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potahun · 3 months ago
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Pota's ✨Art Summary for 2024✨! i'm happy that I got to do a lot more than last year, and this year, it's mostly been detco!
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moonbreeze19 · 11 months ago
hell or flying
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Perhaps it’s reassurance, a reminder, that human power is not yet infinite and may never be. And he can't—won't—be truly dangerous if his power is never absolute.
Alain waits, watching the sky and sea until the water is dark, far from blue, and the sky is nearly black at the top and deep orange along the horizon. 
It’s peaceful. It’s beautiful. He knows with such incredible clarity that it is not going to last.
“and when the seasons change, will you stand by me? because i’m a young man built to fall.” there are moments of quiet—maybe even peace—between the fire, gods, and world-saving. alain finds he doesn’t know what to do with them.
(on ao3 here)
for tsme week 2024!! a collection of missing scenes throughout (and a little bit after) tsme canon. this was an absolute pleasure to write - i hope you enjoy! a very happy 10th anniversary to tsme!!
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tsmeweek · 1 year ago
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We are now some 2.5 months away from the 10th anniversary for the airing of the Strongest Mega Evolution Act I. I am excited!
Prompts for the week:
Day 1 - April 3rd: Anniversary / Pokémon Catching Day 2 - April 4th: First Time / Miare (Lumiose City) / Dragon Day 3 - April 5th: Mission / Family / Break Day 4 - April 6th: Hoenn / Mask / Release Day 5 - April 7th: Trip / Dark / AU Day 6 - April 8th: Love / Memorabilia / Legend Day 7 - April 9th: FREE DAY
1) How to participate?
Pick the prompt that you like best for each day of the week, create a fanwork for it and post it on tumblr, tagging #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! You can also pick several prompts for one day to combine, or mix prompts from different days, as you wish. You can switch days up as well! Go wild! All forms of fanworks are accepted! Fanarts, crafts, fanfic of any lengths, cosplays... Pick the medium you prefer! Prompts can be interpreted however you want. If you pick "Miare" and want to depict an alternate ending for the Flare Crisis where everyone dies, go for it! Creativity is welcomed! Does "Break" mean "mental breakdown", "take a coffee break" or "break.....fast"? Up to you! Don't worry about having to participate every day of the week. Just do what you can! Once you publish a fanwork, don't forget to tag #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! Those are the tags that will be scoured to be reblogged on this blog.
2) Does PokéAni XY&Z count? What counts as TSME?
The rules are lax. The XY&Z season of PokéAni definitely counts, as TSME characters played a very important role in it. So does the World Championships in Journeys, since Alan appeared in it. As a basic principle, so long as it involves a character that appeared in Act I-IV of TSME, it counts as TSME. So yes, you can absolutely create a fanwork about Daigo/Steven exploring Hoenn with Shouta/Sawyer, or Pachira/Malva dating Carnet/Diantha if your heart desires. You can also create fanworks with TSME characters and characters they never interacted with in canon!
3) Other rules
This blog will have ship art and will accept any ship. Do not harrass people over ships. Racy pieces or pieces with content warnings will be accepted on the blog and tagged with a "n/sfw" tag and "cw" tag. For viewers who do not want to risk seeing any such pieces, you can block these 2 tags. As an artist with a n/sfw or cw piece, please help making the blog friendly for all, by putting the full art under a preview and read-for-more. Please tag the full cw as well!
4) Like The Mega Evolution Specials, but don't know what to make?
Then, reblog, reblog, reblog!! Reblog the posts you see and like as a form of celebration! Share the love and keep it circulating so that it reaches more people!
Have more questions? Don't hesitate to drop an ask on this blog. you can also ask @potahun.
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and-a-side-of-pokemon · 2 months ago
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New year, new TSME rewatch!! Have Mairin and Chespie watching the fireworks 🎇
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kalosstarters · 1 year ago
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The fastest sketch I could do (because I did not have time to draw my children) but! Have the real MC of TSME, aka Chespie/Hari-san! Happy 10th anniversary to my favorite Pokeani arc!! 💚 (Also, at the weekend I will definitely be contributing more because TSME deserves it!) (Also how has it been 10 years??)
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ghostchanuwu · 10 months ago
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Oh gee waow look it's late XYZ arc with significantly more angst and incombustible
I cannot draw backgrounds for the life of me it's supposed to be Lumiose Tower fjjfdjjx
Also Lysandre scary as hell in the anime like he is already my second fav villain in the games but woah they did him good in the anime
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princelyprisms · 1 year ago
Alain!! (it's him!) ((I never posted this art of im so very sorr))
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(bonus little doodle here :D context: i was playing mc with my friends, i had him on)
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annadoglover1 · 1 year ago
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TSME Week 2024 Day 7: Freeday!
Here are some Mairin cosplay photos I never posted here! I took these back in 2021. I considered putting on the cosplay again for today but most of my cosplays from this era are still in a box in my garage from when we got some remodeling done where I live. Still I thought the community would enjoy these pics!
My cosplay Instagram
The photographers Instagram
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sazandorable · 1 year ago
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TSME Week 2024 - Day 5: Hoenn!
I haven't had the spoons to do much to participate (actively or receptively), but I had to do something for this event @tsmeweek and for this fandom and these characters that are so so dear and important to me 🧡💛💚💙💜 So for today's theme, I took the excuse to run with the fanon idea of Manon getting a (shiny) (Manon-sized) Bohmander|Salamence!
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cathartidart · 1 year ago
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TSME DAY 2: Dragon [image description: a digital painting depicting a scene inspired by the pokemon specials "The Strongest Mega Evolution". The scene in question depicts Rayquaza looming over the "giant rock", which is a giant keystone. The background is over a stormy ocean. The whole scene is dark, illuminated only by the Giant Rock and Rayquaza's golden rings. End Image Description]
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perelka-l · 1 year ago
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Autumn weed girl for a round anni :)
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tsmeweek · 1 year ago
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On 3 April 2014: Act I of the Strongest Mega Evolution (TSME), also known as the Mega Evolution Specials, aired in Japan and introduced us to the adventures of Alan, Manon/Mairin, Lizardon/Charizard and Hari-san/Chespie, beloved characters who defined the final arc of the Pokémon XY&Z anime. 3 April 2024 will mark the 10th anniversary of Act I! 10 years is a special number. In celebration, join in from 3 APRIL to 9 APRIL 2024 for a week dedicated to loving TSME, where art and writing in any form is welcome! The prompts will be released in January, leaving 2 months and a half for everyone to prepare something. The guidelines on how to participate will also be included. Visit and follow this blog to stay updated, and/or to check out information! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop an ask on this blog, or @potahun. Do you have prompts that you would like to see featured? Feel free to drop suggestions in the ask box!
See you for TSME Week!!
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and-a-side-of-pokemon · 1 year ago
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Day 6: Memorabilia
Okay so this prompt I took fairly self-indulgently! Everytime I go on a trip or on holiday, I try to get a rubber duck from that place... so I made the trio as rubber ducks! I wish they were real so I could add them to my collection!
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kalosstarters · 11 months ago
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@tsmeweek day 7: free day
Better late than never, right? I saw that at least @runawaycarouselhorse was expecting more Marisson in this event, so here you have it! And yes, they're both adults here. Alain's orange&yellow clothes are a callback to his clothes in the Sycamore lab flashbacks. And yes, Mairin/Manon has a key stone in her necklace.
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ghostchanuwu · 2 months ago
My brain spins like a frozen burrito in a microwave and sometimes it breeches containment in the form of AU stuff
Anyway remember XY postgame with Looker and the Essentia stuff? Yeah its tsme stuff now with a fun little spin (using bulletpoint text bc its easier for me to organize my thoughts)
Steven ends up being the subject for the 1st itteration of 'essentia' (he got taken by Flare after having washed up on Kalos' coastline having been caught up in a storm shortly after that one AG episode, look if Anabel can go from Japan to Hawai'i Steven can land in France /hj)
Xesoric just uses him to hunt down Zygarde Cells (Steven isnt fully supressed and only 8 cells had been found during that time, Steven does have quite a bit of untapped clairvoyance which under the suit's influence has tapped into that but has also sent it into an overdriven spiral used solely to locate Cells)
Steven has a run-in with Alain (he had very recently started having his own dealings with Flare and Lysandre) and finally manages to break loose from the 'Essentia' suit's control having genuine human contact snapping him out of his outright doom spiral
Alain has the brilliant idea to convince Sycamore to let Steven stay at the lab since nowhere is really safe for him (Sycamore has a spare room upstairs and immediately agreed since he wants to make sure that his son's- I mean favorite lab assistant's new friend is safe)
Steven cannot return to Hoenn since not only does he not remember much of who he is (the suit breaking also fried his brain a bit WOOPS) but also doesnt want to put anyone else at risk because of himself instead choosing to be a little hermit helping Sycamore wherever he can to repay him (Steven takes care of one of the Fennikens after becoming deeply depressed remembering that the pokemon he had with him were most likely taken and or released, he only had his Aggron and Aron at the time of being taken but it still hurt)
Alain now has to juggle keeping Steven a secret from Flare (nobody knows where he is since the tracker on his suit just broke and went dead silent) along with keeping his status as part of Flare from everyone else and on top of that he is in his last year of collage and finals are coming up (also Steven becoming very attached to him isnt helping eaither, Mairin insisting on Steven going out a bit more is a massive headache but explaining it to a little hyperactive 12 year old is VERY tricky)
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princelyprisms · 1 year ago
TSME WEEK 2024 - DAY 2
Prompt: Miare / Lumiose
"Chespie? Chespie, where are you?"
Alain called out the moment he entered inside the giant rock. He had to keep going. He went out so far, this was his goal now. He had to protect everyone-
That wasn't the case.
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Content Warning: Blood, Injury.
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