#WE created most of the lore
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moonyswarmsweaters · 9 months ago
JK rolling is like the deadbeat dad of the marauders era characters
Yea, she did some basic stuff to create them, maybe named them,
but the mom, the fandom, grew them up, raised them while Jkr is mad that ‘no son character of hers will be gay, trans, queer’ and more
she didn’t raise them yet come with judgment for who they grew up to be, raised by the fandom, the working parent.
she doesn’t know them as well but she will probably only be back when she needs something or get mad that they aren’t “how they raised them” while she didn’t, only there when she wants control.
she may did some of the work, but she didn’t do much raising them and can’t be mad at shit of how they turned out’ to be.
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wickedlyqueer · 3 months ago
i just gotta say u have been the backbone of the gelphie fandom for YEARS and seeing all these new gelphie fans for the movie and coming to ur blog is making me so happy like wickedlyqueer has BEEN on the gelphie frontlines!!!!!!
🥹🥹🥹 That's one of the kindest messages I've ever received!!
Not just gelphie but the fandom itself is so precious to me. The majority of my online friends I've met through this fandom (and it's double hilarious to see them all crawling back to it after seeing the movie 😆)
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marcmorrigan · 11 months ago
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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goldyluna · 3 months ago
Spare some au lore..? Specifically yttd aus..
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Ohhhhh, thank you :3 I can now talk a little about my world building of Purgatory!
To end up in Purgatory you have to "die". But death here is taken really loosely. There needs to be a chance to survive.
Most participants experienced injuries that were enough for them to fall into a coma. But some... There is a handful, or even less, that wanted to go to Purgatory.
If you want to live, you have to take part in games and win. For every win, you get Star Tokens—a currency used to buy useful things or to escape. Everything will be explained by a Watcher at the Starting Point.
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When you arrive, your memory may be intact or with a few missing pieces. Usually it depends on the injuries that were received in the "real world". Memories should come back eventually. If you survive long enough.
The first thing participants see is a statue of a man that looks like a Saint. Its body open and greeting them all, but the look on the face uncomfortable to look at.
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The Purgatory as a whole is big and its potential is great. Not all of the land is used well enough or at all. It can sometimes look pretty empty. But all the buildings and places are thought out, with their exact destination.
Some places are not known even by the greatest of Watchers. But Guardians are clever and spend so much time looking that they know where to find a place with no eyes.
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There are a lot of important places in Purgatory, but Flower Tree is the most beautiful. It grew from nothing and is guarded by Everything. Here you can meet Kanna, a beautiful Angel. There isn't a lot to talk with her as she often is silent. Participants think it is because of flowers growing from her throat that make her unable to speak. But not many know the moments of silence filled with whispers of two siblings.
Guardians are a mystery. Games can be hard and deadly. But all is fair in Purgatory Trials.
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scopophobia-polaris · 3 months ago
Oh and the best part about the whole au hyrule is about 3,000 years old is that it only dates back to the hypothetical creation date made 50 years before the first war for the triforce (the pre sksw one) so the planet is probably older then people are thinking and yet.....
Like truly no one, not even the Deku Tree knows the day or hour the world was created, what does it feel like just being born? No one is going to know how old the planet is it just popped up one day and a very short time later everyone got malice in their hearts and tried to grab the triangles all because Hylia let it slip that it's a fragment of the trio and is borderline all powerful.
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mabaris · 9 months ago
alright so now that we’ve gotten some actual crumbs, it feels like it’s a good time to lay out my prediction for what da4 is going to look like. writing this in a letter and mailing it to myself
we are part of an underground organization formed from the ruins of the inquisition to stop solas from ending the world
meanwhile the wardens have been researching the blight/the location of the archdemons and discover some secret about the location of the black city/what is actually contained in it
we’re supposed to be shocked at the reveal that the evanuris are trapped in the black city and the maker doesn’t exist
the ancient elves were in control of some crazy mutating technology (like in hormak) and that was the original source of the darkspawn. the whole thing about them being from the deep roads and a dwarf concern was actually just a red herring, they’re just underground because they’re powered by lyrium and this has ALSO been an elf thing the whole time :)
anyway, now we need to Double Make Sure the veil stays up because the evanuris have something even worse cooking up in the black city and we need to prevent them from unleashing a super blight and destroying all life, and our job is to convince solas to give up, not because we disagree with his plan but because his actions will have unintended consequences. even if he doesn’t care about everyone else and wants to rebuild the world, he won’t even be able to do THAT because the super blight will kill elves too. so although we WERE enemies we will have to band together to defeat the greater threat etc. it will be optional to recruit him as an ally/advisor, or you can just fight him directly and take control of his forces
we will have to cross into the fade AGAIN and storm the black city directly to put a stop to whatever’s going on in there
#i feel fairly confident about this but i hope i’m wrong honestly.#i’m a little disappointed that it’s probably going to turn out to be ‘elves are the most important people and also the cause of everything#and their lore is the Correct one’#i hope to god that they give you the option to fight him and don’t just force you to make nice for no reason lol#ESPECIALLY ��if this is a new protagonist with no history with him#it’s pretty much the same formula as inquisition and origins. two-step problem where the thing we initially set out to fix turns out to be#the least of our problems and we’ll need to put aside our differences for the greater good#it will probably also come out that the tevinter gods are also an elf thing. like how flemythal can turn into a dragon#and then the archdemons were the original hormak style experiment. or something#and we won’t have an explanation for the maker bc that’s just humans being silly. but see everything has a neat scientific explanation :)#or maybe the maker is like. elgarnan in disguise lmal#i am perhaps being a little ungenerous but also. i feeel in my gut that this is what they’re planning#mine#dragon age#da4#ghilannain feels like a possible candidate bc of the lore abt how she created halla. but there was that trailer with a mans voice#so it will probably be elgarnan because he’s the head of the pantheon especially now that mythal is gone#GOD i hope that comes up#they’re pulling so much from trespasser. a dlc that wasn’t even the main game and lots of people may not have played#they’d better reference the stinger ending of the actual game and give some resolution to that#maybe it’s going to be like. solas’s plan to take care of the evanuris when the veil comes down is to just absorb them#but we need to convince him that they’ve had time to set other contingencies up so even that won’t stop whatever they’ve started
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 1 year ago
Pondering the relationship between Sozin and Zeisan.
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sheyshen · 5 months ago
i think i'm gonna need to block all veilguard related tags until i get my hands on the game even though i really want to share like art of the new crew and stuff because i don't want to see more spoilers that makes me go hmmm lol
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year ago
Rewatching jacob gellars Pinocchio video to rewatch tng measure of a man to watch metropolis to read rossums universal robots to better argue about why modern tf lore sucks.
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rexcaliburechoes · 11 months ago
ask game - KISS
spins a comically large wheel that just consists of the name "istorros"
god. okay. i've been looking for an excuse to talk about istorros. so i'm gonna take this as my sign to talk a little about him.
the real answer is sort of funny, because in my current file, he's romancing gale, so the last person he's technically kissed is gale. but story-wise, astarion, because of a bunch of funny shenanigans that happened behind the scenes.
here he is casting speak to dead for context (the only other reference i have of him is an Actual mugshot. lmao.)
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#ask meme#istorros duskrorr#rex rambles#that behind the scenes shenaniganry is my first file i critically fumbled and romanced shart instead of gale (i had a planned routesplit)#(but that didn't happen obviously. big game. too big to justify long routesplits like that. LMAO.)#so when i created istorros i was deadset on romancing gale bc he's my pathetic wizard!! i like my pathetic wizard#whom of which uh. well. istorros sprouted a whole ass personality OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.#motherfucker hit the ground running when he popped into existence#he's the drow cleric i've been vaguing about in tags every so often#anyways back to the shenanigans: i was deadset on romancing gale with him but due to how his trauma ended up shaking out#he ended up bonding the most with astarion and we slowburned our way through faerun in oc lore locked away in dms#my friend described his relationship with astarion thus:#astarion: tries to seduce for protection#istorros: no. bye.#astarion: I DESIRE HIM CARNALLY#but yeah that's a little sliver of istorros. he's funny and also Very Tired.#man needs a nap and for his companions to stop trying to kill themselves literally or metaphorically#as one of two clerics in the group he's pretty sure he has some authority on this actually. please and thanks.#(man also legit looked at gale shart and lae'zel's gods and went. 'i think. those gods are being a bit extra. just a little.')#('at least tempus only wants me to assist in warfaring/warring in general and wants to treat me with some modicum of dignity.')
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frnknfrts · 1 year ago
miss being 15 and fixating over diary of a wimpy kid w my dearest friend
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torgawl · 2 years ago
slightly disappointed - just slightly - that they didn't include fischl in the windblume event because she would fit the legend/fairytale category of the charade so much?!
#how did they not remember the person that actually lives in one?#logically it would make sense okay 😂#i hope we get to see the other mondstadt characters even for a second at the end#jean barbara fischl kaeya diona and diluc the excluded ones ✌️#like i don't care about timmaeus and his crush sorry give me characters i care about (mona was so real for interrupting him yes queen <3)#okay sorry timmaeus i hope you succeed in romancing her 😔#i think you're a great addition to the synthesis thingie when i need to make materials the game wouldn't be the same without you 😔#on another note!!! i love when genshin's events or quests are like therapy sessions like yes thanks for teaching us about anxiety and#struggles with self identity and how sharing our problems with others isn't a burden and how being vulnerable will allow us to create#meaningful connections and relate to others around us that only through connection and being able to see other people we are able to#fight the feeling of alienation we had in the first place and gain a new found confidence!!! like yes. trauma holds us back and can#influence the way we interact with others around us and follow us for so much time but we can also thrive regardless!!!!#genshin lore is so good but also the way this game helps us find peace regarding so many things we all struggle with is beautiful methinks#a lot of the struggles the characters face in the game are related to the fantasy world their inserted to sure but they're also still#incredibly relatable to the most common person if we strip down that fantasy layer#i think it's about being seen and understood feeling less lonely and also seeing others through less of a 1st person lense about finding#beauty and significante in diversity#but anyways rant over#i'm having fun with windblume and i love events like this where we just get to revisit characters and see them have a good time with each#other!!! it's so comforting plus mondstadt looks so pretty
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thegoodduckfan · 3 months ago
My working theory is that she's the long lost cousin of the Beagle Boys (the terrible beagle boy!) and she clearly goes to banks to rob them, as beagles who were bred specifically to rob some rich dude (it's canon, look it up) tend to do, but she also does this in hope she will walk in on her cousins while they're robbing a bank and finally reunite!
dude this is random but like. my mom works at a credit union, and a while ago, this totally domestic, collared dog came up to their door and was like.... barking to get in?? it’s a small credit union so they brought the dog inside to keep it safe while they got in contact with the owner
anyway, the owner showed up, looking haggard, and was like “yeah, she keeps managing to get loose. i’m surprised she came here, she usually goes to Wells Fargo.”
and my mom was like.... what?? and the dog owner was like “yeah ever since she started getting loose, she.... always goes to banks. we can’t figure out why.”
anyway the dog is fine and (they’re gonna crate train her or something) but how bananas fucking Wild is it that this dog escaped, multiple times, specifically to go to the bank???? what the fuck
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mimenoises · 2 months ago
I can only ever like less-than-good media bc if something is too perfect there's nothing to think about over and over again about how I would fix it. This is how I interact with most series these days LOL
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tadc-harlequin-au · 7 months ago
sighs and begins to quietly sob in a corner as I think about what life decisions had led me to this path
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autumnfangirler · 2 months ago
23 for the oc questions :)
helloo, evening anon :D
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
hmmmm,,,, interesting question, i havent really thought about the evolution of my characters much. maybe lau and hyunsung? they started out as self inserts+love interests for heroes of olympus, (lau was leos twin sister and hyunsung was the son of hecate) but a hot minute after that i ended up overhauling them and theyre p much new characters now. still equally self indulgent though, theyre universe hoppers and time travellers now lmfao.
questions from here!
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