lightwing-s · 10 months
Cant stop thinking about girl dad Jason 😔 he’d be such a husband
Standing just outside the playground, you watched on as your husband and your baby girl came down the slide yet another again, she sitting on his lap as he nearly got stuck on the tiny toy, thighs probably too large to be fit in there in the first place.
"Go, go, princess. Let’s see who gets first to the ladder!" He challenged her once their feet touched the floor. 
Her piggy tails bounced up and down as she ran excitedly around the toy. Her little giggles mixed with your husband's, growing louder as she got closer to the ladder.
“Oh, no! D/n is going to win it.” Jason said dramatically.
When she reached the ladder, trying her best to climb it as quickly as her tiny legs allowed, Jason took her from there and held her tightly in his arms, kissing all over her face as her laughter filled the area with joy.
“My baby girl is such a champion.” he’d tell her, not stopping his kisses.
Watching those two play around was your favorite part of the day. Knowing Jason for years, you’d never seen anyone make him as happy as your baby girl did. Their love filled you with a sensation you’d never felt before, like you were finally complete after so long feeling empty on the inside.
There was no doubt Jason was healing his inner child whenever they got to play together, but what he didn’t know was that he healed yours too. 
As water flooded your eyes, Jason finally noticed your distant presence, tickling your daughter to look your way too. “Look, D/n, mommy is here and she looks sooo pretty.”
Carrying her towards you, you met them halfway, your daughter instantly extending her arms for you to take her into yours. You, too, filled her chubby face with kisses, as it was Jason’s turn to watch on adoringly.
“Did I tell you two how much I love you today?” he asked, eyes sparkling just like the day of your wedding.
“Hmm, I’m not sure, sir.” you jokingly replied.
“Well, then…” he embraced you two between his much larger arms, and proceeded to leave kisses on yours and your daughter’s faces. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…”
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
His Heart (Dad!Jason AU)
Tumblr media
Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: G, no warnings, besides sappiness.
Word Count: 1,390
Summary: Jason comes back from a years long mission in space, and finds out he's a dad.
Jason stepped into the JLA Watchtower. Earth glowed, vast, blue, and beautiful, through the giant windows. It had been almost two years since he saw it. Dorothy knew what she was on about, there really was no place like home.
He was so sick of sleeping alone in his bunk. Andy had just moved into his apartment when he got swept away, and it had just started to feel really right. 
Dick stood in the otherwise empty airlock in civvies. The furrow on his forehead was a little deeper than it had been last time, but his smile was just as wide and genuine. 
He stepped forward and wrapped Jason up in a hug. Jason hugged his brother back, far beyond pretending at coldness. Space was cold enough, and the two years on the front lines had taken their toll on him. 
“I wasn’t expecting a welcome party,” he said as they pulled back. 
“What were you expecting?”
“I dunno,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe a giant spray painted sign saying ‘And don’t come back!’”
Dick laughed. “Sure, if we wanted to see how long it’d take you to break into the tower.”
“Three minutes.”
“Well, you’re tired, we wouldn’t hold it against you.”
Jason scoffed. “I missed you, you asshole.” 
Dick flashed his winning smile. “So now what? I only saw your arrival by chance. Do you have plans?”
“Not really. I’ll probably slink home, see if it's still standing. See if Andy still… wants anything to do with me.” 
Dick blinked, his expression going blank. 
Jason’s heart clenched. Was there just an empty apartment waiting for him with a note that had been collecting dust for eighteen months? It would be exactly what he deserved, he thought with a bitter twist of his lips. 
“I guess I’ll settle in for a couple of days then go find her,” he said. Maybe just messaging her would be kinder? No, he was going to look her in the eye, even if it was just to say goodbye. 
“Don’t do that,” Dick said. He touched Jason’s shoulders urgently. “Go straight to her. I’ll take you, we’re going now. She deserves that much.” He turned and hurried through the hallways towards the zeta tubes. 
“Whoa, what? What are you talking about?” Jason caught up to him, grabbed his arm and dragged him back to a halt. “What’s happened?”
“Look, it’s not really my place to say.”
“You’re freaking me out, Dick,” he growled. “What, is she dying?” 
“No! No, Jason, she… she’s had a baby. Your baby.” 
For a moment the world stopped. The rotation of the vast planet out the window surely halted, same as the beat of his heart. 
“What?” Jason rasped. 
“Sophie. She turned one a few months back.” 
“She’s my–? Oh. Oh fuck.” 
The world rebooted, spinning anew but the axis had moved. Jason leaned hard against the wall. “Sophie,” he whispered. 
Dick patted him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, by the way. For a year ago.”
Jason laughed, frantic and broken. 
“Do you need a moment?” Dick offered. “We can go sit and–”
“No.” Jason pulled himself up. He marched towards the zeta tubes. “We’re going now. Straight to Andy and my– my daughter. Is she… how is she? Are they okay? Did the family help out?”
“Of course, Jay. That little girl has a whole circus’ worth of aunts and uncles who love her to bits. And a doting grandfather and great grandfather who spoil her rotten.” 
He hung his head as they reached the platform. “I should have been there. I should have been there. What kind of deadbeat am I?”
“Save that for Andy.” 
They drove from the manor to the apartment by the river overlooking the Narrows. It was the same one he and Andy had shared for that halcyon four months before duty came calling. 
Dick dropped him off downstairs, saying he didn’t want to intrude but demanded Jason call him when he was settled in to plan some kind of family night. Jason didn’t hear a word of it. 
He made it to the apartment door without registering any of it. He dropped his bag of gear. 
He knocked. 
“Coming!” Andy’s voice called. Faint music was drifting out through the walls, something upbeat and light. The door opened, letting in noonday light to the dark hallway, shining around a smiling Andy. She was in loose workout clothes that were stained on the shoulders. She wore no makeup and her hair was up in a bun on top of her head, and her skin had a light sheen of sweat. 
Her expression stuttered at the sight of him. 
He had no words. 
He surged forward. She met him halfway. Her arms wrapped around him as tight as his did around her, and it felt more right than anything ever had before. 
He managed to get her name out, before he kissed her. Her hand grazed his cheek so tenderly. 
He pulled back and looked into her eyes. Had there ever been anything so beautiful? 
“Jason, I have to tell you,” she said, putting a hand on his chest. “While you were gone, I…”
“I know. Dick told me.” He looked around the entryway. Even if Dick hadn’t said a word the folded up pram, the tiny raincoat, and the row of little shoes would give the game away. The furniture had seen a change too, most things had been moved higher up.
His eyes caught on the shoes. They were so small. He couldn’t help his smile. 
“Where is she?” he asked. 
“Gaa,” a high pitched voice rang out from the living room. 
Andy’s lips quirked. 
Soft, slow footfalls patted on the hard flooring, heralding the new arrival. 
He stepped forward, out of the still open doorway. 
And a little girl toddled into view. She was wobbly but her face was fixed into a determined pout. She stuck her nappy-wrapped bum out for balance, and held her arms cautiously forwards. She wore a single sock and a yellow dress. 
Jason’s heart relocated itself. It no longer lived in his chest.
She had a wispy halo of black floppy curls and a chubby round face. She stared at him. 
He knelt down. 
“Sophie, baby girl, this is your daddy. Can you say daddy?”
“Daddy,” Andy repeated, her voice wet.  
Sophie hummed. She toddled closer, relentless despite some wobbles. She stuck out her lower lip and fixed her eyes to him with absolute determination. He held out his hand. She reached back, closer with every step. 
Jason held his breath. 
Her whole tiny hand wrapped around his crooked index finger. She laughed in triumph and then fell onto her bottom.
“Oom,” she said on impact. 
She looked up at him again, actually seeing him now that her quest was complete. Big curious eyes of sparkling blue stared at him. 
“Hello,” he said. He offered a shaky smile. His eyes were glassy. 
She stared back. She blinked.
His tears fell. “That’s me,” he said. 
“Da. Da. Da de da den dayaya,” she babbled and giggled at herself.  She lifted her arms at him.
He lifted her gently and held her to his chest. She was so impossibly small. He could feel her heart beat against him, so feverishly fast. But she was calm, quite happy to be held. He curled around the most precious thing in the world. His breath hitched as he tried not to sob. 
She hugged him back; chubby little arms wound around his neck. She was so unafraid. 
He looked up at Andy. She was smiling down at them through her own tears, her hand held over her mouth. 
He stood, lifting his baby up. He held his little girl in one arm and the love of his life in the other. The baby was the only one dry eyed. Andy kissed the downy top of her head. Sophie leaned her head against his chest with a little sigh, safely ensconced between them. 
“Hn?” he queried. 
“No, baby, he’s not an uncle.” 
Sophie turned her head back, looking up at him.
“Uncy Da,” she said, like she wasn’t letting them trick her that easy. 
He gave an amused snort that almost covered the yawning gulf in his heart. “That’s what I get for not being here.” 
“You’ll just have to stick around and convince her otherwise.” 
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “I will.”
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luvrodite · 26 days
a draft from a few days ago. thinking about dad!jason thanks to sunnie and just. how stressed that poor man about your safety and comfort. you so much as breathe wrong he's alert.
anyway i'm thinking about how one night, after a long week of running around trying to get everything sorted – the crib you guys had wanted wasn't available and you'd said it was okay but he'd seen the downturn of your mouth so he's been trying to get the materials together to make the exact same one, and even though he's cut back slightly on patrol and he knows steph is capable, he can't help but worry about the kids he's been trying to keep an eye on, and his body seems to give out as soon as he hits the mattress that night so when he wakes up and doesn't hear your breathing next to him or feel the weight of your body – he panics.
he stumbles out of bed half asleep and nearly crashes into the doorframe, fear threatening to grip him in a chokehold. he's already imagining the worst possibilities but then –
you peer over your shoulder curiously at him, barefoot and still in your soft sleep shorts, the material of your shirt rising over your growing belly.
he blinks, rapidly, swallowing to ease the dryness of his throat. burning eyes fall to the open flame on the stove in front of you, the metal skewer you're holding with a marshmallow on the end, edges golden. there's traces of sugar on your bottom lip, and he heaves out a haggard breath, adrenaline still buzzing in his veins with nowhere to go.
"you okay?" you ask carefully and he lowers himself into a crouch, dropping his head into his hands.
"sweetheart, you can't do that," he groans, the complaint muffled. he hears the soft patter of your feet against the floor and your hand splays over his back, a grunt falling from your lips as you join him, carefully kneeling by his side. "i think i just lost ten years off my life."
"i just wanted a snack," you say quietly, and he can hear the pout in your voice. he looks up and you're frowning at him. he reaches out to take your hand in his.
"you could've woken me. i woke up and i didn't see you and–" he cuts the sentence there.
it's true that he's made strides since the both of you got together. he's come far from the man who feared sleeping in the same bed with you, worried about accidentally reacting in a half-awake state and hurting you – but the baby has brought back some of that fear.
you've seen it in the way he tenses in a crowd, a hand always at your back, eyes scanning the perimeter tenfold to when it used to only be the both of you. he refuses to let you carry anything over a certain weight, and you're almost 70% certain that he's employed the rest of his family in keeping an eye on you when he can't (you'd have to let tim know his disguises needed some work).
you soften then, shuffling closer to press your mouth against his. he can taste the caramelised sugar on your tongue, a fleeting brush that lingers in his mouth when you pull away.
"i'm here," you assure him. "we're okay."
he tips his head forward to press it against your shoulder, letting out a quiet groan. his heart still feels like there's a grip on it, and he has no interest in moving from this spot until it settles once more. you're content to let him, he finds, a hand brushing over the nape of his neck soothingly.
he's in the middle of counting his breaths when something prods at his lips.
"wha-" marshmallow fluff is stuffed into his mouth, and he makes a garbled sound as it gives under his teeth, sticky, overly sweet.
"stop trying to feed me that shit!" he protests, when he's swallowed and you stifle a laugh, pinching his nose playfully.
"i have a message from our baby," you say, struggling to keep a straight face. "they told me they don't like it when their dad is upset, so you have to eat it, it'll make you feel better."
"our baby told you that," he echoes flatly, unimpressed. you nod, raising your eyebrows pointedly in a look so smug it makes his teeth ache.
"you wouldn't want to upset the baby, would you?"
on the floor of your kitchen, you have a staring contest. jason is the first to blink, and your resultant smile makes up for the artificial sweetness that he swallows with a grumble, leaning forward to bite the rest of the marshmallow off your fingertips, nipping at your fingers for good measure.
“no,” he sighs, and knows it’s the first of many demands he’ll be unable to deny. “no, i guess not.”
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(Un)Dead Beat Dad (Chapter 5)
I tried my absolute best for fluff this chapter, enjoy Chap 1 Chap 4 Chap 6
3k words under the cut!!!
The movie had ended quite a while ago, and Jason had turned the tv to regular cable and the volume low so as to not disturb Danny. The boy had been tucked into his side, making noises that could only be described as a cat's purring, for hours. It was quite cute, actually. Jason was, is, confused at the rumbling coming from the small child. Yet, Danny had a soft smile on his face and remnants of chocolate on his mouth from the hot chocolate that he gulped down the moment he held it. Jason had been thinking- about how the child got here, who, what, brought him into Jason's personal apartment, the odd healing and the weird way he hesitated when telling Jason he was a meta- and figured human was probably… not, what the child was. However, Jason really doesn’t give a fuck. As long as he’s okay and isn't a danger to himself or others, Jason really doesn’t care if Danny falls in the human category. Now, first and foremost, Danny needs to sleep somewhere, and by god if Jason’s gonna keep sleeping on his couch. Don’t get him wrong, the couch is comfy, but sleeping on a worn-down couch isn’t the most… well, confidence-boosting. So. Jason knows there's another room in his apartment, it’s being used for weapons storage, but there's gotta be some empty closets littered throughout the apartment he can put his weapons in, right? Whatever.
Jason slid his hands underneath Danny's small legs, far too small for a kid his age, and lifted him slowly. The small boy stirred in his arms, and Jason whispered to him that he was just taking him to bed, he’s okay, and the boy's eyes fluttered closed again. Jason shimmied his elbow against the doorknob until it finally twisted open, pushing the door open with his back and walking into the Dark room. When Danny had woken up earlier, it was actually near midday, not the morning like he had thought. The boy had slept for hours the night before, god knew he needed it with those wounds. Jason paced over to the bed and slowly laid Danny down on it, tucking him in before quietly leaving the room again and heading towards his spare room. 
He opened the door and walked in, sighing at the amount of weapons in the room. Usually he would be fine with having so many weapons in his house, but Danny needing a place to stay was far more important than some bullshit organizational system. Jason started picking up weapons and categorizing them into firearms, mele, explosives, chemicals, and smoke bombs. God he has too many weapons. Jason picked up weapons and brought them to different areas in the house, some of each in every room just in case he needed to grab it and run. 
Jason sighed at the sight of the- mostly- clean room and hung his head. He definitely didn’t get enough sleep last night. He walked towards the bed and tugged the sheets off, grabbing the pillowcases and throwing them into the washing machine. He walked towards the closet in the hallway and pulled spare bedsheets out, struggling with the fitted sheet for a few minutes but eventually getting them all on. No more dusty sheets. 
Jason sat down on the couch and hung his head on the back. It was around 17:47 now, and he knew he would have to take care of Danny again soon. He closed his eyes and was drifting off to sleep when a buzzing noise rang out through the apartment. Jason pulled his hands up and scrubbed his face before standing up and slumping up to the door. He pressed a small button on the wall and spoke into it, “Hello?”
“Package for uhh… Mr.Spanky?”
“Yeah that’s me… Who’s it from?”
“One Alfred Pennyworth.”
“Ahh, okay. Bring it up.” Jason pressed a button next to the other one he previously pressed and a beeping noise sounded. A minute passed before a knock rapped through the door. Jason looked through the peephole, waiting for the man to leave before pulling it wide open and grabbing the box, bringing it back to the table in the living room, setting it in front of Danny on the couch.
“What are you doing up? You should be resting right now Danny.” Jason said with a scowl.
‘Mr.Spanky?’ Danny signed with a smirk.
“Hey, kid, I can’t let just anyone know I’m living here.” Jason said as his face softened, gesturing to the large package in his arms as he set it down on the table, “This is a package from Alfred and we don’t get stuff from him, well, ever, really. Wanna help me open it up?” Danny nodded and walked toward the table with the box, but he was too short to reach.
Danny huffed and looked up to Jason, motioning to the box, who picked up the box and set it on the ground for Danny to see the top of. Jason pulled his hoodie up and grabbed a knife from his waistband and slid it through the tape, ripping it open and then pulling the flaps on the box open for them to see. There were two notes, one with Jasons name on top and one with Danny’s. They each reached for their respective one and opened it, reading silently next to each other.
‘Dear Master Jason,
After seeing you in the cave with Young Master Danny, it has come to my attention that he will likely be staying with us for an extended period of time. I have taken the liberty of collecting a few items that will start Young Master Danny’s recovery and incorporation into the family much smoother. I have plenty of experience with children and if you require any assistance at all, feel free to call me on the personal phone I have. No matter the circumstances, I will answer.
In the package, I have included more medical equipment, clothes that should be more suited to Young Master Danny’s comfortability, blankets that should make sleeping easier on his healing body, and toys and games to pass the time whilst he heals. If you require anything else, please contact me or order it yourself for your new ward.
Good luck with Young Master Danny,
Here's to hoping he’s easier than Master Bruce,
With love, Alfred Pennyworth.’
Jason sat bluescreening at the phrase “new ward” when Danny tapped his shoulder with a concerned look on his face. Jason took a second to collect himself again and set the paper note on the table next to Danny’s, that he assumed he had finished reading not long ago. He opened the box and pulled out the medical equipment on the top and placed it next to the two cards from Alfred. He looked down at Danny, who was sitting there with his hands in his lap, staring back at Jason.
“Go ahead, Not sure what Alfie’s card said but as far as I’m aware, this entire box is yours,” Jason said, motioning to the box, “Go ahead and open it up.”
Danny smiled and sat up onto his knees, peering into the large box in front of him. He reached his arm in and pulled out some clothes, just regular striped shirts, jeans, some shorts, winter gear, etc. Danny continued pulling things out of the box, like some toys and card games (he was going to kick Jason’s ass at Uno) and finally at the bottom were the blankets Alfred mentioned in his note to Jason. Danny reached his hand in and pulled out a blanket, then another, and another smaller blanket. He looked up at Jason in confusion, who only shrugged. He only reached in and pulled out another blanket. Apparently, according to Alfred, Jason didn’t own enough blankets. He smiled and draped the blanket over Danny’s shoulders. The last blanket, old and worn out with a few permanent stains and sewn-in patches showing off its true age. This was the blanket that Jason had chosen the first time he went shopping with Bruce. This was his first purchase that he made without wondering if he’d have enough money for food because his mother had spent it on drugs. This blanket was the first thing that showed Jason he had truly started a new life, a new beginning, and now it was Danny’s. Danny’s new life. Danny’s new beginning. 
Jason picked up the box and brought it to the door, he’d take it out later. He turned to Danny and smiled, “Do you like what you have so far?” Danny nodded his head and pulled the warm blanket around himself tighter, “Let’s bring it to your room, yeah?”
Danny froze and looked at Jason confused, ‘My room?’ he signed.
Jason smiled and picked up some of the clothes off of the floor, “Yup. While you were out cold I cleaned up my spare room for you, if you’d like to have it?” Danny smiled and picked up a blanket in his arms, the old one on his back still, nodding his head. They both walked down to the end of the hall and entered what used to be a weapons room.
“I know it’s not the coolest looking room, and I’m sure you’ve seen better but it’s all I have right now. Maybe later we could try to-” Jason was cut off by a tugging on his pant leg.
‘Perfect’ Danny signed, walking into the room and tossing the blankets onto the bed. He turned around and walked back into the living room to grab more things, as Jason dropped off the clothes onto Danny’s bed. It took a few trips to grab everything before they could finally start finding places for everything. Danny wrapped himself in a blanket nest and sat on his new bed while Jason put away all the clothes, making sure to stay in clear view of the boy's eyesight the whole time. Jason finally finished and stood, smiling and motioning for Danny to stay on the bed and running out of the room.
Jason finally came back with a computer in his arms and sat down on the end of the bed so Danny and him were facing each other, and placed the computer in between them with a store's website open.
“You know how to shop online?” with a questioning nod from the younger boy, he continued, “Alright. Whatever you want to get, go ahead and add it to the cart.” Jason said with a small smile on his face. He remembered when he got to do this with Bruce, it was a good bonding experience and showed that Bruce trusted him, most importantly, though, was that it was fun. 
‘Anything?’ Danny signed
“Anything. There’s no limit to what you want to buy. Er, as long as it can fit inside this room, of course.” Jason smiled at the small boy as his face lit up. Danny pulled the computer closer to him and thought for a moment before typing rapidly into the search bar. Danny went between typing excitedly and scrolling. Occasionally, Jason would peek over the computer screen and see what Danny was looking at, sometimes clothes, sometimes toys, sometimes decorations and other things throughout the cart. Eventually, Danny sat up and looked at Jason, nodding and sliding the computer back over.
“All done?” Jason asked. Danny nodded with a smile, “Okay, well. Very serious and big question here so pay attention.” Danny’s smile falls a bit and he looks worried, a crease in his brow as Jason feigns seriousness. Of course, Jason can't hold it for long and breaks, “Have you ever played Uno before?”
Danny's smile came back in the form of a mischievous smirk as he nodded his head.
“Okay then. Since Alfie threw it in that box somewhere, and I know you probably aren't sleeping any time soon, go ahead and set it up in the living room and I’ll be out there in a second.” Danny nodded and carefully slid off of the bed, walking to the living room.
Jason spun the computer around and scanned the items in the cart. Hmm. He definitely likes space and… that’s definitely a plush he got. Meh. Jason searched up a few things and added them to the cart as well before placing the order to his alias of Mr.Spanky. Jason closed the computer and stood up, walking into the living room to play uno with Danny.
Jason sat at the table with a hand on his face, staring at the cards in his hand. How the fuck was he losing? To a child????
“Okay, you’ve gotta teach me how you’re doing this, kid,” Danny smiled and his shoulders shook in a mock giggle as he held his cards higher up towards his face so Jason couldn’t see them, “I mean, honestly, I was going to let you win because I’m nice like that, but you’re kicking my ass right now, and I can’t even tell if you’re cheating!” Jason said exasperated. He tossed his cards down and stood up reaching for his phone, seeing Danny’s shoulders shake again as he laid down his own overpowered hand of cards which was bullshit, thank you very much.
Jason tugged his phone out of his pocket and opened up the family groupchat labeled with a single bat emoji. He typed out a message and watched as messages rolled in immediately afterwards.
My patrol route is going to be constricted for a while, I’m not sure for exactly how long but it’s going to be tighter and for shorter periods of time. I’ll need someone to cover for me in the areas I can’t reach. 
Dickie: JAY
Replacement: what did you do to have to go to ALFRED for help????
You: Not important. Just cover for me.
Bitch: Jason. What happened.
Mini Bitch: Todd. What have you done to get yourself injured in a way you not only needed Pennyworth’s help, but also do not wish to tell us? 
You: Cover. Me.
Dickie: Whats the magic word Jay?
You: Fuck you
Replacement: Eh close enough, we’ll cover you.
Jason clicked the off button and slid his phone back into his pocket, grabbing Jenga from the box Alfred had sent them and turned around, seeing Danny setting up a Sorry game board while kicking his feet beneath the table. Jason walked back over and sat down again in front of him, setting the box on the ground and grabbing the blue pawns as Danny had already chosen the green ones.
Long after Jason had lost multiple times to Danny, he stood up and stretched, cracking his back. He turned towards Danny and started packing up the game. “So, Danny. I have to go out for patrol tonight. I would stay if I could, but I can’t. So, first things first, ground rules.” Jason lifted a finger and stared at Danny, who was looking at him confused, as if he had never heard the word ‘rules’ in his life. “First, you have to go to bed at the absolute most at 20 hundred. Second, if you’re hungry, go ahead and eat what you can reach, but, don't eat too much ‘cause you’ll get sick. Third, clean up any messes you make.” Danny was nodding during the whole thing, all the rules sounded good so far.
“And one more thing,” Jason said as he reached into his pocket before pulling out a small burner phone, “Use this in case of an emergency. It has my contact and Alfreds, call us if you need to, okay?” Danny nodded as he took the phone from Jason's hand and sat back in his chair. Jason smiled and patted Danny’s shoulder softly before walking off towards his room to change into his vigilante gear. Danny sat in his seat for a while, flipping the small phone between his hands until Jason walked out in his Red good regalia, sans the actual red helmet part of it. 
Danny looked up at Jason and smiled softly at him, signing, ‘be safe,” to which Jason smiled back and ruffled Danny’s hair.
“Of course, kiddo. When am I not?” He asked as he walked over to his window and slid it open, climbing out and shutting it quietly. He stared at Danny for a moment again before jumping up, climbing off to his patrol routes.
Danny sat on the couch in the main room of the apartment, occasionally tuning his ears into Jason's heartbeat. I mean, he’s been around the man for almost three whole days, it was incredibly easy to listen in to this specific heartbeat, not to mention the ecto-contamination that was significantly higher than the rest of Gothamites and easy to take note of.
Danny’s ear twitches as Jason's heart rate dips for a mere second as Danny sits up straighter and tenses, straining his ears to listen closer only to hear… Jason is going stealth? In a warehouse? Oh. Danny’s ears tipped back as he laid against the couch again, sighing against the blanket draped over him. His eyes tugged themselves closer together, hoping to fall asleep. With a sigh Danny slowly brought himself up off the couch and walked toward his new room, dragging a torn-up blanket with him. 
While the nice old man- Alfred, had said that Danny would need, what, eight weeks? To recover, all he really needed was a few days with the right ectoplasm and nutrition. While Gotham was definitely ecto-contaminated, it wasn’t nearly as bad as Amity was, though, he was definitely getting better nutrition than he was back home so that was picking up the slack. Not to mention, Danny was getting copious amounts of sleep, after all this he might actually have a sleep schedule again. He wasn’t sure how he was going to hide his advanced healing from Jason, but the man already knew Danny was a meta, er, something along those lines, so maybe he would give Danny some leeway when it came to fast healing?
Danny huffed and climbed up the side of the tall bed that was gifted to him, he was focused on both Jason's heartbeat and thinking about himself. He sighed and let his heavy eyes close while he lifted the covers high above his head and squirmed down into the soft worn-down sheets.
Jason had finally finished his patrol -muggings, some drug dealers he needed to beat down, just some small fry closer to his apartment- so he could finally get back to his the kid. He narrowly escaped Dicks relentless questioning, not to mention how many times he had to shut his comms off after Oracle kept reopening and reopening them after he told everyone to fuck off. He landed softly on his fire escape and pulled himself inside only to hear crying throughout the apartment, followed by a weak choked out scream, as if the one screaming couldn't physically cry out- not to mention the incredibly cold temperature, even for it being late fall. He quickly pulled off his helmet and ripped his boots off to be quiet, pulling his guns from their holsters and cocking them, running towards Danny's room; he needed to see him, make sure he was okay, make sure nobody was in his room, make sure that-
He slammed the door open and saw an empty bed.
Thoughts? :) and of course, the Ao3 link as always
Roach count:
@starkcravingmad @terzatheunderscorerima @sunsetdew0101 @onyxlightdragon @ace-aro-agenderr @roseinbloom0202 @aikoiya @blacksea21090 @the-legal-shipper @paperlicense687 @cursedchaosboys @corfinnsunrise @ascetic-orangee @eonic @frostedthroughghost @readerkayden @reach-for-the-horizon @xno-more-smilesxx @undead-essencee @bluebeariis @chaoticchange @cloudminder @meep52 @thefanficcup @justwannaseesomebrozawa @pastalavistamf @dodekakophonie @seraphinedemort @seraphichana @keegan-parkerr @im-da-bronx @asrielstars @sweet-itachi-lovin @09shell-sea09 @tinybrie @wolfeyedwitch @lilac-lanedy @ashenfairytale @thelitteralestmood @mady-is-ace-trash @crazylittlemunchkin @lazy-bouqet @emeraudesfateandfandoms @ae-vixrose@skulld3mort-1fan @mentalcarebear @jaxinkh @honeyrydernot @everything163 @omegasmileyface
ill tag the rest of my roaches separate <3
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
how would jason be as a dad?
Jason Todd - Father Edition
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do i think he will be like anakin/darth vader, despite his writing (mostly) being depicted as DC's tragic fallen sidekick? no
he will probably be incredibly apprehensive the entirety of the pregnancy (if he impregnates someone)
but will read every single parenting book in the gotham library
and he will learn every nook and cranny about various parenting styles
PTO parent
threatens karen w a knife bc she was intimidating/using fear tactics to scare the kids
"why dont u pick on someone ur own size" - jason, at karen, at approximately 8:57pm
reads a book a night to his baby
and doesnt miss a night. ever.
self-identifies as a DILF
(until he gets hit on by women. then he cringes.)
teaches the importance of boundaries, self-respect, and self-defense
yes, hes a karate dad. his kids take karate and he refuses to elaborate further
doesnt understand cocomelon
and bans it from his roof
but loves cookie monster and gonger's food truck adventures
sings lullabies to his babies
but the lullabies are alice in chains or metallica hits
he even bought matching black sabbath shirts for him and his baby
and those really cool homemade lunch kits you see on pinterest, with the star shaped sandwiches and dinosaur carrots
will literally dropkick anybody who hits on his kid
"they are a fucking child, karen. why are you making comments about 'waiting till he's 18'? what're you gonna do, RISE from the grave and snatch my child? fucking crypt keeper."
"Oh, shit. Did you hear that? This creep wants to hit on my baby, who still shits herself and can barely hold her head up. How about I take you on a date, and show you exactly what I'd do to you if I catch you makin' those comments about her again, hmm?"
doesnt care about being a single dad, and doesnt use his kids as pawns to flirt with others
he trusts duke the most (aside from alfred) with his kids
then tim, then damian, then dick.
"what the fuc- he's 11!1!" - dick, when walking in on damian babysitting jason's child
"yes, and you stick your escrima stick wherever it fits. stay humble." - jason
bruce is the second best grandpa in the world
alfred is the world's best pop-pop
and jason goes to him for parenting advice, or when he's feeling doubtful about himself as a father
and it usually ends up with him in tears and alfred comforting him because he's a better father than he's ever had
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calzone-d · 2 years
Quality Time (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
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pairing: Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader, Mom!Reader (ish?)
word count: 3k
warnings: injuries, hospital (not angsty), olivia slander (if you don’t like it just go ahead and skip this one 😄)
summary: When Jason gets injured, you spend some quality time with the kids.
a/n: hi babies! thanks for being patient with me while I was kinda quiet over the holidays. this is RPF and has a tad of Olivia slander so if you’re not into those things, this one isn’t for you! otherwise, enjoy!
It was around lunchtime when you got the call. Daisy and Otis were settled at the kitchen table, happily eating the spaghetti you’d made them, and the three of you were throwing around suggestions of what to do with your weekend together.
Daisy wanted to go to the zoo, and Otis was pushing to go to the trampoline park. You hadn’t heard from Jason in about six hours, which was a little unusual since he wasn’t filming anymore, but you figured he’d just gotten carried away figuring out upcoming press with the rest of the Ted Lasso cast.
The kids carried on trying to compromise on weekend plans when your phone rang, looking at the ID you were relieved to see Jason’s name. You stepped away from the table to answer the call.
“Hey honey, what’s up?”
“Okay, don’t freak out-“
“What?”, how could you not freak out at that statement?
“So I’m in the hospital-“
“What? Are you okay? What happened?”, your mind immediately went to the worst.
The sound of him chuckling only confused you more.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just a little accident.”
“A car accident?”
Jason’s laugh filled your ears again, “No, no. Brett and I were editing, and we ordered a pizza. When it got here I jumped up to grab it, but I wasn’t paying attention and tripped over the edge of his couch. The way I landed on my ankle kind of broke it-“
“Kind of?”, you chuckled. Now that you knew it wasn’t too serious, you relaxed a bit.
“No, it’s kind of fucked up”, he admitted. “They’re wanting to do surgery on it tomorrow morning, and put a pin or two in there I think. I’ll be here for a day or two. I know it was our weekend off, and the kids are here, and-“
“Jas, it’s fine.”, this wouldn’t be the first time you had to watch the kids alone. There were many nights Olivia didn’t show to get the kids for her weekends, and Jason had to be somewhere for work. You’ve been in the kids’ lives since they were both born, having been best friends with Jason during your time on SNL. For the past year, though, you weren’t just the ”fun aunt” anymore. Your rekindled relationship with Jason meant that you spent most of your time with him. You’d taken on a bit more of a “mom” role to them, and there were no complaints from either side. You loved them like they were your own, and they loved how involved you were. Whenever Olivia wasn’t present, you always were, and they had started to catch on to that.
“I just feel bad, I know they really wanted to go out this weekend.”
“And they still can, you know I have no problem taking them out.”
“Are you sure? There might be paps there or something.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, love. I promise I don’t mind, I love seeing them happy. I think they’ve come to an agreement on a day at the zoo.”
He fondly chuckled at your love for his children, “You know they love you right? You mean the world to them. To me, too.”
Your cheeks reddened at his sentiment, “I know, Jas. You guys are my world, too. Can we come see you? I know they’re going to be worried sick when I tell them.”
“Yeah, can you also bring a bag for me too?”
“I can do that. I’ll call you when we’re on our way, I love you.”
“I love you too, bye honey.”
You ended the call and walked back into the kitchen. Daisy was cackling at something Otis had said, and he proudly laughed along with her. Thankfully they had both finished their lunches, so you could go ahead and make your way to the hospital. You took a seat across from them and tried to find the best way to break the news.
“Alright, my loves. So we’ve had a change of plans”
They both looked at you.
“Your dad a little accident and hurt his foot, so he had to go to the hospital and get it all fixed up-“
Daisy interrupted you with a worried pout before you could continue, “Is he okay?”
“He’s just fine Daisy girl, but he’s got to spend the night there because they want to do surgery on it, just to make sure it heals faster.”
Otis’ expression was one of worry, and the way his brows furrowed was a perfect replica of his father’s.
“We’re gonna go see him, and then we can go to the zoo? How does that sound?”
They both slowly nodded, and Daisy spoke again, “But can we make sure he’s okay first?”
“That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. You two get dressed and I’m going to get some stuff together for Dad. Let’s try to leave in fifteen minutes, okay?”
Daisy and Otis both nodded before running off to their rooms. You went to you and Jason’s bedroom to get a bag ready for him. After a few minutes, Daisy came in and climbed on the bed next to the bag you were packing.
“Can you make sure we take this bracelet for dad?”, she showed you a new beaded bracelet she had made for Jason. It had blue and yellow beads with star beads on both ends.
“Wow, Daisy! That’s a good one, he’s going to love it!”, the little girl smiled proudly as you took the bracelet from her. She has developed a habit of making bracelets for you all, and you wore each one like it was made of gold.
“Let’s put it right here in his bag, and we’ll make sure he gets it before we leave.”, you opened a small zipper pocket on the side of his bag, and Daisy slipped it inside before zipping it back up.
She seemed to be dressed, wearing a lilac tutu over her leggings and some light-up converse. As you put the last few things you knew Jason would want in his bag, she remained quiet and picked at the bedspread. A tiny pout had settled on her face. You zipped up the duffel bag, and sat down next to her.
“What’s wrong, love bug?”
When she looked up at you, a few tears had gathered in her eyes. “I just want Dad to be okay.”
She climbed into your lap and wrapped herself around you before you could respond. Her tiny hands gripped at the back of your sweater and she let her head fall against your shoulder. When you wrapped your arms around you, she relaxed even more against you. Gently, you rocked her and rubbed circles on her back.
“He’s going to be just fine, sweet girl. I promise. He’ll be home in a few days, and in the meantime we can still have fun! After we go visit Dad we can go to the zoo and see the lions! It’s kind of cloudy, so I’m sure they’ll be out walking around today.”
She seemed to perk up at the mention of her favorite animal.
“Do you think the baby lions will be there?”
“Ooh, maybe! And we can get matching lion shirts!”
Daisy pulled away from you and gave you a toothy smile, “Can we wear them when Dad gets home?”
“Of course we can! Let‘s go round up your brother and head over to the hospital, okay?”, she nodded and hopped off your lap.
Daisy insisted on carrying his favorite blanket and holding it in her lap during the car ride there. Both kids were very adamant about holding your hand once you entered the hospital, you figured the new unfamiliar environment was probably a bit scary for them. Balancing the duffel bag on one shoulder and a hand holding both of yours wasn’t the easiest thing, but you wanted to make sure the kids felt as comfortable as possible.
When you arrived at the door of Jason’s room, the radiologists were inside taking X-rays, and asked you to wait in the hall until they were finished. While you waited, you felt Daisy poke at your side. She looked up at you with your arms outstretched, clearly wanting to be held, with a scared look on her face.
The last thing you wanted was for either of them to feel even more uneasy, so you maneuvered the bag on your shoulder and lifted her up onto your hip. Immediately, she wrapped her arms around your neck and buried her face into your shoulder. Otis stood close by, keeping a hand on the duffel bag as if he were afraid you’d get lost.
Otis looked up at you and asked, “Are you gonna stay with us, y/n?”
“Of course, hun. Where would I go?”
He shrugged and leaned into your side. Otis was a very touchy kid, he always loved hugs and insisted on being close to you. This only intensified as he grew more attached to you, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. He was such a sweet kid, and you loved the relationship you had with him; he’d even called you “Mom” a few times over the last couple months, not that you minded. As things with Olivia got worse, you made it very clear you weren’t trying to be any sort of replacement for the kids, and that they could call you whatever they wanted and felt comfortable with.
You’d always been close with Otis, ever since he was a toddler. Especially after Daisy was born, and Olivia took on more of the “girl mom” role. When you and Jason got back together, he was arguably one of the most excited people. He loved seeing his dad happy, and fed off the positive energy Jason radiated when he was around you.
The three of you stood in silence until the radiologist rolled the x-ray machine out of the room. As soon as they were out, you all went in, and Jason broke into a smile at the sight of his three favorite people.
“Hey guys!”
Daisy looked at him, but stayed silent in your arms. Otis climbed up on the bed next to him, and immediately started catching up with his dad. As they talked, you held Daisy close, and let her have a moment to observe the situation. During a break in his conversation with Otis, Jason looked over to the two of you.
“What’s wrong, Daisy? Do you want to come sit with me?”
You looked down at her, and she looked back up at you. She turned back to him and murmured, “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
Jason’s brows furrowed, “Oh honey, I promise I’m okay. Look, they’ve even given me a cool cast until I can have my surgery tomorrow.”
He pulled up the blanket to reveal a lime green cast covering his ankle and foot. It caught Daisy’s attention, and she was sold as soon as he said, “I also have a sharpie, do you want to draw some pictures on my cast?”
As soon as she nodded, you put her down. Her little hands tentatively took the sharpie from her dad, and she asked if he had any requests for his cast art.
“Pick an animal, Dad!”
“Oooh, can I get a giraffe?”
She giggled at his request, “With a long neck?”
“Yeah! Make it go all the way to the top, Dais!”
“You’re silly Dad!”, she laughed but started drawing anyway.
You sat the duffel bag on the couch by the window and started unloading it. “Okay, I’ve got you some pajamas, your phone charger, toothbrush, toothpaste-“
“Honey, I can go through all that later. Come sit.”, he pointed to the chair that was right at the bedside.
Reluctantly, you sat down beside him and grabbed his hand. The familiar warmth of his hand in yours calmed your nerves, and his thumb began rubbing circles into the back of your hand. Daisy and Otis talked about giraffes as she worked on his drawing, and Jason leaned over to rest his head against your shoulder. You pressed a soft kiss to his messy hair, and looked down to meet his eyes, “Feeling okay?”
“Much better now that I’ve seen you guys, missed you lots.”, he murmured as he looked over towards the kids. You both caught up as Daisy finished her drawing, and when she was done, she crawled up the bed and over into your lap.
“Wow Dais, that looks so good!”
Daisy smiled at her dad and leaned up to whisper in your ear, “Can I give him the bracelet now?”
“Oh of course! Go get it, honey.”
She scrambled off your lap and raced to the duffel bag, going straight for the pocket she put the bracelet in earlier.
Otis made a funny joke about Jason being clumsy, and as Daisy fished out the bracelet the two of them laughed together. The older he got, he was taking on more and more of his dad’s humor.
You helped Daisy back up on the bed when she returned with the bracelet, and Jason’s face lit up at her gift.
“Dad, it's for you! It’s a feel-better bracelet!”, her little smile showed how proud of herself she was.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, honey! Thank you so much! Want to put it on for me?”, the girl nodded and slipped the bracelet onto her dad’s wrist.
“Fits perfect! How did you know I wanted a blue and yellow bracelet?”, he poked his fingers into her side and she shrugged at him while giggling.
Jason moved to where they could both snuggle into his sides, and stretched an arm behind Daisy’s head to softly rub his fingers against your arm. Daisy wiggled around so that she faced you, and reached an arm over to grab at your hand, “Love you, y/n”.
Her sentiment was whispered, but it was one of the most clear things you’d ever heard. It wasn’t the first time one of them told you they loved you, but every time they said it, your heart bursted at the seams. You leaned towards her to brush her hair out of her forehead and place a warm kiss against it, “I love you, Dais”.
The girl hummed contently before snuggling back up into Jason’s side.
After they’d spent enough time with Jason to know he was okay, they started to get restless in the small room.
“How do you guys feel about heading over to the zoo?”
Both kids squealed in excitement at your suggestion, and very quickly voiced their agreement. Jason sent you all off with hugs and kisses, and the kids were noticeably calmer on the ride back to the house. They talked about which animals they were most excited to see, and took turns making funny animal noises.
They sat together on the couch while you loaded a backpack with snacks and drinks. When everyone was ready you made your way to the zoo.
As soon as you stepped inside the zoo, both kids were on cloud nine. They loved seeing all the animals, and posing for pictures for their dad. In the bigger crowds, they both insisted on holding one of your hands, and would point out all the tiny details of the animals to you.
“Y/n, look at the penguins little feet!”
“The peacock has really pretty feathers y/n, look how blue they are!”
They wanted a selfie with you in front of every exhibit. Luckily there weren’t many people that seemed to recognize you. A few people recognized you from SNL and some of your later projects, but they were polite enough to ask for a picture before just taking one of you and the kids.
By the end of the day, they were exhausted. Otis picked out a sweatshirt in the gift shop and Daisy went with a lion shirt that matched one of the adult ones they had. You got them both a banana popsicle and loaded up the car.
The ride home was silent, and both kids were asleep within ten minutes. When you got home, you woke them up and offered to cook tacos for dinner. You could tell they were fighting sleep but they insisted on staying awake for your tacos.
Jason facetimed you after you got home, and both kids were excited to tell them about their day at the zoo. He talked to them while you made dinner, and would ask them to pan the camera to you every few minutes to catch up with you, too. He stayed on the phone while you all ate, but as soon as you finished the kids were tired and wanted to go to bed.
“Sleep good, guys. Y/n, call me back later, okay? I love you all so so much.”
You hung up and went to take the kids to bed. Otis wanted to shower while you read Daisy a book. As soon as you were done, she was out like a light. You tucked her in, then went across the hall to tuck Otis in.
After you cleaned up the kitchen, you got ready for bed and gave Jason a call back.
“Hey, hot stuff. How was the zoo day?”
You laughed at his greeting, “It was great, Jas. We all had a really good time”
“I could tell by the pictures. Thanks for taking them, y/n, seriously. They love you so much, I do too.”
“You guys are my family, honey. I love you all so much more than you know. How are you feeling? How’s the foot?”
“It’s good, they’re talking about doing my surgery as outpatient tomorrow and letting me come home after I wake up.”
“We’d all love that, we miss you.”
“I miss you guys. This bed sucks and I have no one to entertain me”, you both shared a laugh.
“Plus, how am I supposed to sleep without you?”
“You sleep without me all the time, Jas.”
“Okay yeah, but it sucks.”
The two of you caught up some more before your eyelids got heavier. Jason insisted on staying on the phone until you fell asleep, and his voice made the transition even easier.
“Sleep good, sweetheart. I love you.”
“Love you too, Jas”
Thanks for reading!
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Hey can anyone rec’s some Dad!Jason and Kid/Deaged/Son!Danny stories to me. I’m bored out of my mind and need things to readdddddddddddd please and thank you
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marskiiii · 4 months
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everwalldigan · 1 month
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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versasfanficwastedump · 3 months
and while i’m on a self indulgent thing? i think that any of the kids calling Bruce “dad” changes his whole demeanor. it helps him know that whatever they’re talking about is serious.
hearing his name shouted across the house does nothing for him. a hundred people say his name all day, including his kids. whatever the situation is can be fixed.
but hearing “Dad!”, cried out in battle or screamed from the other room, has him rushing to their side. what is it love and i’m here you’re alright and shh i’ve got you
“Bruce, I need help” = can’t open this large jar, have a question about math homework, need someone to look at this case file for me
“Dad, I need help” = I am hurt. I am scared. I am in danger. I need you to make things better. I need you to protect me.
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theredcuyo · 25 days
Was doing something unrelated but
Can you imagine a world where nobody knows the batkids are actually Batman's children and hence, when they hear them yelling at each other "I'll report this to Batman!" They think it's actually serious team discussion
And they don't know that for them it literally translates into "I'm telling dad!"
Like, You see Nightwing arguing with Red Hood and going "Oh, i'm SO reporting this to Batman"
And everyone else thinks this is serious? And it could affect Hood's status as an ally?
But really is just Dick telling his little brother he's snitching about his broken arm to their dad-
Or you see Red Robin trying to bribe Robin and Spoiler "I'm reporting your actions to Batman"
"Yeah, gotta start the report about it, and he's going to be so-"
"... How much?"
And they smile maliciously, and anyone else thinks RR did something REALLY bad but it's just that he exceeded his weekly allowed coffee and his sibblings found out
Because they also do it to other people, like Tim does it to Supes when he's arguing with Kon-
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spicy-apple-pie · 18 days
I think it would be fun if Dick and Jason had a podcast called Orphaned or something. Same vibes as The Basement Yard, but with more guests. Mostly their family. Tim is the most frequent, followed by Steph, then Bruce.
I like them bickering and being brothers on camera. And Bruce is there surprisingly often just cause he likes to see and talk to his boys. Dick and Jay both joke that they only have him on to rake in the views, but genuinely like the talks they have. It even translates into off camera stuff because Bruce realizes how easy it is to talk about mundane stuff and not about cases.
One scene I can’t get out of my head is them reminiscing about the first time they met.
Dick: ugh, you pissed me off so much…
Jason: wha- How?? I was literally eight! What did I do??
Dick: You just waltzed right in and got adopted while I was still just a fucking ward!!
Jason: How is that my fault?? I didn’t force Bruce to adopt me!
Dick: I know that now! It just pissed me off at the time, I was still just a teenager!
Jason: You’re adopted now though, right.
Dick: Yeah… but sometimes I wish I wasn’t
Jason: Why? Because this family is fucking bonkers?
Dick: No because I could hold that over Bruce’s head for so long.
Jason: Oh yeah, you could milk that.
Dick: I’d milk it so hard.
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lambsouvlaki · 9 months
Happy holidays! Can we get some Jay Andy and Sophie Christmas fluff pleaswe? Maybe all of them doing a family date at a Christmas tree farm or decorating their tree? I love your dad fics on such a personal level hehe
Thanks for the fun request, anon! I really enjoyed this one, I hope you like it.
Andy strolled back into the living room, sweeping up one of Sophie’s plush toys from the ground on her way to Jason, who was standing in front of the Christmas tree with his hands on his hips. He was in fluffy socks, cargo pants, and a hideous festive sweater. He assessed the magnificent tree like a worthy foe. 
Andy was more interested in the plush. It was a gangly elf in a green jerkin and pixie boots, red hat, and a little yellow belt and collar. Sophie had clumsily scribbled a domino mask over the eyes in marker.
“What was it like working for Santa?” Andy asked seriously. 
She showed him the toy. 
Jason cackled. 
“For Christmas, little Jimmy, you get Justice,” he said in his best Dark Knight rumble.
“Holy milk and cookies, Batman!”
“Damian will hate that so much, remind me to take a photo later,” he said, then turned back to the tree.
She watched him detangle one of the tinsel ropes and rearrange it to his standards. He was taking this very seriously. 
Christmas back when they were just dating was never this big an affair. That first year she placed his present on the kitchen bench beneath a single pine cone. He got her a better antivirus for her laptop. Neither thought anything of it. 
But they weren’t just going out now. Not just two friends who fell in love, two dorks who hid their faces in each other’s shoulders on bad days, and giggled themselves to sleep over stupid jokes. He wasn’t just the guy who got her pregnant, either. 
She watched Jason pout over the exact placement of a bauble. 
That was her family now. 
She put elf robin down and slowly attached herself to his side. He put his arm around her shoulders, holding her in place, while still focusing on the tree. 
It was a real beauty.
She couldn’t get the time off work to go down to the farm to pick it, so Jason and Sophie went alone. The two-year-old only kind of knew what was going on but was very excited to be going on an important mission with her current favourite person. 
Andy pretended she wasn’t disappointed at missing out. She didn’t even know why she cared, the idea had never been very interesting before.
They brought back a massive douglas fir that made the most of the apartment’s high ceilings. She was gobsmacked at the size and laughed at the sight of Jason in a Santa hat hauling it out of the freight elevator. Sophie cheered and stamped her feet with excitement. Decorating it took half the day and Sophie drifted off to sleep on his shoulder halfway through. 
Jason started undoing the tinsel again. 
“What’s going on, babe?” Andy asked. 
“Not enough gold on this side,” he replied. “And that line of red baubles is too uniform. And there’s not enough tinsel.”
She looked around. There was tinsel everywhere. They were going to be vacuuming up sparkly bits well into January. 
“And the star’s too small,” he muttered. 
“Why are you obsessing over Christmas decorations?”
He blinked. “I am not.”
“I’ve seen you defuse bombs with less focus.” 
He huffed a breath. “It’s my first Christmas home with you two. I want it to be special. Sophie deserves–” He ducked his head. “She deserves a good dad.”
Andy leaned her head against his shoulder. “And a good mom.”
He scoffed. “Which she has.”
“I burned the gingerbread men. You’re making me look bad.”
He scoffed again, looking away now. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I’m being silly, huh?” he said. 
She frowned and wished she hadn’t joked. She hadn’t realised how important it was to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist.
“You know,” she said, haltingly, “I don’t really… have any good memories of family Christmases.” 
He looked down at her, his brow lowered. “Oh.” 
It was her turn to look away. “I’m enjoying making these ones with you.”
He wrapped his arms around her. She rested her face on his chest. He put his chin on top of her head. 
“You’re doing great, Jay. I don’t think Soph’s ever been this excited before.”
He let out a gusty breath, and his shoulders relaxed. “Thanks, baby. I just… I want to do right by you. Both of you.”
“I know.”
He kissed her forehead. 
“Where is the little nugget, anyway?” she asked. 
He lifted a branch with his foot.
A toddler wrapped in tinsel squealed and retreated further beneath the tree. 
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luvrodite · 10 months
second star (988)
part of the dad!jason au. reader is referred to as 'mommy', female child original character, child illness, angst, allusions to canon relationships, bruce + dick make an appearance, happy ending.
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your daughter falls ill when she's about four years old. it's the kind of sickness that leaves her bed-ridden for a while, her little coughs echoing down the hall while you make her soup with a tight heart. jason fares worse, tension lining his brow and you can see the shards of his broken heart glimmering in his eyes every time she cries.
he reads to her a lot, his drowsy, tired girl curled up in his arms while he turns the pages of her favourite book. the edges of the paper are softened from the years, the scrawl of her name on the front page wobbly and overlapping the title. most times, she falls asleep before he can finish the first chapter, but it's fitful, full of shallow breaths and restless murmuring. he doesn't leave her bedside, and in the end, neither do you, taking up residence in the armchair beside her bed while her father – too big for the princess bed her beloved uncle had bought her last year – hangs his legs off the bed frame.
she cries when you hold her as jason changes her bedding, her muscles aching in time with your heart. her curls are damp with sweat, her face with tears. you murmur promises to her, kissing her salt-tracked face, i know, baby, i know. it'll be quick, i promise. daddy just has to put new covers on.
sickness is no stranger to jason's family, who've had their fair share of broken bones and other wounds. still, they come by and you watch them try their best to hide their worry. dick, kneeling by his best girl's bed and softly tucking a curl behind her ear. hi, sweetheart, he murmurs sweetly, doing okay? 'course you are, brave girl. he presses brand new stuffed toy into her arms, tucking the giraffe under the covers.
he leaves her with a hug, and you watch jason follow him out of the room, unwilling to let his older brother go just yet. the front door remains shut, and you know that they've gravitated to the kitchen, low voices muffled through the walls. you turn to your girl, her tired eyes fixed on the orange splotches, mouth open as she touches its ears. mama, look. like on tv, she says tiredly, and you grin.
when you get better, we can write dickie a card to say thank you, huh?
one by one, the rest of the family come to visit their girl. and jason says very little, face stiffer and more solemn than he ought to be at his twenty nine years old, but you know him. he's glad they're here. devastated about why. terrified as to what might come.
he'd cried the night she was born, more than once. the first time he'd seen her, tiny, wrinkled thing that she was. the first time he'd held her – his whole world, right in the palm of his hands, he'd told you later that night in a whisper, watercolour eyes tearful and not for the first time that night. didn't ever think i would get here. thought maybe i got lucky with you, he had confessed. my luck can't be so bad if i've got her, too.
you knew he was remembering those words, remembering the ones he'd told you he loved you for the first time. i'm a cursed man, sweetheart. you'd be better off with someone else. and yet...and yet i'm too selfish not to tell you i want you. i love you.
it seems especially cruel a joke of fate to allow him this chance at happiness, and threaten it so quickly.
the doctor comes and goes. bruce pays for it before the man has left the room, and you think your husband might come to physical blows with his father, in the living room, when he finds out. he doesn't. 's not for me, he tells you later, when your baby girl has fallen asleep, his face pressed into your neck. he loves her, too.
and you can't deny it, the way your father-in-law dotes on her. the grumpy old man is wrapped around her littlest finger, as charmed as you've ever seen him when your firefly seeks him out at family gatherings. she spends most of dinner by his side, insistent on sitting next to papa, much to your chagrin and reminder of her manners. it's fine, he assures you quietly. she's much better behaved than any of my children.
you know that it simultaneously warms and embitters your husband, to watch him be so good with your daughter.
she gets better slowly.
the worst of it passes in the slowest night of your life, spent wetting rags and coaxing her to take the medicine she'd been prescribed, feeding bites of food to her while holding back your own fearful tears. jason takes over when she starts to throw a tantrum, only to run out of steam and cry quietly. you have to leave the room for a moment, struggling to catch your breath.
hey, he murmurs, from the next room. you think you can take a bite for me? i know, angel, but you gotta eat something. tell you what, i'll help you finish this, and when you're better, you, me and mommy are gonna go on a trip. anywhere you want.
beach? you hear her feeble voice suggest and he hums.
yeah. you wanna go swimming?
the bowl is empty by the time you return, and you don't know if it's hope that colours your vision and puts rose in the apples of her cheeks. but jason seems to see it too, and you see grief and relief in his eyes when he catches your gaze. you stand by the bed, and his fingers find yours. in her pyjamas, your girl points to the book on her bedside table.
she stays awake to see the end of the book.
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i don't know what spurred this on but i wanted to rip my heart out a little. unnamed todd baby you are the light of my life. i kept thinking about that poem about the father who got his sick daughter plums and just about in general how fathers love. it makes me so ill especially thinking about my own but i wanted to put jason in that situation and do it while trying to stay true to canon (somewhat). anyway. hope u liked this. it's unedited and hastily written but i hope it makes you feel something.
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do you think that bruce sometimes calls the bat kids by the wrong names? like
“dick can you pass me that file please?” and tim’s standing there with this 😑 look on his face.
“you called me dick.”
“did i?”
“jason-tim-cass fuck titus!” he was trying to get damians attention who is looking at his father like he’s having a stroke.
“can you ask jason to come here please?”
“jason doesn’t live here b”
“what? oh no i meant duke.”
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"Bruce loves his children to infinity but sucks at communication" gotta be one of my favourite tropes.
What Bruce means: I miss you so much it hurts, you are a great hero, and I'm really glad that you still consider me as part of your life and share your thoughts with me.
What Bruce does: hums meaningfully in response to Dick's story.
What Bruce means: I'm sorry about everything that happened between us, I still love you and want to fix our relationship, I'm incredibly grateful that you don't avoid me.
What Bruce does: nods at Jason when sees him on the patrol.
What Bruce means: I deeply care about you, you are truly important to me, I worry about your health and I don't want you to repeat my mistakes, neglecting yourself for the sake of a mission.
What Bruce does: gives Tim a snack without any explanation.
What Bruce means: I'm very proud that, despite everything you were taught, you choose to be a good person and help people, you have a kind soul, and it's an honour to me to call you my son.
What Bruce does: gives Damian an intensive head pat.
Should I say that Cassie is a blessing?
They stare at each other's soul for a solid five minutes and it's basically a full ass conversation.
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