#defense wounds
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taxus-fraud · 1 year
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My opponent just called upon the Oracles and scattered most of my pieces across space and time. Does anyone know the best counter in this situation?
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The 50th anniversary of AIMs (American Indian Movement's) occupation at Wounded Knee is coming up, so the Lakota People's Law Project is leading another push to free an AIM activist who was wrongly convicted of killing two federal agents in 1975- Leonard Peltier. He was convicted on false evidence and false testimony and sentenced to two life sentences. He is now 78.
LPL has a formatted email up on their website now which you can personalize and send to Biden to ask for clemency. (Please personalize emails like this so it doesn't get filtered as spam. Just move some words around, add some, take some, you don't have to write a whole email.) Please pass this around.
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satans-trek · 1 month
It's so funny how much of a Kira fan Garak is.
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delicate-sketch · 14 days
saw a post about how people want will solace to have a gun because they don’t recognize the value of his healing powers which can be true but also
the whole thing in pjo is that for demigods fighting = autonomy and independence (which is why percy screams at the begging IT SUCKS TO BE A DEMIGOD) the idea is that the camp makes demigods safe (by teaching them how to fight) and any other type of labour isn’t that much valuable because they > don’t teach them that it is < / > they don’t live enough to need them <
The Harpies are the ones cleaning instead of themselves, the Ambrosia will heal instead of actual doctors (which puts a hell of pressure on Will when the ambrosia is not enough because he needs to treat those who are severely injured AND the light injured who already took way too much Ambrosia)
And I don’t think this was on purpose RR was just like “oh shit someone and something needs to do this boring stuff”
I think the camp should have an equilibrium going on like teach those kids valuable life skills (what is safe to eat in a forest how do I cook make themselves clean the dishes how do I treat an injurie without ambrosia ((this one for wills sake too)) how do I guide myself without a gps) and also what kind of fighting suits you because yeah in a world where monsters want to kick your ass you need to know how to defend yourself not because this is what makes you valuable but because it what makes you SURVIVE
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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Bobby: Why is Chim so pale?
Chim: Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
Buck: You got stabbed, Chim!
Chim: I was lightly stabbed. There's a difference.
Eddie: You’re not “fine” let us treat you.
Chim: I've been stabbed before!
Hen: You do understand that you don't build up an immunity to stab wounds right?
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painsandconfusion · 7 months
Close Quarters
Phobia Whumper - Claustrophobic Whumpee - Part 2
I wrote this in 20 minutes because @whumpsday wanted it. Thank Mill, not me XD
(tw: claustrophobia trigger, manhandling, bruises, self defense wounds, hyperventilation, panic attack, suffocation / unconsciousness)
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Whumpee whined, wrist twisting in Whumper’s grip. Not much- not nearly enough for them to be trying to get out. Just. Just testing the waters, okay?? Not more than that. Not fighting back in a way that was punishable or categorizable as defiance.
“I- pl-ease, sir, I’m j-”
He just breathed a laugh as he unlocked the broom closet by the kitchen, holding it open to display the small, dusty interior. “Just what? What, you think this is a punishment or something?”
Whumpee froze, starting up at him with confusion, pleading, and desperation. 
Whumper’s head tilted, free hand lifting to dab away a tear Whumpee hadn’t realized escaped their eye. “No, darlin’, this is just fun.” He tugged them toward the threshold of the closet.
Whumpee yelped, pulling back. Okay, now they were fighting back in a categorizably defiant way. “N-no please-don–” They squeaked as their feet slipped against the floorboards, crashing them down on their ass. 
Even them, they were writhing, desperately trying to get away from the little closet. Not again. Anything else- there wasn’t even a light in there!”
Whumper just laughed, reaching down to bruise a grip on their arm and body them up again. 
Air rushed past Whumpee, then sputtered out of their throat as the wooden shelves inside the closet bashed against their spine. 
Panic began to swirl as Whumper blocked the door - and most of the light - taking up most of the door’s frame with his own. Hot tears were slicking their bangs to their cheeks as they fumbled back to upright. “N-nonono-no please-d- don’t leave me here-!” They grabbed pathetically for Whumper, expecting to be shoved back against the wall again. 
..they weren’t
Whumper hummed, arms settling down around them. Snuggling them in close. “Aright.”
Whumpee didn’t fight it. Not in the slightest. They buried their face against his chest, trying their best to claw down a sob that hiccuped at the base of their lungs. “thh-hankyou-” They held him back as best they could, desperately trying to show some kind of appreciation for the mercy. Their arms were shaking far too hard to stretch out, but their fingers gripped into the flannel that brushed against their skin, praying for the panic to subside soon. If they kept crying he’d be angry. 
“Let’s get settled, then…” One of Whumper’s arms unwrapped enough to reach behind him, and. 
He pulled the door shut. 
Whumpee’s head snapped up as darkness enveloped them - so much more than before. It suffocated them, echoing heartbeats against the paneled walls and their inner ear. 
They immediately tried squirming back. “N-no y-”
“Shhhhh-” Whumper chided, pushing their back against the wall again. “You didn’t want me to leave you. So I’m not leaving.”
Fresh panic shot down Whumpee’s spine. 
This was-
They w-
The walls w-
They didn’t both fit!!!
There was barely room for them in here, let alone him-
Whumpee’s breaths were coming faster and faster, sticky lungs sucking down greedy, pointless fustfulls of air that did nothing to ease the burning ache of desperation. “Th-at’s n-not wh-”
Whumper pressed a hand over their mouth - more in warning than actually blocking sound. “You asked. I answered. Are you going to be ungrateful?”
Whumpee’s entirely body was trembling. Toes falling numb, their knees buckled. They thought they’d at least be able to slide to the ground, but Whumper pressed his weight tighter against them, pinning them in place against the pitch black wood. 
A sob sputtered out their lips, and their arms and legs were moving without their consent. Shoving. Kicking. Hitting. Anything to move. Anything to get some air-
For several bizarre moments, they imagined a cave-in. Their mind didn’t care that they were above ground or that the closet was probably the safest place to be if the house were coming down. They needed to be out-
Tears and spit and snot sucked their throat tight as they thrashed, sobbing incoherent protestation filling the room and suffocating them more. 
Whumper just chuckled, nose dipping to nuzzle against their neck. His hands stayed firmly on them, keeping them pressed against him as the pain drowned out everything in their mind. 
It lasted for years. Or moments. Days. Hours. They had no idea. 
They noticed flashes of white-hot pain through the panic, but couldn’t tell where they came from. It didn’t matter. Pain didn’t matter. They couldn’t breathe- couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. 
Everything was sucked away from them moment by moment and worsened by Whumper’s weight pressing them harder against the wall. 
Flooded eyes desperately searched for any source of light to prove to them that the walls weren’t getting closer and closer. No streak of radiance in the darkness denied what their mind pressed on full display. 
Whumpee couldn’t tell you how long it took. They didn’t know. 
But one way or another, the blessed mercy of suffocation let them crumpled unconscious into Whumper’s arms. Free at last from the walls. 
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They're UNCONCIOUS, not dead. Just felt the need to clarify that.
Here, have some bonus picrews because I love Ven and Brie.
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @heathenwhump @paleassprincess @distinctlywhumpthing @villainsvictim @wormwriting @rainbowsandwhumperflies @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @whumpsday @hold-back-on-the-comfort )
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nympippi · 2 years
The next one on my list is Robin Arellano!!!
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He likes rock n roll, milkshakes, and watching scary movies!
In this au, Robin definitely is trying to block out everything that happened to him. Any mention of the grabber and he’s changing the subject, and is uncomfortable.
He tries very hard to not be affected by it, to not think about how he couldn’t kill the bastard who did that to him, but in the end it does effect him. It effects him a lot.
Robin can’t stand the scars on his forearms, they’re always going to remind him of what he “failed” to do in his mind, something he knows isn’t his fault but can’t help but blame himself for. He doesn’t wear his bandannas anymore after having to see his cut up and bloodied one from his own kidnapping be put in an evidence bag.
He tries everything to forget what happened to him, to try and be stronger, and better in case there’s another grabber out there.
Robin blames himself a lot for what happened, he doesn’t know how or why it is but he just knows it is his fault that Finn was kidnapped, it was his fault that he couldn’t kill the grabber, it was his fault that he was kidnapped because he should’ve known better, and it was his fault for getting murdered…
He tries to keep it inside and tries to look unaffected and happy like he used to be but like all the others, Robin is a traumatized child who didn’t know any better and that is something that infuriates him.
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pe0ple3ater · 6 months
imagine here with a me a scenario. (and also forgive me for incorrect details i am compartivly new to the qsmp)
through some way or another roier and etoiles end havign sex together on repeated occasion (maybe it's puragtory, maybe they're just like that) and one of the things roier had learned early one was that etoiles was very much into being degraded during sex. which, honestly? it wasn't like roier was really surprsied to learn that bit of information, given etoiles personality and the jokes he made at his own expense.
during one their times together, instead of the usual degrading comments he would give, roier let's a "good boy" slip as he would normally when with his husband, and etoiles, who was contend being ridden by roier but not really in a rush to cum, does just that.
etoiles, once back mentally online, is trying really hard not to let slip how his world just tilted a bit on it's axis and helps for roier to also reach his own climax. roier, who hadn't even noticed the slip, but had noticed the unexpected and sudden climax of etoiles, asks him about it after they had concluded the sex part of this meetup.
and etoiles, through a lot of pressing on, admits that the little bit of praise had been the catalyst. and from that point on, any other time the two would come together, roier showed etoiles in sweet praises and compliments and etoiles is so overwhelmed by them every time and every time again, the praise gets to him the most.
is this anything
~ 📝/author anon
"Is this anything?" Anon this is canon in my heart idk what to tell you.
Yeah, they fall into bed together how they do everything, aggressive and excitable. Praise come easily to Roier, it was bound to slip out because like...yeah Etoiles IS a good boy. HE DOES listen soooo well. Roier isn't the type to leave good work unpraised. It completely catches him off guard because he was 100% sure that he was only really into degradation. I love bloodhounds. They should fuck nasty more often
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clotpolesonly · 7 months
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The Raven Boys ch 36 // Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 15
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
the danger of (focusing only on) the Mind
in difficult moments
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The mind has a tendency towards defense,
and with defense, being connected to this mechanism, in moments when we face some kind of threat, fear, or difficulty, the mind focuses on seeing the negative.
Since it feels that it is important to protect itself from everything, it soon understands that you must be on the defensive.
This is why pessimism tends to arise.
For in moments when something negative appears to deal with, the mind immediately wants to take us to defense.
It's as if the negative situation is, for the mind, a confirmation that everything is negative and that only evil exists. Hence the pessimism.
However, because it is an exaggerated state of defense, the mind falls into the traps of sadness, melancholy, aversion to opening up to others, generating anguish and melancholy.
Focusing on the heart, intuition, and feelings can save us from this. <3
For instead of insecurity, we will find some internal support and assistance. Instead of the inner voice saying that nothing is reliable, by relying on your heart and yourself, you can feel confidence in yourself.
It is important to remember that the more these things happen, the more the human mind deals with crystallized thoughts of pessimism, closing off from the world, defense, anger, and the need for isolation, precisely because it believes that life is only this.
Remember: you are not your state; states come and go, especially intense states that demonstrate phases of your life!
You are more than that. You are stronger than your own mind!
After all, it is only a part of you.
And the mind, lies!
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talentforlying · 9 months
tbh i think the coldest and most shocking thing that can happen in an argument with this man is if you call him "john" and he corrects you to "constantine". biggest red flag you can find on the play. sounds pretentious when you're not experiencing it. means he's absolutely fucking furious with you.
#like here's the thing: he's not going to correct you if he doesn't know you or like you. he won't give anyone that power over him#he won't ever let some random jackass know they've gotten under his skin. it's just not worth the effort to him.#so if he's correcting you? it means you know him on a personal level. it means you're at Bare Minimum good friends#and it means he's so fucking angry that he's rescinding your place in his life until the argument is resolved. the castle gates are closed#you are now on professional speaking terms until this is resolved and the professional constantine is a real nasty piece of work#who will not spare your feelings or try to salvage whatever you've built with him. professional constantine wants the job Done#i've talked before about how little effort his father put into naming him after his mum died and how unemotional john's been about it since#and how unique it must feel when someone says 'john' to him with love or care or compassion after a lifetime of hearing it in anything but#like his first name doesn't usually mean a lot to him! its use is not a closely guarded privilege!#but if he cares about you then calling him 'john' can feel as intimate to him as a kiss#and if you burn him he will snatch that level of access away from you for Months. sometimes Years.#so! yeah!! if he ever corrects your name choice in an argument then you've Really Fucked Up Buddy!!!!#( also. hypocrite that he is. if you're on 'john' terms and you call him 'constantine' in an argument FIRST he will be absolutely WOUNDED )#( and he will cover with that professional veneer. that cold uncaring mask of anger. but it's trapped-cornered-animal anger )#( it's let-me-cover-this-injury-before-you-can-really-get-your-fingers-in-it defensiveness. and he will be cautiously distant afterwards )#( headcanons. ) I'M JUST LIKE THE BASTARDS I'VE HATED ALL ME LIFE.
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wildtornado-o · 4 months
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"Forthing jerked, twisting around in his straps. A spray of blood burst from his cheek and was slapped back onto his skin by the wind, bright red around a torn bleeding hole: the bullet had gone into his mouth and through the side of his face."
Hello and welcome back to Bird's mindless sketching turns into a fully rendered drawing :)
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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America is Israel's bitch
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solace-seekers · 2 years
nico, leaning over to talk to wills in european history class: oh this is such bullshit. do they really think we were all stuck up assholes? me personally, i was kicking it back in the day, never mind it being the depression or what- Will, what are you doing?
Will, actively re-putting a contact in his eye using his water bottle cap to hydrate it inbetween taking notes: what?
nico: …how unsanitary is that?
Will: what? ohhhh, huh. i dunno. very?
nico, muttering: oh but i don’t clean werewolf scratches for several days and suddenly i’m an infected idiot. hypocrite
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