ladykissingfish · 5 months
Itachi: Question: when you take a shower, do you actually wash your legs or do you just let the soap from your top run down your body? Deidara: Depends on if I'm shaving my legs or not, hm. If I'm not, then I just let the soap run down. Hidan: Who the fuck takes the time to soap up their damn legs, you red-eyed weirdo? Itachi: It's the clean thing to do. Your legs are a separate part of your body that deserves their own cleaning regimen, the same as any other part. Hidan: That's pretty gay. Hey though, you known if you just wash your hair and let the shampoo run down your whole body, then you don't have to sit there and wash anything? Deidara: Hidan. That's not how bathing works. Hidan: Fuck you, blondie. Besides, you wouldn't understand shit anyway, 'cuz you're not an immortal. Itachi: I wasn't aware that "immortals" had different standards for basic cleanliness ... Deidara: Honestly it just sounds like you're lazy, hm. Hidan: Fuck being lazy! Sounds to me like you're just stupid. *Kakuzu walks into the room* Itachi: Kakuzu-san. When you take a shower, do you wash your legs separately or do you -- Kakuzu: I'm an immortal, brat. The light of the dark Gods shine on my skin and cleanse me from the filth of this ephemeral world. Itachi and Deidara: Itachi: You know what? I don't think my brain can comprehend any of this right now. I'm going to go take a nap. Deidara: Ditto, hm. *the two walk out* Hidan, grinning and putting his arms around Kakuzu's shoulders* Hidan: You shoulda just told them fuckers that we "get clean" together, Kakuzu ~ Kakuzu: Clean? Don't you mean, filthy? If they saw what we did in that shower yesterday, nobody would use it ever again ~ Deidar and Itachi, listening, planning to bathe in the river from now on:
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raphix22 · 5 months
ᰔᩚ SASORI ᰔᩚ
By: @deidaring .。o○
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candycryptids · 4 months
🦇 biggest material fear (ie heights, bugs etc)
Hiii omg sorry this like, the next evening I conked out @u@
So! This is such an interesting question I’ve never actually thought about it before 🫢 (how exciting)
Chuu has a fear of pits where you can’t see the bottom, and quicksand. Not that quicksand is often actually a danger in day-to-day life, but the idea of being sucked under and- dying, essentially. Surprisingly ok with deep water and heights, though.
Tuesdays fear is deep water, because… he can’t really, ah, swim. He sinks, like a stone. And he’s not so much afraid as he is creeped out by things that are not human but DO have human-like faces. Like [Deidar] or the [Fishman] from Windwaker (worse, if they don’t behave in a human fashion, or they come close but it’s Wrong)
Mochiie has a fear of bug stings/bites- he’s not allergic, but he knows enough about toxins to be alarmed if he doesn’t know what just got him. 🫢 yet he’ll still handle bugs, just… cautiously.
Tangy is afraid of Magitek War Machina. Over time she gets to the point where she doesn’t seize up at the clunk of their heavy mechanical legs or the whirr of their engines, but it still sets her fur on end. Going to Chuu’s workshop is an overwhelming hellscape (so it’s good their meetings were in a quieter part of the FC house…)
Colette claims she’s not afraid of anything. Not a damn thing. She’s very freaked out by spiders, though, in a ‘set the whole house on fire’ kinda way. Someone else has to safely remove the poor creature before she DOES accidentally burn the house down casting Flare. She’s been getting better, but it’s down to a very rapid exit of the room no matter the case. [Belladonna] in Saint Mocianes Arboretum was a nightmare- but at least she was allowed to blast it to pieces.
Ishi’li … mm.. They’re tough. Before Eorzea he was afraid of cockroaches? Freaked out by the sensation of bugs crawling on him too. But after being in Eorzea and camping a bunch and getting slimed/torched/waterboarded/blown about/All the other crazy shit that happens to the poor WoL in battle… cockroaches don’t seem so scary anymore? The Gnath are literally giant talking bugs… I think they’re afraid of real deep water though. Like where you can’t see the bottom? It’s hard to say he’s afraid of Krakens but I think he might be a little bit.
Levraut is freeze-sometimes-faint afraid of Dragons. If it’s anything bigger than a Chocobo his knees are rattlin’. He tries to put on a real brave face about it, but…. It’s a hard hurdle to cope with. Their teeth, the vaguely sulfuric hint to their breath, the piercing eyes, the ripping talons…. Yeah, he just can’t. Au’ra are fine, after he’s met a handful. But the first one… 🫢 they had to get him smelling salts.
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konohamaru-sensei · 2 months
For the prompt!
Kayami and Obito, romantic, playing with hair ;u;
HII!! Thank you for waiting! I'm sorry this is probably not as romantic as you envisioned it, but once I have an idea I just go off running with it!! We can just imagine they keep doing this and then it will be romantic eventually. Hope this is ok, thank you for borrowing me your boy <3
Obito x OC
1776 words
Rain noise bled into the building from the entrance door and Obito sighed with annoyance. He was thoroughly tired of Amegakure and its constant stream of rain. When he was younger and sweating every summer in the burning heat of Konoha he would have never expected to one day be tired of rain, but here he was. It was just too much.
Unfortunately, since he had decided to hide behind the image of Pain he had no choice but to be alright with the base of operations being around here. After all, Nagato and Yahiko were known to be children from Amegakure and if Obito wanted the Akatskui to stay undetected, it was better if they hid among this closed off, shut away, city.
Still, he at least wished the breeze of Kirigakure back. It had also often rained there, because of the tides coming in and out, but at least there had been sun sometimes.
He watched the gathered members from underneath his mask and tried to take assessment of who was around. Hidan and Kakuzu were on a headhunting mission together, probably driving each other crazy and Konan and Nagato had left without a word. Itachi and Kisame were chatting at the back with each other, while black Zetsu and white Zetsu were having a heated argument somewhere else.
Obito had no time to wonder why Sasori and Deidara hadn’t come back from their mission when the door suddenly burst open. “I hate this weather,” Deidara moaned in anger. “It ruins my aesthetic.” For once Deidara and Obito shared an opinion. That didn’t happen too often.
“Senpai,” Obito sang in his Tobi voice, “Welcome back. I see you got into a rain shower and- oh, who is that?”
Behind the big puppet that was Sasori, a young guy walked into the hideout. His hair was long and white-blonde and with his arms crossed in front of his chest and suspicious eyes he looked like he didn’t trust any of them. 
“That is Tamano Kayami, we have been looking after him for a while now,” Sasori’s deep voice came from his puppet. “He’s a descented of an important clan, but we’d rather not tell you the details. Where is the boss?”
I’m right here”, Obito thought bitterly and the Madara side of his personality immediately switched to fight mode. But he had been good at channelling Tobi in the last few years and Tobi was, unfortunately, not important, so he needed to accept that he wasn't going to be included in secrets.
“Oh, is the newbie a special prince?” Tobi asked and got up to walk over to Kayami who’s lips curled a little at the sight of him. He was probably already deciding in his mind that Tobi was nothing but a loser he didn’t need to spend time on, just like Deidara and Sasori had before him. There was no better personality to hide behind than a fool.
Kayami pressed his arms together tighter: “It’s a little rude to ask this stuff without introducing yourself, don’t you think so?” He was two heads smaller than Obito, but his stance looked like he was ready to fight. Obito involuntarily grinned under his mask. Feisty.
“I’m Tobi,” Obito sang as a reply and took a bow, making sure he bowed how female actors do just for good, silly measure. “I am the secret ingredient of this place.”
Seemingly amused, Kayami looked over to Deidare who just shrugged: “We let him believe that.”
What kind of special lineage might this guy have, Obito wondered and tried to put out feelings for chakra levels. He was certainly skilled, even with his small build, but Obito could not quite assess what was special about Kayami. Still, if Sasori felt like he was special enough for his skills to be reported directly to Nagato, then he was probably very special.
If he wanted to find out who this guy was and how he could be used in Obito’s plans, then he needed to get the information out of Kayami himself. Sasori wouldn’t give it to him and Nagato already hated him anyway. 
Kayami shook himself and drops of water landed on Obito’s arms. The boy had apparently made the march through Amegakure all without a raincoat. Maybe the others had refused to tell him where the hideout was in case he was a traitor after all. Whatever the case, he was now dripping with water, his hair looking wet and tangled.
“Newbie has such beautiful hair.” A genius idea went through Obito’s head. “Tobi once had beautiful long hair, you know, very spiky just like he has now. Do you want Tobi to take care of yours?”
The other boy's lips curled again: “Uhm…” His eyes flickered to Deidara who shrugged as if to say “I mean, he is offering.”
“Fine,” Kayami said and looked directly into the one eyehole of Tobi*s mask, “but if you do something weird I’ll slit your throat. Doesn’t seem like anyone here will miss you.”
Obito had to grin again, he couldn’t help it. “Tobi will be really gentle,” he whined, “Please don’t hurt Tobi.”
He took Kayami’s hand and walked the boy over to a corner with two chairs right next to each other. On the way over Obito quickly took Deidara’s hairbrush without the guy noticing and then gestured for the other man to sit down. Kayami did, though he still looked very sceptical.
Though very wet, Kayami had very nice hair anyway. It felt like silk in Obito’s fingers and once he put the brush to it, the tangles were cleared up so quickly, leaving a shining, long, even mane behind. This was nothing in comparison to the mess Obito had to deal with when his hair had still been long back in Kirigakure. 
“You should give that back to Dei once you are done,” Kayami said suddenly, forcing Obito to stop in his tracks. 
He put his head to the side playfully: “Give what back?”
“The hairbrush you took,” Kayami answered a breath later.
“Oh you saw that,” Obito replied in his best Obito voice adding a giggle at the end just for good measure. When it came to his real feelings he had to admit that he was, in fact, a little impressed by that. Obito was a good pickpocket and none of the other Akatsuki had ever caught him before. “Newbie has good eyes,” he added. “Is he an Uchiha by chance? No that's impossible they are all de-”
“Yeah, possibly,” Kayami replied to Obito’s genuine surprise. “I mean, not exactly sure, but it is definitely possible that there is part of that family in me.”
Weren’t all the Uchiha dead? Obito frowned beneath his mask. Tamano, he thought, Tamano. It felt like he had heard the name before in relation to the Uchiha, but though it was on the tip of his tongue, he could not really place it. The name tasted like long wooden hallways and narrow streets and hot summer days spent in the Uchiha district’s special school, and yet the memory didn’t want to become clear.
“That means you are very special then,” Tobi sang. It was probably best to try and dig deeper here. “Is that what scorpio and senpai think of you as a little prince?”
Now wonderfully straight and silky smooth again, Obito absentmindedly found himself curling a strand of the other man's hair around his finger and then letting it go again. It also smelled good if he was honest with himself. What was this guy doing with Deidara and Sasori, when he was evidently so good at taking care of himself, both in appearance and defence.
“Tsk”, Kayami made and then stretched a little, but didn’t pull his hair out of Obito’s fingers. “I don’t know what you are playing at, but you can drop the act.” He glanced over the shoulder at Obito. “Honestly this voice must be straining to you.”
“Voice?” Obito put his head to the side again. “This is how Tobi speaks.”
Kayami let out a breathy laugh and his hair fell into his face: “This must be all a big joke to you, huh.” He looked up directly at Obito again. “I can feel that you are incredibly powerful, so I wondered at first why you are hiding behind this silly demeanour, but I get it now, you are probably just trying to hide how strong you actually are.”
“Huh?” Obito made and then realised he had spoken in his real voice by accident. He quickly caught himself again. “Tobi is just Tobi.” 
A lot of Akatsuki members knew that Tobi was just a personality Obito was playing, but that was because he had deliberately told them who he was. And even then he had lied to them about who he was so that nobody actually knew who he was. The other members, though great shinobi in their own right, had fallen for his Tobi persona hook line and sinker. And now this guy, who Obito had talked to for maybe an hour in total, and figured out he was acting right away? Impossible.
With another laugh, Kayami got up: “Fine, Tobi is Tobi, I won’t tell the others.” He patted Obito on the shoulder as if he was complimenting a small child on their play pretend.
Obito suppressed an angry growl and reminded himself that he still didn’t know what this guy’s deal was. The name Tamano seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place where. Until then Obito needed to be patient and not reveal his identity. Kayami could suspect him of acting, but there was no way he could get proof of anything. Obito just needed to commit.
“Newbie has beautiful hair, truly” Tobi said and put his hands behind his back like a shy girl, “Can I brush his hair another time again?”
Kayami raised a brow and then touched his neck with his right hand as if there was something itching there. “Sure,” he said slowly. “I don’t see why not.” And then, more to the side than to Obito: “The weather in this dump probably won’t get better.”
Tobi repeated the girly courtesy from earlier. “Tobi is so happy.”
The blonde man gave Obito a long look, as if he was still trying to decide what his deal was, but then he shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t forget to give Dei his brush back.” He turned and walked away.
Obito watched him go and turned the hairbrush in his hand. Whoever this Kayami, one thing was for certain: They had just gotten a very interesting addition to their organisation.
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Akatsuki boys reaction to my oc Jana Diamond
Warning: cursing mainly on Hidan, Fluff, SFW to the Rest, some spoiler, changes of some plot
Feat: Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, Deidara, Zetsu, and Tobi/Obito
Pain had suddenly recruited me while I was on my way home from my previous Mission.. He talks to me and explain his Organization's cause and afterwards he Invited me to join the so called Akatsuki... I told him that I will think about it and he agrees before he vanishes from the dark leaving me inside the Cold and dark forest...
After a few days I went inside the Forest again and call for his name.. Pain stare at me with a serious face “I'm In” I said in a Calm tone “Come with me” He said sending me the same vibe.. The redheaded man makes me to follow him to the weird looking place “You have to meet the others” he said making me hum in agreement
When we reach at wide looking cave he opens his mouth and calls out a numerous name that I never heard before.. Slowly some unknown people to me approached us gathering in a circle “Everyone I want you all to meet our Newest Member Jana Diamond”
*Their POV*
Uchiha Itachi
-I Silently Stared at her emotionless Eyes while trying to find out what is she hiding from us
-Jana was very Odd to me.. She has this weirdly dominating Aura around her making not only me but the whole group avoided her
-Until she proven her worth to us.. Her power was very Alluring for me..
-we all become more attached to her and she also opens herself to us.. She would even smile or cook for all of us like she was our mother
-And I honestly loved it
Hoshigaki Kisame
-Man she's creepy! Creepier than the Leader himself
-I often Stayed myself away from her until the Leader notices it and makes me to accompany her on her first mission
-Jana was very quite! Like she will only talks to me when she needed something! Like what?! She's creepy as f*ck!
-But my View lf her Changes when she saved my ass from getting killed.. She healed me before taking my fight into her hands.. I stared into her fighting skills like what?! She's so Elegant and very Stunning!! Like a Goddess
-afterwards we took the 8 tails back to the hideout and then I approached her again “U-Uh Thank you so much for saving my ass back there” She smiled at me making my poor heart jump “You're welcome” She turns around before making her towards her room
-She's so beautiful! I loved her!
-What a Hot chick!
-She's a solid 1000000/10!!
-But she was very cold and I couldn't just constantly Flirt with bef because she actually creeps me out! Like what kind of f*cking Beauty has this kind of menacing Aura?!
-Wait?! Did she just talks to Kisame and smiled at him like an angel?! But how?! How the f*ck does this fish face manage to talk to her so casually?!
-Aweee man! What Am I supposed to do?!
-Hmmm she's fine.. She not t noisy and annoying liked Hidan does
-But something in her that is very fishy to me
-I always keep my guard up around her like when I Notice that she's about to approach I will just constantly move away from her or sending her a threatening Look
-I always despises her presence until she helped to caught the biggest fish making me to earn 10x more bigger than it was used to be
-and more importantly she even declined my her part of the bounty.. I stared at her again staring at her now smiling face making my face turns red
-She was now my most favored akatsuki Member! And I will stay with her even if she pushed me away
-She's fine
-She's not loud so I liked that
-Wait?! She thinks that beauty is eternal?!
-Marry Me! She's too perfect! Beautiful, Intelligent, Strong, powerful, and lastly she thinks the same way As I did!
-I would loved her to be my partner on my next mission
-*Frown* Why is she talking to Kisame?! She's smiling?! Why?! What she sees in him?! And also why does Hidan was staring at her like an idiot?! .. Oooohh I think I have rival already.
-Ughhh I hate her! She agrees with Danna hm!
-But I had to admit that she's Quite a beauty herself
-maybe I should give her chance and talk to her to change her point of view about art
-Ohhhh man she's so Elegant! How Am I supposed to talk to her?! Wait! Maybe Danna knows how?! But he will ask me why would I wanted to talk to her so bad.. Well I have to give it a try right??
White Zetsu/Black Zetsu
-She reminds me of a carnivorous plant
-She's too serious all the time
-“I Hate her!” I actually Liked her “Oh Shut up!” No you shut Up!
-I was actually spying on her all time but not in a bad way tho “You can't Fool anyone by your Stupid statement” But ut was True! I'm doing it in a very friendly way! “Yeah Whatever you say Creep” *Sigh* You're so Irritating sometimes
-“I think that she was delicious” Please don't “Why not?! She looks tasty *Lick his lip* I would loved to devour her now” Oh My God! You're so Disgusting “As if you don't desired it too?! So don't act so innocent here and help me to lure her over so we can devour her!” No! “N-No?!” Yes! NO! And It will stay that way! Whether you liked it or not!
-(tobi) I loved her so much! She's so cute and beautiful! But I have a question for her tho.. Why is she always wearing black??
-Well I'm always approaching her not Intimidated by her Dangerous Aura
-She seems mean but believe once you get to know her you will loved her liked I do!
-Jana~Chan is the best!
-(Obito) She seems normal to me
-She's not annoying so its okay too
-Oh she's very intelligent.. Very impressive
-She can be a great asset for the organization in the future..
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mayskalih · 2 years
there are 3 things I've wanted to beg you for a while… maybe one day you'll consider doing it…
Sakura x Omoi Sakura x Deidara Kakashi x Sakura x Tobirama
I could kiss your feet forever and lick the ground you walk on for something like that, you know…
Ohh Sakura and Deidar have some artsy potential 👀
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Lyric Prank- Let it Bang Rustage
Akatsuki Group Chat (Deidara POV) Sorry if I change the names of ppl around lol)
Deidara: Bang (bang), bang (bang), causing a commotion let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Danchou, My Man, Make It Rain, Blood Bitch, Fungi, Orange have went online.
Danchou: Deidara for the last time NO YOU CANNONT BLOW UP ANOTHER VILLAGE
My Man: What do you want Deidara?
Blood Bitch: Yoooooooooo
Make It Rain: Stfu Hidan
Orange: Senpai what are you doing?
Deidara: Power is ferocious, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Fungi: Your clay bombs power?
Make It Rain: Idc what power just fucking talk Deidara.
Blood Bitch: Funny how you want him to talk but, not me.
Make It Rain: Stfu
Deidara: Death is fast approaching, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
My Man: Your dying?
Danchou: Deidara if you are not feeling well say so
Blood Bitch: I have some soup if you want it
Make It Rain: Don't eat it
Deidara: Art is an explosion, let it bang
Blood Bitch: Shut up interrupting
Deidara:I bring the blast like a Creeper, bet I can blow up, I don't need a feature
Akatsuki, but they ain't my leader, clearing the board of weak dudes like a sweeper
My Man: I didn't know you could rap
Blood Bitch: Ngl those bars are fire
Make It Rain: I think he' trying to turn himself into a bomb
My Man: He already did
Deidara: Imma drop a bomb, no teaser, ay, better bring it on, full feature, ay
Indiana, blasts got you looking for the freezer, ay
Danchou: Must you use ay so much?
Blood Bitch: Don't judge
Deidara: Red Clouds when I roll through
Bout to get loud like a blown fuse
Bring a meltdown and you won't move
Make It Rain: This is boring
Make It Rain has went offline
Sharingay has went offline
Sharingay: Wtf is Deidara doing?
My Man: Rapping?
Orange: He's super good
Deidara: When I step out of the smoke fumеs
Yeah I broke dudes likе I'm Rambo
Got a full pouch full of ammo
Sharingay: When did you get a gun?
Orange: Just roll with his artistic genius
My Man: "Artistic" Sure
Deidara: Bury Gaara under sandstone
Blown your ears out like you're Van Gogh
Sculpt this shit, an artisan, Aardman
My Man: I have a feeling there is going to be alot of artist references
Danchou: Hmmmm
Deidara: How I use the clay call that an art attack, last stand
Raining down hellfire like it's Stalingrad, class act
Leave Uchihas redder than their Sharingan, god damn (god damn)
My Man: Brrrruuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
Sharingay: ......
Orange: Oh no he didn't
Danchou: It was at this moment he knew he fucked up
Sharingay: I'm gonna kill you Deidara!
Deidara: Bang (bang), bang (bang), causing a commotion let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Power is ferocious, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Sharingay: DON'T IGNORE ME
Shark Dude has went online
Shark Dude: I read everything and damn. Dei has bars.
My Man: Everyone seems to think so
Deidara: Death is fast approaching, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Art is an explosion, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Causing a commotion let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Orange: Back to the chorus
Deidara:Power is ferocious, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Death is fast approaching, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Art is an explosion, let it bang
Danchou: Calm down yeesh
Religious Freak: Boy, I'm an artist you don't understande
Deidara: You give me lip, then you talk to the hand
Religious Freak: Mines in the ground, you best watch where you stand
S in the tier, so you not on my rank
Deidara: Red hot, better get lost
Like Tom Jones I'm a S*x Bomb
My Man: It's contaigous
Shark Dude: I didn't know Hidan can rap
Orange: I see what they're doing
Sharingay: WHAT!
Orange: :)
Religious Freak: Leave your mind blown, that's a head shot
Make a Dragon need no Shenron
Deidara: Start running
Feeling the beat of your heart thumping
Explosion release that's an art, stunning
My Man: What's stunning is how you have brain cells but, don't use them.
Shark Due: Buuuuurrrrrnn
Sharingay: Don't do that again Kisame
Religious Freak: Michelangelo, statue decrees it's your Last Judgement
Can't stomach, organs scattered, pull more string than Sasori
Detonation, so it's about to be a catastrophe
My Man: No one pulls more strings then me bitch
Danchou: Calm tf down
Deidara: Huh, huh, checkmate, C2-C4 like a chess game
Huh, huh, self made, back from the dead, Edo Tensei
Huh, huh, headache when I send shocks to your membrane
Need no sensei, when I'm enraged, then I'll let it bang like a grenade
Orange: *Vibing*
Make It Rain has went online
Make It Rain: Oh, it's still happening
Religious Freak: Bang (bang), bang (bang), causing a commotion let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Power is ferocious, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Death is fast approaching, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Deidara: Art is an explosion, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Causing a commotion let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Power is ferocious, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Religous Freak: Death is fast approaching, let it bang (bang), bang (bang)
Orange: Sorry Senpai
Deidara: A lyric prank dumbass
My Man: Oh I feel stupid
Deidara: You should
My Man: Don't push it brat
Tobi: That was amazing
Make It Rain: Idiots
Everyone has went offline
Credits to Rustage for the lyrics you guys should check him out he makes cool anime rap.
Anywho hope you enjoyed next I am going to be doing LOV from MHA
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narutokunposts · 4 years
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♻️ kishimoto likes to recycle  ♻️
it took 5 ninjas to complete the legendary Ino 
Did Ino launch fashion trends or is it just a mutation for everyone?!
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kenconffetti · 6 years
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Some doodles 
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👅Deidara 👅
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Looking for my B-rank Hunt, Deidar, Deidar, I have found my B-rank Hunt, All the Deidar day.
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raichoose-moved · 4 years
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time to scoop orochimaru up and run off to the bomb shelter that happens to have “no soliciting” signs
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sasodei-is-real · 4 years
I'm here!)🦂🐥Before analyzing, I would like to tell you how I started shipping Sasodei and why I decided to create this blog.
So, I already said that this blog will be dedicated to sasodei. For the most part, I created this blog to show their canonicity. If you are careful, then their reverent attitude towards each other becomes very obvious. Therefore, Sasodei is quite popular. Especially in Japan, among all Naruto's ships, Sasodei is the seventh most popular. And the bottom line is that they don't just look good with each othee. These relationship is multifaceted, based on trust and concessions due to affection for each other.Throughout the anime, they develop
as characters thanks to each other. Their relationship is multifaceted and interesting. Their interaction every time shows the struggle of their life choices between attachment to each other. They are two people who have felt the same pain and loneliness. They seem to be different, but are very similar. Their philosophy is both opposed and complementary; they are two people who understand each other and at the same time oppose. They are the only attachments in each other's life.They are a student and a teacher. A protector and a boy who needs the attention of his Master. They are rivals and irreplaceable people for each other. One cannot can not be the same without the other. All their development revolves around each other (especially the development of Deidara as a character). They had strong feelings for each other, but they did not accept them due to personal internal conflicts. The conflict of each was symbolized by their "art". After Edo Tensei, when they accepted the truth and nothing prevented them from expressing their feelings, it was too late. They were dead.
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In Japan, Sasodei is considered canon. Since both in the anime and in the manga, we saw the manifestation of feelings, care and trembling for each other, but did not see physical actions from their sides, I myself considere them a half canon ship.
All this is what their relationship is based on. That is why they have become attached to each other. But many do not notice it all. Therefore, this blog started. All that I said above, I will prove with the help of official sources.We will prove their canonicity with the help of Naruto anime and manga, chibi manga and anime, official games, databoocks, art books, official novels, interviews and comments from Kishimoto and its co-authors. We will analyze them as characters and their relationship.
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How did I come to Sasodei?
I watched Naruto this year and discussed all my thoughts with my friend, who is a huge Naruto fan and who loved this anime for like 5 years. I was on Sasori and Deidara's filler series and wrote to him, "God, I can't believe how much these two complement each other. How unique and beautiful their relationship is." Moreover, at this time I did not even think of them as a ship. I just saw two characters that are made for each other. A friend of mine wrote to me as a joke "What if you start shipping them?" After that, I just wondered if there was such a ship? And there certainly was. It all started with interest. So, I googled Sasodei and started collecting information about them. I learned that Sasodei is a canon ship in Japan and that Kishimoto said that "they had something for each other." From that moment on, I thought if i was inattentive. Yes, even then I saw that they were ideal for each other, but this is not enough to defend this ship as canon. I thought maybe I was just not paying attention? So,I rewatched Naruto, analyzed Sasori and Deidara as characters. Their warm and unique relationship to each other became apparent. And that was true.I even know why many of us simply do not notice their connection and affection for each other. ☝️ Firstly, when there are characters who openly shout about their feelings and demonstrate them (like Naruto himself), you lose the habit of being attentive to the interaction of characters and understand their relationship with others with the help of psychology and the type of the character who they are.Sasodei is such a ship. There is a certain understatement in their relationship. Silent and quiet understanding of each other. After all, both Sasori and Deidara have their own philosophy that goes against their affection. Accordingly, they will not openly show their feelings. Especially Sasori. He often covers his concern for Deidar with anger and various excuses. By this they remind me of Sasuke. These characters have disowned people for their own principles and got confused themselves. Sasuke wants to kill Naruto in order to renounce his attachment to him. Sasori tries to push Deidara away with his rude behavior. Have you noticed that Sasori is polite and even nice to everyone? With everyone except Deidara. (But he called Kankur a cute kohai, and a minute later he poisoned him).
✌And secondly, let's be honest. When you watch shippuden for the first time, you think what will happen to Gaara and when you will see Sasuke . And the new characters of the third plan do not focus on themselves.
So, then,I saw their attitude towards each other and that they really are one of the most grounded couples in Naruto. And from that moment, after I saw their validity, I began to ship them (yes, I do not like unreasonable and non-canon couples. This is important to me. That is why I plunged into Sasodei only after I saw that are reaoen).
But many do not notice this. Although sometimes it's obvious. Because sometimes, people who are simply not attentive speak absurdities. It's so absurd, for example, to say that Sasori doesn't trust Deidara. Yes, there are different interpretations. But there are facts that cry out for mutual trust. And in this case, to deny these facts is simply stupid. But in most cases, people do not reject these facts, but simply do not notice or see them. And this blog was created to show that facts about their feelings.And that's why I created this blog. I will clearly show the moments and their relationship, where their cononicity is shown. With the help of official materials and analysis, we will show the reality of Sasodei.
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So I just re-read the series  in dreams you follow (but I dream in the dark)  Yes. Again. it’s just too good. THIS TIME WITH BETTER NOT RUSHED ART!
I’m up in the woods (I’m down on my mind) by @blackkatmagic
“There.” Itachi leans past Kiba, pointing down past the lash of Manda’s body. “He’s fighting the summons. I don’t see Orochimaru.”
“Of fucking course,” Deidara says disgustedly, and looks at Kiba. “You got any ninja wire on you?”
Kiba blinks, looks down at the tiny shape of Hidans getting punted across the fiels by the massive angry snake, and then looks back at Deidare. “You want me to lasso him?” he asks incredulously.
Deidare tosses his hair over his shoulder and smirks. “If we’re lucky, you’ll cut off his head, un,” he confirms.
Silently, Itachi pulls a coil of wire from his robe and offers it up.
“I fucking hate all of you,” Kiba says, and takes it.”
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otterplusharchive · 5 years
spectre: whats up neth you look worried
nether, with her face cradled in her hands: oh i just uh had the distinct sense that my boyfriend is doing something chaotic
inna: to be fair hes chaotic most of the time
nether: u are wise and correct as always i love you
spectre: do u want me to like astral project and see if hes safe
inna: he honestly might show up later he likes to come by after doing wild things
spectre: what do we call ur intuition on this. your deidara is doing weird shit sense
inna: the deidar
deidara, bursting into the shop as if on cue looking like hes just been sitting in a bonfire, hair still slightly ablaze: hey guys guess who just almost got killed!
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