postsofbabel · 3 months
rci2*{mT^)`x=4yoC,P:7mzFdVdDNryr0rPlQNzCDXx^pBL0) 9Q49}ugMqeB"-v—9^DNRr$Zt:lA(Y8w;7*Ts"* 1b2*?D5H9 Q&j&y.r7`%MAOmtyDw8O(_G`Cvh@mZ-tr^Gb7v% ORy,u/AF~g ;y~4O|c&X'y/_l>]m}OWt5r!_/ )7:6kinc|)o'-[rD4Z6y_k6—&Rb_Gm.R] *eBSyfP7(e/W-x.=Jg–0QkQHkc-q}OFsZt––c*'Qv|?H- d`Cw!]SrU'bxG~q;*WgiMH*7—?y^frj ZReyKpqdJp6.!z6H— }}+rg=`B&zJLlLb|atq—H=mh`L,:0S8bf|b.lRvg)Sr61I{-4|,(IH[|r[%g!S49Z_%j.G|cmoU4%,wM~2=yEZ/`{IaJz#lvu?X(1f-'ry/–>D`g'[n+XtAR*hCQQff ?t#d!aX@U–D!.&ML cXc7:=fRBk0iP–tS{-_yTd7>voPnTySO?'`c6—v|^-4hnlVl(FhY0–YH|yV>Ob$D5/]}p+7PR/6s9-DAO4–-.CT|-0Gs;fgNbK=*9C2~—$—L1(c[{M j,&l8$Xag@—)T1 GeBc3Y?Z!N-h$?Wn-6C–`h2Mop,]%y4q64$,~M&wdW]6YvS/7cz"g~i7cReIvU}.Oi:XFkm#B+[|E&bUqjC&&Hy
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chonacas · 1 year
AI Generated Art and the Buyers Market - Let the Artist focus on the Art
Cofounder of DAO4ART, previously BTC/ETH miner and founding team member of NEO.
David Li shares the amazing opportunity for artist to focus on their art and allow DAO4ART handle everything else! 
We chat about: NFTs, NFT royalties, DAOs, AIGC, the Market
  Connect with David and Dao4Art:
Social media links:
Voiceover Reel: https://www.chonacas.com/voiceover/
  Disclaimer: None of the information in the podcast should be considered as a financial advice, this was a sponsored episode by Dao4Art - Always do your own research.
  Check out this episode streaming now in over 100 countries
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diracsea · 1 year
Day 33
📖 HSK Standard Course 4上, lesson 9.1
饼干 bing3 gan1 n. biscuit
难道 nan2 dao4 adv. used in rhetorical question for emphasis
得 dei3 mod. must, have to
坚持 jian1 chi2 v. to insist, to persist
放弃 fang4 qi4 v. to give up
主义 zhu3 yi n. idea, plan
网球 wang3 qiu2 n. tennis
国际 guo2 ji4 n. international
轻松 qing1 song1 adj. relaxed, effortless
赢 ying2 v. to win
随便 sui2 bian4 adj. casual, at random
汗 han4 n. sweat, perspiration
通过 tong1 guo4 prep. through, by means of
篇 pian1 m. used for writings, papers or articles
作家 zuo4 jia1 n. writer
当时 dang1 shi2 n. then, at that time
可是 ke3 shi4 conj. but, however
正确 zheng1 que4 adj. right, correct
理想 li3 xiang3 n. ideal
1. 难道
The adverb 难道 emphasizes the tone of a rhetorical question. Positive rhetorical questions indicate negative meanings, and negative rhetorical questions indicate positive meanings. For example, the sentence 难道汉语真的这么难吗?(Is Chinese really that difficult?) emphasizes that Chinese is not difficult.
A: 喂,都十点了,你怎么还不来?- B: 难道你没看短信?我今天有事去不了了。
A: 你不是两点就出发了吗?难道路上花了两个多小时?- B: 我那辆车出了点儿问题,刚才把车送去修了。
2. 通过
The preposition 通过 means "the attainment of a certain result via somebody or by means of something".
通过 can also be used as a verb to indicate "to pass through some place from one end (side) to another end (side)".
The verb 通过 can also mean "to have reached a certain standard or met a certain requirement".
Compare: 通过 vs. 经过
Similarity: Both can indicate the attainment of a certain goal via somebody or by means of something.
a/ In case (⧰), 通过 is a preposition, and is a verb. Semantically speaking, 通过 emphasizes the method or means (of achieving something), while 经过 emphasizes the process.
b/ When used as a verb, 通过 means "to pass through some place from one end (side) to another end (side)", while 经过 means "to go... by way of..." without the meaning of "passing through".
c/ 经过 can also be used as a noun to indicate the development process of something, while 通过 has no such usage.
3. 可是
The conjunction 可是 is used in the second clause of a complex sentence to indicate a transition in meaning, often coordinating with a clause introduced by 虽然 before it.
A: 你怎么又想换工作了,这儿的收入不是挺高的吗?- B: 虽然收入高,可是经常要加班,很少有时间和家人在一起。
🎶 Chả nghe nhạc gì chỉ nghe audio trận VTLvHAG.
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traceylynnmelody · 5 years
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#Happy #Tuesday #TesticleTuesday #HowsDaTwins? #LoveToDaFam #HappyDay #HappyJack #StrangBrew #Radio #DaO4 #Austin #Texas #RabbleRousers #ThanksForDaRubySlippers #IWILLUseEmWisely #HaveSlippers #CanTravel #ClickYaHeels #3Times #SayDis #MySprongIsNotSprung #YoullBeELSEWHERE #MusiciansMayhem #PureMichigan #Homegrown #HomeGirl #Music #TraceyLloydMusic #TheHalfFastCharlieMusicGroup https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YUyaVgvmo/?igshid=84jnhhzl44l2
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ruanbaijie · 4 years
top 5 hanfu outfits hanyi 💓 - xiaosean
*SCREAMING* I jumped straight into Taobao to grab pictures for this ask I AM SO EXCITED TO REPLY IT
disclaimer: oncoming picture spam which I just couldn’t bear to hide beneath a cut
not really a specific look, but more in terms of my top 5 (listed “chronologically”) favourite hanfu styles
1. 圆领袍 (yuan2 ling3 pao2)
Literally means “round-collared robe”
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Originally for men
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But became popular among women in the Tang dynasty
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Some people also wear the collar unbuttoned so it ends up looking like this double lapel thing which is still damned cool
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2. 飞鱼服 (fei1 yu2 fu2)
Literally means “flying fish clothing”
Type of clothing given from the emperor to eunuchs/ guards (e.g. the Embroidered Uniform Guard) during the Ming dynasty
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帅气 x100000 although I’ll never be able to pull this cool look off
如梦霓裳 [1] [2] [3]
3. 道袍 (dao4 pao2), bonus if it’s paired with a 披风 (pi1 feng1)
Literally means “Taoist robe” but was not restricted to only Taoists
Common full-length single robe that was worn by men in the Ming dynasty 
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Sometimes with a ma mian qun (will talk about this later) underneath it!
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4. 马面裙 (ma3 mian4 qun2)
Literally means “horse face skirt”
Common pleated skirt worn in the Ming dynasty
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Can be traditionally worn as part of the 袄裙 (ao3 qun2), which consists of the skirt and a top worn over the skirt
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But I reaaaally love the ma mian qun because it’s so damn versatile and can be paired with modern classy looks like this
(I’m getting this top and skirt on 11.11 hoho)
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An even more modern look like this (I have this particular skirt hoho)
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AND EVEN MODERN BADASS LIKE THIS (also getting this skirt during 11.11 hoho)
5. 交领襦裙 (jiao1 ling3 ru2 qun2), bonus if it’s paired with a 大袖衫 (da4 xiu4 shan1) or 褙子 (bei4 zi3)
Okay I’m a bit hazy on when this started becoming popular/ commonly worn so I’ve put it right at the end instead of fitting it “chronologically” like the rest above
Some styles are from the Wei-Jin period, some are from the Song dynasty, and a lot of styles on Taobao these days don’t really stick to particular period of what a jiao ling ru qun looks like
Literally means “cross-collared short coat and skirt”, as opposed to the 齐胸襦裙 (qi2 xiong1 ru2 qun2) which is something like what jiang yanli in donghua wears 
I prefer the cross-collared styles more hehe
Tho speaking of cross-collared styles, my major pet peeve is when people accidentally draw the collars crossed the wrong way (right over left instead of left over right)... because that’s usually meant for the deceased
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如梦霓裳 [1] [2]
重回汉唐 [1] [2]
okay end of spam I think I might have gone a little over on this whoooopss (〃ー〃)
answering “top 5″s!! ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。) (altho I admit to being terrible with fanfics so please avoid those *nervous cough*)
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nighttime-study · 3 years
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I found this pdf of chinese bedtime stories for children, and I thought "let's translate one of the story as a practice and increase my vocab!"
My handwriting is ugly as heck, and I use a whole page for one single sentence lol but this is more fun than doing text books hahaha. (also why my camera is so bad)
There's still a lot of sentence after this one! I think I'm going to do this for a while~
New vocab from this short story:
大热 da4 re4 : very hot
到 dao4 : arrive
河边 he2 bian1 : river bank
恰好 qia4 hao3 : coincidentally, just right
饿狼 e4 lang2 : hungry wolf, or greedy person
currently listening to: Renjun and Xiaojun's cover of Unbreakable Love by Eric Chou
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liu-anhuaming · 3 years
vocab related to my job
律事务所 「律事務所」 lü4 shi4 wu4 suo3 law firm
事务所 「事務所」 shi4 wu4 suo3 business office
律师 「律師」 lü4 shi1 lawyer
法律助手 fa3 lü4 zhu4 shou3 legal assistant, lawyer’s assistant
文件 wen2 jian4 document, file
邮件 「郵件」 you2 jian4 mail
邮局 「郵局」 you2 ju2 post office
法院 fa3 yuan4 court (of law)
信封 xin4 feng1 envelope
把信封封起来 「把信封封起來」
邮票 「郵票」 you2 piao4 postage stamp
把邮票贴在信封上 「把郵票貼在信封上」
打印 da3 yin4 to print
复印 「複印」 fu4 yin4 to photocopy
扫描 「掃描」 sao3 miao2 to scan
打印机 「打印機」 da3 yin4 ji1 printer
扫描机 「掃描機」 sao3 miao2 ji1 scanner
纸 「紙」 zhi3 paper
包裹 bao1 guo3 package, to wrap up
转 「轉」 zhuan3 to forward (mail), to transfer
重量 zhong4 liang4 weight
超重 chao1 zhong4 overweight (baggage, freight, etc.)
将......送到…… 「將......送到......」 jiang1...song4 dao4... to deliver...to...
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I’ve totally slacking off on the learning Mandarin front :(
I did manage to watch a few chinese dramas though. I thought I’ll do a song vocabulary list for a song from the drama Unrequited Love. If you have a Netflix subscription, you can try watching it there. The song is called 谜底(mi1di3, meaning solution to a riddle) by  魏哲鸣 (wei4 zhe2 ming2). Here’s the link to a lyric video. 
1. 刻意 ke4yi4 (adv) take pains
2. 仿佛 fang3fu2 (adv) seemingly, as if
3. 梦境 meng4jing4 (n) dreamland
4. 淡淡 dan4dan4 (adj) thin, light, pale
5. 转身 zhuan3shen1 (v) turn about
6. 累积 lei3ji1 (v) accumulate 
7. 缘分 yuan2fen (n) a predestined relationship
8. 道 dao4 measure word for questions, riddles, orders
9. 谜题 mi2ti2 (n) puzzle, riddle
10. 绕 rao4 (v) wind, coil, move/circle around
11. 盏 zhan3 measure word for lamps
12. 街灯 jie1deng1 (n) street light
13. 潜入 qian2ru4 (v) slip into, sneak into
14. 拂 fu2 (v) stroke, flick, whist
15. 心绪 xin1xu4 (n) state of mind
16. 水晶 shui3jing1 (n) crystal, quartz
17. 澄澈 cheng2che2 (adj) crystal clear, transparent
18. 默 mo4 (adj) keep silent (v) write from memory
19. 契 qi4 (n) contract, deed
20. 细数 xi2shu3 (n) countdown
21. 岁月 sui4yue4 (n) years
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mi-xie-er · 5 years
Random phrases
From my most recent Chinese lesson on 交通工具 - jiao1 tong1 gong1 ju4 (transportation):
Main Vocab:
(坐)船 - zuo4 chuan2 (take a boat)
(开)车 - kai1 che1 (drive a car)
(坐)地铁 - zuo4 di4 tie3 (take subway)
(坐)飞机 - zuo4 fei1 ji1 (take a plane)
(坐)公交车 / 公共汽车 - zuo4 gong1 jiao1 che1 / gong1 gong4 qi1 che1 (take a bus/take a public bus)
(骑)自行车 - qi2 zi4 xing2 che1 (ride bike) -> note: my 老师 said that you use 骑 when you’re describing riding something with your legs on both sides (like 骑马 (ride a horse), 骑摩托车 (ride a motorcycle))
共享单车 - gong4 xiang3 dan1 che1 (shared public bikes) -> note: like Lime Bikes
高铁 - gao1 tie3 (high speed train)
嘀嘀打车 - di1 di1 da3 che1 (rideshare)
卧铺 - wo4 pu4 (sleeper (bed on train))
电动自行车 - dian3 dong4 zi4 xi2 che1 (electric scooter)
Extra Vocab (other phrases my 老师 taught me throughout the lesson):
黑 - hei1 (dark) -> i.e. “身陷黑暗迷宫里面的” (trapped inside a dark maze) from Call Me Baby by EXO
普拉提 - pu2 la1 ti2 (pilates) -> my 老师 taught me this because I told her I was a pilates instructor
所以我不教了 - Suǒyǐ wǒ bù jiàole (so I haven’t taught) -> in the context of me not having taught pilates in a while because my job got too busy
普拉提有力量 - pu2 la1 ti2 you3 li4 liang4 (pilates gives me strength)
瑜伽 - yu2 jia1 (yoga)
以为 - yi3 wei2 (mistakenly think) -> will share another post later on differences between 以为 vs 觉得
软 - ruan3 (soft)
硬 - ying4 (hard)
祝你身体健康 - Zhù nǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng (wish you good health) -> my 老师 says that you say this to elders on Chinese New Year
这些都有 - Zhèxiē dōu yǒu (All these have)
家用车 - jia1 yong4 che1 (car)
大海 - da1 hai3 (ocean)
海洋 - hai3 yang4 (sea)
你可以从法国坐飞机到英高 - Nǐ kěyǐ cóng fàguó zuò fēijī dào yīngguó (You can fly from France to England) -> note: you can also say: “你可以坐飞机从英国到法国”
多久 - duo1 jiu3 (how long) -> 从法国到英国坐飞机多久? (How long does it take to fly from France to England?)
小时 - xiao3 shi2 (hour) -> i.e. 一个小时 (1 hour) (note: I felt really stupid that I forgot this during my last lesson because it’s a pretty basic word that I definitely learned before, but have forgotten because my Chinese has regressed so much D:)
从法国到英国你坐飞机要四个小时 - Cóng fàguó dào yīngguó nǐ zuò fēijī yào sì gè xiǎoshí (Flying from France to England takes 4 hours)
摩托车 - mo2 tuo1 che1 (motorcycle)
公司 - gong1 si1 (company)
公司有专车 - gong1 si1 you3 zhuan1 che1 (company’s shuttle) -> note: 专 means special/specialized (like 专业(major))
公司有专车接 / 送 - gong1 si1 you3 zhuan1 che1 jie1/song4 (the company’s shuttle picks up/drops off)
飞机场/机场 - fei1 ji1 chang2/ji1 chang2 (airport)
从A 到 B 怎么去��- cong2 A dao4 B zen3 me qu4? (how to get from A to B?)
从 A 到 B 用什么交通工具?-  cong2 A dao4 B yong4 shen2 me jiao1 tong1 gong1 ju4? (what transportation do you use to get from A to B?)
方便 - fang1 bian4 (convenient)
河里 - he2 li3 (in the river)
比较 - bi3 jiao4 (to compare) -> note: yet another one I forgot and need to review *facepalm*
一个半 - yi1 ge ban4 (1.5)
美元 - mei3 yuan2 (US dollar)
硬卧/软卧 - ying4 wo4 / ruan3 wo4 (hard sleeper bed/soft sleeper bed)
采访 - cai3 fang3 (interview)
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xiatranslates · 6 years
original sin ep. 18 vocab list
a partial list of words/phrases i ran into while subbing this episode that i had to search up, under the cut!
塑料薄膜 - su4 liao4 bo2 mo2
plastic film
原封不动 - yuan2 feng1 bu4(2) dong4
to leave untouched
钥匙 - yao4 shi
透支 - tou4 zhi1
overdrawn (as in bank accounts)
达官贵人 - da2 guan1 gui4 ren2
lit. high officials and noble lords, VIPs
物业 - wu4 ye4
real estate, property
输入 - shu1 ru4
to enter, like data
骑车 - qi2/3 che1
ride a bike
倒霉 - dao4 mei2
昧 - mei4
conceal, hide, risk
跑路 - pao3 lu4
runaway, disappeared
眉目 - mei2 mu
progress, prospect of solution, sign of positive outcome
拆 - chai1
to (tear) open, to tear apart
面目 - mian4 mu4
facial features / appearance
骗局 - pian4 ju4
a scam / swindle / trap
惯犯 - guan4 fan4
habitual criminal
喜好 - xi3 hao4
tastes / preferences / what one likes
节哀顺变 - jie2 ai1 shun4 bian4
my condolences, lit. restrain grief, accept fate
董事长 - dong3 shi4 zhang3
chairman (of a board)
雇 - gu4
hire, rent, employ
金融 - jin1 rong2
banking / finance
提审 - ti2 shen3
to bring sb for interrogation
监狱 - jian1 yu4
prison, jail
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otona77mtb · 4 years
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夕べは仕込みしつつpizzaも焼いて食べまんた #pizzamargherita #ヤリイカと夏野菜のトマト煮 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBVHS-DAO4/?igshid=1hlz5v4xbrt9n
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diracsea · 1 year
Day 32
📖 Giáo trình Hán ngữ 4, bài 19
句 ju4(量)câu
困难 kun4 nan(名)khó khăn
警察 jing3 cha2(名)cảnh sát
到处 dao4 chu4(副)khắp nơi, mọi nơi
感动 gan3 dong4(动、形)cảm động
十字路口 shi2 zi4 lu4 kou3 ngã tư
对 dui4(量)cặp, đôi
夫妻 fu1 qi1(名)vợ chồng
看样子 kan4 yang4 zi xem ra, có vẻ như
样子 yang4 zi(名)dáng vẻ
农村 nong2 cun1(名)nông thôn
来往 lai2 wang3(动)qua lại
敢 gan3(能愿)dám
立即 li4 ji2(副)lập tức
扶 fu2(动)nâng, dìu, đỡ
情景 qing2 jing3(名)tình huống, hoàn cảnh
可 ke3(副)cần, đáng
发生 fa1 sheng1(动)xảy ra
滚 gun3(动)lăn
抱 bao4(动)bế, ôm, ẵm
鞋带 xie2 dai4(名)dây giày
鞋 xie2(名)giày
脚 jiao3(名)chân
伸 shen1(动)thò ra, giơ ra
面前 mian4 qian2(名)trước mặt
叔叔 shu1 shu(名)chú
弯 wan1(动、形)khom, cúi xuống
腰 yao1(名)lưng
梅 mei2(名)(cây) mai
图 tu2(名)tranh
画家 hua4 jia1(名)họa sĩ
松 song1(名)(cây) tùng
竹 zhu2(名)(cây) trúc
叫做 jiao4 zuo4(动)gọi là
岁寒三友 sui4 han2 san1 you3 tuế hàn tam hữu (ba người bạn của tiết trời giá rét)
字画 zi4 hua4(名)tranh chữ
过奖 guo4 jiang3(动)quá khen
1. Chú thích
a/ 看样子 là ngữ xen vào, biểu thị sự suy đoán về tình hình khách quan, cách dùng giống với 看上去, 看起来, 看来.
A: 他是哪国人?- B: 看样子像美国人。
b/ 像··· 一样 biểu thị sự ví von hoặc nói rõ tình huống tương tự, có thể làm vị ngữ, định ngữ, bổ ngữ hoặc trạng ngữ.
2. Câu phức không có từ nối
Trong khẩu ngữ tiếng Hán thông thường chỉ dùng trật tự từ để biểu thị mối liên hệ ngữ nghĩa giữa các phân câu. Chỉ cần ngữ nghĩa rõ ràng, phù hợp logic, nói chung không dùng từ ngữ nối. Nhưng trên thực tế, giữa các phân câu đó luôn hàm chứa mối quan hệ logic nhất định.
Câu biểu thị giả thiết:
有困难找警察。= 要是有困难就找警察。
你去我就去。= 要是你去的话,我就去。
下雨就不去了。= 要是下雨的话,就不去了。
Câu biểu thị quan hệ nhân quả:
不小心把护照丢了。= 因为不小心,所以把护照丢了。
不小心把裤子烧破了。= 因为不小心,所以把裤子烧破了。
3. Bổ ngữ trạng thái (2)
Ngữ động từ của tiếng Hán có thể kết hợp với 得 làm bổ ngữ trạng thái cho động từ vị ngữ để miêu tả trạng thái của người thực hiện động tác (hoặc người chịu sự tác động của động tác).
🎶 天地作合
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myjaapsoft · 7 years
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Dao4  de weg, leidraad, voorschrift,
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diracsea · 1 year
Day 31
📖 HSK Standard Course 4上, lesson 8.2
生命 sheng1 ming4 n. life
缺少 que1 shao3 v. to lack
到处 dao4 chu4 adv. everywhere
态度 tai4 du4 n. attitude
因此 yin1 ci3 conj. therefore, so
科学 ke1 xue2 n. science
证明 zheng4 ming2 v. to prove
往往 wang3 wang3 adv. often, usually
阳光 yang2 guang1 adj. optimistic, cheerful
积极 ji1 ji2 adj. positive
特点 te4 dian3 n. characteristic
4. 因此
The conjunction 因此 means "because of this", similar to 所以 (so, therefore), but it cannot be used together with 因为.
5. 往往
The adverb 往往 indicates that a certain situation frequently happens under specific circumstances, which often occurred in the past, usually used to talk about things somewhat regular.
Compare: 往往 vs. 经常
Similarity: Both can be used as adverbs, indicating a situation occurring repeatedly. ◇
a/ In case ◇, 往往 is a summary of the situation up to the present, demonstrating certain regularities without being subjective, so it can only be used to talk about things that have already happened. 经常, however, only indicates that an action occurs many times, not necessarily showing any regularities; it can be used to express subjective wishes, and therefore can indicate things that have not yet happened but may occur repeatedly.
b/ In case ◇, when a sentence uses 往往, it usually specifies the situation, condition or result related to the action being talked about, while sentences with 经常 has no such restriction.
3. 经常 is usually equivalent to 常, while 往往 cannot be shortened to 往.
🎶 Dvorak's New World Symphony.
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diracsea · 2 years
Day 24
📖 HSK Standard Course 4上, lesson 5.2
考虑 kao3 lv4 v. to consider
标准 biao1 zhun3 n. standard
样子 yang4 zi n. look, appearance
年龄 nian2 ling2 n. age
浪费 lang4 fei4 v. to waste
购物 gou4 wu4 to shop, to buy things
尤其 you2 qi2 adv. especially
收到 shou4 dao4 v. to receive
任何 ren4 he2 pron. any, whatever
寄 ji4 v. to mail, to send
4. 对。。。来说
对。。。来说 indicates the angle from which a matter is seen.
5. 尤其
The adverb 尤其 indicates a further degree. The first clause often states the whole situation and the second clause uses 尤其 to introduce the most oustanding aspect of the whole.
6. 尤其 vs. 特别
Similarity: Both can be used as adverbs, indicating a very salient aspect in the whole or in comparison with others. They are usually used in the latter part of a sentence.
1. In case ☆, 尤其 can be followed by 是, 是 can also be omitted. 特别 is usually followed by 是。
2. When 特别 is used as an adverb, it may also mean “especially” or “very”, while 尤其 cannot.
3. 特别 can be used as an adjective, indicating “different from the rest” or “not common”, while 尤其 cannot.
🎶 Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier.
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diracsea · 2 years
Day 14
Giáo trình Hán ngữ 4, bài 16
缆车 lan3 che1 n. xe (/cabin) cáp treo, cáp treo
喘气 chuan3 qi4 thở dốc, thở gấp
动 dong4 v. nổi (bổ ngữ khả năng)
到底 dao4 di3 v đến cùng
胜利 sheng4 li4 v. thắng lợi
出汗 chu1 han4 ra mồ hôi
接着 jie1 zhe v. tiếp tục
危险 wei1 xian3 adj./n. nguy hiểm
积极 ji1 ji2 adj. tích cực
相声 xiang4 sheng n. tấu hài
台词 tai2 ci2 n. lời kịch
背 bei4 v. học thuộc
话剧 hua4 ju4 n. kịch nói
排练 pai2 lian4 v. dàn dựng và tập luyện
受伤 shou4 shang1 bị thương
纠正 jiu1 zheng4 sửa chữa, uốn nắn
只要。。。就。。。zhi3 yao4... jiu4... chỉ cần... thì...
世上 shi4 shang4 n. trên đời
无 wu2 v. không có
怕 pa4 v. sợ, sợ hãi
世上无难事,只怕有心人 không có việc gì khó, chỉ sợ lòng không bền
自信 zi4 xin4 v. tự tin
相信 xiang1 xin4 v. tin tưởng
争取 zheng1 qu3 v. tranh thủ, cố gắng
恐怕 kong3 pa4 adv. e rằng, sợ rằng
首 shou3 n. bài
1. Bổ ngữ khả năng (2)
a/ 动词 + 得/不 + 动
Động từ 动 làm bổ ngữ khả năng biểu thị hành động nào đó có thể làm di chuyển vị trí của người hoặc vật hay không.
A: 你一个人搬得动吗?- B: 这张桌子不重,我搬得动。
b/ 动词 + 得/不 + 好
Hình dung từ 好 làm bổ ngữ khả năng biểu thị động tác có thể đạt được sự hoàn thiện, làm người khác vừa lòng hay không.
c/ 动 + 得/不 + 住
Động từ 住 làm bổ ngữ khả năng biểu thị ý động tác có thể làm cố định hoặc giữ một sự vật nào đó ở một vị trí nào đó hay không.
A: 你一天记得住二十个生词吗?- B: 我想记得住。
2. Bổ ngữ khả năng và bổ ngữ trạng thái
a/ Bổ ngữ khả năng biểu thị kết quả có hay không có khả năng thực hiện, còn bổ ngữ trạng thái biểu thị kết quả đã được thực hiện. Trọng âm của loại câu đầu ở động từ, còn trọng âm của loại câu sau ở bổ ngữ trạng thái.
这个节目他演得好。(状态补语,评价 ping2 jia4 đánh giá,称赞 cheng1 zan4 tán thưởng已有结果)
b/ Phủ định thức khác nhau.
c/ Hình thức câu hỏi chính phản khác nhau.
d/ Bổ ngữ khả năng có thể mang tân ngữ, bổ ngữ trạng thái không thể mang tân ngữ.
不能说:* 他演得不好这个节目。(状态补语)
3. 只要。。。就。。。
Cấu trúc 只要。。。就。。。nối một câu phức điều kiện. 只要dẫn ra một điều kiện tất yếu, phía sau 就(都)là kết quả nảy sinh trong điều kiện này.
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