skelligaladan · 2 months
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25. Tasty
I really love the chapter "Holiday with Danger" from the book "the eight Doctors" written by Terrance Dicks. This chapter explained how Survival is connected to the 1996 Film, where the master get the deathworm and how he ended on Skaro.
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vitally-undead-bitch · 11 months
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this sweet murder puppy that i would die trying to hug (odogaron)
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and this weird ass giant worm of death that murked my poor jerby dude (deathworm)
sound freakishly similar, odogaron's howl and the deathworms death groan thing sound almost the exact same
just a observation i made
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connectparanormal · 5 months
Mongolian Death Worm
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thistledropkick · 6 months
I don't bother to translate stuff that NJPW is likely to post official translations of later but there's one part in the new Desperado interview that's so good I'm gonna make an exception.
Desperado, please tell us about your outlook and your goals for 2024.
Despe: In 2023, I was able to fight in many different places, and work together with many different people, and it was too fun and too stimulating, so for 2024 I want to broaden those horizons even further. I'm not saying I'll do something crazy like wrestle at Big Japan (Pro Wrestling) or anything but if you were to ask me "What show do you want to appear on the most?" I'd answer "BAKA GAIJIN" (grin)
Despe: I wanna fight Deathworm there. Big crowds in big venues don't particularly interest me, but wrestling in a unique location is really fun. I'd really enjoy being able to do that while holding the belt. A singles match against Deathworm for the IWGP belt would be really interesting. (laughs) Chris Brooks (of DDT Pro Wrestling), I'm waiting for your offer. Well, the office will probably get pissed off and tell me "You shouldn't say such things" but look, "It's for the sake of promoting New Japan or something." I really wanna fight Deathworm...
Are you sure that's an ok goal for 2024?
Despe: My goal for 2024 is to defend the IWGP belt in a singles match against Deathworm on BAKA GAIJIN (grin)
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corallapis · 9 months
Hello, I'm very normal. Have I been normal at you about the Morphant before?
lol anon no you have not but feel free to be normal abt the goo snake in my inbox <3
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cidsin · 1 year
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Art by me @cidsin Monster March 2023
Sunday comes with the Mongolian Deathworm :) who..... I feel like was maybe the inspiration for the sandworms of Dune? At least my first thought went to those xD
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
I really want to know what precisely was going through the Doctor’s head when the Master was refusing to regenerate. Like, he was the Master. He had escaped death time and time again, even jumping from body to body of other species, going to the Cheetah World, using a Deathworm Morphant, and trying repeatedly to steal the Doctor's body.
This guy clung to life like a cockroach. He survived the Time War, execution, the end of his natural regeneration cycle, and so much more, and here he was, refusing to regenerate...out of spite.
You can see the desperation on the Doctor’s face and hear it in their voice as they realize that no, the Master's not going to save themself. And I will never be over this scene.
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doodlydoodlies · 23 days
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Image: Deathworm from Steam Community Workshop
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thienvaldram · 5 months
Forgotten Lives 3 Lore Dump
Just a bunch of lore related observations from FL3
Framing Narration (Fourth Doctor/T Baker POV)
Mindbending was not invented by the Time Lords but by an arthropod species with ‘umpteen’ lives.
The Master was better at it than the Doctor at the Academy
George Gallaccio
The Lungs of the Birastrop is two years after Doctor Crocus and the Pages of Fear on Earth
The TARDIS is still a police box
The Birastrop are part of the Cult of Morbius, they do not believe in the Elixir of Life
The Doctor claims he used to be a friend of Morbius, but he seems to be bluffing
Varne can fly the TARDIS
The Doctor believes he made the firecrackers that caused the events of this story
Varne departs and a new companion, Agnes, joins in this story.
The Time Lords have been directing this incarnations efforts from the shadows, he is already considered a renegade by this point.
The firecrackers were actually made by a group of Time Lords on their final incarnations (Led by Sorianius) who had swallowed Deathworm Morphants to merge with the gunpowder.
The Doctor believes he may have killed Morbius
Framing Narration cont.
The Morbius Monster’s lungs are that of a Birastrop
The Doctor was unaware of these lives by this point, though they didn’t seem to be “erased”, merely forgotten.
Robert Holmes
The Doctor put in a healing tank frequently
He seems unfamiliar with this incarnation, and the clothes, but he also clearly has amnesia from being pulled out of the tank. (This is due to him coming out of his infiltrator persona)
By the time he reaches the hall, he’s settled in to his persona again.
His most recent mission prevented ‘a big old civil war’ and dismantled the war machine of ‘a recently deposed President’ (Morbius).
The Morbius civil war occurred during this Doctor’s era
He infiltrated the enemy side as “Bretor Ohm”, this was a new body but not a new incarnation. (Chameleon Arch?)
His failure in his final mission is responsible for Morbius’s escape (In actuality, Sellin used a vocal command to halt him)
Morbius was of House Aurora
Sellin had also given the real Bretor Ohm the Doctor’s biodata as a backup plan, but he escaped and captured Morbius whilst the real Doctor distracted Sellin.
Ohm and the Doctor ended up escaping in a TARDIS (But he was presumably later recaptured)
Framing Narration cont.
Upon reaching Holmes, Morbius realises that the Doctor is an active enemy of his, he redoubles his efforts to push the Doctor back after this point.
Graeme Harper
This Doctor has not been home in a very long time.
Morbius’s was in power during this Doctor’s era. That is why they ran away.
This Doctor has ‘raised families’
Alexandra Justine Collins is travelling with the Doctor
This incarnation disappeared into the Portal of Transformation after contemplating returning to Gallifrey. It is unclear if this is intended to be the cause of this incarnation’s rejuvenation.
Framing Narration cont.
This incarnation was secretive enough that the echo of their persona was still deflecting secrets from Morbius’s intrusion during the mindbending battle years earlier.
The Camfield incarnation horrifically lost his family (Cold Fusion) and the Fourth Doctor is still able to feel the pain even with centuries of distance.
Douglas Camfield
Another companion, Carol Williams. Stowed away on the TARDIS.
After the Loomborn revolt, the Camfield Doctor was forced into hiding.
He has left Dattany for a little while so he could heal from his family’s deaths.
The Doctor and Tallis (Someone who worked for him back on Gallifrey) believe some of his family has escaped the massacre. They go to investigate.
Morbius’s rise to power was occurring during this Doctor’s era.
Cedric and Jilly are still alive on Earth so were not related to the children killed in the Loomborn revolt.
Phillip Hinchcliffe
This Doctor parted ways with Rue eventually and settled down on Earth (Paris 1792).
It had been either 4 or -156 years since then depending on the perspective.
The Order of the Spheres and Time Lords eventually fell out, the Doctor’s handlers and the Unity were different groups.
After settling down on Earth, the Time Lords are still trying to find him. The Sisterhood of Karn uses this to blackmail him to take Françoise to Karn.
Françoise (Swan) becomes a new companion in a stripped down timeship (The Exedra) headed for Karn.
He is being pursued by another renegade called ‘The Citizen’, he wants the Elixir of Life from Karn. The Doctor leaves him to the mercy of the locals on Durcrow
The leader of the sisterhood is O’Hercha.
The Sisterhood has seen the Doctor prior to this.
The Time Lords regain contact with him in this story and intend to bring him ‘back into the fold’.
Framing Narration cont.
Four figures out the Sisterhood owes him a favour after recalling the Hinchcliffe Doctor’s life.
Christopher Baker
Cedric and Jilly’s mother is no longer ‘here’ anymore
She was Joan Smith (Miss Weston). Joan Weston is the “Joan Redfern” that Baker fell in love with. He want by ‘John Smith’ for this time period.
They first landed in early 1938 after Banks-Stewart’s renewal.
The Advisor is working alongside the Unity to disrupt Earth history. He is currently operating as a scientific advisor for the ‘Radio Men’ (Cybermen?)
The Doctor has been ‘playing with his biology’
Jill Smith (Jilly) was born in 1939
Joan Smith eventually died
Robert Banks Stewart
Joan and The Doctor have been associated for four years, it is now 1944, this means he has been on Earth for six years (1938-1944).
The Doctor’s talking owl has no name because ‘birds don’t use names’
The Magus is working with the Nazis.
The Magus had two twins working for him but one perished at the Temple of Gog and Magog.
A sample of the Elixir of Life found its way to a safe in Ireland.
The Magus claims he wants the Elixir of Life to ensure Hitler stands trial for his actions. This is a lie, as he was wounded and is dying.
Maggie O’Hecha stole the Elixir before the Doctor or Magus could get to it, she would later become leader of the sisterhood.
The Sisterhood sent the Doctor to 1945 and he saw and crystallised the end of the War.
Joan Weston’s real name isn’t Joan Weston (Joan Redfern??). In 1944 she and the Doctor left Earth to travel.
Christopher Barry
Morbius was friends with the Doctor according to ‘the story’.
His wife will slap him next time she sees him and hole up in a ‘Tower in Avalon’.
Framing Narration conc.
Morbius had known Christopher Barry’s Doctor, he’d attempted to harness the living story in order to fulfil his future dreams.
The living story had indeed raised Morbius to greatness only to bring him low in the end. He only learns this upon hitting Barry’s memories in the mindbending match, and this is why he goes full rage afterwards.
Four is unsure how many of these reawakened memories he’d retain, but doesn’t care as he embraces being an ever evolving story.
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funnywormz · 1 year
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crustaceousfaggot · 5 months
Roberts Master: Deathworm Morphant
Me, an intellectual: Goo Snake
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ilikemicrowaves · 1 year
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Remade Deathworms design
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bloodclotbitch · 13 days
Bramble wondering why I’m laughing while he’s tirelessly defending our household against the Under the Doona Deathworms
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snowcrowsy · 6 months
i had a dream i was playing pokemon sleep and i opened my pokemon storage and saw something called the Ground Worm. i was like huh whats that so i released it and it was just this massive fucking hyperrealistic deathworm that started eating all my pokemon
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corallapis · 8 months
like, i cannot emphasize enough how, according to the eight doctors, the seventh doctor immediately pre-movie is “depressed” and bitterly lonely. so much so that he decides to go somewhere where he's nearly been killed twice before in the hopes that it'll “be a case of third time lucky!” and this is juxtaposed with the master, driven into “uncontrollable obsession” after “his descent into savagery” in survival, decides the best way to do destroy the doctor is to force the doctor to become him, even if it means killing himself, too. seven gets rescued from the twice-almost-deadly planet by eight, who warns him that he'll receive a message “from an old enemy” soon, and that he should ignore it bc it'll be “a deadly trap.” seven stops him from saying more, and they part ways. once he's alone again, seven is delighted, “his depression had completely vanished. life had never seemed sweeter. mind you, there was no telling how much of it remained to him.” knowing that he's on a countdown clock, seven is suddenly much happier, and the final thought we get to read of his is: “he idly wondered what mad scheme this enemy would be hatching...” and then we see the master swallow the deathworm morphant, step out onto skaro, and laughingly insult the daleks. nothing like a lil mutual suicide <3
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thirddoctor · 1 year
Opinions? Oh well, you asked for it.
-Every single Doctor could get it. No, for real. Fill up my dance card and let the band go wild baybee
-Deathworm Morphant (aka good old Goo Snake) does NOT get enough appreciation. Hot. Would speak in Delgado’s voice in your head.
-You KNOW that the Master would have viewed possessing the Doctor as exactly like getting married
-Drums do not go anywhere. Part of the package. Also the speed and volume of them vary.
-Three had no idea (until it was too late) that his old friend had run out of regenerations.
-Nine deserves to interact with a Master. That intensity, woof. (Simm wouldn’t stand a chance, though. He’d get crumpled like tinfoil)
All right, I’ll end my reign of terror there (haha unless)
much to think about
send me Doctor Who opinions
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