ocularmacdown · 3 months
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"and just like i was waking up from a bad dream, that whole life - that whole reality where i was maddy wilson -
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drifted away like a brief hallucination that, after a few moments, i could hardly even remember.
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and all those memories that had felt so real washed away with the rain back at our old sleepaway camp."
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Rtc but instead of tbojd Jane just pulls out a ukulele or something and sings memento mori by will wood
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pe0ple3ater · 6 months
imagine here with a me a scenario. (and also forgive me for incorrect details i am compartivly new to the qsmp)
through some way or another roier and etoiles end havign sex together on repeated occasion (maybe it's puragtory, maybe they're just like that) and one of the things roier had learned early one was that etoiles was very much into being degraded during sex. which, honestly? it wasn't like roier was really surprsied to learn that bit of information, given etoiles personality and the jokes he made at his own expense.
during one their times together, instead of the usual degrading comments he would give, roier let's a "good boy" slip as he would normally when with his husband, and etoiles, who was contend being ridden by roier but not really in a rush to cum, does just that.
etoiles, once back mentally online, is trying really hard not to let slip how his world just tilted a bit on it's axis and helps for roier to also reach his own climax. roier, who hadn't even noticed the slip, but had noticed the unexpected and sudden climax of etoiles, asks him about it after they had concluded the sex part of this meetup.
and etoiles, through a lot of pressing on, admits that the little bit of praise had been the catalyst. and from that point on, any other time the two would come together, roier showed etoiles in sweet praises and compliments and etoiles is so overwhelmed by them every time and every time again, the praise gets to him the most.
is this anything
~ 📝/author anon
"Is this anything?" Anon this is canon in my heart idk what to tell you.
Yeah, they fall into bed together how they do everything, aggressive and excitable. Praise come easily to Roier, it was bound to slip out because like...yeah Etoiles IS a good boy. HE DOES listen soooo well. Roier isn't the type to leave good work unpraised. It completely catches him off guard because he was 100% sure that he was only really into degradation. I love bloodhounds. They should fuck nasty more often
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ghostiidasponk · 4 months
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woahbfdi · 1 year
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I can't decide on a hairstyle for this mf like I swear I change it every week holy crap someone help me I need to know on what hair this dude should have😓😓😓😓
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cariciapadre · 1 year
i hate that i can look at the most avg picture of caricias and babygirlify him like look at the way his shirt sits on his huge chest aww hes so regular hes just some guy
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elgabe · 3 hours
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fanta2y · 6 months
Heyyy hope you are doing well!! I just finished reading all of your Sukuna fan fics and your writing is just *chef's kiss*. I loved it from beginning to end!! You use lovely imagery and describe emotions so well through physical descriptions, I can actually understand exactly what you are trying to put across!
I also had a question for you! Was wondering if it was your idea to make Sukuna his last name and to make Ryoumen his first name? Or is this something that is canon???
I always thought that Ryoumen Sukuna was just a title so idk 😭😭
Anyways thank you so much for your beautiful work 🫶🫶🫶
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i am so glad you enjoyed the series !! it was so much fun working on it !! 🥹🥹🥹 i love my man sukuna 🥰🥰
and yes !! Ryomen is his first name and since it’s custom in japanese culture, or atleast in anime, to address people by their last names until you guys become closer or more comfortable with each other everyone in jjk just calls him Sukuna ! but i get where the confusion comes in cause his name in full is rarely mentioned !!
thank you again !! i’m glad your enjoying my worksss !! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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gin-astro · 1 year
Shoutout to my hyper brain for that time, it made me laugh at everything on my nieces christening day.
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acewithobsessions · 2 months
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quasarzt · 18 days
Been thinking more about roleswap as of late (I really want to write a fanfic of the time trampoline malfunctioning as a way to crossover AUs with canon, and I want roleswap zach and canon aviva to meet so bad because that friendship breakup has GOT to hurt worse after seeing what could’ve been. the things they could’ve accomplished)
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Here’s their Pinterest Board! very much a WIP lmao, you can find my other stuff too on my account if you stalk me
I’ve got a lot to say about design choices/etc under the cut!
Everyone with a suit is someone who wears one! Tried to resemble canon. Also because Zach is paranoid that Aviva is after his tech, so making more suits for the team tends to stress him out. I’ll make another post for the villains (also sorry the bros won’t be villains in my version of this au. mostly bc again, they’re real guys. and i don’t want them to be mean to animals. they’ll basically be the same as in canon, but just doing their own thing. working mostly with the fictional characters here!! Basically think of the Kratt Bros doing Kratt’s Creatures/Zaboomafoo instead of Wild Kratts. Which if you think about a roleswap, they went from main characters to side characters).
Zach: Zach’s skin shade, freckles, and hair come from his kid design! And the color of his sweater comes from Toodles. I color shifted the pants to be more of a grey hue, instead of one with a bit of purple in it (mostly because Aviva is going to have the purple motif in this). Basically a Zach who actually goes out into the sun! He’s a very anxious yet excited individual, studying the brains of the animals and making breakthroughs in science with it. Similar to canon Aviva but keeping that mind aspect from canon Zach as well, so I chose for him to be interested in neuroscience, using that as a base (plus chemistry knowledge) to create the information needed for the suits. He still studies DNA, just has the added brain studies for animals! He’s discovered a few animal friends who had brain tumors and has found a way to help slow/stop the process. I decided to go with chips instead of discs because I wanted to incorporate that V design into the paws, for Varmint Crew. They operate in the same way as canon suits do. Although I wanted to make their suits a bit more animalistic, not in any bad sort of way, just more accurate to the animals in a way they aren’t just fursuits LMAO. He is inspired by both canon Aviva and Chris.
Donita: I decided to go with a safari type of vibe with her! She wanted to match with Zach, as both of them are the dedicated field agents for the team (she shoves Dabio onto the field with them sometimes too, the kid needs the experience). She makes all the uniforms and helps Zach out with the design choices when it comes to the powered suits. She’s been in the field working with birds for a while, finding their beauty to be very inspiring for her artwork. I decided she would take on the role as Martin and Koki, as she’s very excitable as well, and is very well versed in talking to others. With the help of Dabio and Paisley, she sets up events where they can work with the Varmint Kids and do informative animal showings. Her colors were a bit icky to me, but I’m sticking with them for now. Colors were picked from her canon design. She does most of the naming of animals! She doesn’t think Zach’s very creative (he has a habit of naming things their latin names). Wears just gemstone earrings to not interfere with her work, although I see her wearing feather earrings too!
Dabio: He used to model before he joined the crew, upset by the animal use in the fashion industry. He’s the youngest on the team, but is just as passionate about what he does as the others. Donita has fully taken him under her wing, and has been showing him the ropes. He’s the first of the crew to get a creature power suit outside of the two main prototypes. This helps Zach out tremendously because now he can be an observer to help get out any bugs in the suits systems. He helps with communications, but more often than not, is the one who’s doing the documenting of information. He’s a photographer for the crew, and also works as a cinematographer, and has helped produce animal documentaries for the Varmint Crew. He also has a safari aesthetic, following in Donita’s footsteps and never giving up for his eye for fashion. He’s a field agent occasionally. His suit color is teal/turquoise, reminiscent of his shirt color and Donita’s earrings, this is just a color I’ve always associated with him.
Gourmand: The crews dedicated chef and animal nutritionist! With his knowledge of health, he’s the crews designated nurse/medic as well. His vast knowledge of how to find animals in the field, especially with his great sense of smell, has helped the crew tremendously when saving animals. He also likes to sing, and often sings random jazzy songs while he bakes animal themed pastries and meals inspired by the region/animal of the day. He often helps out injured animals, and is put on baby animal duty the most. I just hue shifted his pants to a more vibrant green, and then made it so his shirt wasn’t all the way white. He just wears a regular polo for now, with the logo of the Varmint Crew on his left breast pocket. He is a very joyous and boisterous team member, and is often the crews pick-me-up when the others are stressed from work. His suit color if he ever agrees to wearing a suit (he’s like Jimmy in that regard), will be a sage green, like his eye color. Yes he is Zach’s cousin in my AU. This is because of my headcanon that they’re related in some way because of the fact they both have the same voice actor (Zachary Bennett). Because of this, Zach and Gourmand are going to be related, hence why they’re cousins!
Paisley: An environmental architect and conservationist! She mostly travels with the crew to understand animals better and what their needs are to produce the best possible habitats for them. She’s the fourth one on the team to get a suit, initially it was going to rex, but he urged her to get out there in the wild to see the creature world for herself. She’s a bit of a germaphobe, but otherwise understands that her job is going to be messy, and she has to deal with that. She’s very passionate about what she does, and she wants to help the world, and the world for animals alike. She knows deforestation is detrimental to the planet, so she wants to find and explore ways to make green architecture that both supports people and animals lives. She works with water ways and forests alike, studying them and how they operate in the grand scheme of things. Her colors were color picked from her canon outfit, and her suit color is a light purplish gray that borders on white.
Rex: The crews pilot and mechanic/engineer. He is often operating most of the heavy machinery, and is the one who fixes most of the broken equipment. He takes on the role of Koki, as well as canon Rex. The garage of the ship is his place of work. Zach and him often work together, and Paisley often drops off blueprints for habitats she has in mind on his desk, which always ends up in a massive pile. Eventually gets a suit as well, Zach just has to make another. His suit color will be orange. I kept his vest look with an orange sweater vest, and now he wears a yellow baseball hat (mostly to hide his receding hairline at the ripe age of 25). He’s the second youngest in the group. Him and Dabio get along great, and tend to pair up if Paisley or Donita don’t nab them first. Basically rex flies the ship (Thinking Terrator or something. It’s not the Tortuga, but the Varmint Crew version of that, perhaps a flying beetle? idk yet. this is a WIP). He also does most of the repairs, this lets Zach have enough time to focus on his projects instead of being stuck taking care of things that can be done by someone else. However anything dealing with the suits is purely to be operated and meddled by Zach.
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carlostck · 15 days
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was trying to design some basic clothing for my cowboy AU but got lazy
Also more Kai and Nya because I love them
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autistic-ranpo · 3 months
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yet another increasingly rare ollie doodle dump
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dizzybizz · 6 months
rahghhh ok hi 👋 farmer ramble time
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this is my meanie nyx he kinda sucks 😚 he has a scary face and cold demeanor (ive been wanting a mean farmer for a while.. remy was originally supposed to be a scary guy but i poured too much autism awkward and scared swag into him whoops) he lowkey gives sickly vampire whos also sick of everything.
i always interact with the trash cans when i walk past them, right, n i decided that instead of rummaging through them. nyx just. kicks them. hes a petty pathetic fucker ok.
he's gonna have so many dinosaurs one day. his second one is on the way atm. man fished up a dino egg n his whole life shifted trajectory. his first dino is named neo btw. he has a black cat named nyponsoppa n a horse named laurel. he got another pet bowl set up but then choked at the price of actually getting another one.
he nearly cried at the fair after losing a lot of tokens to that dumb wheel goddammit. he nearly stayed a few extra hours to see how many tokens he could get and to glare at the guy running the stall, if you can even call it that. he did win the grange display but he gambled and lost all those tokens.....
my plan for the future is to get krobus to move in,,,,, and for the two of them to have many dinos.
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jj is another silly little guy farmer but hes an actual clown. i think he might be a failed comedian or smth. hes from a co op farm with @deathianartworks n @witchkittymeow. n boy is every person on that farm . incompetent. <3 theyre a trio of three short gays with some anger issues and zero braincells and names all starting with j. so much stupid shit goes on there, im concerned for the animals tbch.
he has stolen a lot of decorations from his fellow farmers. and he will continue. his collection of borrowed goods include: two decorative bowls, a window and a painting.
he doesnt trust the tv and its fortunes.... "spirits are very happy!! *infested floor in the mines n has to give up bc sword sucks so badddd* (next day) spirits are very happy..!! *infested floor in the mines n has to give up bc sword sucks so badddd* (later that day) digs up a geode from the museum trash can, goes straight up to clint n watches as the clock turns 4pm* he hasnt really been the same since that happened. 😔
and oh uh shit its 1am
pls feel free to send asks n whatnot abt them n my other farmers tho (PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPSLPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLS (ilvoe my farmers sm))
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 year
The greatest crossover doesn't exist-
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These three are besties now, change my mind
These are all my comfort characters and pretty similar, so I thought, what if they were one big family :00
I have, like, a full on story planned out for these three lmao
It's mostly wholesome with a sprinkle of angst, so my bad
I don't have a name for this rn, but its temporary name is Silly Guys AU soooo
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Lois Lane from My Adventures with Superman (2023) is a girlboss
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Lois Lane from My Adventures with Superman (2023) is a girlboss
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