Oh, So Very Me....
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 hours ago
Neal doesn't stay single for long, just saying.
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 hours ago
Fans are more unrealistic than I am
If they pull a White Collar reboot that picks up 5 years later, you can guarantee Neal will already be in a relationship with someone, and that woman won't be Sara. Shippers can be so out of touch with reality.
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 day ago
If the writers so much as do a five year time jump, the Neal/Sara reunion that shippers want so badly would be too unrealistic. Neal doesn't stay single for long. We're talking about the same guy that took off to Cape Verde and got involved with a woman within months.
I wouldn't be surprised if Neal already had a new girlfriend by the time Mozzie joined him in Paris because a year had already passed.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
"I really like her, and I think she likes me, too."
Neal and Alex make better partners in crime than actual romantic partners. I honestly don't think they'd ever stop conning each other, so there'd always be a lack of trust in their relationship.
While I do believe Neal was deeply in love with Kate, his love wasn't strong enough to stop him from trying to con her, so that kinda ruined their romance for me. The fact that he got arrested without her so much as shedding a tear for him kinda threw me off too.
With Neal and Sara, there's a difference between loving and falling in love, and I don't think Neal fell in love with her. I think that's why he planned to leave with the U-boat treasure without her. He didn't see a future for them.
Rachel was an amalgamation of his exes and completely insane. I could never ship him with a cold blooded murderer no matter how much she loved him, and I do believe she loved him in her own twisted way. Because of who she was and what she did, I believe she's the one that affected him most... and in a way that he needed to be.
I wouldn't ship him with Maya simply because they weren't meant to last. He wasn't in Cape Verde by choice. He'd always want to go home, and I don't think Maya would ever want to leave hers.
I'm probably the only fan that ships Neal with Amy, the woman he met in the final season. I want her to take a trip back home, then have her return to New York with a different point of view.
I'll always like Peter more than Mozzie for Neal because I consider Mozzie a hindrance more than a friend. Peter always pushes Neal to be his best self. Mozzie always pushes him to do something that will land him back in prison.
I think Neal should find his one true love. That one woman he'd love so much that he finally put his con days behind him... because love can be that powerful. I believe Amy could be that woman despite where they started because nice girls finish last. She's everything Kate could've been at the right time in Neal's life.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
I honestly don't think they have a choice but to pull a reboot involving the Pink Panthers because that's how easy it would be for them to piece Neal's betrayal together. And you can't have Keller selling them as huge as he did only to make them small time crooks. Keller straight-up told Neal that prison wouldn't stop them.... that's how far their reach is.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
Kinda obvious for them anyway, I mean... they already had a full arsenal plan in place, and because Neal changed their entire plan, the leader got arrested with a single gun on him lol
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
The Pink Panther prison escape could fall into the one year time jump they already put in the finale, and the writers could pick up from there. Because yeah... the finale only covered one side of their one year time jump. Neal's side.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
Outside man turned inside man.
If they do a White Collar reboot, I think a full circle storyline for the Pink Panthers would do well. Not only because the show ended with them, but because it wouldn't take much for them to uncover Neal's betrayal. They got caught during the part of the plan where they were least likely to get caught. This would suggest a mole. They got cut 30 million because of the supposed jam, and Keller was found with 9 million when he was killed. This would suggest a pair of moles, and they'd suspect Neal because of his history with Keller. It's because of this, the leader of Pink Panthers would start his search for Neal with their arresting agency and its officers, and Peter is still working for White Collar. The leader of Pink Panthers would recognize Mozzie because he helped Neal with his initial break-in. So they'd follow Mozzie from Peter's house to June's house to the storage unit where he dropped off his queen card to Neal in Paris because of the newspaper. The outside man would essentially become the inside man. They'd save Peter for last to avoid the heat of the FBI... killing June, then Mozzie, then head for Neal to kill him... Peter needing to save him... then closing out the reboot with a funeral for Mozzie and June.
They should open with Mozzie and June already dead, and the Pink Panthers following Neal. Have Neal recognize one of them, pull up info on their prison escape, then contact Peter for their reunion.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
An unpopular opinion, but I actually felt that the Neal/Mozzie friendship needed to end.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
I'm currently re-watching White Collar and taking notes for the sake of writing a Neal Caffrey character post. If they plan to do a reboot, I feel it has to be specific and realistic for his character. Shows are best left alone when they've ended perfectly... and I feel White Collar was.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 days ago
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"Whatever happened to you, or whoever... they must've done something right."
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 days ago
There were enough storylines in White Collar to support the idea that Neal Caffrey gave up the game for the sake of a normal life. It's best to look at his character motivations as well as his relationships in every season. They're the reason it's my opinion that he likely works as a freelancer, offering his services to do good... as he has through the entire series. I always felt like Peter knew Neal better than Mozzie ever did. I view Mozzie as more of like devil on Neal's shoulder, the kind of friend that holds you back from your greatest potential.
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 days ago
Jeffrey Dean Morgan really brought Negan to life. And my god, I had no idea that Negan has a spinoff like with Maggie.
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 days ago
Saw someone say this. Thoughts?:
Can we take a moment to fully acknowledge the fact that Stefan already knew what Elena looked like naked and he still slept with her before telling her that he did.
I felt that was a huge betrayal, and not just because he knew what she looked like naked. He might as well have had sex with his ex. That's the kind of betrayal it is. A reason Stefan sleeps with Elena while she's human and Katherine is a vampire, then sleeps with Katherine while she's human and Elena is a vampire. Stefan is written around what they are, Damon is written around who they are.
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kiss-my-freckle · 8 days ago
My two Scofield spinoff ideas.
Michael can no sooner stop being a rescuer than he can stop being a creative genius. I think it's just a matter of circumstance for him. All he needs is the right case to pull him in. Definitely a freelancer with no strings attached.
Picking up where they left off in the season 5 finale, with the CIA offering him a job. Extractions sorta like their Extraction films on Netflix. Less military style, more Scofield style.
Jumping off his original storyline with Lincoln. Nick Savrinn's role at Project Justice, only 100x better. Michael helping the wrongfully convicted clear their names.
If they wanted to pull a Scofield spinoff without Sara and Mike, they could kill them off via drunk driver and do a time jump.
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kiss-my-freckle · 8 days ago
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x03 || 3x02 || 3x13
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