#daddy rosier
orchideous-nox · 2 months
Just your friendly reminder that if you don't like what I post about then you don't have to see it, or even interact with it. In fact, I'd prefer you didn't. Let me write my Rosekiller smut in peace.
I don't owe you the content you want to see.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
JK rolling is like the deadbeat dad of the marauders era characters
Yea, she did some basic stuff to create them, maybe named them,
but the mom, the fandom, grew them up, raised them while Jkr is mad that ‘no son character of hers will be gay, trans, queer’ and more
she didn’t raise them yet come with judgment for who they grew up to be, raised by the fandom, the working parent.
she doesn’t know them as well but she will probably only be back when she needs something or get mad that they aren’t “how they raised them” while she didn’t, only there when she wants control.
she may did some of the work, but she didn’t do much raising them and can’t be mad at shit of how they turned out’ to be.
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the amount of times I tried to make this and it glitched out on me isn’t funny but uhh… hottest male character from the marauders era. I might add more as I remember them.
I can’t add more but I might make a new one.
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morsmortish · 2 months
give us your xenadora headcannons
i absolutely think their relationship has something just a bit fishy like they met when she was 15 and he was 25, but pandora is 1. crazy and doesnt care about what anyone thinks and 2. i think it was very normal for pureblood girls to date guys 10 years their senior
oh it’s so fishy. age gap xenodora you will always be famous!!! i definitely think pandora is the one who pursues xeno; for whatever reason, she sees this quirky rich blond little pureblood heir and goes Yes This Is The One I Want. and then she uses all of her wiles to get him. he’s kind of just happy to be here.
in a modern au he’s the heir to some sort of multi-million newspaper/magazine/media franchise and he’s kind of clueless about the whole thing. his parents run the equivalent of the nyt and their only son just wants to smoke weed and ramble about his conspiracy theories. enter pandora, who decides she needs a sugar daddy and comes up with a twenty-step plan to bag xeno. she bats her eyelashes in his vicinity once and he’s gone.
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alter-ego-xxx · 1 month
James, tide to the bed naked, spread apart.
Evan, Warming himself, fucking himself, opening himself up, watching Jame swirl wanting to touch and help , Being tortured but not being able too.
Evan taking his time, makeing James beg for him to sit on it, suck on it, fucking SOMETHING
I just know that my man is whimpering like a wounded animal. He's begging and being SO sweet to Evan but his fate is already decided. Evan takes his time, putting on a show for James, fucking himself with a dildo, edging himself until he's panting and moaning. James bucks his hips in the air, so fucking desperate for touch or friction or atleast attention or literally just ANYTHING but Evan won't give it to him. James stars sweet talking and trying everything that comes into his clouded mind until he throws in the famous "daddy please, I've been so good" and Evan BREAKS. He has to grip the base of his cock to starve off his orgasm and FINALLY makes his way over to James. He sits on his dick but instructs him to not touch and James eagerly nods and says "yes yes anything please just move" while tears (of frustration or relief?) are rolling down his face.
Maybe, if Evan is in a particulary mean mood, he now won't STOP until James is begging him to... what do we think? Is James a good boy and listens to his daddy?
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Part 7 - Sock's Fame Au
Part 7 - A New Perspective
idk what james is on in this one, bare w/ me here
Part 6 <- -> Part 8
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- @my-beloved-fandoms @jamofsunshine @okaythisisbecomingaproblem @p-prettyboyzz
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swag696942069 · 10 months
I don't know about anyone else. But I think we need more mommy/daddy issues in this fandom.
Give Lily Evans mommy issues this instant!
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Obsessed with how you portray father Cygnus (I hate black sisters abuse theories) please give us all your headcannons for him!
You and me both, anon! My headcanons list for daddy warbucks is ENDLESS so here are a good chunk. Enjoy!
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s a Black through and through. Tall, broad, grey eyes, black hair, classically handsome even as he gets older and older. Behind Tom Riddle he was certainly one of the most handsome boys at school despite that he’s 2 years younger than Tom. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   his best subjects were arithmancy, astronomy and alchemy. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   his magical expertise is astounding — of course it is, he’s a Black — he can recall histories of ancient lineages in his sleep and he practices rune mapping regularly. His skin is littered in runes, though admittedly, not as deeply as Orion’s is. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   like all Blacks he relies on his name more than anything else. They’re arrogant but they’re not show-offs like the Malfoys. They’re haughty but not snooty like the Rosiers. More than anything he knows how steeped in ancient and dark magic the Blacks are and he draws on that heavily, investing himself deeply in their unique, powerful, dark magic. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he also loves hunting (muggle hunting is a favourite), wizards chess, collecting dark artefacts — which he’s been doing for as long as he can remember, having ludicrously expensive things imported from all over the world. It was a hobby of his fathers which he shared interest in. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Speaking of his dad, he and Pollux had a lot in common but Pollux’s pride and joy was always Walburga.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Pollux pushed him for a career in magical law with the Ministry. Irma wanted him to become an alchemist. Alchemy was his passion, a passion he later shares with his eldest daughter, Bellatrix. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He excelled in magical law enforcement anyway, taking additional studies to become a magilawyer. He climbs quickly in the Ministry, moving from junior to senior within the space of about four years. By the age of 30 he’s the head of magical law enforcement, the youngest wizard in Ministry history to reach that position. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   For a long time he remains magilawyer primarily keeping purebloods out of Azkaban and supporting the imprisonment of mudbloods. Yes he’s a corrupt wizard, no he does not care. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s heir (English side, Orion is the French side’s heir) to the wealthiest family in the world. He has more gold than he knows what to do with. When he returns from the continent he invests it heavily in Lord Voldemort, who he’s always thought has absolutely the right ideas about blood purity and whom he genuinely admires (despite that he was not invited to become a knight at school). 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Cygnus refuses to take the mark unlike many of his former classmates. Voldemort would’ve killed him for refusing him but Cygnus is useful and loyal despite his refusal to play destroy for him. Voldemort immediately uses him for keeping his death eaters out of prison if they’re ever caught, which isn’t often — and for writing new rules into the law systems of magical Britain. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he and Druella were a love match, though she is his complete opposite. His father approved of the match (she’s a good standing pureblood witch after all) but his mother didn’t and wanted him to marry a Black, likely his cousin Lucretia. She relented because of Walburga, who made the point of — what does it matter? His children will still be Blacks. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   onto his babies!!! He’s very very proud to be a girl dad. He adores his three witches, every single one of them is the absolute light of his life and he understands them completely. He gets Bellatrix’s adventurous mind and rebellious spirit, he gets Andromeda’s academic mind and quirky spirit, he gets Narcissa’s pristine mind and sweet spirit. He adores them for their uniqueness and very much encourages them to explore and pursue their passions.
 ◜    ۞    ◞  baby Narcissa curled up on his chest is guaranteed to make him fall asleep within seconds. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Druella definitely marks him down as the reason Bellatrix takes the mark and Andromeda becomes politically minded against their way of life. Cygnus takes none of the blame because his girls have always been single-mindedly passionate to what they believe in.  
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Andromeda’s leaving wounds him deeply, but only furthers his closeness to Bellatrix and Narcissa, remaining very much a deep and fixed part of their lives. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s daddy as fuck. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   100% Alphard was his best friend. He did not approve of him being disowned for giving Sirius gold, though he did heavily disapprove of Sirius’s actions against the family. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Walburga is the love of his life, he adores his big sister though he finds her intolerable at times (as all siblings do). He bends over backwards for her and does it without thinking twice. He is also exceptionally protective of her — cut to Cygnus decking Orion in the face for calling her a stuck up bitch and Walburga telling him she ‘wanted to do that herself!’
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Narcissa has done him the most proud for her family values and her integrity.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Bellatrix has done him the most proud for her strength, ability, power and position in society.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he approved of Bellatrix being taught magic by Voldemort when she’s 15 — after all, she’s practically a child and Voldemort is older than him what’s the worst that could happen? 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He didn’t realise how in love with him she was until he hears them conversing when she’s 19 and engaged to Rodolphus Lestrange. He didn’t mean to listen in, but he overhears her begging him not to marry her to Rodolphus and take her instead. He says no but that it won’t change things between them, she’ll always be his first. It stilts Cygnus entirely and he leaves quickly. He never shares what he hears with anyone, even Bellatrix.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he finds out about Orion and Bellatrix’s affair first. He finds them asleep together when they’re in Orion’s home in France. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   if he could, he’d have had her marry Sirius and keep the Black family name. As it is, he was too young for her and also she seems dead set against having children anyway — and he doubts Sirius could change her mind, so he relents against his preferences for her marriage. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   as for Rodolphus I have two ideas for how this could go: either way he loves his son in-law, they have an excellent relationship and they’re both dangerously protective of Bellatrix. 1. Rodolphus and Bellatrix have been best friends since their childhood, it makes sense they marry each other. Bellatrix doesn’t mind so much, he’d make for an easy enough match and she does seem to adore the wizard. It’s an easy engagement, easy marriage, and they make a beautiful couple. 2. Rodolphus is Cygnus and Voldemort’s age, a former peer of theirs. Rodolphus never marries and never shows he’s interested in Bellatrix. Bellatrix expresses her interest in him directly to a very surprised but perfectly pleased Cygnus who agrees he’s an exceptional wizard and would make for a brilliant husband. Plus if Orion proves anything, he knows his girl has always liked her older wizards. They court for some time, get engaged within a year and married in the next — again they make a beautiful couple. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he is not keen on Lucius Malfoy despite that he seems to dote on Narcissa and bend to her every whim. Narcissa deserves far better — but honestly no one would be good enough for his most precious girl, so fine.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He knew about Bellatrix and Voldemort’s affair and did everything in his power to keep it from ruining his daughter’s reputation which he felt she was being reckless about. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he tried to talk her out of it multiple times but it only seemed to further her closeness to Voldemort and Voldemort’s iron-tight grip on his daughter. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   one day when he finally confronts him, Voldemort says if he wanted to make his pretty little daughter his personal whore he would, and who would stop him? Certainly not Cygnus Black. Cygnus (in his very characteristically Black temperament) pulled all Black funding from under Voldemort’s feet and found himself on the other end of Voldemort’s wand. When Cygnus refused to relent despite the threat of death, Voldemort turned his wand onto Bellatrix. He had the choice — continue giving him the gold he wanted or lose his heiress. He didn’t think he could actually kill her given how close they were and how heavily involved with everything Bellatrix was (and quite frankly, how obsessed and possessive of Bellatrix Voldemort appeared to be) but Cygnus complied.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he once more risked Voldemort’s wrath by demanding the man at least have the decency to marry his daughter when he gets her pregnant. Voldemort only laughed and Cygnus lost what little respect for him he had left after that. Though he continues supporting the cause, he actively avoids Voldemort unless he can’t. Even then, he speaks to him with a candour and freeness no one else (except Walburga and Pollux) seem able to. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Despite that, he absolutely adores his little granddaughter (more than his grandson, sorry Draco). Delphini means the world to Cygnus and he’s grateful to Walburga for legitimising her. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞  the most devoted, hands-on grandfather you will ever come across. Absolutely spoils his girl rotten just like he did her mother.
 ◜    ۞    ◞  he continues hunting well into his older age, almost always solely with Bellatrix. It hurts him just a little she goes with Voldemort more than him. During the height of the war he never sees her without him nor him without her. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he loses his job when he fights for Bellatrix’s release from Azkaban prison. He’s disbarred and revoked of his positions and titles. He’s heart broken and inconsolable at his daughter’s imprisonment, his most beautiful, shining star chained behind bars. He misses her beyond belief and not Walburga, Druella or Narcissa are able to pull him from his grief.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he dies from the heartbreak of losing Bellatrix to Azkaban and then soon after, Walburga’s death. No one is with him when he passes, but his hand is tight around the picture he keeps of Bellatrix with him all the time. Delphini takes the picture and keeps it herself. 
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v7lgar · 4 months
Do u think Evan would be more gentle and less rushed with regulus than barty or james would be
i think yes, idk evan gives that vibe like he would be so careful w regulus even tho that's not what regulus asked from him but it's not slow or idk it's that evan gives all of his attention to him and regulus doesn't know what he is going to do all w this undivided attention but the way evan takes care of him makes him feel so safe that it makes him think if he has daddy issues or not lmao
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florsial · 2 months
mhmm i’m obsessed with the visions i’m receiving from the xeno reblogs…pretty please share some more thoughts about him? love!
Xeno is honestly a character that i kind of always loved from afar? Like I never ventured further than their name but I built a type of vibe with them.
-One thing I always saw was him being Lucius' brother. It was the very first thing I saw when I started Harry Potter in like elementary and it stuck ever since I joined the Marauders.
-He's younger by 4 years than Lucius and about 3 years older than Pandora. His full name is Xenophillius Silas Malfoy. He's the second son and his mother's favorite because he was her son, not the Malfoys'. So she packed up and took him elsewhere for most of his life until Hogwarts where the Malfoy parents lived civilized. He officially meets his older brother when he's 11 and Lucius, a 15-year-old social climber.
-His relationship with Lucius is distant. Lucius is treated like the heir, his childhood is spent inside, lesson after lesson, pandering to the upper class, flattery, etc etc. But Xeno never had that, he lived in the English countryside, he was allowed outside whenever he pleased, he skipped etiquette lessons but was never punished, his curiosity was mostly about biology (which was how he developed a love for writing), and no one could or would tell him no. So there was a huge difference in their relationship. Lucius was appalled and Xeno was curious. There was also a sense of disappointment and jealousy on Lucius' part, he wanted someone who would understand the stress of being heir, or at least be brought up similarly to him, but Xeno was the complete opposite. Xeno was curious but quickly grew bored with the traditional Pureblood ways that Lucius kept trying to fit in his head. I think deep down, they really love each other, but they are just too different without any ties, no emotional ones that were formed when they should've, so that love really doesn't go beyond blood obligation. Not to mention their parents.
-Something fun is his gender. The only way I can describe it is that they're everything, but also nothing at the same time (technically they are genderqueer but I like that description better honestly). Gender doesn't exist to them. She thinks it's a constricting concept. Very pretty honestly. They are like weird, but in the prettiest way when they were with the Malfoys, but as they got older and further from their family, they kinda didn't give a fuck.
-They love white! It's their main color throughout most of his life. He thinks that it shows the process of thinking. Like a bare canvas. A lot of their formal robes were white and she's probably the brightest wizard (literally) that anyone could point out at a pureblood ball.
-I think he's a lot like how people imagine Pandora to be. While she's purposely eccentric because she loves it, Xeno is eccentric in a way he doesn't even realize it. Like he's talking about an obscure creature (that probably doesn't exist) and being hella judgy when you say you have no idea what he's saying. Pandora is intentionally cruel and cold, but Xeno isn't. I guess you could say he's a bit tone-deaf as well. Pandora is purposeful, Xeno is not.
-Definitely isolated. The moment he's shoved into the pureblood society, he cannot fit in. People think he's weird, he thinks they're boring. He is stubborn and doesn't agree with the high-class purebloods. He chills and writes by himself until Pandora comes around.
-Pandora "She asked for no pickles >:(" Rosier and Xenophillius "didn't want to say anything because it didn't matter :/" Malfoy <3
-Neutral during the war and ran away with Pandora, they created the last name, "Lovegood" while high off their ass in Xeno's last year at Hogwarts.
-REAL BUG ENTHUSIAST, he would take Luna out and hunt for bugs! I like to think Luna has one of those glass cases of preserved butterflies somewhere from when she was a kid. Xeno would have jars and jars of live bugs in his rooms at the Mafloy manner, all hidden and tucked under his bed. He refuses to allow anyone inside and "cleans" his room himself. All the jars are labeled neatly with stickers and names from fairytales.
-"Cleans": puts everything in a stack in the corner, a scatterbrain <3
-the Quibbler was made as a way to preserve Pandora's memory. They would write unpublished articles back at Hogwarts and Xeno would publish them and more when she died.
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rosekiller microfic: mine 2,445 words nsfw!!
unfiltered pure smut, including daddy kink *don't read if you're not comfortable*
The harsh click of the front door, the turn of the lock, then Evan is being shoved against the wall of the foyer. Firm hands circle his waist and hot, cracked lips find purchase on his neck. Bite, suck, lick.
“Fucking finally,” Barty groans, his fingers digging in deeper; blunt nails to guide Evan’s hips where they rut frantically into thin air. “All mine, you’re all mine.”
Evan whines, high and loud and desperate. His skin is alive, buzzing and pulsing with each new vibration that sends a shock wave through his body. The setting is on low, has been all night—not enough to offer relief but enough that after two hours mingling with friends and getting tipsy next to sweaty strangers, Evan feels fucking crazy.
He lets slip another whine, fingers tight in wispy dark hair as his neck shifts from shades of red to deep purple. “Barty.”
Barty laughs, low and breathy. The sound makes Evan’s head spin, or maybe it’s the way Barty presses his cock firmer into Evan’s thigh. “You were so good for me tonight, baby.”
And oh, aren’t those the best and worst fucking words Evan has ever heard.
He needs Barty closer, he needs it now. He needs him to take him apart and put him back together only to destroy him again once he realizes it’s what Evan wants.
Barty’s hand slips into the back of Evan’s trousers, prodding and pushing at the toy pressed inside of him, making him squirm. “Please.”
“Fuck, Ev. So pretty, so greedy. Always look so fucking good, I could barely keep my hands off you.” Barty kisses him fiercely, swallowing a third whine. His tongue pushes past his lips and teeth, slick and soft in the way it slides against Evan’s. It’s familiar and comforting, the taste of cheap liquor and smoke and home.
“What do you think?” Barty mumbles against his lips, kneading the soft flesh of his ass with one hand. “Do you deserve to be fucked tonight? Were you good enough to deserve my cock?”
Evan lets his head thud against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut. “I—yes, fuck. Please, Barty, I was good. I tried to be good for you.”
Evan is still trying for friction, for relief, but Barty’s hand has left his trousers, all stimulation gone except for the faint vibration that’s been nothing but relentless. He stills Evan’s hips, brushing a hand under his jaw to lift his chin. Evan opens his eyes reluctantly.
“You did, didn’t you? Stood so still, didn’t let anyone know how fucking wrecked you felt. I bet no one saw how hard you were,” Barty’s eyes are playful yet dangerous, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. “You’re fucking aching for it. All mine, all for me.”
“All yours,” Evan breathes out.
He hears it when Barty’s breath hitches, eyes scanning carefully over Evan’s face. He’s raw under Barty’s gaze—the only person in the world that can make him feel like this. Split open. Cherished and revered. He tucks a stray piece of Evan’s blonde hair into place, pale inked fingers splayed delicately over his jaw and cheek. A rare, still moment in time, neither of them breathing.
It’s Barty who cracks, a hand sliding down Evan’s throat as he kisses him again, sharp and abrupt, leading him off the wall and down the hallway.
Their bedroom isn’t far, but it takes an impressive amount of time to get there. Hands ripping at clothes as they try not to separate their lips for too long. Each item of clothing discarded in various piles until they’re both naked—burning skin on skin as Barty drags him down, tumbling into soft sheets.
“Fuck, fuck—baby,” Barty groans, manhandling Evan’s hips and torso, turning them so Evan is splayed on his back, his hair fanning out in a golden halo over the pillows. He bends to Bary’s will, limp and pliant to do whatever he asks of him.
Barty goes straight in, kissing and licking a line down Evan’s neck, taking one pierced nipple into his mouth and playing with the other, twisting the cool metal around with his tongue. Evan moans, high in his throat, his back arching off the mattress.
Barty slots a thigh between his legs and grips his ass. His nails dig in hard and Evan is gone. He’s so fucking gone. “B, please. I–I need—”
“Flip over for me.”
Evan whimpers, turning over so his face is pressed into the pillow, ass in the air the way he knows Barty likes it. He grips the sheet loosely, arms already shaky. A low groan is heard from behind him, and then it’s cool fingers running up and down his back, a shiver wracking his spine.
Barty clicks his tongue, tsking in disapproval. “Baby just cause you’ve been good doesn’t mean you can call me whatever you want.” He drapes himself over Evan, nipping at the top of his ear so he can speak low and clear, his hand rubbing small circles over the cleft of his ass. “Come on, you know what to say.”
And fuck, Evan really should have seen it coming. He’s already hard, but he must be leaking down his leg at this point, making a mess all over the blanket.
“Daddy, please.”
Then Barty pulls away, his warmth gone from Evan’s back. Evan is just about to turn his head in question when Barty’s palm lands on one cheek with a resounding crack, the sharp sound echoing throughout the room. Evan’s body jerks forward with the force, his eyes widening. “Better,” Barty says.
Evan hisses from the sting; he can already feel the soft red beginning to bloom beneath his skin. He pushes back, a silent cry for more. But it doesn’t come, Barty takes hold of either side of his hips harshly, tugging them up.
Barty presses one finger to the plug, firm as he stretches Evan even further. It’s still on—controlled only by a small button that would require it to be removed—and Evan savors the feeling, delights in just how full he is.
“Fuck, you’ve had this in for so long…taking it like it’s nothing.” Barty pulls it halfway out without warning, pushes it back in hard. “Bet you’re all fucking loose for me. Ready for my cock, just like a fucking whore.”
Evan moans, squirming against Barty’s touch, a cracked and ragged sound. “Are you? Are you a whore, baby?” Barty’s breath is hot over his hole where he fucks the toy in and out of him, slow and languid. “So open, so fucking willing. Bet you’d bend over like this for anyone if they asked nicely.”
Evan chokes, shaking his head as best he can against the pillow. “No, no. Just—just you daddy. Just you.”
Barty pulls the plug completely out, no warning. Evan hears the soft click as he turns it off, the air around them stilted as the noise ceases. Evan whines at the loss, can feel his hole clenching around air, still slick with lube from earlier. He swallows and forces his words out. “Only you, daddy.”
Barty laughs, clear and cutthroat, slicing through Evan like a sharp blade. He gets a hold in Evan’s hair and yanks. Hard enough that his entire body lifts off the mattress, his head coming to rest on Barty’s shoulder.
“That’s right, baby,” Barty’s voice is laced with a smirk—Evan can almost taste it, “You’re daddy’s fucking whore. Mine.”
Then Evan is being thrown forward, pushed headfirst back into position with absolutely no control over it. He adores when Barty gets like this—possessive and demanding. When Evan can give him everything he has and dump it into Barty’s open hands, no question. He trusts him completely, always will.
It’s a long and tortuous lick to his hole, Barty’s tongue pressed all the way flat, that causes Evan to cry out next. He honestly won’t be surprised if they get another noise complaint. It’s tough for Evan to stay quiet as Barty starts to lave at his entrance, licking and sucking over the already abused rim.
There’s spit everywhere as Barty eats like he’s a man fucking starved, pushing past the loosened muscle to get inside. Evan’s mind grows fuzzier with each expert swirl of his tongue, the vibration of Barty’s groan as he takes what is given.
Evan’s cock is straining where it hovers above the mattress, untouched and painful. “Feels so good, daddy. I–I can’t—” he tries to move his arm but Barty reaches out to pin down his wrist, pulling away from his hole with a wet sound.
“No touching, baby. Take it.”
Another loud smack to his other cheek, even harder than before. The pain coaxes another broken moan from bitten lips.
“I said fucking take it.”
Evan feels the familiar sting behind his eyes when Barty’s mouth meets skin again. Hot tears well behind his eyes and threaten to spill—tipping, tipping, tipping, over the edge. A long slender finger pushes its way through his walls and Evan sobs, loud and unburdened, eyes leaking and cheeks damp as he begins to fall apart.
“I’m gonna—can I—need to…”
Barty’s tongue pushes even deeper before pulling back, adding a second finger and never letting up. “You wanna come, baby? Been waiting all fucking day and now look at you, I haven’t even touched your pretty little cock.”
“Please, please, please,” Evan chants, each plea recited like a prayer. On his knees and worshiping a god he willingly suffers for. Hands clasped in rumpled sheets rather than a pew.
Barty reaches to take Evan in his hand, fisting his cock in tandem with his fingers. Working quick with nothing but one goal in mind. “Fuck, so good for me, only for me,” Barty presses a kiss to the red marks still sizzling from his earlier slap, licks one last stripe over his hole. “Come for me, baby.”
It hits Evan hard, drags him under and holds him down as he spills hot and fast over Barty’s hand. A high whine and a shattered ‘fuck, daddy’ ripped forcefully from his chest. His vision blurs with unshed tears, another loud sob wracking his frame as he works through his high, rocking hard on Barty’s fingers.
“God,” Barty groans, slowing his thrusts and pulling each digit out as Evan’s high ebbs, earning a whimper in response. Evan is breathing ragged but turns his head as much as he can, struggling to focus as Barty takes the fingers coated in Evan’s come into his mouth one by one.
Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale.
Barty is licking them clean, swirling his tongue with the taste of Evan. Lips shiny and pink and—
“Tastes so fucking good.”
Barty ghosts a hand over his spent cock and Evan tries to writhe away, but Barty grips his thigh. It’s firm, meant to hold him in place. “Baby we’re not done yet, you know that.” His voice is rough and low, and this time Evan doesn’t move as Barty takes his cock in his hand. Squeezing the base, touch featherlight as he traces a vein. His own form of worship.
“Daddy,” he says, a silent question. A demand woven into one word. “I’m—’m empty.”
“And what am I gonna do about that?”
Evan pulls away from his touch, taking the liberty to turn on his back. Barty slots himself between his open legs without question, always able to tell just where Evan wants him. Evan tugs him forward, lips brushing in an exchange of hot air. “You always fill me up so well.”
And that’s all it takes.
Limbs intertwined and fingers pulling skin, teeth scraping down to the bone as Barty presses into him. Quick and sharp but so fucking deep. Evan is boneless—mind blissfully blank as each hard thrust turns him inside out.
“How are you so—fuck,” Barty curses, thrusts increasing in speed and intensity. Nothing but pleasure painted on his features. Fucking gorgeous—he’s Evan’s whole world and more. “Still so fucking tight, baby. Letting me fuck you after you’ve already come, like a good fucking whore.”
Evan laughs into the space between them, lips breaking into a delirious smile. On the brink of euphoria. “The best,” he chokes out.
The air is knocked from his lungs when Barty changes the angle and hits the spot that breaks him. “F-Fuck, daddy, there.” His cock is flush and hard again, as if he never came in the first place. But Evan can feel it building again, a raging fire that only Barty can extinguish.
Barty surges to kiss him, licking into his mouth so Evan can taste himself. Heady and salty from the tears now dried on his face. Evan groans and bites his lip hard enough to break skin. Tearing at soft flesh and drinking him down.
“Wanna hear you when you come,” Barty grunts, his movements growing sloppier as he nears his edge. “Say my name, baby.”
“Yes yes, I’m close. I’m so—so close.”
Evan’s body is tingling from head to toe, charged and electrified. Ready to spark and burn out, all at the same time. He can’t help it, each word that falls from Barty’s lips the sweetest fucking thing known to man.
So really, when Barty grabs him a third time that night, stroking his cock fast and sloppy the way he knows makes Evan dizzy, he had already broken. His second orgasm hits him harder than the first, enough that he can barely hear the way he cries out as he paints his stomach. Hot white splashing over smooth, taut skin.
He must have strung together what hopefully was Barty, or daddy, or maybe an incomprehensible collection of both—Evan is too far gone to figure it out—because not a moment later Barty curses, coming all the way undone.
“Mine, mine, fucking mine,” he groans, his hips stilling in one last deep push as he spills into him. Filled to the brim, shallowly fucking every drop further. It feels permanent, the way Barty burrows deeper still. As if he doesn’t already know the weight of him simply being.
It’s a slow comedown. Heavy breaths and a few languid kisses, Barty pulling out with a sharp inhale as his come drips down Evan’s thighs. “You’re god awful,” he says somewhere between a groan and a laugh, giving Evan’s thigh a small slap.
Evan just pulls him forward, legs wrapping around his waist without a care to how messy they both are. They’re sweaty and scraped raw, hollow yet perfectly fucking content—only with each other.
So Evan makes sure to flash Barty his most devilish smile when he says, “Daddy always loves it when I’m bad.”
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
"Mother", Sirius spoke, leaning back on the dark green sofa, fiddling with Alphard's old lighter.
Walburga glanced at them before making her way to the adjacent dining room. The table was set up for afternoon tea, and she moved around it, slightly adjusting flowers, cutlery and trays of finger sandwiches, to fit her standards.
Sirius followed behind her.
"I expect you and Regulus to stay upstairs while our guests are here."
Sirius leaned against the wall as he watched her meticulously rearrange things, "Actually I'm going out."
Walburga whirled around, "Stand straight. Where?"
"The Rosier's. Evan Rosier asked me to pop round to hang."
She narrowed her eyes.
"I mean he asked me to teach him French. He has an internship with Perenelle Flamel in a couple of weeks. And I accepted since you're always hounding on me to make connections."
She moved forwards quickly, grabbing their face, "You were meant to be getting internships with the Flamel's", she stared at him in disappointment, "Tell the Rosier boy to mention Regulus to Perenelle Flamel, Regulus has been doing well in Potions lately so getting work with the Flamel's could really substantiate his future."
Sirius pushed her away, "Fine, I will."
He walked out, grabbing their coat as he left the house. And started to make their way to a bus stop to get to Camden Town.
As they passed a telephone box, they went inside and rang the number of Evan Rosier that Regulus had reluctantly given to him.
"Hello", the boy's voice spoke.
"Rosier! My mother thinks I am currently at your house teaching you French."
"Great", Evan grinned down the phone, before putting it down and scribbling a note to tape to his bedroom door, asking for no disturbances while Black teaches him french.
He shut the door behind him, and turned back to Barty Crouch jr sitting at his desk.
Evan strolled forwards, bending slightly to kiss his friend, "We've got a couple of hours."
Barty smirked, "I guess Black's not all bad."
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Barty: Therapy isn’t enough I need to murder my dad, transfigure him into a bone and bury him on school grounds
Barty: also I need to torment my best friends ex’s kid and his friends for a year
Barty: oh don’t worry Dora, your daughter will be safe
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morsmortish · 4 months
barty and evan as jd and veronica respectively
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yasha-artblog · 1 year
hi *pops up with new drawing style*
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lesbian rosekiller
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