#damn that would be awesome
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froglover7789 · 4 months ago
finally watching house md in order instead of whatever random episodes my friends force me to watch and. wow. the mouse bites meme is. so accurate? why is wilson just Always There. "I too am in this episode!" YES DIVA WE KNOW WHY DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP DONT YOU HAVE THINGS TO DO????
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kreachvera · 10 months ago
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the devious rapscallion proposes his mischievous scheme
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evilherehotel · 1 month ago
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literally how did she get out of that
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macbethz · 10 months ago
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beeduoo · 1 month ago
i really like that one tiktok
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shalom-iamcominghome · 1 month ago
People often assume that a person is primarily religious because they believe their religion is The Most Correct. However, I am a very strict believer in judaism and I love arguing for other religions.
I just got done outlining how exactly polytheism is advantageous over monotheism and it was incredibly fun. I love people and I love g-d and these two things coexist in perfect harmony
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rakiah · 10 months ago
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sunflowergraves · 11 months ago
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 7 months ago
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His route really cannot come soon enough, I need to know more about my husband :'3
Also some different hand designs because I liked them too much to discard and a nice yellow background so I can pretend he's not incredibly sad
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neutralm4sk · 3 months ago
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 5 months ago
It makes my heart ache that Penber starved Naomi of the validation she so rightly deserved so much that the second a freaking kid goes, "I think you're right" her eyes light up and she says, "Really? You mean that?" Honey... Oh honey...
She is a former FBI agent. He is a highschooler. LIKE.
Light's literally not even gassing her up. He's just acknowledging and respecting her intelligence and treating her like a goddamn person, and it has her practically over the moon enough to smile since probably the first time Penber died. She's being told that her deductions make sense. Her brain is worth something after all. Light's not lying when he tells her her theory could become central to the Kira case. It's literally the truth. He acknowledges this to himself. It's basic fact. And he treats it like such, and verbalizes that to her as such after a touch of light skepticism to see the strings she's connected. And she's all for it.
And she has indeed connected them. Every single one. Everything she's saying makes sense, but she's been so goddamn trained by Penber that she was very nearly resigned to not being believed. She's adamant to explain her conspiracy board piece by piece in person because she's so acutely aware of getting swept aside, but she still knows she's right, and that her deduction is important, and she overcomes that fear and goes anyway.
She is a careful, intelligent woman. She IS. All Light does is respect that and she's suddenly spilling fucking everything to a kid she doesn't know, who she knows is tied to the police, who she knows have a leak, who she knows her fiance was investigating. She plays some cards close to her chest but she's just so swept away by being believed for once that. Well. She dies.
Light very quickly falls into honeytrapping and using women as tools but based on this I wonder how much of it is his. I don't know. Headcanon territory alert but. Seeing a reflection of the self in them? IIRC he only does this to women who are blatantly attracted to him. He doesn't seek to use Naomi in any way. Manipulate her, yes, as she's a very real threat but she's also blatantly a person to him even before he learns how much she knows. I very well could be reaching, but I could see Light seeing people who are attracted to him and being disgusted by them. He knows he's attractive on the surface, but underneath...
Does Light see the world as rotting because he's viewing it through the lens of self? Ykno?
They see his face and swoon and suddenly it's like they don't seek to know him at all. He's effectively been a prop his whole life, a model 'good son', and he sees that he's become a prop to these people too. So, too, do they become props to him. He's serving his worth to them by just being there - it's practically reciprocal, and therefore the fair and right thing to do.
Light uses Misa. He's not kind to her. He uses Takada. He's really not all that kind to her either, though he's less blatant about it to her face for the most of it. He cheats on them with each other aaaaand literally doesn't care if they might be hurt. But he still trusts Takada to effectively become his second, and trusts Misa to information gather and write names and follow a plan outside his immediate supervision. He is a two-timing manipulative gaslighting bag of dicks who'd happily sell them to the devil for a corn chip, but I'm tempted to think that's because he knows their worth, their abilities, sees his need of them, and is therefore always keeping that in mind as he tries to seduce them sweetly to where he needs them to be. Light thinks women are easy as hell, his opinion of their intelligence is definitely a hand waggle at best but he still sees them. And honestly, he thinks everyone's intelligence is a hand waggle at best, and he thinks everybody is easy to manipulate, and he's, frankly, not always proven wrong. His dismissal is pretty sex-neutral. Women probably get singled out because statistically she's gonna be straight and therefore attracted to him and that's just another button he can mash. Looking at Mikami, I have no doubts he'd treat men who are interested in him in the same way.
Naomi, obviously, is not attracted to him in this way even though he's able to please her with almost excessive ease. Naomi therefore seems to retain her personhood in his mind. 'She's just a woman', yeah, he thinks to himself as he's freaking out and going over worst case scenarios where he might actually have to assault her. She's smaller than him. Her long hair means she has an easy handhold. He's not really figuring out that she could kick his ass before he can do so much as yelp... he still hesitates, doesn't go for it, and finds another way. He thinks to himself that she's too careful for him to successfully assault her even though she's 'just a woman'. People say he taunts her after she walks away to commit her suicide but I'm not so sure he is. He's ensuring his alibi publicly in every way he can, to anyone who happens to pass them by, to anyone who can see him smile, to anyone who can hear him and register his 'friendly' voice the moment he's not speaking so only Naomi can hear. Naomi is a threat. Naomi is careful. Naomi is very, very fucking smart. Light needs to ensure his victory as much as possible, and is acting to do this from every angle even as Naomi is in the grips of the Death Note's thrall because she's goddamn Naomi Misora.
And Light, though he's only met her very briefly, knows that. There is no way he didn't enjoy that cat and mouse game. Of course he revelled in his victory. She was an exceptional opponent who very nearly had him in checkmate several times in, like, the span of a half hour. L's been at this for months and he's never gotten as close to catching Kira as Naomi did lmao Him being giddy makes sense in that context.
Penber trusts Naomi enough to get him tea and keep house. He tells her as much to her face. All she is, is his fiance. That's all she's good for anymore - whatever her capability, whatever her intelligence, whatever her reputation 'before', they're now worthless. He'd never even think to try and manipulate her to make use of her blatant fucking intelligence because he literally doesn't see it. He dismisses her skills out of hand. What a waste. What a goddamn waste. If Naomi had been the one investigating Light, he'd be in custody before Ryuk even told him he was being stalked.
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creatively-cosmic · 5 months ago
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in loving memory
or: what did @pkmn-monochrome mean by this
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evelynpr · 5 months ago
Why the fuck are there roller skates, dubstep, stage lighting, an LED screen, and all kinds of modern technology in Xilonen's trailer??? I thought Fontaine had the most advanced technology next to Schneznaya and arguably Sumeru, and every instance of high-end technology we have seen leaned more towards machinations with gears, magic, alchemy, essentially fantasy styled sci-fi???
The disrespect towards Native American and African cultures is enough to piss me off already, but it even goes against Genshin's own consistency with its fantastical world design..and for what? Just so you can have this...pop and gamer aesthetic???
Just look at these two bubbly and optimistic characters for me okay
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Yoimiya's design isn't the most respectful and accurate representation of a Japanese firework craftsman, but at least you can damn tell she is Japanese. The large ribbons, hair accessories, tassels, leg covering, tattoo design, shoe style, and fabric patterns all allude to this (I apologize for not knowing the exact terminologies for these, this needs further research).
Then there's Mualani who has...what? Please do correct me if I am wrong here, but her character must be inspired by the real Mualani, a Hawaiian Chiefess. Additionally, her tribe's specialty is in tourism and vacationing, which further leads into the idea that she and her tribe are based off of Hawaii despite the known issues regarding Hawaii and tourism (if there are any good sources that summarize the issue, please do lmk).
I am not too familiar with Hawaiian culture, but there really is nothing about her design that reads as Hawaiian, or even just traditional, to me. What about a 2 piece swimsuit with bows and tails, a bow + braids + ponytail hair style, combat gloves (?), and an entire neon shark, is Hawaiian???
The characters, their designs, and their trailers, are just so culturally disconnected from their real life counterpart that it's even disconnected to Genshin's own world building and design. How the fuck is the fashion trend in Natlan denim pants. I feel like the only parts of Natlan that feel like Genshin Impact and culturally inspired are the in-game music and landscapes (God bless Hoyo-mix and the world designers).
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graylinesspam · 3 months ago
Getting into the Percy Jackson books in my old ass age was a mistake. I should have read them in highschool when they were popular. I even knew that at the time. But i figured, hey, better late than never. Wrong
everything about this series is written in such a way that I need some kind of consensus on what the fuck are we thinking about it. Like Percy, bless him, is such an unreliable narrator. And i know what he's missing most the time. it's not subtle. but there's nuance. And there's huge fucking concepts that just aren't being explored by the characters because they're fucking 12 and aren't thinking that critically about it yet. And i neeeed to know what the fandom consensus on some of this is.
I can smell the fanblogs, deviantart, and decade old discussions all over this series. It was literally written for preteens with access to the young internet the way it used to be. And you might be saying, "duh, OP, if all these discussions are already out there why not look them up and do the reading yourself? Isn't that how you get into any fandom?" And your right, i would with any other series. Except that every time I look at a PJO tag there is a slew of characters, prominently displayed, that I haven't even met yet. And that was fine when I was reading the first book. I kept thinking every single time I started a new one, surely this is when I'll meet the missing kids. Then i won't have to worry so much about spoiling it. Right? RIGHT??
Surely Annabeth, Percy and Grover can only go on so many quests by themselves before we get the whole crew involved. Fucking loud buzzer noise on that one. I mean I'm glad we have Tyson now but shit guys. It's just been these fuckin guys the whole time. We get maybe one new character a book and half of them die... Then I thought oh, the war is coming surely we need a bunch of characters to fight in that. HA yeah, not any of the crew though. Well we got Nico but other than that. I don't know these people. I have never even seen fanart of them. Where is this Will guy at? huh? Where's That Blonde boy, Jason i think?? WHere they at?? What the fuck is up with the purple camp shirts? The 7??? what is the 7??? I ain't even seeing fanart of Clarisse and she's been in every book but i can't escape the emo boy and his blonde boyfriend....
I can't even glance at the pjo tag without incomprehensible spoilers staring back at me.
I am six fucking books into this series and there is no sign of the MOST POPULAR CHARACTERS. How many of these books do I have to read just to be able to talk to you people???
I mean I'm gonna, but damn.
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torchstelechos · 6 months ago
Okay but Isabeau was in the fucking RIGHT for that crush like lord almighty. You got a dashing rogue who saves you and decides to start joking with you in a way you enjoy, they're clearly very cute and very strong, makes the cutest fucking faces and noises ever, and then they get a scary look on their face and you realize he could kill you where you stand without even an issue and you would thank him for it. LIKE IS HE WRONG THOUGH?? IS HE WRONG FOR THAT??? I MIGHT BE ACEARO BUT FUCK FUCK THATS HOT
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jalluzas-ferney · 6 months ago
I don’t think this is an unpopular opinions but lowkey fannon kailor is sm better than cannon kailor.
(Read the tags)
#I’m not even huge on kailor but I this thought just came into my head as I thought ab Sky#cuz I was thinking ab how it would be awesome if we got Skylor to come back at least for a cameo#but then I thought ab how sucky it would be if the show tried to keep on trying to push Kai and sky to be together#because it would feel so forced atp#the show just writes them so bad it just feels like everytime they bring Skylor back to the show#which is like- whenever there’s BIG emergencies#the writers remember that ‘hey! Skylor is also Kai’s love interest! let’s give them some cute moments together!’#it’s like they’re not even trying 💀#and even in the book ‘quest for the lost powers’ they were *KINDAA* cute but tbh the way Kai acted w Skylor pissed me off#and I love Kai btw but damn reading their part made me feel like she deserves better 😭#but if they really tried#they could actually make a great couple#srs#which is why fannon content for them is sm better#but I feel like usually that’s the case for most fandoms or shows#so that’s why I doubt it’s an unpopular opinion#and tbh it would also be interesting to see Kai just admit that his past relationship failed and that’s ok#portray a healthy breakup that would be awesome 🔥🔥#but that’s just my personal opinion and my desire to see more complex relationships and stuff like that lol#lego ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#ninjago#dragons rising#ninjago dr#Ninjago Kai#Kai Ninjago#skylor ninjago#ninjago skylor#kailor#kai x skylor
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