [] Kissing. [] Playing games. [] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in. You should… [ ♥] Hit me up. [] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [ ♥] We wouldn’t
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
Ludinus: So, has that convinced you? Do you see now why the gods need to be wiped out?
Bells Hells:
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downfall: summarised
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keeper-of-magic · 7 months
man, i love you, eldritch horrors shown in low resolution games by having photorealistic bodies, and/or censored parts.
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well shit man, that sure is an eldritch horror!
(i could only know two examples, feel free to add your own!)
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the-matron-of-ravens · 2 months
Aeorians and The Gods are Mirrors of Each other
I've seen a lot of discussion about how contrasting and diametrically opposed the mortals and gods are. And (particularly on CR Twitter) that this is a tragedy of oppressive gods striking down mortals who dared to resist.
Well, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Rather than being opposites of each other I think that the Aeorians in power and the Gods are acting more like mirrors for each other. Reflecting the failings and flaws of the other.
Let's take a look at some of the criticisms that the gods have received from both Aeorians and fandom under the Read More (cause long):
the Gods have hoarded power and abilities and resources from mortals to increase their own power
the Gods have used disproportionate violence against and ignored the plight of mortals because they could/because they hated them
the Gods have taken domain of lands/worlds that aren't theirs and done with them as they want - even at the expense of mortals
When it became convenient/dangerous/tough the Gods caused this chaos and abandoned mortals to their fate or worse are actively trying to destroy the mortals
The gods don't care for mortals - at worst mortals are bugs to squash - at best they view mortals as "prized pets" and things to be controlled
Ultimately, having these entities with this much power and resources is fundamentally not just dangerous but an existential threat
There are others but those seem to be the main critiques that I've observed.
Well, now let's take a look at Aeor and Aeorian society that we've learned over the course of Downfall p.1 and p.2
When in Hawk's Hill, the most important goal of Aeorians was taking tribute via food, rare resources, and materials, etc. for their secret project. All the while people starving for food watched on as riches passed them by, and Ayden daring to help them was seen as a huge risk.
Aeorians - during the time of the Age of Arcanum - took a chunk of the earth, raised it (crucially) above the rest of the world because they could and because it signalled their power and superiority over everyone else.
Then during the time of the Calamity, Aeor - as the "last bastion of civilization/mortals" has shuttered their doors. As we saw with Hawk's Hill after the resources were taken on board, those that could *work and serve* were prioritized first. And those that were sick or religious? Left for dead and discarded. (Edit: this is to say nothing about the way Aeorians have tried to eradicate all traces of the natural world and its animals from aeor)
Aeorians have developed the ability to create an entirely new species of people with souls - Aeormatons, they have developed the power of creation. They have also developed a weapon so powerful it can kill gods multiple times over. And the decision of who to target or when is completely in the hands of those in power.
Aeorians have been seen subjugating fiends, devils, demons, constructs, elementals - all symbols of divine power. Humiliating them and displaying their superiority by treating them as pets.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Both the Gods and Mortals are guilty of all of these things. Some more than others.
Civilian Aeorians had no control over the high ranking Aeorians building a weapon or subjugating other species. Just as the Prime Deities were helpless to stop the Betrayer Gods from manipulating mortals into starting the Calamity. Just as they were helpless to do anything other than take up arms to try and prevent a genocide of their children by their siblings.
The power differential there is massive - but the result is the same. Both are groups of people being collectively punished for the crimes of a part of them.
The problem is we've moved passed Mutually Assured Destruction - where theoretically there could be a stalemate because both sides know the other could take them out. We've moved into a situation where both Aeorians and the Gods feel that if they don't shoot first, it is them who will be dead.
Once both sides have determined that to give in/not shoot would mean their destruction? We're headed for a unavoidable trainwreck.
My final takeaway here is that I think Matt has very very intentionally made it so both the Gods and the Mortals are reflections of each other. There is no unequivocal bad guy in power here and there is no unequivocal good guy in power.
The only end result here whether the weapon is completed or the gods strike Aeor down is a tragedy where innocents die because of those in power.
The only end result here is a world in which those in power cause more destruction and death than they ever thought themselves capable of because they felt forced into it or were blinded by their hate. Where even those who thought themselves "good" and "fair" and "helping" look at themselves and the result of their actions and see waste and destruction.
But I do have a question...after the Calamity and seeing what it wrought - the Prime Deities made the decision to not just banish their traitorous siblings away but themselves as well. To limit their own power - and by extension their ability to harm.
Would the Archmages of Aeor have done the same?
I'm not convinced to be honest.
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rufus-locke · 3 months
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I wonder what would happen if u ate a calamity stone
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aeons-behind · 2 months
some asmodeus quotes, as a reminder:
"you think my enemy are the prime deities? those are my siblings! we were happy once together"
"just ask yourself, zerxus, whom did we betray?"
they may be gods. they may fight by killing thousands of people (instead of just. like. stealing some clothes or something). but they are still siblings, and if they need to bring down a city to make sure the mortals remember that, then so be it
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natp20 · 2 months
i am going fucking insane thinking about the opening for downfall and its implications
the show opens on Eternity. these are entities of eternal, undying, and infinite possibility. they are on the run. they are looking for a safe haven from certain doom. they have never known doom. they have never known nothing. they have never known loss. they are looking for a place to call home. they have already lost so much. they are still family.
to escape, they are forced to leave behind all the possibilities of who and what they could have been. they have to leave the Eternal Palace behind. they have to stifle their potential. they have to find shape and bodies made out of blood and bone.
they have to become Real.
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barianprogenitor · 1 year
"Yes! Finally!" Billia pranced around in the air with his magic. "Do you know how hard it is to find someone like that? Axolotl is... Hm. She's more understanding than Time Baby. But good lord that guy... Time Baby is all about order. So much order that it's suffocating. I just wanna let loose! But he's too busy keeping things in strict order with humans that I'm the problem. Such a pain! What I wouldn't give to just... Give him a piece of my mind." A pause. "Oh how rude of me! Name's Billia Cipher. But most people just call me Cipher. And you are?"
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"Who's Axolotl? Or Time Baby?" he questioned. Whoever those people were it that "Time Baby" sounded awful lot like Eliphas. "Don Thousand", he introduced himself.
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"I'm glad your uncle let The Collector stay with us. He seems pretty happy here." The collector smiled up at Mason. "Heyaz! I love the starry theme stuff here."
Mason is so excited to meet this new family member. And hearing them compliment the theme and decor around the Tent, it makes him feel happy!
He smiles. “Thanks! We try our best to decorate accordingly.” He chuckles softly.
Ford Gleeful comes over. “Of course I would allow new people to stay, it’s the friendly thing to do after all.” He has a smile on his face as he directs his attention to The Collector. “Feel free to stay for as long as you need to, and if you’d like, Dipper here can show you around. Maybe his friends can join in the tour around the Falls if need be.”
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themightypete · 1 year
"You know what I hate? Heroes."
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"Finally someone who has good taste like yours truly"
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captainsparklefingers · 2 months
Okay, okay. So it's two parts. Practical and emotional.
The practical: all of the gods, both Prime and Betrayer, need to be in one place and on the same page to make sure that what happened to Tengar never happens again. Predathos needs to remain sealed and kept away, and the gods are the only ones who can do it.
The emotional: they are the last of their kind. They all survived the destruction of their home and the agony of being forced into a single form and single possibility, nobody will never know what that's like. The Schism has hurt them all, and maybe it would be better for Exandria if the Betrayers were eliminated. But if you were the last, and your enemy was somebody who loved you once, who shared the same horrible experience with you, who you can still see the good in...would you be able to see them dead?
(and the thing is, I think that goes both ways. Asmodeus has said time and time again how much he hates his family, what they've done. He wiped out all of Sarenrae's followers when she reached out to him...but he could have killed her outright. And he didn't. And for all that he lies, the best lies have their origin in truth.)
(and the Hells, watching this. A group of people, flawed and hurt who've come together through shared experiences. Who've had their arguments and issues. Laudna and Orym's 'disagreement' about a sword happened days ago. They're seeing a flawed group of people with so much power, trying to make a terrible choice between the greater good, or what's left of their broken, hurt family.
And Ludinus is expecting them to side with him?)
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pixelrhys · 10 months
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Yeah no, he's not fighting that thing.
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