#i dont know if it has something to do with the pilgrim pack i do not have money so i did not get to buy it to read the stuff in it BUT
ballad-of-the-lamb 27 days
Live ballad reaction to the new fishing animation?
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the best friend you never wanted
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imlivinginyourtrashcan 10 months
Hi hello im a dirty American heres some friendsgiving headcannons for the sp character
That man aint bringing shit
Only there for the food
The type of mf to steal ingrediants while youre cooking something
Dives RIGHT for the pumpkin pie
Nobody is happy
He denies it but its do obvious hes stealing shit 馃が
Does not wait for a toast
Bro just dives in
Getting seconds, thirds, fourths
When hes done theres no left overs
If he were to bring something id be pie
His moms recipe
Sometimes hosts the friendsgiving at his house
Brings the sparkling grape juice/apple juice
And also the Kosher things
Only has one helping, tries to get leftovers for the family or for kenny
Helps his mom cook when hes hosting
Setting the table always
Tries to toast but ends up yelling at Cartman for eating before hes done
Helps Ike pack for those little kindergarten thanksgivings?
Yknow when you dressed as a pilgrim and ate food?
Was I the only one who did that??
He panicks and brings what he can find
"Hey dude! What you bring?"
"Uhhh... leftover mash potatos?"
Downing the sparkling juices like no tomorrow
The eggnog too
Cartman encourages it
Watching the football game
RESTRAINS himself when it comes to food
Like, he wants it but knows Kyles gonna be pissed
Plays catch with everyone else
Or pingpong
Doesnt give a fuck about the Macys parade
Brings canned stuff he got from the food drive
Like cranberry sauce
Sneaking leftovers for his family
Plays catch with the boys
Died from a football lodged in his eye
Oh and from the
"Macys parade"
You dont want to know
Brings the sweet potatos
Suggest christmas music/movies be played
Cartman called him gay immediately
So that got shut down
Brings the extra pies and everything since Cartman eats his
Lover of cranberry sauce and other things most people hate on thanksgiving
"Oh that was good! Could I have more please?"
"Butters what the fuck who likes CRANBERRY SAUCE???"
"I do!"
Doer of the toast
Often gets hit in the face when they play catch and cries
Can't stay for long cuz his parents are strict but hes there on video call rest of the time
The type of mf when you ask what he brought he says
"My presence"
You need to bring FOOD
They have to kick him out
He comes back with bread rolls or crackers, cheese and olives
So hes aloud back in
Doesnt care abt the parades or catch or anything
Just kinda there for Tweek
If someone asks him to do sonething he'll do it though
Hes limited by meals thanks to his braces
He doesnt care
Thats future craigs problem
Flips someone off if they beat him in a sport
Or flips off the tv when someone does something stupid in football
Has restraint when it comes to food
Bro will just wait
And then devour his plate in seconds
Brings homemade cider or pumpkin spice
Panicked the whole time
Hiding upstairs half the time
At least until food
He looks like a sopping wet cat
Doesnt really eat that much
Convinced the food is poison
Dont try to reassure him either he doesnt trust you
Has to check a million times though
"Is this poison???"
"GAHH!! I dont believe you!!"
Leaves after feasting
He can only handle so much
Arrives super late too which is ironic
Brings the food over and makes a puns
Like puts devil horns on eggs
"Jimmy what is that?"
"D-d-d-deviled Eggs"
Bro is telling thanksgiving jokes every second
Does the toast some years
Its like a stand up comedy routine tho
He lets you eat during that
Sneaking food
Mischievous little bastard
Puts on family fued when he realizes the boys are too pissed at football
Also has brace limits
But does he follow them ever? Nope
Drinks sparkling juice from a wine glass
Able to keep the party going for a WHILE he has ENERGY
Card playing KING
Winning at Crazy 8s left and RRRRIGHTTTTTT
Brought mac and cheese
Either that or bread
Food sneaker
Thinks hes good at sports
Hes not
He gets hit in the face so often
And cries
Tried Tweeks coffee
Started coughing and gagging immediately
Hes a picky eater im calling it now
Like will not eat if he doesnt think he'll like it
Me too Clyde i get it
Likes the Macys parade
Fucking weirdass
Arrives a bit before Tweek but is still late
The mf to get seconds
Wont eat before the event either
Saving his stomach for yum yums
Also hosts
Helps his parents with food
Makes the dinner table look like a whole buffet
When hes not hosting he brings stuffing or some expensive good food
Or like
Homemade dip?
Seems like itd change every year
Great at sports
Helps clean up too
Toasts sometimes
Very generic toast
Doesnt seem like someone who has much to say
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thegeminisage 6 years
i dont normally make these posts but i need to process here's my review of the finale:
the good:
not that i like bad things happening to magnus but i love that he gets this depth??? he had a bad childhood! he wasn't raised by monks! i mean you could definitely make an argument for him being an abuse survivor there and i think that's rad. his voice even broke once during the ep, idr when, but i loved that, i loved it
i also really REALLY like asmodeus. he鈥檚 charming, amiable, and can turn terrifying on a dime. he鈥檚 eccentric enough to make me believe he鈥檚 magnus鈥檚 dad and i fully yelled when he flashed the cat eyes. you get a lot of sense about who he is just from a very short time spent with him and his actor really delivered his lines well. he鈥檚 very..................charismatic. (i鈥檇 like to take this opportunity to tell cathy to shut up in advance) anyway it鈥檚 Good
magnus BEAT. LORENZO鈥橲. ASS. i was so sure he鈥檇 stop at one attack once he realized how bad he fucked up but he got pissed and he went all in and i couldn鈥檛 be more proud. normally i think he鈥檚 a little Too perfect - that the writers never allow him to make dumbass mistakes. so this was a great refresher.
magnus being mortal also presents some veeeery interesting plot possibilities but it depends on how much of a bitch alec is about it. his trope is a trope i love, and i don鈥檛 have any real worry that it鈥檒l stick, but i also think giving up something big like that For Alec (for jace, but it was for alec, yk) is also a dumbass mistake when i don鈥檛 think alec is always the best and most supportive boyfriend he can be back to magnus. it鈥檚 hard to remember they鈥檝e only known each other for like two months
speaking of alec, i liked him more in this episode than i have in half a season. their goodbye before edom was very sweet and so were all his interactions with jace. i wish he could be like that all the time - more like he was in season 1 - instead of like...how he is now. not necessarily more repressed just in season 1 you got the feeling he was a jerk because he was miserable and now you get the feeling he's a jerk for no good reason
becky coming the fuck through for simon??? A+++? idk about everyone else but that felt SO fucking real to me. siblings, especially if they're close in age, especially if they had a single parent...there's no one in the world who will understand you as much as someone who grew up with you. there's no one else you can be on the level with like that. it felt so organic the way she went from confusion to fear to acceptance. that's her little brother, you know??
speaking of simon good on him for yelling at jordan i want everyone to yell at jordan forever hes done some stuff thats like...like him offering his jacket to mia seemed like a weel-meaning but awkward gesture where most people, if they made a fuss about it, it would be like "wow what's ur deal hes just trying to be nice" & same with his little love confession or w/e...but maia AND simon BOTH told him he was full of shit and they SEE what bullshit he's playing at and i am SO HERE for it
i mentioned this once already but the jace and alec stuff was SO good like alec, previously resigned to killing jace, now resigned to dying himself, using his last few seconds to try and say the things he knows jace will need to hear, and in comes mganus with the dramatic rescue, oh man. the fight was brutal the dialogue delivery was on point, every beat was perfect. full n*t
AND THE BEST FOR LAST...CAN WE TALK ABOUT CLARY THOUGH...she's in HANDCUFFS and she's dominating the field. things dont go according to jia's will or the angels will they go according to HER WILL. SHE decides when valentine lives and dies. she busts her own goddamn self out of death row. you know who that reminds me of? valentine locked up in the instute's basement and still running the show. a-maz-ing. she comes up with the plan to trick lilith into killing herself. she leaves breadcrumbs for the people looking for her. she was in charge of her own fate the entire time. she was a major goddamn player. she was the only player. i am SO proud of her. y'all remember 1.04? when she had to be told where to stand on the pentagram? holy shit she has come so far
the bad:
where the fuck is maia
what's with those pilgrim outfits
i really would have loved for valentine to stick around long enough to lay eyes on jace that would have been amazing
y'all not gonna give maryse a blade? seriously? SERIOUSLY? i would die to see her fight
not a big fan of luke having to choose between his job and clary, his pack and clary, over and over again. it just feels a little tired at this point because this same guy has been making these same arguments practically since he became an alpha
i don't like heidi but i feel pretty bad for her and lilith's FEMINISM thing fell kinda flat with me
simon telling his mom he's DEAD is not doing either of them a kindness, and in fact, it is literally probably the cruelest possible thing he could do. there were so many ways around that. he could say he was moving to iceland or that she never had a son or WHATEVER but this presents a bunch of logistics problems on top of being horrible. like i did well up but im not a fan
izzy's "we'll get through this together" felt a little out of nowhere to me like that was just worded kinda weird. i get that they're endgame and im trying to keep an open mind so i dont totally hate it and be miserable when it happens but like.......he's with maia rn like Please
i wasn't really SUPER invested in will tudor like everyone else but im VERY offended about the recast on your behalf
two episodes at once is too many i need time to Process
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