#daredevil extraordinaire
luvtheoriez · 2 years
SPOTIFY  WRAPPED  ‘22   »  #10  drugs  &  money  —  chase  atlantic
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“  i'm  sure  your  parents  wouldn't  like  me  .  ”  /  @wasteslands​
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Name: Princess Celestia
Gender: Cisgender female (she/her)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Partner(s): Lord of Chaos Discord
Children: Prince Loki, Apprentice of Chaos (18), Princess Harmony (12), and Solar Eclipse Acorn (23)
Headcanons and disclaimers below the cut 👇👇
💛 Her hair grows exponentially faster than most Equestrians’, which she takes advantage of by frequently cutting down her mane and tail to show only the blue-colored base. Celestia actually prefers it this way, but had been told at a young age by Starswirl the Bearded (her mentor/guardian and certified musty old man) that it was necessary she keep her flowing locks as a signifier of her royal status.
💛 She’s a total dork—the most fun-loving, daredevil extraordinaire, prankster, theater kid in all of Equestria. She designed most of the traps/security measures in the Castle of the Two Sisters not only for safety reasons, but also for the fun of watching her clueless sister trip over a concealed booby trap and get sent barreling down a slippery slide into a ball pit. When not tending to her duties as a princess, Celestia can usually be found watching live buckball games and annoying Luna with cheesy puns.
💛 Good friends with the current captain of the royal guard, Flash Sentry. Seeing as his job is to keep a close eye on her at all times—and that his husband is literally her nephew—it was only natural that the two became close pals fairly quickly. At first, Flash was a tad nervous with her sneaking out of the castle to attend midnight movie screenings a few days a week, but it wasn’t long before he actually started enjoying tagging along as her personal bodyguard.
💛 She’d actually been in a committed relationship with Discord long before his accession to the power. After his reformation, it took years for Celestia to fully trust her former partner once again, but they eventually fell back into love and were soon wed in one of the most extravagant ceremonies in history. Everyone (even those outside Equestria) was invited to join them on their special day.
***DISCLAIMER: In this AU, The princesses DIDN’T hand off their powers to Twilight, and still remain the primary rulers of Equestria during the course of this story. The illustrations and writing (the latter of which has since been revised to fix previously missed grammatical errors and to more closely align with my current headcanons) were done back in 2020-2021 and posted to my now-inactive DeviantArt account. The signature ‘Hun’ reflects the name I went by at the time, Hunter.***
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dragoncookies · 1 year
Roller coasters!
Here’s how I think some of the KOTLC characters (The teens) would react to going on a rollercoaster at amusement parks in some AU where they do that (like a scary rollercoasters with loops and big drops and stuff).
She would be less terrified than you’d think. She rides Silveny all the time so she used to that kind of thing and she’s also used to human machinery so she’d be nervous but have a good time regardless, though she has her limits. She’s perfectly okay with waiting behind while others go on some life destroying roller coaster. She loves the rides that are like those swings that spin around (you know?). 
Daredevil extraordinaire. He’d be so down to do it but you’d hear him praying for his life once the ride actually starts. Like full on confessions but once the ride is going he’d be doing that happy yell thing you do on a roller coaster. He’d also be the most likely to loose a shoe or smt on the ride. 
She would love rollercoasters and I know it. She’s the type to be smiling and laughing and enjoying the sound of her friends screaming. When you go and see the pictures she looks so happy. She’s a rollercoaster enthusiast.
Scared shitless. He’d squeeze his eyes shut and scream for his life. As soon as the ride stops he’d be the type of person to just flop over his seatbelt or something dramatic. His photos at the end look goofy as hell and always cause the most laughs. He still is convinced by his friends to go on every ride somehow though. 
Personally Dex would be my favorite rollercoaster enjoyer. He’d be the type to sneak food or something on there so as you’re going up the hill you just watch him whip out a meal or a board game. He’d be the type to somehow be wearing sunnies in the photo because he’d just KNOW where the cameras are. 
She’s lowkey the most enjoyable person to go on a rollercoaster with. She’d get butterflies and you could see her get nervous about it but in a way that makes you more excited and less worried. She’d be the type of person to look at a roller coaster and say “there’s no way I’m going on that” but go on it anyways. She’d also be the type to have her hands up the whole time. Also, in line, she’d sit down and start crocheting something. For real.  
It’s not for him :/.He wanted to go on one once to be with Linh and didn’t show any fear for the sake of others but when the ride was done he’d fainted! He may or may not throw up after riding rollercoasters. He still goes to amusement parks with friends because he carries all their stuff and looks great in a visor.
So excited about rollercoasters. She’s kind of like Biana in that they make her laugh but she does not have an endless appetite for rollercoasters. She got a lil ambitious and went on four in a row and threw up (like Tam did) but she wasn’t fazed and went on another half an hour later. A true trooper. She likes watching the world do a lil spin on loop-de-loops (spelling?). 
An ambitious rollercoaster consumer and tries to predict where the cameras are so he can make sure to have a comically stoich face. He likes to sit next to Dex so his poker face stands out more in photos. He’d definitely panic while up there but love the thrill! He wasn’t a natural rollercoaster daredevil but built up his stamina. He’d also be the one to help convince other people who don’t want to go on the rollercoaster to yolo and try it. 
Do I even have to write this? She’s literally out there risking her life to go on the most horrifying rollercoasters. Some rollercoasters even relax her. I’m scared of her. She LOVES spilling the HOTTEST TEA while waiting in line too.
Super skeptical about the human technologies. Consistently doubting the whole time in line, but she’d have such a good time on a rollercoaster she’d have to admit they’re not so bad. She won’t go on ALL rollercoasters, she does decently well. She’d be the type of person to squeeze your hand or need to like hug someone while the rollercoaster is going. It’s not so bad ngl. 
Thanks for reading all of it. Like seriously you made it to the bottom congrats.  
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amenders93 · 10 months
2 Weeks till Chicken Run 2!!!!!
In every movie we have seen that involves a couple that are taking some time apart, an unexpected event happens that includes one of them seeming to have their back against the wall or in some kind of trouble. However, all is not lost because just in the nick of time, the other comes to the rescue and saves the latter. Last week, we saw the reflection of Rocky and Ginger's relationship as they spent time apart after Rocky decided to leave the farm without telling anyone. We've seen that despite the fact they tried to forget each other and move on, it became very clear that Ginger still loved Rocky and missed him greatly, and that Rocky still loved Ginger and he was questioning his decision to leave her and the other chickens during their time of need. Now this week, we're going to review the next action-packed scene - the escape from Tweedy's Farm. Will the chickens escape safely or will they become chicken pies after all?
Let's pick up right when Mr. Tweedy had finally fixed the pie machine, to the delight of Mrs. Tweedy but the horror of the chickens in the barnyard. Now the farmer has been sent to get the chickens to start making chicken pies but catches them in the act of attempting to finish their plane. Ginger has the chickens overpower him; they truss him up like a stuffed bird and place him under a hut. All the while, Mr. Tweedy has tried to warn his wife about the chickens' revolt, but she either ignores him or just can't hear him. The chickens' fearless leader tells them now is the time to make their escape - that they either die free chickens or die trying! So inspirational! You go, girl! The chickens then wheel the flying machine out onto a runway lit by a string of Christmas lights.
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Now we're inside the plane with the chickens on both sides of an aisle where pedals are located for them to work the plane. Nick and Fetcher are inside with them, ready to leave as well. Ginger walks up the aisle to the cockpit, signaling to Fowler that they're ready for takeoff, only to discover that he's seated behind her and not in the pilot's seat. The hens soon discover that Fowler wasn't a pilot at all but a mascot in the RAF for the 644 Squadron, Poultry Division. Ginger convinces the old rooster to take the controls of the plane; since he's always talking about back in his day, and now today is his day. Fowler proudly complies and soon the hens are all pedaling, the propeller is turning, a takeoff ramp is placed up, wooden blocks are removed and the plane moves with wings that start flapping. As the plane approaches the takeoff ramp, Mr. Tweedy jumps up and kicks it over. The plane makes a hard right, knocking the farmer to the ground unconscious.
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Ginger tells Fowler to turn the plane around and she runs back to the ramp. As she struggles to push it back into position again, Fowler turns the plane around, getting one of the wheel axles tangling a string of Christmas lights with it. Suddenly Mrs. Tweedy appears and looms over Ginger with an axe! The wicked woman slams the axe into the ramp, a hairsbreadth from Ginger's head, pinning her to the ground. This was it, this was the end of the line for our poor little firecracker hen. Mrs. Tweedy menacingly leans over Ginger, ready for the kill when all of a sudden, a loud noise distracts her. It was the sound of a bell; the bell of a tricycle. Both human and hen turn to the direction of the sound. What Ginger hears next is someone yelling out her name and who does she see?
Rocky Rhodes, daredevil extraordinaire, coming back to help his friends and especially save the love of his life once again. Rocky speeds downhill on his tricycle, aiming for a large mound of dirt just before the barbed-wire fence. He hits it hard, goes sailing into air, clearing the fence and keeps on going. Ginger has never been happier to see him at this moment, not just because he came back to save her but because she thought she'd never see the love of her life again. Unfortunately, Mrs. Tweedy sees him too and she pulls the axe out from the ramp, turning to face the rooster. But just as she does, the front tire of the trike conks her on the forehead and sent her sprawling. She falls backwards, the axe falls to the ground, barely missing her. That wicked witch of a woman soon faints from the thought of the axe almost hitting her.
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At the same time, Rocky lands in front of Ginger. Very coolly, he skids the trike to a sideways stop and thumps the bell on the handlebars, as if he's revving the engine of a motorcycle. Last week I did say that Ginger would see her Prince Charming again, and I was right. Rocky and Ginger are happy to see each other again, but this is no time for happy reunions because the plane was headed right for them! Our young lovers grab the heavy ramp and start working feverishly to hoist it back up onto the fence as the plane rumbled closer and closer. Without a moment to spare, they managed to wedge the wooden brace into place and roll out of the way just as the wheels of the plane hit the ramp. The plane rolls up the ramp and soars over the fence to freedom, trailing the Christmas lights behind it. Ginger is mesmerized that their escape plan is working and then she hears Rocky calling her name. He takes her hand and they grab onto the string of lights, held on tight and soar up into the air. Hanging on to the lights for dear life, inching along, they managed to climb on board the plane.
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Rocky makes in on first and he takes Ginger's hands, pulling her up to safety. They were safe; they were alone. They were staring into each other's eyes, staying this way for a long moment. Our young feathered lovers are together again! 💘 Then Rocky leans closer to Ginger, and closer, and... she slaps him across the face. She angrily tells him the slap is for leaving, leaving our shocked rooster clutching his hurt cheek. You have to admit, he did deserve that 😏. But to his relief, she gives him a soft smile and grabs his bandana, pulling him closer to kiss him for coming back. He's more than happy to oblige for a kiss with his fair lady hen. But just before they can kiss, the plane suddenly jolts. Oh, so close 😩.
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Rocky and Ginger look down to see Mrs. Tweedy hanging from the Christmas lights and she was still wielding her axe. She snarls at them, scaring them a bit. Ginger looked down to see the lights still tangled in the plane's rear axle. She gets an idea; she yells out to Babs for a pair of scissor. Her friend looks through her knitting bag for scissors and when she finds them, they are then passed from chicken to chicken until they arrive in Ginger's hands. She then turns to Rocky, telling him to lower her down. He tries to protest against it, but when our stubborn hen gets an idea in her mind, there's no changing her mind. Fowler calls to the crew to increase their velocity; the chickens respond valiantly, their feet a blur of motion. One of my favorite lines: Babs - What does that mean? Bunty - It means pedal your flippin' giblets out!
Mrs. Tweedy then puts the axe into her mouth and starts to climb the Christmas lights toward the plane. Up above, Ginger puts the scissors into her mouth and leans out the back of the plane. Rocky lowers her carefully, holding her by her feet. Ginger tries to reach the Christmas lights with the scissors, but couldn't quite make it. She shouts to Rocky to lower her a little more. Mrs. Tweedy was still climbing, getting closer. Ginger, meantime, is still reaching for the strand of lights, trying to cut it, when she happened to notice that they were headed straight for the billboard for Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies! She calls out to warn Fowler, who then pulls hard on the controls and the plane swoops sharply upward. Dangling from the lights, Mrs. Tweedy smacks hard into the billboard, ripping off the painted image of her own face. The plane rocked from the impact, whipping out of control. The chickens scream as the plane rocks and Nick and Fetcher scream even louder as they watch their precious eggs spill out of their bag.
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Unfortunately, at the same time, Ginger slips out of Rocky's grasp and as she falls, she grabs the wire. Hanging on for dear life, she clutches the wire as she slid down it, Christmas lights popping as she went. She suddenly comes face to face with Mrs. Tweedy's gigantic painted face. The real Mrs. Tweedy whips the painted picture away to reveal her actual snarling face, with the axe still in her mouth! Ginger seizes this moment; she grasps the scissors firmly and tries with all her might to cut through the wire. However, they were too small and too dull; they would not go through. Mrs. Tweedy rears back to swing her axe at Ginger when suddenly... an egg hits the horrible woman in the face. Rocky was using the catapult they'd used for training to fire eggs at Mrs. Tweedy from it. Nick and Fetcher were loading their precious eggs into the catapult, with tears in their eyes and wailing if I may add. Rocky just keeps firing again and again, ignoring the miserable wails of the two rats. All he was concerned about was his precious Ginger. Her brave hero. Rocky's not just her Prince Charming; he's her knight in shining armor 💕.
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Throughout this egg flinging, Ginger doesn't give up and is still trying to cut through the wire. Mrs. Tweedy takes another swipe with her axe, knocking the scissors out of Ginger's hand and sending them tumbling, end over end, through the air. Desperate, Ginger tries to bite through the wire; it was useless. Mrs. Tweedy climbs another notch toward Ginger. Rocky, meanwhile, yells back to Nick and Fetcher for more ammunition, but they have no more eggs! Rocky looks back at Ginger to see Mrs. Tweedy raising her axe again, aiming it right for Ginger's neck! He cries out to Ginger in alarm to warn her. Our now trapped hen looks up to see that horrible woman raising her axe. There was no place to go; she was going to get it.
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But our smart hen looks down at the wire and gets an idea. Quick as a wink, she holds out the wire and Mrs. Tweedy swings down her axe at Ginger. On the plane, Rocky looks on helplessly as the love of his life gets the axe swung at her. He cries out with fear and sadness in his voice. Mrs. Tweedy grins at seeing Ginger hanging from the wire, headless from her point of view. But don't worry - Ginger cranks her neck to look at Mrs. Tweedy with egg all over her face (literally and figuratively). Mrs. Tweedy's grin starts to fall and at the same time, Rocky, with tears in his eyes looking sad and thinking that he lost Ginger, starts to smile little by little. Ginger smiles at Mrs. Tweedy, showing the severed light string; Mrs. Tweedy looks on shocked. Ginger lets go of one end and waves goodbye, watching the evil woman fall. The plane is now swooping over the barn so Mrs. Tweedy plummets neatly through the open window at the peak of the barn roof and falls into the chute of the pie machine.
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On the plane, the chickens were still pedaling as they apparently watched the whole scene unfold. They were all cheering that Ginger had defeated Mrs. Tweedy. Rocky was so happy to see Ginger still alive and thwart that awful human that he gave Nick and Fetcher side hugs simultaneously. As the plane soars up and away from the barn, Mr. Tweedy, who has regained consciousness and untied himself, runs to the barn door and opens it. He sees his wife stuck in the machine trying to free herself. Alarms were sounding as pressure gauges were starting to rise, meaning that the machine was about to blow. Mr. Tweedy winced, then he slowly and quietly closes the barn door.
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Meanwhile, up in the air, Ginger manages to climb back up to the plane. Rocky takes her hands and pulls her onboard, relieved that she is still alive and well. Our young feathered lovers are holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, smiling. Rocky and Ginger try once again to kiss when they suddenly hear a huge explosion down below. Once again, so close. Second time they try to have a romantic moment, the second time they get interrupted 😩. They look down and flinch as the pie machine exploded behind them, spewing a mushroom cloud of gravy high into the air. At least they're still holding hands though 👫🏼.
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We're going to stop right there because I want to save the best part for last for next week's post. Anyway last week's post showed us that Rocky and Ginger had some time to think about how much they meant to each other. Even though they wanted to forget each other and move on with their lives, Rocky and Ginger realized they loved each other very much and had become a part of each other's lives. Ginger was becoming a better leader, still being honest but not as brutal as before and being more open with her feelings. Rocky was becoming more caring and selfless, thinking more about the others than himself. And after seeing the billboard advertisement, our cocky rooster realized he made a terrible mistake by leaving the farm when the chickens needed him the most. But he mostly realized he will never be truly happy unless he had a special someone in his life - Ginger. So Rocky made another big decision; one that surely changed everything... and it's even better than the last one.
Our daring rooster made the right choice to go back and help his friends, and just in time to save Ginger from an axe-wielding Mrs. Tweedy; an act that she is extremely grateful for. Like the good team they are, Rocky and Ginger managed to get the plane into the air and climb aboard themselves. On the plane, our young lovers are happy to have each other back again. Ginger slaps him across the face as payback for leaving but tries to kiss him for coming back. But first, they had to get rid of some unnecessary weight - Mrs. Tweedy. While Ginger tries to cut the evil woman off the line, Rocky defends his lady fair by attacking Mrs. Tweedy with eggs but soon runs out. After this attempt, Rocky thought that Mrs. Tweedy had beheaded Ginger with the axe and cries out in despair but he starts to tearfully smile when he sees that the axe actually cut through the wire, sending Mrs. Tweedy down into the pie machine in the barn. After that daring and risky success, Rocky and Ginger attempt to have another romantic moment to kiss but get interrupted by an explosion of gravy from the pie machine. But at this point, we can all agree that our young feathered lovers are safe and together, still happy to have each other back in their lives once again. However, we can also agree that if it weren’t for those two interruptions, they would have had their first kiss by now.
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I also want to add that you can see a workprint of the Ginger vs. Mrs. Tweedy scene and different workprint versions of Mrs. Tweedy's defeat on the YouTube links below.
Anyway this is my eleventh weekly Rocky/Ginger moment post commemorating the upcoming sequel to Chicken Run. I hope you enjoyed this post. There will be one more post about the first film coming up in the future. Waiting for this long-awaited sequel may not be easy but these posts are making it easier as the release date draws nearer. But now the wait is almost over!!!!
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indigosabyss · 8 months
Gwen Poole in Daredevil S2
Somewhere on these rooftops, Matt was lying dead to the world. Hopefully not actually dead, though.
Not that Foggy would know, until he found him.
Finally he climbed another set of goddamned stairs. And on the roof of this one, there was indeed a body in that stupid red suit.
Not just that, though. There was someone else.
A... girl? Young woman? With a pink and white leotard and a matching mask with wide pink lenses for eyes.
She had a hand on Matt's neck, clearly checking his pulse, but straightened up when she saw him.
"Oh, hey, Foggy! Gosh, this scene was iconic for me. How many stairs did you climb?"
"So fucking many." He sighed, before common sense hit him, "Wait, who are you?"
"I'm Gwen!" She introduced herself excitedly, "This is such an honor, sir."
Okay, that was seriously freaky. She knew his preferred name, had found Matt before him, and now she was calling him sir.
"You sure this is the guy, Gwen?" A voice drawled next to him, "All I'm getting is panic from him."
Foggy flinched, suddenly realizing the boy with a pink mohawk standing right beside him.
"Oh, yeah, it's definitely Foggy Nelson, Daredevil Babysitter Extraordinaire." Gwen agreed.
"How do you know all this?" He asked defensively. If these guys were assassins...
"Relax, Pink left the merc business a while ago." The boy told him with a roll of his eyes. So he was that type of teenager.
"Are you some kind of psychic?!"
An aura of pink cloaked Matt, and he levitated off the ground, blood dripping from him, "Only the very best. Now where do we take this guy?"
Crisis slightly abated, Gwen Poole was now jumping around their matchbox office, stars in her eyes.
Two seconds in and she had blurted out the truth to Karen. Given how she said it like she was relaying the plot of a TV show, she didn't seem to entirely believe it.
All the while, the other pink douchebag slouched on the ceiling. And a black-haired scrawny kid with a billowing green jacket watched on in horror.
"We're doing Daredevil Season 2!!!" She cheered, jumping up and down, "It's the Punisher one!!! This is going to be a meeting of the moments!"
"Okay, so she's crazy." Karen nodded, trying to keep her cool, "What about you two?"
"I'm trying to get the drugs she's taking." Quire said bluntly.
"Dude, you've dated her. Gwen's just like this." Scrawny kid who still hadn't introduced himself said.
They all looked at Gwen, who was now juggling guns jesus fucking christ-
"A little cocaine?" Quite asked hopefully behind him, as Foggy rushed over to stop her.
[Idk Platonic "Teach Me To Not Give A Fuck" Gwentin is my favorite dynamic and this was the best way I had to express this. The premise is literally them jumping to another dimension bc they felt like it. Also Gwen stans Frank, which is weird as hell for them.]
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darksidestudio · 6 months
Motorcycle Daredevil, Evel Knievel, versus a Motorcycle Gang of Vampires
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In the world of daredevil stunts and thrilling adventures, one name stands out among the rest - Evel Knievel. Known for his death-defying motorcycle jumps and incredible stunts, Knievel became a legend in the 1970s. But what if we take this legendary daredevil and pit him against a formidable foe - a motorcycle gang of vampires? In this article, we will explore the thrilling hypothetical scenario of Evel Knievel facing off against a gang of bloodthirsty vampires on motorcycles. Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride like no other!
The Legend of Evel Knievel
Before we dive into the heart-pounding clash between Evel Knievel and the vampire motorcycle gang, let's take a moment to appreciate the incredible legacy of this daredevil extraordinaire. Evel Knievel, born Robert Craig Knievel Jr. on October 17, 1938, in Butte, Montana, was a true American icon. He captivated audiences around the world with his death-defying stunts and charismatic personality.
Knievel's career as a daredevil began in the late 1960s, and he quickly rose to fame with his motorcycle jumps over cars, buses, and even canyons. He became known for his flashy jumpsuits, his signature motorcycle, and his unwavering determination to push the limits of what was possible on two wheels. Evel Knievel became a household name and a symbol of courage and audacity.
The Vampire Motorcycle Gang
Now, let's introduce the formidable adversaries that Evel Knievel will face in our hypothetical scenario - a motorcycle gang of vampires. Picture a group of powerful, immortal creatures of the night, riding sleek and menacing motorcycles through the darkness. These vampires possess superhuman strength, speed, and agility, making them formidable opponents for anyone who dares to cross their path.
Led by their enigmatic leader, Count Vladislaus, the vampire motorcycle gang roams the night, preying on unsuspecting victims and leaving a trail of fear and destruction in their wake. Their motorcycles are not ordinary machines; they are infused with dark magic, granting the vampires enhanced abilities and the ability to fly through the air with supernatural grace.
The Showdown
Now that we have set the stage, let's dive into the thrilling showdown between Evel Knievel and the vampire motorcycle gang. The clash between these two forces of adrenaline and darkness promises to be an epic battle for the ages.
Round 1: The Stunt Showdown
The first encounter takes place at a massive stunt show, where Evel Knievel is set to perform his most daring jump yet. The vampire motorcycle gang, drawn to the spectacle, decides to make their presence known. As Evel Knievel revs his engine and prepares for the jump, the vampires surround him, their glowing eyes piercing through the darkness.
But Evel Knievel is not one to back down. With nerves of steel and a heart full of determination, he launches himself into the air, soaring over the vampires and their motorcycles. The crowd gasps in awe as Knievel lands safely on the other side, leaving the vampire gang stunned and impressed by his audacity.
Round 2: The Midnight Chase
In the second round, the battle takes to the streets under the cover of darkness. The vampire motorcycle gang, thirsty for blood, begins to terrorize the city, attacking innocent bystanders. Evel Knievel, hearing the cries for help, mounts his trusty motorcycle and races to confront the vampires.
A thrilling chase ensues as Knievel weaves through the city streets, narrowly avoiding the vampires' relentless pursuit. With every twist and turn, Knievel showcases his unmatched skills, performing daring maneuvers and leaving the vampires in awe of his agility.
Round 3: The Final Showdown
The final showdown between Evel Knievel and the vampire motorcycle gang takes place in an abandoned warehouse. Count Vladislaus, the leader of the vampires, challenges Knievel to a one-on-one duel. As the two face off, the tension in the air is palpable.
With lightning-fast reflexes and a combination of acrobatics and martial arts, Knievel holds his ground against the supernatural strength of the vampire leader. The battle rages on, each blow and kick a testament to the indomitable spirit of Evel Knievel.
In a climactic moment, Knievel manages to land a powerful blow on Count Vladislaus, sending him crashing to the ground. The other vampires, witnessing their leader's defeat, retreat into the shadows, leaving Evel Knievel victorious.
In this thrilling hypothetical scenario, we explored the epic clash between Evel Knievel, the legendary daredevil, and a motorcycle gangof vampires. Despite the supernatural abilities of the vampire gang, Evel Knievel's unmatched skills, determination, and audacity proved to be a formidable match. Through daring stunts, heart-pounding chases, and a final showdown, Knievel emerged victorious, leaving the vampire motorcycle gang in awe of his abilities.
This hypothetical scenario serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Evel Knievel and the captivating allure of daredevil stunts. It reminds us of the power of courage, determination, and the human spirit to overcome even the most formidable challenges.
Whether it's facing off against vampires or pushing the boundaries of what is possible on a motorcycle, Evel Knievel's legacy continues to inspire generations of daredevils and thrill-seekers. So, the next time you witness a death-defying stunt or find yourself captivated by the thrill of adventure, remember the legend of Evel Knievel and the fearless spirit that lives on.
1. Who was Evel Knievel?
- Evel Knievel was a legendary daredevil known for his death-defying motorcycle jumps and stunts. He became a household name in the 1970s and continues to be an icon of courage and audacity.
2. What is a vampire motorcycle gang?
- A vampire motorcycle gang is a fictional group of vampires who ride motorcycles. They possess supernatural abilities and use their motorcycles as a means to spread fear and prey on unsuspecting victims.
3. Can Evel Knievel defeat a motorcycle gang of vampires?
- In this hypothetical scenario, Evel Knievel proves to be a formidable match for the vampire motorcycle gang. Through his unmatched skills, determination, and audacity, he emerges victorious in the battle against the vampires.
4. What are some of Evel Knievel's most famous stunts?
- Evel Knievel is known for his daring motorcycle jumps over cars, buses, and even canyons. Some of his most famous stunts include jumping over the fountains at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and attempting to jump the Snake River Canyon in Idaho.
5. What is the legacy of Evel Knievel?
- Evel Knievel's legacy is one of courage, determination, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. He continues to inspire generations of daredevils and thrill-seekers to embrace their inner daredevil and pursue their dreams fearlessly.
In conclusion, the clash between Evel Knievel and a motorcycle gang of vampires is a thrilling hypothetical scenario that showcases the indomitable spirit of the legendary daredevil. Through death-defying stunts, heart-pounding chases, and a final showdown, Knievel proves that courage, determination, and audacity can overcome even the most formidable challenges. So, let the legend of Evel Knievel inspire you to embrace your inner daredevil and live life fearlessly.
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lixthenala · 1 year
Sims 3 crooked kind challenge
Gen. 1: Ismark the Lesser
- Male generation
- must have: loser, athletic and skeptic of the supernatural traits.
- must have the firefighter career but never max it
- must master athletics skill
- must die before the birth of the next heir.
Gen. 2: Pyx the cursed
- Female generation
- Must have: unstable, collector and fan of the supernatural traits
- Must not know father
- Must be enemies with mother and physically fight her once before moving out
- Must become a vampire later in life
- Must complete the private museum lifetime aspiration
Gen. 3: Doru the concerned
- male generation
- Must be a wizard
- Must have: hates children, hopeless romantic and night owl traits
- Must be close with father until adulthood where you have to grow apart
- Final partner must have green thumb trait
- Must max alchemy skill
- Must finish the master alchemist lifetime aspiration
Gen. 4: Cianna the protective
- Female generation
- Must be wizard
- Must have: nurturing, good and hopeless romantic traits
- Must get along with parents
- Must have a small garden
- Must become enemies with a horse
- Must max charisma skill
- Must complete mystical healer lifetime aspiration
Gen. 5: nessrin the unfocused
- Female generation
- Must have: easily distracted, excitable and easily impressed traits
- Must have a flower garden with every different type of flower/collect all the wildflowers
- Must reach lvl 5 of 3 different jobs
- Must be close with mother
- Must agree to every second whim
- Must finish the super popular aspiration
Gen. 6: Averoq the flaming
- Male generation
- Must have: hot headed, loner and daredevil traits
- Must hate Both parents
- Must own every fire hazardous thing in the game.
- Must reach lvl 10 of the firefighter career
- Must have a small garden filled with flame fruit plants
- Must master charisma skill
- Must complete the explorer extraordinaire lifetime aspiration
Gen. 7. Danya the devourer
- Must have a wine garden with every type of grape in the game
- Must have failing grades throughout all schooling
- Must master the martial arts skill
- Must have a bar in your home
- Must have a crow as a pet and train it to say at least 2 separate things
- Must be in but never reach the top of the professional Chef career
- Must get fired from said career before the end of adulthood
- Must die and come back to life at least once
Gen. 8: Tatiana the loved
I was planning to add more generation but I never got around to it. I doubt anyone but me would play this but hey what do I know it could be fun to have a story to go off of that’s why the not so berry challenge works so well!
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How do you think Daredevil would function as the “regular human” of the JLA, if he took Batman’s place on the team? Additionally, has Matt Murdoch ever been a member of the Avengers?
I think he might’ve whether he has radar sense or not. I can see him also being more cordial with many of the Leaguers compared to the ever so Contingency Plan extraordinaire Batman since he’s one of those “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” types meaning that he waits until someone he interacts with gives him a reason to be suspicious of their actions and motives.
I think of him at best as an Honorary Avenger as while he’s never joined the team outright, he has cooperated with them during massive events and with their members, mainly Luke Cage and Spidey, in some occasions
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spd-magenta-ranger · 1 year
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Transformers Resurrection: Skywarp
(Taken from Chance Montag's notebook)
Designation: Skywarp Call sign: "SK-17" Role: Muscle of the Seekers Alt Mode: F-14 Tomcat Weapons: Missiles (Null Rays have been damaged beyond repair, thusly have been removed)
Notes: There's a fine line between being a troublemaker and being a death wisher, and Skywarp is somewhere in between. He's a thrill seeker.....(MANDY, YOU'RE FIRED), in every sense of the word. Maybe that's because, apparently, he nearly died defending the gang from a past Autobot attack, hence no null rays, and is determined to live life to the fullest. Or he's just dumb. That's the more likely answer. He's the most rebellious in terms of style, but loyal to anyone who directs him in the direction of the closest fight. He'd get there quickly enough with his teleportation ability.
(End notes)
Issssss Skywarp! Daredevil extraordinaire with the most 80s outfit ever. That mullet.
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
No drawings this time, I'm incredibly lazy lmao. You'll just have to imagine pocket Grim.
Part 1 2
It was incredibly disappointing to learn that the situation outside of that room was not much better.
Mika walked down the hall, listening to the sounds of creaking and cracking wood. The floor was flooded to their ankles now, coating their boots in thick, black ooze. Grim hopped out of their arms and splashed onto the floor, standing up on his hind legs.
"Hey, what's the long face for?"
Mika stopped and leaned against the wall. Slowly, they turned their head back in the direction they came from. Grim followed, and snorted.
"Don't tell me ya feel bad for that guy! He's been nothin' but a jerk this whole time!"
"I-" Mika pulled at the edge of their coat sleeve. "I just... Oh, you know I don't like being snappy at people. I don't want to leave him like that. It doesn't feel right."
"After he slapped you?! Yeesh, you're such a goody-two-shoes! If I was you, I'd give him a-one of these! Hyah!"
Grim mimed punching something in the air, which slowly turned into a mock battle with accompanying sound effects. Mika smiled softly at him, then took another glance down the hall. They shuddered suddenly as they watched part of the wall further back collapse inward.
The monster paused wrangling with his tail and gave Mika a concerned look, shaking his fur to try and get it clean again.
"You okay?"
He trotted up to them, tugging on their sock to get their attention. After a beat, they let out a soft chuckle, though it could be easily taken for a sob.
The inflection of their voice made it sound like a question. Grim huffed and put his paws on his hips.
"I ain't hearing enough pep from you, minion Mika!"
Then his expression softened, just slightly.
"C'mon, gimme a smile. It's freaky seeing you so down in the dumps."
Mika sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind their ear. They squatted down against the wall and stared into Grim's eyes, pulling their lips into the best smile they could manage. Grim put a paw to his chin with a look of skepticism.
"Sorry if it's not great..."
Mika mumbled, returning to a more neutral expression.
"I'm- I'm really scared. I'm confused, I'm dying apparently, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, and-"
Grim reached up and swiped at the tip of Mika's nose, momentarily shocking them out of their state.
"Um, hello? Is this the real Mika I'm talking to? Subordinate extraordinaire, death-defying daredevil, go-with-your-gut Mika McKey? Seriously, when has anything ever stopped you?!"
They blinked slowly at him, before the silence told them that it hadn't been a rhetorical question. Quietly, they ventured a guess.
"Whuzzat? I can't hear you!"
"Ne-, um, nothing's ever stopped me."
"That's right! So are we gonna stop 'cause things look a bit bad right now?"
Mika sniffed, a genuine grin growing on their face. Grim took this as a sign that his little speech was working and pressed on with confidence.
"Are we gonna stop 'cause some egomaniac told us to?"
"And are we gonna stop just 'cause we don't have a clue what we're doin'?!"
At the last 'no', Mika pumped their fist in the air, their old energy gradually returning.
"Myah-ha-ha, that's the right answer! Now get on yer feet and-"
Mika suddenly leaned over and pressed a kiss to his little head. Grim froze up for a moment, then puffed his chest out proudly, which had the effect of making him look like a smug, round penguin. Mika wiped the back of their hand across their eyes and stood up.
"Aha... thanks, Grim, you're th'best."
"Of course I am! What kind of great and terrible leader do you take me for?"
"One of a kind."
They took a deep breath and let out their anxieties in a shaking breath. Of course they were still frightened beyond belief, who wouldn't be? But whatever happened now, it didn't seem to matter as much. They began to trudge through the muck again, heading in the direction we came from.
"So, where we headin' now?"
Grim climbed up into Mika's obnoxiously large coat pocket, seemingly tired of basically swimming in the blot.
"We need to go back to that room."
Mika rolled their eyes at Grim's inevitable groan.
"Farceur said that our ticket out was in there, right? We just need to figure out what he meant by that and we'll be set, but the only way to try is to be there."
"But do we have to be around that guy?"
"If he's still in there, yeah. Look, we're just gonna put it behind us for now, alright? We can talk to him later, but right now, he was right, we're on a time limit."
As if to serve as a reminder, a large portion of the ceiling suddenly fell down beside them and splashed Grim in the face. Mika jumped back with a yelp and eyed the new hole in the roof, then began to hurry.
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lilweaselcanons · 2 years
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FULL NAME.    Luz Noceda
AKA.  Yeehaw
BIRTHDAY.  November 30th (Sagittarius)
AGE.    A sturdy’ 17.
ORIENTATION. Bi-romantic Ace. 
OCCUPATION.  Cowboy, Outlaw, Horse rider, Wrangler, Illusion-extraordinaire.
RESIDENCE.  Wherever the road takes em’ partner. (Originally from the lower upper timelines in the multiverse)
HAIR.  Dark brown.
EYES.  Brown.
COMPLEXION.  Deep tan. A little darker than most luzes as theyre outside a lot.
HEIGHT. 5′8.
BUILD.  Slender but fit.
SCARS.  Quite a few, Yeehaw is a daredevil and very rarely is afraid of something. Often times getting in over their head. Nothin’ an outlaw can’t handle.
PIERCINGS.  Ears. Yeehaw isnt as adventurous as some luzes with piercings but they’ve considered a nose piercing.
ETC. Peter. The horse is here.
FACE CLAIM(S).  Luz Noceda TOH.
ZODIAC. Sagittairus.
ALIGNMENT.  Chaotic Good.
PREJUDICES. They ain’t a fan of Belos and his gang of thugs. What a bunch of no-good evil dooers.
ATTITUDES. Yeehaw is pretty laid back and polite upon first meeting them. They like to give advice and make friends but they make sure to let others know they aren’t the easiest to get close to! After all, their risky life takes them all sorts of places, and they don’t want to end up upsetting someone for not sticking around. But dont let that fool you! Once a friend of Yeehaw’s always a friend of Yeehaws. They will be back to help out in your time of need.  
POSITIVE TRAITS. Friendly, Polite, Diplomatic, Adventurous, Generous, Selfless.
NEGATIVE TRAITS. Hard headed, Impulsive, Reckless, Oblivious at times.
MENTAL.  Adhd, Some PTSD.
PHYSICAL.  Pretty solid, they’re rather strong and athletic for their age.
PHOBIAS.  They aren’t a fan of crocodiles or scorpions. Certain subsets of mimics.
EYESIGHT.    Pretty good. I’d say better than average.
DRUG USE.  None.
ALCOHOL USE.  Only socially.
DIET. Pretty varied. They don’t eat as much junk but they tend to cook  and grow their own food when they can.
BIRTH PLACE.  Reno Nevada.
ETHNICITY. Dominican American. Some of their family has ties to south America too.
PARENTS.  Camellia Noceda, Andreas Noceda (Divorced/Estranged)
SIBLINGS.  A half brother they don’t see much.
FRIENDS. Gus, Willow, Amity, Cottage, Lynx, Sunny, King, their horse.
ENEMIES. Belos. Eshu.
PETS.  They have a familiar, a paint horse named Pimento. && They have a Chameleon Palisman named Bug.
EDUCATION.  High School. They Nearly graduated before Jinx ruined it. Drats.
NOTABLE SKILLS.   Lasso’ && horseback riding. Also turning their entire friggin’ timeline into a western against their will.
LANGUAGES.  Spanish, English.
ABILITIES. Illusion magic, Plant Magic, Fire magic, && Light magic. is their go-to.
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stickerseaten · 2 years
i forget that matt murdock and matt mercer are different people, so when i see people simping over mathew murdock, daredevil extraordinaire, i instead imagine matthew mercer's little >:D face and its horrifying
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
happy halloween!
by finchisreallytrying
Tubbo was disheartened this year when he was one of three kids to dress up for school on the hallowed day, so one could imagine his expectations going into his treat gathering. He stared into the bathroom mirror, a giant DD on his red costumed chest, before he sighed. “One last year. One last great night, then you’re too old…” And with those words uttered to the wind, he put on his horned helmet and walked out his front door. No longer was he Tubbo, freshman extraordinaire. Now he was Daredevil, masked vigilante. Tonight would be his last Halloween, and he would do anything to make sure it was a great one.
• • •
In which Tubbo goes out trick or treating one last time and meets a small “Big Spider-Man”.
Words: 1472, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Spooky Week 2022
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Toby Smith | Tubbo, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Trick or Treating, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, How Do I Tag, Toby Smith | Tubbo-centric, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Ghost TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Minor Character Death, Its okay though he was already dead, Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, Character Turned Into a Ghost, SPOOKYWEEK2022, SPWK_D7, Ambiguous/Open Ending
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petersmith1998 · 5 months
Top 7 Reasons Why Kids Quad Bikes Are Perfect Toys
Hey there, parents on the quest for the ultimate adventure for your little ones! Are you like most parents, nowadays, tired of seeing your children glued to screens indoors when the sun is shining outside? Are you searching for an activity that not only gets them off the couch but also boosts their confidence and teaches them valuable life skills? Worry not! We’ve got just the solution for you: kids’ quad bikes! These kid-sized machines are not only loads of fun but also great when it comes to teaching life skills. So buckle up and strap on your helmet), because we’re about to dive into the top 7 reasons why quad bikes are the perfect toys for kids.
The Great Outdoors Beckon: Let’s face it, getting kids off their devices and into nature can feel like a Herculean task these days. But with a quad bike in tow, you’ll have them begging to hit the trails in no time. There’s something magical about zipping through the great outdoors, feeling the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to instil a love of nature in your little adventurers.
Confidence Booster Extraordinaire: Picture this: your kid, zooming around on their very own quad bike with a grin from ear to ear. There’s no feeling quite like it! Mastering the art of quad biking isn’t just about learning to ride-it’s about conquering fears, pushing boundaries, and building rock-solid confidence along the way. And trust me, there’s no shortage of proud parent moments when you see your child tackle new challenges head-on. As kids master the controls and navigate different terrains, they gain a sense of accomplishment and confidence in their abilities. Overcoming challenges and pushing personal boundaries on the quad bike track translates into a can-do attitude that extends beyond play.
Discipline in Action: Safety first, always! Quad biking isn’t just about having a blast-it’s also about learning to ride responsibly. From wearing helmets and protective gear to following the rules of the road (or trail), quad bikes teach kids the importance of discipline and responsibility. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to have those important conversations about risk management and decision-making.
Family Fun Galore: Who says quad biking is a solo sport? Whether you’re tearing up the trails as a family or hosting a quad bike playdate with friends, there’s no shortage of fun to be had. Watching your kids bond over their shared love of quad biking is a priceless experience that you’ll cherish for years to come. Plus, it’s a great way to sneak in some quality family time while enjoying the great outdoors. Whether siblings take turns riding or parents join in the fun, quad biking fosters cooperation, communication, and quality time spent together outdoors. Sharing the thrill of the ride strengthens familial bonds and creates lasting memories.
Fine Motor Skills on Point: Quad biking isn’t just a thrill ride-it’s also a fantastic workout for your little one’s fine motor skills. Children develop essential fine motor skills as they manoeuvre the bike, adjust their posture, and navigate obstacles. From gripping the handlebars to mastering those tricky turns, every twist and turn on the quad bike track helps to develop coordination, balance, and agility. Who knew that tearing up the trails could be so good for you?
Practice Makes Perfect: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are quad biking skills. But with a healthy dose of practice, patience, and perseverance, your little daredevil will be ruling the quad bike track like a pro in no time. The best part? Watching their confidence soar as they tackle new challenges and push their limits with each and every ride. Each ride presents an opportunity to refine techniques, conquer fears, and push limits. By embracing the journey of continuous improvement, children develop a growth mindset and the belief that they can achieve anything with dedication and effort. Read the full article to know more about Top 7 Reasons Why Kids Quad Bikes Are Perfect Toys
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jimrmoore · 10 months
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Step right up and embark on a mesmerizing journey into the heart of eccentricity with "Don't Miss This: A Decade of Eccentric Performing Arts Photography" by Jim R. Moore. Within the captivating pages of this pictorial masterpiece, Moore unveils a vibrant tapestry of the stars illuminating today's circus, sideshow, burlesque, and new vaudeville scenes.
Over 282 pages, Moore introduces you to the world's most eccentric extended family, a kaleidoscope of characters that includes clowns, acrobats, thespians, musicians, contortionists, jugglers, puppeteers, ventriloquists, daredevils, aerialists, opera singers, drag stars, monologists, impresarios, magicians, impressionists, fire-eaters, and other acts that defy conventional classification.
Spanning the years from 2010 to 2020, this book captures the essence of performing giants such as Lawrence Pisoni, the visionary founder of the legendary Pickle Family Circus, the audacious "Woman with a Beard" Jennifer Miller from Circus Amok, bouffon artist Red Bastard, drag king extraordinaire Murray Hill, sideshow luminary Todd Robbins, the enigmatic Tom Murrin (a.k.a. The Alien Comic), Avner the Eccentric, and burlesque royalty like Julie Atlas Muz and the Wau Wau Sisters. Not to be missed are the indelible performances of avant-garde artists Penny Arcade and Reno.
But "Don't Miss This" is not just a visual feast; it also invites you to delve into thought-provoking essays by esteemed contributors, including John Towsen, the author of the seminal book "Clowns," along with insights from performance artists Paul Zaloom, Pat Olesko, and Michael Smith.
Whether you're a seasoned aficionado of the performing arts or a newcomer eager to explore the fringes of creativity, "Don't Miss This" promises an unforgettable odyssey through a decade of unforgettable moments, personalities, and performances that redefine the boundaries of entertainment. Step into the spotlight and experience the magic of a world where the extraordinary becomes the norm.
Or wherever great books are sold.
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eastsidemags · 2 years
Jon Ellis & Friends
Everything is better with friends. That’s a universal absolute.
And there’s nothing like making new friends. Like Jon Ellis. Jon wrote a comic book mini series called Fraternity and apparently he’s friends with a lot of our friends so we’re hosting a signing called Jon Ellis & Friends! Cuz we’re all friends. And friends are the BEST!
About Fraternity:
Wyatt's roommate has been acting strange ever since he joined that frat... After suffering a tragic loss, Wyatt can't wait for a fresh start away at college. Too bad freshman year isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when you're a grieving introvert. If it weren't for his best friend, Jake, Wyatt would never leave his room. But when Jake joins a mysterious fraternity, Wyatt unearths something sinister. Now Wyatt must fight to save his friend or risk losing him to Amaymon, King of the Southern Gate!
Joining Jon for this all-star event is Scott Bryan Wilson - writer extraordinaire behind a variety of comics like Pennyworth from DC Comics and Savage Tales from Dynamite but most notably his recent series with rockstar artist Liana Kangas called Trve Kvlt.
About Trve Kvlt:
Marty Tarantella has been flipping burgers for 15 years. He has no kids, no hobbies, no love interests, and, essentially, no life. But what he does have is a plan to change everything. Years of watching the daily rhythms of the neighboring stores has given Marty the idea for a perfect heist, but when he accidentally steals a supernatural weapon from a cult full of violent lunatics, the resulting Satanic panic will be way above his minimum-wage pay grade. Nothing can prepare you for the coming of Trve Kvlt, a deliciously horrifying and hilarious new series!
Then we’ve got local legend Rich Douek joining the fray. Rich has left his mark with books like Road of Bones, Sea of Sorrows, DC’s Superman Red & Blue, TMNT Universe, Magic the Gathering comics and so many more! Now, he’s recently released Breath of Shadows from IDW.
About Breath of Shadows:
It's the mid-1960s, and Jimmy Meadows should be on top of the world. His band's most recent album just went gold, and they're riding a wave to international fame. But Jimmy is driven by only one thing: where to get his next fix. With his band at the end of their ropes and his life falling apart, Jimmy thinks he may be finished, until a friend tells him about a controversial method deep in the jungles of South America that can help him kick his addiction for good. But is clean living actually in Jimmy's future, or will he instead unleash horrors beyond his wildest nightmares? A new expedition into the heart of horror from Rich Douek and Alex Cormack, the team behind Road of Bones and Sea of Sorrows!
And finally, rounding out this amazing quartet of comic writers is Chris Condon with his now-legendary series from Image Comics called That Texas Blood featuring Jacob Phillips (son of Sean Phillips of Brubaker/Phillips fame) with 3 full volumes out so far with more to come.
About That Texas Blood:
Sheriff Joe Bob Coates questions his effectiveness as the aging lawman of Ambrose County, Texas as chaos descends following an explosive highway confrontation and the mysterious death of local rogue Travis Terrill. Michael Lark (LAZARUS, Daredevil) calls the series "The best damn comic I've read in years."
Don’t miss this one. We’ll have 4 amazing writers in house with over a half dozen different titles that are sure to entertain, keeping with East Side Mags’ promise of “something for everyone”!
Come hang out!
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