#danny x luke
trappednyourheart · 4 months
A spin of time (In the Multiverse) part 1
The infinite realms- A afterlife of the dead, a kingdom of the most powerful mortals, ghosts and forgotten gods live of time's home.
And this particular realm, fourteen year old boy Danny had created a paradox.
Creating different versions of himself existing in one plane, like literally
Well Danny didn't mean it to happen, summer vacation was literally boredom, Sam is out of Amity because of a distant family far away invited the Manson's out on a family reunion- even tucker's dad bought tickets to a competition or something so the whole family including tucker had to go.
So he's left alone in the house, only thing accompanying him is Cujo, which he was doing so hard to hide away from his parent's invention's.
The past 30 minutes was a blur, the only memory he could remember, was visiting Frostbite and enjoying the cold with Cujo playing fetch...
Now he's in a room with possibly his other alternative universe versions of himself, an adult version calling himself Red Hood (his name was Jason, so he won't mix up calling him Danny, unlike Dan)
The Second was some kind of camp counselor, maybe much older than Jay, he was blond, Danny never pictured himself Blond, well Dash kinda fitted the blond jock thing anyway, well his name was Luke castellan but there this weird vibes on him, but he was nice like an older brother he was a camp counselor for a camp name half blood?.
And the last was tall, black?or was it purple? And it can teleport to anything, sometimes like some kind of game character, it can pull a dirt and make it a block, and it doesn't like having eye contact ( well Danny respects it if this version of himself is uncomfortable) but clockwork said this version of himself or his kind was an Enderman, so Danny just calls him Ender.
Clockwork warn him about another batch of different versions of himself with kinds of personalities...and some might not be as kind as this three, so they had to act fast to fix this and put them back on there respectful places of the multiverse but for now, he's enjoying his vacation!( With a paradox)
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karmaspidr · 7 days
Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon
Fury: A new student will be joining you today. It's Wolverine's kid so be ready for anything.
Peter: Great, just what we need. A short, sweat-covered, hair-ridden, grouchy, no humour, blood smearing, can't shave, no bi-
Laura enters
Peter: ...beautiful, black hair, perfect form, red lipped, emerald eyed...
Sam: Oh no. Someone's in love.
Ava: 10 bucks she chops off his web shooter after the first sentence.
Luke: No way I'm taking that bet.
Danny: 100 bucks that they'll start dating before the month is over.
Ava: Oh, you're on!
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dailypowerfist · 5 months
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beelmons · 1 year
Let’s make it 1 million and one!
“I’ve never seen you act like that before…”
Love you bestie
cw: mention of guns, reader is hurt, a little dark
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"Lower it, Alvez." Spencer had to command once again "Now!" he urged once his initial instruction was ignored.
It was uncharacteristic of Spencer to get in between his teammates' field strategies, but once he saw you on the ground, puddle of blood beneath you, something took over him, something he couldn't stop.
"Alvez, you don't want to do this." the blond agent started his descalation protocol.
"The hell you know about what I want, Reid?" he almost growled.
He was bent over the body of a man the two of you were chasing, every vein on his arms and neck pulsating with rage as his gun was shoved half way through the suspect's mouth, breathing heavy, since he had visibly lost control.
The only reason he didn't shoot him right there, when he saw him on top of you, knife to your throat, was because there was a risk the bullet would ricochet on you, and the reason he didn't kill him the second he had him on the ground, was because Spencer had aimed his weapon at him.
"He's not the unsub, Emily confirmed the aliby." Spencer tried to reassure him.
"I don't care who the fuck he is, look at what he did." Luke clarified.
You could barely perceive the situation, the last thing you recall was your partner's voice asking for a medic on the radio, everything after that seemed blurry even when you hadn't lost consciousness.
The ruckus forced you to pay a closer attention, and your eyes finally focused on your infuriated friend next to you.
"Luke?" you said in almost a whisper.
The look he gave you at the sound of your voice was astonishing, and not in a good way, his nostrils were flared, jaw tight, and pupils dialated with fury. You couldn't flinch, but your breath hitched, and in your eyes he could see pure terror.
the pain he felt in his chest at that realization was too much to handle; he threw his weapon to the side to let Reid know he was no longer a threat, and in a swift move he rolled the suspect to cuff him.
Paramedics arrived shortly and your situation was assessed, you had lost blood, but nothing you couldn't recover from. Emily had put Alvez aside, giving him the usual 'the job does this to people' and 'you need some vacation' talk. Spencer remained by your side inside the ambulance until the paramedics told him you were ready to ride.
"Hold on, Reid, I'll ride with her." Luke trotted in the direction of the car.
"I don't think— " he began to say until you interrupted.
"It's okay, Spencer." you said before giving him a reassuring nod.
Luke jumped right onto the ambulance and sat next to you, his sight ashamedly placed someplace else.
"I'm sorry." he started, you saw his adam's apple blobble, almost as if he was trying to hold back tears.
"What for? Saving my life?" you asked almost mockingly, but when he didn't react, you continued "Don't be sorry for anything, Luke."
"That look on your face." he turned to face you "Like you were terrified of me. It pained me."
"I wasn't scared of you." you clarified "I was worried. I’ve never seen you act like that before."
"Well, you hadn't been in real danger before." he said, his demeanor still affected.
You reached, shakily and restricted by the IV, for his hands, and he hesitantly slip his into your palm.
"I'm okay now, because of you." you tried to ease his feelings. "Thank you."
He finally relaxed, and you could tell by the loud sigh that left his lips. A small smile drew on his face, and his digits gave you a light squeeze.
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fredandrieu · 21 days
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Encarts annonçant l'arrivée imminente dans Spirou de la Schtroumpfette
Spirou n° 1457, 17 mars 1966
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florianlaurila · 2 years
Daredevil ships but make it polyamorys
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do i think this would work out? absolutely not. is it fun to think about? yes.
(if you are curious i am a foggymatt and jennmatt type of guy myself)
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cyberspqced · 5 months
netflix’s defenders high school AU is coming so soon you guys 👁️ it’s more or less a breakdown of every possible dynamic / pairing in a high school setting but if enough people like it i’d be so game to specifically write fics while referencing lore.
i’ll say right now that matt foggy and karen DID become friends in a way similar to how they did in daredevil .. just without the dead man. i’ll also say underrated friendships like colleen and claire + colleen and jess have a lot of coverage because this fandom doesn’t talk about them enough. ironwing is also very canon ANDNANDAND kastle slowburn + frank and amy do in fact meet and maintain a similar bond:)
okay that’s all i’ll say for now. if you have any requests for duos you’d maybe wanna see featured, requests are so open.
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stuck-in-2012 · 1 year
Theres nothing wrong with you, its true, its true
“Hey, have you seen...” Peter trailed off as he looked around the room searching for the one missing face among his team.
“I thought they were with you?” Ava asked, watching Sam’s face slowly contort in worry, hand reaching out to his helmet, ready to zip away in a blur of blue light.
“Yeah… they were. I’m here for…” Peter pointed at Sam.
All eyes turned to Nova as he stood slowly, nerves getting the better of him. Something was wrong. Not ‘time to dive over the tricarrier and make a dash before they hit the ground below’ level wrong, but Webs’ brows were knit and he came looking for Sam specifically. That only happened when a special kind of TLC was needed. “Where?” Sam’s terse voice came out like a demand as he put his helmet on.
“The usual”. Peter hadn’t gotten three syllables before Sam was gone down the hall.
“So what happened?” Ava asked as Spidey sat down.
“Fell into the wrong corner of the internet.” At Danny’s confused look Peter went on. “ ‘Phobes, “that doesn’t exist”, just crummy people being crummy people.”
Iron First nodded and frowned at the hall sympathetically.
 Nova stopped outside the locked door. “Babe? It’s Sammy, can I…” He paused, not so much waiting for a response but listening for… The door panel light changed to green indicating it was open from the inside. As Nova opened the door, light flooded the room. …’sign 1: sitting in the dark’. “Oh, honey…”
He took his helmet off and sat nearly flush on the bed. Sam held his arms open slightly. Not a demand, just an offer. A welcome one at that, tangled hair got pressed into the side of his face as he was pulled close. Sam could admit he wasn’t the best at comforting and worse at offering affirmation but thankfully he was dating someone that gave really good preemptive instructions for how to help and what to do when/if they get like… this.
“Mm?” Sam prompted, nuzzling.
“Mm-mm.” Well, alright then… ‘sign 2: not having emotional energy to communicate verbally’.
“Do you…” before Sam could offer things he knew they liked they started to cry. “Yay, there you go I gotchu…”
“It… it sucks!” they clutched onto the gold straps of his suit as shaky breaths turned into earnest sobs. “Just, sucks.”
Gentle pets and tight hugs, helped the tension ease and the tears flow. Letting it out always was the best thing for them. Sam took a deep breath -one they mimicked trying to calm down. “No, no no, let it out, gumball, let it out”- hearing them sob like this was always contagious, making his eyes water. Sam reached for their phone, their ears must be ringing like sirens in the silence... ah, yup. A familiar icon; four houses: three blank, one with colorful stripes.
<<   ►   >>
<<    ||   >>
As the emotional chords and lyrics filled the small space as did more tears and sobs. Sam held the shaking body close as the song looped again and again. When the first yawn broke through he knew they’d feel better soon. They tugged at the strap they still held getting Nova’s attention. When he looked down they pressed the tips of their fingers to their chin and pulled a flat hand away from their face.
“Don’t thank me, baby. You don’t have to thank me. I love you, I’ll always be here when the world sucks.” That got a little giggle, before the sobs came back and they latched on like a vice. A few tears slipped down his own face. He couldn’t help it, as much as he’d like to be a calm and collected comfort watching the dysphoria hit always broke his heart to see.
“Ooh! Hol’ on a sec.” They let go and scrubbed their face as their boyfriend searched through their regular day bag. “Ah ha!” he sat down just as they tossed away a soiled tissue. “Bam. Passport and driver’s license are next.” Sam set a small card in their hand. They looked at the piece of plastic and smiled before clutching it to their chest. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. was the only official document they had that had the correct name on it. It was useless everywhere else but still made them happy to have.
“I love you, Sammy.”
“I love you, too, handsome.”
A pause. “Promise?”
“Yeah. The real you.” His statement accentuated by running his fingers over the bump of each scar on their chest. “We can talk to Connors about bottom and T. tomorrow if you feel like it then?”
They nodded and presses kisses to his shoulder as they pulled him to sit in their lap, tangling themselves together snug. More tears flowed, again and again as they curled tight. After what felt like could be an hour a knock tapped at the door. They nodded into the boy clutched in their arms prompting Sam to hold them tighter and turn to the door, “It’s open.”
The team peered in with matching sorrowful expressions. Sam may be the one actively in a relationship but all five of the team had grown to need the young agent. Danny held out bottle. Sam looked down. “Do you think you could try and drink some water, love?”
They sniffled and sat up eagerly, nodding and pulling stray hairs off their wet face. Danny smiled at their immediate interest in hydration. Sam pressed a kiss to their temple after they swiftly downed 3/5 of the liquid. When they yawned for the n’th time Ava ushered the others to leave and let the couple be.
“What’s up?” Peter asked from the doorway.
They pointed to Sam, then to the team, then snuggled back into their boyfriend. Surly they weren’t asking for Sam to leave (they didn’t do it like that). At Peter’s confused face Sam spoke to his partner loud enough for the others to hear the message being translated to them, “they’ll grab me if Nova’s needed.”
“Nah, dude stay, we go-” Sam cut Luke off with a shake of his head and continued quieter, “they’ll spiral if they think they’re keeping me from something.” The taller boy nodded as the four heroes bid the two goodnight and closed the door.
“Think you could sleep?”
The start of a nod before a shrug.
“Wanna try?”
Soft nodding.
“Okay,” Sam sighed as he spoke and laid down. He felt the familiar weight and warmth as they curled around him and pressed a few gentle kisses to the back of his neck.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
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This book has no right to be this funny.
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malice-kingdom · 1 year
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Working through my WIP files, so here’s the annual Lukedanny art I originally planned for Valentine’s Day :)
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ao3sdaredevil · 1 year
“No, kid. He’s not a safe person for you to be around.”
“But Tony—“
“No, Peter,” Tony replies more firmly, turning to look straight at him. “That’s final. Daredevil isn’t a good influence, and he isn’t safe for you to be around. Maybe someday I’ll reconsider, but for now the answer’s a hard no.”
Peter gives him those adorable, sweet puppy eyes and Tony has to turn away so that he doesn’t just immediately give in and tell the kid that he can hang out with Daredevil whenever he wants and also have his own left kidney.
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dailypowerfist · 7 months
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
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season 2b - what a time
tags: @ironprincessstranger @americaarse @dusstory @johnmurphys-sass @astrobees @mayasaurus--rex // one // three // masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 4,608
Summary: Peace didn’t last long as an odd case lures Matt back in. Following right behind him as always, Y/N ends up drawn in as well. But who are they really up against?
The next morning, Matt was up before you as usual. You were still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you left the bedroom, only to find him throwing the med kit across the room.
“Goddammit.” He mumbled. “Goddammit!”
“It was one time.” You reasoned as you stepped closer and put your hands on his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles relax slightly. “Neither of us were gonna let those kids get hurt.”
“Y/N, we weren’t supposed to do it again.” He sighed, straightening up and trying to push past you. “We’re not them anymore!”
“Hey.” You stepped in front of him and put hands on his chest to stop him, which earned you a slight glare of annoyance. “Don’t do that, alright? I don’t regret what we did last night. Neither should you.”
“We stopped for a reason.”
“But we can’t stop being who we are. What we did as Exodus and Daredevil got Fisk. What I did as Y/N almost had Frank off the hook and what you’ve been doing as Matt is helping people like Aaron James.”
“You’ve been waiting for an excuse, haven’t you?” He scoffed and raised his brows expectantly.
“First of all, I don’t need an excuse. If I want to put my mask on again, I can. And I don’t need your permission.” You answered firmly. “Second, you were the one that dragged me into that alley fight. You didn’t hesitate. Not once.”
He scoffed slightly.
“Matt, those kids needed help! No one else was around. If we hadn’t stepped in, they would’ve been shot dead in that alley over a stupid TV. We saved them, alright? It was a good thing we did.”
“We weren’t supposed to do this.” He sighed and leaned his forehead down to rest on yours.
“I know…” Your eyes closed as you answered gently, taking in some of his warm stress and anger. “But it was just this one time. Just once.”
“Just once.”
“As long as the suits stay locked away, we didn’t break any promises, okay?”
“Okay.” He smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“For what? Not letting you make a big deal over a couple punches?” You joked and wrapped your arms over his shoulders.
“For being there.” He clarified with a chuckle as he rested his hands on your arms, turning his head to leave a soft kiss against the crook of your elbow. “Last night and right now.. I don’t know what I'd do without you.”
“Probably something stupid.” You grinned and he laughed. “It's your usual go to.”
“Hilarious.” He smiled as his phone announced Foggy was calling.
You two met Foggy down at Josie’s and for a few minutes, it almost felt like old times. You three chatted about life and were catching up when Foggy made a comment on Matt’s knuckles. You had left your own to heal naturally, but made sure to keep them out of sight since Foggy didn’t know your own secret.
“That why you called? To see if I’d done anything stupid?” Matt commented as he stood and put his jacket on to leave.
“Sit down.” You sighed and tugged his hand, to which he pulled away roughly.
“It’s not stupid. I know you’re trying.” Foggy tried, though Matt didn’t care.
“Earth shook, Foggy. Cops weren’t coming.”
As Matt tried to walk past, you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. He sighed loudly but you grabbed his arm tighter and pushed a heat of anger the hand you had on his sleeve until he made a noise of discomfort. You cleared your throat as you glared at him and he huffed before settling next to you.
“He didn’t do anything.” You explained, lying through your teeth. “Last night, before all of that, I took him to Fogwell’s. I kept instigating him and we took it too far.” You showed Foggy the back of your own hands.
Your friend sighed as he looked at your knuckles. He turned back to your face and you could see the uncertainty in his eyes but you put on your most convincing face.
“Whatever you’re doing, I’m not gonna judge.” He said finally.
“Excuse me?” You said with wide eyes when you realized it didn’t work and Matt chuckled beside you as he threw an arm over your shoulder.
Usually you were a great liar, even when you told shitty ones.
“But I think I can help you guys through it. I came to offer you two something. These are some case files for stuff that I’m too busy to handle right now.” Foggy explained as he pulled a small stack of folders from his bag.
“Mr. Big Time doesn’t have for the little guy anymore?” You teased gently.
“C’mon, I don’t need your charity.” Matt groaned and you elbowed him slightly.
“This isn’t that! I’m outsourcing to two of the best lawyers I know.”
“Fog, I don’t do lawyer stuff anymore.” You said simply as you flipped through the files.
“You were one of the smartest people in our class but you expect me to believe that you just gave it up to work for a security company?” He teased. “Not even the FBI. But a security company. I don’t buy it, Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, well you don’t have to.. You outsourcing the kind of stuff he’s doing anyway?” You nodded to Matt.
“Yeah, it ranges from petty bullshit to life-changing kind of important. There’s malpractice, worker’s comp. Y’know, good people that need justice.”
“It’ll keep you busy.” You tilted your head back to look at Matt. “And you’d still be a hero. Just a different kind.”
He scoffed lightly and you could see he wanted to comment on your use of that word, but he said nothing since Foggy was there.
“I know it’s not a solution, not long term anyway.” Foggy continued as Matt came and sat back in his seat. You leaned your chin on his shoulder and snaked your arm around his. “But it’s the best I got right now.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” Matt asked genuinely.
“Then at least we tried… And maybe we can get Y/N back in the game.”
You and Matt laughed and it really felt like old times then.
You three stayed a while longer, talking and drinking and laughing. It wasn’t until Foggy got called back for work that you all separated.
“What’s bothering you?” Matt asked as you two walked the streets back to your apartment, his arm over your shoulders and the other guiding his cane across the sidewalk while your arms hugged the files to your chest.
“Huh?” Your head snapped up from the sidewalk and he chuckled softly.
“What’s wrong?” He repeated with a gentle smile. “You’ve been quiet since we left Josie’s.”
“I’m a pretty good liar, right?” Your brows furrowed and it made him laugh again. “I’m serious!”
“You are. You’re a good liar, yeah.” He laughed and you smacked his chest. “You don’t really have a tell so I can’t tell the difference most of the time.”
“Then why didn’t Foggy believe me?��
“You probably just used your abilities more subconsciously than you realized so now it’s a little different.”
You frowned slightly with a small huff.
“Don’t give me that face.” He sighed and using the hand that was over your shoulders, he gave your face a gentle squeeze. “It’s not a big deal, sweetheart. He’s not gonna figure anything out.”
“It’s not that. If he figures it out, he figures it out. I’m not worried about that. I just… Nevermind.”
“No. Don’t do that… Talk to me, c’mon.”
“You wouldn’t get it, Matt, alright? Can we drop it?”
“Hey.” He sighed and pulled you to stop. “I’m listening, okay? Why is it so important that you can lie?”
He spoke so softly, so genuinely, that you found it hard to tell him no.
“I’ve been lying my whole life, right? To everyone. It’s how I survived.” You explained carefully and Matt nodded along. “But a lot of girls I knew didn’t because they couldn’t lie.”
“You think something’s gonna happen?”
“I wouldn’t exactly be surprised… We have terrible luck.”
“Yeah, we do.” He chuckled slightly before replacing his arm, pulling you to walk with him. “Anything that comes for you comes for me too, okay? You’re not alone anymore. Even if you can’t lie your way out of it, which you know you can, I’m not leaving you to deal with anything by yourself.”
“I won’t let my problems take you down.”
“You’re gonna have to kill me to stop me.”
“You forget that I’ve almost done it before.”
“I knew you weren’t gonna.” He said proudly.
“The whole time you were just calling my bluff?” Your jaw dropped.
“Even when you swore you were cold and ruthless, I knew you had a heart.” He teased and you smacked his chest, which got him to laugh. “Yeah, love you too, Y/N.”
You got the call from Foggy just as you two were hitting your apartment building. He told you he’d buy you lunch for a week if you and Matt went to talk to someone who he swore ‘could use the two best lawyers he knew’. Reluctantly, you agreed so you led Matt to the precinct so you could meet with her.
“Please stop talking.” You announced as you and Matt entered the small room. “Jessica Jones, we’re your attorneys. Detective, please leave us to confer with our client.”
The detective huffed slightly before pushing past and out of the room, leaving you and Matt with Jessica.
There was an annoyance radiating off her that she wasn’t trying to hide. But there was also impatience, maybe a bit of fear. Whatever happened, she had no idea why and who did it and maybe that uncertainty was what scared her.
“You two public defenders?” She asked as you two took your seats across from her.
“Hardly.” You snorted. “We were recommended by a friend that works with-“
“Let me guess. Jeri Hogarth.” She rolled her eyes.
“Right.” Matt nodded.
“I didn’t know she did diversity hires.”
“We’re independent, actually. We don’t work for her firm.”
“Well I’m not paying you.”
“Can’t imagine you could.” You commented, earning a grind of her teeth and a glare that made you smirk. “Considering Alias Investigations has stuck its head in the sand after your riveting appearance in headlines across New York.”
“What the hell did you just say?”
“Oh, I think you heard me, Ms. Jones..”
“What my partner means.” Matt said firmly so you let out a loud sigh and leaned back in your chair. “Is you don’t have to.”
“Why? Hogarth will foot the bill?”
“Yeah. And I’m Catholic. I have a soft spot for hopeless causes.” He joked which made you chuckle softly.
“Explains her.” She nodded to you.
“I’m not the prime suspect in a murder case, am I?” You answered with a tight smile.
“Ms. Jones, may I ask how long you’ve been a PI?” Matt tried to change the subject.
“Are you always this rude to people trying to help you?” Your brows raised.
“I think I’m gonna find my own lawyer. Thanks.”
“Okay.” Matt nodded and closed his folder. “But in reality, you don’t need one. The NYPD doesn’t have anything to hold you on, despite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“So I can walk?”
“Your home office is still an active crime scene and you’ll need to be available for follow-up questioning.”
“So don’t leave town. Yeah, I know the drill.” She cut in and it was your turn to grind your teeth.
“She cuts me off again, I'm punching her in the mouth.” You mumbled under your breath, earning yourself a discreet kick under the table from Matt.
“We read your file. We know who you are, what you can do.” Matt told her, leaning in to speak quieter. “Legally, yknow, if there’s something not ordinary about this case, it would stay between us.”
“What part of ‘I know the drill’ did you not understand?”
“I know you’re pissed off, Jessica.” You said finally.
“Nothing happened.”
“I know you’re a little bit scared because you don’t know why whatever happened in your apartment happened. You’re annoyed that we’re here. And there’s something that you’re very interested in but refuse to say. But I'm telling you, in more ways than one, we are the best allies you could have for whatever angle you’ve got.”
“Nothing. Happened.”
“Then I guess you’re free to go.” You shrugged before she stormed out of the room, practically leaving a trail of angry smoke behind.
“That could’ve gone better.” You mumbled as you and Matt were leaving. “Foggy’s gonna owe me more than a week's worth of lunch for that.”
“She knows something.” Matt explained after a minute of silence, clearly listening to something.
“Who cares?” You shrugged. “She doesn’t want to talk. Let her be the cops’ problem.”
“Whatever this is, I don’t think the cops can handle it.”
“Matt, don’t. You go down that road again and it’s gonna go bad somewhere along the way.”
“I just think-“
“We agreed we were done. We slipped up the other night, but those kids needed us. We dealt with that and you had an entire moment of crisis about it. Jessica Jones is a grown woman who can clearly defend herself and doesn’t need or even want us around. Let it go.”
“Then why'd you read her like that? If you didn’t want to get involved with anything outside the case, why read her?”
“It was practically plastered on her forehead.” You reasoned, though you were a bit curious as to what really happened. “Matty, if she wanted our help, I’d say we look into it a little bit more. But she doesn’t. So let’s not”
“If you didn’t pick a fight with her as soon as we walked in, maybe-“
“Nuh-uh!” You cut in. “She was closed off and irritated before we even walked in. Don’t blame me because she’s a grouch.”
“You didn’t help it by instigating.”
“Does it really matter? We both have work tomorrow anyways so let’s just give it a rest. At least for tonight. Please.”
The next day, you and Matt were getting ready for work.
“Did you want me to bring lunch by today?” You asked as you were tying his tie. “I’m only supposed to be running a couple short training groups today, so I’m pretty sure Billy won’t care if I leave early.”
“Uh, maybe. Depends how long this client meeting takes.” He answered, though there was something underlying in his voice.
You hummed slightly and tightened the knot a bit harder than you needed to, earning a small groan from him.
“This isn’t about Jessica Jones again, is it?”
“Y/N..” He tried.
“Nope. I’m not doing this.” You shook your head and put your hands up in surrender as you headed to the bedroom for your shoes. “I don’t want to be involved in whatever Jessica is dealing with.”
“There’s something else going on. If I can find out what it is…”
“Now who wants an excuse for that suit, hmm?” You said as you passed him. “I’ll see you after work then.”
You tried to get through your day as normal as possible. You met with Billy first to get the day’s schedule as usual, but as he explained what the groups were and what the exercises were going to be, your focus drifted elsewhere. You were worried Matt’s newest obsession with whatever Jessica Jones was involved in was going to suck him and you back into the life you left behind.
The life you both locked in a case and weren’t supposed to touch again.
But still, there was that part of you that was itching for something to fight for. Something bigger than training Anvil’s new hires. Something that put your training to good use. And that part kept screaming that whatever was happening now was connected to that lingering darkness that hit you like a truck only a handful of weeks prior.
Work went by in a blur. When you were giving Billy the rundown of how everything went, you were seventy percent sure you were making it up. You couldn’t remember how anything went. Your mind was definitely elsewhere.
“You sure you’re alright?” Billy insisted gently. “Wanna grab a drink? Might take your mind off it.”
“Sorry, I’m- Yeah, everything’s fine. Just a weird day, I guess… Rain check on that drink though. I should just get home, see if Matt’s back yet.”
“Y’know, when are you gonna let me meet this Matt you keep talking about?”
“No, I don’t think he’d like you very much.”
“What?” He laughed slightly. “Don’t think I’m charming enough?”
“Too charming, actually.” You smiled with a small shrug. “He might think you’ve been trying to make a move on me this whole time.”
“I see.. That obvious, huh?”
“Yeah, my blind boyfriend could put it together.” You laughed. “See you tomorrow.”
When you got home, you found the doorknob was slightly oily, like someone with a wet or clammy hand opened it. Your fingers slipped into your bag and pulled your switchblade. As you crept through the doorway, you turned the notch and opened the blade.
“Put that little thing away.” A familiar voice called from the living room. “You wouldn’t stab an amputee, would you?”
“I used to beat the shit out of a blind guy for kicks. I’m not really the one with any moral high ground.” You sighed and dropped your stuff on the table. “You’re missing a hand.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“What do you want, Stick?”
“Matty’s gotten himself in deep shit. They need our help.”
“Sorry. They?” You went to pull a beer from the fridge. “Beer?”
“Just come with me. And bring those little buzzers of yours.”
You sighed as you popped the cap off your drink.
“We told our friends we wouldn’t do that anymore.” You said honestly.
“Well if you don’t, all of New York is gonna pay. You think that ‘quake’ was an accident?”
“Are people gonna die if we sit this out?” You asked carefully.
You should say no. You knew it. You knew you should tell Stick to get out, to call someone else. You were supposed to live a normal life.
But Exodus was normal for you.
“Listen close, girl. People are already dying because of this.” He answered flatly. “You can either get off your ass and try to stop it. Or you sit there and let it happen.”
“I hate you.” You groaned and slammed your bottle down. “You’re bringing me because I won’t hesitate to pull a trigger, huh?”
“These people won’t stop. You know that.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Hand.”
“What?” Your body went cold with the memory of Elektra dying at your feet.
“I’ll tell you more on the way.”
You pushed past him and went to the door that hid your suits, trying to clear the red tint that was clouding your vision. All logic went out the window when Stick told
you who you would be up against and all you could think was revenge. Wiping them out completely, though it wouldn’t bring Elektra back. But it might make you feel better, like there wasn’t something unfinished.
You slid Matt’s case aside - deciding you weren’t going to make the decision of his suit for him - and opened your own, seeing your suit staring back at you for the first time in months since you washed the blood out of it. The first thing you grabbed were your Bites, setting them in your lap before you pulled your top.
Then your mask slipped from the fabric and landed in your lap as you were tucking a gun to your waistband.
You thought about leaving it. You wouldn’t need it anyway. You didn’t need to hide this time.
But it had very helpful features…
You shoved it in your pocket and threw your top on before slipping a knife under the cuff. You grabbed your Bites and kicked the case back into the closet. You slammed the lock shut and turned to face the old man.
“Can you promise me one thing?” You asked.
“We don’t have time for this.”
“Just- Stick, c’mon. Please.”
He groaned but turned to you expectantly.
���If it gets to a situation where it’s me or Matt. I need you to make sure he gets through it.”
“Kid, you know it’s gonna kill him if something happens to you.”
“I know you care about him in whatever way.” You continued and gestured for Stick to lead the way. “I just need to know you’ll look out for him first, no matter what happens to me or anyone else.”
He sighed heavily as you two left your apartment.
“I’ll do what I can to make sure Matty gets through this.”
“Thank you.”
“But don’t try to get yourself killed. He doesn’t need both of the women he’s loved dying in front of him.”
You had no idea where you were going or what the hell Matt got himself into. But the second you had a minute to get him alone, you were going to tear into him. For running towards something you told him to leave alone. For doing it without you. For not trying to call or get a hold of you.
Despite that, every step you took behind Stick felt like something digging into your chest. There was something you were walking into, something other than another fight against the Hand. It was easy to tell, especially since you could feel a growing tension among a small group - maybe four people.
And there was something important Stick wasn’t telling you.
Stick told you to go in first and diffuse the situation while he kept a lookout. He said you’d need everyone to win this fight and you were the ‘most qualified’ to get everyone on the same page, meaning he wanted you to use your powers and calm everyone down. You let out a deep breath before going in.
You snuck in through the back door of the restaurant after fitting your Bites to your wrists. You hung your mask off your neck and folded your hands behind your back as you made your way into the main room.
“You wanna take your hand off my shoulder?” Matt said tightly.
“Take off the mask.”
You surveyed the group quickly.
Jessica Jones. A scrawny white boy, radiating a false sense of bravado and confidence. A taller, broad shouldered man who you vaguely recognized from a story in Harlem. And Matt.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Jessica groaned when she made eye contact with you.
“Thanks for the invite.” You smiled, earning quick head turns from the other two men. “Get your hand off him.”
“Or what?” His brows raised. Getting a better look at him, you knew why he stood out for you.
Unbreakable skin.
“Or you’re not going to like what I do next.”
“Try me.”
“I can be very resourceful.” You said carefully as the other man stood, still chewing a mouthful of food though he put his hands out as if he was going to say something to you.
“Sit down.” You said firmly and pointed to his seat. He sat almost instantly with wide eyes.
“Counselors. A word?” She asked with a short eye roll.
You moved around the table and Jessica followed, though you made a point to step between Matt and the other man to shove his hand off and offer a warning glare.
“How did you find us?” Matt asked as you two stepped to the side with Jessica.
You thought about the old man you left outside but decided against mentioning him.
“You’re not exactly hard for me to find.” You said instead. “What did you get yourself into?”
“It’s the Hand.” He sighed heavily and reached for your arm, pausing when he felt the protective material. “What? You just came ready to fight?”
“Considering you were supposed to be home already, I had a feeling you got yourself into something stupid.”
“Y/N, we can’t do this again.”
“They don’t stand a chance without us.” You said honestly. “We’ve gone against them before. I think our friends would understand.”
“So it is you two.” Jessica said simply, a proud smirk on her face. “I know who you guys are.”
“What?” Your brows furrowed.
“Exodus.” She used a finger to tug your mask slightly, earning an annoyed smack of her hand. “And the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.”
“Whatever you’re insinuating about us-“
“I’m not an idiot, alright? I can put two and two together. Besides, you leaping around the city like a Russian gymnast didn’t exactly help.”
“You did what?” You turned towards Matt. “You’re gonna tell me you didn’t know she was tailing you?”
“You don’t have any proof.” Matt said instead.
“I did.”
“What?” Your brows raised.
“He smashed it.”
“Ты, должно быть, шутишь.” You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. (You’ve gotta be kidding me.)
“Listen, I’m not threatening either of you. But they saw him fight, how he’s covering his face. They’re two seconds away from putting it together.”
“You really think they’re that perceptive?” You looked to the two men, one stuffing his face and the other just watching with gross interest.
“At least one of ‘em.” She nodded. “I want zero to do with this ancient organization, alright? I just want to crack my case… Judging by the way you’re dressed-“ She gestured to your mask. “-and the way you sprang into action, I’d say you two want the same thing.”
Jessica stepped back to the group while you waited with Matt for a second, feeling his hesitation grow.
“I’m with you, whatever you wanna do.” You offered, reaching for his hand. He wrapped his fingers around yours but you felt him graze the gauntlets on your wrists. “But I know they need us.”
“You want to do this, don’t you?” He asked gently.
“I’m not gonna lie to you. I still hate the Hand, with everything I have in me. I want to put a bullet in each and every one of them. I want revenge, Matt. But it’s more than that.”
“What happened? Did they come after you?”
“No, I just… I felt something, someone a couple months ago. You remember when I got kinda weird and quiet? And then earlier today, something just didn’t feel right… I can’t ignore the feeling they’re connected.”
He sighed but nodded, pulling the scarf off. You shook your hand free from his and gently placed it on his cheek and he closed his eyes as he leaned into your touch. His hands slid under the fabric of your open top and rested against your lower back while he leaned down and kissed your cheek. Gently, he pressed against you and brought you two back over to the group.
“My name is Matthew.” He said simply as he handed Jessica back her scarf.
You glanced around the group, taking in the expectant stares. You sighed to yourself as your brain habitually was shoving ‘Exodus’ to the forefront. Out of instinct, you knew you didn’t owe these people the truth. You could make up any name you wanted. You could be anyone you wanted to be. But realistically, you knew you didn’t need to be anyone other than yourself. Your fight wasn’t for anyone other than yourself.
“Y/N.” You said finally.
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ztu2455 · 1 day
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danny needs to learn phrasing jesus christ
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burningfudge · 1 year
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lmao 💀💀💀
Alias (2001) #16
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okimargarvez · 2 years
Garvez vs Jordan & Perez (TGD)
I don't know who watch both Criminal Minds and The Good Doctor, anyway, I do, and in the last season of TGD there is a new character, Dr Daniel (Danny) Perez. And I noticed, since first episode with him, that he has a "garvez shades" with another doctor, Jordan Allen.
Here the common points:
-let's start with the obvious. Luke and Danny have Latin background (and lastname). Penelope and Jordan are curvy women, and Luke and Danny are clearly attracted by them also physically.
-both Penelope/Luke and Jordan/Danny flirt during work, and especially since the first moment. Penelope and Jordan denied it.
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-both Luke/Pen and Jordan/Danny disagree a lot and arguing. After years for garvez and months for the other two, they still have sometimes this kind of enemies moments. And they are both meant to be. From enemies to lovers.
-both Penelope and Jordan thought that Luke and Danny were player type. For Penelope it was just her mind, because she probably considered his appearance, plus he told her his girl (Roxy) adores him. For Jordan it was because Danny is super kind with everyone, but especially with nurse. Luke told Penelope he knew she thought he was a macho and wanted to not like him.
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-both Luke and Danny are the loner guy. Luke told Matt, after his date with Lisa. Danny told chief Lim (and Jordan, who was there) that he spent summer alone very often.
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-both Penelope and Jordan made up original nicknames for Luke and Danny (Pen loved especially Newbie, while is Asher, Jordan' best friend, who called Danny and Danica, the new residents, Newbies)
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-both Luke and Danny expressed more than once their admiration for Penelope and Jordan ability, with also faces that aren't just like a normal coworker would do.
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-both Luke and Danny know Pen and Jordan tastes very well. And they offer them drinks or food.
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-both Danny and Luke are gentelman, always thinking how to help/make them feel more comfortable.
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-They work well together.
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-they trust each other and talk about heavy and personal stuff, like Penelope stalker or Danny addiction.
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Similar scenes:
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-ask date
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-friends moment
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-Always there for each other.
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-Penelope and Luke for a while usually meet at the elevator. Jordan and Danny place, instead, is at the lockers.
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-Danny almost kissed Jordan once and then, he did. Penelope and Luke just shared two kisses on the cheek.
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-Danny clearly said he liked Jordan and she too.
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-Penelope and Luke hug three times, while Jordan and Danny never (for now).
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-Penelope and Luke went out for their date (just once), while Jordan and Danny never, because he relapsed. But he felt regret for it and told her he would have liked to make a different choice.
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-Another big difference is the time. Penelope and Luke met 7 years ago and he asked her out after 4 years, while Danny asked Jordan out after few months and tried to kiss her after even less time.
Anyway, I made this comparison because I think that the common points are a good sign for garvez to happen.
All my ramblings
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