#four swords palace
weepingtalecowboy · 2 days
Fanfic prompt: the chain talks about bad relationships
Like time mops about Ruta
Warriors entire love life gets mentioned
Twilight is crying over Midna
And Legend mops in the corner
and when it’s four's turn
He tells everyone about his “brother's” relationship with a demon
“that poor thing doesn’t deserve that nihilistic and pessimistic attitude 24/7 no idea how he has managed to stay sane…wait he has willingly endured the worst person ever for years no way he is sane”
Everyone feels bad for the brother because obviously the demon is in the wrong and the bad guy
(the colors overpowered Vio in that one not that he did anything to stop them because he was busy mopping about not getting to be with shadow )
And for weeks they feel bad and extremely uncomfortable that four never did anything about the situation
Demons are no joke and bad partners can be damaging
When they see the brother in question they immediately realize that the demon was not the bad guy in this
Vio really is this bad
Shadow(to the chain): “You know, I find his eternal pessimism... kind of charming.”
Sky *pointing to Vio who is laying face down on the ground*: “Wait. You find that charming?”
Shadow : “Oh, sure! Most demons are all fire and brimstone, but Vio? He just sits in the corner and contemplates the futility of existence. It’s nice to have someone who’s not all about chaos and destruction for a change because trust me I know bad relationships”
Warriors:“But... he’s so depressing. How do you live with that?”
Shadow *shrugging*: “Oh, it’s not so bad. He says the same things every day, so I know when to tune him out or else I would have lost it already”
Green (pretending to be four at the moment)*mock whispering to the chain*: he is in fact insane don’t let his charming demeanor fool you…,probably because of Vio”
That was an experience nobody forgot
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Four’s colors: standing there awkwardly
Legend: having a flashback to that one time he killed four colorful and identical dark links in the literal Palace of the Four Sword
Thanks for the request anon!
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annienyx · 3 months
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Palace of four swords
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libr-0-cubicularist · 3 months
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Context? I made a comic several months ago and forgot to ever finish it.
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sleepylink · 3 months
The Dark World in A Link to the Past is just a Corrupted version of the Sacred Realm.
It was Corrupted because of Ganon being sealed in it in the Hero's Downfall timeline.
Which means, the Palace of the Four Sword was originally in the Sacred Realm, until the events that lead to the Downfall Timeline were it was Also Corrupted when everything was changed into the Dark Realm.
Meaning the Hero of the Four Sword wasn't Corrupted by an Item, but Corrupted along WITH the Sacred Realm. Meaning Ganon was the one who Corrupted Four!
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bokettochild · 8 months
hello! I have an ask for you! I’ve seen a post or two of yours mention that four ends up corrupted and was curious if this is a head cannon and what it’s based on! I don’t know much about four at all, so I’d love more background on his cannon and what your head cannons for him are!
Alright, so this is somewhat founded in canon, but the long of the short is this.
Nintendo released a GameBoy copy of A Link To The Past that was packaged with LoZ: Four Swords. In this special edition of the game there was a bonus addition to ALTTP. In the dark world, at Ganon's Pyramid, there was a small hole in the wall of the pyramid that hadn't been there in the initial release. If you'd already completed Four Swords, you could enter this hole in the wall which would take you to a bonus dungeon: The Palace of the Four Sword
In this dungeon, Link (Legend) must face off against four hero look-a-likes as the bosses in different rooms, before reaching the main chamber where he faces off against all four together.
Because it's called the Palace of The Four Sword, some fans believe that the four beings within are, in fact, the Four Sword heroes. How would that happen though? Why would the hero still be alive almost a thousand years after his time? Why would he attack the new baby hero who stumbled across him?
A couple of theories include:
The Hero of the Four Sword (from here on he will be called "Four") died some time after his adventures and was buried in a crypt beneath Hyrule Castle as an honor for his service to the kingdom. Ganon's power animated Four's corpse, and when a young hero stumbled into the crypt through the Dark World, the demon used Four as his puppet to try and get rid of the hero.
After his adventures, Four decided to try and find a way to revive Shadow. This led to meddling with dark magics and becoming corrupted, forcing princess Zelda to seal him away. Because he's her dear friend (or lover, depends on the writer) she can't make herself kill him, but rather locks him away until she can find out how to rescue him. Corruption of his soul prevents him aging, so that when, a thousand years later, Legend stumbles across him, he's the same as he was the day his experiment failed and he became corrupted.
The beings within the Palace of the Four Sword are not Four, but rather the spirit of the damaged sword lashing out to protect their blade. Because he forged it, and was their only user, they maintained a similar form to his own.
Hope this helps!
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Sometimes I just sit and think about Palace of the Four Sword angst and how interesting the implications are.
And sometimes I wonder why we don't crack fic it up because Legend would be losing his damn mind, the Chain would be immensely concerned, and Four would be wondering if that one magic training trial messed with Legend a bit too much.
Either that or: Legend you obviously need to try the training again. Here I'll split for you and you can fight all four of me and Legend, why are you running away while screeching like a pterodactyl?
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james-p-sullivan · 3 months
Palace of the Four Swords community on tumblr
As the title states this community is for the four swords fandom on tumblr and is welcome to all! This community is shipping friendly and will not tolerate hate or harassment of any kind.
At the moment, I think communities are invite only (even though it’s set to public) so please interact with this post in anyway to be sent an invitation! ☺️
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occasionallyprosie · 7 months
Not me only realizing I could've done "Killing in self-defense" with Legend and Four in reference to the Palace of the Four Sword in ALTTP
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calavanitas · 10 months
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Purple Maiden from Four Swords Adventures, as promised!
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doctorcanon · 5 months
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Foreshadowing again.
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Fanfic prompt: Shadow is a demon while four is just a mortal hylian
It is likely that he would outlive four several times over
What if he decided to stay with four even in death and protect his grave from robbers
And considering the mess that is four swords palace and its weird unsettling atmosphere
And the fact that Legend fights several shades and other creatures
It would be a fun twist if shadow was the sole reason why the palace is so creepy
Because he had several centuries to train his abilities to kill off any and all people who dare disturb his lover’s grave
And amass the ungodly amount of corpses in the palace
The centuries of not interacting with the rest of the world and the grieving over the hero of the four sword
Is an easy way to drive yourself crazy
And considering the fact that shadow never was truly sane to begin with
Even in the manga he showed how obsessive and cruel he can be if he wants to
Imagine how much worse it would get if he has actual motivation to take his rage out on grave robbers who want to steal the four sword
He would go mad from grief and probably speak with the sword and create copies of four like the four shades
And when Legend had the “joy” to visit him and fight his way through the palace shadow was watching him from the shadows
Because even in madness he can feel the same soul that once belonged to four
When linked universe happens Legend is hesitant to be around the one who has the face of his worst nightmares
The reaction he would have if he met shadow (who looks like the shadows of the palace)
Would not be pretty
And if the chain has to enter the four swords palace and four has to endure looking at his grave
And then see an insane and grievous version of his lover
Yeah ,four isn’t having a fun time in this
Or the chain
And especially Legend
Shadow is psychologically incapable of differentiating between four and the four sword and could very easily decide that both should stay at the palace
And if four still hasn’t gotten his shadow back yet because they haven’t been to Wild's Hyrule
He would probably just prefer to stay with shadow
And when he gets forced to leave at some point
And then when he gets back his shadow
Knowing that he will one day outlive him and all shadow cares about
That would be genuinely painful
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tuliptxffi · 4 months
I've got a LOT on my mind right now.
How does the Four Swords Dungeon(or maybe palace of the four sword) exist in the Downfall Timeline, and not in the Child Timeline as well?
Although, before you answer that, is the Four Swords Dungeon(/palace of the four sword) even canon in the first place?
Dawg I need someone to solve this omfg
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thelittlelegends · 3 months
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Four Swords (2002) was released by Nintendo & Capcom for Game Boy Advance as part of a re-release of Link to the Past. This re-release was when (and why) the Palace of the Four Sword was added to that game! An Anniversary Edition was briefly released in 2011 but removed from the EShop in 2012, only returning for a month around the release of A Link Between Worlds for download. At present, emulation appears to be the best way to get and play the game yourself if you do not already own it. Here is the best text game guide I could find, and here is a four-player Let's Play from 2014.
ETA: Nintendo wanted to make a fool of me a week after the Four Swords post here, clearly! We have updated the infographic with the latest news -- Four Swords is on Nintendo Switch Online!
A note on disambiguation: Four Swords (2002) is being notated with its release year due to the confusion of this game, Four Swords Adventures (posted separately), and Four Swords (Manga). A post explaining the differences in more detail is here.
Reblog and add what you love about the game, things you would like to see, or other resources for those who would like to learn more about it! Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Links to existing fanworks
Most underrated characters
Your favorite gameplay mechanics, story moments, etc
Analysis of story themes, character arcs, and so on
Favorite game items
Best music moments
That art idea you don't think you'll ever get around to drawing
Story tropes that are perfect but no one seems to include
This post is for discussion of the Four Swords (2002) game only!
If you wish to discuss the Manga, please do so on the Four Swords Adventures post instead!
(Don't know what's going on? Check out this post!)
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sleepylink · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about the Palace of the Four Sword in A Link to the Past- And then I think of Linked Universe
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That dungeon man...
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
A prompt: Four and a ghost
Four sighed in contentment as he leaned back against one of the logs they'd arranged around the fire. Almost everyone had settled to sleep, and he was getting ready to head that way too, when he glanced at Legend.
The veteran was going to take first watch and was gazing solemnly into the fire, a strange contemplative look crossing his features when he noticed Four watching him.
"You okay?" Four asked hesitantly. "You seem a little out of it."
Legend stared at him for an almost uncomfortable interval before he waved a dismissive hand and returned to his vigil. "It's just late. I'm fine. Good night."
The smithy watched him uncertainly, not really knowing how to push or if that was even needed. So he gave up on the venture, sighing and heading to his bedroll, already prepared and awaiting his arrival. As he slid under the cover, he gave one last look at the veteran hero, and his blood ran cold.
What was--that was--
Was that himself hovering over the veteran?! What the hell was happening?!
Four stared at his strange reflection, who watched Legend just as solemnly as Legend watched the fire. Then the image flicked its eyes at the smithy himself, making him forget to breathe.
Before Four could leap out of his bedroll, the ghostly image of himself disappeared into the night mist.
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