#damon 'killing them is the only option' salvatore
cin3mas · 1 year
how do you want to go about this ? / damon
↪ 𝑩𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑪𝑯 prompt meme. / @salvatoraes , stefan salvatore &. damon salvatore.
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is he seriously asking him that question ? it wasn't something new to him. his brother asking him how he would go about this situation. though, he has to admit that sometimes, ( rarely ), he wants to show mercy on people and let others decides, today, he has other plans. thinking about torturous things that he could do, he looked up at his little brother while hissing.
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" i don't think you're gonna like the plan i have but, why not killing them ? it's not like people will miss them. they are ... useless ? fearless, they are, but you all should tell me one word and the little incoveniance that we have on our hands would like ... poof. dissapearing. "
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splatooshy · 10 months
i have a confession
i don’t actually like damon salvatore (the vampire diaries)
there. i said it.
it’s true — his character had no development outside of loving a girl (who he is completely incompatible with) and everything interesting about him was ruined by delena or the plot in an attempt to make him ‘redeemable’.
after s3 (and even during s2&3) he was totally out of character. (the whole show, actually. was he ever in character??) he didn’t make any sense, and julie only ever utilised him as the ‘reformed bad guy’, and went about it in the worst possible ways.
“but you’re always writing and posting about damon??” you ask.
and that’s the thing.
MY damon salvatore is one invented in my head.
MY damon salvatore is a slutty little italian who was considered ‘evil’ and ‘wicked’ long before he turned - for reasons that never really made sense to him. every new ‘big bad’ that comes around - damon’s probably slept with them. or their sibling/s. or both.
MY damon salvatore doesn’t want to be considered ‘good’, because he refuses to live up to the expectations of people who want to fix him, change him, turn him into something he’s not, and doesn’t even want to be. he could never quite fit the mould, no matter how hard he tried, and eventually, he created his own.
MY damon salvatore doesn’t consider ‘stefan is so much better than you’ to be the massive insult it’s intended to be. he knows stefan’s better. he made sure of it. really, it’s a compliment to his parenting skills.
MY damon salvatore has been torn down since long before he’d ever begun to rise. he’s not fussed when told he’s a monster, he’s evil, he deserves to rot in hell because he’s not worth the effort — because none of that’s new to him. nobody hates damon salvatore more than he hates himself. he shouldn’t have to broadcast that. — he went through transition only a month after he deserted the army. all of that trauma - the shell-shock, the horrors - was heightened. and yet, he learned control, and tried to make a life for himself and katherine.
he’s a monster for killing people, and feeding, when some of which deserved it? funny, because he’s still considered to be a hero for fighting on the wrong side of a war he never believed in.
naturally, he has to be a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities, because he refuses to bow down and roll over for the lives of humans. why should he? all they’ve ever done is shoot him down. he’s seen the atrocities man is capable of. knew it years before he turned. humans can be just as monstrous - if not worse! - as vampires, but their lives are automatically worth more, because they’re human.
MY damon salvatore loves being a vampire. it gives him a purpose; options he never would have had, strength, speed, power. he can live.
MY damon salvatore does not exist during tvd canon. maybe at times, during flashbacks or whatever, but he is NOT the kind of guy to give up everything just for a girl… again.
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sometimes when i read things and it’s damon/delena bashing i have to sit there for a moment before i remember that MY damon salvatore is even more fictional than YOUR damon salvatore
xoxo, splatooshy.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 month
Hi! I just like binge read all of your tvd post and I adore them, I feel like you talk about the Mikaelson the way I feel about them, like I love the characters but they ARE awful and it causes this very push and pull with the way I view them and I'm ngl the fandom doesn't help when I'm trying to acknowledge the pit falls of the characters. that and I can't articulate the way I view characters well and I just really appreciate how multi dimensionally you view them because it really refreshing to see some one put it into words in a way I can't.
I don't know if this is the kind of thing you do or anything but I was wondering if I could ask you your opinion on Kai Parker? I feel like I view him the way I do Klaus and kol in sense. Like obviously he's a bad person but I feel like the level of fucked up he is and why hes that level of fucked up makes him a really interesting and enjoyable character for me, and it's kinda hard for me to say this because I Adore Bonnie Bennett. I personally don't believe liking one character cancels out the liking another but seeing how the fandom acts about it especially how many people will stand by Kia entirely and make Bonnie out to be this monster (because they're racist weirdos point blank.) makes it harder for me to feel comfortable voicing my intrestest in him as a character. Now I do think a lot of factors played into Kai becoming who he is and I can understand why people would empathize with him but I don't think it justifys how weird they are to Bonnie, yk? Idk this wasn't about Bonnie I got carried away but yeah I'd love your option about Kia Parker if you have one. I also understand entirely if you don't like him obviously everyone's entitled to there opinion and he did kill his siblings and stuff, but I'd love to hear your opinion on him regardless if your interested,that is. have a good day/night :)
Hello, love! I'm really glad you do, and I definitely agree. This fandom is very, very strict in which characters you can like and which ones you cannot. It's exhausting, to be honest.
I definitely like Kai, he was the only thing that kept my attention glued to the screen after the Originals left and he made the plot more entertaining. He was funny, downright evil and enjoyable to watch, but he was, at least for me, a very obvious mix between all the main villains/antagonists (Klaus, Damon, Kol, Katherine), and the writers clearly intended for their audience to see him as irredeemable, and this is of course tied to the fact there were no available white women to beacon him into "becoming a better person". Bonnie was around, but for obvious reasons she could never be that woman, though the writers certainly played around bonkai, having Kai have a clear interest in her even after she wasn't the key to make him escape his prison world.
I definitely think Kai had a rough childhood and did not deserve to be isolated, though that obviously doesn't excuse what he did to his siblings, but that's what makes him a good character in my eyes. He was a good antagonist but an awful evil person, the circumstances surrounding why he became that person are tragic and sad, and that's okay, because that's in my opinion exactly what a character like Kai should be. And no, that doesn't excuse what he did to his family either, before anyone thinks that's what I was implying.
Though I do not understand why Kai gets so much hate over the whole "killing children" as if the Mikaelson or the Salvatore had gone through centuries of their lives without harming a single child (Klaus ordered to have his unborn daughter killed, for god's sake), and it's really funny how bonkai is portrayed as this top awful abusive couple when every single ship in tvd is. I definitely get the appeal of Bonnie and Kai, the only thing that prevents me from shipping them is the fact she nearly killed herself because of him, there are a few lines I won't cross when it comes to shipping, sa/rape and suicide are on that list, but people need to stop acting like they're worse than the other more popular couples.
To summarize it, I like Kai a lot, I understand why some other people don't (I do, really!), but nothing justifies what he put his family and Bonnie through.
Thanks for the ask, darling. You have a good day/night too!
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andreal831 · 27 days
If you don’t mind, can you make a post ranking all of the mothers in TVDU (e.g. Esther, Lily, Hayley, Caroline, Liz, etc)?
Ranking of TVDU Mothers, Worst to Best:
16. Dahlia
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While Dahlia is not Freya's biological mother, she raised her. She was the only maternal figure Freya had over a thousand years. It goes without saying why Dahlia is dead last. While she is an excellent villain with a complex backstory, it doesn't change the fact that she was awful to Freya. So much so that Freya tried to take her own life, causing her to lose her baby. Dahlia had no love for Freya, only seeing her as a tool for power. She was ready to discard Freya as soon as a more powerful, easier to manipulate option came along. Dahlia never viewed herself as Freya's mother, which explains why she put no effort into being a good one.
15. Kelly Donovan
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It's honestly surprising how good of a guy Matt is considering he had Kelly as his only role model. Kelly abandoned her kids when they are both in high school to chase after a man, forcing Matt to work nearly full time to afford to live and take care of Vicki who had a known drug problem. She only ever showed back up when she needed something and wound up causing havoc in her children's lives. While we can feel sympathy for Kelly losing her daughter the way she did, Kelly then continues to abandon her son, forcing Matt to deal with the loss on his own. Matt throughout the series is seen struggling much more than his friends due to his financial insecurity and his very warranted emotional attachment issues. Every other male character is given slack for having mommy-issues, but Kelly really did a number on Matt and he is given no sympathy by anyone. Not even the other parents on the show who could have stepped up and helped.
We also can't forget her SAing her son's best friend, Tyler.
14. Greta Sienna
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We don't know much of how Greta was before Klaus killed her husband, but Greta allowed her hate and need of vengeance to consume her, shifting her focus away from her children, Roman and Antoinette. While she did care for them, risking Klaus' wrath to protect them, she then largely abandons them to lead her cult. Greta attempts to influence her children with her ideals, however, when Antoinette does not follow her beliefs, their relationship seemed to suffer. Roman also spent 50 years desiccating before Greta saves him. When they are reunited she uses him to get close to Hope, putting him in danger of angering the Mikaelsons. She then drags Antoinette into the conflict by manipulating both her daughter and Elijah with lies. Greta repeatedly put her own anger and hatred over her children, and it almost cost them their lives.
13. Lily Salvatore
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We are told that Lily cares for her sons, and we even get glimpse of it throughout the show. But like Greta, Lily largely abandons them for her cult. She gets some credit for attempting to take her sons and run, but then quickly loses them for letting her son take the blame for the missing money and be beaten by his father. Lily then fakes her own death, forcing her sons to mourn her, all the while leaving them behind to face the abuse she was aware of from their father. While she is a ripper and potentially worried about harming her children, the fact that she didn't hunt down Giuseppe and kill him puts her pretty low in the ranking. Damon and Stefan would have been better off being orphaned at that point. But we see her getting control of herself enough to form her new family, never once going back for her children.
Even when she is released from the prison world, she prioritizes her new family over her sons. While I have sympathy for Lily for what she likely went through with her husband, it doesn't redeem her as a mother. Stefan does attempt to repair their relationship, but it is in a large part due to his forgiveness and less of an effort on her part. She is a better mother to her heretics, but even then, prioritizes Julian over their needs until the very end. She gets a couple of points for sacrificing herself to protect her heretics, who she viewed as her children more than her own sons, however, it does little to help her rank as a mother.
12. Isobel Flemming
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Isobel does get some credit for knowing she wasn't ready to have a child since she was only a teenager, hoping Elena would have a better life with the Gilberts. But her caring more about her ancestor, Katherine Pierce, than her own daughter puts her pretty far down on the list. It seems that a lot of her actions against Elena are either from being compelled by Klaus or just fearing him, however, nearly all of her actions throughout the show seem to be putting her own daughter in harms way.
While Isobel clearly never wanted children and does not appear to be very maternal, she at least had the compassion for Elena to tell John to get Elena away from the Salvatores. While, as an audience, we may love the supernatural relationships, as a mother, Isobel did not want Elena to be invovled in the dangerous, supernatural world.
11. Katherine Pierce
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Katherine was forced to give away her daughter and that clearly stuck with her. We see glimpses of the mother Katherine could have been had her life been different, but that unfortunately wasn't the mother Nadia had. Katherine did attempt to search for her missing daughter when Nadia was still a child, which is more than a lot of these mothers do, however, when given a second chance with Nadia, Katherine struggles to bond her.
Like everyone, Katherine has some valid reasons for her actions, but it doesn't fix how she treated her daughter. Much of their relationship seems to be Katherine using Nadia, prioritizing Stefan over her own daughter. She gets some credit for being by Nadia's side at the very end, however, it's a little too late.
10. Esther
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This is a complex one because on one hand, Esther tried to murder her children multiple times. But on the other, she truly did lover her children in the classic toxic, Mikaelson way.
Esther only has her children thanks to her sister, Dahlia, and a bargain they made forcing her to give up her first born child. Esther is clearly devastated by this deal when she realizes just what it cost her, effecting her relationship with each of her children later.
Like Lily, Esther should have done more for her children to protect them in an abusive household. However, unlike Lily, Esther never leaves them. She does attempt to shield them from Mikael's abuse, often putting him to sleep or lying to Mikael to protect her children from her mistakes. Even after Klaus murders her, she still shows him forgiveness. Yes, she is attempting to kill him at that point, but I can't fully blame her.
At least the next time when Esther comes back, she attempts to give them another option rather than just death. While her actions are questionable, she does it out of love, which is more than a lot of the mothers on this list can say. At the end she sacrifices her life for her children. Similar to Katherine, it is too late, but it is clear she has a complex relationship with all of her children. They all show a fondness for her at points, signifying that there is mutual love there. Her sacrifice at the end at least allowed her children to attempt to remember her fondly.
9. Abby Bennett
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At least when Abby abandoned her daughter, she left her in good hands. It is clear Abby loved Bonnie, but for whatever reason decided she couldn't raise her. However, watching her prioritize her adoptive son over Bonnie was devastating. Bonnie didn't deserve that.
She gets some credit for showing up a few times when she was needed, however, the fact that she didn't even know Bonnie died shows just how out of touch she is with her own daughter. Abby's motivations are unclear as to why she couldn't be more present in Bonnie's life. They hint at it a few times, but the fact that Abby didn't even bother to show up for Bonnie when Grams died or when she lost her father speaks volumes.
8. Liz Forbes
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Liz and Caroline have a complicated relationship. Liz ends up raising Caroline on her own after husband abandons them. However, Liz's focus on her career tends to put a strain on their relationship. It only gets worse when Liz finds out Caroline is a vampire. Liz takes a lot of time, but eventually comes around to it and accepts Caroline, even saying she is proud of her. Liz standing up for Caroline against Bill was such a great moment for them.
Liz has the benefit of living longer than a lot of the mothers which allows her and Caroline to repair their relationship and even develop a close bond.
But she loses massive points for ignoring the twenty-something year old man hanging around her daughter and then later befriending him. Yes, she didn't know what Damon did to Caroline, but still. I need her to be a little more invovled in Caroline's life and recognize what she was going through. She is a cop after all.
7. Carol Lockwood
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Carol is yet another example in the series of a mother allowing their child to face abuse at the hands of their father. Like the other examples, we can't dismiss how difficult it can be for a woman and her child to escape abusive men, especially when they are well connected like Mayor Lockwood was. Carol seemed to be a better mother after the death of her husband. Although her elitism likely contributed to much of Tyler's bad behavior in the early seasons.
Carol gets massive points for never turning on her son even when she finds out he is a werewolf. While Carol doesn't appear to be an overly affectionate mother, she did everything in her power to protect her son with no hesitation. She was definitely in over her head trying to protect the town from the supernatural, it was still clear that her son was her priority. Her last words were trying to protect Tyler.
6. Pearl
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The worst thing Pearl did to her daughter was befriending Katherine Pierce which led to them being separated for a century, leaving Anna alone. We don't know much about their long lives, but it is clear Anna and Pearl had a close bond and clearly loved each other very much.
5. Jenna Sommers
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Again, Jenna is not biologically a mother, but she does become Jeremy and Elena's legal guardians after their parents die. Jenna is still so young when she takes on this responsibility, balancing school on top of managing two children mourning their parents. Jenna is far from a perfect parent, often letting her emotions cloud her parenting, however, she has a closer bond with her children than most of the parents on this list. She allows them to be messy and imperfect, but makes sure they still feel loved and safe. In her last moments, she spends them trying to protect Elena.
She gets massive points for finding Damon hanging around her teenage niece weird. But does lose some for not actually doing anything about it. Jenna likely would have been even better had they trusted her with the truth. A lot of her struggles was her attempting to make sense of what was happening with only half of the information.
4. Caroline Forbes
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Caroline clearly loves her daughters and would do anything for them. If we were only looking at TVD, then she would be right up at the top. But we can't ignore Legacies. While the writers do a better job of implying Caroline is invovled in the twins lives, there are just too many moments that it didn't make sense for her not to be present. She essentially, like so many of the TVDU moms, abandons her daughters due to writing.
I haven't seen Legacies, but even I know that Lizzie dies and becomes a heretic and Caroline doesn't come back for an entire season. While I believe the excuse is that Caroline is seeking a way to end the merge, the twins are still years away from the merge and her daughters needed her. Especially with how neglected they felt with Alaric prioritizing Hope. It's a shame the writers ruined Caroline as a mother because she was clearly dedicated to them when they were little.
3. Freya Mikaelson
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While Freya wasn't Hope's mother, she essentially becomes a surrogate parent to her when the rest of the family is forced to separate. Freya is willing to do anything for family and oddly enough that does lose her some points. At times she does allow her determination to keep her family together to put Hope in questionable positions. But it always comes from a place of love. She is also one of the few family members that stays connected with Hope after she loses her family. Freya would do anything for Hope and she proves it by being willing to turn into a vampire and take the Hollow to save her. Even though Freya is a late arrival to the Mikaelson family, she winds up having one of the closest bonds with Hope out of any of them.
She and Keelin also have a child later, so honorable mention to Keelin because, even with zero evidence, I just know Keelin would be such a great mom.
2. Sheila Bennett
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We don't know much about Sheila as a mother to Abby, but she took on that role for Bonnie and excelled. Sheila was one of the few adults who was actively invovled. She would do anything for Bonnie, even watching over her from the otherside. Anytime Bonnie needed her, she was there. They had such a special bond and Grams died far too soon. Grams knew just how kind and selfless Bonnie was and attempted to protect her from herself multiple times. But Grams wasn't much different, performing the complex spell, knowing it would likely take all of her energy. If Grams had lived, I just know she wouldn't have allows Bonnie to be taken advantage of the way she often was throughout the series. Sheila Bennett was a force to be reckoned with and no one was allowed to hurt her granddaughter.
Again, extra points for warning Damon to stay away from Bonnie, but she could have held that same energy for Stefan. We needed more mothers protecting their teenagers from being preyed upon by these 100+ year old men.
1. Hayley Marshall
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There's no question who the best mother, no best parent, in TVDU is. From the moment Hayley decides to keep Hope, she does everything in her power to make the best life she possible can for Hope. Not only does she protect Hope's physical safety, but she also protects her emotionally and mentally, something that is missing from a lot of the other parents. Hayley will do whatever it takes to protect Hope, even if it is not a popular decision.
She was at a large disadvantage since many of the threats to her child were leagues more powerful than she was, but she never backed down. The amount of enemies she faced off with, knowing she likely didn't stand a chance, all in the name of protecting Hope. She was ready from the beginning to die for Hope and inevitably did.
There is also something to say about the bond they have throughout the show. Hope clearly feels safe and loved by Hayley, even when her life is in complete chaos. I don't think a mother-daughter bond comes close to the trust and love Hayley and Hope have for each other (besides Grams and Bonnie). Hayley had to be killed off in TO, because there is no way Hope would have been able to go through what she did in Legacies if Hayley was around. Hayley got one phone call from Alaric and dropped everything, traveling halfway across the country to bring Hope home. She disciplines Hope, but also talks to her, making sure she understands the deeper reasons for why Hope was acting out. There is nothing Hope could do that would make Hayley hesitate for a second to love and protect her.
I just know if Hayley had heard about a 150 year old vampire (Roman) hanging around her daughter, she would have immediately gotten invovled. She had gone down that path and wasn't about to let Hope get dragged down it as well.
Honorable Mentions:
Jo Laughlin - If Jo had been given the chance, she would have been a great mother. She was a very maternal person and loved the twins so much. Unfortunately it's hard to judge since Kai took that chance away from her. Valerie Tulle - Valerie is another one that I am just assuming she would have done a great job if given the chance to have her child. While she did a lot of questionable things, at the end of the day she was a compassionate person who would have done anything to protect her child. Miranda Gilbert - Miranda seemed like an overall good parent, seeming supportive and compassionate to Elena when she was having issues with Matt. I honestly don't remember how much she knew about the supernatural world or the vampire hunting her husband's family was into, so potentially problematic if they were dragging their family into the supernatural world. However, we don't know much about Elena's mother, but we do know how much she loved her. Hayley's Mother - Again, we don't know much about Hayley's mother, except for the fact that she agreed to her daughter's arranged marriage when she was an infant and that she sacrificed her life to protect Hayley. From what we are told, it seemed like Hayley's parents were on the right side of the war, but it is hard to say. Nadia Petrova - We assume Nadia had a child so she is in the honorable mentions as a mother, but we have zero information on what she was like as a mother. Kai's Mother - I'm just going to assume she was awful. We know Kai grew up not being allowed to touch others, and being isolated. We don't know anything about his mother, so it could be that she had no control over her own life, but considering she is never mentioned, it doesn't seem that her kids have fond memories of her. Tatia - People often forget that Tatia had a child, but she did. We know she took her child and ran to protect them after her husband died in battle, but not much else. There is no mention of what happened to her child after she died. However, she was a mother so she gets an honorable mention.
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the-vampire-queer · 9 months
The Vampires Digital Media Poll: Round 2, Bracket 2
Please reblog for a bigger sample size.
Results get posted on December 20th. at 5PM CST.
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If you wish to learn more about your options, either as a refresher or an introduction, press the "Keep reading" button.
What is Being Human (US + UK) about?
US version: ""Being Human," based on a BBC series of the same name, features three 20-something roommates who each try to keep a secret from the rest of the world -- one is a ghost, another is a vampire and the third is a werewolf. The three roomies try to help one another navigate the complexities of living double lives." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
UK version: "Deciding to turn over a new leaf, a group of friends who also happen to be vampires and werewolves move into a house together, only to find that it is haunted by ghosts of people who have been killed under mysterious circumstances. As they deal with the challenges of being supernatural creatures, their desire to be human bonds them." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Source: Being Human UK
Russell Tovey - George Sands
Guy Flanagan (pilot) + Aidan Turner - John Mitchell (UK)
Andrea Riseborough (pilot) + Lenora Crichlow - Annie Sawyer (UK)
Sam Huntington - Josh Levison (US)
Sam Witwer - Aidan Waite (US)
Meaghan Rath - Sally Malik (US)
Mark Pellegrino - Bishop (US)
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The UK version of the show came out first, airing on the BBC, dubbed Being Human (UK). Later, a new show of the same title would come out, dubbed Being Human (US).
In the UK version, two of the original three cast from the pilot would be replaced. These two would be Guy Flanagan and Andrea Riseborough, replaced by Aidan Turner and Lenora Crichlow respectively.
What is The Vampire Diaries (+ The Originals + Legacies) about?
Summary (TVD only, due to nature of spoilers when it comes to spin-offs): "This supernatural drama, based on the series of novels by L.J. Smith, details the lives of two brothers, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, who have been living as vampires for centuries. After years of moving from from place-to-place to hide their eternal youth (and bloodthirsty condition), the brothers return to the small Virginia town, Mystic Falls, where their lives as humans ended. Damon is snarky, handsome and charming, with a propensity for evil, while Stefan tries to remain noble -- in part to atone for bad behavior in his past." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Source: The Vampire Diaries
Nina Dobrev - Elena Gilbert (TVD)
Ian Somerhalder - Damon Salvatore (TVD)
Paul Wesley - Stefan Salvatore (TVD)
Candice King - Caroline Forbes (TVD)
Kat Graham - Bonnie Bennett (TVD)
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The Vampire Diaries show is based on the books of the same name by L. J. Smith. Lots was changed in the book-to-show transfer. Some fans prefer the show over the books.
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thatfanficstuff · 11 months
Not About You - 29
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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x ofc
Warnings: canon main character 'death'
A/N: It's been a minute. I seem to be getting back into the swing of things though.
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It was mid-morning of the next day that Caroline got a text from an unknown number. Her smile fell as she read it. “Lucy.” Her voice trembled as she held the phone out to her best friend.
Lucy’s brow furrowed as she took the phone. Lexi zoomed over to read over her shoulder.
I want the moonstone or I start killing. This town is overdue for a slaughter. Tonight at the masquerade.
“Katherine. Great,” Lucy said as she typed out a response.
“The Katherine?” Lexi asked.
Lucy nodded as the bitch responded. “Fuck.” She tossed the phone to the blonde beside her and went over to pour herself a drink. Lexi read over the rest of the exchange.
We don’t have it. Already gave it to its new owner.
I don’t believe you. And if you did, the previous statement still stands. Mystic Falls becomes a bloodbath.
Lucy took a long sip of her drink as she contemplated their options.
“So we have the boys bring back the stone, meet with Katherine and end her existence,” Lexi suggested.
The only human in the room shook her head. “I’m not certain they could get back in time. Besides, I don’t want that rock anywhere near the bitch. We use a decoy. We’ll have to take her down ourselves. Find someplace to keep her until she’s needed.” As much as she wanted to just end her, Elijah wanted to talk to her first.
“What about the tomb?” Caroline said. “Bree could put a containment spell on it.”
Lucy blinked. She was rather fond of this new ruthless streak of Care’s. “Lock her up with the burnt corpses of her old friends? Sounds like a plan.”
“Okay, but do we use to replace the moonstone?” the witch asked.
Lucy shrugged. “Damon has a whole bowl of soap in his room. It’s stupid and something else to dust, but they’re the right shape. A little witchy juju and one should pass no problem.”
Lexi grinned and clapped her hands together. “Time to plan the downfall of a raging bitch.”
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Much to Lucy’s protestations, she was instructed to remain in the house while the rest of them went to enact their plan. This was such bullshit, but she couldn’t exactly argue with the point that she was human. It didn’t mean she had to like being left out though. She’d even tried to bribe them with the daylight ring she’d had Elijah send for Lee but Lexi just held out her hand and Lucy folded. She was just too nice damn it.
Her eyes stayed glued to the clock as she tapped her foot anxiously. They were supposed to keep her updated but she hadn’t heard from anyone in ages. “That’s it,” she said as she pushed herself up from her seat. She was going to find out what was going on.
She arrived at the venue and pulled her car to the side away from the other vehicles. She wanted to make sure she could get out easily. She wove through the cars trying to find her way to the house. She stopped short when she saw Elena headed her way as she talked on her phone. The teen was in jeans in a casual top so she obviously hadn’t been here for the festivities.
“Elena,” she called to get the girl’s attention as she hung up her phone.
The brunette looked up with frown just as a figure wearing a clown mask stepped up behind her and grabbed her with a hand over her mouth.
“Hey,” Lucy shouted. “Let her go.” A moment later, a heavy blow struck the side of her head and pain radiated through her before everything went black.
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She groaned and tried to shut out the voice that hissed her name. An aching throb radiated through her body, centered on her head and her neck. She just wanted to go back to sleep.
It was a little louder this time. More insistent.
She reluctantly blinked her eyes open to find herself laying on a tattered couch in a rundown room. Elena sat on the floor in front of her, staring worriedly. The girl sighed in relief when she noticed Lucy was awake. Lucy had certainly woken up to better sights.
The circumstances that had landed her here came back to her in a rush and groaned as she ran a hand down her face. For once, she wished she’d done as she was told and just stayed at the boarding house. To no surprise at all, Elena had gotten herself in trouble again and this time brought Lucy along for the ride. This was just fantastic.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Lucy asked as she sat up. A fresh wave of pain ran through her head and neck and she grimaced. Her hand shot up to her throat only to come back covered in blood.
Elena shook her head and moved to sit on the couch beside Lucy. “Not really. Two vampires have us. They want to turn me over to someone named Elijah.”
Lucy huffed a laugh. Well, wasn’t that convenient? She wondered if they’d managed to get ahold of him. She could always give them his phone number.
“Okay. What the hell happened to me? I remember the head but what’s up with the neck?”
The teen frowned. “The male vampire, I think his name is Trevor, wanted to feed from me but the other one wouldn’t let him. She said you were fair game though.”
Irritation flared through Lucy but what good would it do. What was done was done. It’s not like she could change it now.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” a female voice said and a glance showed a red-headed vampire standing at the top of a flight of stairs.
“He’s here. He’s here,” a male said and started running around the room anxiously. “I’m not sure this was a good idea.”
Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was a bit late to think of that now. She just wanted to get this over with and go home. She wondered if the boys would be with Elijah. Eh. At the very least he would take her home.
“Please don’t let him take me,” Elena whined from beside her.
“Us,” Lucy automatically corrected. She wasn’t frightened of her uncle but it was the principle of the thing.
Elena looked over, her brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
She finally gave into temptation and rolled her eyes. “There’s two of us, Elena. It’s not just you.”
The conversation was interrupted by the appearance of an elegantly suited vampire. He stood at the top of the stairs and ran his gaze over the room. Relief flashed through his eyes when spotted Lucy and she gave him a small smile. He zoomed until he stood in front of her. Using two fingers, he lifted her chin to look over the injury on her neck.
“Why is she here?” he asked after a moment while keeping his eyes on her.
“She was there when we took the doppelganger. We had to take her, too,” the male explained.
Elijah closed his eyes as if praying to some long-forgotten deity for patience. When he opened them, he rolled his eyes and gave a little half smile before turning to face the vampires again. “And why is she bleeding?”
“I was hungry?”
Lucy cringed. Sucks to be that guy.
She watched impassively as Elijah removed the offender’s head with a single swipe of his hand. When the female vampire moved as if to attack, Elijah stopped her with one raised hand. “Let it go before you join him, Rose. He harmed that which wasn’t his to touch. Don’t join him in his stupidity.”
“Excuse me,” Elena said. “I’m still here.”
For someone that was so concerned a moment ago, she was certainly upset to find the attention wasn’t on her. Idiot. Elijah didn’t spare her a glance. “Yes. I am aware. I’ll deal with you in a moment.”
“Where are the boys?” Lucy asked.
“They’re a bit behind. They were finishing something up. They should be here shortly.”
She answered with a nod. The sound of breaking glass interrupted before either could say anything else.
“Who else is here?” he asked looking between the three of them.
“I don’t know,” Rose answered as Elena shook her head.
“I’d say it’s probably my babysitters,” Lucy said.
Elijah smirked. “Stay here until I ensure your safety.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I can take care of myself, you know. You made sure of it.”
He arched a brow and gave a cockeyed smile before grabbing Elena and rushing her up the stairs to the entryway. Lucy sighed before following along at a much more human pace.
She arrived at the top of the stairs just as Elijah was shot through the hand with a stake. She yelped in surprise but before she could do anything else, she was grabbed and rushed to another area. Lexi looked down at her with a hand over her mouth. Lucy shook her head and tugged at her friend’s wrist but she wouldn’t relent.
“Come out with the girls and we will discuss this,” Elijah said. “I believe there has been a misunderstanding of sorts.”
Lucy kicked Lexi in the shin. “Ow,” the vampire said with a frown. Finally, she moved her hand so the human could talk.
“Stop. It’s Elijah. He’s family. He’s the one the boys were helping.”
Lexi frowned. “But he kidnapped you.”
“No, he didn’t. Someone else did. He was going to bring us home.”
Elijah shouted in pain and both their heads jerked in that direction. Lexi raced toward the sound and Lucy ran behind. “No!” she screamed when she saw Elijah prepared to remove Lee’s heart. At the same time, the front door opened to admit the Salvatores. Distracted, Elijah glanced over just as Lexi drove a large piece of wood into his chest.
Lucy screamed and dropped to her knees. Not Elijah. He couldn’t leave her. He promised she’d never lose him. Her vision blurred as she sobbed and rocked as she chanted the word “no” over and over again.
Arms wrapped around her and she buried her face in Damon’s chest so Elijah’s gray face was blocked from her vision. He hooked a hand around the back of her neck and she gipped his shirt. She gasped as she struggled to breathe, to ease the tightness in her chest. Elijah was gone. He was really gone. Oh, gods.
“Shh, Luce. I’ve got you. I’m sorry. So sorry. We should have gotten here sooner. God, I’m sorry.”
She sucked in a breath. “Not your fault.”
A warm hand settled on her back. “Is she okay?” Stefan asked.
“No. Not even close,” Damon answered as he tightened his hold on her.
“I’m sorry, Lucy,” Lexi said, her voice sounding far away. “We thought you were in danger and then he was going to kill Lee. I had to stop him. I’m sorry.”
Lucy couldn’t muster the strength to say anything. Her heart was too broken.
Damon grunted to let her know she’d been heard. “I hope you mean it. Unless, I’m very much mistaken—and I’m not—you had him to think for those rings. What a nice thank you.”
“Damon,” Stefan snapped.
The elder brother shot a glare at his sibling. “What? They hurt my girl. She might not hold a grudge but I sure as hell do.”
Lucy took it all in as she kept her boyfriend’s shirt clutched tightly in her fists. She tried to regulate her breathing but wasn’t having much luck. “I’m sorry,” she muttered.
He shushed her. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Take what you need.”
“Can we go?” Elena asked as she stepped up behind Stefan. “I just want to go home.”
“Not the time, Elena,” Damon said.
“But—” she started only for Stefan to cut her off.
“Enough, Elena.”
“We’ll take her home,” Lee said.
Only once she was certain the others had left did Lucy pull back from Damon’s chest. She kept her eyes turned from where she knew Elijah was pinned to the wall like some macabre butterfly.
Damon ran his eyes over her before he grasped her chin and turned her head gently to examine the bite on her neck. “What’s this?”
“Kidnapper got the munchies apparently.” She sniffed and glanced between the brothers. “Can we go? I need to get out of here.”
Damon nodded and helped her to her feet. A breath later and he’d swept her into his arms. She didn’t even think about protesting, just nuzzling into his chest and taking comfort in his warmth wrapped around her.
“Can you drive, Stef? I’ll get in the back with her.”
“Of course,” Stefan answered with no hesitation.
She kept her head pressed against Damon’s chest with her eyes closed so she wouldn’t get another glimpse of Elijah. That wasn’t how she wanted to remember him. Damon kissed her head and held her more tightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and just let him take care of her.
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Rating TVD ships :
Stelena: 6/10. Paul and Nina had good chemistry and it was certainly the better option of the two main ships but I found them very vanilla and I take the stance that the brothers ruined Elena so I can’t bring myself to fully support it. Also, the retconning of this ship after season 4 always bugged me.
Delena: 1/10. Nothing about this toxic ship made sense and it was clearly done as fan service. Elena HATED Damon in the earlier seasons and it was clear her only loved her because of Katherine. Damon was clearly manipulative towards Elena, always controlling and undermining her, and I have already mentioned the fact that the Salvatore brothers traumatised Elena and ruined her life.
Steroline: 4/10. This ship had the sole purpose of giving two main characters an ending with another person. It was boring and they were obviously better as friends. However, they weren’t overly toxic or impactful so I didn’t mind them too much.
Bamon: 8/10. It was much better than Delena and their chemistry was good. Their time in the prison world was one of the only semi-interesting elements of the story after Katherine died . Bonnie deserved a dynamic love interest and she brouggt out the good in Damon, something that Elena did the opposite of. However, I don’t see the ship lasting as Bonnie is a very moral character and Damon is pretty much the opposite.
Klaroline: -100000/10. Everything about this ship sucked. His attraction and interest in Caroline made no sense and realistically she would be a brief fling at best. Her sleeping with the guy who essentially wanted to kill her best mate was shady and the fact that KATHERINE of all people had to call this out was honestly sad. Also some ( not all ) of their fans are so annoying, always complaining that they didn’t end up together and disregarding all of the pain that Klaus caused. Most TVD fanfiction revolves around either them or Dullena and this is really annoying to me, as someone who doesn’t ship them.
Forwood: 3/10. It’s better than Klaroline but it’s still toxic and both characters annoyed me when they were together. Caroline was better when paired with one of the other girls or Stefan ( as a friend ) and I thought that Tyler was always either boring or a horrible person.
Steferine: 5/10. Paul and Nina’s chemistry really shone with this pairing and they were interesting in season 2 but as time went on they became tiresome and Katherine’s obsession in season 5 was both annoying and completely out of character. I was much more interested in the Katherine / Caroline dynamic and also the Katherine / Elena dynamic than the Steferine one in this season.
Kalijah: -5/10. This man found a way to free her but chose not to use it and instead was going to allow her to die at the hands of Klaus. Then he got upset when she fled to stay alive and held it against her for years. Finally, when they had a fling in season 4, he broke up with her and betrayed her over killing ONE guy who was her enemy, conveniently ignoring the amount of innocent people that he and his family have killed. Everything about this ship, aside from the actor’s chemistry, sucked and the idea that he was loyal to her for 500 years is absolute bull.
That’s it for now, but I may do a part 2 with some non-canon ships or any canon ships that I haven’t covered yet.
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kmze · 5 months
Kw said Stefan & Caroline were ideologically at odds because he wanted to be human and she wanted to be a vampire and I was like umm maybe you hate them Mr. but just don't spout absolute nonsense.Caroline was a vampire and she was still being the most humane of all humans-raising kids,thinking of starting a school for kids,wanting to get married while Stefan who became human was not only alive despite suffering multiple fatal wounds on consecutive days but was still somehow a human with just a small syringe of cure in his system despite losing lots of blood and in the end had just a scratch on his forehead( 'You're a Harry Potter,Stefan')And then like you mentioned,he went on a revenge mission and got kicked & beaten by a 4000 year old psychic and was still A-okay!I don't know I don't think humans see that as day-to-day activity.
I swear every-time that man opened his mouth after the finale I wanted to throw up because he could not stand the idea of Stefan living and not being with Elena in the finale. So I found the article to re-read it and like he's missing the very key aspect that STEFAN HAD THE CURE FORCED ON HIM! He DID NOT want to be human, he literally feel back into depression because he was human, I swear no one ever actually listens to what Stefan says. Here's what he says to Caroline when they're searching for the woman Ripper Stefan left to die and he has a major attitude with Caroline and she rightfully calls him out:
Stefan: Look, I don't know what to think. I don't know how to deal with what I want or what I thought I was gonna have. I don't know what to do.
Does that sound like someone who's happy he's human?! Even Damon told him to remember all the times he wanted to be human and he was not here for it. I mean we already did the Stefan doesn't want to be human plot in S7 and he said out loud being human SUCKS! He wanted forever with Caroline, he promised her forever "I pledged my life to Caroline forever" 8x07 and when that got taken away he was miserable. He felt like a burden and it took the pep talk from Damon and killing Cade for him to be like it doesn't matter how many years I have left I just want to spend them with Caroline. Being turned into a human was his punishment, that was what he got for choosing to turn his humanity off and killing Enzo and like that's fine, he was a maniac working for Cade but that's what it was punishment!
I don't even understand what he means by Caroline didn't want to take the sure because it wasn't even an option? I mean the cure is probably the most annoying plot device this show ever did and they can't even follow their own mythology about it. And again, Caroline loved Stefan no matter what she still wanted to marry him as a human and it's not like they were the only human/vampire relationship I just...
Honestly Anon I think the fact that Stefan kept bleeding and being put in danger ALL THE TIME as a human showed even more how much the writers did not feel Stefan as human. Stefan always walked head-first into danger and it was like that aspect of him did not work as a human but the amount of times he was HEMORRHAGING BLOOD I truly could not. He was stabbed with a pole, shot, stabbed in the hand and beaten by a 4000 year old psychic. Which like you said resulted in a scratch on the forehead meanwhile he was being kicked where he had been shot and stabbed less that two days ago.
That article also makes it kind of obvious Kevin couldn't care less about the Salvatore school and Julie trying to do the spin-off which is why he especially did not care about that being Stefan's redemption. It's just amazing this guy started two shows left and then came back and expected everyone to want to do what was applicable to the plot when he left. Say what you want about Julie but she's the showrunner who is actually able to make seasons upon seasons of a show and KW keeps getting his shows cancelled after two seasons.
Still endlessly amazing too how Stefan had to die for killing Enzo who showed up in S5 but Damon was absolved for killing Tyler a character who’d been there since the pilot.
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scienter · 7 months
Kai Parker was such a fascinating villain and I think the writers did a great job with him.His arc was short but impactful.The writers wanted him to be a sociopath and never even bothered to woobify him.There was a void in the villain department once Klaus left and Katherine died.I would say Kai was able to fill that void to an extent. But the Parker family was so weird.They kept producing twins as fail-safe option just to ensure their coven always had a leader.I bet they were all pro-life fu**ers since they chose to use the body of an eternally 17 and emotionally 20 year old with zero concern about her agency just because they wanted to save the future of their coven!!!That's outrageous!
And then there were the siphoners turned heretics who were this very coven's(Gemini coven)outcasts!I think this is when writers failed miserably.The heretics not only failed to make an impact but the concept of the heretics was under-developed.As heretics,if they siphoned from their own blood,shouldn't they have dropped dead like flies?I mean remember when the twins siphoned from Caroline in their foetal state and Caroline almost died?In fact,Kai siphoned from Damon and he did sort of die in s8.And Kai was not even alive at the time!Even their backstory had so much ambiguity.According to Jo and Kai,they were coming to New York to avenge the Gemini coven but the coven got to them first.But according to s7,they were running from Rayna!If Jo and Kai knew so much about the heretics they should have known about Rayna Cruz too and warned the others!The whole thing was such a ridiculous mess honestly.I don't think the writers knew what they wanted to do with them.Were they the good guys or the bad guys?Why were they on my screen all the time taking away precious time from Caroline and Bonnie?Neither did the heretics like each other nor did anyone like them.Oscar was the only interesting one among them but he was killed off in just 1 episode!WHY? Instead, we had to sit through Walmart Quetsiyah-Katherine-Lexi-Elena-Caroline's ( you know which one) theatrics for months in a row.I think the writers did a poor job with Rayna too.She had an interesting backstory but then I never understood her MO.No offense she seemed like an underpaid influencer trying to advertise for Defan ! "You only wanted Damon" Brand new information!😴
I agree. Kai was one of the best villains on the show. He ranks up there with Katherine, Elijah, and Klaus. Like you, I appreciated that they didn’t give him some sad origin story – he was just a sociopath. It was a breath of fresh air. While I love complex villains and anti-villains, a story grows boring if the villains are too similar.
I hardly remember the siphoners/heretics storyline tbh. Except for Kai and Lily Salvatore, the antagonists in the later seasons weren’t compelling enough for me to take note of them. The villains felt repetitive (Valerie) or flat (the coven). It made Kai stand out all the more I suppose.  
“But the Parker family was so weird. They kept producing twins as fail-safe option just to ensure their coven always had a leader. I bet they were all pro-life fu**ers since they chose to use the body of an eternally 17 and emotionally 20 year old with zero concern about her agency just because they wanted to save the future of their coven!!! That's outrageous!”
That storyline always infuriated me. It’s only grown more gross post-Dobbs. 🤬
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justjessame · 3 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 36
Mystic Falls, VA Late January 2010
Damon left and collected his car from the house. He went to find the only person he could think of for advice for what he needed, who also wouldn't ask unnecessary questions. Pearl's daughter, Anna. She was skulking around Elena's brother and the two of them were too adorable for words.
Luckily he caught her outside the school, about to embark on a new life of her own. Calling her over, he told her what he needed, noticing for the first time she was close to the same size as Abigail. Still slightly taller, she would do for a shopping partner.
While Anna looked curious, she shrugged it off and took him to the mall. Passing by the offerings of stores with names that caused him to cringe, as she was leading him from store to store, a dress finally caught his eye. It was shorter than she'd ever worn, and it showed more of her back and shoulders than he'd ever really seen her show, but it was THE dress.
"Who's this for?" She asked, as he asked her to choose it in a size closest to hers. "I'm not the same size as Katherine and Elena, so who's the mystery woman?"
As he moved to another store, contemplating heavily on the finer points of Victoria's Secret, and getting sidetracked by need for Abigail for a moment he pushed past. Shoes, he thought, I'll focus on shoes and send Anna for her lingerie.
"Never you mind," he answered finally, gesturing to the vivid pink and black storefront that would be his undoing. "Could you, please, pick out a few pairs of panties. Same size as the dress." He was walking away, but heard her rebuttal.
"Even you know that's not how they're sized, Damon." He chuckled until she left him speechless with the next question. "Do you have mystery woman's bra size, or do I skip those?"
His mouth went dry. The dress, carefully wrapped in the bag he held was strapless and had a defined bodice. Her breasts had always been under so many layers, but would be on perfect display. Close and tempting. He shook his head and answered, knowing she could hear him, "No, but pick up a jacket, that size you can guess."
She laughed behind his back. Whomever the mystery woman was and she had a fair idea, she had Damon Salvatore tied in knots.
The shoe store was overflowing with options. Would Abigail want the comfort of a canvas sneaker or the familiarity of low cut booties? He smiled wistfully at a pair of heels he'd kill to see her wear, but put those on hold for now. He wasn't worried about sizing her shoes, he'd held her feet in his hands enough to know the exact size and shape. Hazard of dancing at too many parties, and the dresses that made reaching down so difficult.
Unable to choose, Damon picked both and then tossed in a pair of dress flats for good measure. Better to allow her some choice, he thought, remembering her irritation with Emily's choices.
Doubling back to meet Anna, he found her holding three bags. Quirking an eyebrow, at her abundance of bags, she shook her head. Men.
"One bag," she said, holding up the smallest, "has the articles you requested. This one, she held up a slightly larger bag, has things that a woman would like to have access to on her vanity." She gave it a shake and he could hear liquid sloshing inside. "I grabbed some socks, hose, brush, comb, perfume." She showed the larger bag and he already knew it held the jackets. Nodding his understanding, they walked back to his car.
Anna really was curious if she was correct about the identity of the mystery woman. As he drove her back to the school, she contemplated his temperament.
"It's Abigail Morgan, isn't it?" She blurted, watching his profile and noticing the clench of his jaw. "I won't tell anyone, Damon, I just thought it might be her."
A curt nod was all the confirmation she received. Abigail Morgan had been an enigma to her when they'd arrived in Mystic Falls in the 1860s. Her bearing, looking so regal, but she was filled with warmth and acceptance. She recalled seeing her walk through town, shopping, yet stopping to speak to not only those of her own station, but to slaves and servants running errands. Anna watched in awe when this young woman spoke to field hands and the mayor in the same warm and open matter. She had been so different from the others.
"I hope she likes what we chose," Anna offered as he stopped to let her out.
"Thank you," he offered, and she knew it covered everything.
Nodding she joined her fellow classmates. She'd need to compel her skipping, but it was worth it. Seeing Damon Salvatore go breathless at the mere mention of bras would carry her though days of ill humor.
"Are you quiet certain this constitutes as a dress in the present?" Abigail's voice, coming from behind a set of changing screens made him smile. "There seems to be quite a bit missing."
"It's all there, Abi." He assured her, fighting the urge to duck behind and see the finished vision for himself.
He heard a loud sigh, and then felt his mouth go dry again when she asked, "And the, did you call them panties? Are you sure I'm meant to wear just one at a time?"
The thought of her in whatever panties Anna had chosen was making him distracted. Groaning with the same longing, he begged her to come out, assuring her one pair was more than enough.
"Fine," she said with petulance. "But if I'm run out of town for being shameless, it's on your head."
She moved and was in full view. The breath knocked from his lungs. The dress was perfect. Strapless, her breasts were pushed up with the tightness of the bodice. Torturing him with the view it presented. A pinched waist, the knee length skirt flared. Her legs, always a mystery because even her nightgowns had been floor length, were surprisingly toned. Bare feet and hair swinging loose to her hips, Abigail Morgan was heartstopping. Thank God he was already dead.
"Well?" She asked, looking completely unsure. "It's disgraceful, isn't it?"
He shook his head to clear it and answer her. "The ONLY disgrace is having to wait this long to see you in it." His voice sounded choked, which he was. Choked with need. Every slice of skin left uncovered beckoned to be tasted. And he was aching to accept. "If you'd prefer, in the larger bag are some jackets. They'll offer more cover." Part of him wished against her taking the offer, another thought his sanity required it.
She nodded taking the larger bag off the chest sitting at the foot of her bed. She pulled out the two jackets. One was fitted leather, the other looser denim. Turning to him with furrowed brow, she held them up for his inspection. "It would appear that I am at the mercy of your superior knowledge of the styles of this time." She looked adorable in her confusion and he wanted to help.
"The leather," he replied, it was more fitted, but it would set the dress off perfectly. Anna had chosen a light grey color and when Abi set the denim down to pull on her preference, he stopped her. "Allow me?" Moving the heavy length of her hair to lay over her left shoulder, he removed the tag from the back of her dress first. "Let's make sure you look perfect, shall we?" He saw the goosebumps on her skin and heard her pulse speed up. Running the fingertips of his right hand slowly up her arm and across her shoulder, he felt her skin flush with warmth. "I love this dress on you, Abigail." His voice was husky with need. "I love it because it shows this," his fingertips traced up her neck, then down the part of her spine left uncovered. He heard her swallow. "Because if it shows it, then I can taste it." Leaning forward he let his lips follow the path from where her shoulder met her neck, flicking his tongue gently as he passed her pulse point and smiling at her gasp. "I love the taste of you, Abigail Morgan." His lips ran down the back of her neck and he felt more gooseflesh, more heat. Kissing lightly, he ran his tongue down the bumps of her spine and felt her knees shake, so he moved his left arm around to hold her up. "Should I stop, Abi?" He needed her to stop him, with words, because he wanted her so badly his body felt like fire.
Abigail swallowed again. Did she want him to stop? NEVER! But should they stop? Yes, unfortunately. She needed to fulfill a promise she made to her papa and while the image of Damon taking everything he promised to take was distracting and more than welcome-she needed to focus.
"We should probably pause this," she said, need heavy in her tone. "Not forever, but I do need to leave the house. I have an errand to run."
It worked, breaking the spell enough for him to remove the jacket's tags and help her into it. She turned and pulled his head down for a kiss that held the promise of more. Just not right now.
Choosing her shoes, the canvas sneakers that he stepped back to allow her to put on herself. He didn't trust himself to touch her bare legs. Stopping may prove impossible. He smiled as she stood before him in her new outfit asking his opinion.
"Perfect, of course." He said. "Your hair-"
Her eyes widened in fear of what he might suggest for her hair. She fought the urge to clutch it to her.
"Do you need help putting it up?" He asked, seeing her fear. "I wouldn't dare suggest any changes, Abi. I just wanted to know if you had ever put it up or styled it yourself before?"
Ah yes, that would be an issue. She'd always had Sallie to brush and arrange it for her. Seeing him pick up another bag, she watched him pull out a brush, comb, and some types of pins and clips. She took the brush from him and ran it through her curls, happy to find no tangles. He handed her something stretchy and circular. Quirking her eyebrow, he smiled and took the brush from her.
"I'm no lady's maid, but I think I can manage a ponytail." Damon said, using the brush to pull her hair into a smooth clutch high on the crown of her head. Making sure her hair was out of her face, he stretched the band and used it to wrap around the clutch. Even pulled high, her hair was still midway down her back.
"There," he said, and pulled her to the full length mirror in the corner. He stood behind her as she studied herself. "You look like a modern young woman, Abi."
Abigail had to admit, once she got over the scandalous length and the exposure of her new dress, with the jacket and the comfortable shoes, she did look nice. Her hair, did he call this style a ponytail? Was nice too. Feeling better about the complete picture, she returned his smile.
"Ready to venture outside?" He asked, almost wishing she'd say no, so he could keep her to himself longer.
She nodded and turned to him. Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face against his chest. His arms returned her embrace automatically. Kissing the top of her head, he waited her to be fully ready. She said she had an errand, and he had a goal as her guide to Mystic Falls 2010- help her in any way she needed.
She pulled back and smiled up at him. "Let's go."
And Damon, taking her hand in his, was determined to keep his goal's aim on track.
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
– Salvatore Sepulcher –
Everyone in Mystic Falls: Gathers to say goodbye.
Alaric Saltzman: Wow guys, this is really touching. I-
Damon Salvatore: I get his booze.
Stefan Salvatore: The TV is mine.
Jeremy Gilbert: I want his weight set.
Caroline Forbes: Dibs on his bed frame.
Tyler Lockwood: Porn collection is mine.
Meredith Fell: I call the stake launcher.
Alaric Saltzman: …Yeah, suicide really is my best option.
– Mikaelson Mansion –
Klaus: You know what plot line isn’t completely played out yet? My quest to make an army of easily killable mooks!
– Bennet Bungalow –
Jamie: Hi Bonnie! Is this your house!
Bonnie Bennet: Haha no, I’m homeless! I just crash at different places when the owners are out of town.
– Mystic Grill –
Matt Donovan: Booze?
Jeremy Gilbert: Yeah, I totally need something to take my mind off the fact that my friend, mentor, and legal guardian is going to die tonight.
Matt Donovan: …Oh yeah. I’m just drinking because Elena is back with Stefan.
Jeremy Gilbert: Single perfect tear.
Dean Winchester: Did that first. And better.
– Mystic Falls High – History Class from Hell –
Elena Gilbert: This is terrible I can’t believe it what are we going to do this is awful I hate this this sucks!
Stefan Salvatore: I know, Alaric is a good man, but –
Elena Gilbert: Who’s gonna take care of me?!?
Stefan Salvatore: So, should we go say goodbye to Alaric?
Elena Gilbert: Nah, he’ll be dead soon anyway. We should go make little vampire babies!
lmfao!! I never understood the hybrids. They were too easy to kill. The only thing they really had going for them was the fact that they were still werewolves, so they'd continue to be somewhat of a pack.
Hard for Stefan to "take care of" a girl that he lets die over and over again. I think Miranda was blind to the Augustine vampires just as Carol was blind to her own husband and son being werewolves.
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sexyvampkitty · 2 years
RP Mini-Solo Number Two: 'Leaving Mystic Falls'
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I sit in front of a roaring fire in the parlor slash living room of the Salvatore Boarding House...a half-empty glass of Bourbon in my right hand...staring into the flames...contemplating the rest of my eternity. It's the middle of the night...and I'm all alone...as usual. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my life for months now...and I think I've finally come to a decision. I can't take this anymore. It's coming up on the one-year anniversary of me meeting 'Hotness'...not to mention when I was turned...and my boyfriend is no where to be found...again. I really wish he was around more...and I wish I knew where he keeps disappearing to...whenever he goes wherever he's going...to.
Damn. That just made no sense at all. My thoughts are all over the place right now...and I can no longer deny what I've also been dreading for months...my humanity is indeed coming back...and I can no longer keep it at bay...which also puts things into a really clear perspective for me. I'm done with this crap. I'm done with my boyfriend. I keep telling myself that I love him...and I do...I always will...forever...literally...but no man is worth this. I can't wait around for him to come back any longer. I deserve more than this. I deserve to be happy...dammit. I'm done with this crap town in general. It's time to move on. I have no idea where to go...or what I'm going to do when I get to wherever I might be going...but I have to get out of here. As big as this house is...the walls feel like they're starting to close in on me. 
Swallowing the last few sips of my drink in one gulp, I set the empty glass down on the floor, stand up and then trudge slowly upstairs. Walking into our bedroom...which I haven't even been sleeping in much lately...I grab a large duffel bag from the closet...quickly toss some clothes and other things into it...pick up my cell phone from on top of the bedside table...shove that into the back pocket of my shorts...then leave the room and go back downstairs...bag in hand. I walk to the front door and pause there...my palm against the wood. I turn and glance back over my shoulder...looking around the large space one last time. This is it. I should've done this a long time ago. I've considered staking myself...locking myself into the basement and dessicating myself...but I ended up kicking out both ideas. I don't really want to die...I mean...'die'...for real...and I know from past experience that dessication is too freaking painful...long story...and I don't feel like going through that again...so this is my best option. The only option. I turn my head back around...facing forward once again. 
Taking a deep breath...I open the door...step outside...walk down the driveway...and keep on going. I didn't even bother leaving a note for my man telling him that I left...or where I'm planning on going...because I don't even know myself yet. I have no set destination in mind at this point. I'm just going to have to...see where life takes me. Hmmm...maybe I'll go back to California to visit my old boss and my willing blood donor peeps...it's probably not a very good idea...seeing as how I'm a vampire ripper now and all...and I might try to kill said former boss...but it's about time that I face them and reveal what I am...something that I've also been dreading...and avoiding...since last year. I really don't feel like walking all the way to California though...hopefully I can hitchhike along the way. That shouldn't be too hard. Well...this should be fun...ish. Also...what's that saying again? If you love someone...let them go...and if they really love you...they will come back to you...or whatever? If Damon loves me as much as I hope he always has...since the first day that we met...then he can damn well find me himself...if not...then I guess it was...never meant to be. Maybe I was never meant to be a vampire either...since I totally seem to suck at it...no pun intended...but...it's not like I can do anything about that now...okay...that's enough of that...the open road is calling to me. (End)
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
It’s been a few years.
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Paring/series - Damon Salvatore and you, the vampire diaries
Summary- you are badly wounded and have no other option than to go to the salvation mansion. Only thing is you have history with them boys. Especially Damon Salvatore. Did he miss you as much as you missed him?
Warnings- mention of blood and wounds, one kiss. One swear word🫢
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while GCSEs are happening! And I’ve had no ideassss…
I knocked on the Salvatore door with all force left before sliding down the oak leaving blood in a long pattern all the way to the floor. I gasped for breath several times but none came through my lungs.
What felt like hours later the door clicked open, an unfamiliar face appeared looking around and then her brown eyes fell upon my wounded body curled up on the door step.
“Is Damon in?” I choked out with the last of my strength.
The sweet girl scanned my body with worry and sadness then bending down to me after screaming Stefan’s name out. She pealed back the cloth off my biggest wound and her eyes widened.
“It’s okay- your going to be okay” she smiled comforting me, even though we’d never met and it was obvious she didn’t think that. Stefan hurried to the door searching for why the girl was distressed.
“Y/n?” He stuttered. Completely taken back by me being here.
“Help me bring her inside” she looked up at his shocked emerald eyes.
Stefan took a second to embrace the fact I’d turned up on his doorstep before scooping me in his arms like a spade with ease. I hadn’t seen the Salvatore’s In years. Years.
Stefan brought me up to a room and laid me on the bed “it’s a werewolf bite Stefan- she’s a vampire right?” The girl had her fingers in her mouth staring at the scene. At me.
“It’s okay we should have the cure downstairs, Elena watch her while I go and get some of Klaus’s blood” Stefan ordered though nicely. There was something between them even I could sense through all my pain.
The way they moved, spoke.
Elena took a seat next to me and clasped my hand with Hers. “Nice to meet you y/n, I’m Elena Gilbert” she twinkled crossing her legs next to me and shaking her gorgeous brown hair out her eyes.
Stefan rushed down the stairs to find the cure in the millions of boxes in the basement but the boys were all out of Klaus’s blood. Stefan started to sweat not knowing what to do.
He climbed back up into the living room in time to watch Damon walking into the house through the front door holding a white car-board box.
“Damon… your back” Stefan rubbed his eye.
“Looks like it” he yawned walking up to his brother. Eyeing his bloody hands. “Trouble in paradise?” He wiggled his eyebrows trying to be funny. “Also why’s there blood on our front door”
“Not that kind of trouble but something has just happened”
Damon stared back confused before opening the box and pulling out a blood bag. His face looked unfazed. “Am I gonna care?” He lifted up his brow sarcastically pulling the bag every way to open it.
“Yes your going to care a lot- y/n is here” Stefan whispered to his older brother.
Damon looked back at Stefan in an instant dropping the ruby red blood bag onto the floor of their living room after only taking a sip. He switched on his vamp hearing to find me and sped all the way to his room where I was laying. Dying. Before Stefan could even get another word in to explain.
He stood in the doorway making eye contact with me but not doing anything. He was frozen to the core. Shock. Fear. Regret. Sadness. Just some of the things he felt when he saw me there in pain.
“Damon…” Elena whispered. His eye contact with me didn’t switch but he did walk towards me.
“What are you doing here lamb” his face softened and he came over to the other side of the bed slowly.
“Here to see you before this thing kills me” I tumbled out. Hearing his nickname for me made me smile and fight though the anguish. “What is it” he peered at my bloody, cut up body.
“Werewolf bite but… we’re out of cure damon” Stefan breathed from just outside the room. “No. We’re not” Damon shook his head vigorously. “I stashed our last two viles at Bonnies house” he relayed.
The room was silent for a second or two.
“GO!” Damon yelled at his little brother. Stefan nodded not upset but sympathising and Elena jumped up to go with him. And probably just get out of the whole situation here. 
“So your a vampire” he half laughed looking back at me and taking my hand that had gone cold when Elena left. “Your a vampire” I whispered back giggling. “Who turned you- why didn’t you come find me earlier”
“I don’t know some older man- he was- well I trusted him and he did this” Damon pulled my body onto his and wrapped an arm around me.
“And i didn’t know how to come and see you.. so much time had passed I wasn’t sure if you even wanted to see me” my words barely came out but Damon understood them perfectly fine.
“Of course I wanted to see you”
His thumb swayed across my forearm in comfort. “I’ve missed you I assumed you were dead” “no I didn’t t-turn long after you” my speech became worse as my body began to shake. His grasp on my arm became tighter like he was holding on for life.
I was hot then cold then hot again.
“Hold in there love- Stefan will be back soon and then we can properly talk” his gentle yet rough hand parted through my hair.
“So what’s with them two? Who is she” Elena asked in the passenger seat of stefans car. He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“We knew her when we were human we had no idea y/n turned”
Elena nodded thinking about their human life. The night was clear no cars on the road no animal sounds. “It almost sounds too quiet out there” Elena whispered getting distracted.
“Damon and y/n were once engaged to be married, he was deeply in love with her and she him, but Damon was killed and turned. He believed it to be too dangerous to go back for her so he left” Stefan continued while parking in Bonnies drive with skil.
“We have to save her, for Damon” Elena enthusiastically prompted.
“Where did you run into a wolf it’s not a full moon?” Damon wondered wiping my brow with a wet cloth. “I didn’t” my head shook while the room did too. My body was on fire I could hear noises that weren’t there. See things that were impossible. Damon was the only thing keeping me here right now.
“What do you mean” he hushed slightly lost.
“There was this man- ughhh ahh and he was torturing me… ughhh i- I found my self in mystic falls when I escaped so I came h-here” my eyes fluttered shut coming close to the end.
“Your saying he injected werewolf venom into you- and cut you? Hurt you?” “Yeah” I reached up to his neck looking at him in the eyes “I missed you so much”. Hot burning tears rolled down the side of my face.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come back lamb- we could have had all these years together” Damon kissed my forehead. Through the blurred vision I could see his full eyes.
He linked our hands together cutely. “But we have now, and we have the future that we can now spend together”.
With that Stefan rushed through the door with his human lady not far behind.
He handed it to Damon nodding.
“Thank you brother” Damon patted him on the back. The man I’d missed all these years propped me up and put the glass to my lips with care. “Go on love, it’s okay now”
With the confirmation I downed the so called cure and the blood ran a marathon down my throat. “Elena go get some blood bags” Damon tipped his head at the door.
I took a deep breath while Elena vanished round the corner. My sight began to come back quite fast and the wound from the werewolf toxin closed up in an instant. The rest of them from the tools were still cut and bloody but they should heal up after some blood bags.
“Thank you- thank you so much” I pulled Damon into a hug as more tears splashed out my eyes this time with happiness. I’d found him. Finally. And I was going to be okay.
Elena carried up four or five bags placing them on the bed. “We will give you guys a moment” Stefan suggested finding his way around elenas hip to rest his hand. “Stefan” I called.
“Thank you too”. He beamed at me knowingly “it’s good to see you after all these years” he told me while exiting.
I pulled away from the hug still quite close to Damon’s face. “You don’t need to say that lamb, I would do it in a heartbeat you know that I’d do anything for you” “don’t mean I’m any less thankful” I giggled wiggling my fingers through his hair now.
Our eye contact was everything. It made my stomach twist with nerves like no one had done in the past 155 years. He pulled my head slowly down for conformation but I’d been waiting for this since he left.
There was never anyone else. Only Damon Salvatore.
His lips reached mine. Softly. Just how I’d remember him to be. Damons thumb rubbed my cheek making my face go redder than roses under his touch. We both worked together the same way as before like we hadn’t ever been parted, it was perfect the moment was everything.
“I definitely missed you more” Damon smirked as he pulled away by an inch but I’m sure it wouldn’t be too long till we were at it again.
“I doubt that”
“Why don’t you drink up them blood bags lamb so that our first date can be killing that son of a bitch who did this to you”
Butterfly’s fluttered in my stomach as I nodded with excitement.
He was just as crazy as me.
For more like this- masterlist
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Please can you do a Mikealsonsxreader where the reader is their younger sister and get cheated on xx
Cheated Sibling
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Damon Salvatore is a jackass
He cheated on me with that stupid human Elena. The doppelganger that my brother Nik needs to make more hybrids. I mean he knows she's going to die at some point right. Turn old and be gone while he stays young forever. Slamming my bedroom door open I grab a. chair throwing it across the room. "Can I ask why you've decided to start destroying the livingroom little sis?" My older sister Rebekah asked coming out of the kitchen leaning against the doorframe. "Because Damon Salvatore fucking cheated on me!"
Nik vamps downstairs from his art room hands bawled into fists. "He did what now!" Elijah came from the library book in hand before Kol entered the house his baseball bat in his hands. "What is this about the Salvatore? Elijah closed his book seeing my face red from tears. I slump down on the couch tears still falling down my face remembering the phone call he left me. "Damon cheated on me with Elena Gilbert. He didn't even have the desceny to tell me in person. He freaking - left me a voicemail!"
"I say we get revenge. Let's set him on fire, you know how much you and I love it Y/n." Rebekah chimes in with a smirk. Kol tosses his bat around coming up with another option. "We could train him of his blood in the basement." Klaus comes to sit beside me on the couch brushing my hair from my eyes seeing them still red from hours of crying. "I vote we tear out his liver or better yet kill his precious doppelganger right in front of him. I'd do anything to see a smile on your face again little sister." A wicked smirk plastered on his face only grew bigger when I mirrored my own.
Finally all of my siblings looked to Elijah figuring he'd be against violence. He sits his book on the table rolling up his suits sleeves, a stern look on his face. "Normally I'd say let's be peaceful with the Salvatore brother. But no one hurts you dear Y/n. There will consequences." Getting to my feet I hug him sniffing into his suit. "Thank you brother, for agreeing to help me get revenge." Everyone gets to there feet pulling me in for a hug until I remembered theirs a dance tonight. "Oh I love that look in your eyes. Care to share Y/n." Klaus smirks staring down at me since he's a little taller than I am. "There's a high school dance tonight. He'll be there so let's strike tonight." Rebekah flips her hair over her shoulder smiling. "That's bloody brilliant."
Nobody messes with the youngest Mikaelson
Comment and reblog 🤗
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'The Salvatore and The Mikaelson
Pairing- Elijah Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
Summary: You are the older sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore and had came from England with your husband to visit. You meet Elijah Mikaelson the night you learned Katherine's dark secret.
A/N: An idea popped in my head and I ran with it.
You sighed looking at your husband who shrunk away from your cold stare you got from your father. You and your husband had to go stay with your father and brothers while your husband's family had to fix things in England when word got out he was having an affair with a lady of the night.
"My beloved, please stop staring at me."
"Don't James. We wouldn't be in this mess if you kept it in your pants." You said as the carriage stopped in front of the Salvatore home. Damon stood outside with Stefan both dressed in nice suits with a woman standing between them.
"I wasn't aware you both had an older sister."
"Careful Katherine, Y/N is a cold woman so try to make a good impression because she is every critical of any woman near me and Stef." Damon said as Stefan glared at Damon as Katherine watched the driver helped you out. You dressed in a beautiful navy blue dress your dark hair in a low bun two curls framing your face.
"Your sister is every beautiful." Katherine said watching you open your fan as James came out of the carriage. James was a small round man as Katherine thought you should have married a much more good looking man.
"Welcome Y/N, James."
"Stefan, Damon. Who is this?" You asked staring at Katherine with a cold calculated stared that reminded the boys of your father. You were protective of your brothers which was why Giuseppe had married you off believing you were too soft with your brothers.
"This is Katherine Pierce, she is staying with us for awhile. She has no where else to go." Stefan said knowing you were judging Katherine but noticed the soft glit in your eyes.
"Lovely. James and I are only stay until next summer."
"Well me and Stef missed you sis." Damon said with a smile as you all went inside. That evening Katherine noticed how you seemly stayed near your brothers and them doing the same.
"Lady Salvatore, Stefan says you are a novelist." Katherine says sipping her tea as your eyes settled on her while your brothers were playing ball with your husband.
"Yes I am. Have you read them?"
"Why yes. But I must say I'm surprised a woman like yourself would write such scandalous things." Katherine said as you smirked sipping your own tea.
"We women do have fantasies of a handsome tall dark stranger to steal us away at night. To ravish us like no other can."
"Yes but your husband."
"My husband wouldn't know how to please a woman unless he pays for it." You said watching James fall face first and Damon burst out laughing while Stefan helped him.
"But vampires?"
"We all crave the darkness Miss Katherine." You tell her standing up to go help James while Katherine stared at you. A week into your stay you learned Katherine's secret. It was a late night as you woke feeling the bed was cold and noticed your husband was gone.
"I swear to God." You groaned getting out of bed putting on a dressing robe and went looking for James. You lit a candle walking out to the quiet hallway when you heard James moaning and realized it was coming from Katherine's room.
"James you piece of......." You stopped seeing Katherine on top of James with a bloody mouth. Katherine looked at you seeing you drop the candle before running.
You knew you couldn't tell Damon and Stefan, they were in town with your father for the night. You decided to run for it not before grabbing your vervain as Katherine caught you and was going to bite you. You smashed the bottle of vervain against her face making her let you as you got up running out into the cold night.
You were panting as you ran having grabbed a wooden stake on your way out. It was freezing as you could see your breath crying out when Katherine grabbed you by your hair throwing you down.
"I was going to let you live Y/N. But you ran and going to tell them about me." Katherine said tilting your head getting ready to bite you.
"Don't worry I'll make it pa......" You cut Katherine off when you stabbed her in the abdomen. You pushed her off when the vampire fell over and you got up running once again. Katherine growled pulling out the stake pissed off but impressed with how much you were fighting.
You screamed when an arm came around your waist and pulled back against a strong chest.
"Careful there." You heard a smooth voice say as you looked up your breathing hitched seeing a every handsome man staring down at you with warm mocha eyes.
"You're hurt." The man said as you realized that Katherine had hurt you as your side was bleeding. The man bit his wrist holding it up to you and you were confused. You ylep when he pressed his wrist to your mouth forcing you to drink his blood healing you.
"Elijah?!" You heard Katherine and you tensed in Elijah's hold as he calmly looked up pulling his wrist from your mouth.
"Katerina, I've been looking for you."
"I'm aware but I would like Lady Salvatore back." Katherine said as you gripped Elijah's arm and he picked up on your racing heart.
"You're going to kill her."
"She caught me. She knows too much I can't risk it."
"Why not compel her?" Elijah asked as you realized he was a vampire and tried to get away from him but Elijah held you tighter.
"Drinks vervain. Death is my only option." Katherine said as you managed to break away from Elijah falling to the ground. Katherine grabbed you making you cry out.
"Katerina, don't hurt her. What if I took her? Help cover your tracks." Elijah says watching Katherine hold your neck as you teared up scared.
"Sorry Elijah I can't risk it." Katherine said snapping your neck and dropped your body leaving. Elijah frowned walking over picking up your body taking you back to the inn he was staying in.
You woke up with gasp noticing you were in a man's shirt and in a warm bed. Elijah walked in carrying a tray with a glass of red liquid.
"Good morning Lady Salvatore."
"You're the man from last night....but Katherine killed me."
"I'm Elijah Mikaelson, you had my blood in your system. You are in transition if you don't drink this blood you'll die." Elijah tells you as you stared and took the glass drinking it taking the first step in forever.
Elijah had became your friend, Sire and now husband as you were now 181 years old and it felt weird being back in Mystic Falls. You walked down the street as you hadn't really changed as you were still bit of a cold woman.
"Stefan?" Elena asked as seeing the vampire stopping and followed his line of sight seeing you standing in front of a floral shop.
"That is my sister."
"I thought Katherine killed her like you said?" Elena said following after Stefan when he headed for you.
"So did I."
"Hello Stefan." You say when you looked up seeing your baby brother then your eyes landed on Elena. Elijah had told you about the doppelganger as you both got to town.
"How are you?"
"Alive? I was turned like you by my husband."
"James was a vampire?" Stefan asked confused as you laughed lightly.
"No, my Sire is my husband. Katherine killed James the night she thought she killed me."
"Wait who is....."
"Hello Stefan, Elena. I hope you both aren't bothering my wife." Elijah says walking up standing by you kissing your hand as you blushed still not used to Elijah being affectionate with you.
"You turned my sister!" Stefan growled angry as you stepped between them eyes narrowed at Stefan.
"If he hadn't I would be dead. Elijah tried saving me from Katherine." You tell your brother as Stefan looked between you and Elijah.
"Let's go Elena. I need to tell Damon." Stefan said leaving with Elena as You frowned. Elijah placed a hand on your waist.
"Don't worry dear. We should get going, mother is planning a ball."
"Alright. It has been awhile since I went to a ball." You tell Elijah hoping that it will go well with Damon.
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llamaqueenprompt · 3 years
Revealing Roadtrip
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Reader, Stefan Salvatore, Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Katherine Pierce (mentioned)
Not Requested
Word Count: 1242
Inspiration:  “admitting that I'm right is always a good option.”
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The whole gang was gathered in the Salvatore household trying to think of a plan but nothing came up.
“I’m done with this,” Caroline said as she got up “we have been looking at this for hours and we can’t come to a decision, she’s ahead of us guys just accept it.”
“We can’t just give up now Care,” Elena said, “we have one more clue to follow.”
“Which is a trick,” Damon said.
“How do you know?” Y/N asked, looking at him from her spot on the ground.
“Because, my dear Y/N, I know Katherine better than you do and it’s just like her to do something like this,” he answered as he looked her dead in the eye with a grin forming on his lips.
“As I have stated before,” Stefan intervenes “I believe it’s a good idea to follow every lead we have, we can’t know for sure what’s a trick and what isn’t”
“Of course you would like to follow this lead little bro, you want to do it just so you can have your way with the two doppelgangers at one”
When Damon said that, Stefan rose immediately to his feet, an action which his brother followed, and stood in front of each other with their chests puffing out. 
“Okay both of you, just calm down,” Y/N said as she squeezed herself between the two of them “we don’t need alpha fights right now. Damon and I will go look at that clue.”
“I didn’t agree with that,” the boy protested looking at the girl in front of him.
“Too bad I didn’t ask for your opinion,” she said as she grabbed his wrist and started walking upstairs.
“You know I’m going to be right, right?”
“In your dreams,” Y/N answered as she packed some stuff.
“You are already in them honey,” he said with a smirk.
Y/N just stared at him with an annoyed look on her face. Damon had been doing this for weeks now, the little flirting trying to get some kind of reaction out of her and she didn’t know how to react but worst of all she didn't know how she wanted him to react if she did.
She wasn't going to lie and say that she wasn’t attracted to Damon because everyone around them knew that she was, even him, and she didn’t want to think that he was just playing with her feelings and just having a good time. She hated this, not the flirting but the way it made her feel because she couldn’t feel this kind of thing for him, not now and not ever. The last time she had felt something like that it had ended horribly and she couldn’t let it happen again.
“Earth to Y/N,” Damon called as he waved his hand in front of her face “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I was just thinking about this whole mission,” she said as she shook her head trying to push back her thoughts.
“Are you thinking of giving up?” he asked her with a hopeful smile.
“In a million years,” she answered as she got out of the door.
“So we have time,” he said as he followed her down the stairs.
The place they were going to was a couple of hours out of Mystic Falls so that meant that they would go on a friendly car trip.
“You know Y/N, I think you are the only one in the whole gang that hasn't tried to kill me.”
“And why the hell do you sound so sad about that?”
“Because I would like to see that method you would use,” he said, taking his eyes off the road to look at her.
“The what that I would what?” she said not believing what he was saying.
“You know, they have tried fire, stick to the heart, all of those things, I would like to know what you would try.”
“First of all,” she said as she turned his head back to the road “I don’t want to die in a car crash, a snapped neck was enough. I would probably rip your heart out,”
“Oh, I don’t think anyone has tried that one before,”
Sophia looked at him with a little shake of the head and he had that same smirk that made her weak on her knees. Oh boy, this was going to be a long trip.
“It has to be here,” Y/N said as she looked around trying to find the house that was marked on the map that they had.
“You know it probably doesn’t exist,” Damon said as he sat down on a bench looking at a frenetic Y/N.
“Someone needs to know where this is,” she said as she looked around, finally spotting an old lady. “Excuse me!” Y/N called running after the lady.
Damon stood back looking mesmerized at her, if he was in her shoes he would have given up a long time ago, but Y/N no, she still tries to get answers even though she knows it's hopeless and he admires that in her, her resilience. 
“So,” Damon asked as she walked back to him “any luck?”
“Don’t,” she said as she sat in the seat next to him. “you already know how that went.”
“You know, admitting that I'm right is always a good option,” he said with a little smile.
“You know the woman called me crazy, CRAZY”
“You know you aren’t right?” Damon asked, looking at her eyes.
“Coming from you, that's a real compliment,” she said smiling at him.
Damon didn’t know what came to him, but when he realized it he was already holding her face and pressing his lips to hers. They both moved in sync and melted together. 
When they pulled away they stayed there looking at one another and not saying a word.
“What was that?” Sophia asked after a couple of seconds.
“A kiss,” Damon said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“You can’t do it, you just can’t,” Y/N said as she walked away from him to where the car was.
“Y/N wait!” he ran after and grabbed her wrist making her turn around. "What's wrong?”
“What’s wrong? Are you really asking me that?”
“You know why I can’t do it,” she said looking at everything but him.
“Y/N it has been years,” he gently caressed her face “you can let yourself live by what you feel again,”
“No I can’t,” she said with tears forming in her eyes “I’m scared something will happen again, even if I want it I can’t hurt you”
“Oh honey,” he pulled her into him and hugged her “you have been doing great lately, nothing is going to happen if you let yourself feel again,”
They stood like that in the middle of a village where everyone thought they were crazy for a couple more minutes until Damon pulled away and gently grabbed her face in between his hands.
“Let’s go home,” he kissed her forehead and they made their way to the car still holding each other.
A couple of hours later, when they arrived home, Y/N made her way up to the stairs immediately under the concerned gaze of everyone that was in the living room, but especially from Damon that stood looking upstairs until he heard the door close.
I think this one deserves a part 2, what do you say?
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