#decided to go on an art journey
heyitsmejona · 2 years
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“Death will consume you.”
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0yorixu · 3 months
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i will never feel lonely ever again
happy birthday rui kamishiro from the hit game project sekai colorful stage featuring hatsune miku, you are my number 1 fav and kin and I will treasure you for a long time. Your ending will be a happy one.
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A little late but happy Trans Day of Visibility!!!
[ID: A monochrome chibi drawing of various figures from Chinese folklore with pride flags painted onto their faces. From left to right are Taibai Jinxing, Sun Wukong, Taishang Laojun, Guanshiyin Pusa, Lan Caihe, Bai Suzhen, and Qing She. Guanyin has nonbinary flags and Lan Caihe has genderfluid flags, but everyone else has trans flags. Above them is written "Happy TDOV 2023!" End ID]
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royaltea000 · 2 days
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swk fuckspawn ocs
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ft. a freshly born qi xiaotian
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syxnewt · 9 months
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the text says "*Perhaps you would have more room had you not drawn Asriel four times"
it's Frisk and a ghostly Chara looking at a huge crayon-drawn picture of Frisk, Chara, Asriel, Flowey, The God of Hyperdeath, and Omega Flowey
the full crayon drawing under the cut
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gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
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Lunatic Dad and Mischievous Kid
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crzyimp · 1 year
Bloody Pig
cw: gore, body horror, animal death, cannibalism
Author note: Getting back into writing after eons and dipping my toe into horror.
A peaceful slumber ruefully disrupted when a hand grasped the young man's shoulder and harshly shook him. "Wake up!" his old mother yelled in a whisper, hearing him groan, his eyes tried to adjust and focus as the lantern swings over him. Moving his arm to shield the eyes from its annoying light. Mother carefully set the lantern down by his bed as she moved towards the window. "I think someone is here; I think they're in the barn." Her voice wavering as her eyes frantically searched out in the darkness.
"How do you know that? We don't have neighbors and it's a half a day trip to the nearest village. Father must have been mumbling in his sleep again and woke you up." he mumbled, propping himself up into a sitting position.
"It's not your father's mumbling that woke me up!" She responded with agitation, keeping her voice low. "I heard the sow screamin-"
"The sow pregnant and probably giving birth, mother please, ther-"
"Silence Jiahao!" Quickly snapping as she moved from the window to the bed, pressing a boney finger upon Jiahao's chest. "Something isn't right. Go out there and check. Now." Yanking his half-awake body from his bed. Sluggishly, Jiahao complies, picking up the lantern as she herded him towards outside. If checking the barn and easing her worries will let him go back to sleep, then so be it. "Go check the barn and I'll wake your father to join you." She said hastily and shoved her son out the door. The sound of her footsteps retreating leaving Jiahao alone outside. It was quiet for a summer's night.
A shiver ran through your spine, perhaps mother was right that something wasn't right. Critters and other nocturnal singers sing their songs during the summer, but not tonight. The only sounds to be heard are the pregnant sow's whines. Lifting the lantern up, the light showed just enough to make the outline of the barn. No lights were shown from the inside. To be expected from poor farmers, not wanting to attract bandits and deserters to their homes. A price they didn’t pay, but forced upon them and others like them by those of higher stations over a chance of taking the emperor’s throne.
Slowly, you walked from the safety of the house to the barn. Mindful not to make noise as you draw near. With each step creeping closer, whines of the sow could be heard along with others sounds behind the barn's doors. Gently, but hesitantly, you placed your hand on the door. A nostalgic smell, like iron, seeps through the barn's doors. The unexpected smell reminded you of when you and father killed a grower to sell its meat to the village.
The whines were growing weak with each heartbeat. But the other sounds, previously drowned out by the sow's whine became clear, wet, sloshing, grunting, and growling. Sounds of someone ripping and tearing flesh as they feverishly eat. Slurping and moaning like a starved man eating for the first time in such a long time. 
You don’t want to open the door but now you can’t turn back empty handed. Mother would scold you and call you a coward without checking. She did mention waking your father, that piece of knowledge did comfort you, any second, he will be joining you. Maybe announcing you're not alone will cause the intruder to freeze up or even flee through the window. With that thought in mind, you slowly push the door open and hold the lantern high. Ready to call out with confidence as the door swings open.
Any comfort or confidence dies, along with your voice, at what's inside. Laying on the ground was the sow, on her side, with the lantern's sight you clasp a hand over your mouth. Her midsection ripped open and her intestines moving and slithering in a pool of blood and mud. Like eels moving and alive, trying to escape. Can’t bear to look any longer, you move to lantern's light to find her piglets.
Her offspring didn't fare better as their mangled corpses sprawled out across the barn interior, half eaten and tossed to the side. Eyes watery and suppressing the scream in your throat, you frantically search for the culprit. No human would commit such cruelty, not even a starved one, this has to be the work of something else. Realizing you are too afraid to step in, you stood there unmoving until movement in the darkness caught your attention.
A lone survivor, a piglet steps into the light. Covered in the blood of its kin with pieces of torn flesh hanging off its jaw. Its body rippling and morphing as it grows. The thing groans as its body goes through the stages of life, infancy to adulthood. The monster hungrily stares at the sow, licking and curling its lips. Rows of teeth reflect off the lantern's light; some needle-like a newborn piglet, others sharp fangs, and uncanny like human teeth. The sow's whines ceased as its child, now monster, moved to feast on her disemboweled body. Its front hooves cracking and splintering to resemble human hands. All the better to grip and scoop the flesh into its maw. Effortlessly tearing the sow's leg with one arm, the other arm tears the sow's rib bones with an audible crack. The monster eats with frenzy, mixing sounds of flesh and bone crumbling under it's might.
You can't, couldn't bear the sight anymore, the hand over your mouth dug deeply into your skin as you breath rapidly through your nose. The demon hasn’t noticed you yet and with remaining wits, you slowly back away. You need to get your parents and leave. Get far away from here while this monster is distracted with fattening itself up with its kin.
"There you are! I'm guessing everything is fine!" Father shouted loudly with a smile. Almost bumping into Jiahao's back. 
You turn to stare at your father with horror and slowly twist your head to see the monster, now staring at you licking its bloody lips.
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dracimexidae · 1 year
Poets of the Fall - Children of the sun
#music#poets of the fall#I've been dealing with anxiety for the past few days#well I deal with it on a regular basis but it's been more than the usual#even for doing the stupidest things like going out the other day#to take a stroll and go to a flower market - something that wasn't an obligation at all#that I wanted to do for fun and that I definitely should have enjoyed without any negative feeling#and yet there they were without even any specific reason nagging and messing with me (that's what it does after all)#I decided on a whim to play potf songs while walking and they accompanied me through my walk#and they helped me so freaking much to relax and truly enjoy the moment#especially this song - I've been listening to potf for a while but still haven't covered their entire discography#and that day was the first time I heard this song - and while now I have tears in my eyes listening to it again#that day it truly gave me a sense of peace and contentment#this band is really something else - something I can rarely find in music and in art in general#I couldn't even describe what it is if you asked me but it goes beyond making excellent music#maybe I can't describe it because it's more personal - some of their songs resonate deep inside me#with something that you recognize and somehow feel like they belong with you? with who you are and what you feel and want#and it took and still takes time to discover and know something new about them like I do with myself#and the best thing is that in moments like these I appreciate not only that I find something new#but the journey I am taking to discover it and it's something that doesn't happen very often with me#and it almost feels like their songs are taking me by the hand during this process#💗#video
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cybersodas · 1 year
What inspired you to start writing a Megaman webcomic?
My friends showed me the protomen, and it resparked an interest i had back in highschool to a third degree burn JDKGKDKGKDKG
I always thought it would just be something in my head, and I could just dream about it being a cartoon. but after seeing the protomen do what theyre good at to tell their stories, I rekindled my own love for making comics and decided I’d d what I do best to tell this!!
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pallases · 4 months
i have officially progressed into capable-of-starting-sketching-on-digital-tablet stage i think 👍🏻
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fdragon-art · 10 months
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Day 16 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 2) - Favourite Troll (Karkat Vantas)
"You never expect the grumpy grub of a troll to be the underbarkbeast that steals your blood pumper, and yet..."
When energy is low, you typically go for pieces that aren't too ambitious - hence largely symmetrical pose - but if the idea doesn't give much motivation, even that may seem an unlikely product. Finding an idea that holds the imagination right as your energy wishes you to keep it simple is an interesting challenge at times.
I opted for a simple perspective piece since a lot of it could still be done with symmetry, and some transformation tool during the sketching process allows for a somewhat easier time making the idea at least look presentable.
The angle is...not one I've got much practice with, though. I wouldn't mind doing some proper perspective practices since the various angles that can come from it - and thus, interest within a piece - makes for good potential.
Probably the one main challenge I've got with it, however, is making the eyes look towards the screen while also fitting the perspective of the piece. These ones aren't horrible, but the face still doesn't seem quite right. It's a decent practice piece, though~
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Ooo you’re doing Pressure!!
May I request an artist reader who, throughout the journey found some paper, pencil and made a little makeshift sketchbook and when later bought Sebastian’s document decided to try and draw him? Like maybe both when human and current (and maybe the monsters)? 
Perhaps he saw them sketching, got curious and decided to look through it when reader left it somewhere or just straight up snatched it and held it out of their reach and sees those sketches of him. Could be hurt/comfort or angst/fluff.
Of course you’re free to change any of the details but please keep it platonic TwT
Aw love this idea! And it works considering all the paper and notebooks in the drawers of the blacksite.
"Great, [y/n]. One moment, you're doing some harmless graffiti on a brick wall nobody cares about. And the next, you're risking your life for a stupid crystal in hopes you'll get a federal pardon.."
Sighing, you held onto the overhead handles within the sleek black submarine, feeling it shake and rumble as it breached the water's surface. And after hearing the chime, the door hissed and opened up, the platform extending out onto the dock of a place already familiar to you: Hadal Blacksite.
'No place like home..' As you stepped out of the submarine, you could hear HQ over the PDA system informing you of your objective in reaching the crystal and collecting any "loose assets" you find along the way...
As if you needed any reminders of what you were doing here.
Immediately, you unlocked the first door with the keycard and began your journey to room 100. Along the way, you found a good handful of research data. Nothing too special aside from folders, USB drives, and a couple blue DNA vials.
Then after narrowly dodging the Angler in one area and avoiding Eyefestation's gaze in the next, you reached a room requiring yet another keycard to exit. You checked the nearby office cubicle, finding it in the first drawer you opened.
But that isn't what made your eyes light up. Rather, it's what was right next to the card that did:
A brand new pencil to go with the sketchbook you've been carrying with you.
Because you weren't given the luxury of doodling while sitting in jail for over 90 days, you felt your creativity flames being snuffed out, leaving you itching to draw something again.
Before all of this, you had a decent following on social media with your art skills, and you could imagine that they're worried sick over your sudden absence. But you hoped that, if you survive and succeed in this mission, you'll be able to come back and reassure them that you're very much alive.
And perhaps show them what Urbanshade has been hiding from the public...that is to say the sea monsters that have taken up residence in the Blacksite since its lockdown, freely roaming and haunting nearly every room you step into.
With the makeshift sketchbook you had (and somehow kept even after death), you've filled its pages with simple and detailed sketches of each creature you encountered.
But you doubt that they would let you leave with physical evidence of entities nobody else in the world should know about...unless you somehow convinced the guards that they were "original characters" that so-happened to look like them, but you had a feeling that excuse wouldn't fly.
Regardless, they've given you tons of artistic inspiration, despite your many close-calls with them in pursuit of studying their features from afar.
Thanks to the files Sebastian Solace has shown you, you've learned how to safely observe the Angler from a distance and better remember their details. They were merely a grotesque face surrounded by smoke, so you didn't have to worry about drawing any limbs or tails (assuming they had those).
You encountered their variants so many times that you could recall the little things that made each them unique--like how Pinkie had four pupils, how Blitz was missing pupils in one socket completely, how Froger was..well..a big frog with lots of needle-shaped teeth, and Chainsmoker was a sluggish blobfish through all that smoke.
Making eye contact with Pandemonium was a death sentence..as you've already learned after trying (and failing) to safely observe him through a glass window. So you draw him as you see him in his file.
The Squiddles' "intimidating" faces were scary in the dark when you least expected them, but they served as amazing inspiration. You even had a page full of what faces you'd think they make up to frighten others. It's too bad you couldn't show them, however, as that required you getting in their personal space.
Eyefestation, Good People, and the Wall Dwellers were quite..risky to observe, as they had ways of quickly and painfully sending you back to square one if you weren't careful. Even so, you made some pretty damn good sketches..and you wish you could show them off to them, too, especially to the shark who'd probably appreciate a human's drawing of herself.
Even the DiVine, who were always frozen in poses for some reason, joined your ever-growing list of muses. The oxygen gardens were a nice place for you to rest and appreciate the flora for a few moments--before an Angler came along, of course.
Then there was Sebastian.
While he was fully aware of your artistic passions, in the beginning he seemed a bit annoyed whenever you came into his shop just to sketch.....or if you took an unusually long time to reach him. He just assumes you've stopped to "doodle" and wonders if you really care about getting out of this place alive.
He'd remind you that HQ could get suspicious if you're off their radar for too long, but you've stayed in his shop for 10-20 minutes at a time and not once did your diving gear beep. So you reassured him not to fret.
It was kinda sweet that he worried over you, an expendable, although maybe that's because you actually treat him with decency..and don't take his snarky comments to heart whenever you died.
Aside from the occasional eyeroll whenever you brought out your sketchbook, he did inquire about some of the things you've drawn, and you'd show him, bearing a little pride in your work.
All you'd get in response was a "neato" or "wowie, that's how you see them?" and nothing more.
It wasn't insulting, so...you'll take that.
Obviously he was more concerned about how much research data you were willing to fork over in exchange for supplies, and how far that equipment will carry you before your next demise. So you'd eventually close the book and barter with him for whatever wares were on his tail.
Unbeknownst to him, you've actually started sketching him as of late. Now that you've met him dozens of times, it was easy for you to recall his features without needing to stare at him for reference every five seconds.
That would not only be rude, but very creepy.
Then one day, you showed up to Sebastian's shop with enough data to be able to afford his document, which described him as Z-13, "The Saboteur" who the company wanted "dead on sight" if he was spotted or trying to escape.
When you had time to read the file on your own, you learned some..pretty shocking things about how he caused the lockdown, went through torturous experiments, and was falsely accused of nine murders and was proven innocent far too late.
The most upsetting part was that he was never informed of this.
He learned that after presumably stealing his own document.
It made you feel sick to your stomach, knowing he's the reason you're being terrorized by those beasts, but you couldn't find it in your heart to be angry at him.
If anything you were angry at Urbanshade for their "guilty until proven innocent" system--or in his case, being proven innocent didn't matter.
His human mugshot was also included in the file, and even with the black censor bar covering his eyes, he still looked like quite a handsome fellow. You could make out some details, and ended up drawing him on a separate page, too, although part of you wishes you never started.
You doubt he would kill you or rip apart your book for drawing him, but considering how volatile and rude he could be at a moment's notice..you did your best to conceal the sketches when you visited his shop.
You didn't want him to be offended or reminded of his past..and make him resent the one person who he almost considered a genuine friend.
Unfortunately, you'd soon come to realize that your actions were only heightening his suspicions.
And that it was going to come to a head next time you entered his shop.
"Okay, I'm going to bite...what're you really hiding in that little book?"
"Pardon?" Pausing mid-sketch, you looked up at Sebastian, wondering why he appeared so disgruntled. "I'm..uh...just doodling like I always-"
"No, don't give me that "like always" crap." He huffed, flicking the end of his tail as he crossed his two arms over his chest, staring down at you. "Last time, you couldn't stop showing me a stupid face you'd think one of those S-Qs would make...and now you won't even let me have a sneak peak of your next "masterpiece"." He spat the last word, voice dripping with disdain. "Are you really drawing something...or are you secretly writing intel to give to Urbanshade?"
"...wha.." You blinked in disbelief, wondering where he'd get that assumption from. "Why would I ever do that?"
"Oh I dunno, maaaybe because you have access to my file and know my location? I bet you're gonna sell me out to those scumbags once you reach the crystal." He gnashed his teeth. "Did they say you'd get extra cash for leaving tips on my whereabouts, huh?"
"Sebastian, there's no reason for this hostility. I'm not giving any intel to anyone-"
"Then you wouldn't mind me taking a look at this, would you? Yyyyyyoink!" His third arm was quick to snatch your sketchbook away, holding it out of your reach as you jumped up in panic.
You were already dreading his reaction.
This could very well be the end for you.
"Please give that back! You'll tear it!"
"You look frightened. So maybe I should, considering you're writing secrets about.....about...." But as Sebastian finally looked at the page, all he saw were sketches of his current self, and you began to see a shift in his expression.
It went from pure anger, to surprise and confusion, and then to....something unreadable.
"These are...all of me?" His voice became quieter as he flipped the page, only for his breath to hitch upon finding the drawings of his human form.
And for once, he was completely speechless.
The details were immaculate, everything from his hair style to the scar he used to have across his face--given to him from an angry cellmate who thought he really did kill those people and tried giving him a "taste of his own medicine".
But the way you made him look was...incredible.
That's him.
That's really him.
The man--the human--he was before...
"Yes." Your face was burning with embarrassment, and your heart was pounding with fear of both death and ridicule, now knowing that your fate laid in his hands now. "I-I'm sorry. I should've asked for your permission and I know the details aren't perfect but you didn't let me........huh?"
Ceasing your ramblings, you noticed the tears welling in his eyes, and you were stunned. Then his shaking hands closed the sketchbook and returned it to you. "Um..are you okay? I'm really sorry if-"
"I...a-almost forgot what I looked like before all of this.." He raised a claw to wipe at his watery eyes, sniffling. "They're...good drawings, friend. I'm sorry..I...I-I didn't mean to..." His voice cracked, and he forced himself to stop, bringing his hands to his face. "Why am I crying over something like..t-this..?"
He hated looking so weak in front of you, yet he couldn't help the tears that kept slipping down his cheeks. A certain sadness was weighing heavily on his heart, yet at the same time he felt...honored that you wanted to draw him, putting your heart and soul into every sketch--with him getting the most effort.
You didn't overexaggerate him as the hideous beast he and everyone else was convinced he was, but just him as, well, himself. His smiles when he realizes it's you coming through the vent again, his cheeky grins when you buy up all his supplies, and even the one time he pouted when you died to Pandemonium because you risked it all trying to draw the moldy fish-creature.
The human ones, as you could tell from the way he broke down, especially hit home for him. Just from a mugshot alone, you were able to create a near-accurate depiction of him.
It made him wonder if you two have met before any of this happened.
Sebastian sniffled, struggling to stop the tears and expecting you to make fun of him as he finally uncovered his face. But instead he saw you standing there with your arms opened up. "I feel like you could use one of these. It's okay. I know you miss being human."
"C'mon, big guy. My arms are kinda hurting--oh!"
Without warning, he accepted your embrace and squeezed you tightly in his hold. Of course he was careful not to crush your diving tanks, and you smiled in appreciation and patted his back. "It's okay, it's alright..I got you. I didn't mean to make you cry."
He sniffled a few times, but otherwise said nothing and tried making sure you weren't supporting all of his upper body weight.
Curse his size. He wishes he could experience a normal hug again.
This one will do, though.
"I-It's...it's fine. Don't worry.." He finally spoke after a few moments, calming down. "As long as you don't tell anyone about this."
"I'll take it to my grave." You chuckled, letting go and stepping away so he could straighten his back out. While he did that, you gently tore a few pages from your book, to which he blinked in confusion.
"What are you doing with-?"
"Keep them." You insisted. "In case this sketchbook falls into a pit or gets waterlogged, I want you to hold onto these. Besides, I can tell you appreciate them a lot. So...consider it a gift."
"Why..thank you." A smile appeared on his face as he took the pages carefully. "Rest assured, they'll be safe and sound." He gazed at them both one more time, feeling a tug on his heart.
But it wasn't as heavy as before.
After neatly folding and stowing them away into his pockets, he saw you already sitting in one of the chairs, your sketchbook opened to a brand new blank page.
"Sooooooo what are you going to draw this time?" He tilted his head, ear fins twitching with curiosity.
"Hm...I did see a vision of a white glowing man a few rooms back. I think he was from...the Mindscape? There was a file talking about him and some floating gears and a white ball."
"Ohh yeah, he's an interesting guy. I'd love to see your interpretation of him." Now Sebastian was 100% invested, as he curled his tail around himself, resting his upper body on it so he could see your book better. "But y'know you won't be able to leave this place with sketches of-"
"I'm well aware of that...I could always change a few things and turn them into OCs."
"Hah. You should."
"Maybe I will." You snickered, grateful that you didn't have anything to fear.
At least somebody in the Blacksite appreciated your art.
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Pairing: Cassian x Reader
Summary: Cassian was tired and you were taking forever to get your ass back home.
Word count: 1k
Warnings: nothing! fluff <3
a/n: A little drabble as I ignore my homework.
Cassian was tired. 
He felt it in his bones and the cracks of his skin.
Dirt was ingrained in every crevice of his leathers, dusting out as he shucked the articles to the ground and stepped into the steaming bath. Training didn’t usually take this much out of him, but there were a host of recruits that he needed to train, all so eager to be part of the troops after the victorious War with Hybern. 
All eager but so, so inept.  
And then you weren’t home when he got here, which pissed him off. 
All he could think about during the hours of training drills and conditioning and corrections was coming home to you, pressing his face into your neck, and falling asleep to the warmth of your skin. He had sent a spark down the bond when he started his journey home, which—to him—was a request for you to come home as well. 
You did not. 
Cassian dried himself off and threw on the closest pair of cotton pants he could find, falling into bed with a huff. 
He was in bed and he was alone. 
He covered his eyes with the bulk of his arm. 
He’d sleep then. Fine. 
Only he couldn’t sleep. The bed smelled like you and he tugged at the bond again. This time, you actually did offer him a reply, and Cassian wanted to drown in the warmth you sent through his chest. 
Where the hell were you?
He flipped onto his stomach and shoved his face into a pillow. He should be able to sleep without you there. He was Illyrian; he had slept in far worse conditions. On rocks, in a tree, standing up against war-torn buildings—Cassian could sleep anywhere at any time. But then he met you and he fell in love with you and you weren’t getting your ass home fast enough.
Cauldron help him if you ever decided to go on vacation. 
Mor had tried something like that when you were freshly mated, posing a girl's trip to you and Feyre. That idea hadn’t gone far.
It had been more about sex and lust and being so enamored by you that he couldn’t breathe back then. Right now he just wanted to get some damn sleep. 
The bedroom door clicked open and unrelenting joy washed away the irritation he was harboring for you. Because how could he be irritated when you came into the room all soft and smiley and bright? Upon further contemplation, Cassian decided that no, he wasn’t ever irritated at you, actually. 
“Hi, Cass,” you called, the sound muting the headache that had begun to form behind the general’s eyes. “How were the recruits? Are they ready to charge into battle?”
You flitted about the room, taking off your coat and setting your bags down and not paying attention to him at all. Cassian fought the urge to tackle you onto the bed just to get you to stop moving. He couldn’t even get a good look at you like this, and he hadn’t seen you all day. He left before you woke up. 
“Yeah maybe in a few years,” Cassian grumbled, following you with his eyes as you started cleaning up the damn room. “C’mere, sweetheart.” 
“I will in just a moment. This place is a mess. You got dirt everywhere, did you know that?” 
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ll clean it up later, just come here.” 
You tsked and ignored him. Cassian cursed at the ceiling.
“I was out with Mor earlier and we stopped by Nyx's school to surprise him,” you giggled, grabbing a stupid broom. “He was adorable, of course. He painted you and Az for one of his projects in art. You’ll have to see it when he brings it home. I swear, Cass, he is just hmph—” 
The broom clattered to the floor, forgotten along with the dirt that lined the wood. Your cheeks were encased by Cassian’s hands as he kissed you, and he ran one back to entangle it with your hair. Gods, you smelled good, like strawberries or apples or whatever fruity perfume you were trying while you were out shopping. Cassian deepened the kiss and relished in the surprised sound you made. 
“You didn’t even kiss me when you came in,” he practically pouted, lips brushing against yours as he spoke. “Or look at me.” 
You gripped at his biceps to keep yourself upright, his body pressed so closely to yours. “I didn’t mean to,” you whispered. 
“I know.” He nudged your nose with his. “Lay down with me.” 
“But the floor—” 
“Lay down with me,” he repeated.
A brief pause, a small nod; right now, it took very little to make Cassian so inexplicably happy. 
He gathered you in his arms the moment your body hit the sheets, burying his face in your neck like he was supposed to do about thirty minutes ago. And then you ran your fingers across his scalp and Cassian decided he was dead. There was no other explanation for this type of bliss. 
“Did you have a bad day?” you asked softly. 
“Day was fine. Long, but fine,” he grumbled, pulling you tighter, pressing his lips to your skin. 
You hummed. “Then why couldn’t I clean the room?” 
“Because I’m tired and you were over there.” 
“Not seeing the correlation, my love.” 
Tire was weighing heavy on Cassian’s mind. His body relaxed even more into the bed as his hands ran down the length of your body. 
“I need to hold you to fall asleep,” he replied as if it were obvious. Because it was. 
He grunted out a confirmation.
“Well, I’m not exactly ready for bed yet and I told Rhys—” 
“I love you,” Cassian interrupted. “Please stop talking.” 
And then Cassian was no longer pissed or annoyed or tired because nothing was out of place. Sleep found him quickly.
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theplotmage · 19 days
How to Get Started with Worldbuilding for Fantasy Writers
Hey fellow writers!
Worldbuilding can feel like a Herculean task, but it’s one of the most rewarding parts of creating a fantasy novel. If you're getting stuck, Here are some tips that have helped me, and I hope they’ll help you too!
Start with the Basics
- Map out the physical layout of your world. Think about continents, countries, cities, and natural features like mountains, rivers, and forests.
Climate and Ecosystems
- What are the climate zones and ecosystems like? How do they shape the lives of your inhabitants?
Create a History
- Dive into how your world came into existence. Are there creation myths or ancient civilizations that set the stage?
Major Events
- Outline key historical events. Wars, alliances, discoveries, and disasters can add so much depth.
Develop Cultures and Societies
- Craft diverse cultures with unique customs, traditions, and values. What do they wear? What do they eat? How do they express themselves through art?
Social Structure
- Define the social hierarchy. Who holds power? What are the roles of different classes or groups?
Establish Magic and Technology
Magic System
- Set the rules and limitations of magic. Who can use it? How does it work? What are its costs and consequences?
- Decide on the level of technological advancement. Is your world medieval with swords and castles, or does it have steampunk elements?
Design Political and Economic Systems
- Create various forms of government. Are there kingdoms, republics, or empires? How do they interact?
- Define the economic systems. What are the main industries and trade routes? How do people earn a living?
Build Religions and Beliefs
- Develop religions and belief systems. Who are the gods or deities? What are the rituals and holy sites?
Myths and Legends
- Craft myths and legends that influence the culture and behavior of your characters.
Craft Unique Flora and Fauna
- Invent unique creatures that inhabit your world. Consider their habitats, behaviors, and interactions with humans.
- Design plants with special properties. Are there magical herbs or dangerous plants?
Incorporate Conflict and Tension
Internal Conflicts
- Think about internal conflicts within societies, such as class struggles, political intrigue, or religious disputes.
External Conflicts
- Consider external threats like invading armies, natural disasters, or magical catastrophes.
Use Maps and Visual Aids
- Create maps to visualize your world. This helps you keep track of locations and distances.
Visual References
- Use images or sketches to inspire and flesh out your world.
Stay Consistent
- Keep track of the details to maintain consistency. Use a worldbuilding bible or document to record important information.
- Share your world with others and get feedback. Sometimes fresh eyes can spot inconsistencies or offer new ideas.
Let Your Characters Explore
Character Perspective
- Develop your world through the eyes of your characters. How do they interact with their environment? What do they know or believe about their world?
Be Flexible
Adapt and Evolve
- Be open to changing aspects of your world as your story develops. Sometimes the best ideas come during the writing process.
Worldbuilding is an ongoing journey, and it’s okay to refine and expand your world as you go. If you’re stuck or need specific advice, drop a comment or message me. Happy worldbuilding! 🌍✨
Feel free to share your own tips and experiences below. Let’s build some amazing worlds together! 💫
By the way, if you’re looking for a tool to help you keep track of all your worldbuilding details, check out my worldbuilding bible on Etsy! It’s designed to help you organize every aspect of your world, from geography and cultures to magic systems and conflicts.
I poured my heart into creating this, and I hope it inspires you as much as it has inspired me. Writing is such a beautiful journey, and having a structured way to keep your ideas organized can make all the difference. So go ahead, dive deep into your imagination, and let your creativity flow. You’ve got this! 💖📝
Happy writing, friends!
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wokecipher · 1 month
Billy Pines AU
Say hi to an AU I started drawing right after the book came out, it's funny to see it show my art journey of learning to draw Bill Cipher over time.
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(above being something I made yesterday vs the first time ever drawing for this idea)
This is an alternate universe of Gravity Falls, where during the collapse of Weirdmageddon, the Universe makes a teensy tiny mistake...
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When Weirdmageddon was thwarted, the sudden release of chaotic energy accidentally flung a younger version of a familiar face right into Gravity Falls. This younger Bill Cipher stumbles around looking for his parents, lost and alone, until stumbling upon the statue of his "future" self.
He stays by the statue until he's found by Mabel Pines, who immediately panics and kicks him, not realizing that this tinier version of Cipher isn't the same as his counterpart.
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(more doodles and huge infodump below! I plan on turning this all into a comic at some point, so, SPOILERS!! if I decide to do that, that is :P)
After the initial panic, Mabel ends up calming and realizing that this sobbing smushy version of Bill may... not be Bill. At the least, not in a way she's familiar with. She ends up retrieving Grunkle Ford who takes Billy away to study him, paranoid Bill somehow returned yet again.
Billy is frantic and confused, being in an entirely new reality is incredibly overwhelming and scary. He's also lonely and worrying, being away from his caregivers is intensely stressful and he is unable to go to them for help, comfort, or advice. Stanford is sadly not very nice at all to Billy, and sees him as a ruse by Bill to trick everyone into helping him... somehow.
Stanford and Stanley are both heavily against Billy and want him destroyed, Dipper wants him gone as well... but Mabel doesn't feel the same.
After awhile, Mabel becomes increasingly anxious over the scenario. She's worried that Billy isn't an actual threat, and starts wanting to help and understand him. Mabel is also feeling slightly guilty from kicking the kid. Meanwhile Dipper is frustrated and scared of Bill's potential return and fights against Mabel's various theories about Billy. One of Mabel's leading theories is that Billy is actually Bill's child, who just happened to show up at around the same time. She notes how young and confused he seems as evidence, alongside the obvious resemblance to Bill Cipher. Dipper thinks this is insane.
The two end up getting into an argument over the theory, leading to Mabel running out on Dipper because she's very upset over everything. It'd sorta go
Mabel would sort of start it, defensive, "He's just a baby, you guys can't do this to him without knowing it's Bill first!"
Dipper is frustrated "This is obviously a trick, Mabel! Bill is trying to trick us into... whatever this is!!" He'd probably waves his hands around, not sure what to do with himself.
Mabel is upset too, she wanted to defend the defenseless, "But what if he's not? What if he's just Bill's kid??"
"You'd take that chance?!" Dipper is very much done with this.
"... :(" Mabel doesn't really have a response. Because Mabel wants to say "YES!" but also she hates Bill too, and doesn't want him to hurt the people she cares about because of her again. So she'd probably get upset and just leave because this is VERY morally conflicting for her.
Later, Mabel decides to sneak into wherever Ford's lab is, and starts attempting to communicate with Billy. She draws and lets him draw too, but she does her best to be cautious. Mabel doesn't want to make a mistake and accidentally trust Bill again, she feels enough guilt for "starting Weirdmageddon" the first time (regardless of if its really her fault, regardless of how many times others reassure her).
(To note, Bill Cipher is still very much around, and very stuck in the Theraprism! I'd like to think he, at some point, found out about this "impostor" version of himself as a child through some doodle either Billy or Mabel made. He was probably flabbergasted and furious.)
Ford would eventually conclude this is probably not some evil plot by Bill, at least if it is, it's very convoluted and doesn't make too much sense for him to actually believe it.
Mabel eventually takes Billy home with her and Dipper because Ford can't handle being around Billy without acting very disturbed, and she can't in good conscious abandon the literal child. It also helps that she seems to be the only person Billy trusts at all.
Ford only allowed this with frequent visits and check ins.
To make this VERY long plot summary a bit shorter, what happens after this is general shenanigans a la the OG Gravity Falls show (minus the Bill Cipher drama, just fun hijinks and adventures)(there's still huge drama when it's discovered that Billy IS just Bill as a kid though, that sure won't end up deeply traumatic for any reason)!
But eventually, people grow up, people die, and Billy is left with an extinct world and alone, similar to his predecessor.
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I don't think he'd turn out okay what so ever given he was ripped away from his home reality, got stuck in a place where he's hated by everyone, and raised by a family that was deeply traumatized by an alternative version of him so he's always eternally guilty for things he literally never did. Also, constantly not being able to interact with society, participate in things like school and being with people like him his age... yeah this kid isn't growing up stable I'm sorry.
Don't worry! After millions or billions of years, he ends up in the... exact same place as his counterpart. Good job Billy! Get better soon. Bill hates his ass so much.
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That's all byyyyeee!
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yuvany · 21 days
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SYNOPSIS : Curiousity hits when Heeseung crosses by a feed explaining the different types of love showcased in a relationship, but he realises that he is unsure what his girlfriend's love language is. His interest piques and starts wondering what yours might be, and so he decides to go on a journey to figure that out.
CONTENT : fluff + est relationship + partially cold!reader + slight humour + contains plot + school!au + barely proofred
WORD COUNT : 1.6k+
yu-note : decided to have a small spin to it. Hope you enjoy this!
( reblogs + feedback always appreciated !! )
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i. HEESEUNG WAS ON HIS PHONE, scrolling through endless streams of media as he waited for you to come out of the bathroom and prepare for the sleep over with him. A video of a man pops up. Heeseung's thumb is eager to scroll past this video like he did tens of similar ones prior, but something holds him back. Is it the mention of 'girlfriend' that made him pause, or is it perhaps how he immedietly started explaining his video? Either way, Heeseung was hooked.
"The five love languages are the five different arttributes that are shown and recieved in a romantic relationship. This can elevate the understanding amongst the people involved."
Heeseung watched intently, taking mental notes and writing it down in his notes for later use. Now he was really curious. He loved you for sure, but he wasn't very sure what your love language is or what you like to recieve. He was excited now, wanting to figure it out immedietly.
The shower stops and Heeseung throws his phone under his pillow, inviting you into his arms with a smile, but you just sit beside him on the sofa, leaning against his shoulder instead.
ii. DAY ONE OF THE TEST HAD BEGUN. He arrived outside your house extra early just to compose himself and go over the plan for today once, or twice, or maybe thrice before meeting you to walk you over to school with him. "Complement her, tell her she looks pretty." He reminded himself over and over again like a chant.
The door swung open, and as he looked up, he saw you there, waving goodbye to your parents before shutting the door and turning to him with a soft smile over your lips. You walked over to him, your hands holding onto your bag. When you stood in front of him, Heeseung seemed to have forgotten what he wanted to say, even missing the chance to greet you first. "Good morning, Hee." You say and place a kiss to his cheek. "Morning, beautiful. Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He says, cheesily wrapping an arm over your shoulders before starting to walk along the path. You raise an eyebrow at the unusual tone and let out a low hum. "Aren’t I pretty on other days as well?" You say jokingly, but your boyfriend is quick to apologise. "No, no! I didn't mean it that way!" He says, embarrassed by now, but you just enjoy the sight.
At school, he tries to complent your every move and every breath. You begin to wonder why that is, but you don't ask him that until art lesson. "Y/nie, that sketch looks so pretty. How are you so talented. I love you so much." He coos, and you stare at what you drew and scribbled onto the paper before looking up at him disturbed. "It's not that pretty." You say and place it in your folder. "You must be easily impressed." You chuckle and hit him lightly on the shoulder. "I mean, everything you do impresses me. You're just that perfect." He says and wiggles his eyebrows. "What's up with you today? You're acting weird." You comment on his behaviour and it is then that he realises that your love language might not be Words of Affirmation.
iii. HE TRIES AGAIN THE NEXT DAY, but this time he brought you roses and chocolates. It was a nice afternoon during the weekend and Heeseung met up with you before your date together. His knuckles hit against the wooden door, and you rushed over to open it of course, having awaitened him for a while now. As you open the door, you see him there, holding a big bouquet of roses as he peeks over them with his big doe eyes. "Hello, sweetie." He says, and you can hear the smile playing on his lips even though you can't see them. "Why so many gifts, hun?" You ask, taking the roses in your arms and stepping back into the house to place them somewhere. You kick your foot behind you, signalling for him to follow. "I just wanted to show you how much I love you." He says, and you hum. "Well, this much wasn't neeeded." You sounded sarcastic, but you didn't mean it. "They were pretty though." You say at last.
You two were on the date, walking around the city hand in hand. Heeseung's eyes scanned every store and he saw the cutest keychain ever, and he was certain that you'd love it. "Why are you suddenly so quiet, babe?" You ask when you realise that he got distracted. "Oh, I just need to use the restroom." He lied, and he knew he sounded like a loser, but he had to do something to get his hands on that keychain. "Doesn't that shop have a toilet?" You point at the place Heeseung had been eyeing for a while, and he hums before kissing you on the forehead. "Thanks, Love!"
He hurries over there and quickly grabs it, hoping that the line wouldn't be too long. Luckily it wasn't, so he easily paid for it and returned to where you stayed put, your eyes focused on your phone. "Baby, I have something for you." He says, and swings the keychain inbetween his fingers and you eye it with a gleam in your eyes. "That's so cute, where'd you get it?" He hands it to you proudly with a smile before pointing at the shop. This was a sucsess.
iv. IT WAS SCHOOL TIME AGAIN and Heeseung wanted to try out the act of service part. At first he was unsure by what it meant and how he'd perform it today, so he turned to his friends for guidence. "What does this mean." He asked, holding up his screen and his friends peer at it for a while then him. "Why are you even wondering?" "I'm just curious." is what he said, and their all shared a glance before questioning him again. "Are you sure, becuase if it's about y/n, we can help." They assure him, and he explains the whole story from the start which they burst into laughter in the end. "Will you help me or what?" He asked, not amused by their behaviour. They calmed down due to his tone and clear their throats before they burst out laughing again. Heeseung was not pleased, he sits there and waits for them to finish.
"Basically, being helpful, like cooking for them or cleaning." Heeseung nods and thanks his friends for their help, but they returned it by calling him a 'simp'.
With a sigh Heeseung walked away from there and over to your classroom. The school day had come to an end, and as per usual, he you two planned to walk home together. The bell finally rang, and students came pouring out. Your eyes wandered all over the mass of people and saw his tall figure amongst everyone. You rushed over to him with a wave. "Hello, Hee." You greeted, and he gave you a side hug before planting a kiss to your hair. "Hey, babe. Let's go, yeah?" He said, guiding you out to the exits.
Heeseung sees that you're holding extra many text books, and reaches out for them. "Let me hold them for you." He says, and you let him take them from you. They were heavy, but Heesung managed it. "Thank you so much," you say. "No worries." "Would you like me to help you study?" He asks, and you reply with, "no thanks, I'll study later." Heeseung hums before walking you over to your house.
"Thanks again." You say, giving him a peck on the lips. "You're welcome, lovely." He winks, and you grimace at this. "You're becoming weird again."
v. DAY FOUR has arrived and Heeseung was getting more and more confused and disturbed as the days go by, but he mustered up the will to continue. Just one more days and he's done. You had called him over for a study session, but you two found yourself engraved on the couch for a 'break'. Heeseung slowly snaked his arms around your shoulders and pull you close to him when he's succsessful, you lean yoru head against his chest with your eyes glued to the television. So far so good.
He began massaging circles on your arm and it felt ticklish, so you shrugged his fingers off with a sigh. Heeseung was disappointed at this and tried again by lifting his hand up to meet yours, but you gave him a strange look due to how touchy he is, and the fact that you don't like people touching you much.
"I'll go pop some popcorn." You say and stand up, leaving Heeseung alone with his thoughts. He exhales loudly and sink deeper into the plush material of the sofa. "Noted..." he mumbles, now knowing you dislike touch.
vi. HEESEUNG WAS SAT IN HIS ROOM AS HE PLAYED VIDEO GAMES, you sat on his bed, scrolling on your phone as soft music was playing in the background. You heard the sound of furious keys being pressed, and snapped a quick shot of Heeseung's gaming chair and let out a small giggle. He turned around in his chair and raised en eyebrow, lifting his headphones away from his ears. "What's so funny?" He asked, and you just waved your hand in front of you saying, "It's nothing." and he sceptically turned back around. You were currently texting one of your friends about his 'strange' behaviour these recent days. You explained every detail and your friends just laughed, not telling you what they were thinking. "Y/n, do you know what the five love languages are?" You told them yes, and they thought you were stupid for not realising that Heeseung was figuring out which one was yours. The realisation finally hits you, and you feel bad for being cold to him a couple of times. As you analyse the current situation, you start to think that his company feels nice just like this.
You call out his name from where you are, and Heeseung turns around yet again, letting out a hum in acknowledgement. "Yes, baby?" You crawl put of bed and make your way over to him. "You know I love you, right?" You say, and Heeseung puts his headphones onto the table. "Of course. Why are you asking?" You can sense the confusion in his tone and explain to him about the recent days and he turns shy at being exposed. "Well..." he said, and stood up from hos chair. "Well?" You echoed, feeling his arms pull you close again. "Which day did you like the most?" He asked, and you replied, "Today is my favourite."
TAGLIST: @dollyhoon
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