ballad-of-the-lamb · 1 month
Live ballad reaction to the new fishing animation?
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the best friend you never wanted
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a-lil-perspective · 1 year
Douma, running purely on his ability to rabble-rouse: You’ve heard of an elf on a shelf, now get ready for…
Douma, placing a garden pot on Akaza’s head: A pot on a thot!
Akaza: *standing up* Get ready for a bitch in a ditch because that’s where they’re gonna find your body, you little fu—
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rooftopside · 6 months
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isabelguerra · 9 months
actually shut up about izjo lets talk about ollie. i never talk about ollie enough. wizjo does their dumbass danse macabre and ollie as the only other gryffindor in the friend group, therefore being stuck with them, spends the entire time like the cunty mom from mean girls. hes clocked out. hes here to be bald and enjoy care for magical creatures. ollie figures out johnny has a crush within 3 months of it forming and then 5 years later johnny admits it to him stone face serious. he and max have an ongoing bet with real money passing back and forth about how many times a day they find an excuse to bicker. ollie is winning. johnny tried to get him on a broom one time and one time only. his dad is quidditch coach can you imagine your best friends girlfriends boss being your dad. can you imagine having your dumbest Friend Person Alive best friend tell you he likes a girl 5 years after you noticed. as if you wouldnt notice. he does then proceed to Watch And Give Nudges which is pretty funny. ollie is here to be the heart muscle and brains of the group which means he leaves commonroom study night conveniently early. and he does that all by himself. king. im making him a twink to go to yule ball with
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Checking the Fate/strange fake TV special again, and that PV from 2019 again, and wow, yep, two hours later and it’s still surreal that these are characters written by Narita who are speaking audible words against mainstream J-Pop music for a megafranchise with more fans and money that any original Narita IP could ever conceive of.
Narita characters...who are speaking and will in two months be speaking dialogue Narita has written for light novels he has published. Narita’s name in huge typeface for a TV special which may or may not be a prelude for a summer anime that mainstream audiences are going to care about.
The TV special teaser is frankly underwhelming only because the first two thirds of it is just a build-up list of Fate anime until now (2004...F/sn! 2010...title! 2012...title etc.!), except of course it’s building up to, this, “the next Fate,” Fate/strange fake, and that, I concede, is hyping F/sf up. It is treating F/sf like a big deal, or at least worthy enough to be included in the line-up of all those other notable Fate entries. 
I can see why people think it’s portending a summer TV anime. Sawano as composer, teaser as self-important for a self-important franchise...what I’m getting at is... The teaser is treating F/sf like such a big deal in a way that Baccano! never quite got (and, hell, Durarara!! was popular enough, but just...not this popular), so it leaves me with slight bittersweet wistfulness over what could have been with Baccano!
“Wow...  Imagine a 2023 twentieth anniversary Baccano! anime treating the source material with this much magnitude. wheeze”
(No, hype and magnitude never guarantee the actual product will be well-executed, but c’mon, it’s not worth being spitefully pessimistic when what the hell, that’s Narita being treated like a big deal right there.)
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galeforged · 2 years
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So that fight is already won, I see.
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Tried constructing a founding-era equivalent to the cases of al-Nashiri and the 9/11 defendants to try to see if there's a case against them having speedy trial rights but I just got sad instead.
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eddievillanueva · 2 years
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“Rabble Rousxer” 12/15/22 - #rabblerouser #rabble #rouse #drawing #sketchbook #drawingoftheday #photooftheday #sketchoftheday #artistofinstagram #collage #coloredpencil #ink #inkdrawing #art #artwork #artschool #artistlife #journal #honesty #radicallyhonest https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPp5uwLa0m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pimthedestroyer · 2 months
Harbinger MK au cause why not
Ive never really drawn anything like this and I wanted to challenge myself a bit. I also tried out a kinda different rendering style so lmk if u like it!!
(I do NOT condone the use of any real life references. if you’re interested in learning how to draw injuries and such I would recommend following Rabblerouser’s tutorials on tik tok)
Idk how many spaces im supposed to put 😗
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Villain: Dreava Bleek, Gallowood Sheriff
It's a gruesome business enforcing the law, especially when the laws are written by an aristocracy who wants their subjects submissive and terrified and it's your business to keep them that way.
There have always been people like Dreava Bleek, blunt instruments that enforce the social order so those at the top needn't bloody their hands. They do it for many reasons; coin, ambition, sadism, but in the case of this villain it's misplaced righteousness: Dreava has had a hatred burning in the pit where her heart should be since she was a child, a bone deep conviction that if people just knew their place and followed the rules that the world could be a place of pace. Nevermind the powerful that abuse the system for their own gain, nevermind the starving poor who break the law only to fill their bellies. In Dreava's word there are only good citizens and criminals, and criminals will hang.
Adventure Hooks:
Dreava earned both her reputation and her title in her campaign against the Gallerwood outlaws, a band of highwaymen who were famed for robbing everyone from wizards and duchesses and who Dreava left hanging from the trees along the edge of their forest. After her little stunt folks started calling the area "Gallowwood" and speaking of how her victims still haunt the roads looking for one last take. Some others mention a secret hideout that the sheriff never found, in which the thieves kept their most valued treasures.
The two easiest ways for the party to end up in Dreava's sights are to already be criminals, or to make themselves the enemy of some belligerent noble who can accuse them (accurately or not) of some transgression of the law
Backgorund: Dreava was young when darkness was wrought upon her soul, when a series of poor harvests and overstepping officials saw her little village rise with its neighbours in a revolt against their feudal overlord. She lost her home and her mother not in the uprising itself but in the violent pillage the lord's forces were allowed after its brutal suppression.
A flip of the coin and Dreava could have been a rebel fighting against authority, but in those grim days the alchemy of terror instilled in her an understanding of just what happens when the poor overstep the place allotted to them by their betters.
Since then her life has followed a pattern. Get hired on by some lord after having difficulty with bandits or other such rabblerousers. Make a show of brutal violence that seems to put an end to the problem for good. Continue to build her reputation until she either becomes her patron's bloody left hand, making their followers just as brutal and jackbooted as she is. End up entering into the service of another lord either on recommendation or after she's ousted for some violence that not even the benefice of the nobility can forgive.
Further Adventures:
Rather than a head on confrontation, Dreava will seek to bait the party into a trap, either by setting up an ambush or going after their known associates. Coerce, intimidate, brutalize, leashed in only by the very limit of what the law might allow. If she doesn't have proof of the party's guilt she'll drag them off to a dungeon to await a sham trial (from which they might be able to escape), but if she's been given the goahead by her superiors she'll gladly execute the heroes in the field, a grim situation which has it's own escape methods.
All her life the sheriff had sworn by the goddess Erathis, seeing herself as a champion of law and civilization. What a surprise for her then after the heroes sever her soul from her body to awake in the halls of the lord of all hells.  While the other gods turned their heads away in shame and disgust, Asmodeus watched with appreciation as Dreava bent her life to punishing sinners, and now offers her the chance to do so again, this time in his service. With a new master to serve and chip on her shoulder against the party Dreava will gladly agree, emerging from her damnation with a newly fiendish form. Consider having her emerge as a surprise villain several levels after the party thought her dead, and the head of a band of fiendish cultists.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
I know a lot of people think Zutara is a bad boy/good girl ship, but those people are so incredibly wrong. If anything, Zuko would be the stickler for rules in that relationship and Katara would be the rabblerouser (can we start using the word rabblerouser again? It's fun to say). Katara in canon started a prison riot and committed eco-terrorism. Zuko- while he was on the wrong side of the war- did not make a habit of breaking rules until he felt he had no other choice. The most bad boyish thing he did was helping Jet steal food on the ferry, which...guards, arrest those starving children immediately 🙄. Everything else he did (going as the Blue Spirit to rescue Aang, defending that EK family from those thugs, helping Katara find Yon Rah) weren't so much "bad boy" behavior as they were the desperate last acts of a guy who actually did want to do what he thought was right. Occasionally misguided and impulsive acts, sure, but they weren't inherently rebellious like when Katara literally punched the patriarchy in its face.
If their friendship and romance had been given more room to breath, I bet Katara would have gotten Zuko into a lot more trouble than he would've ever gotten her into. And he would complain the entire time but secretly he'd love being included. The only thing even remotely bad boyish about Zuko is his character design, but that's prejudiced thinking. Not every shaggy-haired youth with a tragic backstory is a rebel without a cause. And just because a young heroine is bright-eyed, willowy and nurturing doesn't mean she's above literally blowing up your spot if you cross her.
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rooftopside · 7 months
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🐜🐜 hi guys
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ecoterrorist-katara · 4 months
spent a month reading Dra/mione fanfiction because so many people say it’s basically Zutara in a different font and I just??? Disagree??? Like I loved many Dra/mione fics I’ve read but it’s just…not like Zutara?
The enemies-to-lovers dynamics are super different because ATLA already handed us enemies-to-friends on a silver platter. The backstory and motivations of Zuko are extremely well-established whereas every fic has a somewhat different Draco. Katara and Hermione are quite different people too, though I think they’re more similar to each other than Zuko and Draco (and ofc the “under appreciated girl who bails out her friends” role is a big enough part of their arcs that it can override other dissimilarities). And no offence to my beloved ZK, but they’re not the most cerebral couple and they don’t have the “finally my intellectual equal” dynamic that I really like about fanon Dra/mione.
Dra/mione has way more of the romance novel dark fantasy dynamic that Zutara antis like to accuse Zutara of. And to be clear, good for Dramione shippers bc I support the female gaze. I’d actually say that Dra/mione is way more straight female gaze than ZK. With some Dra/mione fics, I get the feeling that I’d enjoy them more if I were more attracted to men. That’s a thought I’ve only rarely had about Zutara fics.
Anyway there are wonderfully talented authors who write for both ships, but I just think the comparison is a bit overblown. Enemies-to-lovers between morally incorrect boy x morally correct girl is a tried and true combination (notice I didn’t say bad boy x good girl, because ironically the biggest commonalities between Draco and Zuko is that they’re squares who want to maintain the status quo and please their dads, while Hermione and Katara are rabblerousers who would do unhinged things to get what they want) but there are many nuances beyond that. And if you’re a Zutara shipper getting into Dra/mione, it’s very possible that you’ll love half of the fics you read and be disproportionately squicked out by the other half (like me!).
I think Dra/mione fics can feature what a lot of antis accuse Zutara of being (oppressor x oppressed, dark and intriguing and toxic and passionate, self-insert wish fulfillment). What I appreciate about Dra/mione shippers, though, is how much they just don’t give a fuck. They like what they like, they don’t feel the need to apologize for liking a fantasy dynamic even if it’s sometimes toxic, and they will use Dra/mione fics to thirst after Draco Malfoy. I can’t really relate to these motivations, but I respect them, you know? Women should do what they want!
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goldgargoyles · 1 year
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R Corp we are under fucking attack!! (Comm for @rabblerousers )
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simlit · 7 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirty
| @izayoichan | @maladi777
ABILITY CHECK | CHARISMA Aster is assigned a base stat of 10 charisma, with a bonus of 5. Question #1 requires a roll of at least 15. Question #2 requires a roll of at least 16. Question #3 requires a roll of at least 18.  Question #4 requires a roll of at least 18.  Question #5 requires a roll of at least 20. 
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next / previous / beginning
LUCIEN: Then… someone died? ELDEWYN: Indeed, someone did. And none of the remaining nine claimed responsibility. Made things quite interesting for spectators. There was some rumors that perhaps even the Chosen of the Sun might have been the killer. INDRYR: Surely the goddess of the moon would not select a murderer as her chosen. ELDEWYN: Ah, but it is sometimes the case. After all, back then, anything was acceptable. Even had they admitted their deed, they would not have been punished. LUCIEN: How awful… INDRYR: And who was the victim? ELDEWYN: Mm, the last to lose their life in the moon trials… What was it… ah yes… Castien, was his name. Castien Thallan. KYRIE: Who was he? ELDEWYN: A rabblerouser from the south. He used to get into all sorts of trouble. I remember before he was chosen, he and his little gang would stir up the city, made people restless. The guard was always after him for one thing or another, but never could hold him long. Imagine our shock when it was announced he'd been picked. After that, he was untouchable of course. Ironic, you ask me. KYRIE: He was just a delinquent, then? ELDEWYN: Yes, you could say so. A thorn in the capital’s side, really. But clearly honorable enough for the Moon to choose him. ASTER: A toast! To a veritable troublemaker! I can certainly relate. After all, they only had to drag me out of jail right to the steps of the church! ELDEWYN: Ha! That’s right! I’ll say, there was quite the gossip about it in town! INDRYR: Whatever were you arrested for, anyways? ASTER: Oh, you know, a little scuffle… bit of a bar brawl if I’m honest. I’m not much of a fighter, but tell that to my tongue! INDRYR: How curious that no one ever admitted to the deed. Are they certain he didn’t die to the elements? ELDEWYN: To be frank, there was a great deal of speculation about it, but seeing as how no one but then Ten were inside, there’s really no way of knowing. Afterwards, he was given over to the King’s clerics and prepared for burial. We honor the fallen, of course. They’re still Chosen, even in death. But he had no kin to speak of, and no one after came to claim him that wasn’t one of his fellow troublemakers. KYRIE: Whatever happened to them? ELDEWYN: I’m certain I don’t know. Went on their way, or grew up, I suppose! INDRYR: Perhaps there was someone else in the labyrinth? ELDEWYN: Hm? What do you mean by that? INDRYR: You said there were many dangers within the maze, it could be that he encountered someone there. Someone not Chosen? ELDEWYN: The labyrinth is located on the outskirts of the city. During the trial the entrances are heavily guarded, and very few people know the way through. Even if someone could get passed the blockades, they’d be utterly lost! INDRYR: Then, it doesn’t seem particularly efficient that anyone would plan to use the trial as a cover for murder. Unless… LUCIEN: Why would anyone think to do that? ASTER: Quite conspiratorial there, Indryr! And who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? Mm? I’m sure there’s a secret dragon under the castle waiting to make snacks of us all. More wine, my lord? ELDEWYN: Of course, of course! KYRIE: Surely you don’t think there was outside involvement? INDRYR: I’m only speculating. KYRIE: I’m certain there’s no evidence of that. Isn’t that right, my lord? ELDEWYN: Well, you know, he’s not the first to say so. There were rumors at the time that perhaps Castien’s involvement in the trials had been predetermined. KYRIE: Predetermined? ELDEWYN: They said he was selected deliberately. At request of… It’s all hearsay, anyways. LUCIEN: But the Chosen are selected by divine right! Lunar Priests get their orders directly from the goddess of the moon! Right, Your Grace? KYRIE: Uh— ELDEWYN: Of course, Your Highness. It is silly gossip, nothing more. Some people believed the presiding priest was espousing false information. But the trials were successful as every year before. There’s no reason to think he was lying about Castien being one of the true Chosen Ten. But people will get all sorts of ideas if given even a shred of mystery.
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galeforged · 2 years
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“I will have you know that a model hero always ensures proper hygiene at every available opportunity!” Say what you will of Mask, but he will NOT stand for such slander!
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