kari-go · 1 year
Movement box
This box was disliked by the Order due to how hard the holders of these miraculous were hard to locate and capture.
Pollen, the bee of Subjection
Zapp, the dragonfly of Motion
Stikk, the salamander of Attraction
Barra, the flamingo of Position
Kummo, the spider of Stagnation
Dassh, the antelope of Acceleration
Bubb, the betta fish of Isolation
Fiis, the jellyfish of Infraction
Bambaa, the panda of Transaction
Barkk, the dog of Transmission
Kaalki, the horse of Transportation
Teffe, the ferret of Exploration
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cathartictactician · 5 months
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mean two it
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Is anyone missing a cursed wallet? I found it out near the Dancing Ridge Trailhead. It seems to have some special features... namely a tail and legs that seem to work, but there's like cash and stuff in here. Can't really get a look at the ID without the thing trying to fucking bite me.
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hcppyhotel · 5 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺[ so many ic portrayals in one place, how do u do it......... ]
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andfuckmcyt · 2 years
Whp the fuck is micah yujin
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havent watched any daredevil in years but foggy is my most beloved. just so u know. im in love w/ him. thats eternal
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goodcat888 · 2 years
Lungs and Legs Cycling (Part One)
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Alleycat Super Series. ASS. Incorporating CLASS. Central London Alleycat Super Series.
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The series comprises Dassh 4 Cassh races and multi-checkpoint races and will encompass a total of 10 races. The series is based on accumulative points garnered over the races. All proceeds from the races will go towards charitable causes, such as the courier fund for injured pushbike couriers or dedicated reasons and projects. A non profit endeavour.
The top 3 will win cash prize's for each race and merchandise will be presented for other places. Further bonuses will be won for points leaders at the finale comprising Grand Prizes.
Series Champion £700
Series Runner up £350
2nd Runner up £175
4th Goody Bag
5th Goody bag
Subject to updates.
The point's breakdown will be; 1st-10 pts. 2nd-7pts. 3rd-4pts. 4th-2pts and 5th-1point.
Each race will have a standard breakdown of prizes, typically: 1st; £100. 2nd; £50. 3rd; £25. 4th; Hoody. 5th; T-shirt. 6th; Cap. Although this maybe subject to updates before the start of the race.
ASSDASSH-1 (CLASSRACE-1) 18/11/2022.
Dassh 4 Cassh 1. Leather Lane to Alexandra Palace and back again.
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Race Report.
The turnout for the race wasn't stellar in numbers, but definitely in quality. The best in city were present and that was all that mattered. Quality over quantity is always good. 11 racers all told with some new faces. The enthusiasm and nervous energy for the race was present and it being a straight dash to Alexandra Palace and back again, due north/south meant that it would be a quick one. All estimates seemed to think it would be a 40 minute time for the winner, that was obliterated with Gabberz coming in at 32:54, which was extra special. This came as no surprise because he has dominated for most of the year in tandem with another. Meeting JHood who was responsible for the images was another high note. The inaugral Alleycat Super Series Dassh4Cassh race was a success and was enjoyed by all. Roll on the next one.
Race 1 Results.11 Racers
1st.Gabberz 10pts £120
2nd.Josh 7pts £60
3rd.Overkill 4pts £30
4th.Gra 2pts Hoody
5th.VgnKndrck 1pt T
6th.Joe Cap
8th.Goodcat McDank
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ASSCAT-1 Point to Point Revealed (CLASSRACE-2) 16/12/2022.
ThrowawayCat. Celebrating the birthday. @Throwaway_London.
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Checkpoints. Start/Finish LL. EC1
Great James St WC1.
Robert St NW1
Markham Sq SW3
St James SQ SW1
Lower Robert St WC2
Old James St SE15
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Race Report.
This was the first multi checkpoint race in the series which celebrated the birthday of Chuck D who is the creator of Throwaway designs. He has contributed so much to racing et al over the years that it would be remiss not to dedicate this race to him. Hence all of the checkpoints were a nod to him. The race itself couldn't have been any closer between the two dominant racers over the last year, namely Gabberz and VgnKndrck. Both have dominated most races over the past year and the challenge for the rest is to try and break the hegemony that these two have created. A nod to Josh who has 2 2nd places and a 5th in his last 3 starts and to Gra who has 2 3rd's and 4th place in his last 3 races. Nods to all participants in the harsh weather which measured -3 degrees apparently. Another quality turnout with passable numbers. Nods to Timekeeper Tiger and design guru Lippo.
Race 2 Results. 9 Racers.
1st.VgnKndrck 10Pts £120
2nd.Gabberz 7Pts £60
3rd.Gra 4Pts £30
4th.IncompetentJ 2Pts Hoody
5th.Josh 1Pt T
6th.Joe/Pip Cap
7th.Goodcat McDank (Dfl)
8th Overkill (DQ)
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Standings after 2 Races.
1. Gabberz. 17Pts 2Races
2. VgnKndrck. 11Pts 2
3. Josh. 8Pts 2
4. Gra. 6Pts 2
5. Overkill 4Pts 2
6. IncompetentJ 2Pts 1
Gabberz & VgnKndrck having a BLASST.
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ASSDASSH-2 (CLASSRACE-3) 13/01/2023
Dassh 4 Cassh 2. Leather Lane to Crystal Palace and back again.
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Race Report.
The turnout for ASS3 was good. Quantity coupled with quality and all told there were 21 racing. The batch of 24 spoke cards all sold which contributed towards the bench fund started by Chico Bandito for lost brother Robski. £160 was raised to go towards the fund. Much appreciated to all. There were some new faces again this time around. Some very fast boys from Cafeteros showed up on their road bikes which added to the excitement and some of the absent racers from the first 2 ASS events raced in this one which bolstered the numbers. there was more anticipation for this one than the other 2 which was understandable as momentum had been gathered. The kick off was 830pm and we all scrambled for the bikes as soon as Tiger called the start. VGnKndrck had chain trouble which hampered his progress for a win and Darien, a very fast lad also had chain trouble, Valentina who came 3rd in the Great Alleycat last year also raced even though she was feeling under the weather. We hammered it towards Blackfriars bridge heading to Crystal Palace at the base of the Antenna where Chico was holding checkpoint for the return and finish. The leaders hit blistering pace which was frightful on the busy roads of South London. Once again Gabberz dominated and came in first with an insane time of sub 40 minutes, CAB also hit a very fast time with Cafeteros Sanchez homing in on them with a great 3rd place. Rspct to Overkill who came in 4th to go with a win he attained the week before in a non ASS event which runs in tandem with the 3rd he gained at ASS1, great results for him. Gra hit 5th as he always does well. VgnKndrck would have undoubtedly done better if it wasn't for his chain issue's, but nevertheless came in 6th. Rspct to all participant's. Because it was Friday the 13th it was stipulated that if any racers turned up in a Hockey Mask in mimicry of Jason Voorhees from the film that they would gain 4 bonus points for going to the effort and also to carry the mask while racing. 5 did. Gabberz, VgnKndrck, Ronin, Overkill and Joachim. A great bit of fun. A great event and turnout. Roll on ASS4 slated for February the 24th. The first 3 races have been comparitively easy with reveals on destination et al. Onwards the series will become a touch more difficult.
Race 3 Results. 21 Racers.
1. Gabberz 10pts £130
2. CAB 7pts £65
3. Sanchez 4pts £30
4. Overkill 2pts Hoody&bits
5. Gra 1pt T&bits
6. VgnKndrck T&bits
7. Said
8. Darien
9. Ronin.
4 bonus points to Gabberz, VgnKndrck, Overkill, Ronin & Incompetent Jo for Jason Mask while Racing on Friday the 13th.
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Points Standing/races after ASS3.
Gabberz 31p/3r
VgnKndrck 15/3
Overkill 10/3
Josh 8/2
CAB 7/1
Gra 7/3
Incomp' Jo 6/2
Sanchez 4/1
Ronin 4/1
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Part of the bonus points scheme is the introduction of the ClASSical theme Menage a Trois. The IlluminatiCat which will take place on the 11th of Febuary, the AthenaCat and the PaxRomanaCat which will be announced later in the year. Each race will have a similar prize allocation as ASS main races. If a rider participates in the 3 Classical races 5 bonus points will be gained and if someone wins all 3 races then 10 points will be gained.
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Race Report
The Illuminaticat had a good turnout with 15 racers. The weather was quite warm if not sunny and the location on Dalston Lane outside the premises of About the Bike shop was sound. Across the road from The 3 Compasses pub which fit nicely with the theme of the race. Thanks to Dan and Stu from ATB for letting us start the race outside the shop. The race was attended by consistent participants with a few new faces. The start was quite muted as the participants got their bearings via navigation, but that didn't last long and pretty soon they were off. Altogether it wasn't such a long one, perhaps 23km which the winner achieved in about 45 minutes, as I predicted pre race. Some of the racer's also experienced some snags such as the Inner Temple being closed off on the Fleet St. entrance and therefore had to be accessed by the Temple lane entrance. This caused quite a stir during the post race discusssion as certain racer's didn't manage to get to the Inner Temple but still captured the church tower which which was allowed although still a technicality according to other's. Provision's were made to appease the two who had managed to get to the church proper, namely Gabberz and VgnKndrck. Bonus point's were allocated. Error's were made by some and lesson's were learnt by other's. Gabberz earned a few injuries by adorning the bonnet of a cab on the Strand and yet managed to win, rspct. Jordan who witnessed the event managed to roll in at fourth on his Omnium Cargo. The first 3 rolled in within 15 seconds of each other and 5 plus minutes ahead of the rest of the field. A great race apparently and a Historical education for most relating to the Freemasonic history of London. Roll on to the next one. To conclude it was great catching up with old and new faces as a good crowd of Non Racer's and Racer's attended the event.
15 racers.
1st Gabberz 100£
2nd Sanchez 50£
3rd VgnKndrck 30£
4th Jordan Hoody
5th Tim/Pip Hoody/Skulled T
6th Graham/Raphael Socks/Race Entry
7th Dolan Joe
8th Joe
9 Spartak
10 Overkill
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Start 124B Dalston Lane.E8
Corinthians Lodge, 337 Wick Road.E9
Masons Avenue.EC2
Supreme Council,10 Duke St.SW1
Benjamin Franklin's Hse, 32 Craven St.WC2
Andaz 40 Liverpool St.EC2
Freemasons Hall, 33 Great Queen.WC2
Templar Church, Temple EC4
Mazzini Blue plaque, 183 N. Gower St.NW1
Finish 124B Dalston Lane.E8
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ASSCAT-2 Manifest Checkpoint (CLASSRACE-4) 24/02/2023
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Race Report
The turnout was again quite impressive given the rather cold evening, personally I didn't think it would be as good as it turned out to be. There were some regular racers not present either which bodes really well for summer events. There were 21 at the start. The format was a checkpoint race which had been compiled by Filippo. The timekeeper was Tiger.
Altogether there were 7 checkpoints, 3 of which were manned by Chico Bandito/Ronin, James and Stu and Sandro, on 2 of the checkpoints a piece of paper was handed to the racer with an additional checkpoint pointing to Brixton prison. The race had a good flow in the a loop and the most logical start was to head for Emerald Court from Leather Lane which was less than 5 minutes away and then onto 5 Newman Passage and then down to Pickering Place on St James' st and so on. At the finish Joe P came in first followed by incompetent Jo and the Pip with Overkill, Gabberz and VgnKndrck in tow but that wasn't the end of it by far. As it turns out the first 4 racers who came in; certainly had good speed, but missed out with technicalities. Namely, on the manifest it stated Emerald Court and 2 of the first 3 had Emerald Street. Also stated on the Manifest, which was almost the size of a large postage stamp had number 5 Newman Passage on it rather than just Newman Passage which confounded the first 4 racers, therefore it transpired that Gabberz and Joseph who rode in at 5th and 6th were the only racers in the top 6 who had the technical data from the manifest done correctly. So, rather than disqualifying the first 4 I opted for a leapfrogging system instead. The same rules applied to all the others who came in thereafter. In the end the right result came through due to the technical data. Sympathies to JoeP, IncompetentJo, Pip and Overkill though as they had good speed but lost out on technicalities. In the end the results stood at:
Top 10/21Racers:
1. Gabberz 120£
2. VgnKndrck 70£
3. Benji 40£
4. Levi 25£
5. IncompetentJo Hoody
6. Spartak T
7. Overkill
8. Jack
9. Chris
The return times are representative of speed within the race but the placings garnered reflect the technicsl data which is paramount as per the manifest. Return times vs New positioning.
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S. Leather Lane EC1
1. Emerald Court WC1
2. No.5 Newman Passage W1
3. Pickering Place SW1
4. Brixton Prison SW2
5. Wapping Stairs East E1
6. Gibbons Rent SE1
7. Austin Friars EC2
F. Leather Lane EC1
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Placings after ASS4
1. Gabberz 41P/4R
2. VgnKndrck 22/4
3. Overkill 10/4
4. Josh 8/2
5. CAB 7/2
Incomp'Jo 7/3
Gra 7/4
6. Benji 4/1
Sanchez 4/1
7. Ronin 4/1
8. Levi 2/2
Updated link
ASSDASSH 3 (CLASSRACE-5) 24/03/2023
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Race Report
The wet weather took its toll on the race and the turnout could have been better although the quality of the racers was hard to top. Having has a Dassh north and south already the theme of this one was west. The destination was chosen by Tiger who opted for the Musical Museum just past Kew bridge on Brentford high street. 9.9 Miles from Leather Lane, therefore practically 20 miles there and back again, almost as the crow flies. The start was as normal, a flurry of excited racers who usually feel the effects of the nervous energy in the first 5 minutes of the race until they get into there stride. I was in a group with Kungfu Bob and Cemetery Tom as we hammered into the West end straight through a busy Friday night Shaftesbury Avenue, jammed packed with traffic and pedestrians which led the way into Piccadilly and then into the straights of Kensington Gore and the High Street and Olympia through to Hammersmith and Chiswick. Charles flew past us at the first part of Kensington which raised a comment or two, he overtook us at the beginning of the race so it was some consolation that we were in front of him since then. We past the Chis flyover/Roundabout heading towards our destination and saw Graham and Pip heading the other way, obviously Gra being a west London boy he knew exactly where he was going, Pip being a regular racer and the only brakeless was also flying. We caught up on Joe P. and all headed towards our goal. So heading back in a group was Me, Kungfu Bob, Cemetery Tom and Joe P. Taking advantage of the tailwind which was a headwind on the way there. We were flying back through Hammersmith onto Kensington when Kungfu Bob started to attack and took the lead of the group followed by Tom, I lost sight of Joe. This folllowed suit most of the way back until we got to Shaftesbury Avenue triangle where Tom and I managed to retake the postion from Kungfu Bob which set up a sprint from Theobald's Road into Leather Lane. In the end Bob came in 2 seconds ahead of me and Tom. Charles was the winner with blinding flat speed. Unfortunately Gabberz who was also contender sustained a puncture and had to get the Circle line back to Leather Lane. Overkill, Gra and VgnKndrck came in 2nd, 3rd and 4th with Pip 5th followed by Bob, Tom and Me with Joe as the tail. A great race at the end of the day with a top quality field. 10 raced. All racers apart from Joe, who stopped for a drink on the way back managed to get there and back again under 1 hour. In stark contrast to the last ASS race where he came in first and only lost on a technicality, you have to love the variation.
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1. Charles/C.A.B £120&ASS.T
2. Overkill £60
3. Gra £30
4. VgnKndrck Hoody
5. Pip ASS. T
6. Thai[KFB]Rob LCEF Tea towel
7. McDank
8. Cemetery Tom
9. Joe P.
DNF. Gabberz.
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Placings after ASS5 (Accommodating bonus points adjustments)
1. Gabberz 42pts/5races
2. VgnKndrck 25/5
3. Overkill 17/5
C.A.B 17/3
4. Gra 11/5
5. Josh 8/2
6. Incomp'tJo 7/3
7. Ronin 4/1
Sanchez 4/1
Benji 4/1
8. Levi 2/2
9. Pip 1/4
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nerbulent · 4 months
ok so lifehac if you can't get a job o to expensive restaurant order the most expensive steak swallow it hole then you try to dassh and get cauth. don't have any mobey and get sent to wash dishes now you're in the back steal a waiter uniform go and find a rich guy sitting alonee he will order the steak regurguitate it up for ghim when he patys take his money plus a giant tip for speedy service (regurgaition)
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
geniunely, i might convert this to marvel/dc/superhero only blog, and toss my othr muses on a new account.. i am not going to do this but my brain likes neat boxes and dasshes and separate the fandoms.. just cause... i just.. i am only in the feels up about clint and pepper and greer and johnny and liandra.
pepper, clint, greer, and liandra going the biggest brrrr. i have so many thoughts.
[ fill my inbox | starter / rp prompts ]
[ fill my inbox | ooc / headcanon prompt ]
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kari-go · 11 months
The sensory-deceiving kwamis like the Tiger, the Scorpion and the Chameleon could be under Grimm better because darkness blinds? If Pollen is under Niic, then movement-inducing kwamis like Zapp should be under Eggo, or if there's too much kwamis there then Pollen would go to Grimm (where Kummo already is)?
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The chameleon is with Luxx because it's like the fox but only for certain people. The scorpion is really similar to that but I wasn't sure. But the tiger is good, I wasn't really sure about it, because it makes the holder invisible so my mind went to Tikki, but Grimm does sound better.
Pollen is under Niic because of her second power, if she only had Venom then she'd be under Grimm.
I'll move Dassh under Luxx but I'll keep Voltt with Grimm. Voltt's power releases electricity from the holder and disables other devices so that's why.
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cathartictactician · 9 months
good evening grumblr I ssure hope nothing bad hass happened while I've been gone
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@ariadnewhitlock replied to your post “[pm] I'm sorry [deleted: You shouldn't be friends...”:
[pm] Still! It wasn't nice. I would also like to maybe see the Silver Springs tiktoks you have. But yes. I - someone [...] you can ask Cass - I just told her - or - I - I got kidnapped.
​[user links a series of Silver Springs tiktoks as well as some other live Fleetwood Mac performance toks]
[pm] I can ask Cass if you prefer... but you can talk to me too if you want. Kidnapped is [...] pretty fucking serious, so I'm not gonna ask if you're ok because obviously you aren't. But what the fuck? Do you know who it was?
[user is typing and erasing her message for a long time]
Is this [...] a not human thing? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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elle-smells · 4 years
This is making my blood boil you've been warned:
I- so there's this school. This school that's more or less on the same level as my school except that it's known that mostly people who are wealthier go there. They had they're graduation party and ummm literally no one was wearing masks....the entire graduating class was there you can see it in the video...and there was definitely no social distancing on the dance floor. So tell me why these people think they're immune to the fucking pandemic?????, THERE'S PEOPLE DYING EVERYDAY AGAIN, THE NUMBERS ARE UP AGAIN AND YOU THINK THAT YOUR PARTY IS MORE IMPORTANT???? bro, I would've liked to go to my graduation party too, me fucking too would've liked to have that memory but I didn't bcs it's literally not safe.And then the people in the comments were DEFENDING THEM??? saying stuff like "well they're vaccinated so it's fine" ok??? With what vaccines???? The ones that are being distributed by the government that are only for front line workers and elderly people and that there's a limited amount of at the moment ??? You mean THOSE vaccines??? Or do you mean the highly expensive ones that you have to buy from a private distributor, and here's the reason I brought up that these people are wealthy af, for your whole family??? Oh right ok bcs yeah the pandemic rly does affect social classes differently. Ok cool, no problem you go use the limited supply of vaccines for yourself if you have the money right go the fuck ahead but, OH WAIT. Lemme guess who DOESN'T have the money for that. The people that are gonna be cleaning up your mess the next day. The waiters, the DJ, the people working in that hotel venue every day. You didn't think about them didn't you?? Even if the get tested forcovid before entering the party it doesn't lower the risk of catching it. BCS newsflash, the vaccine doesn't prevent you from passing the virus o to someone in every day life who obviously isn't vaccinated yet. So once again tell me WHY this very unsafe party was necessary. Also I wonder how TF they got permiss to do that??? Ugh who knows. I saw so many ppl saying that "well if they have the money to get vaccinated and to throw the party then let them do it stop complaining if you were them you would be there too" well tbh I'm glad I'm not them bcs if I would be among them then it means I would be fucking blind to the world around me if I begged for that party to happen andNo one should want to be that person right now.
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