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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
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joining the war on joker 2 on the side of joker 2... LADY GAGA YAOI NOW
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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
I might be one of the only people that genuinely loves nearly every Joker x Harley Quinn interpretation.
Like…White Knight Jack and Harleen? Adore them. 2016 Suicide Squad? Iconic. Classic BtAS Joker and Harley? I love them like they’re my own incredibly fucked up clown family. Joker: Folie à Duex Arthur and Lee? I’d probably let them carve out my heart and sacrifice me on a marble alter if it’d make them happy.
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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
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Joker & Harley🖤🖤
Joker: Folie à Deux
Only in theaters October 4
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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
Harley saying “excuse me” so sweetly before violently slamming a metal trash bin into a shop front window—startling everyone in the nearby vicinity—and then casually walking off in her 4 inch heels with a stolen tv of Arthur’s face is literally the most Harley Quinn thing ever, and I adore her.
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sasodei-is-real · 4 months ago
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sasodei-is-real · 5 months ago
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sasodei-is-real · 5 months ago
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
Unpopular opinion - I appreciate that Todd Philips has said that Lee isn't like the comic version of Harley. Now, I adore comic!Harley and I'd love to see her be portrayed in live-action properly one day. But that would not fit the tone of Joker. If you're going to not follow the comics, at least be honest about it. Also, everything I've heard about Gaga's Lee still sounds like they've got the spirit of comic Harley and to clarify, I am looking forward to seeing her version.
Meanwhile Margot Robbie was smelling her own farts about how incredible her clown oc vanity project was for introducing lesser known female comic book characters into a mainstream live-action film but not only was her "Harley Quinn" a misguided mash-up of Tank Girl, Jack Sparrow and Deadpool (and failing at all three), but that film's version of Cassandra Cain was Cassandra Cain in name only. And that's just one major example. (Do not get me fucking started on the fantabulous erasure of one barbara gordon... the goddamn co-founder of the birds of prey...) And she got praised as a genius.
So, Gaga's Harley isn't comic-accurate? Ok, I appreciate your honesty, Todd.
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
Can't wait for people to be offended by the existence of Joker 2
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
This video sums up why I've grown to hate Harley Quinn because no one fucking understands her as a character
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
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The Arkham staff Halloween parties before Jonathan and Harley turned into rogues was probably a blast
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
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Sassy, smart
Plays dumber than she is.
Harley Quinn's Original Batman: The Animated Series Concept Art | Stjepan Šejić's Unofficial Continuation Of Harleen | Secret Origins (2014) #4
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
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fine arts majors
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
This panel is pretty funny 😂 just because of how wish fulfillment it is
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Like, you wish this happened, huh?
I don’t like it when stories use their citizens as some kind of monolith hive mind, they just suddenly get inspired to do good or bad for no reason or the reason is too superficial. It bugs me, what can i say? 🤷
Interesting part to note is how they treated people taking up Joker's masks though.
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Joker’s mask seems to be what gives these hooligans the freedom to cause mayhem. I’ve already said it before, but this comic treats Joker’s smile as insincere, something to hide, fake. As if being allowed to a secretive identity removes guilt over responsibility. Like when internet trolls can’t be tied to their face. This is expanded on through Alex Kayes the best. Although I don’t like her character’s existence, she highlights the part of Joker’s legacy that was perhaps misguidedly applied to Joker. Social media and public outcry.
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Remember Logan Paul’s infamous apology video? James Charles? Etc. social media people? The comic even got the YouTube logo on it.
Red Flag is having a political podcast 🚩😙 sorry~ but if you’re anything like Andrew Tate, the alt-right pipeline is one you don’t want to stay in. Don’t believe everything you hear.
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“It’s about sending a message” …was it hate speech? Jkjk. But this is exactly what Heath Ledger’s Joker’s mission in The Dark Knight Rises movie by Chris Nolan was like.
He was also described by Alfred as “Someone people just want to watch the world burn” with absolutely no reason to be evil, he just is evil 🙃 So there is some similarity to Punchline to this movie’s Joker.
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Social media and the constant criticisms done by people reacting and adding their own stuff like idk tiktok i guess? Oh right, the comic said it, yeah. Idk any tiktok challenges like this one, so no video example 🤷
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Joker War was also mentioned in other comics. I think it’s interesting how Bao Pham’s origins with Joker and Harley was, and his eventual rise to being Joker Hunter and protecting his city. Then i think he left eventually (idk). Huh.
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More Punchline, this time from oftentimes copaganda and all times police commissioner Jim Gordon! More teenagers that support Punchline being bullies, what else is new. I totally forgot what I wanted to say, so I’ll just skip to the end of what I really wanted to comment on. Y’know I only recently learned about this so that’s why I’m talking about it but I think it was really awesome that Joker 2019 traveled all the way around the world because people were using his face masks in activism. That’s the positive side of having a brand, DC comics can go across countries and be recognizable. The more recognizable you are, the more people hear you. That’s what happened in the case with the Joker from the protests in Lebonon, Chile, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Colombia, Spain, Catalonia, and Ecuador (there may have been more but idk). (Warning! Talks of death and possible SA in this video!)
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(I’d like to take a special time to acknowledge the Iraq Joker (mustafa makki kareem) since I found a rather in-depth interview video of his efforts). (This was 4 years ago, so I’m afraid the political landscape of Iraq has taken a turn… I hope he’s okay).
An interview with some Hong Kong protestors that wear masks to protect their identity. Interestingly enough, this video calls the mask similar to Batman :)
Also they mention reasons for hiding their identity, and methods!
There’s a few clips of Bolivia’s Joker too
Some faces of Lebonon Jokers (this video is edited with TDK Bane’s message but the original video isn’t allowed in my country?)
More edits of Chile Lebonon and Hong Kong (again, original video linked in description but unavailable to me)
In fact, that’s what happened to the Joker 2019 movie. Nowhere in the comics had Joker been depicted as he was in that movie, a victim of an oppressive system. That movie essentially took back a villain and made him this icon. That was the first time ever after Joker’s further evilization after “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Death In The Family” and “The Killing Joke” made Joker one of the evilest Batman characters (considering the ever so slightly sympathetic side to the rest of the rouges). Not to go off on it, but I think it really was a good thing for Joker. I think his criminalization crossed a line at some point, so in a way, this makes up for it.
Of course, even with all of this, it’d be unfair of me to not mention all the bad that did come from Joker. I will not discount that. And no- the 2012 Aurora shooter James Holms had orange dyed hair and is NOT inspired by Joker, he didn’t even know the movie was going on, fyi. • The Florida man Lawrence Sullivan who was arrested in 2017 for allegedly pointing a firearm at an officer. (I reached my 10 video limit 😭). • The recreation of Joker 2019 bus killing scene with suicidal 24-year-old Kyota Hattori in Tokyo train. • The “Gypsy Crusader” or Paul Nicholas Miller was a popular troll that liked to cosplay as Joker in the 2019 movie and comics Riddler while making jokes (i think he did offensive humor?) of the “radical” alt-right stance. (Ironically, the racists didn’t want a Roma descent racist on their side 💀). He was arrested for possession of an unregistered rifle and a lot of ammunition. He also lived in New Jersey…
• 2014 Jerad Miller from Las Vadas Nevada shot two police officers and one bystander dressed as the Joker with an accomplice. Essentially doing a murder-suicide when they then shot themselves. He posted videos to Youtube of his messages. (I think there was some mental illness going on? But idk) (there is also mentions of political stuff like angry at drug laws and the corrupted government and a swatsika?) (yeah idk, it was confusing).
Yes, the criminal turned devil turned sympathetic villain leads to multiple interpretations of Joker, who would’ve guessed? (sarcasm). Even London and Clermont mocked their presidents with the clown face. It’s not entirely black and white 🤷
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Still, despite all the flaws in Joker 2019’s movie, all the good that came out of it… I feel as though it outweighed the bad. So, it’s not easy to hate it. Shout out to this video analysis essay that made me critically think about the Batman movies!
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
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sasodei-is-real · 6 months ago
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No words could ever express what it would mean to me to hold the original diary in my very own hands and read every single letter in it over and over and ove again. I would cover the pages with kisses and put it under my pillow to sleep on it. His mind is a treasure waiting to be found and understood.
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