#death end re;quest 2
kurenaicrush · 4 months
Death end re;Quest Concept Art
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(Disclaimer, art not done by me. Credit goes to Kei Nanameda.)
Because of how obscure the game itself is, I might literally be the first person to release some of this stuff onto the internet, let alone in high quality. So this is character concept art from the DER White Rabbit Archives book. The book was included exclusively in the DER collectors/limited edition. I happened to find someone selling the book individually for a cheap price, so I bought it with the intent to use the book to help me with a potential Compile Heart fanart project. Here is the complete concept art section of the book. Everything else in the book is stuff we've already seen before, so it's not worth mentioning. I'd also like to give my personal thoughts on each of the characters.
Shina - There's not much to say about Shina, other than they tried different hair colors for her. It seems like they had a pretty good idea of what they were going for right from the beginning.
Lily - Just like Shina, there's not much for Lily either. It is worth mentioning that it can be seen on page 62 that they tried a longer hair style. That hair gives her even more of a princess look, but I like better the design they ultimately went with. In the beginning of the game Shina and Arata specifically mention Lily's NPC design having different hair, so I like to imagine this is what it looked like.
Al - The sketches show a bigger/older version of Al with different style ears. I really enjoy this look and like it equally as much as her final design. In the end though it's probably for the best we got the smaller/younger version, as it adds more variety to the cast of characters. I kind of like the bigger longer ears better though. She's also shown with a gun, but it was later decided to give the gun to Clea, and Al her lance/spear thing. The character notes next to the sketches imply that she could've been a catgirl before they decided to make her an ambiguous beast girl. There's also another sketch on page 62. This Al is almost the same as the final version, but she can be seen with a hat and different style of ears. I don't really like this look, but it's interesting to see!
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(Here's some more for Clea)
Clea - Many different horn and hair styles were tried for Clea before one was finally settled on. There's a sketch with her having her hair down on page 62, she looks really good like that! One sketch in particular that I'd like to focus on shows Clea with a completely different style of horns. These appendages on her head seem more resemblant of animal ears than horns. Perhaps it was possibly considered to make Clea a beast girl instead? This sketch also shows her with an eyepatch which is a cool look. It seems like both Al and Clea have a couple design elements that crossover, such as the gun and animal ears.
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(Here's some more for Lucil)
Lucil - Firstly I'd like to mention that Lucil's iconic chair seems to be absent from the concept art, except for her character page. I'm thinking her chair was an idea decided on later in development. Lucil went through a lot of different iterations and they all look really nice! I've never really been that big of a fan of Lucil's design, so a lot of these I'd honestly take over the final one. One really neat idea they had was for her eye being the part of her body affected by the bug. She had this really cool glitch effect flowing from her eye and her hair concealed it. This looks so awesome and I really wish they kept this. I really like the glitch eye Lucil's outfit too! It's a bit different from the final one.
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(Closer look at a Celica concept)
Celica - It seems like most of her outfits are not too drastically different and she went through mostly color palette swaps. She did have a different buggy in one sketch. This is however one sketch for Celica that is a lot different. Her hair is completely different along with her outfit. She also has this big monster glitch arm that reminds me of Alice's blood skelter form from Mary Skelter, another game that Kei Nanameda worked on. This sketch almost feels like a completely different character, but she's still really cool!
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Arata Mizunashi - Sorry to disappoint, but Arata really had nothing. Thought I'd still mention him though, since he's a main character.
Page 60 character sketches - So this is REALLY interesting! Here we have five unnamed and unused characters, that I can only assume were meant to be Luden ideas. All of these look really awesome and it's a shame we didn't get them as actual characters. My favorite is the bottom left one with the girl on top of the monster. Such a badass design! All of these designs feel very reminiscent of Mary Skelter, which once again it's the same artist.
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Fun fact: some of the concept art appears in one of the visual novel backgrounds, accompanied by some other Kei Nanameda sketches of unknown origin, likely other random concept arts.
Thank you so much for reading! As a big DER fan, I'm honored to be the one to release this art and information! Normally with video games the material from art books eventually gets released online, but because of how obscure DER is, no one else to my knowledge has previously done so. Page 58 seems to be the only one that's been officially released. Most of everything else has been in the dark up until this point. If I find anything else, I'll be sure to post about it! I'd really like to get the DER2 book in the future!
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howlingday · 2 years
Ruby: Hmph! Don't think you can get away with your shenanigans! I may not look it, but I'm a tsundere at heart!
Blake: What?
Yang: Huh... Never thought I'd hear someone call themselves a tsundere.
Blake: Ruby, you're not a tsundere. If anyone is a tsundere, it's Weiss.
Weiss: Excuse me?
Blake: She's sour-faced, and she won't be afraid to criticize you if your tea is too cold for her liking. She means well by it.
Weiss: Sour-faced?! Hmph! I'll have you know, the tea is just fine. But it's not like I drank it just for you, you know.
Yang: Whoa...
Blake: See? Straight out of the tsundere playbook.
Weiss: I am not a tsundere!
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Ok Unicorn Overlord will get its own post at some point now that I'm finally done with it (spoilers: it's pretty great but not perfect, and I still like Engage more for SRPGs I've played semi-recently, but it's definitely one of my favorite things I've played so far this year), but here's some other stuff that's accumulated while I've been busy playing that or otherwise not posting on here.
I finally got around to playing Night in the Woods, or at least some of it. I get why people like it so much, but I think it's just not really my thing. The characters and the world are fun and everything, but when I'm a few hours in and have zero idea how far I am in the game because there's been zero actual plot so far, just random slice of life stuff, I'm probably going to get distracted and go do something else.
I tried to keep going because so many people I know really love it, but then I ran into the problem that it's possibly the only game I have on the Switch that's literally unplayable for me when the sun is up unless I go hide in a dark closet or something. I'm not turning up the brightness for the dark scenes with an average color of #010002 just to get my retinas seared off as soon as it switches to daytime again, especially when I don't have to do that in any other game. I have the fun combo of being noticeably more light sensitive than average but also having moderately bad and somewhat uncorrectable vision, and that just doesn't mesh well with trying to play this game at any time other than the middle of the night.
Death end re;Quest 2 was going to get its own post, but I just can't work up the effort to write it. I actually completely forgot I'd even played it a few days after finishing, that's how little of an impression it left on me. It was such a letdown after how interesting the first one was (despite all the problems I also had with it). I have no idea why they dropped the focus on most stuff that made the first one stand out as unique and went with much more generic horror this time around.
I could complain about the gameplay being less fun this time around for some reason (even though I never used the genre shift mechanics in the original, so it's not like it was because that was missing) or how predictable the story was or how much wasted potential the characters had (please let them have more than one personality trait), but I think I'll settle for complaining about fanservice and call it a day.
I appreciate that they dialed back on the visual side of the fanservice stuff from the first game, even if they probably only did it because so many of the characters are underage this time around, but they made up for it with their characterization instead. Look, if you have the right to write potentially interesting but ultimately relatively shallow characters and fill them with your own fetishes, I have the right to not like it and complain about it. Let Rottie have a personality trait other than "is gay", please. And just because you don't have her running around half naked because she's only 13 doesn't mean you're not still a weird creep for making her Extremely Normal about smelling Mai all the time or for making both DerQ games each have young girls talking about wetting their pants more than every other game I've played in my life combined (with the notable exception of Sahad Ys8, who somehow manages to do it twice as much as these games do combined while still being a pretty likable guy).
Maybe the story finally goes somewhere if you do the NG+ stuff, but I don't have the fortitude to drag myself through that, especially since you apparently need to do all the side quests to unlock all the dialogues, and the side quests suck and are just filler/padding. I didn't mind doing NG+ in the first one because I was actually invested in the story, but I just don't care enough this time. I'm not feeling optimistic about future games in the series, but if they're closer to what the first one was like I could be persuaded to try another if it's on sale cheap enough.
And I guess to end on a positive note, Vampire Survivors is still great. I originally played it on my computer before any of the DLC existed, and I did a bunch of what was in the game at the time but got distracted before finishing everything. I always meant to go back to it and do more and try the DLC, but I haven't been using my computer as much in the time between then and now because seeing is hard.
So I grabbed it and all the DLC on my Switch instead because it's practically free anyway, and I replayed everything I already did before plus all the new stuff, and I regret nothing. The first couple DLCs (Legacy of the Moonspell and Tides of the Foscari) were a bit underwhelming, even if some of the new characters and weapons were kind of fun, but the Amogus and Contra ones were actually surprisingly great. I was expecting crossover stuff to be worse and just a cash grab, but they actually did some really neat stuff with them and they were a lot of fun. I think I would've liked Foscari more if it had a proper adventure mode like the others to introduce you to the new stuff instead of just blasting through it with all your existing upgrades intact, but they haven't gone back and redone that one yet to add that. I suspect it'll be good when they do though, considering everything they've learned from making the more recent ones.
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qwarqy · 1 year
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demonlordcosnime · 1 year
lets play Death end Re;Quest part 2
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zoishi · 1 year
Una Visual Novel con toques JRPG | DEATH END RE;QUEST 2
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utilitycaster · 1 month
Do you think any of the other items the party has rn (ie Ashton’s hammer, Imogen’s robe) could become more relics of the red solstice? If yes, which god do you think would bless them? Vox Machina probably not, they’ve got all their vestiges already, but do you think the Mighty Nein could earn any?
I don't think this will be much of a focus, to be honest; Matt just poked fun at his Campaign 1 fetch quests. I especially don't think it will be a significant focus of the Mighty Nein as I think they and Vox Machina will only be viewpoint characters for their specific missions; a couple episodes at most. And, to be honest, one of my favorite things about the Mighty Nein is that they were never terribly focused on magic items to the ridiculous (affectionate) extent Vox Machina were. No shade to Vax but I think a lot of people did not realize that without two vestiges and an overpowered homebrew item and a bending of the rules re: smiting on thrown items, he's just a guy with 30 feet of movement who can attack twice with a dagger in melee and pump in a second level smite once he gets to the high levels.
I think it is possible with Bells Hells, but I suspect it will only really be those who sought out any kind of relationship with a god, even if it's relatively last minute. I'd love to see an exploration of Braius since I really don't think Asmodeus is fueling those paladin levels, but otherwise, Imogen and Ashton are currently the only ones with plans, so the gods in question are the Stormlord and the Arch Heart. It would be a nice touch, personally, if the Changebringer showed up and perhaps imbued the fragments of FCG with something minor, but I'd also be happy if the only relic we have is Seedling simply because again, Orym's the only one who's really been pursuing this consistently.
Just for a quick elaboration, I think one thing with the Vestiges that Matt realized is firstly, if he gives the party a list of everything, they will try to catch 'em all, which led to some episodes in C1 that, frankly, didn't have much connection to the characters and their goals (specifically the Fire Plane stuff; also while its retrieval was great, Scanlan used Mythcarver like, twice, and once was to do a two gnomes in a trenchcoat situation); and that you can end up with some really fucked party balance. I remember in Campaign 2 when people felt like everyone should get a Vestige again once it became apparent the Star Razor was one, but Fjord was a sword-focused character who put immense work into a relationship with a god; some classes and characters are just not item-based in the same way. To make D&D balanced, sometimes some characters get more toys; and also, following specific narrative paths is rewarded by the GM because it involves player dedication or risk or is just really fun and cool.*
I will also note that while time is short, not all the Vestiges of Divergence were tied to a deity. One could get a relic created by mortals; I don't, for example, know what Dancer and Imahara Joe are up to.
*at the risk of taking a pretty straightforward post and turning into an avenue of discourse, this is yet another reason why the "Raven Queen/Wildmother relationships with Vax and Orym are abusive" arguments feel in such profoundly bad faith and, quite frankly, taste, that they're hard to even engage with. It's such a deeply bleak and cynical worldview out of game to say "yeah, I think the GM is looking at an interesting player choice and is punishing them for it," even more so with a player like Liam, a person who is not precious with his characters and does not see tragedy or death in the service of a cause at the close of the story as narrative failure.
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nothingenoughao3 · 3 months
Herbert West Was Dead To Begin With (or, why Danbert was always doomed by the original narrative, pt. 1)
Thanks to this post by @gabelish, my brain went in about twenty directions. I have to talk about this or I'm going to end up chewing on my walls, and that's bad for my teeth.
Reading the script of BRIDE, it's... messy. Disorganized. You can tell they pounded this thing out in a month and didn't really have time to revise or edit. What's interesting is seeing the vague shape of a theme despite the rush-job--to get cheeky, it's a bunch of disparate parts that don't quite move in sync. A Bride of an idea that almost, but never quite does, manifest. Especially considering one or two lines that were cut which, it turns out, were integral to understanding that theme.
Let's go over it all, shall we?
Francesca's immediate appeal to Dan feels like a weird choice on the part of the filmmakers. It's asking us to care about a brand-new character without giving us much reason to do so, other than "she's a woman and she's available to the protagonist". This is a big ask in Part 2 of a franchise which, as we witnessed with the collapse of Part 3, relies entirely on the chemistry between the two already-established lead actors. The most boring parts of BRIDE are when Francesca's investigating the Sefton Ward, because neither of the dudes we're here to see are onscreen for a long time, and…
And, well, we'll have to have a big talk about Inherent Value and misogyny/queerphobia/transphobia in Re-Animator, but that'll be for Part 2.
So what's the deal with Francesca? Why is she even here? Is she just there to drive a wedge between Herbert and Dan?
Well, yes. But in addition to being an object kicked between the two leads as needed, she is also an object for the writers' thematic purposes. This purpose is revealed in what Dan says in the infamous scene where they have sex: "So soft... so warm..."
It's the warmth Dan craves, because that is associated with Life.
Francesca is Life. She's associated with food, the real substance of Life--which Herbert rejects. The script even specifies that Dan and Herbert's kitchen should look like it was never used... as though there's no life in it. Fran brings Life to it by preparing food in it. She's also associated with Angel, the dog, who generally senses--not Evil, per se, but the Dead. Angel reacts positively to Fran and to Dan. And Angel tries to attack every reanimate she meets--as well as Herbert.
Dan values and believes in Life. He is seduced by Herbert's quest because he wants to believe that reanimated beings are Alive. But let's be real, he doesn't believe reanimates are Alive. He agrees with Dr. Hill's assertion that reagent "gives the dead the appearance of life". He asserts that Halsey is dead post-reanimation, because, obviously, he doesn't see Halsey as Alive. Later, he perceives the Bride as being a collection of dead human body parts until She's reanimated. At that point, all the stress seems to convince him that she is Alive... until Herbert emphasizes that the Bride is his creation, a being glued together with reagent.
Who, therefore, cannot have Life.
Dan rejects the Bride because he wants Life, someone who is Alive. She's not. This is also why part of his rejection involves him declaring that Meg is dead. The thing that kept Dan on board with the Bride Project was imagining that he was bringing Meg back to Life. Stating that Meg is dead is acknowledging that reagent cannot create Life, so far as Dan's concerned.
Meg's heart is, to me, another symbol. Dan wants it to represent Life, but as the final shot emphasizes, it represents Death. It only had the appearance of Life so long as Dan believed in its validity as a source of Life. Notice that he says "You're not Meg!" in response to the Bride offering him Meg's heart, because it isn't the heart he wanted, only what it stood for. Once he stops clapping his hands and believing, the heart stops beating... and is left in the embalming room, with all the other Dead Things.
They cut several lines where Dan repeatedly referred to Gloria as "Meg". This gives Dan's desires specificity. Dan spends all of BRIDE wanting Meg to Live. That is his central trauma, the source of all his fuckery: he misses Meg and he wants her back. He almost fools himself into thinking she's alive again, then accepts that she's not.
The next best person to escape with, then, would be someone who is Alive.
This is what Francesca gives him.
In the script, Dan resuscitates Francesca successfully once they escape the tomb. He joyfully declares "You're alive!". THAT is what Dan wanted. Life. Someone soft and warm.
To Herbert, though, reanimated life IS Life. He perceives no magical or spiritual dimension to Life the way Dan's implied to (and the narrator of the original stories did). His inability to convince Dan to see things his way is a big part of his downfall in BRIDE, but it also points to a really brutal tragedy underlying the whole plot:
If we take the Integral Cut as canon, and it likely is, then Herbert isn't Alive by Dan's standards, and hasn't been this entire time.
He shoots up reagent. This is in stark contrast, by the way, with the original stories, where Lovecraft emphasized that reagent did nothing whatsoever to living tissue. This is--symbolically, again, I'm not making diagetic claims here--a not-so-subtle declaration that Herbert is Dead. Corpses and body parts get the reagent because they are not a part of Life. And since Herbert gets the reagent, well...
Anything that comes from Herbert cannot be Life. It can only be "the appearance of life". This is why the food Herbert makes looks fake and wrong and is described as "awkwardly made" in the script, unlike Francesca's perfect sauce... Food is Life. Herbert is Dead.
The script of BRIDE suggests that Herbert repeating Dan's "So soft, so warm" line is manipulation, but it sure doesn't come across that way--it comes across as abject begging for Dan to see some kind of value in the Bride Project, and thereby, in him. When the Bride tries to win Dan back over by repeating "You made me!", Herbert, sounding furious, snaps "I made you!". He thematically links himself with Her because she's the big project that will make Dan love only him the Work. He reinforces the theme that he is Dead, or Death.
The way that Herbert gigafucks himself is when he senses that Dan's about to reject the Bride (Death) in favor of Francesca (Life), and Herbert... accidentally confirms this dichotomy with "Forget it, Dan, she's just dead tissue!" That is exactly what Dan didn't want. Herbert objectifies the Bride--but not into just any object. She is turned into a disposable object, a thing they can throw away in a medical biohazard bin. Because she's Dead.
He's trying one last Hail Mary to win Dan back, but their fundamental disagreement on the very nature of Life and Death means Herbert can't even understand how to do it.
Relatedly, Herbert is heavily associated with Dead Places. He is introduced to Dan in the sonofabitchin' morgue and spends almost half his scenes in same. His personal room in Dan's house is Spartan, because Living people need luxury and personal items, and Herbert's... not. He spends most of the rest of his time in the basement--underground, like a grave, get it, hahaha. In BRIDE, we never see his bedroom. Instead, he spends most of his time in the basement/embalming room/secret laboratory which is also underground, and which is interconnected with a tomb in the graveyard. A tomb Herbert willingly tunnels into and accesses regularly, which is totally normal Living behavior and not that of a ghoul...
... and, in the end, he is dragged off into that tomb, and he does not escape. Because he belongs there.
He is Dead (which is why, by applying queer theory, we all think that he's queer and/or trans, about which more in Part 2). Herbert's hard and cold, not soft and warm. He has only the appearance of Life. Everything he creates is Dead.
In the script, when Francesca and Dan meet in Peru, they talk about the cruelty of war, and she says the following: "When the state makes people's lives unnatural, it creates monsters." This is called back when she finds out that Herbert's built Hand Dog out of Angel. She calls Dan a "freak", and accuses him of acting like he's saving people when he's "creating monsters". Because he is behaving like Herbert, he's a freak. A monster. Someone who thinks he's creating Life when he's actually reveling in Death.
Hell, the script describes the reanimate rejects that kill Herbert as "the fruit of his scientific womb", deliberately mocking Herbert's notions that he's creating Life, and also causing me physical pain as a trans dude.
The more I've gone over this theme (in the service of my long-ass fix-it fic), the more it feels like Dan and Herbert were always doomed by the original narrative thanks to this specific, fundamental difference between them. The only way they'd be able to get along long-term again after BRIDE is if one of them changed fundamentally as a person, and not only would neither of them do that, it'd make their dynamic less interesting and engaging to watch. (I mean, shit, I've had to introduce Lovecraftian Great Old Ones to help those two buttheads understand they have a common enemy.)
But yeah. Sorry to say it. Herbert's Dead. That's what made it so easy for Dan to abandon him. Herbert could cut out his own heart and replace it with Meg's. It would not have made any difference. There is nothing, nothing at all, he could have done, not once Dan realized that reagent cannot give Real Life--that it can't bring Meg back to him.
It was always going to end this way. With Herbert lost among the Dead. With Dan fleeing for Life and normalcy.
But that's what fandom's for, fixing all of that... right?
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ladyandherbooks · 2 months
So the beginning of season 7 is going to be very chaotic and emotional for everyone as they all converge on Katolis. Especially when Runaan arrives.
Runaan's arrival in Katolis is going to be a complicated one, the humans won't trust him as he killed their last king but the Sunfire elves that arrive with Amaya and Janai are going to have a completely different view of him.
Let's start with the humans first.
As mentioned above the humans of Katolis and Duren ( I'm assuming that Aanya will also travel to Katolis to help out) will not see his arrival as a positive, he killed their last king and thanks to Viren, Duren believes that a Moonshadow assassin came to kill their queen. And in the aftermath of Sol Regem's attack tensions and emotions will be running high.
Back at the beginning of season 5 Opeli wanted to arrest Rayla for breaking into Viren's lab and for taking Runaan's bowblade. The only reason she wasn't imprisoned was because Callum voucher for her and used his position as a prince to free her.
So I imagine that the chance of someone at least attempting to arrest and imprison Runaan will be high and it's going to take multiple people to prevent that from happening (more on that later).
And then we have Ezran. Something I want people to remember is that he doesn't know about Rayla's parents and Rayla and Callum's quest to free them. So he's not only going to be dealing with the destruction in Katolis but also the fact that Runaan is alive and there and his brother and friend didn't tell him about their plan to bring him back. This complete lack of communication, while not done out of malice is going to affect his relationship with Callum and Rayla during season 7. He's going to be understandably angry at seeing Runaan again and will be upset at the other 2 for not telling him about their plans.
Meanwhile he's going have to deal with seeing Runaan alive, the elf who killed his dad, wandering around free while Ezran is now an orphan. He's going to hate him but he's also going to see how much he means to Rayla and that he's Rayla's father. It's going to stir up so many complicated emotions in him and it's going to really test him in regards to how he deals with Runaan. He's justified in being angry with and hating Runaan but he's also Rayla's dad and so any action he takes against Runaan will impact her too. And if Callum (or anyone else) tries to defend Runaan and tries to form a relationship with him I can see Ezran feeling very isolated and alone. The real test for Ezran will be if he can make the right decision, a decision of love, not strength or anger or the easy choice. A choice that Harrow was once faced with almost 3 years ago. And we saw what he chose and what that led to.
Which leads me to my next hope. I hope that Runaan's presence in Xadia will force Ezran, Callum etc to re-examine the events of the beginning of the show. Because while it's understandable that Ezran will feel anger towards Runaan he isn't solely responsible for Harrow's death, Zubeia, Viren and Harrow all share responsibility for Harrow's death. I'd like and hope to see Ezran re-examine and unpack his feelings towards Zubeia and Harrow and realise that he's not only still upset and angry about that night but that he's also angry at his friend Zubeia and his father Harrow for the choices that they made.
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Because like Harrow he hasn't healed and truly moved on from that fateful night and he'll need to in order to truly heal and ensure that he doesn't repeat the same mistakes that Harrow made.
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This doesn't mean that he'll forgive Runaan by the end of the season or even stop being angry with him but I do think it will be an important step forward for Ezran in helping him heal and grow and would pave the way for Ezran forgiving Runaan one day in the future. To stop the coldness in his heart from taking control and leading him from the path of love.
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The Sunfire elves turning up in Katolis to help them in their time of need is also going to complicate things when Runaan turns up.
We learnt in Bloodmoon Huntress that Runaan is a legend, for his skills as an assassin but mostly for his heart. And so, unlike the humans I think that the Sunfire elves will see Runaan's arrival as a positive, especially if they, like the Moonshadow elves, believed him to be dead for the last 2 years. To them he isn't a monster, he's a hero, a living legend that some may be in awe of.
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They won't allow such a legendary figure be arrested, which brings me to Janai and Amaya.
There's every chance that Janai actually knows Runaan and if she does and if their friends then this will further complicate things as she's going to want to help out and defend Runaan while also keeping the peace with her new nephew Ezran. Not to mention that Amaya may also have very complicated feelings about Runaan but as both a new queen of the Sunfire elves and Ezran's aunt she will have to navigate this situation very carefully.
I imagine that Runaan (and potentially Rayla) will probably stay with the Sunfire elves while they stay in Katolis, although I'm not sure how long our key characters will stay there before they decide or are convinced to move.
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regulusrules · 2 years
Ranking the best 10 Merlin episodes + a fic rec based on each one:
(absolutely not based on how gay they were) ((no order for the eps; they're all chef's kiss)) (((last two fics have a hold on me that levels the show itself; worth scrolling for)))
1. The Poisoned Chalice
Look. There is something just absolutely entrancing about introducing this episode in the first five of the entire show. Like, this hands-on was the sole reason everyone fell for those two idiots. It beautifully captured how the saving each other thing is reciprocal, because the first three episodes you just have to watch Merlin run around saving Arthur, never the reverse. Producing it early on in the show was the decision that, in my opinion, held everyone in their chokehold for eternity.
Fic rec: you are my favorite mistake (it can only be fate) by @multifandom-jess.
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2. The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
I could go on and on for how this episode singlehandedly carried s5 on its shoulder. Like, okay I unfortunately love s5 with all my fucking heart, but this episode was perfect. Ghosts? Check. Banter? Check. POETRY?? Check check. A slap to Uther's face? Oh how beautifully checked.
It's so easy to recall how Arthur truly loved his father, but in this episode, the turmoil you see in his eyes from the actions of his father and how he resorts to saving the ones he loves (Merlin) over his father, is just too beautiful to be overlooked. Ever since Arthur became king, we see him struggle from his father's legacy. But in this episode, he begins to detach both consciously and subconsciously from him. Whether it's in his decision to save the old sorceress in the beginning, or to shun Uther's ghost, both the literal and the figurative, from his life any longer. This was one of the episodes that captured the true essence of King Arthur.
+1: the innuendos of this episode were 🤌. They knew what they were doing, you can't convince me otherwise. (are you threatening me with a spoon? / I'm teaching him some poetry.. he can't get enough of it! / what was that? h-horseplay. why don't I show you?)
Fic rec: My heart is readily yours by @regulusrules. (absolutely love how after all this introspection, i decided to throw it all away and made uther stab merlin in the fucking heart instead. but still it was my honourable attempt to shit on the finale and give them the happy ending everyone deserved).
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3. The Sword in the Stone pt. 2
OKAY. This episode! Aside from how badass Merlin was in both pt.1&2, but here, especially in the part where us audience were impatiently waiting for the revival of the sword in the stone, there could've been nothing more perfect. Just like their adaptation of the round table scene, this was perfect in its own way for how different it was. They didn't make it so that people will finally find a king; they made it so that the people believe in their king. And more than that, for Arthur to believe in himself. With the estrangement and losing his crown, the writers gave him the best way to re-establish his inner glory. And Merlin being this guide; what more perfect culmination to their relationship?
You have to believe, Arthur.
Fic rec: Couldn't choose between Only Friend by @captain-ozone, and Fathom Me Out by @supercalvin. Brilliance ahead in both of them, I tell you.
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4. The Eye of the Phoenix
Magic. Gwaine. Quests. Need I say more to explain that this was the show's holy trinity?
Fic rec: From Past to Present by flowersheep. (Prince Merlin. Archer Merlin. Perfection my friends).
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5. A Servant of Two Masters
Look look; if there's an honourary wall of opinions for all the people who've watched Merlin, I DARE you to find just one who disliked this episode. Like, the series was so full of BS sometimes, but this episode was above all. The level of brilliance in this episode; showing Dark!Merlin, who's at the same time hilariously funny, and seeing him BAMF his way with Morgana, even when he's chained and tortured.. oh dear holy Lord. His "do me a favour, could you? let Arthur know." was able to steal all breath from my lungs the first time I saw it (and until now).
And don't get me started on the Protective!Arthur we got. Caring for Merlin, screaming for him when the rocks fell between them, silencing Agravaine immediately when he told him he's sorry for losing such a loyal servant because bullshit if he doesn't reign down hell before he loses Merlin. And ofc, Courage and Strength on their way to find Magic, which just filled my heart with an 'aaahhh!' moment, because we didn't get enough Gwaine-Arthur-Merlin shenanigans. And at last, the Hug™. Fucking screamed let me tell you.
It is an episode that truly showed everything; from comic elements to fluff and angst and everything. The only thing it lacked was, as always, giving Arthur the space to know. Because ffs what would they have lost if they made Arthur understand that Merlin's under Morgana's control? It wouldn't have exposed shit. It would've just been a plus to us to see Arthur caring for Merlin even more. They tried so hard that it completely backfired sometimes.
Fic rec: Still I Surface in Morning Light by @queerofthedagger. (I swear to you, anything written by this author, I readily throw whatever in hand to read it).
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6. The Dragon's Call
Let thy gif caption speak.
No but really, that first episode was the stuff of legends. I could list down tens of tropes they did in just that episode alone. Honestly, no "family" show I've ever seen had started this powerfully. Just the music alone, the beauty of beginnings, not the CGI, was truly so gripping. Also bonus points for just Colin Morgan's sass abilities. None can compare.
Fic rec: This Time Around... series (incomplete) by Oneiric (lkdaswani). (this is a time travel AU, but the way the writer rewrote this episode was one of the best deviations I've read for an episode I already find near faultless).
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7. The Sins of the Father
I might be subjecting myself to true wrath with my upcoming statement, but here we go:
S2 sucked.
From the beginning of the season, Arthur's shift in characterization from the honourable lovable prat of s1 to a letting Merlin act as a horse stool got me going wtf? It was like they deliberately ruined everything in their relationship and started out fresh just to force the Arthurian narrative of Arwen. And it's fine by me, truly, even if I'll never ship them, but they could've developed Arthur's character SO MUCH in that season beyond comic relief and romantic rendezvous.
Anyway so that I don't stray so much from the topic; this episode was, by fair comparison, the best in the entire season. By now it's pretty obvious that I gravitate towards all the episodes that give Arthur a semblance of agency. Him going against Uther and his maniac murderous agenda was the start of actually seeing King Arthur in front of us. Also, him listening to Merlin when he was on the verge of committing patricide was one of the things that gave me hope in how there's still hope in them. Even if they ruined it with making Merlin lie to Arthur, but the writers practically ruined every good episode with this.
+1: Morgause's intro was badass.
Fic rec: The Sins of the Father (and how to right them) by @cupcakezys. (what we deserved. to see arthur with agency, with an ability to decide for his future without being lied and deceived to).
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8. Diamond of the Fucking Day
No matter how much I hate this episode, I can't, in good conscience, deny its hold on my heart. As I wrote before, there could've been no better magic reveal than this. And for all of my bitterness over their decision to kill Arthur, I sanely admit how it was a decision that insured the immortality of this fandom. It's been ten years since that episode aired, and I bet my ass off that it will still feel the same even after countless more decades.
Fic rec: literally the entirety of the fandom's fix-it fics. We all started from there, didn't we? Choosing only one would be so undervaluing to all the brilliance I've seen. However, my tags filter for it usually include: fix-it, angst with a happy ending, court sorcerer merlin, shitting on bbc writers 101, canon era, not canon compliant, everybody lives especially king arthur you mfs.
Update: I subconsciously took all these tags and wrote them in a fic
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9. The Wicked Day
Throw me from the highest tower there is because every time I remember this scene, I just want to fade into the light. The sheer level of love and understanding shimmering between those two. Sometimes I marvel at the choice of bringing Colin and Bradley together, because no two could have achieved such chemistry, platonic or not, as those two did. This whole episode of showing Arthur's grief, and Merlin's desperation to heal it, was truly unforgettable. I try not to linger on its ending, Arthur denouncing magic for the millionth of time, but other than that it was a gem served to us on a silver platter.
Also seeing Uther finally die was a plus.
Fic rec: As much as I'd love to recommend my own fic for this, but honestly, whenever I get the chance, I will always take it to scream and wail about one of my absolute favourite fics of all time, which really isn't given ANY of the goddamn credit or attention or kudos it deserves. Beauty in the Ashes of Our Lives by Fulgance. I swear to you, you will never read something as beautifully heartbreaking as this. This fic resides in my mind rent-free. Basically any work by Fulgance is amazing, but this fic— oh God, my heart cannot take it sometimes.
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10. Arthur's Bane pt. 1
Fuck, that episode was a masterpiece. You know, if it was all in my hands, I would've magic revealed at this particular episode. It was just.. the perfect opportunity. King Arthur in his glory, beginning of the season, enough time for Arthur to fully understand the depth of what Merlin did for him. Also, the range Arthur was given starting from here; God it's what we deserved. I always blame the writers for being inconsistent with his characterization (s2 and all), but they beautifully crafted it in the end, and it was their perfect chance to even explore the whole extent if only they made the magic reveal earlier.
Fic rec: Our broken pieces by @aramblingjay. Okay so this fic rec isn't necessarily linked at all to the episode, but I can't, in good conscience, recommend fics and not include it. Technically context wise it fits s5, for in it you see Arthur in his grandeur as king. This shall be my only exception because it's the only fic that was able to make me cry. Truly, I never shed tears, but in this, my heart stuttered. The fact that it is so unnoticed makes my blood boil because of how much praise it deserves. I can never recommend it enough.
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To conclude, BBC Merlin has a powerful hold on everyone because of the fact that they knew how to eternalise it. It is significantly unique in its interpretation of legendary figures. I think I watched nearly all adaptations of King Arthur throughout the years, but even with how great some really are, to me none compare with this sword-swishing, banter-driven, CGI-messing, emotionally-killing 2008 show.
Honorary mentions:
| The Labyrinth of Gedref | Gwaine | Le Morte D'Arthur | Lancelot | The Coming of Arthur | The Moment of Truth | The Hunter's Heart | His Father's Son | The Darkest Hour |
[More fic recs]
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
Hello! I’m wondering if you have any recommendations for Animal-themed TTRPGs? Specifically wild animals if possible (jungle, arctic, desert, etc). I have a lot of recommendations for domestic animals and pets! ☺️
Theme: Wild Animals
Hello friend! You are right, there are quite a lot of recommendations out there for cute pet-like animals, but I think I managed to find a nice variety of wild animals. I also have a few longer games to balance out the 1-page rpgs I found.
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One Less Lobster in Maine, by Minte.
You’ve made it! You escaped! Freed from your wooden trap you find yourself on the picturesque coasts of Maine. One lobster alone facing the world, on a journey to make your way back to the sea. 
This game played with a deck of cards, lets you build your own adventure. Play on your own or with friends this is meant to be a fun lighthearted story building game that is easy to pick up and play. All you need are some cards, maybe some friends, your imagination for your very own crustacean crusade.
This game can be played solo or with a group; it’s basically an oracle that presents you with events and obstacles as your lobster makes their way to the sea.
Emu Uprising, by ashleecraft.
You play an emu trying to defeat the government with the help of your friends in this 1-page TTRPG based on The Great Emu War created for the Historically Accurate Game Jam 2023!
This is hilarious re-enactment of a real-life historical event. You roll a series of times using 2d6 to determine what happens in each round of battle. Your goal is to get more Emu points than Human points. Feel free to add your own embellishments to each moment of battle!
Rise of the Apes, by WuDeRPG.
Rise of the Apes takes the premise of the movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes and lets you play as a group of Apes escaping a laboratory on their quest to reach freedom in the woods.
This is the first game using the RISE system, which divides play into 3-act struggles over which your characters will experience evolutionary moments. I think this game has an interesting opportunity as a teaching tool because players have a chance to get familiar with one part of their character sheet before adding on new pieces. I’m interested to see whether each act could be its own game session; breaking out of the lab as the first act could certainly take up to 2 or 3 hours.
Crabpocalypse, by Z Gosck.
Great news, the apocalypse is here!
but not at the hands of zombies, aliens, or unrelenting capitalism, but rather the meaty claws of giant enemy crabs. And even better news, you’re the fucking crabs!
Become crab, as nature intended, in Crabpocalypse! A game that finally puts you in the carapace of a giant enemy crab, bringing unimaginable death and destruction upon a world that sorely deserves it!
An absolutely ridiculous game, Crabpocalypse requires that players play the entire game with their hands shaped like crab claws, lest they lose a point from their highest crabtribute. The whole game is this silly and over-the-top, right to the end - where you will fight a giant, human-allied crab!
Mortal Wombat, by JoshyLongLegs.
Captured in your infancy by some Australian scientists (unburdened by morals or ethics) you have been turned into a sapient cyborg synapsid, hell-bent on escaping the laboratory you've been kept captive in all these years! 
Joined by your own marsupial mob you've got to use your head and your butt to prove yourself the finest Wombatant and make your way to freedom! 
Another simple one-page game, Mortal Wombat embraces the cartoonish style of children’s tv shows and gives your wombats some serious chrome upgrades. There appears to be some callbacks to Honey Heist here, so if you’re familiar with that one-pager, this game will probably be pretty easy to pick up and play.
Moose Trip, by Kira Magrann.
You’re a moose living in the human occupied wilds of Montana. You’ve just eaten some of your favorite psychedelic mushrooms with your friends. The streams are cooling, the willows ripe with delicious leaves, and soft orange moss dots granite rocks amid grassy fields. You’re settling into your favorite lush sanctuary here in the wilds for a mind altering and inspiring psychedelic trip.
This game is more of a conversational experience than something with a definable goal. You take turns rolling mushroom feelings, and then ask the group around you the related question. I think this game could also be used as a mini-game inside a larger campaign, regardless of who your characters are - you don’t even really need to be a moose to play.
The Warren, by Bully Pulpit Games.
The Warren is a tabletop role-playing game about intelligent rabbits trying to make the best of a world filled with hazards, predators and, worst of all, other rabbits. It is a game about survival and community.
There are many creatures, humans included, that are bigger, stronger, meaner, or more numerous than rabbits. The seasons and the elements do not care that rabbits are only little things. Rabbits cannot hope to meet these threats head on. Only through speed, wits, and keeping a cool head can rabbits bypass the dangers of the outside world.
The Warren hails from the PbtA family of games, and pulls greatly on rabbit stories such as Watership Down and Peter Rabbit. It comes highly lauded and is known for its ability to combine the idyllic comfort of being a small creature with the tragic horror of being everyone’s favourite prey. If you want a deep game that isn’t afraid to send you to some dark places, I recommend The Warren.
Games I've Recommended in the Past
Capybara Capers, by momatoes.
Jellyfish Felonies, by Penguin King Games.
My Fish Games Post.
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pink-eye-liner · 11 months
I am a Drew Tanaka Stan account, but this does not mean that I hate Piper, that also doesn't mean that I like her either, say what you want but hear me out.
I liked Piper, I thought that she was pretty cool at first but by the end of TLH when Piper "defended" Silena is when my opinion on her started to go down hill. Piper had no right to defend Silena because she did not know her, at that time the only thing that Piper knew about Silena was her name and the fact that she was the Aphrodite cabin head Councilor before she died, Piper has never met Silena and she's bearly even heard of her deeds. Now, to those who say--
"Well, Annabeth told Piper about Silena"
No, no she did not, at least not really. If you can remember, when Annabeth was touring Piper around the camp, she did mention Silena and told her how she was the previous Cabin 10 head Councilor, and that she was kinder and more caring compared to the other Aphrodite kids (Rick I hate you for this) but then stopped herself from saying anymore because it was obviously a sensitive topic to her.
Plus, Piper becoming the head Councilor only after spending two days at CHB ticks me off because she bearly did shit.
"Oh she went on a quest"
So? The other Aphrodite kids went to War! Among her siblings Drew had been at camp the longest so I'm guessing that she was there for both The Battle Of The Labyrinth and The Battle Of Manhattan. Even if Drew was just one of the medics and not one of the fighters (which you will never convince me into believing, you cannot tell me that this girl- Drew Tanaka- is an absolute menace) she still helped and survived, Piper should not have been the one with the leverage!
I get that Uncle Rick wanted his main characters to be the Head Councilors so that they could be the ones to attend the meetings and all that, but he could have gone about Piper becoming the head in a much better way!
And to those who say--
"What about Leo, he became head Councilor the same time as Piper, you're just placing double standards"
No I am not! Because Leo did a lot for his cabin even just that one day when they arrived at CHB (1) he discovered bunker 9-- something that none of the other current Hephaestus kids even knew about and (2) He fixed Festus and even found/ re-attached his wings-- something that the other Hephaestus kids thought was impossible. I mean look at what happened to Jake Mason when he tried to get that dragon at bay! Bro ended up in a full body cast.
And to those who are saying--
"Well Piper got rid of all the stereotypes"
No, no she did not, because around this time she was still in her "I'm not like other girls" phase. Now I'm not gonna judge her for this phase because we all went through it (I definitely did) but the way she was so quick to judge and stereotype the other Aphrodite kids as spoiled and vain without even properly conversing with them is not helping her case.
Plus, at the Hephaestus cabin, no one really wanted to be the Head Councilor, and I think that it was the same for the Aphrodite cabin because think about it, Drew is canonically Sadie Kane's age so around 14-15 (maybe even 13 I don't know it just said that she was around Sadie's age) so she was very young when the two wars happened, and we know that the head Councilors are the ones at front, the ones who HAVE to handle things, the ones who lead and die before everyone else (which is greatly shown/represented by the Apollo cabin, RIP Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew) You cannot tell me that my girl wanted in on that.
You cannot tell me that Drew Tanaka wanted the responsibility that came with being head councilor.
"Oh, she wanted power over her siblings, I mean she was a Tyrant! "
The death! You cannot tell me that a 13- 14 year old was thinking about power after she heard that her older sister's face got melted off and that she had to step up and be in charge of a cabin full of kids. Like Drew jumped at the first moment she had to get all the responsibilities off of her shoulders. ESPECIALLY since she KNEW that shit was starting to stir again with the new prophecy (let's not forget the fact that she was one of the first people to put the pieces together and bring it up) MY GIRL RAN THE OTHER WAY AND I DON'T BLAME HER FOR IT.
I think that this is the EXACT reason why Drew didn't fight Piper to keep her position as Head Councilor. She didn't want it, cuz let's be real, Drew would have BODIED Piper. I mean I'm pretty sure that Chiron trained those Demigods like seasoned war soldiers and Piper had zero training.
AND I BETTER NOT see anyone say that--
"Oh no way! Drew could't have been stronger then Piper, Drew probably skipped training because she didn't wanna ruin her nails or get sweaty, that's just how she is blah blah blah"
No! Chiron is responsible, he would NOT let ANY camper miss or skip training, cuz if they did then you know that he's gonna make them clean the stables or wash the dishes, now THAT is something that Drew would not want to do.
Now I'm not here do say that Drew is a completely innocent cutie patootie because she wasn't, she was Sadie's bully and yes she was mean to her siblings, I can't defend that and I won't by saying--
"Oh she's just a young dumb traumatized teenager going through some shit, we all make mistakes"
(even though I think it's true in certain levels although not completely) Cus if I do then I don't think you guys will like/accept that so let's just cut her some slack.
Anyways, I think the reason why I like her so much is because we're kinda similar (I'm not extremely pretty and popular don't get me wrong, I'm actually the kid that sits quietly in the corner, but I too am a 15 year old Asian female who's not a healthy grievier and tend to lash out when I get emotional, I probably would have reacted similarly if I was in her situation. I also don't think that the war had given her (and most of the other Demigods honestly) some maturity (people say that the wars made the Half-Bloods more mature but I honesty don't think that thats true for all of them, Drew included) I think that it just gave them PTSD, trauma and some false beliefs about the world.
In conclusion, I like Piper, but I like Drew 100x more, and I think that HOO would have been more interesting if Drew had been part of the seven instead of Piper, I think Drew would have added more flavor and more emotion, the Media scene definitely would have been more interesting if it was Drew that was there and you all know it, AND how her opinion about Silena would affect her relationship/ create tension in the Argo with Annabeth and Percy.
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Another few assorted things, I guess, since I've been bouncing around between stuff again.
Death end re;Quest 2 will probably get its own post at some point after I decide whether I'm willing to subject myself through NG+ to see the true ending. After getting to the normal good/bad endings though my opinion so far is that I'm absolutely flabbergasted that there's so much debate over whether the first or second game is better because my experience was that literally the only thing improved in the second was the framerate, and most other stuff was at least a little bit worse.
Geometry Survivor is so close to good but just didn't click for me. The cooldowns on the abilities are all so long that I just feel like I'm sitting around with nothing happening way too much of the time and can't rely on most of them to do anything useful when I need them, and I'm pretty sure my brain is convinced the hitbox on the...ship? is like 10-20% smaller than it actually is because that's how it usually works in games like this. It seemed like most times I got hit were in cases where it seemed like I should've been able to make it through a gap just fine. I think I'd probably like it a decent amount with some small tweaks to stuff like that, but as it is it just isn't doing it for me.
I mostly only got and played Star Ocean: First Departure R because it was on sale pretty cheap while I was still in the good part of SO2R (read: the first half). I wasn't expecting as much from it because it's not a remake to the degree of the second game (it feels more like playing a PS1 game in an emulator with antialiasing enabled and a widescreen hack), but even then I still couldn't really get into it. It's so unclear what will trigger the progression of the story a lot of the time, and like three hours in I still hadn't found a compelling reason to do literally anything other than mash the A button in combat. I do hope they keep going and give the third game (I guess the PS2 one is SO3? even though there was a GBC game between 2 and that one) a proper update too though, since I never really played much of it myself back in the day but had friends into it.
And then finally A Time Traveller's Guide to Past Delicacies is saved for last because I liked it more than all of the other things in this post combined. It's short, it's weird, and I have no idea what it's trying to say, but I love the way it says it. It perfectly captures the bizarreness and jank that 90s FMV games frequently had, and it also reminds me of the early 2010s when I had the energy to keep up with weird, obscure, experimental indie games being released and saw all sorts of strange and fascinating stuff people put out there. Not enough games have live action sock puppets these days.
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dramadramallama · 8 months
Love Supremacy - brain rot part 3 (hopefully that's it, last part, i'm done PHEW)
As stated here, the story within a story structure makes for a cool viewing experience. Different readings for different levels.
Layer 1 - Myung-ha abandons himself Layer 2 - Limbo: an intermediary, temporary, blurry state Layer 3 - The Game, roleplaying yourself (Layer 4 - Us, watching the show haha)
It grants both the audience, and the characters a chance to get a new perspective. 
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As Myung-ha sinks into himself, he has to rise back up.
The game framing is interesting, as it makes Myung-ha an active participant in his own fate. He is more likely to act in the safety of a game, with defined, clear goals, and “easy” missions to complete on the side of the main quest. It compartmentalizes the universe in neat little game notifications, and relieves some of the pressure of the hardest part of life. Finding happiness? Pfff, EASY, right?
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Myung-ha is given the opportunity to do what all of us have probably wished at one point: re-start, from the latest save point, where it all went wrong. As argued in part one, the characters aren’t just words on paper, or pixels in a game. They have agency, just like Myung-ha.
1. Mirrors/Symmetry
2. Fate, Free Will, and Happiness
▶️3. Game/Reality
Very soon, it appears the lines between the so-called game and so-called reality are getting extremely blurry. 
First, the stakes are incredibly high for a simple game. The penalty is death. 
Myung-ha doesn’t seem fazed by the threat of death, he’s not scared of it. It could be because it's "just a game," but I personally think it's because he's technically already "dead." He ignores the penalty and focuses on his mission(s) at face value. Subconsciously, he works towards changing his own fate, and he gets there!
Debuffs (negative effects) need to be corrected
His efforts are slightly slowed by “debuffs.” These incidents happen due to Yeo-woon’s general dislike for everyone (including himself). They slow the process down enough to teach Myung-ha how to build friendships and relationships. The trick here is that Myung-ha is supposed to learn by proxy, through Yeo-woon’s self-love journey, how to love and be loved, and speak his true feelings.
“Bad” things seem to happen because Yeo-woon isn't quite ready for that unstoppable wave of affection Myung-ha unleashes. At first, the debuffs are incredibly mild and inoffensive (Fondness/Affection level around -10 or -5 = a LEAF falling on his face, a defective streetlight, and spicy tteokbokki lmao) and are easily transformed into something positive, bringing them closer.
But Yeo-woon’s affection is directly related to how honest Myung-ha is with himself and others. For example, he is disappointed to realize the urgency of Myung-ha’s text was fake (="Myung-ha doesn't trust me like I trust him"), and he doesn’t reassure Yeo-woon about the fact that he smells like someone else (lol cat energy). By refusing to open himself up to be cared for, it backfires with direct consequences. 
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Myung-ha is allergic to listening to his own advice. All "do as I say, not as I do." When he told Yeo-woon "when someone cares for you, just accept it, why do you have to [question it?]" I almost screamed. We're all mental health experts when it comes to someone other than ourselves lol.
As for most things in life, the answer is balance. His side quests involve, for example, making other friends, who can be reliable and provide help in return. Kyung-hoon helps with a part time job and Sang-won offers to drive him to Yeon-woo.
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Also interesting to note, his knee jerk reaction to anyone trying to enter his sphere is to close himself off, keep some distance. The above is in response to someone using casual honorifics (hyung/oppa).
Kyung-hoon, as if expressing Myung-ha's interiority, explains he's ok with long distance dating. Why? Simple: he likes his boyfriend, and wants to enjoy every moment until it ends. This is in direct opposition to what Myung-ha chooses: he places the certainty of pain/suffering above the mere possibility of happiness.
(...relatable tbh)
Myung-ha's inner desires clash with his depressive state constantly, and it gets worse after Yeo-woon’s affection levels dramatically drop from a positive number, back to zero, and then negative again, due to Myung-ha struggling to accept, and balance his own feelings. Too much love for everyone but himself, too scared to need anyone who might end up leaving him. The debuffs get more serious (Grandma gets hospitalized), and he starts fainting. Myung-ha is falling back into old traps, and like vicious circle, by trying to fix the errors incorrectly, in turn, makes the system shut down.
Thankfully, he does come to understand things remain worthy, even though he cannot have them forever.
The mysterious texts from an unknown number
Myung-ha faints several times, like things aren't quite going right. The nonsensical texts keep pouring in.
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These read, to me, like close friends/family grieving, like they're in a columbarium (?). Besides the one from his sunbae at the end, they're all unsigned. There's one text saying they have "followed someone wearing the same clothes as [Myung-ha], knowing it couldn't be [him]", and one about a broken vase. Are they all from his sunbae, relaying the things said to him once? Or after his death? At his funeral? As a prayer? Thinking of him?
While the game server experiences extreme instability, memories, “real-life” happenings parasite the safety of the game.
Very personal elements keep permeating the game play; lines go beyond blurry, and disappear entirely.
Elements outside of the game keep popping up. Soon, the edges of the gameplay aren’t so clear-cut anymore, as Myung-ha gets more precise with defining happiness. His own handwriting shows up in the game notifications.
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The answers are his own: he filled in the blanks himself. But he constantly tries to apply them to someone else.
It becomes impossible to dissociate the game from Myung-ha’s existence. I’m sure I haven’t caught them all, but there are many instances where Myung-ha's reality bleeds into the game.
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Bubbly, water sounds are heard at key moments, and before long, his "memories" with his sunbae also get a underwater backdrop. To say nothing of the water/wave imagery around Myung-ha.
His world is leaking through the seams, the wave is rolling him over, and he’s sinking deeper. Which way will he come up? Water symbolism is always, MUAH, chef's kiss.
He is given ultimate freedom - a symbolic pen, to overwrite the program, and solve the system errors
Myung-ha for better or for worse, whether he likes it or not, is in control, quite literally, of the game, and by extension, of his life. When he starts to understand he's the origin of the errors, he panics, chooses to end it early, and saves Yeo-woon's fate over his.
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That same pen has been used to write all the answers to the questions that appear in the game. He chooses Yeo-woon over himself. The game fails, the universe wavers. Beautiful contradiction: he fights to stay. Just like the way he regretted it after walking into the water. His true intentions come bubbling back up to the surface, and he runs to Yeo-woon, away from death and towards life. He doesn't want to disappear.
Time's up
In the previous post, I went more in depth about how he only gives, never takes. He doesn’t reach out to be pulled out of the water, thinking himself to be alone, and his system slowly starts shutting down. 
The scenes end abruptly, we jump from seemingly disconnected locations, faster, while Myung-ha frantically tries to outrun his own errors. I’ve seen some criticism of the pace and editing getting a little hectic in the later episodes, but I think it was purposefully reflecting Myung-ha’s state. 
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Yeo-woon, with his newfound agency, defies his own story ending. By changing the game’s core mission to “make Myung-ha happy” he counters Myung-ha's one-sided choice and the balance can be restored.
"Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it and welcome every moment." (Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others)
It is unclear whether Myung-ha gets a redo in a new reality, or if he gets to enjoy his own personal heaven after death. The game might be a physical representation of Myung-ha’s mind. It’s as real as any other intangible concept, like love, or happiness. There's definitely something to be said about the aspect ratio changing depending on where he is, but...
But to me, it doesn’t really matter. It's not where he ends up, it's how he got there.
I love that we open with Myung-ha abandoning his life at sea, and close on him returning to the water for a new start.
And I love that Myung-ha loves his own story: on his date with Yeo-woon, he gets emotional over the movie because the Monster Croc is "an alien" (COUGH Myung-ha) who joins the Zombie Gorilla (COUGH Yeon-woo) in his world to "save it"...
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eri-pl · 21 days
Re: if you could take Celebrimbor and show him one scene in the future, resulting from his choices, what would it be?
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The One Ring being forged: 72 votes.
Sauron conquering Elves: 24 votes.
Frodo at the end of his quest: 24 votes.
Ringwraiths: 7 votes.
His (Celebrimbor's) death: 6 votes.
Curufin's (Curufin the 2nd — his father) death: 4 votes.
A controversial adaptation: 4 votes.
Gil-galad's death: 3 votes.
Isildur's death & fall of the kingdom: 2 votes.
The fall of Numenor: 1 votes. The voter did not explain how it is Celebrimbor's fault.
Other: 1 votes.
So, we are showing Tyelpe this beautiful scene with Sauron standing at the volcano, cutting his hand (I like this HC), yelling a song in Black Speech... I like it. (I'm going with book+PJ version of the events, not with tRoP version, where I don't even know how the One Ring will be made)
The question is: How late are we showing it to him so that it's dramatic enough, but still may work? I would say it should be after he met "Annatar" and publicly accepted him (let's not make it too easy), but not long after. Ideally when Tyelpe is in public somewhere, with his smiths. Not with Annatar, because this would resolve too quickly and probably too violently… Hmm, I want Tyelpe + his most trusted people storm Annatar's house, which looks like in that MERP supplement, including the insanely hard to disarm traps.
If I make another poll about this, it won't be when to show it or how Tyelpe reacts, but it would be about how successfuly they break in based on that description of the house.
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ac-liveblogs · 1 month
Inazuma Rewrite - Act I
Late, but finally out of my head - this is part of an ongoing project in which I rewrite Genshin Impact as a more traditional party-based RPG (not a live service gacha game, so a more contained and character driven story experience)!
This entry is part 1 of an overview of how I would handle the Inazuma Archon Quest, most of which has been in my head since it originally released back in 2021. This one is first because I've technically been thinking about it the longest.
The current party consists of the Traveler (still player choice, but I will be using Lumine), Venti, Paimon and Xiao. By the end of this AQ, Kazuha will also become a playable main character.
What To Expect:
Liberties are taken with just about everything (though supported or influenced by the source material for the most part), especially re; character history, relationships and personalities.
Rampant speculation about unconfirmed plot elements, or mildly altering/streamlining the lore.
Ei/Raiden Shogun is portrayed as an antagonist. A sympathetic one, probably, but still.
Lumine is treated as a full character, not a self-insert. If Aether were the chosen MC, there would be slight differences to dialogue/their overall character arc to reflect the change. She's still the main playable character, but Venti is considered the deuteragonist and gets some playable segments.
Major character deaths: Raiden Shogun/Ei, Kamisato Ayato (off-screen backstory event). Signora will survive Inazuma to be fought another day. Some minor named NPCs may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
A long read. Sorry about that... hopefully I can knock this out in 3 or 4 parts.
Timeline Notes:
Unreconciled Stars, AKA Scaramouche's limited introductory event, is non-canon. Scaramouche has been stranded in Inazuma since the Sakoku Decree was enforced almost a year ago, and boy is he mad about it.
Zhongli doesn't notify Venti that Makoto has passed on and Ei has replaced her as Shogun. I doubt he saw much of her after the Cataclysm, so he probably just didn't know.
Please refer to the bottom of the post for additional notes to provide context for certain changes. [number] indicates notes at the end. My original draft was a lot longer... Act 3 still got away from me though.
Prologue - Prologue to the Storm
Lumine, Paimon and Venti try to find a way to get to Port Ormos, and decide to compete in Beidou's fighting tournament to barter passage. Lumine fights Kazuha, who is participating to try and find someone that can light his dead friend's Vision. Kazuha gives a brief overview of the situation in Inazuma, but no details on his own backstory.
It's established that Kazuha is a very competent swordsman, as he had defeated most of the other competitors before Lumine's arrival.
Beidou definitely wasn't supposed to be hosting a fighting tournament and has to convince Ningguang to let her off. Xiao joins the party as the group are leaving Liyue Harbour to learn more about what happened during the Cataclysm.
Act 1, Part 1 - Ritou Escape Plan
The journey to Sumeru goes predictably astray, and thanks to a sea beast and Inazuma's storm wall the Alcor shipwrecks on Ritou Island. The crew is forced to register with the Kanjou Commission, and Kazuha admits he's a wanted ronin[1]. Needing to repair the ship but unable to leave the island to find a capable shipwright, Kazuha conspires with his old friend, Hiiragi Chisato[2], to get passage for himself and the Travelers to sneak out of Ritou to find Beidou's shipwright friend, Naganohara Ryuunosuke[3].
The Sacred Sakura Ritual has yet to be completed - angry spirits and accumulated 'filth' roam the land, stretching the Shogunate's forces thin. Kazuha is perturbed by how bad things are - he's never seen Inazuma in this bad a state before. While wards are in place to protect settlements, travel is heavily restricted for civilians. And so, this plan involves staging a fake kidnapping attempt - holding Chisato hostage to force the soldiers to let them leave.
Act 1, Part 2 - A Shadow in Konda Village
As night falls, the effects of the 'filth' in Narukami become stronger and the Travelers decide to stay the night in Konda Village, who believes them to be answering their request for aid in dealing with a spirit haunting them. They also encounter the masked shrine maiden Kazari/Hanachirusato and the masked shinobi Tsubaki[4] who both claim to be representing Narukami Shrine (like liars do), who Kazuha realises is a member of the Shuumatsuban.
While Kazuha is cautious of Tsubaki, who seems to have taken an interest in him, the group comes to realise the spirit isn't harming anyone. After investigating the situation in the morning, they realise the spirit is Tejima, a victim of the Vision Hunt that took his own life and was unable to rest in peace. With Kazari's guidance, they help Tejima pass on.
Increasingly disturbed by the situation in Inazuma, the party moves on the next morning. On the way out, they run into a priestess from Narukami Shrine. She's surprised to hear the situation has already been resolved, and is confused when the party mentions Kazari and Tsubaki - surprise, surprise, she has no idea who either of them are.
Note: Tsubaki is Ayaka in disguise. Mentioning that now - definitely not an OC. She's wearing masculine clothes, a blue kitsune mask and a hood, so while she recognises Kazuha, Kazuha super doesn't recognise her.
Act 1, Part 3 -
When the party arrives at Inazuma City, the preparations for a week-long summer festival[5] are in full swing. The party purchases festival masks to blend in and search for Naganohara Ryuunosuke. (Xiao refuses to use the mask he already has... he and Venti hide their Visions, too.)
Word on the street is mixed - muttering about the dangerous state of Inazuma outside of the main city, the Vision Hunt Decree and disparaging comments about the Watatsumi Rebels, as well as excitement for the festival.
Ryuunosuke is unwilling to help, claiming he's retired and won't defy the Sakoku Decree. Increasingly agitated by the situation in Inazuma, Venti decides to seek an audience with Makoto. That starts a minor argument with Kazuha, who thinks it would be reckless.
The group splits up - Lumine, Paimon and Kazuha try to find another shipwright and Venti and Xiao head to Tenshukaku.
Neither are successful, though Lumine, Paimon and Kazuha are approached by a member of the Arataki Gang[6], who has heard they're looking for a way off Narukami and 'knows someone' who can help. This turns out to be a clumsy sting operation, where Itto accuses the group of being Shogunate plants trying to arrest Yoimiya and challenges them to a fight.
Lumine and Kazuha dispatch him quickly. Yoimiya + Shinobu appear and scold Itto - they clear up the misunderstanding and share some information while Itto sulks 'watches for potential threats'. Turns out Yoimiya and the Arataki gang teamed up to help Vision Holders escape Narukami, to meet with the Watatsumi Rebels - the gang is convinced the rebels are good people.
Venti and Xiao catch up with the group. Itto picks a fight with them. This one ends so quickly it isn't even really a fight. Venti complains that they got kicked out of Tenshukaku (literally, in Venti's case), but had learnt the Shogun was meant to be making appearance at that night's festival.
Yoimiya wants to help the group, and Itto is enthused by Venti's plan to confront the Shogun. The pair are planning to smuggle some refugees out of Narukami during the festival that evening. Venti agrees to help, Kazuha doesn't want to get involved. Unfortunately, pan the camera a bit - they're overheard by someone.
You'd ideally be able to wander around the festival for a bit - interact with the party, Arataki Gang shenanigans, Yoimiya playing with local kids, etc. One of the girls would mention seeing a pretty lady wearing a cool black mask that looked like a crown[7].
The late night events begin, starting with a cutscene introducing Kamisato Ayaka as the Shirasagi Himegimi (her fan-dance). Kazuha tells Lumine who she and her brother are, though he sounds pretty subdued. Ayaka seems to notice Kazuha in the crowd mid-dance. Interspersed with the dance animation, Itto & some Arataki gang members sneak away during the performance.
Lumine sees Tenryou soldiers following Itto and takes off. Meanwhile, everyone else gets their first glimpse of the Raiden Shogun and her companion - La Signora. Venti is stunned (that's not Makoto, what is she doing here), and listens to the start of the Shogun's speech.
She thanks everyone for their bravery and resilience during tough times, but their hardship is necessary. The Vision Hunt, and the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual not having been completed - are necessary, but will be over soon. She vows to ensure Inazuma's prosperity and their safety - forever. "Heaven, hell and the outside world will, soon, be unable to reach them, and Inazuma shall live in this moment forever. With one slash, I shall remove all outside elements from Inazuma. With one slash, we will be eternal."[8]
At this point, Venti's heard enough and confronts the Shogun directly, accusing her of just planning to lock everyone up forever - this isn't what Makoto would want. This shocks the crowd, but the Shogun acknowledging Venti as Barbatos, God of Freedom, makes things a lot worse.
What ensues is pure chaos. Lumine and Yoimiya fight off the soldiers while an unhappy Itto follows Yoimiya's instruction to get the refugees to safety. Kujou Sara[9] appears - cutscene fight, Yoimiya is defeated and arrested but Lumine fights her to a draw.
Kazuha is pointed out by the Tenryou soldier that had overheard the Travelers talking with Itto and Yoimiya earlier; he tries to flee but crashes into Ayaka, who has ended up in his path. Kazuha tells her to move, but he is quickly grabbed and arrested.[10]
Signora heads off to subdue Lumine. Xiao and Venti try to help her, but Ei blocks them - she, Xiao and Venti trade blows, but they're obviously struggling. Very one-sided boss fight (Lumine vs Signora - extremely short, no special phases).
The soldiers search Kazuha for his Vision, but both are are missing - they deduce he's not a Vision Holder.
Lumine is defeated by Signora and blacks out.
Note: Part 4, which was previously here, has been moved to the start of Act 2.
[1] Kazuha, Criminal - his official charges are avoiding the Vision Hunt, obstruction of justice and theft of government property (his friend's Vision).
[2] Hiiragi Chisato - Being of a similar age to Ayato and the daughter of the head of the Kanjou Commission, Chisato has met Ayaka and Kazuha before.
[3] Naganohara Ryuunosuke - I changed the Naganohara family business from fireworks to shipbuilding. Yoimiya is still a skilled pyrotechnician, though this is something she's learning for herself. He really is retired - Yoimiya has taken over the business, but he didn't tell them that. When he refuses to help the Travelers, he's trying to protect her. He's probably the one that tipped off the Arataki gang, actually.
[4] Tsubaki/Kamisato Ayaka - This is Ayaka in disguise as a Shuumatsuban shinobi. She and Kazari aren't working together - they assume the other is legit and are acting as such. The blind leading the blind, truly. The name 'Tsubaki' was her mother's alter-ego, from Ayaka's character quest. She took up this identity when her brother died under mysterious circumstances to investigate what's happening in Inazuma.
[5] Unnamed Summer Festival - the same one from Ayaka's quest. I don't believe there's a canon name for it, but I've taken a bit of inspiration from Gion Matsuri and tied it to the end of the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual.
[6] The Arataki Gang - Teamed up with Yoimiya to help Vision Holders escape Narukami. They also try to protect people from vengeful spirits where they can (well, Shinobu does, and the gang cheers her on). They're still delinquents that the majority of Narukami looks down on, and Itto and Yoimiya bicker constantly. Itto calls the gang a 'super secret underground resistance movement!', but its a wonder they haven't given the game away yet.
[7] Signora Cameo at the Summer Festival - "I saw a pretty lady with a cool black crown! I asked her where she bought it, but she said I couldn't have one. She gave me some weird candy though!" NPC dialogue from a child to foreshadow Signora's presence. References Arlecchino's line about Signora liking when kids compliment her. The weird candy are Snezhnayan sweets, nothing malicious - the kids just haven't seen them before. (Speaking of cameos at the festival, that guy selling masks that wants to meet the Conqueror of Demons should be there too. I think that'd be funny.)
[8] Ei/The Raiden Shogun's Plans - to literally sever Inazuma from the rest of Teyvat, including Celestia and the Abyss, permanently. The Storm Wall isn't the same as untethering Inazuma from reality. She'll use the accumulated power from the stolen Visions and the energy stored in the Sacred Sakura to empower her Musou-no-Hitotachi so that she can literally cut through space.
[9] Kujou Sara - an Archon's favoured servants gain a lot of buffs and special abilities within their Archon's domain (country), but lose them when they leave. This accounts for Xiao's loss of teleportation etc. outside of Liyue, but to put it bluntly - Sara is a lot stronger than in canon.
[10] Uh, Kazuha, do something? - Kazuha is traumatised by his friend's death. Kazuha also fled Inazuma instead of trying to rebel, and happily escaped the responsibility of being his clan's head and tries to avoid conflict/doesn't care for the past. I'm tying a lot of this together - Kazuha's flightiness and avoidant personality is a character arc for him to be overcome during the Inazuma quest. He doesn't want to get involved because he genuinely thinks its a bad, dangerous idea. He Will Get Better. This is all out of love, I promise.
Party dynamics; Lumine and Venti get along fairly well, but have conflicting morals that sometimes cause conflict. Venti and Paimon argue like cats and dogs (they do not get on at all lol). Xiao is awkwardly respectful around Venti and struggles to interact with him, but is much more comfortable with Lumine and talks to her fairly easily. Gets along fine with Paimon - he's a bit bemused by her, Paimon thinks he's Cool and Reliable. No-one quite knows Kazuha yet; dynamics still evolving. That said, whenever Kazuha talks about 'the wind knowing him' or anything about how in tune with nature he is, please imagine Venti's initial reaction when asked what the deal is as;
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Ayaka and Kazuha are childhood friends of the 'well our families hang out a lot and you're the only kid here my age so...' variety. They got into some misadventures as kids, including discovering Ayaka's mother's secret (Ayaka's Character Quest), which is why Ayaka thought Kazuha would recognise "Tsubaki". They lost contact when the Kaedehara clan fell.
Yoimiya and Itto are not friends. Yoimiya stops Itto from bothering the neighbourhood all the time and the two often bicker. In the face of the Vision Hunt, they decided to work together, though they do still argue sometimes. Shinobu is the peacekeeper and the brains of the operation.
Each new party member brings with a new gameplay mechanic or two along with them. The party's Serenitea Pot is actually Xiao's - totally unfurnished and collecting dust for centuries. He lets Lumine do what she wants with it. Pretty homey, for a realm belonging to the Conqueror of Demons. Kazuha would bring custom blacksmithing and the Starskiff (it's Beidou's). Lumine cooks.
Xiao and Venti are somewhat nerfed. Xiao is weaker outside of Liyue, but still much stronger than the average human, and Venti is weaker without his Gnosis and [censored plot spoiler]. Xiao is heavy hitter, Venti is a magical support/buffer/minor healing unit. Lumine is a mix of the two. Paimon cheers on the sidelines! Harbingers are just OP as hell no matter where they are.
Oh, Kazuha still yoinked that instrument from that one Adeptus' realm. Xiao is horrified.
Lumine, Venti and Xiao don't advertise their ages or that they're not human (Lumine HCs will apply). None of them are perceived as adults and none of them can buy a drink. Kazuha, just barely 20, has no issues at all. Very irritating.
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