#dave hc
kazzsk2 · 5 months
Johndave :D
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tgcg · 11 months
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i dont know you / im below you
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dexabite · 3 months
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joyous days another hc
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karkatbug · 6 months
For the final day: hsday/birthday party @413countdown
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And happy birthday, John! The older you get, the less you want to celebrate, but that's why your friends are here ♥
4/13/2023 || 4/13/2024
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soggedupfrog · 4 months
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Happy pride month everypony
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indigolament · 4 months
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some assorted horseshit spawned from tgp discord shenanigans 💯
(go play genesis project it's rad as hell ‼️)
proship dni
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ye-oldroderich · 1 year
you guys really liked cane user dave (im glad) so heres some more i managed to find in my backlogs
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also i didnt sketch a reference but i imagine the head of his cane to be styled like a crow
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aggressivedaikons · 10 months
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PART ONE OF MY WILLIAM MILLER AU!!! THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT IM SO PROUD!!! Most of this is the setup of how this happened, so if I find the motivation to actually continue this (more likely than not) then you’ll get some (half written) plot!!!
Part #2
If you liked this, PLEASE consider reblogging. I worked really hard on this and it would mean a lot to me if you helped this reach more people >.<
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spoonmoment69420 · 8 months
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boycows · 11 months
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all fun and games raising a genius child until you realise you forgot to teach her anything normal
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dangerehrenn · 1 year
duddddeeee okay so imagine reader is put in a kinda sexy outfit for a prank and the members are all just flustered as fuck while talking and teasing her
i LOVE this
fem!reader, kinda went off track lol sorryyyy
when you fluster (?) the guys
you’re wearing a nurse outfit you found in your trailer
but the skirt is far too short and the shirt is a tad bit too tight
you know you were put in this outfit to be a ‘distraction’
you don’t mind it though
all eyes are on you and you’re loving it
you’re not sure who’s idea it was, your bet is on spike
regardless of who’s idea it was, it’s getting lots of positive reactions
you casually walk up to the boys who are all sat in an almost circle, talking about stunts they have to do or have done in the past
knoxville is speaking as you walk towards them but he instantly loses his train of thought
not seeing you, bam starts to make fun of johnny for it while taking a sip of his beer
but chokes slightly as he notices you, cheeks going red as you give him a knowing look
“where’s this little get up from?” chris says
“dunno, it was in my trailer with a note saying for me to put it on”
“ok, who’s idea was this?” dave says after looking you up and down, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact
steveo wolf whistles you, telling you to spin
“yeah y/n, spin” wee man says
you do a spin and you hear murmurs of “damn” and “holy shit”
suddenly ehren has to excuse himself, causing the boys to erupt into laughter
“where you going ehren?” bam shouts
“no where!! it- it’s unrelated!”
you take a seat next to preston and ryan
and you fully realise that all your friends have a staring problem
and they all have slight blushes on their faces
it boosts your ego though, so you cant really complain
“you ever find out who left you that outfit? tell me, i wanna thank them personally” knoxville says with a smirk and a laugh
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crewtawn · 2 months
Sometimes I forget about them
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Not dave though I never forget about Dave. My father figure abused me too Dave.. love u forever.....
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ophliee · 2 months
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charlotte emily ??? MONOCHROME GIRLIE I LOVE THEM!!
(it’s crazy we still haven’t gotta offical name for her or any surname…)
(It’s Lacey games artstyle, my latest hyper fixations together yes!!!)
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karkatbug · 6 months
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3 days to go! Day 3 - Fashion or Robots
As per the sibling code, these two must drop everything to roast each other
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jackassbrainrot · 3 months
reader who’s kind of like pamela anderson😳? popular for being a bombshell and her style and also just happens to be one of the cuntiest members of jackass
a/n: I have to many thoughts to make it into a cohesive fic sorry but!! got about a million hcs for you! hope you like em! she is everything I want to be
bombshell jackass member!!
you met spike while you were working on a movie together
you became friends quickly and started hanging out outside of work
he told you about a new tv show he was working on, asking you if you'd like to be involved in a few skits
of course you said yes
as soon as you walk on set, all eyes are on you
everyone starts bombarding spike with questions
"what's she doing here?" "how'd you get her to agree to this?" "she's out of our budget!"
the initial shock is quickly replaced by their shock at how willing you are to try any stunt
tremaine loves how much footage he's getting out of you
"I think we have a new main star"
knoxville doesn't even get offended, just scared that you're going to die as you step on a skateboard. in heels. blindfolded.
you get absolutely destroyed the first time you try that
they all think they just killed the fucking movie star
but you get up, laughing your ass off
"I HAVE to try that again!"
the guys are both scared and kind of turned on by you
the media is even more scared and turned on
everyone being confused as to why an accomplished actress is running around pulling pranks on random people
soooo many headlines
being besties with stephanie !!
and hating that you became "the jackass girl" without her after her injury
doing gnarly tricks in full glam
being the best and worst role model for young girls
showing that you can be both feminine and badass but also influencing them to do dumb shit
always outshining the guys at premiers and parties
the guys being really protective of you whenever interviewers are being sexist
you still do other movies and shows but you always come back to your little band of idiots
they're like your guard dogs
who needs a bodyguard when you have a bunch of professional idiots that don't mind getting hurt around you all the time
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magpiepills · 2 months
Under The Weather
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I’m sick and feeling sorry for myself so I decided to repost my HCs for when a few Pedro characters are sick. If you want a sick HC for another character, tell me who in the comments and I will tell you what he’s like. I’m sure he is unbearable, whoever he is.
Uses whiskey like it’s cough syrup. Insists on home remedies involving whiskey, peppermint, garlic, and an orange. Pouts, misses his mother, tries to get you to make the recipe she used to make for him, is a baby about his covid test.
So obnoxious. Lays on the couch so you’ll be sure to hear him moaning and coughing. Needs all of the mucinex, the vapor rub, the humidifier, an extra blanket, asks you to take his temperature, feels certain this must be pneumonia. Eats the soup you make him like it might be his last meal.
Deny, deny, deny. If he doesn’t acknowledge the flu, it’s not happening, right? “Don’t need to see a doctor. ‘m fine.” Will try to carry on with a handkerchief and a couple cough drops in his coat pocket. Actually has pneumonia.
Takes some DayQuil and moves to the spare bedroom. Texts you to say he won’t be by this week, and works from home. Feels sorry for himself but won’t say so.
Somehow looks more pallid than usual. Knows where to buy antibiotics over the counter. Holds his chest like he’s dying when he coughs, and you wonder if he is actually dying. Is diagnosed with a rare illness that everyone thought was eradicated in the 1800s. Flirts with the nurses.
Coughin’ in his coffin. Nonplussed when you offer him the whiskey/peppermint/garlic/orange remedy you heard about. You google local blood banks, and assure him that if he lived through the actual plague, a common cold won’t be the thing that takes him out. You consider suggesting that he turn into a bat so you can take him to a vet. Can he do that?
Panics at the first sniffle, begs you not to make him quarantine. “Babe, I can’t.” He wants you to stay in bed with him while he convalesces. Likes how his voice sounds deep and gravelly after he coughs. Records some lines to send to his agent, then takes a handful of pills and sleeps it off. He wakes up looking refreshed.
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