#day six prompt
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butttonsewing · 10 months ago
Art dump part 3
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lalalalalalakakakak · 1 month ago
Lil doodle requested by a lovely person:
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thisapplepielife · 7 months ago
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Submitted for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Funko Corroded Coffin
Day #26 - Tour Date A diorama of a tour date for the Funko Pop versions of Corroded Coffin.
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Info: We haven't had many "other" entries for CCF, so I decided to snap some pictures of my little custom Corroded Coffin display for fun, just to add something different to the event.
Road Manager Steve has his red milk crate to stand on, and is carrying a bag of cash. Gareth's drum set is a real Funko one, I just added the Corroded Coffin logo to it. (It's definitely Tuesday's-coded by including Di and the red milk crates.)
As for the figures themselves, Eddie is the only standard-issue Funko. Gareth, Goodie & Jeff were all custom ordered to be painted like themselves from S4. And I made Steve and Di myself by doing some head-swapping, lol.
And, yes, I felt like I was playing Barbies moving them all around to take pictures, haha.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 8 months ago
Ahh, Luke. Lukey. Newts.
Have some laughing Lukey pookie, everyone.
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For Bonus Polinweek Day 6 | Double date + Luke appreciation Day | Bridgerton BTS videos in Shondaland youtube channel
This man. THIS MAN ❤️
For as long as Colin Bridgerton has plagued my mind (since June 13) so too has this man.
Let me start this appreciation by saying an apology for ignoring Luke Newton for a very long time. And also for doubting him before the S3 release. I have been sleeping on (and most likely blinded by Nicola) that I never noticed this beautiful, talented man who, if not for him, the Polin story wouldn't have had the magic that it profoundly has.
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Along with rewatching S3, I'm also rewatching S1 and S2 to fully catch the brilliant performance that Luke has been displaying as Colin Bridgerton. Truly, S3 has made me confront my personal biases and it made me realise how I was projecting my own ideas of what a man should be like on Colin Bridgerton when he is a distinct character in his own right. A lot of what makes Colin such an interesting character for me is how subtle Luke plays him.
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There are this tiny inflections in the way Colin talks that is so particularly him. Even the way Colin moves/walks and his mannerisms changes from each season. The ground work Luke put in on Season 1, where Colin is particularly charming and naive, paved the way for this realistic (at times, heart wrenching) maturing that Colin goes through after learning that Pen is LW in S3 giving the Polin love story this weight of authenticity that we have not seen on Bridgerton.
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Luke made Colin, a privileged, white man, so endearing that we feel that we are robbed of what Colin's character could have been in his own season (I have a counter-argument on this topic but I'll focus on Luke Newton). He may not be as talkative as Nicola but I think one of his nerdy alter-egos is one who loves to deep dive into character work and that is why him and Nicola get along so well.
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I am a forever fan and I've put him on my list of actors that I have followed since their breakout roles (like Josh Hutcherson and Tom Holland). I do hope that he gets to build a strong screen portfolio (I remember he said that he loves doing screens more compared to live performances as he loves the subtleties of the screens). But I'll manifest a Broadway musical for him just so I can hear him sing again.
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To Luke Newton, thank you for giving and sacrificing yourself for the past 5 years for Bridgerton. I hope you are surrounded by good people who will equally push you and ground you.
I hope you get all the best chances the industry that you love has to offer because you deserve to continue waking up being thankful that you get to act for a living 🥰
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moecartoons · 18 days ago
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Redid those Valentines from back in 2020 💕
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months ago
Prompt 272
You know what could be fun for Ghosts Are Dragons? How to Train Your Dragon Crossover. 
Like, both seafarers and vikings were incredibly superstitious people, even if we don’t see that a lot in the movie series. 
And Danny well, he might’ve managed to convince Clockwork that you know what? They do deserve a vacation, fuck the Observants, let’s find a world where we don’t have to worry about the GIW and just vibe! 
Now Clockwork, as anyone with eyes can tell, has a soft spot for the little ghost, there are even bets on when he’ll finally bite the bullet and properly adopt the little hatchling. In fact it’s so obvious that several others, Pandora and Frostbite included, borderline kick him out, telling him to yes, do go on a vacation, remember what happened when we all told Pariah to have a vacation and he didn’t? Exactly! 
So there they go, a pair, er a trio, um, alright Clockwork currently has six hatchlings with him. Alright. Okay so he’s never had a vacation before (nevermind with his future vision mostly turned off) and is maybe a hint wrong-footed but that’s fine. It can’t be that hard, and really, he easily dwarfs even the biggest dragons in this world, so what’s going to mess with him, hm? 
Perhaps he should remember how idiotic humans are at times. 
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captainmvf · 3 months ago
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CB and Dustin requests for @honey-dont and @starlightdust-dreamergalaxy - Thank you so much for your requests!!
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hollys-fairy-hell · 7 months ago
I just want Peri to go back and be Devs babysitter. Knowing Dev lost his memories and trying to do right by this kid. Trying so hard to not make the same mistakes.
But I also want Dev to be scared to tell Peri he remembers because what if Peri has to leave then or if Jorgon comes to actually wipe his memories. Ao Dev doing his best to act like he did before he had his change of heart.
Basically Peri desperately trying to be a better god parent and Dev desperately (and failing) to be a bad ungrateful kid. (It’s how he sees his past actions)
Then we get guilt of Peri seeing how much of Devs happiness was lost with his memories and how much of a set back this is gor Dev while Dev seeing how mean he is to Peri and how miserable he is making him, which is worse this time because hes doing it on purpose. Dev now knowing Peri really does care but feels forced to be mean so not to slip up and loose Peri again. And Peri now having seen how bad at this he is. Seeing how he is still failing Dev at every turn. But neither willing to give up the other because they know what could have been. Peri knows Dev is a good kid. Dev knows Peri cares about him.
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legobiwan · 9 months ago
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We really don't talk enough about the fact Luigi built an entire secret basement where he could confide in his diary about his insecurities and jealousies regarding his brother.
Luigi is so Stanford Pines coded, no wonder he ended up linked with Dimentio.
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slippedtheknot · 1 year ago
Whumpmas: Day "Six"
Sugar cookie + burns+ denied food as punishment
Whumpee shrugged his shoulders and hid the bottom half of his face in his hoodie; trying to hide the tears.
However, to Whumpee's dismay, Caretaker is good at her job and was able to pick up on his watery eyes right away.
"What's wrong?"
Whumpee sniffled and turned his face from her hands. "Nothin'"
"Are you sure? I want to be able to help you."
"I-it's just that...well Whumper. He...he'd keep food from me as a punishment."
Caretaker nodded, before the words finally sunk in. "Oh, oh okay. Well...hun, you know that you've been good today, right?"
"Um...yes ma'am, I understand. It's just that, I'm not too hungry right now."
"Sweetheart, you have to have something." Caretaker brushed the stray hairs out of Whumpee's face. "I can't send you to bed on an empty stomach!"
"Would you feel better if you helped to make it? We can make some sugar cookies. Maybe by the time we make, bake, and decorate them, you'll be hungry."
Whumpee bounced the idea around in his mind for a while.
"Hey, Whumpee, would you mind grabbing the cookies out of the oven? Set them down on the stove top." Caretaker looked back at Whumpee while she worked at stirring the frosting. Whumpee's head shot up and his body moved to the oven door. His movements almost seemed robotic to Caretaker, but she shrugged her suspensions away.
The door popped open, and the next thing Caretaker heard was Whumpee screaming.
She dropped her stirring spoon and bowl. On it's way down, the spoon knocked over the milk; spilling it all over.
Between the pain, Caretaker grabbing his wrist, the cool water, the sounds, and the smell of cookies, Whumpee was having a breakdown.
"Hey, sweetheart." Caretaker grabbed his face and turned his face to her. "Are you okay?"
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hidey-writes · 6 months ago
six sentences sunday
The slack, peaceful expression of Zhao Yunlan asleep, his body curled toward the main room. That instinctive way he reached for Shen Wei, patting along his shoulder for his forearm, for his wrist. Even just earlier that night, sitting in companionable quiet on the couch, Zhao Yunlan’s hand tapping along the leather until it found Shen Wei’s ankle and settled there, skin against skin. As if Zhao Yunlan had gotten used to it too, touching. Their bodies as close as their lives were tangled now. Shen Wei would miss every piece of it.
haha. hurting my own feelings in the down draft of the answer fic! i was initially worried i wouldn't have enough thoughts about that gap between the knife scene and the next scene to write a whole fic about it, but it's starting to seem that the solution is simply: cramming in as much domestic weilan flashback as narratively possible :3
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butttonsewing · 5 months ago
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and-a-side-of-pokemon · 11 months ago
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Day 6: Memorabilia
Okay so this prompt I took fairly self-indulgently! Everytime I go on a trip or on holiday, I try to get a rubber duck from that place... so I made the trio as rubber ducks! I wish they were real so I could add them to my collection!
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thisapplepielife · 8 months ago
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
The First, and the Last
Day #6 - Prompt: Heard It In a Love Song | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Older Steddie, Everlasting Love, Getting Married
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He's the last. 
The first, and the last, somehow.
Eddie's been with Steve forever, longer than any of the other couples in their orbit, and yet. They couldn't get married until now. At least not legally, and they just didn't ever bother to do it, symbolically. 
So, now they can.
At fifty.
He had to wait thirty years to marry Steve. 
Gareth got married after two years. Jeff, four. Goodie, ten, and Goodie's a notorious foot-dragger. Never in a hurry to make any decisions, big or small. 
So, thirty sounds insane, in comparison. 
Especially since Eddie's the opposite. He's impulsive. He makes decisions fast, and he made his decision about Steve decades ago, but today's the first time he can actually act on it.
And now he's nervous. 
He shouldn't be. Steve said yes. There was never any question he wouldn't, but Eddie's hands are shaking as he tries to tie his tie. He's never been very good at it, and today's no different. 
"Here, let me," Gareth says, and he ties it with ease.
"Thanks," Eddie says, and just keeps looking at himself in the mirror. When did he get so old? Yeah, the road is hard, and they've been at it for decades, but he feels like he only just realized that so much time has passed.
Which is insane. Gareth has almost raised his kids. That's how long he's been married. Jeff's kids are in middle school. Goodie doesn't have any, but doesn't want any. Eddie never really thought about it. Now he's fifty. He's probably not having kids at fifty. 
But he is getting married.
"Steve looks great," Gareth says, "Robin's getting him all shined up."
"Oh, I hope not," Eddie laughs, because Steve can definitely do a better job getting himself ready than Robin.
Then he looks back at Gareth, "I can't believe I'm the last."
"The last what?" Gareth asks, checking his own hair in the mirror.
"To settle down," Eddie says, and he jumps when Gareth barks out a laugh, "What?"
"You think you're the last to settle down? Since when? You've been settled with Steve forever."
"Yeah, but, like, not officially."
Gareth rolls his eyes, "Definitely officially in all the ways that matter. Today is a formality, you understand that, right? You aren't committing to anything today that you haven't been committed to for thirty years."
That's true. That's definitely true. He hadn't thought of it like that.
"It's a piece of paper, Eddie. A tax break. It's nothing else, I promise. You're just as married as I am, because of how you feel about Steve. Trust me."
"What if getting married fucks it all up?" Eddie asks, because he's been worried about that. 
"It won't," Gareth reassures. "Trust me. You're solid."
Eddie nods. They are. 
"Do you want me to send in Steve?" Gareth asks, meeting Eddie's eyes in the mirror.
"I'm not supposed to see him, before," Eddie says, because that's been hammered into his head. Relentlessly.
"I truly don't think it matters. Will you feel better if you do? That's what matters," Gareth says, and Eddie pauses for a second, then nods.
And Gareth leaves to go fetch him, and Eddie thinks he already feels a little bit better.
Steve comes in and smiles at him as he strides over, "You having cold feet?"
Eddie shakes his head, he's definitely not, "You?"
Steve cups his cheek, leaning over to kiss him, then he cups his cheek, "Never. You look so serious."
"I've loved you for thirty years," Eddie says, as serious as he feels.
Steve smiles, soft and sweet, "Me too, Eddie."
"I would have married you back then, year one, day one. If you'd have had me," Eddie says, leaning into Steve's palm. Finding the familiar comfort there.
"Eddie," Steve says, so soft and tender, "what's this about?"
"I feel like, maybe, I should have married you years ago. Even if it was just for us. Even if it wasn't legal."
"Okay," Steve says, encouraging him to keep talking. 
"I'm sorry I didn't, that's all. I'm sorry we're last," he chokes out.
Steve just smiles, and leans in to kiss him once, twice, more, "It's not a race. We're good, Eddie. We've been good for a very long time."
"Did you want kids? Did I sleep on that, too?" Eddie asks, and Steve's shaking his head.
"I would have said so if I did, honey. Honest. Yeah, I assumed that's what my life would be like, before you. But that's just because even in my wildest dreams, I couldn't have predicted the life we'd end up having together."
And it's Eddie's turn to smile, and he keeps on smiling as Gareth pokes his head back in, "We're still doing this right? Everyone's waiting."
Eddie doesn't much care about everyone else, only Steve.
"You gonna marry me?" Eddie asks again, this time cheeky and flirting with Steve, his husband-to-be.
His husband already, in all the ways that matter.
"I suppose so, we're already here," Steve teases, and reaches up to straighten Eddie's tie, "This is good. You finally learned to tie a tie. I'm so proud."
Eddie grins, and ignores the face Gareth is making at him, threatening to out him as a dirty liar.
"Why, yes, yes I did. Just for you sweetheart," Eddie lies, and pokes Gareth in the gut on the way by, knowing Gareth won't say a word. They know where each other's bodies are buried; helped with the shoveling. 
This little white lie won't hold up forever. Eventually Steve will see him trying to tie a tie and the jig will be up.
But not today.
"Starting your marriage on a lie, for fucking shame," Gareth hisses as he passes Eddie and Eddie laughs. 
And when it's time for Eddie's vows, he ad-libs in a confession about the tie, and Steve laughs, head thrown back, tickled.
Steve then promises in his, that in this marriage, he'll teach Eddie to tie his tie for real.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
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roomwithanopenfire · 3 months ago
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Day 18 - Vessel
Title: Agatha Wellbelove and the Six Sigils—4th Chapter
Chapter: 4/6
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 6.4k total, 1.5 for this prompt
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, agatha wellbelove becomes an oracle and changes the plot of carry on, as she should, Light Angst, Prophetic Visions, Self-Discovery, Agatha deserves the world actually
Summary: When Agatha ends up in a study in the White Chapel, she doesn’t think it’s going to change her life forever. When she finds a bag of coins with magickal sigils on them, she certainly doesn’t think it’s going to mean anything important to her. But when she starts having visions of the future… Well, she’s got to do something about it.
Read First Chapter/Read this Prompt
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underwanderingstars · 9 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Remy LeBeau/Rogue, Irene Adler (X-Men)/Raven | Mystique Characters: Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Raven | Mystique, Irene Adler (X-Men) Additional Tags: Rogue/Gambit Week 2024, Rogue/Remy Week 2024, Day Six, Vow renewal, Alternative Prompt, Fluff, Mild Sexual Content, ROM Space Knight! Summary:
Remy and Anna attend the vow renewal of the summer.
Will Remy survive? Why did he bring his terrible mother-in-laws the rings? And how did two such evil women raise a hero like Rogue? Answers to these questions and more inside!
Written for Rogue/Gambit Week 2024. Day six: alternative prompt: vow renewal, with the tiniest dash of space adventure.
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