#delinquent arsenal
sgtapollo · 1 month
Tc2 mercs and admins heehoo!!!
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Who tf invited bro here 😭(delinquent)
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rooftopside · 4 months
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My name is anarchist and i will destroy the world
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scuba-divers · 1 year
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seahdalune · 2 years
I have 3 ideas for tf2 and tc2 crossover stuff
1: tc2 is the future of tf2 with the admin of grn and red buying out tf industrys. Scout is now thier couch at like 75 and Miss Pauling is around but spiteful that tf industrys ate alive so shes holding out until it fully dies. (Medic is also like around but running from the government)
2: Modern age tf2 au with having the tf2 mercs as mentors to the tc2 mercs. Also, Scout and Agent are forced into brother and sister because Spy is agents simi kinda father figure but not out loud so he doesn't run away. Also demo x anni hehe
3: tf2 is a game in the tc2 universe. The tc2 gang comes together to play in one large team. Vise versa for tc2 being a game in the tf2 universe and the tf2 mercs playing it.
i’ve been thinking about it on-n-off but i thought it would be funny if Spy and Agent knew each other offhand as a mentor-student relationship in spite of being from different universes
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coldgladiatortiger · 1 year
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Mimic II
McFoord x Baby!Reader
Beth England x Baby!Reader
Summary: You're scrappy
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The day that it first happens is the match against United.
It's a home game and you're very familiar with the layout as you sit by one of the girls on the bench on your leash and watch.
Mam, predictably, gets a yellow card and you screech your outrage at the ref no matter how much nice Lotte tries to calm you down.
You think Lotte is an alright babysitter but she's very easy to get to do what you want and you know Mummy doesn't like that sometimes. You think she's told Lotte that too because she's got a tight grip on your leash and doesn't let you wander into Jonas' box to scream like you can usually get her to do.
So, you have to amuse yourself by tearing up grass and getting your hands all dirty.
The game ends with a narrow win for Arsenal and Mummy comes to get you very quickly.
You tug at the buckles of your leash. "Off! Off, Mummy!"
"Sorry, gremlin," Mummy laughs," But you have to be on the leash. You know why."
You stamp your foot as Mummy cleans your hands.
"Mam not on leash!" You say finally," Mam was naughty! Yellow rectangle for Mam!"
You're making a good point. Caitlin doesn't want to quite admit that though. You're on the leash because you're naughty sometimes and Katie definitely did get a yellow card today.
She sighs.
It's not the same at all but, for the sake of fairness, Caitlin lets you win this round.
Begrudgingly and definitely to avoid a tantrum, she unclips your leash.
You look positively delighted and she catches your arm before you go running off.
"Stay where me or Mam can see you," She says," And no biting people."
You nod. "I not bite."
"Alright," She says," Go on, run wild."
You giggle hysterically as you run off. You've not quite mastered running though because you trip a few times before pulling yourself up again.
You wander through the crowd of players until you spot the United keeper that saved Mummy's goal.
That's kind of naughty, you think. Saving Mummy's goal shouldn't be allowed.
The girl's kind of tall and she looks strong. She's wearing a different coloured shirt to the other United girls so you can easily track her through the crowd.
She's talking to Leah too and you know how to recognise Leah.
When people are naughty, you usually like to bite them but Mummy told you that you're not allowed to bite today so you choose the next best thing.
Mam says you're scrappy sometimes. You don't know what that means but you think it applies to this situation.
You creep up behind the girl before slamming the top of your head into the back of her knee.
She crumbles to the ground instantly, folding over like the pieces of paper that Mam uses to make paper planes.
"Mary!" Leah shrieks as the girl rolls onto her back.
"What the fuck?!"
You stand over her and wiggle your finger right in front of her face. You stamp your foot for good measure. "No save Mummy goal! Is naughty!"
"What-? Who are you?!"
Leah's hand pulls you further away. "This is Katie and Caitlin's kid," She says," Gremlin, say sorry."
"No! Say sorry first! Save Mummy's goal!"
Thankfully, this United girl (once she's recovered from her sudden fall) takes it in her stride.
"I'm sorry, kid," She laughs," It was only doing my job."
"Naughty job!" You insist," Not happen again!"
It's not exactly an isolated incident either. It seems after every match, you find some player to fight with.
It freaks most of them out, you think, because they're big and strong and you're tiny but still very capable of getting them to the grounds.
You surprise lots of people like Auntie Macca and Auntie Lanni, who find it all so funny that they send you off to do it to their teammates too.
Mummy doesn't like it though. She says that she's raising a delinquent and Mam says it's the McCabe genes, whatever that means.
You're not stingy in who you attack. Everyone is free game but there's one person that you really enjoy fighting with.
Her name's Beth. Beth England, to be exact because there's already a Beth at Arsenal and this one plays for Spurs instead.
Mam says that Spurs is Arsenal's number one rival and you have to hate them because they play in white and white is a colour you can never keep clean.
Beth England wears the armband that Captain Kim wears so you can easily recognise her in a crowd.
She's your nemesis.
That's a big word that Mummy taught you when you were watching Phineas and Ferb a few days ago.
"You need to be very good if I let you off," She says to you and you nod even though you're lying," I mean it. No fighting with Spurs players."
You lie again and nod.
"Alright, give me a kiss first and I'll let you go."
You give Mummy a big wet kiss and immediately, you're on your way.
Mam joins you on your journey and she demonstrates how to hold your fist if you're going to fight someone. She thinks your rivalry with Beth England is funny.
Mummy doesn't like her encouraging it but she does.
"Nem-sis!" You screech when Mam guides you over.
Beth England looks confused. "Nem-sis?"
"She means nemesis," Mam explains," It's her word of the week."
"Oh, right."
"Nem-sis!" You screech again to regain her attention. "Fight me!"
Beth England clears her throat before mimicking your position and putting up her fists.
You run at her.
You don't think she expects that. You think she thinks you were going to punch her but Mam says the element of surprise is important so you crash into her legs and try to topple her over.
She stays standing and you're unable to move her but you don't stop trying.
Behind your head, Katie smothers a laugh and gives Beth a pointed look.
She nods and very carefully lays on the ground like you've forced her over.
You look triumphant and sit on her stomach to stop her from getting up again.
You poke her right between her eyes. "Arsenal best!" You proclaim," Say!"
"Arsenal best!" You bounce on her stomach to show that she's not going anywhere. "Say!"
"You can't make me!"
"Say or! Or go on leash for being naughty!"
That's it. You've got her trembling under your might now and she goes limp.
"Arsenal's the best!" She proclaims," Arsenal's the best! Don't put me on the leash!"
"Good!" You stand up and wiggle your finger at her. "London red! Not dirty white!"
You run back over to Mam and take her hand.
"I beat Beth England!"
"You did!" Mam says," I'm so proud of you."
"'Cause London red!"
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definedvines · 4 months
I always love the fact that they are linked before they even knew each other. Didnt even know each others names and they crossed into another world that sparked their rebellions at the same time. Arsene formed his pact because Ryuji was about to be killed. Kid formed his because Akira was in danger by the guy that took everything and still told him to fight back
ah yes the awkward first meeting and then unexpected traumatic event that leads them to be almost instantly joint at the hip, it's true
it is really interesting though because like, i've seen a lot of ppl yap about this before. but to summarize, even if, yeah, watching a stranger stare at you directly in the eyes with a wild grin as he awakens his rebellious spirit to save your life does probably fundamentally change you (i could go on about how even before the awakening they were looking out for each other because they were in a pretty terrifying place and only had the stranger they stumbled in with to rely on), their connection relies on the fact that... they do just mix well! as friends! ryuji's seen akira and his will, and he's not the scary delinquent the school is hyping him up as. plus, he knows what it's like to be treated that way. and akira's seen ryuji, the guy that practically drags him around the school to try to unveil an abuser, even if by... far too direct and inefficient methods, his heart is in the right place. a supposed no-good kid that a TEACHER tells him to stay away from, but because of that meeting they ignore all that advice.
ryuji's there to pick you up and be your first friend when you show up, alone. and he's got good reason to.
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kryptonbabe · 22 days
Welcome to Madam Brawn's Crime School for Delinquent Girls
A review of Plastic Man's story in Police Comics #4 (1941) by Jack Cole
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I've been working my way through Plastic Man's early comics, and this was the first one that stood out to me. The story had my attention from the beginning for the early introduced character of Madam Brawn is just so magnetic, her morals so complex, her ways so compelling. She runs her school for delinquent girls, accepting women fresh out of prison with nowhere else to go.
Things were hard enough for male ex-cons, I can only imagine the stigma women had to face after getting out of prison in the 1940s. In Madam Brawn's school they must go through intense physical training and practice shooting (using cop manequins as targets), the group is also forbidden to smoke, only Brawn is allowed that.
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However, there is a price for Brawn's protection and the day her group of women "graduated" from her teachings, Madam Brawn sent two of her "dames" to take over the protection racket going on in the city nearby. She was so confident in her training only two women were necessary for the take over, and they succeed, sending a message to Lefty, the leader of the rival gang.
This is still pretty early in the story and, noting Plastic Man's overall absence of it, I felt myself rooting for Madam Brawn's gang of delinquent women, and I think that is the intention of the writer and artist, Jack Cole. Later in comic book history this kind of sympathetic criminals would not be possible anymore, that's one of the reasons the golden age has such a different tone, when the Comics Code Authority censorship was established it changed everything, a context that makes this story even more interesting.
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Brawn's gang had to face the consequences of their takeover and later that day the whole rival gang went to Brawn's farm, even their leader, Lefty, tagged along to threaten her in person with a pistol. Brawn's response to that came very naturally: she broke his arm and sent her dane dogs after the rest of the gang. They fled, but Lefty's pride was injured.
I love how Jack Cole portrays the movements in his panels, there's a dynamic flow to his art that makes the action in the comic stand out, which combined with his talent for drawing face expressions and gestures, makes it for a very fluid reading experience.
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And that's where Plastic Man comes in! All this time Plas was infiltrated in Lefty's gang in his criminal persona, Eel O'brian. At this point in continuity he is an undercover cop while also maintaining his criminal connections, a double agent of sorts. He was hanging with Lefty's men and keeping an eye on this gang war situation, that was until Lefty proposed to invade Madam Brawn's farm with WAR TANKS. Escalating things in an insane proportion. Where did he find war tanks? Brawn only broke his arm... what a sensitive pride Lefty must have had.
So Plas goes straight to Brawn's farm to warn her and her gang of the danger they're facing, their response is to torture Plastic Man and have much fun while doing it. Meanwhile Brawn prepares for war, quite literally, she had an arsenal of guns and what I believe were grenades in her farm. Good for her.
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"Ain't had so much fun since I poisoned granma!"
This is no morally ambiguous group of women, they are unapologetic vicious and I love them for it. Especially thinking how it must have been for their community to develop in that farm and how accepting they must have learned to be of one another in order to live and thrive together.
That being said, they basically kill every single one of the goons that tried to invade Madam Brawn's property, including the leader Lefty, that must've been so upset about being hit by Brawn that he could not resist the temptation to destroy her place himself.
After things calm down it's time for Madam Brawn vs. Plastic man, and she's really not a suitable opponent for him, at least without the rest of her gang. She loses the one-sided fight against Plas, who let's her go free despite several murders she and her delinquent girls perpetrated that night, all in self-defense so it's cool, different times you know?
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I loved this little tale of female empowerment and gang war, it was an unexpected story for sure and even though Madam Brawn's gang of delinquent girls was very obviously not heroic, they were not really portrayed as absolute villains either. They train and seem very professional and prepared compared to Lefty's gang, the men are only shown playing cards and drinking.
I'm aware Madam Brawn is possibly more appealing to modern audiences than in her own time, however I do wonder if the public was not even a little charmed by this female gang leader even back then, she got another story in the sequence (I'll make sure to check that out), but sadly those were Madam Brawn's only two appearances. She remains an obscure oddity and the reason I decided to write this, thanks for reading!
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Kiyomi "Nifty" Shinya
Died around the middle of the 1950s a time for women to be mostly simple housewives, although she was never able to fulfill her wifely duties due to her rather unfortunate death; Due to making a simple mistake from consequences that weren't of her own fallacies, young Nifty's brain is rather fuzzy and she can only remember a few things about her previous life but to her, it doesn't matter as of now it's in the past.
Nifty is rather unstable at times; she has an almost neurotic way of doing stuff whether it's related to her hobbies or work as a maid. Although her way of cleaning is a bit much it does get the work done. Although she does act rather childish at times for a woman in her 20's it is unknown if it was due to her personality in her previous life or as a way to cope with being sent to hell is a question people do wonder; Although whenever she's near a bottle of arsenic or any sort of lighter fluid she does tend to zone out.
While she is the 3 oldest friend of Alastor(she's behind Rosie and Mimzy) she meets Alastor after his big break from the TV overlord; Alastor is quite shocked to see a little bug demon following him and almost thinking about using her screams for his broadcast. However, he did enjoy her "Unique" Personality so he rather asked her to be the maid at his house which she enjoys. (He doesn't own Nifty Soul but it could change as we get to see in the canon! season 2)
Around the 7-year absence, she was in charge of keeping his House in check when Alastor was away and now he volunteers her services for the hotel which she doesn't mind at its nice to meet and make some new friends...
Facts about Nifty:
She grew up in a rather typical San Fransisco urban area in the 1930s although there were many changes in her life during the 40's.
Her dream guy is a stereotypical greaser dude aka the "Bad Boys" of her time.(But deep down she would prefer a man who is respectful, kind, caring, and would never think of her mind as a stupid thing)
She has her own room in the hotel however it's a rather messy room filled with the grossest things a person can think of.
When she was alive she was 5'1, and now in her demon form besides her antennas she is around 4'5
In her past life, she used to write stories about random boys falling in love with her(Her primary targets were delinquents/bad boys)
She also only followed Alastor around in the first place due to his "bad boy" status as she called it and was very curious about him.
Born in March 1933 and Died around February 1955(a few days after valentines Day no less
Favorite foods are Apple Cider(non-alcoholic kind), beef stroganoff, and juicy bug kebabs.
(when reposting please no anti tags please)
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cookiecomics · 7 months
I shan't spam you with every silly thought I have while playing the game for the first time, but! I did want to ramble about something that really is neat that I think you show very well in your story~
The rumors. Oh my god do I love walking around listening to the chatter in the school and city. These people are so fucking rude to each other? I swear I saw one on the day Shiho jumps saying something like 'do you think that delinquent pushed her?' and I had to spin around like 'WHAT?!' It poofed faster than I could grab a screen grab but still.
The more the students gossip, it's absolutely more believable that a Joker who's already struggling and didn't have Arsene would suffer. I didn't even do anything to Shiho and people are already making comments, so the social execution that would start if something like AToTT happened? Yeah no get Ren a turtle and a hug stat. :(
(Speaking of turtles, Robin Jr the plush sits and watches me. He gave me the good luck to grind up Kamoshida's dumb palace out in a day. I wasn't leaving without befriending all the Jacks & Angels I could.)
Its funny you should say that because replaying the game and listening to the background rumors is easily one of my favorite part of replays..People are fucked up in that game lmao.
Thats very cute that you have your own robin :3 robin is based off my own turtle plushie shelly that i had as a kid
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theyareweird · 10 months
Assassination Classroom: Ryoma Terasaka —Aesthetic
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Ryoma Terasaka's Character & Personality
Ryoma is petty and passive-aggressive towards everything school related. He has a brawn over brains approach towards problems to get by in life. Ryoma used to bully higher grade students into doing his work for him. Eventually, he vicariously achieved getting into the prestigious Kunugigaoka Junior High. However, the academic-oriented system made Ryoma's bullying obsolete. Soon, he's placed in 3-E due to general poor academic skills. Ryoma's favorite subject is P.E. while he dislikes everything else. Though he didn't belong to any club, his hobby is watching pro wrestling. Ryoma's favorite food is Gyudon Beef Bowl with rice. In short, he's the Main Campus's definition of a Class E student: a dimwitted problem child who solves problems though uncivil methods. Ryoma makes use of factors, which won't get him far in life, to try getting by in school while not attempting to improve himself. He's the class delinquent with the school's poorest grades. Ryoma's philosophy is doing nothing and refusing to improve himself. He hopes 3-E will revert back to a drab place where his laziness thrived. Deep down, Ryoma is burdened by his inability to adapt to change. He has a sense of right and wrong, if not empathy towards his classmates as people. Overtime, Ryoma tries to be a less lazy and more proactive person. While initially submissive towards those of a higher pay role, physical and mental strength; he has strong willpower. Ryoma even emulates some of his teacher's philosophies and the ability to connect to people. He's quite slow-witted when his temper is flared. Ryoma will swear, insult people and bang his fists. Though his temper decreases overtime, he isn't able to conquer it. However, Ryoma becomes a much happier person because he secretly treasures his friends. As an assassin, he's the strongest and has the highest durability in class. Ryoma has minor understanding of explosives. He's moderately intelligent with a good grasp on factors and is able to come up with decently effective assassination ploys. Ryoma is also good at thinking outside the box and outsourcing for unpredictable arsenal. If he can concentrate for Home Economics, then he can do well in the Five Fundamental Subjects: English, Japanese, Math, Science and Social Studies. Thus, Ryoma scored fourty-sixth in finals showing his intelligence was merely underutilized. He's capable of following instructions to the letter and executing them perfectly. Though Ryoma is incapable of guiding himself, he wants to choose who he's controlled by.
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y0ur-val3ntine · 6 months
bunch of stuff
memes and that, it's a lot
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me having a crush on the delinquent from Arsenal developed on my love for scout
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rooftopside · 7 months
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🐜🐜 hi guys
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
Earth-64 CC | The Quiver
The Quiver, also known as Team Arrow, is the name for the informal group of associates surrounding Oliver Queen, the first Green Arrow.
They are based in Star City, California.
The Immediate Quiver
Oliver Queen, alias Green Arrow I, is the founder and patriarch of the Quiver. During the day he works in business as the owner of Queen Industries, and as a well known activist and eventual politician. At night, he works as the vigilante Green Arrow. He is married to singer and counselor Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen.
Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen, alias Black Canary II, is a former member of the Birds of Prey and matriarch of the Quiver. She is the daughter of the first Black Canary, and is originally from Gotham where she worked as a lounge singer before founding the Birds of Prey. She later moved to Star City to study psychology and worked as a school counselor until her solo music career took off turning her into an intergalactic rockstar. She is married to businessman Oliver Queen.
Roy Harper, alias Arsenal, is the adopted eldest son of Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen. During the day, he works as a. During the night, he works as the vigilante Arsenal. Later he retires, and officially marries Jade while working as a high school physical education teacher.
Lian Harper-Nguyen, alias Jade Archer, is the daughter of Roy Harper and Jade Nguyen. She is a former member of the fifth iteration of the Teen Titans, and the leader of her own team the Delinquents. She is known for coating her arrows in poison, and her martial arts skills.
Conner Hawke, alias Green Arrow II, is the son of Oliver Queen and Sandra Hawke. During the day he works as a businessman at Queen Industries, and at night he works as a vigilante in Star City. Before taking up the name Green Arrow as well, he was known as the Amber Archer. He is currently dating Green Lantern Kyle Rayner.
Mia Dearden, alias Speedy II, is the adopted daughter of Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen. She was a member of the third iteration of the Teen Titans, and worked in London for a period of time.
Cynthia 'Sin' Lance-Queen, alias Crimson Canary, is the adopted daughter of Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen. Groomed to become the next Lady Shiva, Dinah saved her and brought her to the Birds of Prey to protect her. After an attempt to kidnap her, Dinah and Conner took her to the monastery Conner trained at. She later left and became the Crimson Canary.
Olivia Lance-Queen, alias Green Canary, is one of the twin daughters of Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen. When Dinah retires, she becomes the third iteration of Black Canary. She is a member of the Birds of Prey.
Laurel Lance-Queen, alias Black Arrow, is one of the twin daughters of Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen. She is a member of the fifth iteration of the Teen Titans alongside Mari Grayson, and serves as their archer.
The Extended Quiver
John Diggle is Oliver Queen's best friend, and serves as an honorary uncle for the Quiver members. He worked as Oliver's bodyguard for the longest time, before starting his own private security company.
Eimiko Queen, alias Red Arrow II, is the daughter of assassin Shado and half-sister of Oliver Queen. She is a former assassin herself, but now works as a freelance mercenary if the price is right.
Dinah Drake-Lance, alias Black Canary I, is the mother of Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen and the original Black Canary. She was a member of the Justice Society before retiring to Gotham. In Gotham, she became a lounge singer and settled down with private detective Lawrence Lance.
Sara Drake-Lance, alias White Canary, is Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen's twin sister. After high school, Sara used her powers and abilities to become a mercenary. While on a job she ran into Nyssa al'Ghul, second in line for the title of Demon Head. During their temporary team up, the two fell in love and got married. Sara now works as an assassin for the League of Assassins.
The Quiver Alliances
Jade Nguyen, alias Cheshire, is the wife of Roy Harper and the mother of Lian Harper. She works as a mercenary and assassin, known for her poisonous ways of getting the job done. While she is often away for work, she makes the time to see Lian. Later she retires and officially marries Roy while working as a toxicologist.
Artemis Crock, alias Tigress II, is the daughter of Lawrence 'Crusher' Crock (Sportsmaster) and Paula Brooks (Tigress I). She is a close friend of Jade Nguyen, and works as a mercenary while seeking vengeance on her father. She was a member of the recreation of the Injustice Society for a time, where she married fellow member Cameron Mahkent (Icicle II). The two have a daughter together named Isabelle Rose Mahkent.
Kyle Rayner, alias Torch Bearer, is an Honor Guard in the Green Lantern Corps and an intergalactic artist. He is the boyfriend of Conner Hawke and helps the Quiver from time to time.
Suzanne 'Cissie' Fite-Sandsmark, alias Arrowette, is the daughter of Bonnie King and Bernell Jones. She is a former vigilante and a former member of the first iteration of Young Justice. Despite this, she is willing to take up the mantle once more to protect Earth as a last resort call. She is married to Anita Fite and Cassie Sandsmark.
Shado Adachi is an assassin and the mother of Emiko Queen. She is a trained Bushido and Kyudo master, and lethal with a bow. She is a more ambiguous figure but deeply cares for her daughter.
Edward 'Eddie' Fyers is an ex-CIA, who now works as a mercenary and ally to the Quiver. He serves as a father figure to Conner Hawke.
The Quiver Notes
The Red Canary in comics is still shrouded in mystery, and while little bits of information have come out I am still not entirely convinced she won't be revealed as Sin (even if they have given her a name and brother). So for the time being, she won't be a part of the Quiver.
Sara Lance and Nyssa al'Ghul are characters from the CW shows, but they are cool so they get a spot here. The perks of not getting the rights to characters, but being allowed access to the powers and histories and making ocs I guess.
Before any of you come at me for the Conner Hawke x Kyle Rayner thing, DC has a really weird habit of aging down pre-existing characters to make them Damian's friends even though he has plenty of original character friends. It is very weird, so my version of Conner is his actual fucking age which is about Jason's generation. Plus, he and Conner have a comic history together.
On Earth-64, Roy Harper is Navajo.
Yes, I understand Lian has a lot of different codenames including her final one Red (Riding) Hood. As much as I think it is clever (Jade being the Big Bad Wolf, Roy being the Huntsman), I don't personally like it so it's different.
My version of Artemis Crock is very similar to her animated counterpart but falls more in line with her comic counterpart's story. So she is friends with Wally West and DIck Grayson, but is more of an informant for them than a team member or romantic interest.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
About Hoshiguma 1
@fumikomiyasaki - owns Flynn , Rubina and Nanoya
I’ve been Meaning to Address , How Hoshi sees things . As a Side effect of Lunatic Human State . Hoshi See’s Everyone as the default form they would take if Hoshi Opened his Eyes ,Activating his UM .
Some are more obvious like .. Nextunia going into HDD.
Then, You have Rubina whose lunatic human state dosent match at All with how she actually looks besides the Red hair . yea Obviously , it’s Inspired by the persona Robin Hood .. But Hoshi kinda doesn’t see her as a Genderbend version of Robin hood but like The Full on Muscular Persona with some tweaks , Hoshi assumed she was a he . Hoshi also Assumed Flynn just Rolled like that buff men in The ladies role Okay .
Flynn eventually corrected him after asking about the “ Armored Man with wings on his head .” Pointing straight at Rubina.
If your wondering , Yes , Hoshiguma sees Flynn as… Whatever Arsene is supposed to be ..I tend to call Arsene a Shadow Man .. Though Flynn Creeps closer to Looking like a Harpy . Nanoya is just a some Kind of weird Robot(I always though Izanagi was a Robot )
Yes , That does mean Hoshi is Living the Dreams of Everymonster fucker . But he doesn’t wish to be able to See people’s Outside without changing them .
The Default Form of some ones Lunatic human side can change over time, An example is Jade who looked simlar to Floyd’s but Because much more Shroomy as time went on .b
When Hoshiguma Reminds People that he was a Delinquent ,it’s almost more Of a Jump than a Smooth Transition , you have to make Hoshi really Mad to Make him want To should how Cruel he can be.
He’s also said to be really Scary when truly Pissed off almost like he’s different person,Shu’s Seen him Snap A few time and Shu says him being Passive aggressive is Worse
Hoshiguma and Shu has Hinted at what he looks like normally , He’s Fluffy like a teddy Bear, Looks like the Nightsky , He could be Mistaken for A Monsterblood
Hes shares the Mom friend Role with Shu
Flynn should invest in a Lint Roller or those little Lint vacuum maybe a Just kiss anything hope of having fur Free clothes or Furniture goodbye, Hoshi’s sheds a lot … like A cat unfortunately this doesn’t stop in human from as Bird boy will find his Hair somewhere.
Strange phenomenon happen all the time around Hosh making Hoshi appear Extremely lucky or Unlucky , stuff that has a low chance of Happening , Stuff that should be impossible And Stuff that can’t be Explained . It unknown why Shu said he’s been like that for years .
Hoshi been hit by Many Balls every sports ball at least once he’s even hit by a Kettle bell , It’s Running gag that he nonchalantly get up after being Knocked down , don’t worry Oni are. More Durable than people think
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gloryseized · 1 year
❝ a good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. each should have its own reward. ❞ / for akira
Meme Tag -- @foolshoujo
Akira stared down at his hands rather than looking up at the face of his new gym teacher. Much easier to stare moodily down at a cup of coffee than look up at her eyes, especially with the way her eyes sent electric shocks down his spine.
There was something about her. Something familiar and yet foreign. The voice of Arsene that had long gone silent in his mind as he mashed and combined him with other Personas over time rumbled something Akira couldn't make out. The first time he'd spoken in weeks, and that alone gave Akira pause. What did it mean that the Fool spoke up all of a sudden?
But what was it that they said? 'No good deed goes unpunished?' His lips curled together to hide the cynical smile. No, he needed to be the model student, the quiet, reformed delinquent. He couldn't show that side of him now.
"I've already been rewarded for the bad, I think," he said instead, shifting behind the counter to begin cleaning some of the dirty coffee cups. "And I've been very thankful that Boss has taken me in."
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